Screw Air Compressor L07-L22: User Manual

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User Manual

Screw Air Compressor


GB ●
USA Id. Nr. 100013552 / 00 - Dezember 2007
General Information

These compressors are for compressing atmospheric air and are not suitable for compressing any other gas. They are
designed and manufactured to give optimum performance with long life and reliability.
This manual gives the user all the information required to install and operate the compressors and carry out the regular
schedules for servicing and maintenance, which will ensure the maximum satisfactory service life.

Servicing facilities and the supply of genuine replacement parts are provided through a worldwide network of CompAir
Companies and Distributors. If replacement parts are needed, the user should, in the first instance, contact the local
CompAir Company or Distributor.

The information given in this manual was correct at the time of printing, however, as part of continuous development,
modifications to parts and procedures may be made without notice which could affect the servicing requirements of the
compressors. Before any servicing or maintenance work is undertaken the user is advised to contact the local CompAir
Company or Distributor who is supplied with revised and up-dated information.
In any communication concerning the compressor it is essential to quote the MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER and where
possible the YEAR of MANUFACTURE.

All pressure data given in this manual refer to overpressures (pressure gauge pressures) unless specified otherwise.

To ensure the continued trouble-free operation of the compressor unit it is important that periodic maintenance and
servicing is carried out in accordance with the information given in the ‘Maintenance’ section of this manual. To assist in
this matter your local CompAir Company or Distributor can provide a number of optional maintenance agreements to suit
your requirements. These agreements provide the user with the expertise of our factory trained technicians and the
guarantee that only Genuine CompAir parts will be used.

The conditions of the CompAir Warranty are set out in the Company’s standard Conditions of Sale available from the
CompAir Company or Distributor supplying the machine.



Deutsche Basis-BA: 100013551/00 3

Data sheet for users




*) The values on the type plate are maximum values.

Your CompAir distributor


Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: Fax:

Contact: Spare Parts:


1. Foreword

1 For ew or d

1.1 Notes on the compressor In addition,

• relevant accident prevention regulations,
CompAir screw compressors are the result of many
• generally recognized safety regulations and
years of research and development. These
• national regulations
prerequisites combined with high quality standards
guarantee the manufacture of screw compressors have to be observed.
providing a long service life, high reliability and cost-
effective operation. It stands to reason that all The machine/unit must only be used in technically
requirements concerning environmental protection are perfect condition and in accordance with its intended
met. use and the instructions set out in the operating
manual, and only by safety-conscious persons who are
fully aware of the risks involved in operating the
Certificate of conformity machine/unit! Any functional defects, especially those
affecting safety, have to be rectified immediately (or
The compressor and its accessories as supplied by
rectified by others)!
CompAir conform to the basic health and safety
requirements included in the EC Machinery Directive The machine/unit is designed exclusively for the
89/392/EWG, version 93/44/EWG. The compliance with generation of compressed air to power air-driven
these directives is confirmed by the "CE mark" (fig. 1). devices. Using the machine/unit for purposes other than
those mentioned above is considered contrary to its
intended use. The manufacturer/supplier cannot be held
responsible for damage resulting from such use. The
risk of such misuse lies solely with the user.
Operating the machine within the limits of its intended
use also involves observing the instructions set out in
the operating manual and complying with the inspection
and maintenance directives.

1.3 Maintenance
Carefully performed maintenance is imperative, this
ensures that your screw compressor can meet all the
requirements placed upon it. It is therefore imperative to
Fig. 1
adhere to the specified maintenance intervals and to
carry out the maintenance work with particular care,
especially when the unit is utilized under harsh
1.2 Intended use operating conditions.

The machine/unit has been constructed in accordance Servicing

with state-of-the-art technology and the recognized
Please contact your authorized CompAir dealer in the
safety regulations. Nevertheless, its use may constitute
case of malfunctions or when spare parts are required.
a risk to life and limb of the user or third persons or
In the case of damage, our fully trained personnel will
cause damage to the machine or to other material
ensure that a quick and proper repair is carried out
property, if using genuine CompAir spare parts. Genuine CompAir
• it is not used as intended, spare parts are manufactured utilizing state-of-the-art
• it is operated by unqualified personnel, technology, thus guaranteeing the further reliable
• it is improperly modified or changed, operation of the unit.
• the safety regulations are not observed.
In case of queries
Therefore, any person entrusted with the operation,
Please enter the data on the nameplate of your
maintenance or repair of the machine must read and
compressor into the nameplate shown in (fig. 2). In the
follow the safety regulations. If required, this has to be
case of queries or spare parts orders, please refer to
acknowledged by signature. the compressor type indicated on the nameplate, the
identification no. and the year of construction. With this
information at hand it can be guaranteed that you will
receive the right information or required spare parts.

1. Foreword

Operate this compressor only if you have an exact
knowledge of the machine taking into respect these
CompAir cannot be held responsible for the safe
operation of the machine/unit if it is used in a manner
which does not correspond to the intended use, or for
other applications which are not mentioned in these

Warranty claims will not be accepted in the case of

• Operating errors
• Incorrect maintenance
• Wrong auxiliary materials
• Use of spare parts other than CompAir genuine
spare parts
• Modifications and changes to the installation

The warranty and liability conditions of the general

terms and conditions of CompAir will not be extended
by the notes above.
Any unauthorized change to the compressor unit/
station, or the installation of components not accepted
by the manufacturer (e.g. fine separator) will result in
the withdrawal of the CE mark. As a consequence, any
liability and warranty claims will not be accepted by the

Fig. 2
Safety regulations

1.4 Notes
The safety regulations in chapter 3 of the operating
General instructions have to be strictly observed.
These operating instructions are intended to familiarize
the user with the machine/unit and its intended use. The
instructions contain important notes on how to operate Technical changes
the compressor safely, properly and cost-effectively.
In the course of technical development we reserve the
Observing these instructions helps to avoid risks, to
right to modify the units without further notice.
reduce repair costs and downtimes and to increase the
reliability and service life of the machine/unit.

The operating instructions have to be supplemented by

the respective national rules and regulations regarding
the prevention of accidents and environmental
protection. They must always be available at the
location of the machine/unit. The operating instructions
must be read and followed by any person carrying out
work in connection with the machine/unit, e.g.
operation, including setting up, trouble-shooting in the
operation cycles, disposal of production waste, care,
service, and disposal of waste fuels and consumables,
upkeep (maintenance, inspection, repair), transport.
Besides the operating instructions and the binding
regulations for the prevention of accidents, which are
valid in the country and place of operation of the
machine/unit, the generally recognized technical
regulations for safe and proper working have also to be

2. Table of contents

2 Tab le of co nte nt s

1 Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Notes on the compressor............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended use ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2 Table of contents ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3 Safety regulations ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Identification of safety guidelines................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 General safety instructions .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Changes and modifications to the machine .............................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Installation and normal operation .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Special work/maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Warning of special dangers ....................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Storage of compressors ............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.8 Symbols and explanations ......................................................................................................................................... 16
4 Design and functioning .................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Design of the unit........................................................................................................................................................ 20
4.1.1 Design of the unit L07-L11 ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.1.2 Design of the unit L15-L22 ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Schematic diagram..................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 Schematic diagram L07-L11 .......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.2 Schematic diagram L15-L22 .......................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Oil circuit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Air circuit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.5 System control ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
4.5.1 System control L07-L11 ................................................................................................................................. 24
4.5.2 System control L15-L22 ................................................................................................................................. 25
4.6 Hood (opening/closing) .............................................................................................................................................. 26
5 Transport and installation................................................................................................................................................ 27
5.1 Transport..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Installation................................................................................................................................................................... 27
6 Preparations for commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 28
6.1 Cooling air volume/minimum cross............................................................................................................................ 28
6.2 Compressed air connection ....................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3 Electrical connection .................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.4 Electric motor fasteners for secure transportation.................................................................................................... 31
6.5 Oil level check............................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.6 Sound pressure level.................................................................................................................................................. 32
7 Commissioning.................................................................................................................................................................. 33
7.1 First commissioning.................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.2 Routine commissioning .............................................................................................................................................. 34
7.3 Commissioning after malfunction .............................................................................................................................. 34
8 Control system .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
8.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
8.2 Keys ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
8.3 Status indicator (display / light signals) ..................................................................................................................... 35
8.4 Displaying / changing values ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.4.1 Selecting values.............................................................................................................................................. 36
8.4.2 Changing values ............................................................................................................................................. 36
8.5 Default settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
8.5.1 Selecting language ......................................................................................................................................... 36
8.5.2 Setting network pressure................................................................................................................................ 36
8.5.3 Setting time/date (timer) ................................................................................................................................. 37
8.6 Starting the unit........................................................................................................................................................... 37
8.7 Switching off the unit .................................................................................................................................................. 37
8.8 Emergency off button ................................................................................................................................................. 37
8.9 Acknowledging warning/fault messages ................................................................................................................... 37
8.9.1 Warning messages......................................................................................................................................... 37
8.9.2 Fault messages .............................................................................................................................................. 37
8.10 Menu structure (values are examples) ...................................................................................................................... 38

2. Table of contents

9 Service and maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 39

9.1 Maintenance recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 39
9.2 Maintenance electric motor........................................................................................................................................ 39
9.3 Maintenance schedule ............................................................................................................................................... 39
9.4 Oil change................................................................................................................................................................... 41
9.5 Change of oil filter cartridge ....................................................................................................................................... 42
9.6 Change of the fine separator cartridge...................................................................................................................... 42
9.7 Change of air intake filter ........................................................................................................................................... 43
9.7.1 Change of air intake filter L07-L11................................................................................................................. 43
9.7.2 Changing of air intake filter L15-L22.............................................................................................................. 44
9.8 Safety valve ................................................................................................................................................................ 44
9.9 Changing V-belts/automatic tensioning system........................................................................................................ 45
9.10 Connecting terminals in the switch cabinet/control transformer setting .................................................................. 45
9.11 Fittings......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
9.12 General maintenance and cleaning........................................................................................................................... 46
9.13 Clean / change filter with cooling air inlet and control cabinet inlet ......................................................................... 46
9.14 Maintenance information and lubricant recommendations for stationary compressors ......................................... 46
10 Trouble-shooting............................................................................................................................................................... 47
11 Annex .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
11.1 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 50 Hz..................................................................................................... 49
11.2 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 60 Hz..................................................................................................... 50
11.3 Layout plan L07-L11................................................................................................................................................... 51
11.4 Layout plan L15-L22................................................................................................................................................... 52

