Final Brine Well Report

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Oil Conservation Division

Environmental Bureau

Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report

June 18, 2009

Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009


In 2008, New Mexico experienced two sudden and catastrophic brine well cavern collapses
within a four-month period that led to the formation of massive sinkholes. The first, at Jim’s
Water Service, occurred on July 16, 2008. The second, at Loco Hills Water Disposal Company,
occurred on November 3, 2008.

On November 14, 2008, Secretary Joanna Prukop of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources
Department (EMNRD) ordered the Oil Conservation Division (OCD) to examine the causes of
the brine well collapses and to provide a report with recommendations for a safe path forward
(See Appendix 1 - November 14, 2008 Press Release). Secretary Prukop directed OCD to work
with the Environmental Protection Agency, other states, technical experts, and oil and gas
industry representatives.

OCD formed an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class III Brine Well Evaluation Work
Group (Work Group). The Work Group included OCD staff, representatives from the Bureau of
Land Management, the State Land Office, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral
Resources, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Sandia National Laboratory, the National
Cave and Karst Research Institute, the Solution Mining Research Institute, and industry
representatives. OCD staff met with the Work Group in Santa Fe for a two-day session March
26-27, 2009. Other experts who could not attend the meeting submitted comments via email,
including participants from Texas, Louisiana, New York, and Kansas (see Appendix 2). The
Work Group examined the available data on the two collapses and examined data on other brine
wells in New Mexico to evaluate their collapse potential. During the course of its review OCD
and the Work Group identified an existing brine well located within the city limits of Carlsbad
that shares features with the two wells that collapsed and that is itself in serious danger of
collapse. OCD hired RESPEC, Inc., a company with expertise in brine wells, to provide
technical assistance in evaluating the status of the Carlsbad brine well and to propose mitigation

OCD is continuing to review the two collapses that occurred last year and to evaluate existing
brine wells for subsidence and collapse potential. OCD sent out a Brine Well Information
Request form to all brine well operators on August 1, 2008, that required operators to provide
OCD with general information, siting information, well construction information, operations
history, monitoring information, an estimate of the total volume of brine produced, and the
volume of the cavern.

A brine well will collapse when the cavern created by the brine production becomes too large to
support the roof. In 2008, a study on subsidence, sinkholes, and craters above salt caverns
quantified this concept, concluding that a salt cavern generally will not collapse if the ratio
between the cavern diameter and the cavern depth (d/h) is significantly smaller than 2/3.

Based on the information available at this time, OCD has concluded that the following factors
may have contributed to the two collapses that occurred in 2008 by creating a brine well cavern
that could not support its roof:

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Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

Operation of brine wells in shallow salt zones;

Placement of the casing shoe near the top of the salt zone;
Use of the “reverse” circulation configuration; and,
Overproduction of brine, creating a large cavern.

OCD recommends taking the following actions:

OCD should complete its review of all existing brine wells, including plugged and
abandoned wells, shut-in wells, and operational wells, in light of the 2/3 ratio and
prioritize the wells in terms of collapse potential.
Based on its findings, OCD may require appropriate corrective actions. This may
include changes in operation requirements, closure of active wells, monitoring of
sites, and/or site remediation measures.
OCD should re-evaluate existing permit terms, including: use of “reverse”
circulation; use of a diesel oil blanket or pad to prevent dissolution from occurring
at the top of the brine well cavern; plug and abandonment requirements; and
financial assurance requirements.
OCD should evaluate siting, drilling, construction, operation, monitoring, and
closure requirements for new brine wells.


1.1 Geology

Much of southeast New Mexico is underlain by bedded salt. The principal salt-bearing
formation is the Salado Formation, which is part of the late Permian Ochoan Series
(approximately 251 - 260 million years ago). Other formations, including the Rustler and the
Castile Formations, also contain bedded salt, but the Salado Formation is the thickest and most
widespread of the salt-bearing formations. The Salado Formation is the geologic formation into
which nuclear waste is disposed at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP). The Salado
Formation ranges in thickness from zero feet at the western edge of the Delaware Basin to
approximately 2,400 feet in thickness in the central part of the basin. The Salado Formation is
laterally continuous throughout much of southeast New Mexico and operators must drill through
it to reach oil and gas producing zones. Drilling through the Salado Formation using a fresh
water mud system is problematic because the fresh water mud will dissolve the salt zone and
cause the operator to lose circulation. Operators drill through the Salado and other salt bearing
formations using a saturated brine mud that will not dissolve the salt.

1.2 Brine Well Operations in New Mexico

A UIC Class III injection well (brine well) is a solution mining operation in which fresh water is
injected into the salt zone, dissolving the salt, thus creating highly saturated brine. The brine is
produced from the brine well and sold for use in oil and gas drilling operations. Over time, the
salt zone dissolves, resulting in an underground cavern.

