Red Hill Lawsuit - Feindt v. USA
Red Hill Lawsuit - Feindt v. USA
Red Hill Lawsuit - Feindt v. USA
When four-year old I.W. has to explain what happened to her, why the
“butterfly” in her neck is swollen, and her hair falls out, and the blood draws make
her cry, she tells them, “It’s because I drank the bad water.” It’s the same reason
There are hundreds of additional claims in the administrative process of the
Federal Tort Claims Act, including civilians. Every person who ingested water
contaminated by Red Hill was harmed in some capacity by the negligence of the
United States. They will be added to this lawsuit when their claims are ripe for
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that pain radiates up and down Patrick Feindt’s abdomen and flank as the former
professional golfer heads in for a surgery, five medical procedures down. It’s the
same reason Nastasia Freeman spent her family savings to get off the island but
still experiences multiple seizures a day that leaves her waking up with her mouth
bloody and her mind blank. It’s the same reason Jamie Simic weighs less than 98
pounds and tells her children the things they need to know when she passes. They
family members, and civilians relied on the government for safe water on the
island of O`ahu, the Navy harbored toxic secrets. As the Feindt, Freeman, Simic,
and Wyatt families and too many others like them would discover, the water they
knew all along. In at least two separate incidents, May 6 and November 20, 2021,
United States personnel at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility made negligent
errors that released jet fuel and other toxic contaminants directly into the Navy
water line. While the government failed to disclose the contamination as required
by federal law, these families continued to ingest and immerse themselves in the
toxic water.
compounded the families’ suffering. First, Navy leadership denied and dismissed
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their concerns. The families’ questions and concerns were ignored or minimized.
Then the Navy denied the families even the most basic standard of care when they
turned to military medical providers for help. Military facilities recorded symptoms
but failed to run standard labs to check liver function, kidney function, and
complete blood count. Even now, as the families’ medical bills and home-related
expenses mount, the United States has offered them no environmental health care.
The Feindt, Freeman, Simic, and Wyatt families were forced to evacuate
their homes to stay in hotels for months. Then they were forced to move back into
those contaminated homes, only to immediately get sick again. Ultimately, each
family evacuated a second time to seek refuge off the island of O`ahu. But their
health nightmares continue. As of the date of filing, the once-healthy adults and
disorders, neurological issues, burns, rashes, lesions, thyroid abnormalities (in two
specialists. In each family, at least one adult has had to leave their employment,
leave military service, or suffer other adverse professional actions as they and their
family attempt to get well. And these families rightly fear this is only the
beginning. They now are more vulnerable to a variety of conditions going forward.
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The Federal Tort Claims Act offers a legal remedy. Those who have been
harmed by the negligence of the United States are entitled to compensation for the
harm. And, indeed, this case is what the Federal Tort Claims Act was designed for.
The case arises out of the negligence by the United States of America and its
agencies that caused the poisoning of the water supply with jet fuel at Red Hill,
Hawai`i on or about May 6 and November 20, 2021, and failed to provide
and as Next Friend to his minor children P.G.F. and P.R.F., Nastasia Freeman,
individually, and as Next Friend to her minor children, K.F., D.F., and N.F., Jamie
Simic, individually, and as Next Friend to her minor children, M.S. and J.S., and
Ariana Wyatt, individually, and as Next Friend to her minor child, I.W., JANE and
JOHN DOES 1-1000, and as Next Friends to their minor children, bring this
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PARTIES ...................................................................................................................1
C. The Safe Drinking Water Act and EPA regulations required the Navy to
warn. .............................................................................................................11
D. After the blast, the Navy failed to warn residents of the danger..................13
E. The Navy did not announce the leak until December 2, 2021—
twelve days after the blast. ...........................................................................15
F. The Navy itself accepted responsibility for the blast and failure
to warn. .........................................................................................................16
G. The Navy knew it was not safely operating the Red Hill fuel
tank system. ..................................................................................................17
H. The Navy’s “flushing” and other cleanup efforts added insult to injury
for affected families and compounded the toxic harm. ................................20
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NO EXCEPTIONS APPLY.....................................................................................49
DAMAGES ..............................................................................................................53
PRAYER ..................................................................................................................54
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Claims Act, Title 28, U.S.C §§ 1346(b), 2671, et seq., against the United States of
the plaintiffs.
and previously resided in Hawai`i within the jurisdiction of this Court during acts
and previously resided in Hawai`i within the jurisdiction of this Court during acts
previously resided in Hawai`i within the jurisdiction of this Court during acts or
6. Each plaintiff resided in a home with water provided by the Red Hill
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shaft that was owned and operated by the United States Department of the Navy
United States personnel at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (Red Hill Facility)
made negligent errors that released thousands of gallons of jet fuel and other
contaminants into the drinking water of families on the Navy water line on the
island of O`ahu. Because government personnel then failed to disclose those leaks
as required, the plaintiffs continued to ingest jet fuel and became sick from that
government doctors provided medical care far below the standard of care. The
plaintiffs continue to suffer from severe illness, inconvenience, trauma, and fear.
9. The needless and foreseeable leaks at the Red Hill Facility were
foresaw and passed laws to avoid precisely this harm, and the Navy is and was
bound by specific statutes, regulations, orders, and decrees that were ignored or
violated. The specific nature and extent of those violations will be further
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10. The Navy owns and operates the Red Hill Facility on the island of
O`ahu, Hawai`i to maintain strategic fuel reserves in the Pacific. The facility has
been operational since 1943 and consists of 20 steel-lined tanks that measure 100
feet in diameter, 250 feet high, and can hold 12.5 million gallons of fuel each.
