Effective in Education

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Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

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Measuring efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge transfer in

Vitéz Nagy *, László Duma
Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Infocommunication, Fővám tér 8., Budapest, 1093, Hungary


Keywords: With e-learning rapidly gaining popularity, evaluating its effectiveness and efficiency has become
E-learning efficiency a challenge in public education, the public sector, and the corporate sector. Measuring knowledge
E-learning effectiveness transfer is crucial in any learning process, but e-learning lacks validated methods for this. Here we
Knowledge transfer measurement
examine ways to evaluate that particularly in case of e-learning, conducting a literature review to
assess available measurement solutions, developing an evaluation method for knowledge transfer,
and validating the method. Using logged data from e-courses, it is possible to assess the knowl­
edge transfer in e-learning. We describe a novel method for classifying effectiveness and effi­
ciency with measured values and measurement instruments. The new measurement method was
aligned with a data set of an existing learning management system, and the effectiveness and
efficiency of knowledge transfer was analysed using quantitative means, including descriptive
statistics, regression modelling, and cluster analysis based on a specific e-learning course. This
newly elaborated and validated knowledge transfer measurement technique could be a useful tool
for anyone wanting to evaluate e-learning courses and can also serve as a baseline for academics
to further develop or implement it on larger empirical datasets.

1. Introduction

This paper focuses on analysing and elaborating knowledge transfer (KT) in e-learning, a specific research topic lacking a developed
methodology. Traditional education methodologies cannot be aligned with e-learning, making it crucial to create a common KT
measurement method for e-learning.
The use of e-learning has been rising rapidly in recent decades, exponentially boosted by factors like the recent pandemic [1].
E-learning is being used not only in higher education [2], but also in public administration [3] and the corporate sector [4]. The
continuous transition from traditional face-to-face learning makes it even more pressing to examine the efficiency of KT in e-learning.
The research question in this paper is about what method can be used to measure the usefulness of the e-learning format in terms of
KT. The objective was to develop and validate a methodology capable of measuring the usefulness of e-learning education, as shown in
Fig. 1. However, we should highlight that we did not develop a comparative toolset with a conventional face-to-face class, as many
other influencing factors make it impossible to compare the two courses, all else being equal.
Our objectives were to describe the available measurement solutions by conducting a literature review, elaborate methodologies
for evaluating the usefulness and KT of e-learning and test the novel measurement method with a data series obtained from a concrete
university course. We also conducted a quantitative analysis of the usefulness of KT in a specific e-learning course.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: vitez.nagy@uni-corvinus.hu (V. Nagy), laszlo.duma@uni-corvinus.hu (L. Duma).

Received 28 October 2022; Received in revised form 18 June 2023; Accepted 20 June 2023
Available online 24 June 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

At the initial stage of the research, we thought that we could find and adapt appropriate evaluation methods from traditional
learning as benchmarks, which is why we conducted a detailed literature review. In the second part of the paper, we elaborate on a
unique mathematical and statistical tool to provide an easily applicable evaluation methodology that does not require additional data.
It can be simply applied to the logged data of e-learning courses. To evaluate the usefulness of a given online course, a unique
measurement strategy is necessary to be taken. This study builds on some of the conclusions from the author’s doctoral thesis research
[5], adding new aspects and testing and validating the method on a data series obtained from a concrete university course.
In the next chapter of the paper, we discuss the available measurement solutions for KT and their origins. In the subsequent chapter,
we introduce the new methodology for evaluating the usefulness of e-learning. Following this, we test this new methodology on a
specific university e-learning course. The last chapter concludes the new measurement method and articulates further development

2. Literature review

The literature review will provide an overview of available KT measurement frameworks and their applicability to e-learning
courses. We will begin by examining the definitions of effectiveness and efficiency, as they are often misunderstood and used
incorrectly. Next, we will explore possible systems for measuring KT and review existing educational frameworks, focusing on suc­
cessfully implementing them in e-learning courses.
Measuring KT is one of the greatest challenges in education, both in e-learning and face-to-face courses. While exam situations are
simple to generate, assessing the level of acquired knowledge and measuring the quality of education based on user satisfaction
(student, instructor, system administrator, etc.) is subjective [6]. Knowledge and student satisfaction can also be evaluated in
e-learning; these assessment methodologies do not provide sufficient answers to concerns about the two dimensions of efficiency and
effectiveness (which, for simplicity, we will refer to as “usefulness”) of KT. Our questions focus on the quality of KT as a process rather
than the result (the existence of knowledge).
The lack of an accepted method for evaluating the usefulness of KT is the best evidence of the topic’s relevance and importance.
Although some attempts, such as Favretto, Caramia, and Guardini’s examination [7] on compating traditional education to e-learning
or the study done by Selim [8] on the adaptability of e-learning to universities, are already in place, measurements continue to focus on
traditional face-to-face education. The toolset available for traditional education is heavily criticised [9–11].
The demand for establishing metrics is rising as e-learning may gain popularity among students with technology continuing to
advance, and early adopters may even secure economic benefits [12]. However, this requires a consolidated evaluation methodology

Fig. 1. Research question (own image).