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Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

New Mexico has permitted 43 brine wells at 32 brine well facilities. Ten brine wells are
presently active; four were never installed; one was completed but never operated; 26 are
presently plugged, and two have collapsed. All are located in Eddy and Lea Counties (see Figure

Brine well operators employ solution mining techniques to generate the saturated brine that it
sells to the oil and gas operators. Either a new well is drilled for brine operations, or an old oil
and gas well which has been abandoned and which the operator deems to be salvageable for
brine well operations is reentered. Casing is most often set near the top of the salt, usually the
Salado Formation, the drill hole is advanced to near the bottom of the salt, and tubing is set near
the bottom of the hole. Several wellbore configurations have been utilized, including: single
well, single tubing; single well, dual tubing; dual well; and, cased-hole, single tubing systems
(see Figure 4). In a single well system using either a single tubing or dual tubing configuration,
fresh water is pumped into the well bore and brine is extracted. In a dual well system, fresh
water is injected down the tubing in one well and brine is extracted from the tubing in a second

Two circulation methods may be used in dual tubing configurations. In the “normal” circulation
method, fresh water is injected down the tubing and brine is extracted through the annulus, or
outer tubing. In the “reverse” circulation method, fresh water is injected down the annulus and
the brine is extracted through the tubing. The reverse circulation method is more protective of
any fresh water zones above the Salado Formation because in the event of a casing leak, fresh
water would leak into the fresh water zone rather than brine.

The configuration and circulation method used affect the shape of the cavern created by the brine
well operation. A single well system will create a single cavern. A dual well system will
generally create two, linked caverns. Generally, normal circulation leads to a cylindrical cavern,
whereas reverse circulation leads to a cavern that is broad at the top and narrow at the bottom of
the cavern: an inherently weaker structure (see Figure 4).

1.3 Regulatory Overview

Brine wells are classified as “Class III injection wells” by the federal Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), which has established minimum federal requirements for state and tribal
underground injection control (UIC) programs under the Safe Drinking Water Act (see 42 U.S.C.
300f et seq.). States and tribes may apply to EPA for primacy to administer the UIC program.
To obtain primacy, they must demonstrate that their regulations meet or exceed federal
requirements (see 42 U.S.C. 300g-2).

In 1983, EPA granted primacy over Class III brine wells in New Mexico (except for those on
Indian land) to the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC), the Environmental
Improvement Division (now the New Mexico Environment Department), and OCD (see 40 CFR
147.1601). In granting New Mexico primacy, EPA specifically referenced New Mexico’s Water
Quality Act (Chapter 74, Article 6 NMSA 1978). EPA reviews New Mexico’s UIC programs

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Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

New Mexico’s regulations addressing UIC Class III brine wells specified at et seq.
NMAC, were promulgated pursuant to the Water Quality Act, which gives broad powers to the
WQCC to adopt regulations to prevent or abate water pollution, specifically including
regulations requiring persons to obtain permits for the discharge of any water contaminant. The
WQCC has delegated regulatory authority over Class III brine wells to OCD.

EPA’s primary concern under the Safe Drinking Water Act is the protection of underground
sources of drinking water. The federal requirements for injection wells, including brine wells,
focus on “pathways of contamination” - specifically, ways in which fluids can escape the well or
injection horizon and enter underground sources of drinking water. EPA’s UIC program
provides standards, technical assistance and grants to state governments to regulate injection
wells in order to prevent them from contaminating drinking water resources. In general, EPA
requires the operators of Class III wells, including brine wells, to:

Site the well in a location that is free of faults and other geological hazards;
Drill to a depth that allows the injection into formations that do not contain water
that can potentially be used as a source of drinking water and that are isolated
from any formation that may contain water that may potentially be used as a
source of drinking water;
Case and cement brine wells to prevent the migration of fluids into an
underground drinking water source;
Never inject fluid between the outer-most casing and the well bore; and
Test the well casing for integrity at the time of completion and every five years
thereafter; and,
Monitor to assure the integrity of the well.


2.1 Jim’s Water Services (BW-005)

The Jim’s Water Services brine well (BW-005) collapsed on July 16, 2008 (See Figure 4). An
employee driving to the well to perform a site check observed a dust cloud in the area of the
well. When he got out of his truck he noticed a surface crack open and progress toward him. He
immediately left the site as the cavern began collapsing. The initial sinkhole was approximately
40 feet wide. By that afternoon, the surface collapse was approximately 180 feet in diameter.
As of April 2009, the sinkhole was approximately 400 feet across and 120 feet deep. The
sinkhole continues to grow.

BW-005 is located on state trust land approximately 17.3 miles southeast of Artesia in Eddy
County. It is sited about 400 feet north of Hagerman Road (CR 217) and 2.4 miles southwest of
State Highway 360. BW-005 was originally drilled as an oil and gas exploration and production
well in 1955 with cable tools to a total depth of 3909 feet. The well was plugged and abandoned
in 1955. The well was reentered and recompleted as a brine well in 1978.

The Salado Formation was encountered at approximately 397 feet below ground surface (BGS).
BW-005 was operated as a single well system with a single tubing configuration using normal

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Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

circulation until 1986, when it was switched to reverse circulation. No sonar surveys were ever
run to map the cavern. Based on incomplete production data, OCD estimates that the total brine
production at BW-005 was approximately 8 million barrels and that the cavern volume was
approximately 1.3 million barrels.

BW-005 had passed an EPA 5-Year Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT) of the casing in 2007 and
had passed an annual formation MIT of the cavern in 2008. The operator had not noticed any
surficial cracks or fractures before the collapse. The well was active at the time of the collapse.

After the collapse, OCD contacted New Mexico Tech to determine if their seismic array had
picked up signs of the collapse. A seismograph (TA126), located approximately 8 miles
southeast of BW-005, recorded seismic activity approximately six hours before the surface
collapse occurred. The seismic signals are believed to be associated with subsurface spalling and
upward stoping of the brine well cavern roof.