Altogether, these underground storage tanks can store up to 250 million gallons of
fuel. The tanks are connected to three pipelines that run 2.5 miles through a
11. The Red Hill Facility currently stores and dispenses at least three
types of fuels – necessary for powering military assets but toxic if imbibed by
humans. Fuels currently stored in the tanks include marine diesel for ships and two
types of jet fuel, Jet Propellant-5 (JP-5) and Jet Propellant-8 (JP-8). “Chemicals of
12. EPA Region 9 is responsible for monitoring the Red Hill Facility and
13. The Navy also owns and operates a water system that pumps water
and facilities associated with Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH), including
military housing that is run as a public-private venture. Three wells supply the
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Navy’s drinking water system: the Red Hill Shaft, Navy Aiea-Halawa Shaft, and
Waiawa Shaft.
14. The Red Hill Facility sits 100 feet above an aquifer that supplies
Government employee at Red Hill failed to follow the required valve opening and
closing sequence and released what the Navy then said was approximately 1,618
gallons of jet fuel. An initial command investigation determined that this failure
was due to “operator error” – a breach of the standard of care and safety protocol.
This safety violation was not discretionary and involved no weighing of policy
16. The Navy then claimed the majority of the fuel had been recovered
and denied that the leak contaminated any drinking water. But at a December 22,
the estimate of the amount spilled from 1,600 gallons to 19,000 gallons.
17. The Navy identified the root cause of the May 6 incident to be a
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as well as several other factors, all of which could have been prevented by proper
Gordie Meyer and Albert Hornyak, United States Navy, explained what happened.
Captain Hornyak noted that, “[e]rrors on the part of the Red Hill system operator
was the primary cause of the release… Specifically, the system operator not
clos[ing] all of the valves as specified in the Operations Order before beginning a
fuel transfer.” Interview with Navy Capts. Gordie Meyer and Bert Kornyak,
men clarified that the acts were committed by government employees, not
contractors, with Captain Meyer stating, “The 6 May event was by operators who
and updated to proper working order, and clear instructions to follow the existing
rules set forth by the Department of Defense. The operators of the Red Hill facility
did not implement the corrective actions outlined in the Mitigations Report. The
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November 2021.
20. In the meantime, evidence mounted that the May event contaminated
the plaintiffs’ water. After the May 6 release event, tests at the Red Hill Shaft
Exhibit D24, Dept. of Health v. U.S. Dept. of Navy, Dkt. No. 21-UST-EA-02 (Dec.
21. The Navy did not reveal these elevated test results to the state for
months according to state environmental health officials. Alex Horton and Karoun
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Demirjian, Military families say they were ill months before jet-fuel leak brought
scrutiny to Pearl Harbor’s tap water, WASH. POST (Dec. 21, 2021),
contamination/. “This is an early warning sign of something going on. And yet the
[health] department was not aware of it, which is a concern,” said one such official,
Felix Grange. Id. Following the May spill, many families showed up at hospitals to
operating a train cart negligently struck a fire suppression discharge pipe that
contained thousands of gallons of fuel and water from the May 6 error. The
damage triggered a catastrophic spill that injected jet fuel into the Red Hill well,
23. Although the Navy initially claimed that there was no video coverage
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Civil Beat, Fuel Leak at the Navy’s Red Hill Facility Nov. 20, 2021, Youtube,
24. Admiral Samuel Paparo, USN, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,
January 20, 2022, and on June 6, 2022, by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. The
report broadly confirmed the findings of the first investigation. S.J. Paparo, First
encl: Command Investigation into the 6 May 2021 and 20 November 2021
Incidents at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, (Jan. 20, 2022),
25. The report confirmed the Navy’s culpability under the FTCA for both
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incidents. “The Navy is responsible for the 6 May 2021 and 20 November 2021
fuel spills at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility . . . and subsequent water
contamination,” the Cavanaugh Report reads. “[H]uman error was the primary
cause” of both fuel spills “which led to as much as 3,322 gallons2 of fuel
26. The human errors (negligence) were further delineated in the Findings
Finding of Fact 41: “On 6 May, 2021, Red Hill operators improperly
executed a fuel transfer procedure, resulting in two piping joint ruptures
and subsequent JP-5 fuel spill. Although unknown at the time, a fire
suppression system sump pump transferred most of the fuel [up to
16,999 gallons] into a retention line, where it remained until 20
Finding of Fact 174: “On 20 November 2021, the Red Hill over
inadvertently struck a fire suppression system retention line drain valve
with the passenger cart of a train, cracking the PVC pipe near Adit 3.
Although not known at the time, this retention line contained up to
16,999 gallons of JP-5 fuel from the 6 May spill. A portion of his fuel
was released to the environment and ultimately entered the Red Hill
well and the Navy water distribution system.” Appendix C notes: “A
total of 3,322 gallons of remain unaccounted for, and some or all of that
fuel contaminated the Red Hill well and Navy water distribution
Opinion 1: “The proximate cause of the fuel spill on 6 May 2021 was
human error. The [Control Room Operator] and pump operator took
intentional shortcuts when transitioning between procedures. Their
improper valve operations resulted in drawing a vacuum in the JP-5
line, then rapidly pressurizing it. This pressure surge caused mechanical
This was later increased to 5,542 gallons noted as “unrecovered” in the Cavanaugh Report.
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failure of two piping joints. This opinion is consistent with a root cause
analysis conducted by Austin Brockenbrough and Associates, LLC, a
private engineering and consulting firm.”
Opinion 20. “The proximate cause of the fuel spilled from the fire
suppression system retention line on 20 November 2021 was a failure
to properly account for the fuel spilled on 6 May 2021 (human error) .
. .”