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

with a proper framework for decision-makers to have the courage to enter this new area. According to a recent systematic literature
review, e-learning as a research topic is rapidly growing, and “evaluation” and “evaluation models” are two of the most important
keywords associated with this field [13].
In step zero of elaborating the measurement methodology, it is crucial to specify the type of users whom will be measured, as the
notions of effectiveness and efficiency are often mingled. According to Nelson [14] and Vilaseca & Castillo [15], it is essential to
distinguish between the two concepts in education. Efficiency refers to the ability of something to minimise expenditure and effort. On
the other hand, effectiveness refers to the ability of something to produce a result.
In education, effectiveness refers to whether a participant acquires the required knowledge, while efficiency refers to whether a
participant acquires the required knowledge while spending no unnecessary resources. In other words, participants may learn more
quickly, learn a topic quicker, or retain knowledge for a longer period.
When comparing face-to-face education and e-learning, the question of e-learning’s efficiency arises: is e-learning a more useful
form of education than face-to-face education? Can it be implemented with fewer resources? Also, the metrics used to evaluate e-
learning courses must be able to determine this without needing a control group. It is impossible to set up a control group that is
identical to the e-learning course in order to make a realistic comparison. Evaluating the same students starting from a baseline point
where they lack the relevant knowledge is practically impossible in the absence of time travel or erasing memories.

2.1. Available systems for measuring efficiency

Successfulness of e-learning applications can be investigated from various vantage points and theoretical perspectives. Based on
Bhuasiri et al. [16], Table 1 provides a classification of potentially relevant measurement systems.
The evaluation framework mentioned above evaluates the success of e-learning solutions in isolation rather than in comparison to
traditional classroom education. This strategy aligns with our objective of making courses assessable and measurable in and of
themselves without comparing them to other courses. And yet, none of the evaluation methods focus on the usefulness of KT. Instead,
they are significantly easier, focusing primarily on the IT perspective or using a biased measurement scale. Holsapple and Lee-Post’s
research [25] also deserves to be mentioned as they approach the topic from an ICT perspective, applying a logic similar to the above

2.2. The existing evaluation framework of education - and its criticism

This section presents the assessment methods most frequently used in education, along with critiques of the methods presented in
the literature, as well as our own critiques.

2.2.1. Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness (SETE)

The student evaluation of teaching effectiveness is one of the most common methods for gauging the efficacy of a teacher. However,
a study by Galbraith, Merrill and Kline [26] presents an example that contradicts this method, showing that student results do not have
a linear relationship with teacher assessments, as substantiated by different mathematical methods. Students who achieve the highest
levels of success rate teachers as having an average level of quality, while students with lower levels of success favour extremes, giving
either remarkably good or remarkably poor ratings. In assessing the SETE methodology, Galbraith et al. discuss the emergence of new
teaching methods, including e-learning and blended courses, which call for a review of the SETE methodology.
Emery, Kramer, and Tian [27] criticise the SETE methodology based on the following aspects.

Table 1
Potential e-learning implementation evaluation tools based on the work of Bhuasiri et al. [16] (own table).
Evaluation tools Academic foundation and features

Critical success factors (CSF) The implementation of e-learning is evaluated based on an established, weighted set of criteria. E-learning implementation is
classified by comparing the case to the predetermined minimum criteria. The set of criteria may be structured and grouped
according to various categories, including technology, teacher, and student aspects [17] and higher-level criteria, like
organisational support [8].
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) Describes a measurement system with an emphasis on people as opposed to technology. The analysis and measurement focus
on so-called “self-efficacy” and output expectations. These can describe the participants’ intention to adopt new tech [18].
Motivation theory (MT) Internal (curiosity, self-satisfaction) and external (e.g., money) motivations are distinguished by this approach, which focuses
on the human factor (goal-oriented, aimed at the result/achievement) [19].
Information system success model This model can be used to evaluate any IT tool, so it is not ideal for evaluating KT, as its primary criteria are customer
(ISSM) satisfaction, intentions of using the given technology, information and service, net return and system quality [20]. Aparicio
et al. [21] extend this model with a cultural dimension in another paper.
Technology Acceptance Model This model focuses primarily on IT and technology, making it unfit for measuring the usefulness of KT. The first version of
(TAM) TAM separates two parameters, according to Hsu & Lin [22]: the tech’s conceived usefulness and the conceived efficacy of
use. The original model has been refined by Venkatesh & Davis [23] and Venkatesh & Bala [24], and thus, version 2 and
version 3 of the model were created.

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

• Popularity and personality contests: Teacher assessments frequently reflect the teacher’s popularity rather than the efficiency of the
actual education. Simple factors, such as a teacher offering snacks (e.g., candy) to their students also influence students’ subjective
• Student achievement: Although student achievement may be the most transparent and immediate feedback on instructor perfor­
mance, studies and samples have demonstrated the opposite: student achievements are only minimally reflected in teacher
• Situational factors and validity: A connection can be observed between courses and their evaluations methods. The researchers
collate humanities and STEM-type curriculums, and a general difference is shown between mandatory and optional subjects.
• User error: Serious problems can also be caused by incorrectly interpreting SETE results or evaluating them with the incorrect
statistical method. Due to the generally small sample sizes (classes below 30 participants), the likelihood of pure statistical error
also increases significantly.
• Rater qualification error and defamation: The final criterion is critical of the students. Students are generally considered incapable of
critical thinking. The evaluators are not screened before being authorised to rate teachers, so extreme instances of intended
defamation are possible.

2.2.2. Student satisfaction

Other researchers have examined participant satisfaction and found that student satisfaction strongly correlates with the knowl­
edge acquired [28]. After a decade of clarifying the model, they exposed additional factors that explain student complacency, e.g. the
course’s planned nature and also the instructors’ quality [29]. A recent study [30] also examines student satisfaction with e-learning
systems during the COVID pandemic, but none of the mentioned papers focus on KT effectiveness.
Larger empirical research also demonstrates the importance of student satisfaction as a predominant factor. The significance of
individual learning characteristics is highlighted, which leads to the conclusion that screening out these factors will make the learning
experience similar for everyone [31]. These results are in harmony with another study [32], to be discussed later, which suggests that
screening out learners’ social and economic backgrounds eliminates the deviation that could be observed in learning achievements.

