Basic Life Support Protocol Matrix
Basic Life Support Protocol Matrix
Basic Life Support Protocol Matrix
Rescuer Get low to the patient. Locate Get low to the patient. Locate Get low to the patient. Locate the
the carotid artery in the neck the carotid artery in the neck brachial artery in the arm while
Positioning for while lowering your head near while lowering your head near lowering your head near the
Assessment the mouth of the patient. the mouth of the patient. mouth of the patient.
Simultaneous Look down the patient’s body Look down the patient’s body Look down the patient’s body and
and listen for normal breathing and listen for normal breathing listen for normal breathing while
Assessment: while feeling for a pulse for a while feeling for a pulse for a feeling for a pulse for a
Pulse/Breathing maximum of 10 seconds. maximum of 10 seconds. maximum of 10 seconds.
Pulse is
Begin Rescue Breathing with a Begin Rescue Breathing with a Begin Rescue Breathing with a
mask attached to oxygen. mask attached to oxygen. mask attached to oxygen.
found, 1 breath every 5 seconds. 1 breath every 3 seconds. 1 breath every 3 seconds.
No Breathing
Begin CPR. Begin CPR. Begin CPR.
Pulse is not 30 Chest compressions 30 Chest compressions 30 Chest compressions (fingers)
found or there followed by 2 breaths using a followed by 2 breaths using a followed by 2 breaths using a
is uncertainty mask w/O2. Attach AED as mask w/O2. Attach AED as mask w/O2. Attach AED as soon
soon as available. soon as available. as available.
CPR Ratio: 30:2, alternating CPR Ratio: 15:2, alternating CPR Ratio: 15:2 (thumbs),
Multiple compressors every 2 min AED compressors every 2 min AED alternating compressors every 2
Rescuer prompt or fatigue onset. prompt or fatigue onset. min AED prompt or fatigue onset.
Response Ventilations: BVM w/O2 can be Ventilations: BVM w/O2 can be Ventilations: BVM w/O2 can be
used for delivery. used for delivery. used for delivery.
Depth: 2-2.4 in. (5-6cm). Depth: 1/3 depth of body (2in / Depth: 1/3 depth of body (1.5 in /
Chest Rate: 110 target, at least 100 5cm). Rate: 110 target, at least 4 cm). Rate: 110 target, at least
Compressions: comp/min. Recoil: Allow full 100 comp/min. Recoil: Allow 100 comp/min. Recoil: Allow full
Quality recoil. Interruptions in care, full recoil. Interruptions in care, recoil. Interruptions in care,
max 10 seconds target. max 10 seconds target. max 10 seconds target.
Ventilation Duration: About 1 second Duration: About 1 second Duration: About 1 second
delivery: Volume: Adequate for chest Volume: Adequate for chest Volume: Adequate for chest rise
Quality rise and no more. rise and no more. and no more.