Opinion 21: “The Red Hill over inadvertently struck the drain valve
hand wheel with the passenger cart of a train, causing the PVC pipe to
crack and leak. This train is used to transit the tunnel system and likely
contacted the valve hand wheel multiple times, weakening and finally
cracking the pipe. FLC Pearl Harbor conducted a preliminary inquiry
regarding this event, and the report postulates excessive speed may have
caused the train to jump. The investigation team assesses it is more
likely that the weight of fuel in the 14-inch diameter PVC pipe caused
it to sag over time. Worn paint on the hand wheel suggests the train
rubbed against it on several occasions…”
due care on the part of government personnel. The operative actions are not
it would “inadvertently” strike and crack pipes. There was no weighing of policy
28. Moreover, the material of the pipes contributed to the explosion. The
Navy violated the Department of Defense requirement to use steel pipes for fuel
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Defense’s Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, UFC 3-60-01, Section 9-9.2.1
. . . mandate “schedule 40 steel pipe” for such fire suppression systems like the
AFFF system at the Red Hill Facility. Department of Defense Fire Protection The
weaker PVC pipes cracked under the pressure when hit by the cart — ultimately
leading to the blast and release of tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel.
military housing neighborhoods began to complain to the Navy and the DOH that
their water wasn’t right. They could smell fuel. They could see a sheen. The water
reacted to flames.
30. But by November 30, ten days after the blast, the Navy had still not
advised anyone on their water line that there had been a fuel leak that affected their
water source or warned they should not use or drink the water. The Navy held
town halls to address the odor in the water but failed to disclose the blast or warn
C. The Safe Drinking Water Act and EPA regulations required the
Navy to warn.
31. The Safe Drinking Water Act and EPA regulations required the Navy
to issue a Tier 1 public notice within 24 hours of confirming the Red Hill Shaft had
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been contaminated with JP-5 fuel. The federal government has expressly waived
sovereign immunity under the Safe Drinking Water Act as an operator of a public
United States hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to the
“Each owner or operator of a public water system . . . must give notice for all
public notice is required for NPDWR violations and situations with significant
exposure, including:
40 CFR §141.201
practical but no later than 24 hours after the system learn[ed] of the violation.” 40
CFR §141.202(b). The Navy was required to “provide the notice within 24 hours in
a form and manner reasonably calculated to reach all persons served. The form and
manner used by the public water system are to fit the specific situation, but must be
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D. After the blast, the Navy failed to warn residents of the danger.
34. The Navy knew of a chemical spill that “significantly increase[d] the
potential for drinking water contamination” on November 20, 2021. But the Navy
customers in the required timeframe after “confirming the Red Hill Shaft had been
Center Civil Investigation Report, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water
36. On November 21, 2021, the Navy public affairs office issued a media
release regarding the JP-5 fuel spill, stating that “personnel responded to what was
initially assessed as a water leak shortly after 1700 (5:00 pm) on November 20,
2021. This pipe is not connected to the Red Hill Fuel tanks or main fuel pipelines,
all of which are secure. Overnight, the release began to contain some amount of
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fuel which increased into Sunday (November 21, 2021) morning. Approximately
14,000 gallons of a mix of water and fuel was contained in the lower tunnel . . .
midday Sunday. The Navy made initial notification to the DOH Saturday night
(November 20, 2021) and is providing updates Sunday. There are no signs or
indication of any releases to the environment and the drinking water remains safe
housing manager received the first customer complaint of a chemical smell in the
water. By 0500 (5:00 a.m.) on November 28, 2021, JBPHH housing managers had
38. On the evening of Sunday, November 28, 2021, a water sample was
collected that “smelled of fuel” and the Red Hill main pump #2 was secured, but
39. On November 29, the Hawai`i DOH put out an advisory to “all Navy
water system users avoid using the water for drinking, cooking, or oral hygiene.”
The advisory covered Aliamanu Military Reservation, Red Hill and Nimitz
Elementary schools, and military housing. Officials said that all of the complaints
received were from users of the Navy’s water system. “As a regulated water
system under the jurisdiction of the DOH’s Safe Drinking Water Branch, the Navy
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is responsible for maintaining a safe and reliable source of drinking water to its
“immediate indication” that the water was unsafe. Captain Erik Spitzer, USN,
communities on November 29, “My staff and I are drinking the water on base this
morning, and many of my team live in housing and drink and use the water as
41. Ten days after the blast, on November 30, 2021, the Resident Services
Office (RSO) sent an email to families stating that the Navy had not detected
petroleum constitutes in the water. They asked that all JBPHH residents flush their
water systems. And they stated that they were still investigating the “source” of the
E. The Navy did not announce the leak until December 2, 2021—
twelve days after the blast.
petroleum products in its Red Hill Shaft. Rear Admiral Blake Converse stated “We
identified the petroleum products from two different tests. One test was taken on
Sunday night shortly after this incident was identified to the Navy. And that test
associated with something like a JP-5 or a diesel fuel,” Converse said. The second
test found “clear indications of petroleum products in the gas space just above the
waterline in the Red Hill well,” Converse said. “With both of those, we have pretty
conclusive indications that there are volatile petroleum products in the well and
we’ve determined that is the likely source of the contamination of our water
distribution system.”
results from the DOH showed that hydrocarbons associated with diesel fuel were
detected at 350 times the level the health department considers safe (the
Environmental Action Level). A California lab found 140,000 parts per billion of
Level is 400 ppb. The water in the Red Hill shaft also showed gasoline
hydrocarbons 66 times higher than the level considered safe. The lab found total
F. The Navy itself accepted responsibility for the blast and failure to
44. Later, the Navy took responsibility for the failures at Red Hill. In
January 2022, Admiral Blake Converse said, “I want to start by saying that the
Navy caused this problem, we own it, and we’re gonna fix it.” Later, Admiral
Paparo reiterated:
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The Navy is responsible for the 6 May 2021 and 20 November 2021 fuel
spills at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (Red Hill) and subsequent
water contamination.
The Navy has a moral obligation and ethical duty to fix our mistakes,
safeguard the environment, and rebuild trust. We must act.