2.2.3. Student performance

Therefore, the recent measurement framework of teaching efficiency cannot be considered suitable, as Creemers & Kyriakides [32]
also suggests. Similar outcomes were reported in two separate papers: Coleman et al. [33], followed eight years later by Jencks et al.
[34], who screened out the underlying circumstances of the participants, such as individual abilities, family conditions, and socio­
economic characteristics, resulting in a convergence of education factors close to zero. Therefore, various teachers and pedagogical
techniques proved efficient for students with similar backgrounds to nearly the same extent. Heyneman [35] also comes to the
conclusion that the socio-economic situation of learners quasi-determines their achievements.
Another study [36] highlights that students’ family background greatly influences student performance in advanced economies.
Hanushek & Luque [37] look at the relationship between student performance and the extent of consuming “resources” but conclude
that these issues are independent of the quantity of accessible resources based on a comparison of developed and emerging countries.
The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) may also be worth considering, as it is intended to measure the effec­
tiveness of education while excluding socioeconomic status. However, others, including Ballou, Sanders, and Wright [38], have
attempted to modify this evaluation system. A recent paper claims that such measurements may not be helpful and calls for more
meaningful measures [39].

2.2.4. Critique
The literature widely critiques the current measurement methodologies that serve as metrics for traditional education. Various
problems with validity, reliability, and biases have been identified, among other concerns. As a result, there is a need for more
comprehensive and effective measurement methodologies for evaluating the usefulness of e-learning courses. Table 2 summarises the
relevant research in the literature, including the critique, proposals, and criteria sets set out in those research studies.

Table 2
Major criteria used in the literature criticising current education measurement systems (own table).
Criticism of student evaluation of teaching effectiveness Emery et al., 2003 [27]
Berk, 2005 [40]
Galbraith et al., 2012 [26]
Research on the effect of student satisfaction Creemers & Kyriakides, 2006 [32]
Eom et al., 2006 [28]
Eom & Ashill, 2016 [29]
Li et al., 2016 [31]
Studies attributing a substantial impact to the (socioeconomic) background of students Coleman et al., 1966 [33]
Jencks et al., 1972 [34]
Hanushek & Luque, 2003 [37]
Ballou et al., 2004 [38]
Woessmann, 2004 [36]
Heyneman, 2005 [35]
Creemers & Kyriakides, 2006 [32]

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

It has been determined that the main frameworks for metrics of face-to-face education and KT which evaluate the teacher,
are unsuitable for measuring the effectiveness of KT in e-learning, despite the proposals adopted to develop this system. While
academic results or competencies attained by the students should unquestionably be the deciding criterion for evaluation, our previous
research [41] has shown that this does not always result in representative answers for the following reasons: exams and grades may not
reflect actual knowledge; evaluating knowledge and competence during or after the KT process requires too many resources and is too
expensive; the abilities and input conditions of individual students prior to education are unknown or known only at a high level; the
particular features of the education process, such as the identity of the teacher, teaching intensity, and methods used, cannot
necessarily be identified and assigned to the person measured; and performance may be greatly dependent on the current personal
conditions of the student, such as their mental state and mood, which are difficult to measure objectively.
The somewhat contradictory relationship between how “good” a teacher is and learning achievement, as described in Galbraith,
Merrill, and Kline’s [26] article, further justifies the importance of measuring KT, even if it must be measured through the teacher’s
performance. However, it is also essential to note that the role of the educator can also be decisive for e-learning [42]. In light of the
previous factors, it is necessary to establish a new system of metrics with an emphasis on KT that enables the evaluation of e-learning
curricula without comparing it to other instances.
The proposed method for measuring e-learning efficiency is unique for several reasons. First, there is no established methodology in
the literature for this purpose. Second, the proposed measurement method does not require a control group and can assess the selected
course. Third, instead of relying on subjective analysis, such as text analysis of questionnaires, the methodology is objective and
calculates indicators logged by a computer using mathematical methods. These factors make the proposed method a promising and
innovative approach to measuring the efficiency of e-learning courses.

3. Material and methods

After reviewing the measurement solutions in the relevant literature, we aim to establish and test a measurement methodology for
e-learning, specifically evaluating its usefulness and KT. For testing, we used real data from an e-learning course provided by a uni­
versity. Given the IT background of e-learning, we leveraged mathematical methods to develop a methodology that capitalises on the
opportunities presented by automatic and digitised data recording. The quantitative analysis in Chapter 4 of this paper, which focuses
on the usefulness of KT, employs the following statistical methods: (i) deviation, kurtosis, and skewness indicators; and (ii) correlation,
regression, and clustering based on student activity and scores.
Regarding the content of the evaluation, we propose two perspectives for calculating the usefulness of e-learning: a KT-focused
measurement method and a measurement method based on student activity and scores.
The KT-focused measurement method and the measurement method based on student activity and scores both provide different
perspectives for evaluating the usefulness of e-learning. The KT-focused measurement method analyses e-learning users’ behaviour
using deviation, kurtosis, and skewness indicators, assuming that learning via e-learning follows a normal (Gaussian) distribution. On
the other hand, the measurement method based on student activity and scores compares the input knowledge assessment results with
the final results of the participants using correlation, regression, and clustering techniques. Analysing the relationships between the
three parameters collectively provides insight into the quality of the e-learning course. Both methods provide a comprehensive
evaluation of the e-learning course and help in understanding the effectiveness of KT in e-learning.

3.1. KT-focused measurement method

In general, measuring the efficiency of KT in e-learning can be carried out with normality testing and the analysis of deviation
indicators for the indicators listed below. We have classified the indicators as either efficient or effective. This provides a reasonably
straightforward and easy-to-implement evaluation methodology, which also serves as feedback in the planning and development of e-
learning courses in the future. However, it is important to note that the following indicators are part of a wider list of indicators that
may be extracted differently based on the course and e-learning framework system. This means that data may not be available for all
indicators during analysis, as will be seen in the course analysis later in this paper.