3. Safety regulations

3 Safet y r eg ula tio ns

3.1 Identification of safety guidelines 3.2 General safety instructions

CompAir is not liable for any damage or injury resulting Organizational measures
from the non-observance of these safety instructions or
The operating instructions must always be at hand at
negligence of the usual care and attention required
the place of operation of the machine/unit!
during handling, operation, maintenance or repair, even
if this is not explicitly mentioned in these operating In addition to the operating instructions, all other
instructions. generally applicable legal and other mandatory
regulations relevant to accident prevention and
If any of the regulations contained in these instructions
environmental protection must be adhered to and
-especially with regard to safety - does not correspond
passed on to others! These compulsory regulations
to the local legal provisions, the stricter of both shall
may also deal with the handling of hazardous materials
or the issuing/wearing of personal protective equipment,
These safety regulations are general and valid for or traffic regulations.
various types of machines and equipment. It is
Instructions, including supervisory responsibility and
therefore possible that some references do not apply to
duty of notification for taking into account in-plant
the unit(s) described in these instructions.
factors, for example regarding work organization,
Danger sequences of operations, personnel assigned to certain
tasks, are to be added to the operating manual.
Passages marked with this sign indicate a possible
The personnel entrusted with working on the machine
danger to persons.
must have read the operating instructions and in
Important particular the chapter on safety regulations before
starting work. Reading the instructions after work has
Passages marked with this sign indicate a possible begun is too late. This applies especially to persons
danger to machines or part of machines. working only occasionally on the machine, e.g. for
setting up or maintenance.
Check on a regular basis that the personnel are
Passages marked with this sign provide technical carrying out the work in compliance with the operating
information on an optimal cost-effective use of the instructions and that they are paying attention to the
machine. safety requirements!
For safety reasons, long hair must be tied back or
otherwise secured, garments must be close-fitting and
no jewellery - such as rings - may be worn. Injury may
result from being caught up in the machinery or from
rings catching on moving parts! As necessary or as
required by regulations, personal protective equipment
should be used.
Observe all safety and warning notices attached to the
See to it that safety instructions and warnings attached
to the machine are always complete and perfectly
In the case of safety-relevant changes to the machine/
unit or its operating behaviour, stop the machine/unit
immediately and report the fault to the responsible
Spare parts have to comply with the technical
requirements specified by the manufacturer. This can
always be ensured by using original spare parts.
Hydraulic hoses have to be changed within stipulated
and periodic intervals, even if no safety-relevant faults
have been detected!
Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified in the
operating instructions for routine checks and

3. Safety regulations

For the execution of maintenance work, tools and The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting
workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand are from the use of non-original parts or special
absolutely indispensable. accessories. This applies also to the installation and
setting of safety equipment and valves as well as to
The personnel must be made familiar with the location welding on structural or pressurized parts.
and operation instructions of fire extinguishers !
Observe all fire-warning and fire-fighting procedures!
Limit values (pressures, time settings, etc.) have to be 3.4 Installation and normal operation
permanently identified!
Selection and qualification of personnel; In addition to the general technical operation in
basic responsibilities accordance with the stipulations of the local authorities,
we would like to refer in particular to the following
Work on/with the machine/unit must be carried out by
reliable personnel only. Statutory minimum age limits
must be observed! For the lifting of a compressor, a suitable lifting
mechanism is to be used, which meets the local safety
Employ only trained or instructed personnel and clearly
regulations. All loose or slew able parts must be safely
set out the individual responsibilities of the personnel
fixed before the machine can be lifted. It is strictly
for operation, set-up, maintenance and repair!
prohibited to stay in the danger zone of a lifted load.
Ensure that only authorized personnel work on or with
The correct method of lifting (according to the operating
the machine!
instructions of the load suspension device) has to be
Define the machine operator's responsibilities giving the ensured.
operator the authority to refuse instructions by third
All blind flanges, plugs, caps and bags with drying
persons that are contrary to safety regulations. agent have to be removed prior to the installation of the
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed or pipes. Distributing pipes and pipe connections have to
persons taking part in a general training course to work be of the proper size and suitable for the relevant
on or with the machine/unit without being permanently operating pressure.
supervised by an experienced person!
The system must be set up on a level surface with full
Work on the electrical equipment of the machine/unit contact between its base frame and the supporting
must be carried out only by a skilled electrician in surface.
accordance with electrical engineering rules and
The system has to be installed in such a way that it is
regulations. adequately accessible and the required cooling is
Work on system elements such as hoses may only be guaranteed. Never block the air intake. Make sure that
carried out by personnel with special knowledge and the ingress of humidity via the intake air is kept to a
experience of hydraulics! minimum.
The air intake is to be located so that no hazardous
constituent (solvent vapour, etc., but also dusts and
3.3 Changes and modifications to the other hazardous material) can be sucked in. This
machine applies also to flying sparks.
The air intake is to be positioned so that no loose
Do not make any changes, modifications or
clothing of persons can be sucked in. Make sure that
attachments to the machine/unit, which could affect
the pressure line from the compressor to the after
safety, without the supplier's prior permission!
cooler or the air circuit can expand under heat and does
Unauthorized changes to the machine are not permitted not come into contact with inflammable material.
for safety reasons.
The pressure line connected to the air outlet of the
Original parts were especially designed for this system must be fitted stress-free. When connecting the
machine. We would like to point out that we have not compressor on the mains side to the compressed air
released and will not release parts and special system available at the customer‘s end, check the
accessories which have not been supplied by us. The operating temperatures and operating pressures
installation and/or use of such products can therefore required and examine the required connecting flange or
affect the active and/or passive safety. the connection thread for proper functioning.

In the case of connections by means of connecting

hoses, take appropriate measures to prevent whipping
of the loose end in the event that the hose connection
tears off.

3. Safety regulations

If a remote control is used, the system must carry a If the room temperature can fall below zero, the
clearly visible sign with the following note: Attention! condensation drain system must be protected from
This installation is operated by remote control and can freezing, e.g. by means of a steam heater.
start up without prior warning!
If it is possible that the intake temperature of the air will
As an additional safety measure, persons, who start exceed, from time to time, the admissible maximum
remotely controlled systems, have to take sufficient specified in the operating instructions, a precooler with
safety precautions in order to ensure that nobody is condensate drain is to be installed before the dryer.
checking the system or working on it. For this, a label
with a corresponding warning notice has to be attached Tests or repair work on the coolant circuit may only be
to the remote control equipment. carried out in a well vented room. Never breath in
coolant vapour; if necessary, wear a breathing mask.
Compressed air and cooling water lines have to be Always wear protective goggles and gloves. If skin
clearly marked in line with the local regulations. comes into contact with coolants, rinse well with water.
Never take off or tear up clothes but rinse them well
If a system comprises several compressors, hand with water until the coolant is washed off; then see a
operated isolator valves have to be installed in order to doctor.
be able to shut off each machine individually. When
operating pressure systems, do not rely on the
effectiveness of start valves alone to isolate these Condensate drain
The drain hose for condensate discharge is to be
Safety equipment, protective covers or insulation must connected to the drains or to a collecting reservoir, if
not be removed or modified. Any pressure reservoir, local regulations prohibit direct discharge to the drains.
which is located outside the system, the permissible In connection with this, it must be taken into account
operating pressure of which is higher than the that the condensate from compressors with oil-
atmospheric pressure and which is fitted with two or lubricated pressure chambers can contain oil.
more pressure supply lines, has to be equipped with
additional safety equipment, which will automatically
prevent the admissible operating pressure from rising Normal operation
by more than 10%. Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the
The installed unit-specific safety valves only assume machine is used only when in a safe and reliable state!
the pressure safeguarding function of the compressor Operate the machine only when all protective
unit provided in currently valid standards and equipment, emergency shut-off equipment, sound-
regulations. proofing elements and extraction devices are in place
and fully functional!
For pressure components/systems mounted to the
connecting flange on the pressure side, a pressure Check regularly that
safety device (safety valve or similar) has to be installed • all means of protection are correctly fitted and fixed,
taking into account the weakest pressurized
component. • all hoses and/or pipes within the system are in good
condition, firmly fixed and do not chafe,
The min. and max. temperatures of +1 °C/33.8 °F and
+45 °C/113°F are also valid for the intake air. Pipes • there are no leakages (fuel, oil or coolant),
and/or other parts with a surface temperature higher
• all fittings are firmly tightened,
than 70 °C/158 °F have to be suitably identified and
shielded against touching. • all wires are connected correctly and are in good
Electrical connections must meet the local regulations.
Power units must be connected to earth and protected • all safety valves and other pressure relief
from short-circuits by means of fuses. mechanisms are in good order and not blocked by
e.g. dirt or paint,
Cold dryer • the safety mechanisms are fully functional.
Wherever possible, the cold dryer should be installed in If compressed air hoses are used, they must be of the
a place where the ambient air is as clean as possible proper size and suitable for the relevant operating
and where the temperatures never rise above or fall pressure. Do not use chafed, damaged or poor-quality
below the respective limit values as indicated in the hoses.
operating instructions. If required, the cooling air is to
be taken from a cleaner, cooler or warmer area via an Only use hose couplings and fittings of the right type
intake channel; depending on the size of the machine, and the correct size.
an additional fan could turn out to be necessary.

3. Safety regulations

Before blowing through a hose or an air pipe ensure Brief the operating personnel prior to starting special
that the open end is positively held. A free end whips operations or maintenance work! Appoint a person to
and can cause injuries. supervise the activities!

Before decoupling a hose ensure that it is pressureless. Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out
under the supervision of a person who is qualified for
Refrain from any working method which is doubtful in this work.
terms of safety.
Oil losses result in a slippery floor. Therefore, always
Never play around with compressed air! clean the floor and the outside of the machine prior to
Never aim compressed air at your skin or at other starting the maintenance work.
persons! Checks, maintenance and repair work may only be
Never use compressed air to clean your clothing. carried out with the screw compressor being at rest and
depressurized. Protective equipment to be removed for
When using compressed air to clean equipment take this work, has to be refitted after completion of these
the utmost care and always wear protective goggles. activities. Operation of the machine without protective
equipment is not permitted. When working on a running
The compressed air generated by these compressors
screw compressor system, working clothes have to be
must never be used for breathing unless it has been
conditioned for those applications in line with the “safety
requirements for respiratory air”. If the machine/unit is completely shut down for
maintenance and repair work, it must be secured
Never use the machine in an environment where
against inadvertent restarting:
inflammable or poisonous vapour can be sucked in.
• Lock the main command elements and remove the
Never operate the system at pressures and
key and/or
temperatures below or above the values indicated in the
technical data sheet. • attach a warning sign to the main switch.
The access panels, etc. have to be closed during Always use the correct tools for maintenance and repair
operation. work.
Persons in an environment or areas in which the sound Never use inflammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride
pressure is 85 dB(A) or higher have to wear ear to clean parts. Take precautions against poisonous
protectors. vapours from cleaning agents.
Check the machine/unit at least once per shift for visible In any work concerning the operation, conversion or
damage and faults! Report any changes (including adjustment of the machine and its safety-oriented
changes in the machine’s operating behaviour) to the devices or any work related to maintenance, inspection
responsible department/person immediately. If and repair, always observe the start-up and shutdown
necessary, stop and lock the machine immediately! procedures set out in the operating instructions and the
information on maintenance work.
In the case of malfunction, stop the machine/unit
immediately and lock it! Have any defects rectified Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately
immediately! secured.
Observe the start-up and stopping procedures and the To lower the risk of accidents, individual parts and large
control displays according to the operating instructions. assemblies being moved for replacement purposes
Before starting up or setting the machine in motion, should be carefully attached to lifting tackle and
ensure that nobody is at risk. secured. Use only suitable and technically correct lifting
gear and only utilize suspension systems with adequate
Do not cut off or remove extraction or venting facilities
lifting capacity. Never work or stand under suspended
while the machine is running.
During maintenance and when carrying out repair work,
cleanliness is very important. Avoid the ingress of dirt
3.5 Special work/maintenance
by covering parts and free openings with a clean cloth,
Carefulness paper or adhesive tape.

Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspection After the completion of each repair, check that tooling or
activities and intervals set out in the operating loose parts have not been left in the or on top of the
instructions, including information on the replacement of machine, drive motor or drive equipment and ensure
parts and equipment. These activities may be carried that no cloth has been left inside these units.
out by skilled personnel only. Be careful when the screw compressor system is in

3. Safety regulations

Maintenance/rectification of faults Avoid damage to the safety valves and other pressure
reducing components. Check in particular for clogging
The employer has to inform the employee of the caused by paint, oil carbon or the accumulation of dust,
dangers possibly arising during the repair and which could deteriorate the effectiveness of these
maintenance of the machine/unit as well as on how to components.
avoid them; the employee has to observe all measures
for safety at work. Safety equipment for the prevention Insulation or protective shielding, the temperature of
or elimination of danger has to be maintained regularly which may exceed 70 °C/158 °F and which could be
and functionally checked at least once a year. Faults erroneously touched by the personnel, must not be
observed have to be immediately rectified and/or removed before these parts have cooled down to room
reported to the responsible person. temperature.

Use only original spare parts. Check the accuracy of pressure and temperature
indicators at regular intervals. If the admissible
Only carry out maintenance and repair work when the tolerance limits have been exceeded, these devices
system is not in operation and the power supply have to be replaced.
disconnected. Ensure that the power unit cannot be
switched on inadvertently. Before removing or overhauling a compressor, a motor
or another machine, ensure that all moveable parts of a
Before removing or opening pressurized components, mass of more than 15 kg cannot move or roll away.
positively isolate any source of pressure and
depressurize the entire system. After completion of repair work, always verify that no
tools, loose parts or cloths have been left in or on the
Never weld near oil systems or carry out any other work machine, drive motor or drive equipment. Machines
requiring heat. Pressure reservoirs or components and performing a back and forward main movement have to
pipes containing oil have to be drained completely and be cycled at least once, rotating machines have to be
cleaned, for example by means of a steam jet, before cycled several times in order to ensure that there are no
beginning such work. mechanical faults in the machine or the drive member.
Never weld any pressure reservoir or change it in any Check the direction of rotation of the electric motors
way. during first commissioning and after each modification
of the electrical connections in order to prevent the
If work which produces heat, flames or sparks has to be compressor from being damaged.
carried out on a machine, the adjacent components
have to be protected by means of non inflammable The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane
material. operators should be entrusted to experienced persons
only. The person giving the instructions must be within
Before releasing the power unit for operation after sight or voice contact with the operator.
maintenance or overhaul, check that the operating
pressures, temperatures and time settings are correct For carrying out overhead assembly work always use
and that the regulating and shut-down equipment specially designed or otherwise safety-orientated
function properly. ladders and working platforms. Never use machine
parts as a climbing aid. Wear a safety harness when
Every six months, check the pressure pipe and carrying out maintenance work at greater heights.
pressure vibration damper for carbon deposits. If
excessive deposits are found, they should be removed. Keep all steps, handles, handrails, platforms, landings
and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice! Clean the
Motor, air filter, electrical components and regulating machine, especially connections and threaded unions,
equipment have to protected from the ingress of of any traces of oil, fuel or preservatives before carrying
humidity, e.g. when cleaning the system by means of a out maintenance or repair work! Never use aggressive
steam jet. detergents! Use lint-free cleaning rags!
Under no circumstance must the sound-proofing Before cleaning the machine with water or steam jet
material be removed or modified. (high pressure cleaner) or other cleaning agents,
cover/mask all openings which have to be protected
Never use etching solvents which could attack the
from the ingress of water, steam or detergents for
materials used.
safety and/or functional reasons, in particular electric
If indicated or if there is any suspicion that an internal motors and switch cabinets.
part of the machine has run hot, the machine has to be
After cleaning, remove the covers/masking completely !
shut down.
Check all hydraulic oil lines for leakage, loose fittings,
In order to avoid an increase in the operating
abrasion and damage after cleaning. Any defect must
temperature, check and clean the heat transfer surfaces
be rectified immediately!
(cooling fins, intermediate cooler, water cooling jackets,
etc.) at regular intervals. Prepare a plan of the most Always re-tighten screwed connections which have
favourable cleaning intervals for each machine. been loosened for maintenance and repair work.

3. Safety regulations

If the set-up, maintenance or repair require the Observe any existing national regulations if work is to
demounting of safety equipment, this equipment has to be carried out in small rooms.
be remounted and checked immediately after these
Hydraulics, pneumatics
Ensure that consumables and replacement parts are
disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly Work on hydraulic equipment may only be carried out
manner. by persons with special knowledge and experience of
Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections
3.6 Warning of special dangers regularly for leaks and obvious damage. Repair
damage immediately. High pressure jets of oil may
Electric energy cause injury and fire.

Use only original fuses with the specified current rating. Depressurize all system sections and pressure pipes
Switch off the machine/unit immediately if trouble (hydraulic system, compressed-air system) which are to
occurs in the electric system. be removed in accordance with the specific instructions
for the assemblies concerned before carrying out any
Work on the electrical system or equipment may only repair work.
be carried out by a skilled electrician or by specially
instructed personnel under the control and supervision Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and
of such an electrician and in line with the relevant fitted properly. Ensure that no connections are
electrical engineering rules. exchanged. The fittings, lengths and quality of the
hoses must comply with the technical requirements.
If regulations require, the power supply to parts of
machines and plants on which inspection, maintenance
and repair work is to be carried out must be cut off. Noise
Before starting any work, check the deenergized parts
Sound-proofing elements on the machine/unit have to
for the presence of power and ground or short-circuit
be active during operation (i.e. sound-proofing panels
them in addition to insulating adjacent live parts and
closed, etc.).
Wear personal ear protection as prescribed.
The electrical equipment of the machines/units is to be
inspected and checked at regular intervals. Defects Noise, even at a low level, can cause nervousness and
such as loose connections or scorched cables must be annoyance; over a longer period of time, our nervous
rectified immediately. system can suffer serious damage. We therefore
recommend a separate machine room in order to keep
Necessary work on live parts and elements must be
carried out in the presence of a second person who can the noise of the machine away from the workshop.
cut off the power supply in case of danger by operating Depending on the number of machines in a machine
the emergency shutdown or main power switch. Secure room, the noise can be quite loud. In accordance with
the working area with a red-and-white safety chain and the sound pressure level at manned posts, the following
a warning sign. Use insulated tools only. precautions have to be taken:
Before starting work on high-voltage assemblies and • Below 70 dB(A): no special measures
after having cut out the power supply, the feeder cable
must be grounded, and components, such as • Above 70 dB(A): persons who stay permanently in
capacitors, short-circuited with a grounding rod. this room have to wear ear protectors
• Below 85 dB(A): in the case of occasional visitors
Gas, dust, steam and smoke who stay in this room only for a short while, no
special precautions are to be taken
Carry out welding, flame-cutting and grinding work on
the machine/unit only if this has been expressly • Above 85 dB(A): hazardous noise zone! A warning
authorized, as there may be a risk of explosion and fire. sign has to be attached to each entrance indicating
that everybody who enters the room - even for a
Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and grinding short time only - has to wear ear protectors.
operations, clean the machine/unit and its surroundings
from dust and other inflammable substances and make • Above 95 dB(A): the warning signs have to contain
sure that the premises are adequately ventilated (risk of the recommendation that occasional visitors also
explosion)! have to wear ear protectors.

Adhere to the regulations valid for the place of


3. Safety regulations

• Above 105 dB(A): special ear protectors, which are 3.7 Storage of compressors
suitable for the noise level and the spectral
composition of the noise must be available. A All compressors are protected against corrosion at the
corresponding warning sign must be fixed to each factory for transport and for brief storage before
entrance door. commissioning.
Take care that the noise transmission through walls and If the compressors are to be stored for period
frames does not result in too high a noise level in the exceeding six months, additional precautions must be
surrounding areas. taken.
Compressors which are to be shut down for a lengthy
Oils, greases and other chemical substances period must also be protected from corrosion.
When handling oils, greases and other chemical Since corrosion occurs more quickly in damp
substances, observe the safety regulations for this atmospheres than in dry conditions, it is not possible to
product! Be careful when handling hot fuels and specify a maximum permissible standstill time which will
consumables (danger of burning or scalding)! apply in all cases.

Rooms subject to explosion hazards
The following aspects must be taken into account for
Danger storage of storing compressors.
Compressor units must never be operated in areas The compressor should be stored in a dry building
subject to explosion hazards! which should be heated if possible.
(Exception: Special units with the corresponding
technical modifications) This is particularly true during the months of winter.
If there is a risk that the temperature will fall or rise
above the limits of -10 °C/14 °F to +65 °C/149 °F , the
electrical controller must be removed and stored in
ambient temperatures of +5 °C/41 °F to +30 °C/86 °F.
Before commissioning the compressor all the electrical
and electronic components and units should be
checked for the ingress of water or condensation.

3. Safety regulations

3.8 Symbols and explanations

Carefully read the operating manual before

commissioning or servicing this compressor.

Never breathe in compressed air from this system.

Never operate the unit with open doors or loose access


3. Safety regulations

Warning: Hot surface

Warning: Pressurized part or system

Warning: This system can start up by means of a

remote control or automatically after a power

3. Safety regulations

Warning: The system continues to run for 30 seconds

after pressing the O-key

Warning: Danger of electric shock

Attention: Lifting point

3. Safety regulations

Attention: Check and, if required, re-tighten

connection terminals. For further details,
see the operating instructions.

Attention: Electric motor fasteners

Electric motor fasteners used for securing

the unit during transportation have to be
removed prior to commissioning (see also
chapter 6.4).