2.2 Loco Hills Water Disposal Service (BW-021)

The Loco Hills Water Disposal Service (BW-021) brine well collapsed on November 3, 2008
(see Figure 5). Workers noticed surficial cracking or fracturing near the well at about 11:30 AM
and immediately prevented access to the area. The collapse occurred at approximately 1:30 PM.
The operator reported that the initial sinkhole was approximately 50 feet across and
approximately 30 feet deep. As of May 2009, the sinkhole was approximately 291 feet across
and as much as 200 feet deep.

BW-021 is located on state trust land 150 feet east of County Road 217 near Loco Hills,
approximately 25 miles east of Artesia in Eddy County. BW-021was originally drilled as an oil
and gas exploration and production well and was converted into a brine production well
approximately 25 years ago. It was operated as a single well system with a single tubing
configuration using reverse circulation. The casing shoe was set at 415 feet BGS above the salt
which occurs at 470 feet BGS. (It is not clear whether the salt was part of the Rustler or Salado
Formation, or both). The production tubing was set at 900 feet BGS. The last sonar log of the
well was completed on February 7, 2001. Based on incomplete production information, OCD
estimates that the total brine production at BW-021 was approximately 8 million barrels and that
the cavern volume was approximately 750,000 barrels.

BW-021 was plugged and abandoned at the time of the collapse and was being visually
monitored for subsidence. The well had failed an annual formation MIT on June 18, 2008 and
OCD had ordered the operator to plug and abandon the well. The well had previously passed a
5-year MIT of the casing in 2006.

After the collapse of BW-021, OCD again contacted New Mexico Tech to determine if their
seismic array had picked up signs of the collapse. The same seismograph (TA126), located
approximately 14 miles south-southwest of BW-021, did not detect any seismic activity before
the well collapsed.

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3.1 General

A brine well cavern will collapse when the cavern becomes too large to support the roof. This
can be expressed in terms of a ratio between the cavern diameter and the thickness of the
overburden or roof. Cratering does not occur when the relation between cavern diameter and the
thickness of the roof is significantly smaller than 2/3 (See Karimi-Jafari, M., P. Berest, and B.
Brouard, 2008, “Subsidence, Sinkholes and Craters above Salt Caverns,” Solution Mining
Institute (SMRI) Spring 2008 Technical Conference, Porto, Portugal).

3.2 Cavern Size

Sonar should be used to map the actual cavern size and location. Where sonar mapping is
unavailable, or impractical, approximate cavern size may be calculated by determining how
much of the salt zone had to be dissolved to create the brine produced by the well. A well with a
long productive life is more likely to have a large cavern than a well with a short productive life.

3.3 Weak Overburden

Shallow salt zone: The salt bearing formations in the Delaware Basin of southeastern New
Mexico occur at very shallow depths (less than 250 feet BGS) at the western edge of the basin
and dip toward the east in the central part of the basin where the salt occurs at depths of more
2000 feet BGS. Brine production techniques that dissolve the upper portion of the salt zone,
such as “reverse” circulation, result in a thinner, weaker overburden.

Placement of the casing shoe: In the two brine wells that collapsed, the casing shoe was set near
the top of the salt zone, rather than being advanced into the salt by a certain amount, such as 100
feet into the salt.

“Reverse” circulation: The two brine wells that collapsed employed “reverse” circulation using
a single tubing configuration. Injection of fresh water down the annulus generally creates a
cavern that is broad on top and narrow at the bottom, an inherently weak configuration. Injection
of the fresh water into the upper part of the cavern, rather than near the bottom of the cavern, will
laterally dissolve the salt, aggressively increasing the size of the roof of the brine well cavern.
Using “reverse” circulation in a well where the casing shoe is placed near the top of the salt
zone, especially where the salt zone is shallow, tends to create a broad, thin, weak overburden.

3.4 Additional Concerns

Lack of Warning: The two cavern collapses in 2008 occurred with little or no advance warning.

Well Siting: The two cavern collapses were located in remote areas. No injuries or loss of life
occurred in the collapses. If a well is located in a populated or developed area, a collapse will
have greater potential for injury, loss of life, and property damage.

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Remediation: OCD is continuing to work with its consultant on what can be done to prevent
collapses from occurring in wells that are at risk for collapse and what corrective measures will
be required from operators.


OCD recommends the following actions, based on its evaluation of brine well operations in New
Mexico, the two brine well collapses in 2008 and the information gained during the Brine Well
Work Group sessions.

4.1 OCD should complete its review of all existing brine wells, including plugged and
abandoned wells, shut-in wells, and operational wells, in light of the 2/3 ratio and prioritize the
wells in terms of collapse potential.

4.2 OCD should evaluate existing information on all brine wells in order to determine cavern
size, shape, and depth, and then prioritize the wells in terms of collapse potential. OCD should
require additional information from operators to complete this study, either through existing
permit terms or by modifying permits to add the following requirements:

Operators should conduct sonar testing through the full extent of the cavity from
top to bottom within six months of permit modification to document the size and
configuration of the cavern.
Operators should submit comprehensive historical injection and production
reports with monthly and annual production totals and estimate the volume of the
cavern within six months of permit modification to compare with the sonar
Operators should propose criteria that will enable them to determine the
“Maturity” of their brine operations to determine when they must stop production
and either modify or terminate their permit.
Operators should precisely monitor the actual injection volume of fresh water
versus brine produced on a daily basis and notify OCD if the differential exceeds
an amount to be determined to complement the annual MITs and to help identify a
potential leak in the system.

