Kay and Knaack Evaluating The Learning in Learning Objects

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Evaluating the learning in learning objects

Robin H. Kaya; Liesel Knaacka
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada

To cite this Article Kay, Robin H. and Knaack, Liesel(2007) 'Evaluating the learning in learning objects', Open Learning:
The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 22: 1, 5 — 28
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Open Learning
Vol. 22, No. 1, February 2007, pp. 5–28

Evaluating the learning in learning

Robin H. Kay* and Liesel Knaack
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
& Article
Ltd (online)
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A comprehensive review of the literature on the evaluation of learning objects revealed a number of
problem areas, including emphasizing technology ahead of learning, an absence of reliability and
validity estimates, over-reliance on informal descriptive data, a tendency to embrace general impres-
sions of learning objects rather than focusing on specific design features, the use of formative or
summative evaluation, but not both, and testing on small, vaguely described sample populations
using a limited number of learning objects. This study explored a learning-based approach for eval-
uating learning objects using a large, diverse, sample of secondary school students. The soundness
of this approach was supported by estimates of reliability and validity, using formal statistics where
applicable, incorporating both formative and summative evaluations, examining specific learning
objects features based on instructional design research, and testing of a range of learning objects.
The learning-based evaluation tool produced useful and detailed information for educators, design-
ers and researchers about the impact of learning objects in the classroom.

Keywords: Evaluate; Assess; Quality; Secondary school; Learning object

According to Williams (2000), evaluation is essential for every aspect of designing
learning objects, including identifying learners and their needs, conceptualizing a
design, developing prototypes, implementing and delivering instruction, and improv-
ing the evaluation itself. It is interesting to note, however, that Williams (2000) does
not emphasize evaluating the impact of learning objects on ‘actual learning’. This
omission is representative of the larger body of research on learning objects. In a
recent review of 58 articles (see Kay & Knaack, submitted), 11 studies focused on the
evaluation of learning objects; however, only two papers examined the impact of
learning objects on learning.

*Corresponding author. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Faculty of Education, 2000

Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1H 7L7. Email: robin.kay@uoit.ca

ISSN 0268-0513 (print)/ISSN 1469-9958 (online)/07/010005–24

© 2007 The Open University
DOI: 10.1080/02680510601100135
6 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

A number of authors note that the ‘learning object’ revolution will never take place
unless instructional use and pedagogy are explored and evaluated (for example,
Wiley, 2000; Muzio et al., 2002; Richards, 2002). Duval et al. (2004) add that while
many groups seem to be grappling with issues that are related to the pedagogy of
learning objects, few papers include a detailed analysis of specific learning object
features that affect learning. Clearly, there is a need for empirical research that
focuses on evaluating the learning-based features of learning objects. The purpose of
this study was to explore and test a learning-based approach for evaluating learning

Literature review
Definition of learning objects
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It is important to establish a clear definition of a ‘learning object’ in order to develop

an effective metric. Unfortunately, consensus regarding a definition of learning objects
has yet to be attained (for example, Muzio et al., 2002; Littlejohn, 2003; Parrish, 2004;
Wiley et al., 2004; Bennett & McGee, 2005; Metros, 2005). Part of the problem rests
in the values and needs of learning object developers and designers. The majority of
researchers have emphasized technological issues such as accessibility, adaptability,
the effective use of metadata, reusability and standardization (for example, Muzio
et al., 2002; Downes, 2001; Littlejohn, 2003; Siqueira et al., 2004; Koppi et al., 2005).
However, a second ‘learning focused’ pathway to defining learning objects has
emerged as a reaction to the overemphasis of technological characteristics (Baruque
& Melo, 2004; Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Wiley et al., 2004; Cochrane, 2005).
While both technical and learning-based definitions offer important qualities that
can contribute to the success of learning objects, research on the latter, as indicated,
is noticeably absent (Kay & Knaack, submitted). Agostinho et al. (2004) note that we
are at risk of having digital libraries full of easy-to-find learning objects we do not
know how to use in the classroom.
In order to address a clear gap in the literature on evaluating learning objects, a
pedagogically focused definition of learning objects has been adopted for the current
study. Learning objects are defined as ‘interactive web-based tools that support the
learning of specific concepts by enhancing, amplifying, and guiding the cognitive
processes of learners’. Therefore, specific learning qualities are valued more highly
than the technical qualities in the evaluation model being developed and assessed.

Theoretical approaches to evaluating learning objects

Summative versus formative evaluation. Researchers have followed two distinct paths
for evaluating learning objects—summative and formative. The first and most
frequently used approach is to provide a summative or final evaluation of a learning
object (Kenny et al., 1999; Van Zele et al., 2003; Adams et al., 2004; Bradley & Boyle,
2004; Jaakkola & Nurmi, 2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005; MacDonald et al., 2005). Various
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 7

summative formats have been used, including general impressions gathered using
informal interviews or surveys, measuring frequency of use and assessing learning
outcomes. The ultimate goal of this kind of evaluation has been to get an overview of
whether participants valued the use of learning objects and whether their learning
performance was altered. The second approach involves the use of formative assess-
ment when learning objects are being developed, an approach that is strongly
supported by Williams (2000). Cochrane (2005) provides a good example of how this
kind of evaluation model works where feedback is solicited from small groups at regular
intervals during the development process. Overall, the formative approach to evalua-
tion is not well documented in the learning object literature.