• Indicators related to comprehensibility (this is treated as a factor independent of the subject’s composition): Distribution and deviation of
student results (effectiveness); recurrence of returning to e-learning materials (efficiency); recurrence of using supplementary
contents (efficiency); and quantity of clarifications, interpretations, and clarification questions asked by participants (efficiency).
• Indicators of student satisfaction (a crucial marker of focus preservation): The proportion of quitting educational units (i.e., the per­
centage of modules where the first exists) was calculated from the given module (efficiency); learning sections (i.e., the total
number of instances of viewing the complete material) (efficiency); and average return period by student (how much later the
student re-entered the module after each exit) (efficiency).
• Learning ability indicators (both content and volume): The quantity of participants completing the course properly, by the ratio of
similar indicators of all the courses (as an exception, this indicator requires participation in further courses) (effectiveness); and the
total amount of time being active in the LMS (efficiency).
• Reliability testing markers: Percentage distribution of the ratio of the right answers given to the questions (effectiveness); average
time spent by participants solving a particular question; (effectiveness); representativity of the exam questions compared to the
total knowledge domain (none).

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

The efficiency of an e-learning course is determined by examining the normality testing and the analysis of deviation indicators for
the indicators listed below. These indicators are classified as either efficient or effective. This evaluation methodology is easy to
implement and provides feedback for planning and developing future e-learning courses. However, it should be noted that the in­
dicators presented are only part of a wider list of indicators that may be extracted to a different extent by course and by e-learning
framework system, meaning that data may not be available for all of them during analysis. The e-learning course with a general
average efficiency is always represented by a normal (Gaussian) distribution. It is important to note that investigating an indicator by
itself might be misleading; indicators should be looked at in their entirety to conclude. For instance, taking the frequency of returning
to course elements, a distribution skewed to the left (peaked on the right) may indicate that students return to the course more
frequently compared to the average e-learning course, which means that knowledge is acquired only after several attempts, indicating
a low efficiency of KT in e-learning. On the other hand, an indicator or learning fragmentation skewed to the right (peaked on the left)
may indicate that students complete an e-learning material by opening it fewer times than the ordinary e-learning course, indicating a
well-designed and easy-to-understand e-learning course or appropriate prior knowledge of the topic.

3.2. Measurement method based on student activity and scores

This section presents an alternative measurement method for evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning, which focuses on the “end
status” of the student, i.e., their test results using traditional knowledge assessment techniques. However, it is important to note that
relying solely on the final exam is insufficient for measuring the KT’s usefulness. To address this, the method requires additional
assessment variables to infer causal relationships beyond the final exam outcome. While this method is simpler than the previously
proposed indicators, it still requires preparation to ensure that the final exam accurately reflects the knowledge acquired through the e-
learning course.
In this method, the success of KT is measured by considering three measurable student outcomes.

1. Knowledge assessment (input) test: Before or at the beginning of the course, students’ knowledge is to be evaluated by a quiz that is
the same level and difficulty as the final examination.
2. Activity during the course: Student participation in the e-learning course can be measured using a weighted aggregation of the
following metrics: a) total or average time spent acquiring e-learning materials, b) the number of completed e-learning material
units, c) the number of questions asked in the forum, d) test results achieved, and e) the number of attempts with practice exercises.
This paper proposes that the metric be defined based on an analysis of an e-learning course, with its applicability determined by the
course’s structure.
3. The final test is the same as the final examination and should have the same difficulty as the assessment (inpit) quiz taken at the
beginning of the course to ensure comparability.

Therefore, the relationship between the abovementioned variables evaluates the effectiveness of KT rather than its efficiency.
Conclusions regarding efficiency could only be drawn boldly or by gathering further information. Nevertheless, the approach’s easy
applicability may assist in determining the quality and usefulness of numerous e-learning courses selected and analysed.

3.2.1. Measurement method based on linear regression

One of the methods to determine effectiveness involves using linear regression tools. To do this, a regression model is constructed
using the three indicators mentioned above (knowledge assessment test, activity during the course, and final exam), and its parameters
are analysed. Before calculating the regression, the correlation between the three indicators is examined to determine how closely they
are related.
At the start of the learning process, the student has an initial knowledge level that is assumed to be expandable by increasing their
activity during the course. Afterwards the student finishes the course with a closing knowledge level. Following this logic, the success
of KT is determined by the final test score, which is selected as the dependent variable. The explanatory variables (independent
variables) will be the student’s initial knowledge and activity during the course, which will determine the student’s knowledge at the
end of the course with some degree of certainty.
The assumption is that the sum of the course-acquired and initial knowledge will yield the final knowledge level. The linear
regression method was chosen based on this additive approach.

3.2.2. Measurement method based on cluster analysis

By grouping student results based on similarity, the other method attempts to answer the question of to what extent the e-learning
course contributed to effective teaching and, consequently, to the acquisition of necessary knowledge. The same three variables will be
used to construct the regression model but will be treated equally and without distinction. That is, there will be no explanatory or result
variables or any other classifications.
Creating student groups also justifies using cluster analysis to reveal the size and “quality” of groups that complete the final test
with a higher score following a weak initial test and high course activity. The greater the number of students in a cluster with these
parameters, the more effective the KT of this e-learning course is. Conversely, the existence of a cluster where there is no difference
between the initial and final tests of the students and their activity during the course will also demonstrate the effectiveness of the e-
learning course. In contrast, in an e-learning course where a large cluster of students can be created, the differences between the initial
and final tests are insignificant. Course participation is high and not considered effective.