4. Design and functioning

4 Desig n a n d f un cti oni ng

4.1 Design of the unit

4.1.1 Design of the unit L07-L11

Fig. 3a L07-L11

1 Intake filter 12 Oil cooler 23 Control keypad

2 Intake regulator 13 Safety valve 24 EMERGENCY OFF push-button
3 Electric motor 14 Pressure holding and check valve 25 Control cabinet
4 Screw compressor 15 Air cooler 26 Supply cable gland
5 Belt drive 16 Oil fine separator extractor 27 Final compression temperature
6 Pressure reservoir 17 Oil temperature regulator sensor
7 Oil fine separator 18 Cooling air ventilator 28 Network pressure sensor
8 Oil filling port 19 Cooling air inlet filter mat 29 Final compression pressure
9 Oil drain 20 Compressed air outlet sensor
10 Oil level indicator 21 Base frame 30 Opening for lifting gear
11 Oil filter 22 Lock hood

4. Design and functioning

4.1.2 Design of the unit L15-L22

Fig. 3 b L15-L22
1 Intake filter 12 Oil cooler 23 Control keypad
2 Intake regulator 13 Safety valve 24 EMERGENCY OFF push-button
3 Electric motor 14 Pressure holding and check valve 25 Control cabinet
4 Screw compressor 15 Air cooler 26 Supply cable gland
5 Belt drive 16 Oil fine separator extractor 27 Final compression temperature
6 Pressure reservoir 17 Oil temperature regulator sensor
7 Oil fine separator 18 Cooling air ventilator 28 Network pressure sensor
8 Oil filling port 19 Cooling air inlet filter mat 29 Final compression pressure
9 Oil drain 20 Compressed air outlet sensor
10 Oil level indicator 21 Base frame 30 Opening for lifting gear
11 Oil filter 22 Lock hood

4. Design and functioning

4.2 Schematic diagram

4.2.1 Schematic diagram L07-L11

Residual pressure
2 bar

4.5 bar

Opening temp. 55 °C

Fig. 4 a L07-L11

1 Intake filter 11 Oil filter B1 Network pressure sensor

2 Intake regulator 12 Oil cooler B2 Final compression pressure
2.1 Actuator 13 Safety valve sensor
2.2 Intake valve 14 Pressure holding and check valve Y1 3/2-way solenoid valve
2.3 Check valve (opening pressure 4.5 bar)
3 Electric motor 15 Air cooler
4 Compressor block 16 Oil fine separator extractor
5 Belt drive 17 Oil temperature regulator Compressed air line
6 Pressure reservoir (opening temperature 55 °C) Oil line
7 Fine separator 18 Cooling air ventilator Control line
8 Oil filler cap 19 Filter mat cooling air inlet
9 Oil drain R1 Motor temperature
10 Oil-level indicator R2 Final compression temperature

4. Design and functioning

4.2.2 Schematic diagram L15-L22

Residual pressure
1,5 bar

4,5 bar

Opening temperature 55 °C

Fig. 4 b
1 Intake filter 11 Oil filter B1 Network pressure sensor
2 Intake regulator 12 Oil cooler B2 Final compression pressure
2.1 Actuator 13 Safety valve sensor
2.2 Intake valve 14 Pressure holding and check valve Y1 3/2-way solenoid valve
2.3 Check valve (opening pressure 4.5 bar)
3 Electric motor 15 Air cooler
4 Compressor block 16 Oil fine separator extractor
5 Belt drive 17 Oil temperature regulator Compressed air line
6 Pressure reservoir (opening temperature 55 °C) Oil line
7 Fine separator 18 Cooling air ventilator Control line
8 Oil filler cap 19 Filter mat cooling air inlet
9 Oil drain R1 Motor temperature
10 Oil-level indicator R2 Final compression temperature

4. Design and functioning

4.3 Oil circuit 4.5 System control

The oil flows from the pressure reservoir (- 6 - Fig. 40) 4.5.1 System control L07-L11
into the oil thermostat (- 17 - Fig. 4). With oil tempera-
tures < 55 °C/131 °F the oil flows via the by-pass of the
oil cooler directly into the oil filter (- 11 - Fig. 4) and is
then injected into the screw compressor (- 4 - Fig. 4).
With oil temperatures of between 55 °C/131 °F and
70 °C/ 158 °F the oil flow is divided and fed into the oil
cooler (- 12 - Fig. 4) and the by-pass.
With oil temperatures above 70 °C/158 °F the entire oil
flow is directed via the oil cooler through the oil filter into
the screw compressor.
The oil separated by the oil separator element
(- 7 - Fig. 4) is fed through an oil scavage line to the
screw compressor.
The entire oil circulation is based on a differential
pressure in the system. Considering the pressure
difference of approx. 2 bar/29 PSI within the oil circuit,
the oil is then injected into the screw compressor with
approx. 8 bar/116 PSI at a reservoir pressure of e.g.
10 bar/145 PSI.
When the screw compressor is in the off-load mode, a
sufficiently high pressure differential and thus the Fig. 5 a L07-L11
required oil injection quantity is achieved owing to the
fact that when the intake regulator (- 2 - Fig. 4) is
closed, a vacuum pressure occurs in the intake Standstill of the system
• When the system is at rest the intake regulator
Excess pressure of approx. 2 bar/ 29 PSI (L07-L11 (- 2 - Fig. 5a) is opened.
residual pressure) or 1.5 bar/22 PSI (L15-L22 residual
• The solenoid valve (Y1 Fig. 5a) is de-energised.
pressure) is produced in the pressure reservoir at the
same time. • The pressure reservoir (- 5 - Fig. 5a) is bled via the
blow-off line (- 2.-1 and -2.3- Fig. 5a) into the
suction channel.

Starting the system

4.4 Air circuit
• The motor (- 3 - Fig. 5b) starts up in the Y-mode.
The intake air passes through the intake filter (- 1 - Fig.
4) and the intake regulator (- 2 - Fig. 4) into the screw • The compressor extracts a certain volume of air via
compressor (- 4 - Fig. 4). During the compression a start valve (- 2.2 - Fig. 5a). Pressure builds up in
process, the intake air is cooled via the injected oil, and the reservoir and closes the regulator.
the developed air/oil mixture flows tangentially into the • When changing over to Δ operation, the solenoid
pressure reservoir (oil reservoir) (- 6 - Fig. 4). After pre- valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5a) is energised, which blocks the
separation and subsequent fine separation by the connection between pressure vessel and intake
separator element (- 7 - Fig. 4), the compressed air with
a low oil content is fed via the minimum pressure valve
(- 15 - Fig. 4) and the air cooler (- 16 - Fig. 4) into the • The intake regulator opens due to the intake
consumer network. vacuum pressure.
• The minimum pressure valve (- 8 - Fig. 5a) opens
when the pressure reservoir is approx. 4.5 bar.

• Compressed air is now delivered into the consumer


4. Design and functioning

Automatic operation (open-close operation) Standstill of the system

• When the pressure reaches the upper switching • When the system is at rest the intake regulator
point set on the network pressure sensor (-7 - Fig. (- 2 - Fig. 5b) is closed.
5a), solenoid valve (Y1 Fig. 5a) is de-energised.
• The solenoid valve (Y1 Fig. 5b) is de-energised.
• The intake regulator (- 2 - Fig. 5a) is vented and
closed. • The pressure reservoir (- 6 - Fig. 5b) is bled via the
blow-off line (- 2.1- and -2.3- Fig. 5b) into the
• The pressure reservoir (- 5 - Fig. 5a) is suction channel.
depressurised via the intake filter.

• The compressor is now running in idle mode. Starting the system

• If the mains pressure does not fall within 90 • The motor (- 3 - Fig. 5b) starts up in the Y-mode.
seconds (adjustable) to the lower switching point,
the system shuts down. • The compressor extracts a certain volume of air via
a start valve (- 2.2 - Fig. 5b). Pressure builds up in
• If the lower switching point is reached in less than the reservoir.
90 seconds, the solenoid valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5a) is
energised again. • When changing over to Δ-operation, the solenoid
valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5b) is energised and a connection
• The unit now changes over to on-load operation. is then established between the pressure reservoir
and the intake regulator.

Stopping the system • The intake regulator opens.

• After pressing the OFF button  (Fig. 16) on the • The minimum pressure valve (- 8 - Fig. 5b) opens
operating panel, the solenoid valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5a) when the pressure reservoir is approx. 4.5 bar.
is de-energised.
• Compressed air is now delivered into the consumer
• The intake regulator (-2- Fig. 5a) closes and the network.
tank (-5- Fig. 5a) is relieved.
• After 30 seconds, the drive motor (- 3 - Fig. 5a) is Automatic operation (open-close operation)
shut down.
• When the pressure reaches the upper switching point
set on the network pressure sensor (-28 -(B1)),
4.5.2 System control L15-L22 solenoid valves (- 19 -(Y1) and - 20 - (Y4)) are de-

• The intake regulator (- 2 - Fig. 5b) is bled and closed.

• The pressure reservoir (- 5 - Fig. 5b) is

depressurised via the intake filter.

• The compressor is now running in idle mode.

• If the mains pressure does not fall within
90 seconds (adjustable) to the lower switching point,
the system shuts down.
• If the lower switching point is reached in less than
90 seconds, the solenoid valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5b) is
energised again.
• The unit now changes over to on-load operation.

Stopping the system

• After pressing the OFF button  (Fig. 16) on the

operating panel, the solenoid valve (- Y1 - Fig. 5b)

is de-energised.
Fig. 5b L15-L22
• The intake regulator (-2- Fig. 5b) closes and the
tank (-5- Fig. 5b) is relieved.
After 30 seconds, the drive motor (- 3 - Fig. 5b) is shut

4. Design and functioning

4.6 Hood (opening/closing)

The compressor is provided with a detachable plastic
hood that allows easy access to all parts that are
subject to servicing.

Opening / closing the hood (Fig. 6)

• Open the lock ( - 1 - Fig. 6)
• Remove the hood ( - 2 - Fig. 6) and put it down at a
safe place
• Close the hood in the reverse order

Fig. 6

1 Lock
2 Hood

5. Transport and installation

5 Tr ans por t an d i ns tall ati on

5.1 Transport 5.2 Installation

A = 0.5 m
B = 0.8 m

Fig. 7 Fig. 8

Note Danger
Before transporting the unit, remove the doors. • The weight carrying capacity of the foundation
has to be taken into account when installing the
Danger compressor.
The compressor must be lifted using a suitable • Provide for a solid and plane base.
forklift truck which complies with the local safety
regulations. • The intakes are to be located so that no
hazardous constituent (solvent vapour, etc., but
Before lifting, all loose or slewable parts of the also dusts and other hazardous material) can be
machine have to be firmly secured. sucked in. This applies also to flying sparks.
It is strictly prohibited to work or stand in the • Pipes and/or other parts with a surface
danger zone of a lifted load. temperature higher than 70 °C/158 °F have to be
suitably identified and secured against
The proper lifting of the load (according to the
operating instructions of the load suspension
device) has to be ensured. See also the safety regulations in chapter 3 of the
operating instructions.
Never lift or lash the compressor and its hood via
The operator has to provide adequate ventilation
the enclosure. The screw compressor is lifted with
for the compressor station.
the help of a fork lift truck (Fig. 7). The separation
of the forks and their length must be taken into The screw compressor unit has to be levelled. A
account for transportation. minimum distance from walls, other machines, etc.
should be maintained so that there is sufficient
Only use the identified lifting points. Do not slide
clearance for maintenance and repair work (Fig. 8).
the unit when it is standing on the floor.
During operation of the screw compressor unit, heat is
generated by the electric motor and the compression
Weights process. The screw compressor radiates a part of this
The values listed below are approximate values, they heat into the surroundings.
refer to a screw compressor unit including oil fill: Proper ventilation has a considerable effect on the
service life and the performance of a compressor.
50-Hz- compressors:
L07 215 kg L15 327 kg
L11 233 kg L18 353 kg
L22 359 kg
60-Hz- compressors:
L07 218 kg L15 351 kg
L11 233 kg L18 356 kg
L22 365 kg

6. Preparations for commissioning

6 Pr epar ati on s f or com m iss io nin g

6.1 Cooling air volume/minimum cross 6.2 Compressed air connection

Fig. 9 Fig. 10

1 Cooling air intake 1 Compressed air connection

2 Cooling air outlet
The compressed air line system is connected at the
compressed air supply of the screw compressor
The cooling air volume required by these screw
compressors is as follows: ( - 1 - Fig. 10).