Convergent participation. Nesbit et al. (2002) outline a convergent evaluation model

that involves multiple participants—learners, instructors, instructional designers and
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media developers. Each of these groups offers feedback throughout the development
of a learning object. Ultimately a report is produced that represents multiple values
and needs. A number of studies evaluating learning objects gather information from
multiple sources (for example, Kenny et al., 1999; Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Krauss &
Ally, 2005; MacDonald et al. 2005), although the formal convergence of participant
values advocated by Nesbit et al. (2002) is not pursued. The convergent evaluation
model is somewhat limited by the typically small number of participants giving feed-
back. In other words, the final evaluation may not be representative of what a larger
population might observe or experience.

Instructional design. Pedagogically focused designers of learning objects have empha-

sized principles of instructional design, interactivity, clear instructions, formative
assessment and solid learning theory (for example, Baruque & Melo, 2004; Bradley &
Boyle, 2004; Cochrane, 2005; Krauss & Ally, 2005). However, there is relatively little
research on the design principles as they apply to learning objects (Williams, 2000;
Cochrane, 2005). Recommendations for specific design characteristics are proposed
but are rarely evaluated (Downes, 2001; Krauss & Ally, 2005). It is more typical to
collect open-ended, informal feedback on learning objects without reference to specific
instructional design characteristics that might enhance or reduce learning perfor-
mance (for example, Kenny et al., 1999; Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005).

Methodological issues
At least six key observations are noteworthy with respect to methods used to evaluate
learning objects. First, most studies offer clear descriptions of the learning objects
used; however, considerable variation exists in content. Learning objects examined
included drill-and-practice assessment tools (Adams et al., 2004) or tutorials
(Jaakkola & Nurmi, 2004), video case studies or supports (Kenny et al., 1999;
MacDonald et al., 2005), general web-based multimedia resources (Van Zele et al.,
2003) and self-contained interactive tools in a specific content area (Bradley & Boyle,
8 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

2004; Cochrane, 2005). The content and design of a learning object needs to be
considered when examining quality and learning outcomes (Jaakkola & Nurmi, 2004;
Cochrane, 2005).
Second, a majority of researchers use multiple sources to evaluate learning objects,
including surveys, interviews or email feedback from students and faculty, tracking
the use of learning objects by students, think-aloud protocols and learning outcomes
(for example, Kenny et al., 1999; Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005;
MacDonald et al. 2005).
Third, most evaluation papers focus on single learning objects (Kenny et al., 1999;
Adams et al., 2004; Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005; MacDonald et al.,
2005); however, using an evaluation tool to compare a range of learning objects can
provide useful insights. For example, Cochrane (2005) compared a series of four
learning objects based on general impressions of reusability, interactivity and peda-
gogy, and found that different groups valued different areas. Also, Jaakkola and
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Nurmi (2004) compared drill-and-practice versus interactive learning objects and

found the latter to be significantly more effective in improving overall performance.
Fourth, with the exception of Jaakkola and Nurmi’s (2004) unpublished but well-
designed report, the evaluation of learning objects has been done exclusively in higher
education. Furthermore, sample size has been typically small and/or poorly described
(Van Zele et al., 2003; Adams et al., 2004; Cochrane, 2005; Krauss & Ally, 2005;
MacDonald et al., 2005), making it difficult to extend any conclusions to a larger
Fifth, while most evaluation studies reported that students benefited from using
learning objects, the evidence is based on loosely designed assessment tools with no
validity or reliability (Kenny et al., 1999; Van Zele et al., 2003; Bradley & Boyle,
2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005). Finally, only 2 of the 11 evaluation studies (Kenny et al.,
1999; Van Zele et al., 2003) examined in Kay and Knaack’s (submitted) review of the
learning object literature used formal statistics. The majority of studies relied on
descriptive data and anecdotal reports to assess the merits of learning objects. The
lack of reliability and validity of evaluation tools and an absence of statistical rigour
make it difficult to have full confidence in the results presented to date.
In summary, previous methods used to evaluate learning objects have incorporated
clear descriptions of the tools used and multiple sources of data collection, although
limitations are evident with respect to sample size, representative populations, reli-
ability and validity of data collection tools and the use of formal statistics.

The purpose of this study was to explore a learning-based approach for evaluating
learning objects. Based on a detailed review of studies looking at the evaluation of
learning objects, the following practices were followed:
● a large, diverse, sample of secondary school students was used;
● reliability and validity estimates were calculated;
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 9

● formal statistics were used where applicable;

● both formative and summative evaluations were employed;
● specific learning objects features based on instructional design research were
● a range of learning objects was tested; and
● evaluation criteria focused on the learner, not the technology.

Students. The sample consisted of 221 secondary school students (104 males, 116
females, one missing data), 13–17 years of age, in grade 9 (n = 85), grade 11 (n = 67)
and grade 12 (n = 69) from 12 different high schools and three boards of education.
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The students were obtained through convenience sampling.

Teachers. A total of 30 teachers (nine experienced, 21 pre-service) participated in the

development of the learning objects. The team breakdown by subject area was eight
for biology (two experienced, six pre-service), five for chemistry (two experienced,
three pre-service), five for computer science (one experienced, four pre-service), five
for physics (one experienced, four pre-service) and seven for mathematics (three
experienced, four pre-service).