G. The Navy knew it was not safely operating the Red Hill fuel tank
45. The Navy knew that it was not properly operating the Red Hill fuel
fuel from the Red Hill facility, the Navy established an agreement with the State of
Hawai`i in January 2008: “Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Final Groundwater
Protection Plan” (GPP). The GPP documented leaks from various tanks from the
1940s to the 1980s, totaling up to 200,000 gallons of dangerous fuel. The Plan
In order to mitigate the risk associated with future releases, the U.S.
Navy will: Implement a rigorous tank maintenance program, and
Continue to research and investigate a viable leak detection system for
the Facility. . .
Command, Pacific, Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Final Groundwater
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47. The Navy’s own audit confirmed that it was not complying with the
requirements of the Groundwater Protection Plan. Between October 2008 and May
2010, the Navy conducted an audit of the Red Hill facility. In August 2010, the
Navy completed its audit report and found “four areas of concern” that included:
actions required by the GPP.” Naval Audit Service, Audit Report: Department of
the Navy Red Hill and Upper Tank Farm Fuel Storage Facilities (Redacted) at 9
audit work, we determined that the environment and groundwater sources in the
Pearl Harbor area have not been sufficiently protected.” Id. at 11.
gallons of JP-8 jet fuel at the facility. Test results in soil vapor and groundwater in
49. In the wake of this error and in order to prevent additional fuel leaks,
the Navy entered into an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) with agencies
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including the DOH and the EPA to take steps to ensure that the groundwater
resource in the vicinity of the Facility is protected and the Facility is operated and
Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility – Frequently Asked Questions, Environmental
2018 described the chances of future fuel releases at the Red Hill facility as:
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Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor, HI (PRL)
52. As the extent of the crisis became undeniable, a series of senior U.S.
Spitzer, who had previously told families the water was safe to drink, backtracked
and apologized, “I regret I did not tell our families not to drink the water.” On
visit to Hawai`i for the 80th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, toured the
facility. He publicly apologized for the crisis and said, “We are committed to
rebuilding this trust. We’re doing everything we can try to fix the problem.” He
also finally announced to the public that the Navy had temporarily suspended the
use of the fuel tank facility nine days earlier on November 27 – days before they
Dr. Kathleen Hicks, visited. “At DoD, we recognize the need to continue to care
for all affected personnel and their families and help them return to their homes in
a safe and expeditious manner,” she said, “We also recognize we need to double
down on our efforts to earn the trust and confidence of the people of Hawai`i in our
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ability to manage this situation. . . I am committed to ensuring the health and well-
being for our Service Members, their families, the people of Hawai`i, and the
Following Her Visit to the Red Hill Bulk Storage Facility in Hawaii, (Dec. 14,
54. In spite of the promises, the actual efforts to remediate the water
situation only compounded the harm. The Navy’s initial flushing program asked
residents to run their water, and flush toilets and other devices to remove
when they started flushing. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) makes clear that fuel fumes constitute additional exposure to the
benzene. Families will testify that the flushing exacerbated their symptoms. In
harm. Air tests of affected homes show that the aerosolized jet fuels were
measurable weeks later. Most flushing teams emptied water heaters directly into
the yards—adding the toxins to the soil, which would then infiltrate the ground
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55. The Navy also opened water hydrants to run into residential streets,
yards, and storm drains that run into the ocean – in violation of law. The Clean
Water Act (CWA) regulates the discharge of pollutants and defines “discharge of
pollutants” as “any discernable, confined and discrete conveyance from any point
source.” 33 U.S.C. § 1362(12). The Act aims to prevent, reduce, and eliminate
pollution in the nation’s water in order to “restore and maintain the chemical,
accomplish this goal, Section 301(a) prohibits the discharge of any pollutant into
waters of the United States that are not authorized by a National Pollutant
56. Section 301(a) of the CWA provides that “the discharge of any
with the terms of an NPDES permit. 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a). The Navy is a “person”
as defined in the CWA and has waived its sovereign immunity under the Act. See
water directly into residential streets and storm drains. The DOH confirmed that
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such flushing of tainted water occurred in violation of the CWA and Hawai`i
state waters without a permit issued by the Director of Health. The brazen violation
contaminated water long after the contamination began. Despite repeated attempts
to have the centers verify that children’s porous plastic drink cups had been
replaced, the Child Development Center was unable to confirm the replacement of
59. The Navy’s response only compounded the harm to affected families.
On December 2, the U.S. Army authorized evacuation and lodging expenses for
affected families. The Navy did not do so until a day later, almost a week after
water complaints began to flood in. The Navy estimates approximately 3,200
Families of four remained in single hotel rooms, where they lived for months.
60. On February 14, 2022, water in one portion of the Red Hill housing
complex was cleared as safe to drink by the DOH. This clearance was based on
testing only 10% of the affected homes despite repeated requests from families to
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61. The Navy’s flushing efforts did not include replacement of plastics or
water heaters. Nor did the flushing effort include scrubbing the air of the air
forced to move back into the homes that made them sick. Many families, including
each of the plaintiff families, got sick immediately upon moving back into the
homes. Residents reported that sediment from the fuel remained in the bottom of
the water heaters, and they continued to get burned during showers and experience
TRICARE health care program, reported to military health care facilities with
diarrhea, and rashes. Some asked about polyps and lesions they had noticed. Many
reported slower thinking (brain fog), and that their children, previously well
behaved and advanced for their age, had begun to behave erratically, regress in
64. The standard of care for exposure to jet fuel or other drinking
electrolytes, and complete blood count (CBC). Patients should also likely receive
an X-Ray or EKG.