50-Hz-compressors: For this you should use a flexible connection

(e.g. compressed air hose, compensator).
L07 ca. 34 m 3/min L15 ca. 59 m 3/min
L11 ca. 37 m 3/min L18 ca. 56 m 3/min L07-L11 sleeve G 3/4"
L15-L22 sleeve G 1"
L22 ca. 56 m 3/min
60-Hz- compressors: Note
3 3
L07 ca. 34 m /min L15 ca. 48 m /min After-coolers, separators, collecting reservoirs and the
L11 ca. 37 m 3/min L18 ca. 54 m 3/min compressed air lines must be equipped with drain
L22 ca. 54 m 3/min facilities at their lowest points to drain collected liquids.
These facilities have to be fitted to allow the observance
Under unfavourable local conditions, we recommend of the draining of such liquids.
the installation of venting ducts. However, the velocity
of the cooling air should not exceed 5 m/s. We Hand-operated drain facilities have to be actuated in
recommend a minimum duct cross-section of approx. accordance with the operating instructions.
0.15 m2 for L07-L11, 0.2 m 2 for L15-L22.
Automatic drain facilities have to be checked for proper
function at regular intervals. When draining
condensates into a collecting line, which also collects
The stated minimum cross-section refers to a the condensate from other machines, make sure that
maximum duct length of 5 m/16.4 ft and a maximum the collecting line is free from back pressure at all lines.
of one bend. In the event of differing values (over
Condensate may contain oil! When draining
5 m/16.4 ft, more than one bend, filter cartridges,
condensate, observe the corresponding regulations for
screens, etc.), please contact your technical
waste water disposal.
CompAir screw compressors are rated for ambient
temperatures and cooling temperatures of +1°C/
33.8°F to +45°C/113°F. In the case of temperatures
other than the above limiting values, please consult
your technical adviser.

In order to ensure a good heat dissipation, auxiliary
fans should be rated to process approximately 15 to
20% more air volume than the total cooling air
quantity required by the compressors installed in the
compressed air station.

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.3 Electrical connection

Recommended supply cable cross-sections and fuses

Installed nominal Fuse protection Line cross section

Compressor type Supply voltage
motor power (slow-blow fuse) at 30°C
[kW] [AgL] [mm2]

L07 220 7,5 35 4G6
L07 400 7,5 20 4G2,5
L11 220 11,0 50 4G10
L11 400 11,0 35 4G6
L15 220 15,0 63 4G16
L15 400 15,0 35 4G6
L18 220 18,5 80 4G25
L18 400 18,5 50 4G10
L22 220 22,0 100 4G35
L22 400 22,0 50 4G10
60-Hz- Compressors
L07 220 7,5 35 4G6
L07 230 7,5 35 4G6
L07 460 7,5 20 4G2,5
L11 220 11,0 50 4G10
L11 230 11,0 50 4G10
L11 460 11,0 35 4G4
L15 220 15,0 63 4G16
L15 230 15,0 63 4G16
L15 460 15,0 35 4G6
L18 220 18,5 80 4G25
L18 230 18,5 80 4G25
L18 460 18,5 35 4G6
L22 220 22,0 80 4G25
L22 230 22,0 80 4G25
L22 460 22,0 50 4G10

Notes on the table: Compressor units are finished in the factory according
to standard EN60204 (industrial machinery). Please
We do not know the cable type used by you, its length observe the following important notes:
and the installation conditions (temperatures, grouping).
The table above can therefore only be regarded as a Danger
The customer has to connect a main switch in the
The supply cable cross-sections given in the table incoming line of the compressor unit (unless
comply with VDE 0298, part 4 - table 13, column 7. factory-mounted as special accessories)
(Rubber hose line at 30 °C/86 °F and max. line length of (DIN EN 1012 - 1).
50 m). In the case of differing conditions (line length,
temperature and grouping), establish the cross sections If this switch does not provide short-circuit and
in accordance with DIN VDE 0298, part 4 or BS7671 overload protection for the system, suitable
taking into account the cable type. back-up fuses have to be installed according to
EN 60269-1 (low voltage directive ) (see table).
The main switch must meet the requirements of the
If local regulations are stricter than the values safety standard EN 60 204-1 (electrical equipment
specified above, observe the stricter regulations. of machinery) as well as of EN 60947-2 (low-
voltage switchgear and control gear (circuit-

6. Preparations for commissioning

The electrical connection and protective measures Checking the setting of the control-power
have to be installed in accordance with VDE, BS or transformer
local regulations. As a rule, additional instructions
of the relevant power supplier have also to be The control-power transformer is factory-preset to the
adhered to. rated voltage. However, practice has shown that the
actual supply voltage often differs from this value. In
The electrical connections must be made by an order to adjust the unit to the local conditions, the
authorized specialist. setting of the control-power transformer must be
checked by measuring the control-power transformer
Attention: Interference voltage! output voltages during under load operation and, if
If external electric circuits, which cannot be cut out required, re-set. Several tapping points are provided for
via the main switch, are connected to the control, this purpose (see circuit diagram). Fig. 12 illustrates an
these have to be identified according to EN60204. example.
Warning signs have to be fixed near the main
switch and near these electric circuits. In addition,
these conductors have to be laid separately and/or
identified by colors. Work on control cabinets may
only be carried out by electrotechnical specialists.
If the installation conditions of the system differ
from the conditions described in EN60204, please
contact your technical adviser.

To establish an electrical connection, proceed as

Guide in supply cable at cable entry ( - 1 - Fig. 11) (cut
slit in cable entry to match cable diameter), guide
through clamp ( - 2 - and - 3 - Fig. 11) and through
cable screw connection on switch cabinet
(- 4 - Fig. 11) and tighten screw connection.
Fig. 12
Connect the supply line to the connecting terminals as
shown in the circuit diagram. Danger
When carrying out adjustment work on the control
power transformer, the unit must be electrically
isolated and locked off.
Work on the control cabinet may only be carried
out by electrotechnical specialist personnel.


A wrong setting of the control-power transformer

jeopardizes the trouble-free operation of
compressor units and can result in malfunction or
The verification of the control-power transformer
setting is a must during commissioning and
periodic inspection/maintenance, as the voltage
supply conditions may vary.
The correct setting should be checked during
under load operation of the unit by measuring the
control power transformer output voltages.
Fig. 11

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.4 Electric motor fasteners for secure 6.5 Oil level check
Fasteners used for securing the electric motor (- 1 - Fig.
13) during transportation must be removed prior to Only check the oil level when the screw
commissioning. compressor unit is out of operation and
To remove the fasteners, proceed as follows:
The pressure reservoir can be under pressure and
• After the panel has been removed, support the the oil hot. Warning: Danger of scalding!
motor by screwing the belt adjusting bolt (- 2 - Fig.
13) clockwise until it touches the motor. Do not spill oil! Check for leakage!

• Loosen the fastening screws (- 3 - and - 4 -Fig. 13)

and remove the fasteners
• Check V-belt (- 5 -Fig. 13) is correctly placed in the
in V-belt pulleys

• Screw the belt adjusting bolt back until it reaches

the lock nut (- 6 -Fig. 13) on the holder (- 7-Fig. 13);
securely fasten the motion screw (anti-clockwise)

Fig. 14

1 Oil filler cap R1"

2 Oil-level indicator
3 Maximum oil level
4 Minimum oil level


Do not mix oils of different specifications.

Fig. 13 Machines which are delivered without oil must first

be filled to the max. mark in the pressure reservoir
sight glass (see also chapters 9.4 and 9.14)

Check the oil level as follows:

• Switch off the screw compressor unit by pressing
the button  (Fig. 16).

• Wait at least 5 minutes for the oil to settle and for

the air to disperse
• The oil level is checked with the help of the
transparent plastic tube at the pressure reservoir
(- 2 - Fig. 14) after every stop and at regular
intervals. If required, top up oil

Also see chapter 8 “Service and maintenance”

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.6 Sound pressure level

Sound pressure level measured in dB(A) according to
PN8NTC 2.2 under full load at a distance of 1 m
(tolerance: ± 3 dB(A)):

50 Hz compressors dB(A)
L07 68
L11 69
L15 69
L18 70
L22 70

60 Hz compressors dB(A)
L07 72
L11 72
L15 73
L18 73
L22 73

Subject to technical revision.

7. Commissioning

7 Com m issio ni ng

7.1 First commissioning Important

If the direction of rotation is incorrect, immediately

shut down the unit using the large emergency
Make sure before commissioning that nobody is in STOP button on the control panel (-24- Fig. 3) and
the danger zone of the screw compressor. not using the   key (Fig. 16), as otherwise you

may cause serious damage to the compressor,

Only operate the screw compressor with closed
even if only operated briefly.
access panels.
The access panels may temporarily be opened for
Important checking the direction of rotation (wear ear
Although every CompAir screw compressor has
been subjected to a test run at the factory and has
again been thoroughly inspected before shipment,
damage during shipment cannot be excluded. For Beware of rotating parts!
this reason, every screw compressor should be
checked once again for damage before being com- Rotating parts can lead to injuries. Stay at a safe
missioned. In addition, it should be observed distance away from rotating machine parts!
during the first operating hours. Press the START button  I (- 2 - Fig. 16) and

If the screw compressor is newly connected to a check the direction of rotation. With a wrong direction
power supply, check the direction of rotation of the of rotation, press the red emergency STOP button
drive motor! (-24- Fig. 3) immediately and correct the direction of

First commissioning is carried out as follows:

• Remove transport guards (see chapter 6.4, Fig. 13)
• Fill oil in the pressure vessel up to “maximum oil
level” mark. (This applies to compressor systems
which are delivered without having been filled with
oil). (Refer to Chapter 9.4 and 9.14 for information
on filling oil).
• Check the oil level in the pressure reservoir (see
also chapter 6.5). (Fig. 14)
• Check the setting of the control-power transformer
(see also chapter 6.3). (Fig. 12)
• Check and re-tighten all connecting terminals of the
electrical control.
• Open isolator valves between the screw compres-
sor, reservoir and pipe.