Learning objects. Five learning objects in five different subject areas were evaluated
by secondary school students. Seventy-eight students used the mathematics learning
object (grade 9), 40 used the physics learning object (grades 11 and 12), 37 used the
chemistry learning object (grade 12), 34 used the biology learning object (grades 9
and 11) and 32 used the computer science learning object (grades 11 and 12). All
learning objects can be accessed online (http://education.uoit.ca/learningobjects). All
five learning objects met the criteria established by the definition of a learning object
provided for this paper. They were interactive, web-based and enhanced concept
formation in a specific area through graphical supports and scaffolding. A brief
description for each is provided below.

Mathematics. This learning object (slope of a line) was designed to help grade
9 students explore the formula and calculations for the slope of a line. Students used
their knowledge of slope to navigate a spacecraft through four missions. As the
missions progressed from level one to level four, less scaffolding was provided to solve
the mathematical challenges.

Physics. This learning object (relative velocity) helped grade 11 and grade
12 students explore the concept of relative velocity. Students completed two case-study
10 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

questions, and then actively manipulated the speed and direction of a boat, along with
the river speed, to see how these variables affect relative velocity.

Biology. This learning object (Mendelian genetics) was designed to help grade
11 students investigate the basics of Mendel’s genetics relating the genotype (genetic
trait) with the phenotype (physical traits) including monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Students had a visual scaffolding to predict and complete Punnett squares. Each
activity finished with an assessment.

Chemistry. This grade12-oriented learning object (Le Chatelier’s Principle 1)

demonstrated the three stresses (concentration, temperature and pressure change)
that can be imposed to a system at chemical equilibrium. Students explored how
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equilibrium shifts related to Le Chatelier’s Principle. Students assessed their learning

in a simulated laboratory environment by imposing changes to equilibrated systems
and predicting the correct outcome.

Computer Science. This learning object (Boolean logic) was designed to teach
grade 10 or grade 11 students the six basic logic operations (gates)—AND, OR,
NOT, XOR (exclusive OR), NOR (NOT-OR) and NAND (NOT-AND)—through
a visual metaphor of water flowing through pipes. Students selected the least number
of inputs (water taps) needed to get a result in the single output (water holding tank)
to learn the logical function of each operation.

Developing the learning objects

The design of the learning objects was based on the following principles. First, the
learning objects were created at the grassroots level by pre-service and in-service
teachers. Wiley (2000) maintained that learning objects need to be sufficiently chal-
lenging, so in-service teachers in this study were asked to brainstorm about and
select areas where their students had the most difficulty. Second, the learning objects
were designed to be context rich; however, they focused on relatively specific topic
areas that could be shared by different grades. Reusability, while important, was
secondary to developing meaningful and motivating problems. This approach is
supported by a number of learning theorists (for example, Larkin, 1989; Sternberg,
1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991). Third, the learning objects were both interactive and
constructivist in nature. Students interacted with the computer, but not simply by
clicking ‘next, next, next’. They had to construct solutions to genuine problems.
Fourth, the ‘octopus’ or resource model proposed by Wiley et al. (2004) was used.
The learning objects were designed to support and reinforce understanding of
specific concepts. They were not designed as stand alone modules that could teach
concepts. Finally, the learning objects went through many stages of development
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 11

and formative evaluation, including a pilot study involving secondary school

students (see Table 3).

Pre-service teachers (guided by an experienced mentor) and in-service teachers
administered the survey to their classes after using one of the learning objects within
the context of a lesson. Students were told the purpose of the study and asked to give
written consent if they wished to volunteer to participate. Teachers and teacher
candidates were instructed to use the learning object as authentically as possible.
Often the learning object was used as another teaching tool within the context of a
unit. After one period of using the learning object (approximately 70 minutes),
students were asked to fill out a survey (see Appendix).
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Data sources
The data for this study were gathered using four items based on a seven-point Likert
scale, and two open-ended questions (see Appendix). The questions yielded both
quantitative and qualitative data.

Quantitative data. The first construct consisted of items one to four (Appendix), and
was labelled ‘perceived benefit’ of the learning object. The internal reliability estimate
was 0.87 for this scale. Criterion related validity for perceived benefit score was
assessed by correlating the survey score with the qualitative ratings (item 9—see scor-
ing below). The correlation was significant (0.64; p < 0.001).

Qualitative data—perceived benefits of learning objects. Item six (Appendix) asked

students whether the learning object was beneficial. Two-hundred and twenty-five
comments were made and categorized according to nine post-hoc categories (Table 1).
Each comment was then rated on a five-point Likert scale (−2 = very negative, −1 =
negative, 0 = neutral, 1 = positive, 2 = very positive). Two raters assessed all comments
made by students and achieved inter-rater reliability of 0.72. They then met, discussed
all discrepancies and attained 100% agreement.