65. In fact, the United States Government recognizes the risk of benzene
exposure in its’ own policies and procedures – and has a clear testing approach to
occupational exposure to benzene get an initial and annual exam. They are
physician.” If they have faced “emergency exposure,” they are to receive an “end
66. These standards were not met. When the plaintiff families presented
to emergency rooms or “exposure tents” that were set up by the Army and Navy,
most were denied any tests or labs. Families have even been told that testing is
“impossible” and that the toxicologist at Walter Reade advised against ordering
labs or other tests for fear of the implications of the care that would be required
67. Not only did military providers fail to meet the standard of care upon
initial exposure, their providers failed to follow the appropriate protocols to treat
the plaintiff families thereafter. Their care has been rife with medical delay, failure
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68. For example, military providers have failed to screen for the illnesses
that the United States itself has documented as related to exposure to water
contaminated with jet fuel. Military providers repeatedly told patients that there is
substances such as jet fuel and passed key legislation to prevent toxic exposure. In
the 1970s, Congress passed the CWA and the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA),
42 U.S.C. §300f et seq, requiring the EPA to establish regulations ensuring clean
and safe drinking water for the public. The legislation and implementing
regulations are intended to prohibit the discharge of “oil and hazardous substances”
into the environment because of the serious and severe threat to public health
71. The SDWA was established to protect the quality of drinking water in
the U.S. This law focuses on all waters actually or potentially designed for
drinking use, whether from above ground or underground sources. The Act
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authorizes the EPA to establish minimum standards to protect tap water and
requires all owners or operators of public water systems to comply with these
standards) are legally enforceable standards that apply to public water systems.
drinking water. The EPA provides a table listing the Maximum Contaminant Level
(MCL) for various chemicals, the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in
drinking water. MCLs are enforceable standards. The MCL sets enforceable limits
for benzene (.005 milligrams per liter), toluene (1 milligram per liter),
ethylbenzene (0.7 milligrams per liter), xylene (10 milligrams per liter), and other
73. The State of Hawai`i has adopted a State Water Code, codified in
Chapter 174C of the Hawai`i Revised Statutes, which states in relevant part:
Declaration of policy. (a) It is recognized that the waters of the State are
held for the benefit of the citizens of the State. It is declared that the people
of the State are beneficiaries and have a right to have the waters protected
for their use.
74. Hawai`i law also regulates potable water. The Hawai`i Department of
Rules [HAR] Title 11, Chapter 20) set forth Maximum Contaminant Levels of
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certain chemicals in public and private drinking water systems. These MCLs are
storage tanks such as Red Hill were first published in the 1980s. In January 2000,
the State of Hawai`i promulgated rules requiring owners and operators of such
agencies and federal officers, and the extent of the Navy’s violations at Red Hill
extraordinary inconvenience, illness, fear, and trauma for each of the affected
78. The Feindts, Patrick, Amanda (Major, U.S. Army), 4 and their children
A more expansive explanation of the damages suffered by the Feindt family is
available in the attachment to their SF-95 form.
As an active-duty soldier, Major Amanda Feindt’s legal ability to pursue tort
claims against the United States is limited under the doctrine enunciated in Feres v.
United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950). Major Feindt is still evaluating her potential
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P.G.F. and P.R.F., lived in the Ford Island neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawai`i.
The Feindt family moved from their off-base home in Ewa Beach to Ford Island
military housing on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam at the end of April 2021.
79. In late November and early December, as her family struggled with an
migraines, lethargy, and neurological changes, Major Feindt got several notices in
her email from government officials about the jet fuel spill that told her the “water
was safe to drink.” The Feindts also received notification that their children were
being provided clean water at their on-base child development center since 29 Nov
2021, but the Navy did not supply clean water to the child development center until
December 10, 2021. Despite the family’s exposure through their home and her
same water line, Major Feindt and her husband’s pleas for testing and information
80. Patrick and their two children were denied basic testing when they
claims in light of the recent exception to Feres passed in the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2020 permitting administrative claims against the United
States for personal injury or death of a member of the uniformed services that was
the result of medical malpractice caused by a Department of Defense health care
provider. Although this Complaint covers her family, Major Feindt does not waive
any of her potential claims.
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Tellingly, Major Feindt was given a battery of tests as a military officer (consistent
with the appropriate standard of care) that were denied to her own family. Their
children’s lives have been turned upside down as multiple doctors have tried to
81. Initially moved into a hotel for months, the Feindts were finally
transferred off of the island after immense effort and financial and professional
sacrifice. Although the Feindts have moved to Colorado, the health problems
82. Patrick (a PGA Golf Professional) has had five medical procedures
and internal bleeding as the doctors struggled to find the cause of illness. He
continues to experience debilitating abdominal and flank pain that radiates down to
his testicle which required exploratory surgery, during which three small hernias,
stomach ulcers, large and small intestine damage was noted. He was given a
capsule camera, endoscopy, a colonoscopy, and the surgeons took several biopsies.
He was also given a double balloon procedure to view his intestines. The
gastroenterologists have ruled out most suspected gastrointestinal issues and they
are now turning to neurology to find a possible source of his pain. He will need a
brain scan in the coming weeks. Mr. Feindt had to resign from his Director
position in HI and file for unemployment, leaving Major Feindt as the sole
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and was placed on new medication for the behavioral issues. P.R.F. has been
84. Patrick Feindt and his entire family have suffered from the reasonable
fear and lasting trauma of the government’s water contamination and lack of
transparency. To this day they have no idea the full extent of the exposure of their
children at their home or the Child Development Center because the government
has refused to provide requested information. They look to the families affected by
86. The Freeman family, Nastasia, her husband (an active-duty Navy
A more expansive explanation of the damages suffered by the Freeman family
is available in the attachment to their SF-95 form.