• Operate main power supply switch.

Fig. 15
• Once the power supply has been switched on, the
POWER LOSS fault appears. This fault must be
1 Drive motor‘s direction of rotation
acknowledged using the key (Fig. 16). You will
find more information about the control in chapter 8. Note
• The factory setting of the setpoint value for the For switching the compressor off “normally”, use only
network pressure (upper and lower switching point) the stop push-button  (Fig. 16), but not the
is saved in the compressor control DELCOS Pro EMERGENCY STOP push-button (-24- Fig. 3). After
and depends on the relevant pressure variant of the having been switched off, the compressor is aftercooled
compressor (see nameplate fig. 2, stage pressures for 30 seconds (soft stop).
= maximum operating pressure). Chapter 8.5.2
describes how you check these settings or change
the values. Temperature start-up protection

• Temporarily open the hood to check the direction of The screw compressor unit will not start up if the
rotation, for specified direction, see (- 1 - Fig. 15) ambient temperature is lower than + 1 °C/33.8 °F.

7. Commissioning

7.2 Routine commissioning 7.3 Commissioning after malfunction

Danger Important

Make sure before commissioning that nobody is in Do not switch the screw compressor on repeatedly
the danger zone of the motor/screw compressor. without having rectified the malfunction, since this
may cause considerable damage to the machine.
After completion of work: Verify that all safety
devices have been refitted and that all tools have Re-start after an automatic shutdown due to a
been removed. malfunction as follows:
Only operate the screw compressor unit with • Turn master switch off.
closed access panels.
• Eliminate fault.
For routine commissioning, proceed as follows: • Turn master switch on.
• Check oil level in the pressure reservoir (see also • Press acknowledgement push-button (Fig. 16)
chapter 6.5).
• Start the screw compressor unit by pressing the
• Open shut-off valves between the screw
START button  I (Fig. 16).
compressor, reservoir and pipe.

• Switch on the power supply master switch.

• Once the power supply has been switched on, the
POWER LOSS fault appears. This fault must be
acknowledged using the key (Fig. 16).

• Press START button 

I (Fig. 16).

• To switch off the compressor in the usual way use

the STOP button   (Fig. 16) and not the emergency

STOP button. After shutdown the compressor has a

run on time of 30 seconds (soft-stop).

Start-up protection of the electric motor

The screw compressor unit will not start up if the final

compression pressure is more than 0,8 bar / 11, 6 PSI.

Temperature start-up protection

The screw compressor unit will not start up if the ambi-
ent temperature is lower than + 1 °C/33.8 °F.

8. Control system

8 Contr ol s yst em

8.1 General 8.3 Status indicator (display / light

This chapter is used to quickly commission the unit. The
control system is explained in detail in the separate The control system is fitted with a three-row display.
DELCOS Pro operating instructions.
1st row:
When the unit has been switched on for the first time,
the POWER LOSS fault appears on the display. This fault The final compression temperature, final compression -
must be acknowledged using . This is a routine pressure and network pressure are permanently
message, the compressor is not defective. displayed here.

When supplied, the display language is set to English. Final compression temperature: is the temperature
To set another language, see chapter 8.5.1. measured downstream of the compressor stage.
Final compression pressure: is the pressure measured
downstream of the compressor stage.
Network pressure: is the pressure within the system
connected downstream of the compressor.

The following symbols may also be used in the 1st row:

73°C 10.4bar 10.3bar p2 Second pressure range / timer active
Remote start / stop activated

2nd row:

The second row is reserved for the menu. You can view
values like the total service hours and set values like
the nominal pressure in the menu.
Fig. 16
3rd row:
The third row shows status, fault and warning -
8.2 Keys
Light signals
I Switch on unit
The DELCOS Pro is fitted with two light signals (red,

 Switch off unit green).

The three keys on the right next to the display have a Red light signal:
dual function:
Flashing slowly: warning, maintenance due

 +
 Call up or exit menu, Flashing rapidly: fault, unit is stopped until fault has
at the same exit menu / sub-menu
time been rectified
The red light signal only goes out once the warning or
fault has been remedied properly.

 Switch to next sub-menu / menu item,
or reduce a value Green light signal:
Flashing: system is ready, i.e. the motor
may start up automatically at any

 Switch to previous sub-menu / menu time.
item, or increase a value
Lit up permanently: the drive motor is running

Acknowledgement key,

if you are in a menu / sub-menu, the

acknowledgement key functions as an
Enter key [↵].

8. Control system

8.4 Displaying / changing values 8.5 Default settings

8.4.1 Selecting values Danger
You can display values, e.g. total hours, and set the When programming in standby, the machine may
control system, e.g. cut-in and cut-out times, in the sub- start up at any time.
To reach the main menu, you must press the 
 +

keys at the same time.
8.5.1 Selecting language
You can use the  or 
 keys to switch between the
following sub-menus: You can change the language by pressing the +
or + keys. Press these keys at the same time
[MAINTENANCE SCHED.] until the right language appears.
[OPTIONAL IN-/OUTPUTS] 8.5.2 Setting network pressure
Enter a sub-menu by pressing the key. Max. network pressure:
Again here you can use the 
 or 
 keys to go to a The network pressure is set in the [ CONTROL MENU ]
menu item. sub-menu. The   +  keys have to be pressed at the
same time to do this. You are then taken to the main
To exit the sub-menu, you must press the 
 +
 keys
menu. Use   to switch to the [ CONTROL MENU ]
at the same time. sub-menu. Then please press the key.
To then fully exit the main menu, you must again press The CUT-OUT POINT menu item now appears on the
the 
 +  keys at the same time.
display. Again pressing the – key causes the value to
flash. You can now correct (increase or decrease) this
value using  or 
 . Then confirm the value set by
8.4.2 Changing values pressing the key.
Enter the sub-menu and then the menu item containing Note
the value you wish to change.
The control system checks whether the value set can
Then press the key, the value flashes. You can now be used. The maximum network pressure CUT-
press  or 
 to change the value. You must then OUT POINT must be at least 0.2 more than the
press the key again to confirm the value. minimum network pressure CUT-IN POINT. You may
therefore have to first set the minimum network
pressure point. To prevent your compressor suffering
from excess wear, the difference between the CUT-
OUT POINT and CUT-IN POINT should not be too



Min. network pressure:

In the [ CONTROL MENU ] sub-menu please use 

to go to the CUT-IN POINT menu item.

Pressing the key causes the value to flash.

You can now correct (increase or decrease) this value

using 
 or 
 . Then confirm the value set by pressing
the key.

8. Control system

8.5.3 Setting time/date (timer) 8.8 Emergency off button

The DELCOS Pro accumulator can bridge a loss of
The emergency off button is located above the
power lasting between around two to three weeks. If DELCOS Pro. It is used to immediately shut down the
power is lost for longer periods, the timer's time and unit. Only use the emergency off button to shut down
date are lost and have to be entered anew. the unit in emergencies. When shutting down normally,
Press the   + keys at the same time. Use   to go always use the   key.

to the [ TIMER CONTROL ] sub-menu and press the

key. The date and time are displayed there in the
following format:

TU 30.10.07 12:10:34 8.9 Acknowledging warning /

If you press the key, the left-hand value (day of the fault messages
week) starts to flash. You can now use the   or 

Warning and fault messages are shown in the third row
keys to set this. Then confirm the value by pressing the
of the display. The red light signal flashes at the same
All values can now be set in succession using this You will find a table containing messages and
procedure. When the last value (seconds) has been set, suggested ways of remedying problems in the separate
the timer is fully set and you can exit the menu by twice DELCOS Pro operating instructions.
pressing the   +  keys at the same time.

8.9.1 Warning messages

When there are warnings, the red light signal flashes
8.6 Starting the unit slowly. The unit does not automatically shut down when
there are warnings. However ignored warnings may
Danger cause faults.

If the unit is ready, i.e. the green LED is flashing, Rectify what is causing the warning and press the
the compressor may automatically start at any time. key to hide the warning.

Use the main switch to switch the unit on.

If warning or fault messages appear in the third row of 8.9.2 Fault messages
the display, these first have to be rectified and
confirmed using the key. Fault messages result in the unit automatically shutting
down or do not permit the unit to be started.
Then start the unit by pressing the 
I key on the
Once you have rectified the problem, you still have to
confirm by pressing the key.

8.7 Switching off the unit

The unit is switched off by pressing the 
 key on the

DELCOS Pro. However the unit will only stop after a 30-
second soft-stop.

The soft-stop is preset to protect the compressor.

The unit may only be shut down using the emergency
off button in real emergencies. When shutting down
normally, please use the  key.

8. Control system

8.10 Menu structure (values are examples)

 +



 +

4000h 



CUT-IN POINT 12.5bar

 +
 p2 CUT-OUT POINT 10.5bar
p2 CUT-IN POINT 10.0bar



RS485-ProTOCOL ModBus
RS485-BAUDRATE 19200


12300h 

 
 +
 :
: 

TH 08.02.07 13:55:41
[ TIMER CONTROL ] 1 _____________00:00 00:00

 +

7 _____________00:00 00:00 

p2 1 ___________00:00 00:00 


 p2 7 ___________00:00 00:00


START ProTECT 0.8bar

 +





 +

9. Service and maintenance

9 Ser vice an d m ai nte na nce

9.1 Maintenance recommendations 9.3 Maintenance schedule

Note Danger

The screw compressor unit can only operate to your When performing control, adjusting and mainte-
complete satisfaction when the maintenance work is nance work, be careful with hot surfaces of
carefully carried out at the specified intervals. machine parts.

In order to facilitate this task, the scope of supply of the Checks and maintenance work may only be carried
screw compressor unit comprises the “Maintenance and out when the following points are observed:
inspection manual for CompAir compressors”, in which
• Press the STOP button on the control panel and
you can list your performed maintenance work at the
wait until the screw compressor unit has come
specified intervals.
to rest and the screw compressor unit is
You can also have this maintenance work performed by depressurized
our trained technicians. Please ask your CompAir
• The pressure display does no longer indicate
distributor for a maintenance contract.
pressures < 0.3 bar/4.4 PSI.
• Shortly after switching the screw compressor
off, the system can contain a low residual
9.2 Maintenance electric motor
• The screw compressor unit must therefore be
The maintenance of the electric motor is to be depressorized prior to any maintenance work by
performed in line with the motor operating instructions. slowly opening the lock (oil filler cap) with
integral vents
• The customer-installed main switch is set to "O"
(OFF) and locked off
• Warning:
Electrical voltage: Only work on the screw
compressor unit when it is disconnected.