Qualitative data—learning object quality. Item five (Appendix) asked students what
they liked and did not like about the learning object. A total of 757 comments were
written down by 221 students. Student comments were coded based on well-
established principles of instructional design. Thirteen categories are presented with
examples and references in Table 2. In addition, all comments were rated on a five-
point Likert scale (−2 = very negative, −1 = negative, 0 = neutral, 1 = positive, 2 =
very positive).
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Table 1. Coding scheme for assessing perceived benefits of learning objects (item six, Appendix)

Reason category Criteria Sample student comments

Timing When the learning object was introduced in the ‘I think I would have benefited more if I used this program while
curriculum studying the unit’
‘It didn’t benefit me because that particular unit was over. It would
have helped better when I was first learning the concepts’
Review of basics/ Refers to reviewing, reinforcing concept, practice ‘going over it more times is always good for memory’
‘it did help me to review the concept and gave me practise in finding
the equation of a line’
Interactive/hands on/ Refers to interactive nature of the process ‘I believe I did, cause I got to do my own pace … I prefer more hands
12 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

learner control on things (like experiments)’

‘Yes, it helped because it was interactive’
Good for visual Refers to some visual aspect of the process ‘I was able to picture how logic gates function better through using the
learners learning object’
‘I found it interesting. I need to see it’
Computer based Refers more generally to liking to work with computers ‘I think that digital learning kind of made the game confusing’
‘I think I somewhat did because I find working on the computer is
easier than working on paper’
Fun/interesting Refers to process being fun, interesting, motivating ‘I think I learned the concepts better because it made them more
‘I think I did. The learning object grasped my attention better than a
teacher talking non-stop’
Learning related Refers to some aspect of the learning process ‘I don’t think I learned the concept better’
‘It did help me teach the concept better’
Clarity Refers to the clarity of the program and/or the quality ‘I think it was very confusing and hard to understand’
of instruction
‘Yes, this helped me. It made it much clearer and was very educational’
Not good at subject Refers to personal difficulties in subject areas ‘No, to be honest it bothered me. In general I don’t enjoy math and this
did not help’
Compare with other Compared with other teaching method/strategy ‘Yes, because it … is better than having the teacher tell you what to do’
‘Would rather learn from a book’
No reason given ‘I didn’t benefit from any of it’
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Table 2. Coding scheme for assessing learning object quality (item five, Appendix)

Category (references) Criteria Sample student comments

Organization/layout (for example, Madhumita, Refers to the location or overall layout ‘Sometimes we didn’t know where/what to click’
1995; Koehler & Lehrer, 1998) of items on the screen
‘I found that they were missing the next button’
‘Easy to see layout’
‘[Use a] full screen as opposed to small box’
Learner control over interface (for example, Refers the control of the user over ‘[I liked] that it was step by step and I could go
Akpinar & Hartlet, 1996; Kennedy & McNaught, specific features of the learning object at my own pace’
1997; Bagui, 1998; Hanna et al., 1999) including pace of learning
‘I liked being able to increase and decrease
volume, temperature and pressure on my own. It
made it easier to learn and understand’
‘It was too brief and it went too fast’
Animation (for example, Oren, 1990; Gadanidis Refers specifically to animation ‘You don’t need all the animation. It’s good to
et al., 2003; Sedig & Liang, 2006) features of the program give something good to look at, but sometimes it
can hinder progress’
‘I liked’ the fun animations’
‘Like how it was linked with little movies …
demonstrating techniques’
‘I liked the moving spaceship’
Graphics (for example, Oren, 1990; Gadanidis Refers to graphics (non-animated of ‘The pictures were immature for the age group’
et al., 2003; Sedig & Liang, 2006) the program), colours, size of text
‘I would correct several mistakes in the graphics’
‘The graphics and captions that explained the
steps were helpful’
‘Change the colours to be brighter’
Audio (for example, Oren, 1990; Gadanidis et al., Refers to audio features ‘Needed a voice to tell you what to do’
2003; Sedig & Liang, 2006)
‘Needs sound effects’
‘Unable to hear the character (no sound card on
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 13
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Table 2. (continued)

Category (references) Criteria Sample student comments

Clear instructions (for example, Jones et al., 1995; Refers to clarity of instructions before ‘Some of the instruction were confusing’
Kennedy & McNaught, 1997; Macdonald et al., feedback or help is given to the user
‘I … found it helpful running it through first and
showing you how to do it’
‘[I needed] … more explanations/Clearer
Help features (for example, Jones et al., 1995; Refers to help features of the program ‘The glossary was helpful’
14 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

Kennedy & McNaught, 1997; Macdonald et al.,

‘Help function was really good’
‘Wasn’t very good in helping you when you were
having trouble … I got more help from the
teacher than it’
Interactivity (for example, Akpinar & Hartley, Refers to general interactive nature of ‘Using the computer helped me more for
1996; Kennedy & McNaught, 1997; Bagui, 1998; the program genetics because it was interactive’
Hanna et al., 1999)
‘I like that it is on the computer and you were
able to type the answers’
‘I liked the interacting problems’
Incorrect content/errors Refers to incorrect content ‘There were a few errors on the sight’
‘In the dihybrid cross section, it showed some
blond girls who should have been brunette’
Difficulty/challenge levels (for example, Savery & Was the program challenging? Too ‘Make it a bit more basic’
Duffy, 1995; Hanna et al., 1999) easy? Just the right difficulty level?
‘For someone who didn’t know what they were
doing, the first few didn’t teach you anything but
to drag and drop’
‘I didn’t like how the last mission was too hard’
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Table 2. (continued)