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

4. Discussion (Evaluation and testing of the technique for measuring KT)

The measurement system created aims to provide a method for measuring the effectiveness of KT that enables conclusions
regarding the quality of e-learning. To confirm this, a subject taught at a Hungarian university was adapted into e-learning format.
All procedures performed in this study involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the insti­
tutional review board of Corvinus University of Budapest. According to the Provisions of the Rector No. 2/2020. (V. 26.) on setting up
the CUB Ad Hoc Research Ethics Committee1 prior to launching any research project, a self-review shall be undertaken for any research
project involving human participants. By conducting an ethical risk analysis, the leader of the research project shall assess whether the
research is acceptable from the viewpoint of research ethics. On the basis of the Review Questionnaire, a specific permission is not
required for the research if none of the questions in Part 2 of the Review Questionnaire has been answered in the affirmative, which
condition was fulfilled in our case. All the data used in the research was recorded by the university’s LMS by default with the standard
consent of all the students attending the university regardless of the research. The data used in the research was collected anony­
mously, no personal details of the students were used during our calculations at any point, thus the research cannot link any of the
results with the participants’ identities.
The evaluation of the above-mentioned method was broken down into three phases. First, the adaptability of the data was
assessed. Next, the relevancy of findings that could be concluded from the evaluation methods was evaluated. Third, obser­
vations, criticism, and recommendations for further development were proposed. After preparing and cleaning the data, it was
successfully adapted to the measurement methods based on KT and to those based on results. Therefore, we managed to conclude that
the e-learning course could be interpreted and used.

4.1. Characteristics of the revised course

Third-year “Business and Management” majors had to take the E-business course in 2021/2022. The course syllabus covered
various topics, including digital culture, “the smartphone effect”, data, business models, b2c logistics, b2b e-business, e-payments, the
price of information, binding and feedback, online marketing, e-sport, startup businesses, e-commerce, e-health, and e-learning. The
course lasted 12 academic weeks, and the total expected learning time was 60 h. With a sample size of 200 enrolled students, the results
are statistically relevant and representative, which may help to identify any weak points or elements of the measurement methods that
require improvement.
As the teachers of this course, we had the opportunity to properly prepare for the subject regarding methodology and digital
technology. As a result of collaboration with colleagues teaching the subject, we incorporated e-learning teaching with its required
contents into the course. We then extracted data from the University’s Moodle system about the course’s students’ learning process and
aligned the data with the measurement methods described and presented previously.

4.1.1. Structure of the course

The primary aspect when reconsidering the methodology for the course was the inclusion of e-learning teaching components in the
course contents and structure while considering the scope of data to be measured. We aimed to record all of the students’ actions
completed in the e-learning course. The course was extended using the following components (Fig. 2):

1. Initial test: Students complete a test before the first lesson, equivalent in complexity to the final test. The test is not included in the
subject evaluation to prevent preparation, but students receive a score for completing the test, which encourages participation. The
purpose is to compare the results with the final exam scores, determining the extra knowledge gained during the course using the
calculation method based on results.
2. Lecture slides: Slides of the weekly face-to-face lectures are produced in a version that can be embedded in Moodle, allowing for
tracing when and how frequently students view these static (non-interactive) sources and which parts they look at.
3. Weekly e-learning materials: Additional professional content (~30 min per 2 weeks) not presented in the lectures are uploaded
as e-learning materials.
4. Short weekly tests: Separate tests are created for the knowledge components presented in lectures or available in the e-learning
5. Supplementary, non-mandatory components: A glossary, a collection of links and references, and interesting (topical) articles
are uploaded to the LMS.
6. Forum: A platform for asking questions is provided, where even students can answer questions other students ask.
7. Final test: Students complete an end-semester test with the same difficulty level as the initial and practice tests.

4.2. The structure of the empirical study

Moodle has a fundamental characteristic of recording and storing participant activities, which is available to teachers. Once the
course is set up correctly, data is recorded automatically without requiring manual intervention during the semester. However, the


V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

Fig. 2. Modified course components for evaluation (own image).

functions and data were tested in a pilot “mini-course” before the start of the course to ensure suitability for analysis.

4.2.1. Recording of the data

While everything is recorded mechanically, unprocessed data available from Moodle is unsuitable for the required measurements.
Therefore, the system allows for download of two distinct data arrays as a final result.

1. The gradebook and scores of online quizzes (and other graded exercises) are recorded during the semester and can be
downloaded as a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains participants in rows and the Moodle activities in which they receive scores
in the columns. The scores earned by students can be found in the corresponding section of the given row and column.
2. The report contains student activity during the course in.xlsx. It is a time-series data array with ~95,000 lines in our case,
containing all activities of all students during the course, including the number of course enterings, studying training materials,
quiz completion, supplementary teaching components (glossary, etc.), and downloading lecture slides. Each record includes a name
(identifying the student), a category (e.g., viewing of training material, entering the course), an event description containing
specific identifiers (also containing the location of the training material unit) with a time stamp.

The data table holding test results did not require any additional sorting. However, the reports containing the activity of students
during the course required manual corrections to enable normality testing, which cannot be detailed due to constraints regarding the
scope of this study. All data preparation was feasible using Excel functions and simpler Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) codes.
In the following list, we also defined a unique indicator (activity during the course - sc_act) composed of the weighted average of the
standard normalised variables. We aimed to give greater weights to the components that, in our opinion, offer a good representation of
the activities and behaviours that contribute most to increasing knowledge during the course, based on our subjective assessment.