9. Service and maintenance

Service packages

Package C Oil filter cartridge, air filter cartridge Intervals are valid for normal industrial environments
Package D Oil separator element and operating conditions.
Package E Worn parts For order numbers see the spare parts list.
Package V V-belt set (recommendation)

Maintenance items

W1 European-version W7 Checking/tightening of connecting terminals in

Oil change (CompAir - 4000 hours oil) the switch cabinet/ and checking of the
Valid for normal industrial environments (when in “control transformer” setting
doubt, check the oil change intervals by carrying
W8 Checking/tightening screw connections
out an oil analysis) Minimum oil change = 1 x year
W9 General maintenance/cleaning
W2 Replacement of oil filter cartridge (In the case of a very dirty atmosphere, the
Valid for normal industrial environments cleaning intervals have to be shortened as
W3 Replacement of oil fine separator cartridge required)
Valid for normal industrial environments W10 Replacing the V-belt (recommendation)
W4 Replacement of air filter cartridge (only complete sets)
Valid for normal industrial environments W11 Cleaning/replacement of cooling air inlet filter
W5 Safety valve / functional test (In the case of a very dirty atmosphere, the
at least once a year cleaning intervals have to be shortened as
W6 V-belt
(only visual check)

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
hours During
No later than comm.
3M 6M 9M 12 M 15 M 18 M 21 M 24 M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M
x months

Package C      
Required service

Package D   

Package E 

Package V 

W1   

W2      

W3   

W4      

  


W6    

W7    

W8    

W9   

W10 

W11      

These maintenance intervals must be adhered to!

9. Service and maintenance

9.4 Oil change intake air from a normal environment without a high
content of foreign matter (dusts, vapours, gases).
When changing the oil, the waste oil is to be drained
completely, since used oil reduces the service life of the
new oil fill considerably.
Do not mix lubricating oils of different makes. When
changing over to a new oil type, the oil in the oil circuit
must be drained completely.
For the oil change intervals, see maintenance schedule.

When changing the oil, proceed as follows:

• Switch the screw compressor unit off and ensure

that it is depressurized, electrically isolate and
locked off.
• Slowly open the oil filler cap (- 2 - Fig. 17), to
depressurize the screw compressor by releasing
any residual pressure in the unit
• Remove the oil filler cap
Fig. 17
• Open the oil drain (- 6 - Fig. 17) for the pressure
1 Oil reservoir reservoir and the oil cooler
2 Oil filler cap R1"
• Drain oil at operating temperature
3 Oil-level indicator
4 Max. oil level • Close the oil drain
5 Min. oil level • Fill in oil up to the marking “maximum oil level”
6 Oil drain R1/2" (- 4 - Fig. 17) (L07-L11 approx. 5 litres,
L15-L22 approx. 6 litres)
• Close the oil filler cap
Only change the oil when the screw compressor
unit is not in operation and is depressurized! • Let the screw compressor unit run for approx.
2 minutes
Be careful when draining hot oil:
• Check for leakages
Danger of scalding!
• Switch the screw compressor unit off
• Wait at least 5 minutes for the oil to settle and for
Remove oil residues and other deposits from unit the air to disperse
parts and from the coolers of compressors, which • Check oil level (see chapter 6.5)
are exposed to hot compressed air, according to
the operating instructions. • The oil level must be between the maximum level (-
4 - Fig. 17) and minimum level (- 5 - Fig. 17) marked
Note on the oil reservoir.

Collect the waste oil, do not allow it to seep into the • If required, top up oil
Disposal in accordance with the regulations! Do not spill Changing intervals for lubricants
oil! Check for leakage!
The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
With these compressors, the oil change intervals the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
strongly depend on the degree of contamination of the (e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter
circulating oil. It must therefore be taken care that no such as SO2, solvent vapours) have a strong influence
oil-deteriorating matter (dusts, vapours, gases) are on the oil change intervals.
transported through the air intake filter into the oil circuit
of the compressor unit. Also a high content of humidity In this case the oil must be analyzed to check the
in the intake air and the formation of condensate within permissible length of time that the oil can be used (see
the machine affect the service life of the lubricant oil so also chapter 9.14). Under no circumstances should the
that a reduction in the oil change intervals may become oil be used beyond its design life.
necessary. The specified oil change intervals refer to an

9. Service and maintenance

9.5 Change of oil filter cartridge • Check oil level (see chapter 6.5)

• If required, top up oil.

Changing intervals for oil filter cartridge

The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong
influence on the service life of the filters (air filters, oil
filters, fine separators).

Where such conditions exist the filter element may

require changing more frequently.

9.6 Change of the fine separator


Fig. 18

1 Oil filter cartridge


Only replace the oil filter cartridge when the screw

compressor unit is out of operation and
Be careful with hot oil: Danger of scalding! Do not
spill oil!

Dispose of the oil filter cartridge in line with the
regulations - special waste ! Check for leakage!
For the changing intervals, see the maintenance
Fig. 19

Change the oil filter cartridge as follows: 1 Oil fine separator

• Switch the screw compressor unit off and ensure Danger

that it is depressurized, electrically isolate and
locked off. The pressure reservoir is under pressure! Only
work on the screw compressor unit when it is out
• Wait at least 5 minutes for the oil to settle and for of operation and depressurized!
the air to disperse.
Be careful with hot oil: Danger of scalding!
• Unscrew the oil filter cartridge ( - 1 - Fig. 18) using Do not spill oil!
an appropriate tool
• Dispose of the oil filter cartridge according to the
regulations Dispose of the fine separator cartridge in line with the
regulations - special waste! Check for leakage!
• Oil the gasket of the new oil filter cartridge slightly
For the changing intervals, see the maintenance
• Screw on the new oil filter cartridge and tighten schedule.
manually (take notice of the instructions on the oil
filter cartridge)

• Check for leakage

9. Service and maintenance

Change the oil fine separator as follows: 9.7 Change of air intake filter
• Switch the screw compressor unit off and make sure
that it is depressurised and no voltage is supplied. Danger

• Unscrew the fine separator cartridge (-1- Fig. 19) Only perform checks and carry out work on the
using an appropriate tool screw compressor when the unit is out of operation
and depressurized!
• Dispose of the fine separator cartridge according
tothe regulations
• Oil the gasket of the new fine separator cartridges
lightly Never operate the screw compressor unit without
the air filter (even a short operating time without
• Screw on the new fine separator cartridge and this filter can result in considerable damage to the
tighten manually (take notice of the instructions on machine)!
the fine separator cartridge)
A clogged air filter must be cleaned or replaced when
• Check for leakage
the maintenance point has been reached.
• Check oil level (see chapter 6.5)
Check the air filter for accumulated dust at least once a
• If required, top up oil. week or, if required, daily.

During maintenance work, take care that no dirt enters

Changing intervals for oil fine separator cartridge the clean air side of the air filter.
The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter 9.7.1 Change of air intake filter L07-L11
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong
influence on the service life of the filters (air filters, oil
filters, fine separators).
Where such conditions exist the filter element may
require changing more frequently.

Fig. 20 L07-L11
1 Air intake filter
2 Fixing clip

Change the air filter as follows:

• Loosen the fixing clamp ( - 2 - Fig. 20)

• Pull off the air filter ( - 1 - Fig. 20) and replace it with
a new one

• Put the air filter on and tighten the fixing clamp

( - 2 - Fig. 20)

9. Service and maintenance

9.7.2 Changing of air intake filter L15-L22 9.8 Safety valve

Fig. 22
Fig. 21 L15-L22

1 Air filter housing cover 1 Safety valve

2 Air filter housing
3 Air filter element Testing the safety valve
4 Fixing clip
The valve should be tested on a separate compressed
air line in accordance with local legislation.
Change the air filter as follows:
Operate the safety valve depending on the type of
• Loosen and remove the air filter housing cover valve:
( - 1 - Fig. 21)
• by unscrewing the cap one or two turns and
• Remove the air filter ( - 3 - Fig. 21) and replace it retightening it
with a new one
• or by pulling the valve lifting lever
• Insert the air filter cartridge into the air filter housing
(- 2 - Fig. 21) Danger
• Screw the air filter housing cover on to the air filter Never operate a screw compressor system with a
housing defective safety valve or without safety valve!

Changing intervals for air filter cartridge

The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong
influence on the service life of the filters (air filters, oil
filters, fine separators).
Where such conditions exist the filter element may
require changing more frequently.

9. Service and maintenance

9.9 Changing V-belts/automatic Changing the V-belt is carried out as follows:

tensioning system • Remove the panel (- 5 - Fig. 23) by loosening the
capscrews (- 6 - fig. 34)
• Remove the cover cap ( - 1 - Fig. 23) from the
Only perform checks and carry out work when the access panel
screw compressor unit is out of operation and
• Lift the motor by turning the motion screw
depressurized, electrically isolated and locked off.
(- 2 - Fig. 23) clockwise until the V-belts are
Any safety equipment which had to be removed for released
the replacement of the V-belt set must be
remounted after completion of this work. • Clean/degrease the V-belt pulleys

• Replace the V-belt set (- 7 - Fig. 23)

• Screw the motion screw back in until the lock nut
The replacement of a single V-belt is not permitted, (- 3 - Fig. 23) reaches the holder (- 4 - Fig. 23);
always replace a complete V-belt set. securely fasten the motion screw (anti-clockwise)
During the entire service life of the V-belt set, no • Replace the cover cap and the panel
readjustment of the automatic V-belt tensioning
system will be necessary.

9.10 Connecting terminals in the switch

cabinet/control transformer setting


In the case of electric voltage:

• Actuate STOP button   at the operating panel

• Set the customer-fitted main power switch to

"O" (OFF).
The connecting terminals in the switch cabinet have to
be checked and, if required, re-tightened during first
commissioning and later on in line with the maintenance

The setting of the control transformer must be checked

according to chapter 6.3 “Electrical connection”.
Fig. 23

1 Cover cap
2 Motion screw
3 Lock nut
4 Holder 9.11 Fittings
5 Panel
The fittings of the air and oil circuits have to be checked
6 Capscrew
and, if required, re-tightened according to the
7 V-belt set
maintenance schedule.
8 Rotational axis
Check the hose and piping for unsealed areas.
The V-belt preload needed is specified by the weight of
the motor, which is mounted in a rotary fashion ( - 8 -
Fig. 23).

9. Service and maintenance

9.12 General maintenance and cleaning Perform filter mat change as follows:

• Remove mounting bolt (- 1 - Fig. 24).

• Remove filter mat (- 1 - Fig. 24) and clean,
Remove oil residues and other deposits from unit exchange if damaged.
parts and from the coolers of compressors, which
are exposed to hot compressed air, according to • Re-insert filter mat in the bottom access panel
the operating instructions. (- 3 - Fig. 24).

Blow off the screw compressor unit with • Secure filter mat by means of the mounting bolt.
compressed air at the specified intervals (never
direct compressed air towards persons) paying
particular attention to: Cleaning:
• Regulating elements Clean the filter mat by brushing or washing.
• Fittings
• Compressor block Important
• Cooler
• Electric motor Never install the filter mat in a wet or moist state!