Category (references) Criteria Sample student comments

Useful/informative (for example, Sedig & Liang, Refers to how useful or informative the ‘I like how it helped me learn’
2006) learning object was
‘I found the simulations to be very useful’
‘[The object] has excellent review material and
interesting activities’
‘I don’t think I learned anything from it though’
Assessment (Atkins, 1993; Sedighian, 1998; Refers to summative feedback/ No specific comments offered by students
Zammit, 2000; Kramarski & Zeichner, 2001; evaluation given after a major task (as
Wiest, 2001) opposed to a single action) is
Theme/motivation (Akpibar & Hartley, 1996; Refers to overall theme and/or ‘Very boring. Confusing. Frustrating’
Harp & Mayer, 1998) motivating aspects of the learning
‘Better than paper or lecture—game is good!’
‘I liked it because I enjoy using computers, and I
learn better on them’
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 15
16 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

Two raters assessed the first 100 comments made by students and achieved inter-
rater reliability of 0.78. They then met, discussed all discrepancies and attained
100% agreement. Next the raters assessed the remaining 657 comments with an
inter-rated reliability of 0.66. All discrepancies were reviewed and 100% agreement
was again reached.

Key variables
The key variables used to evaluate learning objects in this study were the following:
● perceived benefit (survey construct of four items; Appendix);
● perceived benefit (content analysis of open-ended question based on post-hoc
structured categories; Table 1);
● quality of learning objects (content analysis of open-ended response question
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based on 13 principles of instruction design; Table 2); and

● learning object type (biology, computer science, chemistry, physics, mathematics).

Formative evaluation
Table 3 outlines nine key areas where formative analysis of the learning objects was
completed by pre-service and in-service teachers, students, a media expert or an
external learning object specialist. Eight of these evaluations occurred before the
summative evaluation of the learning object. Numerous revisions were made
throughout the development process. A final focus group offered systematic analysis
of where the learning objects could be improved.
The focus groups also reported a series of programming changes that would help
improve the consistency and quality of the learning objects (see Table 4). It is impor-
tant to note that the changes offered for chemistry, biology, and computer science
learning objects were cosmetic, whereas those noted for mathematics and physics
were substantive, focusing on key learning challenges. Mathematics and physics
comments included recommendations for clearer instructions, which is consistent
with student evaluations where chemistry and biology learning objects were rated
significantly better than mathematics and physics objects (see Table 4).
The positive impact of formative assessment in creating effective learning objects is
reflected by a majority of students reporting that the learning objects were useful (see
detailed results below).
The remaining results reported in this study are summative evaluations collected
from students who actually used the learning objects in a classroom.

Perceived benefit of learning object—survey construct

Based on the average perceived benefit rating from the survey (items one to four,
Appendix), students felt the learning object was more beneficial than not (mean =
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Table 3. Timeline for formative analysis used in developing the learning objects

Step Time Description

Mock prototyping September 2004 (two hours) Subject team introduced to learning objects by creating paper-based
prototype; Member from each team circulated and gave feedback on
clarity and design
Prototyping and usability November 2004 (one and a Subject teams produced detailed paper prototype of their learning objects.
half days) Every two hours subject teams were asked to circulate around the room,
and give feedback on other group’s learning object designs. It is not
uncommon for 10–20 versions of the paper-prototype to emerge over the
span of this one-and-a-half-day workshop
Electronic prototype December 2004 One team member creates PowerPoint prototype of learning object.
Throughout this process, feedback was solicited from other team
members. Edits and modifications were made through an online
discussion board where various versions of the prototype were posted and
comments from team members were discussed
Programming learning object January 2005 A Flash programmer/multimedia designer sat down with each group and
observed their electronic prototype. He discussed what challenges they
would have and different strategies for getting started in Flash
Team formative evaluation February 2005 (half day) Subject teams evaluate each other’s Flash versions of learning objects.
Each team had approximately 15 minutes to go through their learning
object, describe interactivity components and highlight sections that each
member had done. The entire learning object group provided feedback
during and after each presentation
Pilot test February 2005 (one day) Learning objects pilot tested on 40 volunteer students
External formative evaluation February 2005 (half day) CLOE expert provides provided one-to-one guidance and feedback for
improving the learning objects
Revision plan (before summative February 2005 (half day) Subject teams digest student and expert feedback and make plan for
evaluation) further revisions
Revision plan (after summative April 2005 Subject teams brought together to evaluate implementation of learning
evaluation objects future revisions (see Table 5)
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 17
18 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

Table 4. Proposed programming changes for learning by subject area

Learning object Proposed changes

Biology Integrate dihybrid activity.

In dihybrid Punnett square #1:
Blue squares updated to question marks.
Prompt for next button removed.
In dihybrid analysis #1:
Click and drag too repetitive.
Eye colour difficult to see in dihybrid section.
Fix credits
Monohybrid—‘What is monohybrid’ tab:
Remove word ‘dominant’ from heterozygous.
Monohybrid Punnett #1:
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‘The off spring…’—should be on one line.