• Number of days spent actively in the course (25%) - days_act

• Number of views of the training material components of the course (10%) - view_mod
• Frequency of returning to the course, i.e., total number of course openings (5%) - ent_cou
• The average period of return of the students, i.e., the average amount of days between two days actively spent in the course,
calculated with the reciprocal (20%) - passive_days
• Results of interim tests (5 × 8% = 40%) – quiz_scores

4.3. KT-focused measurement method

In the first step of the analysis, the variables described above were subjected to a normality test, summarised in Table 3. Both tests
show the same results. The analysis indicates that none of the investigated indicators have a normal distribution.
To dig deeper in the assessment of the variables, it is important to examine the histograms presented by them and investigate the
deviation, asymmetry, and peak indicators as well. To increase transparency, we have separated our eight indicators into two groups.

Table 3
Normality tests on the variables (own table).
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

sc_ass 0.137 219 0.000 0.909 219 0.000

sc_cou 0.166 219 0.000 0.792 219 0.000
time_pas 0.085 219 0.001 0.967 219 0.000
ent_cou 0.103 219 0.000 0.894 219 0.000
view_mod 0.075 219 0.005 0.918 219 0.000
days_act 0.083 219 0.001 0.970 219 0.000
sc_act 0.046 219 .200* 0.993 219 0.380

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

First, the scoring indicators (quizzes) will be analysed (sc_ass, sc_act, sc_cou, question_score). Then, we will move to the indicators
describing activity (based mostly on behaviour) (ent_cou, view_mod, days_act, time_pas).
Beyond the easily interpretable indicators like mean and deviation, skewness and kurtosis are also worth examining. The variables
sc_act and sc_cou exhibit a more peaked distribution. On the other hand, the initial test score has a positive skewness, indicating a
distribution that stretches to the right and peaks to the left, resulting in flatter distribution. Table 4 presents the details of the
descriptive statistics and deviation indicators of the scoring indicators.
The histograms corresponding to the skewness indicators confirm the results of the indicators (Fig. 3). The significant difference
between sc_ass and sc_cou can be explained by the fact that, although the participants had no prior education on the subject matter at
the start of the course, the achieved results are clustered around higher grades, presumably due to the success of the course (KT).
However, the causal relationship will not be examined until subsequent analyses (based on regression and cluster analysis).
The result curves of the examination test peaking to the right provide us with two types of conclusions. The higher average response
rate might indicate the excessive simplicity of questions posed to the participants, or knowledge acquisition may be assumed to be
analogous to what was previously stated.
Based on the indicators and their visual representation, the indicator with unique weights measuring the activity during the course
(course activity) approximates most closely to the normal distribution. According to the CLT discussed in the previous section, the
distribution of multiple variables will converge to a normal distribution if combined.
Moving on to the analysis of activity indicators, it was found that these distributions peaked more than normal, as indicated by the
positive values of all the kurtosis indicators. Additionally, all four variables investigated had positive skewness values, indicating that
these indicators peak to the left and stretch to the right. The descriptive statistics and deviation indicators of the activity indicators are
provided in Table 5.
Examining the histograms depicting the distributions indicates their shapes are similar to the normal distribution (Fig. 4). Un­
surprisingly, all the considered indicators, except for extreme cases that deviate from the pattern, have their peak to the left, given that
they are all constrained at the bottom (starting from zero). Although the investigated sample may have yielded samples with a standard
distribution, we also considered these values relevant. These measures all assess student behaviour in the e-learning course from
different perspectives.
In conclusion, the analysis reveals that while the e-learning program is of average quality standard (as indicated by distribution
peaking to the left of the ent_cou variable), the students have successfully improved their knowledge from the beginning of the course.
To examine causality and perform further analysis, regression calculations are required.

4.4. Efficiency assessment based on result-regression calculation

According to the prior plan, the following variables will be included in the model for calculating regression: the dependent
variable, the course’s final grade (sc_cou); and explanatory variables, the initial test’s score (sc_ass), and the unique measure for
activity during the course (sc_act).
Before establishing the regression model, carrying out a correlation analysis can be informative, which revealed statistically sig­
nificant relationships between all three variables. The correlation between the final course grade and the initial exam is of moderate
strength (0.46). The relationship between sc_ass and sc_act is weak (0.22), while the relationship between activity during the course and
the final grade is the strongest (0.58), confirming our hypothesis. Table 6 displays the details of the correlation analysis between the
examined variables.
After examining the correlation between variables (as summarised in Table 7), a regression analysis was conducted. The R2 value is
worth noting, as it indicates that the combination of explanatory variables included in the linear regression accounts for approximately
38% of the value of the dependent variable.
Despite the limited explanatory power of the model, its significance remains strong. It has been established at several points in the
research that the effectiveness of KT depends on multiple factors that are nearly impossible to measure. With a significance level of 5%,
our model may be declared significant confidently. Details of the ANOVA table are provided in Table 8.
Let us look the interpretation and significance of the coefficients (see Table 9). Our model suggests that the initial test and the
activity measures during the course appear as significant model parameters. Assuming all the other factors remain constant, a one-
point increase in the initial test score will result in an average end-of-course score of 2.365 points higher. Contrary to this,
increasing the unique activity score during the course by one point (ceteris paribus) results in a score of 11.253 points higher after the

Table 4
Scoring indicators - Descriptives and deviation indicators (own table).
sc_ass sc_cou sc_act

N Valid 219 240 241

Missing 22 1 0
Mean 3.836 83.492 − 0.159
Std. Deviation 3.144 22.242 0.811
Skewness 0.467 − 1.802 − 0.392
Std. Error of Skewness 0.164 0.157 0.157
Kurtosis − 1.113 3.145 0.712
Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.327 0.313 0.312

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

Fig. 3. Histograms - sc_ass (3A), sc_act (3B) and sc_cou (3C) variables (own image).