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Ensign),6 and their children, K.F., D.F., and N.F., lived in the Aliamanu Military
87. Nastasia Freeman’s family has been plagued with abdominal pain,
vomiting, memory loss, skin rashes, brain fog, eye irritation, seizures, and teeth
and gum issues because of the fuel leaks caused by the Navy. A dormant,
preexisting seizure disorder flared up for Nastasia7 in the wake of the Navy’s jet
fuel negligence and she began suffering from multiple seizures a day, ending any
88. While doctors attribute these maladies to their water, the military has
failed to provide the most basic levels of healthcare for the Freeman family.
As an active-duty sailor, Ensign Freeman’s legal ability to pursue tort claims
against the United States is limited under the doctrine enunciated in Feres v.
United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950). Ensign Freeman is still evaluating his potential
claims in light of the recent exception to Feres passed in the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2020 permitting administrative claims against the United
States for personal injury or death of a member of the uniformed services that was
the result of medical malpractice caused by a Department of Defense health care
provider. Although this Complaint covers his family, Ensign Freeman does not
waive any of his potential claims.
Under Hawai`i law, the Navy is responsible for any predisposition to injury or
preexisting injury (known or unknown) that were exacerbated by its negligence.
Indeed, the Hawai`i Supreme Court has made clear that a tortfeasor is responsible
“for all injuries legally caused by the defendant’s negligence. However, it is well
settled that a tortfeasor is liable not only for damages resulting from direct and
unique injuries inflicted on the victim, but also for damages resulting from the
aggravation of the victim’s pre-existing disease, condition, or predisposition to
injury.” Montalvo v. Lopez, 77 Hawai`i 282, 294, 884 P.2d 345, 357 (Haw. 1994).
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Military providers refused to order basic blood screening panels to check their liver
and kidney function after toxic exposure. It was not until Nastasia ended up in the
emergency room at the Mayo Clinic—off the island—that she was finally given
the tests that she had needed all along. Her provider there was surprised by the lack
89. The Freemans were initially moved into a hotel but sought, through
multiple requests, to get off of the island. At great expense and difficulty, they
have moved to the mainland in February, but their harm has continued. The
Freeman’s purchased a $850,000 home so that they had a permanent address and
on Nastasia’s bladder wall and the urologist found blood still present in her urine,
prompting pending cancer screening on her bladder. She was referred to pelvic and
genetic therapy, and the doctors did a screening for a family history of cancer.
MRIs revealed multiple lesions on her brain and there is abnormal peripheral
displacement of the pituitary gland which is causing the area to fill with spinal
fluid. After multiple setbacks, she was admitted to Walter Reed to monitor brain
activity and run more medical tests. Walter Reed questioned her increase dosage of
seizure medication and was told that it was not controlling her symptoms. She was
taken off the medication and some of her symptoms got better and she had more
energy, but she knows she will have to be put on a different medication soon.
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While at Walter Reed she learned she was also suffering from vestibular
dysfunction. The doctors questioned why her medication was raised from 500 mg
to 3000 mg on her seizure medication while in Hawai`i. She will be treated by her
ENT doctor for the vestibular issues. A nephrologist is monitoring her kidneys.
She was assured by Walter Reed that a team was available to continue her care
back in San Diego, but so far, they have not been able to replicate the treatment
her family’s medical challenges. The cost of the move, the house, the medical
91. The Freeman children continue to suffer from the exposure. Their son,
D.F., underwent evaluation for developmental delays and autism markers and was
hospitalized in April after going limp and losing consciousness. K.F. and N.F. are
also still stick. Both K.F. and N.F. had abnormal lab results in August, which noted
concerning areas in the liver, kidney, and pancreas. K.F. also had blood in his
urine. N.F. woke up and was in so much pain that he was vomiting and could not
move in mid-August. He was taken to the hospital on August 18 and 21, 2022,
92. Nastasia Freeman’s medical care has been riddled with mistake,
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delay, failure to diagnose, and failure to treat. These medical failures have resulted
in life-threatening injury—all while relocating and taking care of the rest of their
sick family. Nastasia is beside herself. “I did nothing wrong; my kids did nothing
wrong. However, the treatment, the retaliation, the negligence, the lack of decency
94. The Simics, Jamie, her husband, a Senior Chief Petty Officer9 in the
United States Navy, and their children, M.S., and J.S., lived in the Hale Na Koa
95. Once an active and attentive mother of two, Jamie found her life
A more expansive explanation of the damages suffered by the Simic family is
available in the attachment to their SF-95 form.
As a then active-duty sailor, Senior Chief Petty Officer Simic’s legal ability to
pursue tort claims against the United States is limited under the doctrine
enunciated in Feres v. United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950). He is still evaluating his
potential claims in light of the recent exception to Feres passed in the National
Defense Authorization Act of 2020 permitting administrative claims against the
United States for personal injury or death of a member of the uniformed services
that was the result of medical malpractice caused by a Department of Defense
health care provider. Although this Complaint covers his family, Senior Chief
Petty Officer Simic does not waive any of his potential claims.
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forever changed by the water contamination at Red Hill. Jamie has a condition
from contaminated water. As mentioned above, Hawai`i law makes clear that the
tortfeasor is responsible for their victims as they find them, including preexisting
96. From July 2021 to November 2021, Ms. Simic was in the emergency
room five times. Her doctors discovered a benign cyst on her kidney, a cyst on her
breast, teratoma tumor on her ovary, and three legions that were removed from her
colon and esophagus bone from September to December. She has undergone two
that revealed elevated levels of lipase, blood in her urine, heart monitoring,
excessive menstrual bleeding, severe leg pain and swelling that makes it difficult to
walk, leg paralysis, and swelling/itching under her arms. After dropping below 98
pounds, she began telling her children things they should know if she passed away.