4.3 Require Corrective Actions on Wells

OCD will examine each brine well on a case-by-case basis to determine if corrective action is
required. Corrective action may include changes in operation, closure of active wells,
monitoring of sites, and/or site remediation measures.

OCD should require operators to cease operations if they cannot demonstrate that the brine well
has a certain width to overburden thickness ratio; for example, less than or equal to 0.50 at any
time during the operation of the well. For example, the cavern associated with a well with its
casing shoe set at 1000 feet BGS, shall not exceed a diameter of 500 feet. In addition, OCD
should not allow the maximum cavern roof diameter to exceed 200 feet.

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OCD has already taken action on one brine well, which it determined posed the greatest risk of
collapse, located within the city limits of Carlsbad. After the first collapse, OCD convinced the
operator to cease it brine well operations on July 22, 2008. On April 22, 2009, the Carlsbad
operator ceased its trucking operations at the site after discussions with OCD. OCD and its
contractor are in the process of installing a subsidence monitoring system and early warning
system and are investigating methods for mapping the cavern and possible remediation.

4.4 Re-evaluate Existing Permit Terms

OCD may consider modifying existing permits. Possible modifications include:

Requiring “normal” circulation. OCD has already contacted operators using

“reverse” circulation and requested that they switch to “normal” circulation.
Specifying technical standards to prevent dissolution from occurring at the top of
the brine well cavern, such as cavern configuration, casing, tubing, and requiring
a diesel oil blanket or pad.
At time of closure, OCD may require operator to keep the cavern full of brine
fluid and to monitor the pressure head for anomalous pressure changes. OCD
may require operators to implement a post-closure subsidence monitoring
program. OCD will examine its previous plugging and abandonment
requirements in light of the research conducted by the Solution Mining Research
Increase financial assurance requirements to better address monitoring and
remediation issues.

4.5 Consider Siting, Drilling, Construction, Operation, Monitoring and Closure

Requirements for New Brine Wells.

Operational issues that would impact new brine wells include:

Siting and setbacks;

Area of review to assess the potential for “thief” zones and the potential for
accidental de-watering;
Establishing minimum depth to top of salt;
Establish minimum depth for setting the casing shoe;
Specify maximum brine production volume and life-of-well limits; and,
Establish minimum distance between brine well caverns.


The UIC program which regulates brine wells is designed to protect underground sources of
drinking water. The issue of subsidence and/or collapse of a brine well cavern has not been
recognized by OCD or EPA as a major problem. Therefore, OCD must change its focus and
address issues for which it does not yet have answers. For example, with the situation that exists
in Carlsbad, OCD finds itself confronted with a major challenge that the UIC program does not
address. First, and most importantly, OCD must attempt to mitigate any catastrophic collapse at

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the Carlsbad brine well facility to protect human life and property. OCD should also identify
other brine well facilities that pose a risk for catastrophic subsidence or collapse and address
these sites individually.

In the future, OCD must evaluate the dual issues presented by permitting brine wells so as to
protect ground water quality as required by the UIC program while preventing brine well
subsidence and/or collapse. To move forward, OCD must strike an appropriate balance between
protecting water quality and ensuring that brine well operations do not pose a risk to human life
and property.

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Bill Richardson
Mark Fesmire
Joanna Prukop
Division Director
Cabinet Secretary
Oil Conservation Division
Reese Fullerton
Deputy Cabinet Secretary

November 14, 2008 NEWS RELEASE

Contact: Jodi McGinnis Porter,
Public Information Officer 505.476.3226

Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Cabinet Secretary Prukop Orders a Six
Month Moratorium on New Brine Wells
Oil Conservation Division to Investigate Brine Well Collapses and Provide Recommendations

SANTA FE, NM – Secretary Joanna Prukop today ordered the Oil Conservation Division to place a six
month moratorium on any new brine well applications located in geologically sensitive areas.
Secretary Prukop’s action comes following the second brine well collapse in less than four months in
southeastern New Mexico. The Secretary has also directed the Oil Conservation Division to work with
the Environmental Protection Agency, other states, technical experts and oil and gas industry
representatives to examine the causes of recent collapses, and provide a report with
recommendations to the Oil Conservation Commission for a safe path forward. The report should be
completed by May 1, 2009.

“I am deeply concerned by these two serious incidents and we are taking action to ensure the safety
of our citizens and to protect the environment,” stated Secretary Prukop.

Brine wells are an essential part of the oil and gas drilling industry, particularly in the southeastern part
of the state. Oil and gas operators use brine water in the drilling process. Brine is saturated salt water
which can be more salty than sea water. Brine is created by injecting fresh water into salt formations,
allowing the water to absorb the salt and then pumping it out of the well. This method creates an
underground cavity.

“The moratorium will provide time to properly evaluate the causes of the recent collapses and to
discuss the development of new rules or guidelines to ensure the safety and stability of brine well
systems,” added Secretary Prukop.

The moratorium will only affect new wells and will not impact existing wells and facilities.

Below are photographs of the two recent collapses:

November 14, 2008
Page 2

Loco Hills brine well collapse, morning, November 7, 2008, sinkhole with fresh water pond in foreground.
Photo courtesy of Oil Conservation Division

Loco Hills brine well collapse, morning, November 7, 2008 sinkhole.

