Creating An Illusion With OP Art: Grade Level Subject/Content Area Lesson Duration

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     Mahasen      Katoush      

Semester and Year Grade Level Subject/Content Area Lesson Duration

     Fall 2019      5 & 6    Visual Art (OP art)        3 day 45 minutes each


Creating an Illusion with OP Art 

How can an artist create an Illusion and depth into drawing?    

A brief description of the lesson’s content and how it relates to a larger unit of instruction. Explain why the skills and knowledge are important for
students to develop. Include prerequisite student knowledge required to meet lesson outcomes and relationship to future learning.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)

How can an artist create an Illusion and depth into drawing?

In this three-part art lesson, we are going to investigate as a whole class how to apply and understand the

techniques and process in creating artwork. Students will be able to communicate with a variety of ideas and

feelings during the OP art experience. The students will be introduced to Various OP art and artists. They will

be learning about art elements, lines, shapes, and patterns by mastering the skills of using a ruler or compass.

These visual art series are built on prior understanding of using elements of art like shapes, colors,

arrangements, and symmetry. We are going to analyze these examples by doing a warm-up on the first day,

the teacher will be using a presentation to introduce the lesson. The teacher will demonstrate to the students

during the warm-up. Students will follow along and listen for directions. The lesson is designed for 5 & 6

graders, where I have to teach it two times each day for two groups of students. An essential question for this

OP Art is How we can interpret art? and if Art has boundaries?

Students will use art materials ( white construction paper, colored markers or Sharpie, and a ruler). The

students will apply techniques, and processes and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of

ideas, feelings, and experiences as a curriculum goal. The students will learn on the first day, “What is OP

art?” and how this abstract visual artwork gives the viewer the impression of movement, flashing and
Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson

vibrating patterns, hidden images, or of swelling or warping. Students during the presentation will observe

the different work of OP art and notice the difference in style, color, shapes, and illusions. The teacher will

have a presentation projected for each sample image along with brainstorming questions to support the image.

The teacher will introduce the vocabulary for the art lesson. The teacher will do a warm-up for the students

by creating a simple version for OP art guided by the teacher, so they have a good idea of how it works and

what is expected from them during this process.

During day two, students will use their chrome books to research for their OP art, “what shapes?” and “what

colors they are going to use?”. The teacher will provide links for research, and the students should go into

their groups to do their research. They will research for an OP art design and colors to apply for the art piece.

The students during the research will explore the different OP art designs and colors. During day three,

students should be focusing all their effort during the class period on finalizing their art piece and turn it in at

the end of the class. If not, they will have it as homework. Students will be assessed according to

understanding, craftsmanship/ skills, creativity/ originality, effort, and harmony.

Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question(s)

Important ideas or processes for the students to explore and uncover Promote inquiry to discover the enduring understanding(s)
Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)

● The arts serve multiple functions: insight, ● Does art have boundaries?

education, and entertainment. ● How many ways can we interpret art?

● The artistic process can lead to surprising or

unpredictable outcomes.

Content Standard(s)
Standardized statements about what the students should know or be able to do (i.e., The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii
Content & Performance Standards III) that align with the enduring understandings, essential questions, and student learning objectives.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)

Standard 1: VISUAL ARTS: Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of

works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences.

Benchmark FA.5.1.2, Analyze, using evidence, the element of space (perspective, overlapping, foreground,

background) and how it is developed in works of art.

I can use the material provided to create an art piece that communicates a variety of ideas, feelings, and


Knowledge of Students
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Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson
A description of 1) studentsʻ current level of understanding and experiences with the content in the lesson and 2)the students’ interests, unique
characteristics, and needs. (1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)

The students worked on Symmetrical Name Art, where students write their names on the two sides of the

paper and if they write it in cursive is much better. They used this art during math when they were learning

about symmetry.


Student Learning Objectives/Instructional Goals

What the students are expected to be able to do and/or to know by the end of the lesson or by the end of multiple lessons.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)

● Students should be able to analyze and apply techniques to create an art piece that communicates a

variety of ideas and feelings.

● Students should be able to manipulate space and shapes to create an illusion of depth and look for

patterns and repetition.

Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson
Student Assessments
Checks for student understanding throughout the lesson (formative assessment tasks) and evaluation of how the students have met the student
learning outcomes including the evaluation criteria (summative assessments) and all assessment tools. (1f: Designing Student Assessments)

● The teacher will use ( formative assessment) to check for students’ work, the teacher will walk around

during the step by step creation.

● The teacher will use a rubric as a summative assessment.

Academic Language Demands and Supports

The ways that students will be required to use content area language during the lesson and the instructional strategies to be used to help the
students to meet the language demands. (1a: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1b: Knowledge of Students)

● The students will learn what overlapping, foreground, background, and how it is developed in works

of art.

● The students will experiment and create an art piece taking risks and play with the materials.

● The teacher will use a Powerpoint presentation as visual support.