Dihybrid Punnett #1:
Words in combination box on one line.
Chemistry Give example of catalyst/noble gas in year 3.
‘Correct’ change text colour to green or blue.
Update credits.
Link to activities in each year.
Remove title from certificate frame.
Size of screen—too small
Computer science Buttons are active and hidden—e.g., upper left and main choice buttons
hidden behind instructions and help screen
Level 2—should there be a short pipe under the second-last OR gate?
Level 2—no ‘unsuccessful’ message
Level 3—no ‘unsuccessful’ message
Level 5—incorrect message if choose right-most two taps (message also
appears twice)
Level 5—no ‘unsuccessful’ message
Level 6—incorrect message if choose either of the right-most taps
Level 6—no ‘unsuccessful’ message
On level 6, above NAND, there is no end to the pipes
General—change pipe colour (to silver–grey?) and the ‘on’ tap colour to
green (to match text instructions and feedback from users)
About screen—bump up the version number (v1.4?, v1.5?)
Teacher info/expectations à ‘Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner’ should be
changed to ‘the content and intentions of the published Ontario
Teacher info/prerequisite—same wording as above
The big grey box at the left with all the mouse-over help—put this on the
right and make it a water tank, and then feed the flow from this—it would
make it a useful part of the metaphor, rather than a big help box taking up
a large part of the screen
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 19

Table 4. (continued)

Learning object Proposed changes

Mathematics Make help more obvious. Have a bubble? Bubbles for areas of the screen
(console and intro to the screen).
Press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard instead of ‘next’ on screen (when prompted
for text).
Mission 2—students didn’t know that they needed to do the calculations
on their own using pencil and paper. Instructions need to be more explicit.
‘Instruction’ font size and colour are too small and too dark.
Options to go back to other missions, and when they get to the end, more
clarity as to what or where they will go → more missions or choices.
Variety of scenarios (missions).
Display the equation of the line drawn from ‘planet’ to ‘planet’.
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Physics Program locked up at times.

Instructions are not obvious.
Screen resolution problems.
Labels inconsistent.
No defined learning objects for case 3.
Boat can disappear!?
Better used as a demonstration tool or as a problem-solving simulation.
Cannot teach the concept in isolation from a teacher.

4.8, standard deviation = 1.5; scale ranged from 1 to 7). Fourteen per cent of all
students (n = 30) disagreed (average score of 3 or less) that the learning object was of
benefit, whereas 55% (n = 122) agreed (average score of 5 or more) that it was useful.

Perceived benefit of learning object—content analysis

The qualitative comments (item six, Appendix) based on the post-hoc categories
outlined in Table 1 supported the survey results. Twenty-four per cent of the students
(n = 55) felt the overall learning object was not beneficial; however, 66% (n = 146)
felt it did provide benefit.
A more detailed examination indicated that the motivational, interactive and visual
qualities were most important to students who benefited from the learning object.
Whether they learned something new was also cited frequently and rated highly as a
key component. Presenting the learning object after the topic had already been
learned and poor instructions were the top two reasons given by students who did not
benefit from the learning object (Table 5).

Quality of learning object—content analysis

Overview. Students were relatively negative with respect to their comments about
learning object quality (item five, Appendix). Fifty-seven per cent of all comments
20 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

Table 5. Mean ratings for reasons given for perceived benefits of learning objects (item nine)

Reason n Mean deviation

Fun/interesting 17 1.35 0.74

Visual learners 33 1.24 0.84
Interactive 30 1.17 1.34
Learning related 37 0.81 1.13
Good review 60 0.80 1.04
Computer based 5 0.20 1.40
Compare with another method 24 0.00 1.18
Timing 21 −0.29 1.19
Clarity 33 −0.55 0.00
Not good at subject 3 −1.35 0.38
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were either very negative (n = 42, 6%) or negative (n = 392, 52%), whereas only 42%
of the students made positive (n = 258, 34%) or very positive (n = 57, 8%) statements
about learning object quality.

Categories. An analysis of categories evaluating learning object quality (see Table 2

for descriptions) identified animation, interactivity and usefulness as the highest rated
areas, and audio, correct information, difficulty, clarity of instructions and help func-
tions as the lowest rated areas. Table 6 presents the means and standard deviation for
all categories assessing the quality of learning objects.
A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing categories of learning object
quality was significant (p < 0.001). Audio, correct information and difficulty were

Table 6. Mean ratings for categories evaluating learning object quality

Category n Mean deviation

Animations 27 0.81 0.74

Interactivity 47 0.66 0.84
Useful 39 0.51 1.34
Assessment 9 0.44 1.13
Graphics 84 0.25 1.04
Theme/motivation 125 0.12 1.40
Organization 34 −0.06 1.18
Learner control 75 −0.12 1.19
Help functions 42 −0.43 1.02
Clear instructions 138 −0.61 0.95
Difficulty 107 −0.67 0.81
Information correct 17 −1.00 0.00
Audio 13 −1.15 0.38
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 21

rated significantly lower than animations, interactivity and usefulness (Scheffé post-
hoc analysis, p < 0.05).

Categories—likes only. One might assume that categories with mean ratings close to
zero are not particularly important with respect to evaluation. However, it is possible
that a mean of zero could indicate an even split between students who liked and
disliked a specific category. Therefore, it is worth looking at what students liked about
the learning objects, without dislikes, to identify polar ‘hot spots’. A comparison of
means for positive comments confirmed that usefulness (mean = 1.33) was still
important, but that theme and motivation (mean = 1.35), learner control (mean =
1.35) and organization of the layout (mean = 1.20) also received high ratings. These
areas had mean ratings that were close to zero when negative comments were
included (see Table 5). This indicates than students had relatively polar attitudes
Downloaded By: [HEAL-Link Consortium] At: 12:02 22 November 2010

about these categories.