Photo courtesy of Oil Conservation Division
November 14, 2008
Page 3

Loco Hills brine well collapse, morning, November 7, 2008 status of fresh water pond.
Photo courtesy of Oil Conservation Division

Artesia brine well collapse, morning, July 20, 2008 at 10:44 am.
Photo courtesy of National Cave and Karst Research Institute
November 14, 2008
Page 4

Artesia brine well collapse morning, July 22, 2008

Photo courtesy of National Cave and Karst Research Institute


The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department provides resource protection
and renewable energy resource development services to the public and other state agencies.

Oil Conservation Division

1220 South St. Francis Drive ▪ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Phone (505) 476-3440 ▪ Fax (505) 476-3462 ▪
Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009




Page 11
(Updated: 3/31/2009)
New Mexico Oil Conservation Division
UIC Class III Brine Well Evaluation Work Group
Porter Hall (Wendell Chino Bldg.)
1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87505
March 26-27, 2009
(8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)


Thursday, March 26, 2009

8:00 - 8:10 a.m. Welcoming remarks: OCD Director Mark Fesmire or EMNRD
Secretary Joanna Prukop.

8:10 - 8:15 a.m. NMOCD introduction: OCD Environmental Bureau Jim Griswold
states purpose and goal of the work group.

8:15 - 8:30 a.m. Work group members introduction: Members briefly state
interest in serving on the work group; and what he/she hopes to
bring to the table.

8:30 - 8:50 a.m. Shallow geology & hydrology of the Delaware/Permian Basin
in SE NM (Glenn von Gonten- OCD/ Richard Beauheim- SNL)

8:50 - 9:05 a.m. A history of brine well operation & regulation in NM (Jim
Griswold- OCD)

9:05 - 10:00 a.m. Recent brine well collapses in NM & case studies (Jim
Griswold- OCD) Jims Water Service SE of Artesia on 7/16/2008 &
Loco Hills Disposal E of Artesia on 11/3/2008

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Break

10:15 – 10:35 a.m. Federal discussion (Ray Leissner- EPA)

10:35– 11:15 a.m. Potential impacts to the WIPP Site? (Chuck Byrum- EPA &
Russ Patterson- DOE) Slide show of subsurface facilities relative
to the oil field activities in the region; associated regulatory
requirements; and any other relevant issues.

11:15 – 11:45 a.m. Sonar Testing in Bedded Salt (Jason McCartney- SOCON
Sonar Well Services, Inc.)

11:45 - Noon Developing a research plan to evaluate existing brine wells &
to assess potential risk of collapse (George Veni (NCKRI)

Noon – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:00 – 1:30 p.m. Potash Well Siting, Construction & Operation (Richard Miller-
Intrepid Potash)

1:30 – 2:00 p.m. Class II Hydrocarbon Storage Wells- Western Refining L.P.
Siting, construction & operation. Should these types of wells be
considered similar to Class III brine wells for potential collapse?

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Current OCD discharge permit requirements for Class II HC
Storage & Class III Brine Wells (Carl Chavez- OCD)
Display of OCD discharge permits and current requirements

3:00 – 3:15 a.m. Break

3:15 – 4:00 p.m. Brine well strategy/talking points (Carl Chavez- OCD)

4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Miscellaneous (Work Group)

4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Work Group Summary

Friday, March 27, 2009

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Siting Criteria (Work Group)

Proximity of populated development
Proximity of public roadways
Proximity of utilities including water supply wells
Oil & gas production
Potash mining (Hugh Harvey)
Other brine wells/caverns
WIPP (Chuck Byrum)
Other infrastructure
Disposition of protectable ground water
Thickness of salt ore layer

9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Construction Characteristics (Loren Molleur)

Re-entry of former oil and gas wells
Thickness and lithology of overburden
Borehole geophysical logging
Well Materials
Casing penetration into salt
Cementation of casing
Multi-well operation

9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Operations (Mark Cartwright)

Tubing placement
On-site pumping of fresh water
Modes of fresh water injection/brine extraction
Production pressures and rates
Operational lifetime
Closure including possible backfilling of cavern with solid materials

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Break

10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Monitoring (Work Group)

Subsidence monitoring
Mechanical integrity testing of casing and cavern (Wayne Price)
Surface assessment
Geophysical methods for determination of cavern size and geometry (Andreas
Groundwater quality monitoring

10:45 – 11:15 a.m. Plug & Abandonment (Work Group)

Fill brine cavern w/ brine water & cement casing to surface
11:15 – Noon Collapse Response (James Rutley- BLM)
Pre-positioning of emergency materials
Immediate public safety
Longer term restriction of access
Property damage (Thaddeus Kostrubala)
Groundwater contamination (Lewis Land)

Noon – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:00 – 1:30 p.m. NM Class III Brine Well Regulations (Carl Chavez- OCD)
WQCC 20.6.2 NMAC

1:30 – 2:00 p.m. TX Class III Brine Well Regulations (Jim Griswold- OCD)
Chapter 3: Oil and Gas Division, Rule 3.81

2:30 – 3:00 p.m. KS Class III Brine Well Draft Regulations (Jim Griswold- OCD)
Article 46 - Underground Injection Control Regulations

3:00 – 3:15 p.m. Break

3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Suggestions for NM Regulations or Guidelines based on

WQCC 20.6.2 NMAC (Work Group)

3:45 – 4:00 p.m. Work Group Members from Industry w/ Work Group

4:00 – 4:15 p.m. Work Group Members from the Federal Government w/ Work

4:15 – 4:30 p.m. Work Group Members from the State of NM w/ Work Group

4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Work Group Summary & Thank you

(Work Group members who provided e-mail addresses will be
included on any draft electronic draft documents, regulations,
report, etc. that may follow from our meeting.
Work Group Biographies

Richard Beauheim (WIPP): Richard Beauheim is a Distinguished Member of Technical

Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and is currently Lead Hydrologist for the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico. From 1984 to 1996, he was the
Principal Investigator for the hydrogeological characterization of the WIPP site. He is
now coordinating and directing hydrogeologic field studies and hydrology-related
performance assessment activities related to the recertification of WIPP. He is an
expert on the geology and hydrology of the Delaware Basin, and has several decades’
experience with drilling and testing of wells in that area.

