My Scientific Method Activity

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 My Scientific Method Activity

I conducted my own experiment. I wrote the following on the board:

The Scientific Method
1. Make an Observation
2. Ask a Question
3. Do Background Research
4. Construct a Hypothesis
5. Test the Hypothesis with an Experiment
6. Analyze the Data and Draw Conclusions
7. Communicate the Results
I made an observation in my class one morning and noticed my class was extremely bored. I
asked the question, "What will my students do when I teach them the Scientific Method?" I used
my experience as a teacher and my colleagues for my background research. I constructed the
hypothesis that 72% of the class would be bored, 18% would fall asleep, and 10% would soil
themselves. I tested the hypothesis with the experiment I'm relating now. With the exception of
the three kids in 4th period who were interested, my hypothesis was right on. I analyzed the data
and realized I needed better activities. I now communicate my results to you.
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Classroom Activity

The great thing about the scientific method is that it can be applied to all subject areas and forms
the foundation for inquiry and knowledge acquisition.
1. Instruct students to copy the scientific method in their notebooks.
2. Instruct students to write down observations about their school, their family, their
society, their friends, or anything that interests them.
3. Instruct students to write down questions they would like answered.
4. After five minutes of brainstorming, put students in pairs. Instruct them to discuss
their observations and questions.
5. After a few minute discussion, instruct each pair to pair up with another pair (that
makes four per group).
6. Instruct each group to make a list of 5-10 questions they would like answered
based on previous observations.
7. Discuss some of the questions and channel students into choosing observations
and questions which may provide experimentation opportunities.
8. Instruct each group to choose one observation for their scientific method
9. Groups should discuss background information and do research, if necessary and
10. Students should construct a hypothesis based on their observations and
background discussion (a list of sample hypotheses and observations can be found on page
11. Students should conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis.
12. Students will collect data, draw a conclusion, and share their findings with the
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Step by Step Example

1. Bob observes that Benjamin is very popular with the ladies and converses with
them frequently. Bob is lucky to speak with one girl per lunch period.
2. Bob asks the question, "If I sat at the end table in the cafeteria (like Benjamin
does) and smiles (like Benjamin does), would the ladies talk to me?"
3. Bob and his group come up with the following hypothesis: If Bob sits at the end
of the table in the cafeteria and smiles, girls will be more likely to talk to him.
4. The group conducts an experiment. Bob sits at the end of the lunch room table
and smiles at girls as they walk by. They discover that Bob converse with about 1/4 of the
girls that come by--about 7. They continue the experiment and notice similar results.
5. The group's hypothesis has been proven true. Location + smiling = more girls.
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Fun Ideas & Experiments

Observation #1
People like money.
Hypothesis #1
People will stop whatever they're doing and pick up a quarter if it's on the ground, even if they're
in a hurry.
Experiment #1
Glue a quarter to the ground in a semi-crowded area. Sit back and observe people's reaction.
Count how many stoop to pick up the quarter, how many make more than one effort to pick it up,
how many get angry when they discover they've been had, and how many ignore it.
Observation #2
Teachers like it when their students participate in classroom discussions
Hypothesis #2
If teachers discover that students are more likely to participate if the teacher behaves in a
particular manner (consciously or subconsciously), students will be able to control teacher
Experiment #2
This requires a full class effort. Tell each student only to raise his or her hand and participate
when the teacher is in a certain section of the room. Record how often the teacher goes to that
section of the room during class discussion (if you have your class do this, make sure the
experiment is conducted on a teacher with a sense of humor that can neither get you fired nor
beat you up).
Observation #3
It really doesn't matter what you wear in high school. If you're cool, other students will follow
Hypothesis #3
Popular kids dictate fashion trends.
Experiment #3
Warning: handle this delicately. Find an extremely popular student in the class, the class hottie
(as determined by students (not you)) works best. Instruct him or her to wear something
completely out of fashion the following day, something that you or I would be poked fun of for
wearing. Record peer reaction.
Observation #4
Teenagers love drama.
Hypothesis #4
Teenagers will believe almost anything if it makes them feel like life is more exciting.
Experiment #4
Start (harmless) rumors. Tell students to start a rumor that you've been fired because you said
"God bless you" after someone sneezed, for example. See how fast it gets around the school
(warning: I started a rumor similar to this and before the end of school I had teachers coming to
my defense and an administrator telling me she would testify on my behalf).

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