colon was swollen, and I was throwing up and severely ill. He tried to send me
home saying there was no way I was this sick because the leak was only two days,
max two weeks.” Jamie remained in the hospital for four nights. During that time,
she was not given the standard care for an exposure of this kind: EKG,
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98. Since falling ill, Ms. Simic’s doctors have found multiple cysts,
legions, and tumors throughout her body. Her two children have similarly suffered
99. While the Simics were finally diagnosed with their exposure, they
have not received the basic level of medical care. Eight-year-old J.S. and nine-
year-old M.S. suffered from the same symptoms as Jamie. Bouts of diarrhea,
stomach aches, and vomiting would send the kids home from school. Both children
suffered from infections on their face, and J.S. lost five teeth since December 4 –
four requiring surgical removal. Their parents noticed a change in their behavior as
the kid’s displayed aggression and became lethargic around the home. They are
still suffering from bloody stool and diarrhea, headaches, leg and kidney pain,
100. Jamie and her family have been in and out of the hospital multiple
times since leaving the island in March. She has been to the emergency room over
five times and hospitalized twice. She has had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, and
101. Financially, the Red Hill leak has devastated the Simics, who threw
out prized family possessions in their effort to leave the island and the
contamination. They are considering selling their home to move where the family
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can get better treatment and say that this has wrecked them financially.
102. Psychologically, Jamie and her family remain riddled with fear about
transparency. She has debilitating concerns about the contaminates and their
lasting effects on her and her family. “We don’t even know what all was in the
in the Air Force11, and their daughter, I.W., lived in military housing in Earhart
A more expansive explanation of the damages suffered by the Wyatt family is
available in the attachment to their SF-95 form.
As an active-duty airman, Technical Sergeant Wyatt’s legal ability to pursue
tort claims against the United States is limited under the doctrine enunciated in
Feres v. United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950). He is still evaluating his potential
claims in light of the recent exception to Feres passed in the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2020 permitting administrative claims against the United
States for personal injury or death of a member of the uniformed services that was
the result of medical malpractice caused by a Department of Defense health care
provider. Although this Complaint covers his family, Technical Sergeant Wyatt
does not waive any of his potential claims.
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105. The Wyatts, a previously healthy family, sustained severe injury in the
wake of the Navy’s fuel leaks. Ariana experienced migraines with visual auras,
diarrhea, swelling in her right kidney that sent her to the emergency room, rashes
that covered her face, abdominal pain, and a laparoscopic surgery where her doctor
106. Their daughter, I.W., began suffering from abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, irritation of the skin and eyes, mouth sores, heart
palpitations, bladder incontinence, and substantial hair loss, all before the age of
received subpar medical care from the government. Ariana requested lab work –
specifically toxicology and blood panels to be done for her and I.W. She was told
that this testing was not necessary. Their requests for labs were denied.
migraines. She had blood in her stool and spends most nights sleeping in an upright
position to ease the pain. The brain fog persisted, especially while inside her home.
Sometimes it was so bad, Ariana would slur her words. She still experiences
nausea and a burning feeling in her stomach. The rash on her face and scalp did not
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109. In the immediate aftermath of the November spill, the Wyatt family
moved into seven different hotels After multiple unsuccessful requests for a
compassionate reassignment off of the island, the family was finally approved only
110. The Wyatts have moved to Alabama, but their health issues have
issues. She had repeat blood work done at their new location, and her TSH and
antibodies were elevated. She is maxed out on medications. I.W. also began having
fevers that reached 104 degrees every few weeks that lasted several days. The
doctors have tested her for all the normal illnesses, but do not have any answers.
I.W. spent the night in the hospital recently, and her doctors have said when this
happens, she should continue to be taken to the emergency room for monitoring.
111. I.W. now suffers from hypothyroidism and hair loss from her
medications. “It’s because I drank the bad water,” she will tell people. Ariana’s
heart breaks for her daughter as she is subjected to blood draws every three weeks
that are so traumatic her parents must hold her down as I.W. screams and pleads
for them to stop. “It makes me sick, it’s been so traumatizing for [I.W.],” Ariana
explained. The Navy’s negligence has left lasting injuries on the Wyatt family,
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114. The United States owns and operates the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage
115. The United States had a duty to exercise reasonable care in the
operation and maintenance of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.
116. Federal officers breached the duty to exercise ordinary care at Red
e. Officers operated the train cart on November 20, 2021, negligently and
at excessive speed;
f. Officers knew or should have known of the fuel buildup in the PVC
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piping between May and November 2021 and failed to take corrective
118. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence of defendant and its
officials, the plaintiffs suffered substantial injuries and damages, including severe
119. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence of defendant and its
officials, the plaintiffs suffered special damages and will require testing/medical
120. Plaintiffs are entitled to actual damages in a fair and reasonable sum
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122. Plaintiffs are, or during some or all of the pertinent times were, in
lawful possession of their properties on the Red Hill Navy water line, and used
them, or had the right to use them, as residences or for other legitimate uses.
123. The United States owned and materially controlled the Red Hill Bulk
Fuel Storage Facility in close proximity to the plaintiffs’ properties and the water
124. The United States is liable for the creating a condition at the plaintiffs’
residences that interfered with their right to use and enjoy those properties. The
officers’ conduct in operating the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility thereby
125. The plaintiffs’ right to use and enjoy their properties has been
impaired by the United States allowing fuel to leak from the Red Hill Bulk Fuel
Storage Facility into its water well, contaminating the water delivered to the
plaintiffs’ properties.
126. The nuisance caused by the United States has substantially impaired
the plaintiffs’ use and enjoyment of their property, has caused inconvenience,
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the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, causing harm to the plaintiffs.
generally, looking at defendant’s conduct, the problems caused by it, and by the
nature of the harm to the plaintiffs’ properties and health, would consider
plaintiffs are substantial invasions, harms, and injuries to the plaintiffs’ health,
130. The United States had full knowledge during some or all of the
pertinent times when the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility leaked fuel into the
water supply and caused nuisance injury and harm to the plaintiffs.