Chuck Byrum (EPA): is an environmental scientist with the EPA Office of Radiation
and Indoor Air in Washington, DC. He has been involved with WIPP performance
assessment in multiple capacities, including waste characterization and WIPP technical
lead as well as conducting other general technical reviews of WIPP and regulations
development since 1993. Since the WIPP certification decision, he has been the
Technical Lead working on WIPP performance assessment, WIPP site continued
compliance of Subpart A, and monitoring programs and is leading the effort to prepare
for the second re-certification in 2009. Before coming to EPA he worked for almost
fifteen years in oil exploration, first will Shell Oil and finally with Meridian Oil.

Carl Chavez (NMOCD): is an Environmental Engineer (August 2005 to present) with

the Environmental Bureau, Oil Conservation Division, Energy, Mineral & Natural
Resources Department in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He graduated from New Mexico State
University with a bachelor’s degree in Geological Sciences and a minor in Economics in
1986. He attended the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California, in
the Mechanical Engineering-Petroleum Option Program. He has been the permit writer
and inspector for oil & gas refineries in New Mexico. He led the NMOCD’s primacy
initiative for the NPDES and storm water program. He served as the NMOCD’s Quality
Assurance/Quality Control Officer and as inspector for the NMOCD UIC Program in
New Mexico. He has provided technical assistance and testified as an expert witness at
NMOCD environmental regulatory hearings.

He worked as an Environmental Scientist/Specialist (March 2004 to August 2005) for

the New Mexico Environment Department, Hazardous Waste Bureau, Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant (WIPP) Group in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He evaluated hydrogeologic and/or
ground water detection monitoring reports from WIPP for compliance with the WIPP
Permit; EPA ground water monitoring requirements; and RCRA hazardous waste
regulations. He lead comprehensive groundwater monitoring evaluations of field
environmental sampling procedures and methods; five-year regulatory review of the
WIPP Permit and ground water monitoring program; assessments, investigations and
cleanup actions; evaluations of air ventilation monitoring reports, head space gas
sampling of waste drums and other technical permit related projects. He participated in
RCRA waste characterization audits/inspections with the USEPA and Carlsbad
Technical Assistance Group at hazardous waste generator facilities across the U.S. to
confirm compliance with hazardous waste provisions of the WIPP Permit, i.e., Waste
Analysis Plan, Waste Acceptance Criteria, etc.

He spent from 1989 to 2004 working for the Michigan Department of Natural
Resources-DNR (which later became the Department of Environmental Quality-DEQ) in
Lansing, Michigan.

Mike Cochran (Chief Geologist for Kansas Department of Health and

Environment): has been instrumental and provided information regarding the state of
Kansas' issues with sodium brine well failures and remediation efforts.

Daniel Ferguson (DOE): Oversees the activities related to the hydrology program at
the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Site. Provides technical oversight of the
hydrology program to ensure the integration and coordination of work activities of the
management and operating contractor and Sandia National Laboratories.

Jim Griswold (NMOCD):

David Herrell (BLM): I was born in Carlsbad, NM in 1955. Graduated from Carlsbad
High School in 1973, and New Mexico State University, with a Bachelor of Geological
Science, in 1980. Served in the United States Army and attended Officer's Candidate
School where he received a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. He served in various
staff and command positions and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after 26 years of
service. After retirement from the military, he was employed by the State of New
Mexico as a patrolman with the New Mexico State Police, where he served for 8 years.
While in the New Mexico State Police, he served as an Emergency Response Officer
(ERO) and handled numerous hazardous materials spills and other incidents. He is
now employed by the Bureau of Land Management as the Hazardous Materials
Specialist and Safety Officer for the Carlsbad Field Office. I was involved in the Incident
Command Center at both of the recent brine well collapses in southeast New Mexico.
He has an understanding of the basic geology of the area and the processes
associated with these collapses.
Courtney Herrick (SNL): I am in the technical lead for the geotechnical / rock
mechanics group down here at Sandia National Laboratories Carlsbad Field Office,
4100 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM. I have been working here at WIPP for 4
years. We are presently poking around with some rock mechanics models.
Dave Hughes (Washington Regulatory and Environmental Science- WRES): has
an extensive knowledge of the Delaware Basin of New Mexico and West Texas and
maintains the Geographic Information System for the Department of Energy’s Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant. Also attached is the background information for Mr. Russ Patterson
with the DOE Carlsbad Field Office.

Brad Jones: (NMOCD): is an environmental engineer with the Oil Conservation

Division’s Environmental Bureau since July 2006. My primary duties include the review
of permit applications, permit modifications, and closure plans under Part 17 (the pit
rule) and Part 36 (the surface waste management rule); review of ground water and
hydrostatic test discharge permit applications, modifications, and renewals under the Oil
and Gas Act and Water Quality Control Commission regulations; and training and
outreach on Part 17, Part 36 and discharge permits. Currently, my focus has been in
the creation of rules and policies and training staff, operators, consultants, and the
public of the implementation of new environmental rules. He holds a Bachelor of
Science degree in Environmental Health Science from the University of Georgia. He
has over 10 years of environmental regulatory experience, mainly as a regulator but
also some in industry.