Table 5
Activity indicators - descriptives and deviation indicators - (own table).
time_pas ent_cou view_mod days_act

N Valid 241 241 241 241

Missing 0 0 0 0
Mean 30.160 108.672 107.452 33.929
Std. Deviation 10.961 55.000 48.406 11.868
Skewness 0.504 1.460 1.238 0.486
Std. Error of Skewness 0.157 0.157 0.157 0.157
Kurtosis 0.491 3.621 3.235 0.691
Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312

Hence, the linear regression model can be described with the following equations:
ytotal score for the course = β0 + βinitial test xinitial test + βactivity xactivity + ε

ytotal score for the course = 77.562 + 2.365xinitial test + 11.253xactivity + ε

in summary, it can be stated that linear regression was effectively applied to the total course score as well as the measures of the initial
test and activity during the course. The model’s explanatory power was moderate, but its significance is indisputable. It is not possible
to draw a clear-cut conclusion on the quality of the e-learning course based on the results, but it is evident that activity during the
course, in comparison to initial knowledge, has significant explanatory power for the participant’s outcome score, indicating that the e-
learning program makes substantial contribution to the KT.

4.5. Efficiency assessment based on result - cluster analysis

After the regression analysis conducted in the previous section, it was found that the course’s initial assessment quiz and

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

Fig. 4. Histograms - ent_cou (4A), view_mod (4B), days_act (4C) and time_pas (4D) variables (own image).

Table 6
Correlation analysis of the score variables (own table).
sc_ass sc_cou sc_act

sc_ass Pearson Correlation 1 0.464 0.217

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.001
N 219 219 219
sc_cou Pearson Correlation 0.464 1 0.576
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000
N 219 240 240
sc_act Pearson Correlation 0.217 0.576 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 0.000
N 219 240 241

Table 7
Linear regression – summary (own table).
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. The error in the Estimate

1 0.619 0.383 0.377 15.738

participants’ activity throughout the course played a significant role in determining the final grade of the participants at the end of the
e-learning program. To further examine this relationship from a different perspective, a cluster analysis was performed to classify
course participants into distinct groups. In order to ensure reliable and consistent results, cluster analyses was conducted using both

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

Table 8
Linear regression - ANOVA table (own table).
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 33208.050 2 16604.025 67.037 0.000

Residual 53499.870 216 247.685
Total 86707.920 218

Table 9
Linear regression - coefficients (own table).
Model Unstandardised Coefficients Standardised Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 77.562 1.726 44.933 0.000

sc_ass 2.365 0.347 0.373 6.807 0.000
sc_act 11.253 1.469 0.420 7.662 0.000

the hierarchical and k-means procedures, with three different clustering methods used for the hierarchical procedure.

4.5.1. Hierarchical cluster analysis

Hierarchical clustering was performed first. Before conducting the cluster analysess, the three variables to be included, namely
Zscore (sc_ass), Zscore (sc_act), and Zscore (sc_cou), were standardized using SPSS. Hierarchical clustering was then performed using the
between-groups linkage method. Larger cut-off points were used to determine the number of clusters, which is accepted in similar
analyses. The students were ultimately classified into three clusters based on all three used methods.

4.5.2. K-mean cluster analysis

Since in k-mean cluster analysis, the desired number of clusters is determined by the analyst, the same number was chosen for k-
mean analysis that was determined in the hierarchical analysis, thus our model for k-mean cluster analysis also included three clusters.
The first aspect that warrants investigation is the ANOVA table, where the significance of F probes indicates that each variable used in
the cluster analysis is valuable (Table 10).
The headcount of the groups generated by k-mean cluster analysis is shown in Table 11. The first group contains 18 students, the
second group contains 60 students, and the third group contains 141 students.
Table 12 shows the means of each cluster compared to the standard scores (Table 12). In the present instance, we derived these

• 18 participants in the first group show results below average for all three metrics (and outstandingly low for the total course score).
Therefore, this group may consist of uneducated and lazy students with a low initial knowledge level combined with inactive
participation, which reflected clearly in their final grades.
• 60 participants in the second cluster represent the average group: having earned an initial score that was significantly below
average, they showed activity close to average and scored an end-of-course total score that was slightly lower than the average.
• The third cluster, with 141 members, includes highly-educated and motivated students who achieved outstanding scores on the
initial test, displayed above-average activity during the course, and ultimately achieved overall results well above average upon
course completion.

Overall, we can conclude that the cluster analysis gave a technique that was considerably more subjective than prior statistical
methods, and the different procedural methods allowed for finding somewhat distinct student groups.

5. Conclusions

The main objective of this paper was to develop a KT measurement method for e-learning independently, without comparison or
control groups. To achieve this, we reviewed the literature and identified no specific evaluation method designed for e-learning.

Table 10
K-mean cluster analysis - ANOVA table (own table).
Cluster Error F Sig.

Mean Square df Mean Square df

sc_ass 310.819 2 7.097 216 43.793 0.000

sc_cou 37181.176 2 57.155 216 650.528 0.000
sc_act 11.933 2 0.448 216 26.661 0.000

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

Table 11
K-mean cluster analysis - element numbers of the clusters (own table).
Cluster 1 18.000
2 60.000
3 141.000
Valid 219.000
Missing 22.000

Table 12
K-mean cluster analysis - means of the final clusters (own table).

1 2 3

sc_ass 2.086 1.431 5.083

sc_cou 32.625 75.722 96.900
sc_act − 1.037 − 0.243 0.123

Subsequently, we developed a new and unique KT measurement method that can be used for e-learning courses individually. Finally,
we tested and validated our new method and concluded that it could be used for measuring effectiveness and efficiency in KT on e-
learning courses.