131. The United States knew or should have known that leaking fuel into
the water supply would invade the plaintiffs’ properties and substantially impair
available to abate fuel leaks, defendant has failed to abate the causes of nuisance.
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136. The United States has negligently failed to treat the plaintiffs’ medical
conditions caused by the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility fuel leaks.
137. The United States has failed to monitor the plaintiffs’ conditions,
perform required medical tests, or treat the illnesses caused by the negligent
conduct relating to the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility fuel leaks.
138. The United States has failed to adhere to the accepted standards of
139. The United States has failed to timely address the health conditions of
each of the plaintiffs or perform the standard of care in a timely manner, including
appropriate referrals.
140. In some instances, the United States has failed to treat the plaintiffs
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141. The United States failed to clearly communicate the important facts
regarding the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility fuel leaks to the plaintiffs or
their medical care providers, allowing them to become ill, with no transparency in
treat or delay to treat medical conditions of the plaintiffs, for which the United
States is liable.
negligence and failure to treat, the plaintiffs are entitled to compensatory damages
145. By its acts and omissions, the United States caused fuel to leak into
the water system and injure residents, which thereby caused the plaintiffs worry,
146. The United States knew that the Red Hill facility has a history of fuel
leak water contamination, and that it was probable that additional leaks would
147. The United States must now pay for the exact consequences that it
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their homes, have suffered, are suffering, and will continue to suffer because of the
151. But for the conduct of the federal officers at Red Hill, the plaintiff
families would not have suffered inconvenience, illness, fear, and trauma.
152. As a general matter, the ingestion of jet fuel and its contaminants
causes medical harm. Fuel is composed of toxic hydrocarbons that are highly
dangerous to the human body. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR) of the United States Department of Health and Human Services
exposure can occur by breathing air in an area where an accident or leak of these
jet fuels has occurred, touching contaminated soil, swimming in waters where jet
fuels have been spilled, living near a hazardous waste site where jet fuels are
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difficulty breathing, fever, and vomiting. In the long term, permanent damage to
the central nervous system can result, as well as pneumonia, cancer, decreased
alteration. Drinking too much jet fuel can lead to unconsciousness and death.
Affected organ systems include the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, nervous
miscarriages have been reported. Benzene, just one of the chemicals the EPA
identified as present in the Red Hill fuel, causes chronic conditions such as aplastic
Benzene featured prominently as a substance present in another military water
contamination case: the Camp Lejeune water contamination crisis. From the 1950s
through the 1980s, people living or working at the U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp
Lejeune, North Carolina, were exposed to drinking water contaminated with
industrial solvents, including benzene. For those exposed to that contaminated
water, the Department of Veterans Affairs now considers the following health
conditions to be presumptively connected to their service:
Adult leukemia
Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer
Multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Parkinson’s disease
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155. Each plaintiff is also at future risk of medical harm and will need
156. None of the plaintiffs’ claims asserted herein are subject to any of the
158. None of the acts or omissions described herein are protected by the
159. The United States, including the US Navy and its employees, failed to
160. The United States, including the US Navy and its employees, failed to
exercise due care in the execution of its duties under the required report obligations
described herein.
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this action is brought pursuant to and in compliance with the Federal Tort Claims
because the United States is a defendant, and this is the judicial district where the
accordance with Rule 4(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Service is
affected by serving a copy of the Summons and Complaint on the United States
Attorney for the District of Hawai`i by certified mail, return receipt requested at
her office:
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165. This case is commenced and prosecuted against the United States of
America to and in compliance with Title 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671–80, the Federal Tort
2674 because the personal injuries and resulting damages of which the Complaint
the United States Department of the Navy, Army, or Defense, while acting within
the scope of their office, employment, or agency under circumstances where the
United States of America, if a private person, would be liable to the plaintiffs in the
166. Through the Federal Torts Claim Act, the United States has waived its
sovereign immunity for the acts and omissions described here. E.g., Evans v.
United States, 876 F.3d 375, 380 (1st Cir. 2017), cert. denied, 139 S. Ct. 81 (2018).
167. The defendant, the United States of America, through its agencies, at
all times material to this lawsuit, owned and operated the Red Hill Bulk Fuel
Facility and staffed its facilities and vehicles with its agents, servants, and
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claims to the United States by submitting Forms SF-95 to the Vice Admiral Darse
E. Crandall, Office of the Judge Advocate Office, General Tort Claims Unit
Norfolk, 9620 Maryland Avenue, Suite 205, Norfolk, Virginia 23511-2949, via
USPS Priority Mail Express, on February 22, 2022. See Forms SF-95 and cover
169. Receipt of the claims (Patrick Feindt, Jr., Navy File No. 1220411;
P.R.F, Navy File No. 1220412; P.G.F, Navy File No. 1220413; Nastasia Freeman,
Navy File No. 1220393; K.F., Navy File No. 1220394; D.F., Navy File No.
1220395; N.F., Navy File No. 1220396; Jamie Simic, Navy File No. 1220404;
M.S., Navy File No. 1220405; J.S., Navy File No. 1220406; Ariana Wyatt, Navy
File No. 1220397; and I.W., Navy File No. 1220398 ) by the Department of the
Navy on February 23, 2022 was acknowledged by Ms. Andrea R. Ladner and Ms.
Amanda Cook, Tort Claims Assistants, Tort Claims Unit Norfolk, Office of the
170. As of August 23, 2022, more than six (6) months have elapsed since
the claims were presented to defendant and defendant has not made a final
disposition of the plaintiffs’ claims. Accordingly, the claims of the plaintiffs are
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Federal Tort Claims Act and have fully complied with the statutory prerequisites
k. Costs;
m. Such other and further relief to which the plaintiffs may be justly
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determined at trial;
c. Grant the plaintiffs such other and further relief as this Court deems