Prior to joining the Oil Conservation Division (OCD) he worked as an Environmental

Specialist in the Solid Waste Bureau – Permit Section of the New Mexico Environment
Department for approximately four years. He was involved in the permitting of landfills,
solid waste facilities. He oversaw ground water monitoring programs and investigations
for those facilities. Prior to that he worked as an Environmental Specialist I in the
Florida Department of Health, where he designed, permitted, inspected and approved
on-site sewage systems. For a short period, He worked as an Environmental Scientist
for Redemption Environmental, Inc., a small consulting firm in Tampa, Florida where he
performed site investigations, remediation programs, and cleanups of underground
storage tank contamination sites. He worked as an Environmental Health Specialist II
for the Island County Health Department in Coupeville, Washington, under a state
granted funded position that involved overseeing solid waste programs, voluntary
cleanup programs, investigations of contaminated sites, and the cleanup of meth lab
sites. He worked as an Environmental Specialist I at the Florida Department of Health
where I oversaw the implementation of several environmental programs.

Ross Kirkes (DOE): Mr. Kirkes provides environmental consulting services, primarily
to DOE contractors and laboratories. He supports the development of compliance
demonstrations and applications and he has provided significant input to the
implementation of programs to ensure ongoing compliance with the provisions of
environmental regulatory approvals. Mr. Kirkes has over 15 years negotiating
compliance issues with various environmental regulatory agencies for the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Mr. Kirkes was instrumental in
the development and production of the demonstration of compliance that led to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification of the WIPP. Mr. Kirkes combines
his regulatory experience and knowledge of the regional petroleum industry to ensure
that future human activities such as petroleum and potash exploitation are accurately
represented in WIPP performance demonstrations and assessments.

Ray Leissner (EPA): Graduated from Sam Houston State University with a B. S. in Ag
Business in 1976. Ray entered the field of underground injection control in 1984
working for the Railroad Commission (RRC) of Texas in Austin while attending class at
the University of Texas. Ray graduated with a B. S. degree in Petroleum Engineering
from the University in 1986 and worked full time at the RRC until 1988 wherein he
accepted a position with the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas.
Initially working in the Region's direct implementation UIC program for the Osage
Mineral Reserve in Osage county Oklahoma, Ray is now senior program manager in
the Region's State UIC oversight program. This position involves him with all of the
state UIC programs in the Region and he directly oversees the RRC.

Lewis Land (NCKRI & New Mexico Tech.): Is a hydrologist with the New Mexico
Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, and the National Cave and Karst Research
Institute in Carlsbad, NM. He has an extensive background and publication record in
sinkhole research. He recently completed a manuscript documenting geophysical
records of the Loco Hills brine well collapse, which will be published later this spring in a
conference proceedings volume of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to
Engineering and Environmental Problems. He has been conducting aerial surveys of
the two collapsed sinkholes and has accumulated a large number of photographs
displaying their growth over the past few months.

Richard Miller (Intrepid Potash): Has worked for Intrepid Potash in Denver with Hugh
Harvey since 2001. His duties include assisting Hugh with design, permitting,
construction, and operation of 12 Class III injection wells in Moab that are used for
injection/extraction of solution mining fluids.

Loren R. Molleur (Key): Grew up in Tatum, New Mexico. Graduated from high school
in 1966. Attended New Mexico Junior College in Hobbs, New Mexico in 1968-1969.
Worked for Amoco Production Company from 1970-81. Started with Amoco in Artesia,
New Mexico in 1970 working in the Empire Abo Gas Plant. Transferred to Hobbs, New
Mexico in 1973 and worked for the production group until transferring to Andrews,
Texas in 1976. While in Andrews, I worked with the production group as well as the
drilling and work over group. I retired from Amoco in January of 1981 and went into the
trucking business. Was co-owner of L & L Trucking Company from 1981 until it was sold
in October of 1997 Work for Key Energy managing their trucking business in the
Permian Basin and New Mexico for the past 7-8 years.

Russ Patterson (DOE): Is the Compliance Certification Manager and works closely
with the Environmental Protection Agency and is very knowledgeable about the geology
of the Delaware Basin and also EPA’s Environmental Regulations.

Wayne Price (NMOCD): Is the Environmental Bureau Chief of the Oil Conservation
Division, Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department in Santa Fe, New Mexico
(1993-present). He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from
New Mexico State University in 1969. He worked in the NMOCD Hobbs District office
as an environmental engineer, witnessing and evaluating mechanical integrity tests
(MIT’s) for EPA Class II and III wells, maintained files for discharge permits, processed
C-141 spill reports, and C-138 waste management approvals. He inspected NMOCD-
regulated facilities, collected soil and water samples, performed well logging, processed
APDs, analyzed lab reports, reviewed and evaluated remediation plans, and provided
training to industry on NMOCD rules, regulations and guidelines. As the Environmental
Bureau Chief, he has managed bureau staff in their duties: oversight, inspection, and
permitting of the state’s oil refineries, crude oil pump stations, EPA UIC Class I (oilfield
exempt, non-exempt non-hazardous waste disposal well), II (hydrocarbon storage), III
(brine well), and V (geothermal well), gas plants, gas compressor stations, oilfield
service companies, and the management of over 400 active remediation and abatement
plans throughout the state. He has served as a technical expert witness concerning
environmental and regulatory issues including evaluation and use of vadose zone and
ground water modeling. He has served in the New Mexico Water Quality Control
Commission that presides over the state’s water rules and regulations.