Categories—dislikes only. A comparison of means for negative comments indicated

that usefulness (mean = −1.33) remained important; however, theme and motivation
(mean = −1.32) was also perceived as particularly negative. Students appeared to
either like or dislike the theme or motivating qualities of the learning object.

Correlation between quality and perceived benefit scores. Theme and motivation (r =
0.45, p < 0.01), the organization of the layout (r = 0.33, p < 0.01), clear instructions
(r = 0.33, p < 0.01) and usefulness (r = 0.33, p < 0.01) were significantly correlated
with the perceived benefit survey (items one to four, Appendix).

Learning object type

A multivariate ANOVA was used to examine differences among learning object types
(subject) with respect to perceived benefits and quality of learning object (Table 7).
Significant differences among learning objects were observed for perceived benefit

Table 7. Multivariate ANOVA for learning object quality, perceived benefits (survey), and
perceived benefits (content analysis) for learning object type

Degrees of Sum of Mean

Source freedom squares square F value Scheffé post-hoc analysis

Learning quality 4 18.0 4.5 13.3* Biology, computer science,

(item five) chemistry > mathematics, physics**
Perceived benefits 4 54.2 13.5 13.3* Biology, computer science,
(survey) chemistry > mathematics, physics**
Perceived benefits 4 1942.5 485.6 18.3* Biology, computer science,
(content analysis) chemistry > mathematics, physics**

*p < 0.001, ** p < 0.05.

22 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

(survey and content analysis p < 0.001) and learning object quality (p < 0.001). An
analysis of contrasts revealed that the chemistry, biology and computer science learn-
ing objects were rated significantly higher with respect to perceived benefit and learn-
ing object quality (p < 0.05).
While the number of observations was too small to make comparisons among post-
hoc categories for perceived benefit (Table 2), a series of ANOVAs was run compar-
ing mean learning objects ratings of categories used to assess learning object quality.
A majority of the categories revealed no significant effect, although three areas
showed significant differences among learning objects: learner control, clear instruc-
tions, and theme/motivation. The chemistry learning object was rated significantly
higher than the mathematics and biology learning objects with respect to learner
control (p < 0.001). The chemistry and biology learning objects were rated signifi-
cantly higher than the mathematics and physics learning objects with respect to clear
instructions (p < 0.001). Finally, the computer science learning object was rated
Downloaded By: [HEAL-Link Consortium] At: 12:02 22 November 2010

significantly higher than the mathematics learning object with respect to theme/moti-
vation (p < 0.001). These results are partially compromised because all learning
objects were not experienced by students from each grade.

Feedback from learning object teams

With respect to the positive qualities of learning objects, two key themes emerged in
the focus groups for all five learning objects: graphics and interactivity. These were to
the two qualities that students liked best. Regarding areas for improvement, feedback
varied according to the specific learning object used. The biology group reported that
students wanted better audio and more challenges. The chemistry group noted that
teacher support was necessary for the learning objects and that some instructions
were unclear. The computer science group commented that students liked the learn-
ing object but wanted more difficult circuits. The mathematics group felt the success
of the learning object was tied closely to when the concept was taught and in what
format (group versus individual). Finally, the physics group observed that a number
of bugs and obscure instructions slowed students down.

The purpose of this study was to explore a learning-based approach for evaluating
learning objects. Key issues emphasized were sample population, reliability and valid-
ity, using formal statistics where applicable, incorporating both formative and
summative evaluations, examining specific learning objects features based on instruc-
tional design research, testing of a range of learning objects, and focusing on the
learner, not the technology.

Sample population
The population in this study is unique compared with previous evaluations of learn-
ing objects. A large, diverse, sample of secondary school students was used to provide
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 23

feedback, instead of a relatively small, vaguely defined, higher education group.

Larger, more diverse populations are needed to ensure confidence in the final results.
The sample in this study permitted a more in-depth analysis of specific learning object
features that affected learning.

Reliability and validity

This study is unique in attempting to develop a reliable and valid metric to evaluate
the benefits and specific impact of a wide range of learning object qualities. The
perceived-benefits scale proved to be reliable and valid. The quality scale was also
reliable and partially validated by focus group data gathered from teachers after the
summative evaluation. The coding scheme (see Table 2) based on sound principles
of instructional design with 100% inter-rater reliability was particularly useful in
Downloaded By: [HEAL-Link Consortium] At: 12:02 22 November 2010

isolating and identifying salient qualities of learning objects. Overall, the evaluation
tool used in this study provided a reasonable foundation with which to assess the
impact of learning objects.

Data analysis
While descriptive analysis proved to be valuable in providing an overview of
perceived benefits and quality of the learning objects tested, inferential statistics
provided useful information on the relationship between perceived benefits and
learning quality, as well as the individual learning qualities deemed to be most
important by students. The combination of descriptive and inferential statistics,
not regularly seen in previous learning object research, is critical to establishing a
clear, reliable, understanding of how learning objects can be used as effective
teaching tools.