The maintenance of the electric motor is to be

performed in line with the motor operating instructions. Changing times for the filter mat
The electric motor is permanently lubricated. The operating modes and the quality of the suctioned
air (e.g. dust content) has a strong influence on the filter
service life.
The filter should be checked on a weekly basis,
9.13 Clean / change filter with cooling air eventually daily basis, for dust build-up.
inlet and control cabinet inlet
In these operational cases, shorter change intervals are

9.14 Maintenance information and

lubricant recommendations for
stationary compressors
Lubricant recommendations

Please note that proper lubrication will considerably

increase the service life of your compressor unit.
According to regulations relating to the prevention of
accidents, use lubricants the properties of which meet
the requirements of the operating conditions on site.
Do not mix lubricating oils of different makes. When
changing over to a new oil type, drain the old oil
completely from the system.
If final compression temperatures of more than 90 °C/
Fig. 24 195 °F occur continually, the oil change intervals given
1 Filter mat cooling air inlet in section 9.3 (maintenance schedule) are halved.
2 Mounting bolt The oil change intervals should be calculated more
3 Bottom access panel accurately in accordance with the actual operating
conditions by analyzing the oil.
Only perform filter mat change after the Use the following oil type:
compressor system has been shut down and
depressurized! European version

CompAir „4000“

10. Trouble-shooting

10 Tr ou ble -s ho oti ng

Malfunction Possible cause Remedy

Unit cannot be started 1. No operating or control voltage 1. Check fuses, main switch and supply

2. Malfunction not acknowledged 2. Acknowledge fault message

3. Pressure reservoir not depressurized 3. Wait until depressurized

4. Electric motor defective 4. Check connections, winding, etc.

5. Compressor defective 5. Turn the compressor manually;

if required, replace

6. Ambient temperature less than 6. Make sure that the ambient temperature
+1 °C/ 33.8 °F is not less than +1 °C/ 33.8 °F; install an
auxiliary heater, if required

7. Remote control has been activated via 7. Deactivate remote control/timer

terminal strip

8. Mains pressure is above the lower 8. Wait until the mains pressure has fallen
switch set point below the lower switch set point

Unit stops during the 1. Intake regulator only closes partly, 1. Fix intake regulator or, if required,
start-up phase pressure builds up too quickly in the replace; check solenoid valves
pressure reservoir

2. Short-circuit in the unit 2. Determine and eliminate cause; replace

defective fuses

3. Connecting terminals in the switch 3. Check and re-tighten

cabinet are loose

4. Oil too viscous 4. Select the type of oil according to the

ambient conditions or install an auxiliary

5. Maximum motor switching cycles 5. Avoid frequent manual on and off-

exceeded due to too frequent manual switching, let electric motor cool down
on and off-switching

Unit does not reach the 1. Mains pressure sensor set too low 1. Check, re-set
set mains pressure
2. Intake regulator opens only partly 2. Fix intake regulator or, if required,
replace; check solenoid valves

3. Excessive air consumption 3. Reduce consumption or cut in a further


4. V-belt slips 4. Replace the V-belt set

5. Fine separator clogged 5. Replace fine separator cartridge

6. Air filter clogged 6. Replace air filter cartridge

7. Heavy leakage in the compressor 7. Check unit


8. Mains pressure exceeds the lower 8. Wait until the mains pressure has fallen
switching point below the lower switching point

10. Trouble-shooting

Malfunction Possible cause Remedy

Unit switches off 1. Ambient temperature too high 1. Ventilate compressor room

2. Electric motor defective 2. Check electric motor and thermistor

3. Fan defective 3. Check/replace fan

4. Cross section of the electric supply 4. Measure power requirement,

lines too small if necessary, replace lines

5. Power requirement too high 5. Oil fine separator clogged,

replace, if necessary

6. Oil level too low 6. Top up oil in the pressure reservoir

7. Oil injection pressure too low 7. Replace oil filter cartridge,

clean oil system

8. Excessive oil temperature 8. Check oil cooler and fan/

Check oil thermostat

Excessive idling 1. Intake regulator does not close correctly 1. Check intake regulator
2. System not unloaded 2. Check intake regulator

Oil in the compressed air 1. Oil fine separator defective 1. Replace oil fine separator cartridge

2. Oil foams 2. Change oil

3. Oil level too high 3. Drain off oil
4. Minimum pressure valve defective 4. Check minimum pressure valve

Oil in the air filter 1. Intake regulator setback function 1. Check intake regulator
2. Intake regulator does not close correctly 2. Check intake regulator
3. Frequent emergency shutdown 3. The emergency shutdown may only be
activated in the case of safety-relevant
functional problems

Safety valve opens 1. Safety valve defective 1. Replace

2. Oil fine separator clogged and final 2. Replace oil fine separator cartridge and
compression pressure sensor defective change final compression pressure

3. Intake regulator closes too slowly 3. Check intake regulator and solenoid

4. Mains pressure sensor defective 4. Replace mains pressure sensor

5. Electronics defective 5. Replace electronics


Never operate the screw compressor with defective safety valve!

11. Annex

11 Ann ex

11.1 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 50 Hz

Technical Data L07-L11 50Hz L07 L11
Maximum operating pressure bar 7,5 10 13 7,5 10 13
Minimum operating pressure bar 5,0
Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45
Flow m3/min 1,14 0,93 0,69 1,68 1,41 1,14
Final compression temperature above ambient temp. °C 10 9 8 12 11 10
Sound pressure level (to Cagi Pneurop PN8NTC2) dB(A) 68 69
Nominal motor rating kW 7,5 11
Full-load current max. IP55 (220V) A 32 52
Full-load current max. IP55 (400V) A 16 26
Motor protection type IP55
Nominal speed rpm 3000
Nominal fan motor power kW no separate fan motor
Recommended cable cross-section 220V / 400V mm2 4G6 / 4G2,5 4G10 / 4G6
Recommended fuse size 220V / 400V A 35 / 20 50 / 35
Cooling air flow through ventilator m3/min 34 37
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient temp. °C 12 17
Max. allowable pressure drop in duct at ambient 35°C/45°C Pa 30
Compressor oil fill l 5
Residual oil capacity mg/m³ 3-5
Compressed air delivery connection EN 10226 Rp 3/4" (DIN 2999 - Rp 3/4)
Weight kg 215 233
Dimensions L x W x H mm 687 x 585 x 1000

Technical Data L15-L22 ; 50 Hz L15 L18 L22

Maximum operating pressure bar 7,5 10 13 7,5 10 13 7,5 10 13
Minimum operating pressure bar 5,0
Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45
Flow m3/min 2,47 2,10 1,68 3,07 2,60 2,22 3,46 3,04 2,58
Final compression temperature above
°C 9 8 7 12 11 10 13 12 11
ambient temp.
Sound pressure level (to Cagi Pneurop
dB(A) 69 70 70
Nominal motor rating kW 15 18,5 22
Full-load current max. IP55 (220V) A 60 72 88
Full-load current max. IP55 (400V) A 30 36 44
Motor protection type IP55
Nominal speed rpm 3000
Nominal fan motor power kW no separate fan motor
Recommended cable cross-section
mm2 4G16 / 4G6 4G25 / 4G10 4G35 / 4G10
220V / 400V
Recommended fuse size 220V / 400V A 63 / 35 80 / 50 100 / 50
Cooling air flow through ventilator m3/min 59 56 56
Cooling air outlet temperature above
°C 14 18 21
ambient temp.
Max. allowable pressure drop in duct at
Pa 20
ambient 35°C/45°C
Compressor oil fill l 8
Residual oil capacity mg/m³ 3-5
Compressed air delivery connection EN 10226 Rp 1" (DIN 2999 - Rp 1)
Weight kg 327 353 359
Dimensions L x W x H mm 823 x 696 x 1162

11. Annex

11.2 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 60 Hz

Technical Data L07-11 ; 60 Hz L07 L11
Maximum operating pressure bar 7,5 9 13 7,5 9 13
Minimum operating pressure bar 5,0
Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45
Flow m3/min 1,15 1,00 0,69 1,61 1,53 1,14
Final compression temperature above ambient temp. °C 10 9 8 12 11 10
Sound pressure level (to Cagi Pneurop PN8NTC2) dB(A) 72
Nominal motor rating kW 7,5 11
Full-load current max. IP55 (220V) A IP55
Full-load current max. IP55 (400V) A 3600
Motor protection type no separate fan motor
Nominal speed rpm 4G6 / 4G2,5 4G10 / 4G4
Nominal fan motor power kW 35 / 20 50 / 35
Recommended cable cross-section 220V / 400V mm2 34 37
Recommended fuse size 220V / 400V A 12 17
Cooling air flow through ventilator m3/min 30
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient temp. °C 5
Max. allowable pressure drop in duct at ambient
Pa 3-5
Compressor oil fill l EN 10226 Rp 3/4" (DIN 2999 - Rp 3/4)
Residual oil capacity mg/m³ 218 233
Compressed air delivery connection 687 x 585 x 1000
Weight kg
Dimensions L x W x H mm

Technical Data L15-22 ; 60 Hz L15 L18 L22

Maximum operating pressure bar 7,5 9 13 7,5 9 13 7,5 9 13
Minimum operating pressure bar 5,0
Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45
Flow m3/min 2,31 2,14 1,54 2,96 2,71 2,13 3,43 3,12 2,50
Final compression temperature above ambient temp. °C 9 8 7 12 11 10 13 12 11
Sound pressure level (to Cagi Pneurop PN8NTC2) dB(A) 73
Nominal motor rating kW 15 18,5 22
Full-load current max. IP55 (220V) A IP55
Full-load current max. IP55 (400V) A 3600
Motor protection type no separate fan motor
Nominal speed rpm 4G16 / 4G6 4G25 / 4G6 4G25 / 4G10
Nominal fan motor power kW 63 / 35 80 / 35 80 / 50
Recommended cable cross-section 220V / 400V mm2 48 54 54
Recommended fuse size 220V / 400V A 17 19 22
Cooling air flow through ventilator m3/min 20
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient temp. °C 8
Max. allowable pressure drop in duct at ambient
Pa 3-5
Compressor oil fill l EN 10226 Rp 1" (DIN 2999 - Rp 1)
Residual oil capacity mg/m³ 351 356 365
Compressed air delivery connection 823 x 696 x 1162
Weight kg
Dimensions L x W x H mm

11. Annex

11.3 Layout plan L07-L11



Compressed air connection


Electrical connection
View “X”

Air inlet

Cooling-air outlet

Access panel

Service aperture (V-belt relief)

Oil drain R1/2“

Fig. 25

11. Annex

11.4 Layout plan L15-L22



Compressed air connection

R1“ (1“ NPT/USA)

Electrical connection
View “X”
Air inlet

Cooling-air outlet

Access panel

Service aperture (V-belt relief)

Oil drain R1/2“

Fig. 26

CompAir Drucklufttechnik GmbH
Argenthaler Str. 11
55469 Simmern

Tel. ++49 (0)6761 832-0

Fax ++49 (0)6761 832-409

w w

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