● Vocabulary will be introduced related to the art lesson.

Pattern, elements, illusion, perception, swelling, warping.

Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson

Lesson Procedures
A description of the sequence of learning experiences (what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson)
including the launch of the lesson, the ways the materials will be presented, the ways the students will actively engage in learning, the questions
posed, and the lesson closure. (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

Three days of art (45 minutes each)

Day one:

Attention getter: “ Class, class” “ Yes, yes”

The teacher will ask to go on the carpet and face the whiteboard. The teacher will give them two minute for

transition time using a timer.


The teacher will say” today we are going to learn about OP art and what it means? what are the different OP

arts? And the history of OP art.” the teacher will use a Powerpoint presentation to do that.

OP art: it is short for optical art, which is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. It is an abstract work

created with either using Colored markers or Black sharpie.

Students during the presentation will observe the different work of OP art and notice the difference in style,

color, shapes, and illusions. The teacher will brainstorm some questions for the OP art examples using the

Powerpoint. The teacher will ask the students to turn and talk to their elbow partner for three minutes about

the OP art examples and reflect on the questions presented on the slides. New vocabulary will be introduced

related to the lesson.

OP Art Vocabulary:

● Pattern
● Elements
● Illusion
● Perception
Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson
● Swelling
● Warping

The teacher will ask the students to go back to their seats, this transition will take two minutes or less. The

teacher will go over the rubric and how their artwork going to be graded. The teacher will ask a few students

to pass copies of the rubric. Then the teacher will do a warm-up for the students by creating a step by step

slide for this process. The teacher will provide the students with (8’’ x8’’ white construction paper, sharpie,

pencil, ruler )The students will follow the directions of the teacher, the students during this process will have

a good idea of how it works and what is expected from their individual work.

Closure: Students will put their unfinished work in a designated area for the next day.

Day two:

Attention getter: “ Class, class” “ Yes, yes.”

The teacher will say,” today we are going to research the OP art you are going to create. and put your plan

into action. The students will use their chrome books to research for their own OP art, “ what shapes?” and “

what colors they are going to use?”. The teacher will provide two website links projected on the whiteboard

for this process. This should take 10 minutes.

The teacher then asks,” did all of you finish researching for your individual OP art Piece?” All of you by now

should have a plan, “what exactly you are going to draw and what colors you are going to use? Students

during this time should turn and talk about their projects for 8 minutes and collect ideas for their projects.

Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson

The students by the last 20 minutes of class time should be starting on their art piece. The teacher will be

walking around and helping students during this decision-making process.

Closure: Students will put their unfinished work in a designated area for the next day.

Day three:

Attention getter: “ Class, class” “ Yes, yes”

The teacher will say,” today is your last day to turn in the finished product.”

The teacher will ask,” Does anyone have any questions?” the teacher after answering the student’s questions

should pull out some students who are struggling to the round table and guide them to finish their art piece.

The rest of the class should be focusing all their effort to finalize their art piece and turn it in at the end of the


If some of the students finished early the teacher will have these list of questions to answer for extra points:

1. What did you do well?

2. What do you think can be improved?

3. What did you learn from this art lesson?

4. What more you want to know about this art?

Closer and clean up

Turn in your finished work to the designated area. The teacher asks the students to make sure they wrote their

Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson

names on their art pieces.

Clean up.

Differentiation According to Students’ Needs

Adaptations/modifications to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessment tasks to ensure that all students (e.g.,
students who have IEPs/504 plans, students who are speakers of other languages, students who have advanced or emergent proficiency with the
content and concepts) have access to and are able to engage actively in the lesson.
(1b: Knowledge of Students;1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

● Using visuals and demonstrating the warm-up with the students is going to be very helpful, especially

for MLL and IEP, where they are going to watch the steps projected on the whiteboard.

● The teacher will always walk around and guide the students whenever needed.

● Enforce positive feedback upon the students by saying “great idea”, or “you have a good choice of


Instructional Materials/Resources
All materials, handouts, resources, and technology tools that are needed to execute the lesson. (1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

Construction white paper
Colored Markers & sharpie
Pencil & Eraser
“Op Art” Extra questions if needed.

M. F. (2019, April 29). 5th Grade Art Lessons. Retrieved from

(2019, August 6). Op art. Retrieved from

Op Art - Optical Illusions: Free Art Lesson Plan Download. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 7, 2019, from

Victor Vasarely | Artnet. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2019, from
Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Katoush_Visual Art_Three day lesson

Lesson Plan Reflection (if lesson is carried out)

An analysis of the effectiveness of the lesson (what worked well? what did not work as well?) in terms of student learning and the extent to which
the instructional outcomes were achieved based on specific evidence from the lesson and references to evidence-based practices and theories of
student learning. A description of how you will use what you learned from reflecting on this lesson in your future teaching.
(4a: Reflecting on Teaching)


Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa

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