5.1. Significant findings of the study

During the empirical stage of our research, we adapted the data set of an academic course to the developed method using e-learning
tools. To evaluate the usefulness of the measurement methodology aimed at e-learning, two crucial questions need to be addressed:

1. Can the evaluation instruments be tailored to the data gathered from the e-learning environment (and readied for measurement)?
2. Are inferences possible on the usefulness of the e-learning course?

The first question is straightforward, as it calls merely for confirming technical feasibility. We found that the data series of a
correctly designed e-learning program is adaptable to our new methodology. The evaluation approach is based on well-established
statistical and mathematical models, so their applicability is indisputable. Yet, it is crucial to note that the quantity, quality, and
format of the data created and stored by different e-learning systems vary. Therefore, it is impossible to generalise that data of an e-
learning program may be processed with the evaluation model. Nonetheless, the e-learning program we evaluated utilised data
gathered from Moodle, the most extensively used e-learning system with open-source code. Therefore, the measurement methodology
will be generally applicable. The variety of data captured by Moodle will continue to expand (e.g., by tracking course withdrawals),
resulting in a more efficient application of our evaluation technique.
The other question, whether one can form inferences on the usefulness of an investigated e-learning program, is challenging.
Throughout the empirical investigation for this study, we attempted to create mathematically and statistically supported claims about
the e-learning activity evaluated according to the measurement method’s parameters. It is essential to remember that the measurement
method includes subjective evaluation components. This is the most important lesson that can be learned from the application of
empirical research in practice: the variety of tools provided by our measurement methodology enables more accurate and correct
conclusions to be drawn if they are examined in conjunction and terms of relationships rather than individually. The interpretation of
deviation, skewness, and kurtosis indicators on their own may be highly misleading in terms of measuring the e-learning course.
However, comparing these indicators and their combination with correlation calculation, also considering the regression model
construction combined with clustering, enables the drawing of reasonable conclusions regarding the chosen e-learning program.
Utilising the measurement approach to its fullest extent, it is possible to conclude that the methodology is suitable for
reaching conclusions on the chosen e-learning program’s effectiveness and efficiency.

5.2. Improvement opportunities

During the development and validation of the new KT evaluation method, we discovered some potential areas for improving the
evaluation approach, so we recommend the following:

• Develop a standardised indicator for measuring activity during the course by identifying ideal metrics and determining their weight
using correlation calculation or sensitivity testing. The new KT evaluation method we elaborated derived a new variable from
various other e-learning course data to simplify our model. However, this method may need some fine-tuning to get more precise
results in determining student activity.
• Enhance the explanatory power and relevance of the linear regression model by adding further variables. As every e-learning course
is different, research on the diverse learning elements used in these courses and the associated measurement opportunities could be

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502

an interesting topic. New variables could be introduced to our KT evaluation model, such as for online group work or assignments in
other courses.
• Incorporate additional variables into the cluster analysis processes to generate more precise groups. The new variables could also
be considered in the cluster analysis.
• Restrict the scope of cluster analysis processes to a more manageable size for e-learning course analysis after testing in multiple
• Propose specific limits for interpreting the results produced by the measurement methodology to provide analysts with additional
help. This would require sample data for comparison, such as skewness indicator values to determine whether an e-learning course
is somewhat medium or very efficient.

Realistic additional proposals can be made after implementing the measurement methodology in several courses, which could
number in the tens or hundreds. Upon completing this research, several new practical and theoretical pieces of advice may emerge,
making future research less time-consuming and more simple.

5.3. Limitations

It is important to note that the new KT method was tested on only one e-learning course. Further empirical research should be
carried out on several other courses, including various e-learning training, to prove its broad usability.
As our KT evaluation method depends on data gathered by an LMS (in our specific case it was Moodle), other fellow researchers
should note that different learning management systems might record slightly different data, which would need somewhat different
dataset preparation before using our KT evaluation method. That would also mean an opportunity, as other learning management
systems could provide some additional variables to be included in the analysis. Of course, process-data logging in e-learning courses is
essential to use the recommended methodology. In other words, the quality of a methodology is intricately linked to the quality of its
input data.
It is also worth mentioning that all e-learning programs contain different learning elements, creating the need to use different
variables in the regression model or at least weigh them differently when creating the unique activity score variable. This leads to the
conclusion that applying our KT measurement method on different e-learning courses would always need some proactive modification
and alteration to adjust to the examined e-learning course. It will always be the researcher’s responsibility to choose the proper
variables in order to get valid and justifiable results from the evaluation of the KT.
In addition to deeper validation, an interesting research topic could be examining and comparing e-learning education and KT on
large samples, which could provide new and exciting data about how we think about e-learning and its usability. The presented KT
evaluation method works on single e-learning courses without the need of a control group or another course to compare with.
However, after carrying out this research on several e-learning courses (e.g., across multiple universities), these results can be
compared to each other. Furthermore, new hypotheses can be set to examine the usefulness of e-learning KT in general, not only for
specific courses.
Overall, we believe that the elaborated and validated new KT method for e-learning courses is a significant step forward in this
research field that may inspire other researchers to further develop this method or create alternate versions. Our study can be useful,
among others, for course instructors working in academic or other educational institutions who want to measure the effectiveness and
efficiency of their educational activities. Using our method, the course instructor can receive an evaluation of the course’s usefulness,
from which they can draw conclusions and develop the course further.

Author contribution statement

Vitéz Nagy, László Duma: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the experiments; Analysed and interpreted the data;
Contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.

Data availability statement

The authors do not have permission to share data.

Additional information

Supplementary content related to this article has been published online at [URL].

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

V. Nagy and L. Duma Heliyon 9 (2023) e17502


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