He worked for Unichem International from 1983 to 1993 where he was manager of
engineering and environmental projects for Unichem’s domestic operations. He
provided project oversight, maintained cost controls, prepared budgets and supervised
technical employees for engineering and environmental operations throughout the
continental United States. Projects included the design, construction, start-up of
chemical plants, abatement of contaminated sites, and environmental permitting. He
implemented environmental best management practices and waste management
policies for Unichem’s company-wide operations. He also created a permit tracking
system for all ground water discharge, air quality, NPDES, storm water, SPCC, RCRA,
and local permits. He also worked in the oil field as a roustabout and drilling rig
roughneck during summers when he was not attending college.

James Rutley (BLM): I was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1964. Graduated from Roswell
Goddard High School in 1983 and New Mexico State University in 1989 with a Bachelor
of Science in Geology. Worked two years in the Permian Basin as a mud logger before
beginning a career in potash. After 15 years, resigned from Mosaic as a Surface
Production General Foreman to pursue work at the BLM. Works as a BLM geologist in
the Carlsbad Field Office and am responsible for performing potash mine inspections
and sodium site inspections. Wrote mineral reports and permit APD's in the potash
basin. After the first sink hole on Hagerman Cutoff, Dave Herrell and I began
researching all federal sodium wells both abandoned and current- mapping their
relationship to municipal and transportation systems. Identified several potential wells
that could have catastrophic consequences because of their proximity to both systems.

Dan Snow (Lotus L.L.C.): sdfc

George Veni (NCKRI): is the Executive Director of the National Cave and Karst Research
Institute (NCKRI) and an internationally recognized hydrogeologist specializing in caves
and karst terrains. He received his Master’s degree from Western Kentucky University in
1985 and his Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University in 1994. Prior to NCKRI, he
owned and served as principal investigator of George Veni and Associates for more than
20 years. Much of his work has been in Texas, but he has also conducted extensive karst
research throughout the United States and in several other countries. He has served as
the Executive Secretary of the National Speleological Society’s Section of Cave Geology
and Geography for 11 years and President of the Texas Speleological Survey for 13
years, and has served as a member of the governing board of the International Union of
Speleology since 2002 and as Chairman of the 15th International Congress of Speleology.
He serves as a doctoral committee advisor for geological and biological dissertations at
The University of Texas and teaches karst geoscience courses as an adjunct professor for
Western Kentucky University. Three cave-dwelling species have been named in his honor.
He has published and presented over 170 papers, including four books, on hydrogeology,
biology, and environmental management in karst terrains.

Glenn von Gonten (NMOCD): is a Senior Hydrologist with the Environmental Bureau,
New Mexico Oil Conservation Division, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources
Department. He has a B.S. in Geology from Texas A&M University and a M.S. in
Geology from the University of Texas at Arlington. He has more than 30 years of
experience as a geologist and has worked as an environmental regulator responsible
for the investigation and remediation of contamination sites for the past 14 years. His
responsibilities with the NMOCD include: supervising, reviewing, and approving
professional hydrogeologic investigative work plans and reports to determine actual or
potential threats to ground water from the past, current or proposed activities of oil and
gas industry; supervising, reviewing, and approving remediation and abatement plans
and reports; and, performing professional hydrologic, geologic, and engineering work
related to the NMOCD's environmental protection efforts under the Oil and Gas Act and
NMOCD rules and regulations.
From 1999 to 2005, he supervised staff in permitting and overseeing corrective action at
RCRA regulated U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) installations and sites in the
Hazardous Waste Bureau of the New Mexico Environment Department. From 1993 to
1999, he issued RCRA permits with corrective action requirements in the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality. From 1977 to 1991, he worked in the oil and gas
industry as a geologist.

Veronica Waldram was raised in Carlsbad, NM. Earned a Bachelor of Science degree
in Environmental Management from College of the Southwest (now named, University
of the Southwest). Currently a Regulatory Compliance Specialist for Navarro Research
and Engineering. Navarro is a technical assistance contractor to the Department of
Energy, Carlsbad Field Office. Review the managing and operating contractor’s
regulatory reports and documents for environmental compliance. Before Navarro,
worked as a subcontractor to Los Alamos National Laboratory-Carlsbad Operations.
Was a member of the Site Generator Interface Team that assisted the National TRU
Program with their activities at 23 DOE facilities throughout the United States. We
assisted in certifying the characterization, treatment, packaging and transportation
programs of TRU waste destined for disposal at WIPP.

Gary Wallace (CRI- Hobbs, NM): sdsd

Work Group:
Internet Work Group:
Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009


Page 12
Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

Figure 1: Jim’s Water Services brine well (BW-005) on August 26, 2008.
Photo courtesy of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute.
Page 13
Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

Figure 2: Loco Hill’s Water Disposal Company (BW-021) on November 18, 2008.
Photo courtesy of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute.

Page 14
Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

Figure 3: Brine Wells in New Mexico sorted by depth to top of salt and length of operations.

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Brine Well Collapse Evaluation Report June 18, 2009

Figure 4: Normal vs. Reverse Circulation.

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