Formative and summative feedback

Formative assessment was critical in this study for developing a set of five workable
learning objects in a relatively short time period (eight months). This approach is
consistent with Williams (2000) and Cochrane’s (2005) philosophy of design. In
addition, formative assessment helped to validate the summative evaluation results
reported by students. In the current study, summative evaluation based on theoreti-
cal grounded instructional design principles provided detailed pedagogical informa-
tion lacking in previous learning object research, where informal, general and
anecdotal results were the norm (for example, Kenny et al., 1999; Bradley & Boyle,
2004; Krauss & Ally, 2005). While most evaluation studies report that learning
objects are positively received by students and faculty, it is difficult to determine the
qualities in a learning object that contribute to or inhibit learning. The metric used
in the current study opens the door to a more informative discussion about what
learning object features are beneficial.
24 R. H. Kay and L. Knaack

Comparing learning objects

The comparison of five different learning objects in this study demonstrated that even
when learning objects are designed to be similar in format, considerable variation
exists with respect to perceived benefit and quality. This result is consistent with
Cochrane (2005) and Jaakkola and Nurmi (2004). An effective evaluation tool must
account for the wide range of learning objects that have been and are currently being
produced. For the five objects in this study, learner control, clear instructions and
theme were the key distinguishing features. It is important to note that different
features might take precedence for other learning object designs. For example, inter-
activity might be more important when tutorial-based learning objects are compared
with tool-based learning objects.
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Metric based on principles of instructional design

Perhaps the strongest element of the evaluation model presented in this study is the
use of well-established instructional design principles to code feedback from students.
As stated earlier, even though the developers of learning objects have emphasized
features such as interactivity, clear instructions and solid learning theory in the design
process (Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Cochrane, 2005; Macdonald et al. 2005; Sedig &
Liang, 2006), evaluation tools have opted for a more general perspective on whether
a learning object is effective. It is argued that a finer metric is needed to identify
features that have a significant impact on learning. This allows educators to supple-
ment problems areas when using learning objects and gives designers a plan for future
modifications. In the current study, organization of the layout, learner control, clear
instructions and theme were critical hotspots where the use of learning objects
enhanced or inhibit learning. If a learning object provides clear instructions, is well
organized, is easy to use and has a motivating theme, secondary school students are
more likely feel they have benefited from the experience. These results match the
qualitative feedback reported by Cochrane (2005) and MacDonald et al. (2005) for
higher education students. Finally, formative feedback from focus groups helps trans-
late statistical differences observed into concrete suggestions for change.

Focusing on learner, not technology

The learning-based approach used in the current study permits designers and educa-
tors to answer the question of ‘what features of a learning object provide the most
educational benefit to secondary school students?’ The evidence suggests that
students will benefit more if the learning object has a well-organized layout, is inter-
active, visual representations are provided that make abstract concepts more
concrete, instructions are clear and the theme is fun or motivating.
Overall, secondary school students appear to be relatively receptive to using
learning objects. While almost 60% of the students were critical about one or more
learning object features, roughly two-thirds of all students perceived learning
Evaluating the learning in learning objects 25

objects as beneficial because they were fun, interactive, visual and helped them
learn. Students who did not benefit felt that learning objects were presented at the
wrong time (e.g. after they had already learned the concept) or that the instructions
were not clear enough. Interestingly, student feedback, both positive and negative,
emphasized learning. While reusability, accessibility and adaptability are given
heavy emphasis in the learning object literature, when it comes to the end user,
learning features appear to be more important.

Future research
This study was a first step in developing a pedagogically based evaluation model for
evaluating learning objects. While the study produced useful information for educa-
tors, designers and researchers, there are at least five key areas that could be
addressed in future research. First, a set of pre-test and post-test content questions is
Downloaded By: [HEAL-Link Consortium] At: 12:02 22 November 2010

important to assess whether any learning actually occurred. Second, a more system-
atic survey requiring students to rate all quality and benefit categories (Tables 1 and
2) would help to provide more comprehensive assessment data. Third, details about
how each learning object is used are necessary to open up a meaningful dialogue on
the kind of instructional wrap that is effective with learning objects. Fourth, use of
think-aloud protocols would be helpful to examine actual learning processes while
learning objects are being used. Finally, a detailed assessment of computer ability,
attitudes, experience and learning styles of students might provide insights about the
impact of individual differences on the use of learning objects.

Based on a review of the literature, it was argued that a learning-based approach for
evaluating learning objects was needed. Limitations in previous evaluation studies
were addressed using a large, diverse, sample, providing reliability and validity esti-
mates, using formal statistics to strengthen any conclusions made, incorporating both
formative and summative evaluations, examining specific learning objects features
based on principles of instructional design, and testing of a range of learning objects.
It was concluded that the learning-based approach produced useful and detailed
information for educators, designers and researchers about the impact of learning
objects in the classroom.

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Appendix. Learning object survey

Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly

Downloaded By: [HEAL-Link Consortium] At: 12:02 22 November 2010

Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. The learning object 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

has some benefit in
terms of providing me
with another learning
2. I feel the learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
object did benefit my
understanding of the
subject matter’s
3. I did not benefit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
from using the
learning object.
4. I am interested in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
using the learning
object again.
5. You used a digital learning object on the computer. Tell me about this experience when you used
the object.
a) What did you like? (found helpful, liked working with, what worked well for you)
b) What didn’t you like? (found confusing, or didn’t like, or didn’t understand)
6. Do you think you benefited from using this particular learning object? Do you think you learned
the concept better? Do you think it helped you review a concept you just learned? Why? Why not?

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