Week 2

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3rd Quarter- Week 2, Day 1

I. Objective
Detect biases used by speakers

II. Subject Matter

Topic:Detecting Biases Used by Speakers
Materials:flashcards, strips of papers, chart
Reference: Curriculum Guide
Focused Skill:Detecting biases
Value: Patience

III. Learning Activities

A. Setting the stage
2. Motivation:
Let the pupils answer questions through a Q and A scenario of Showtime, letting them use the
different biases. Let the pupils have interaction about the answers of their classmates. (Teacher prepare
questions based on the level of the pupils)

3. Explaining the Students What to Do

Say: Today, we are going to learn about detecting biases used by speakers.
Bias is a tendency to lean in a certain direction, often to the detriment of an open mind.
Those who are biased tend to believe what they want to believe, refusing to take into
consideration the opinions of others. To truly be biased, it means you're lacking a
neutral viewpoint. Sprouting from cultural contexts, biases tend to take root within an
ethnic group, social class, or religion. Bias, prejudice, and discrimination all live under
the same roof. Bias is an inclination toward one way of thinking, often based on how
you were raised.For example, in one of the most high-profile trials of the 20th century
O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murder, but many people will remain biased toward him
and treat him like a convicted killer anyway.
Read more at http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-

To detect biases:

Be aware of biased words, words that express opinions, value judgments, and interpretations.
They are often loaded with emotion.

Biased words:

 amazing
 awful
 bad
 beautiful
 best
 better
 disgusting
 exciting
 favorite
 frightful
 fun
 good
 great
 greatest
 handsome
 horrible
 miserable
 more
 most
 smart
 stupid
 unbelievable
 very

4. Modeling:

The teacher will have some visuals with sentences. However, the teacher will just post them right
after saying them and the teacher will detect biases on each.
Here are some speeches. (Teacher may add some if necessary)
Present this chart after.

Sentences Bias or Not, Signal Word

He is a very smart boy.

The problem makes our country miserable.

Such issue is a horrible one, as reported by the


Among the pupils, Juan is a teacher’s favorite.

He is an unbelievable athlete.

5. Guided Practice
Teacher will let them listen to the following and let them think in group and detect the biases. Gather
their output and have somebody report their answers. (The teacher may add more.)
*Handsome people are dumb.
*Everyone thinks I am smart.
*I am rarely wrong.

6. Independent Practice
Merry-Go-Around. The children will pass a ball while the music plays. The teacher will say some
sentences, then whenever the music stops, the child holding the ball will detect the biases. The teacher
may add more sentences.

Sentences: Women are inferior.

He is very stupid.
He is really fun to be with.
Teaching is a great job.

7. Closure
What are biases used by speakers? How do we detect them?

Say: I will be reading some sentences. Detect the biases used by the speakers. Write them on your

1. Life is really amazing to all.

2. He is more than a brother to us.

3. Maria is the best in our class.

4. His attitude is really awful.

5. She is the only beautiful lady in our barrio.

Listen to any news report and give some examples of biases. Indicate the title of the program.
Lesson Exemplar for Grade VI English

3RD Quarter Week 2 – Day 2

I. Objective:

Make a stand based on informed opinion

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Making a stand based on informed opinion

Materials: strips of sentences, pictures, charts, flashcards
Reference: Curriculum Guide
Focused Skill: Making a stand
Value: Self-confidence

III. Learning Activities

A. Setting the Stage

1. Drill
2. Review
Directions: Read the sentences. Tell whether an opinion or not.

1. Jose Rizal is a hero.

2. Piolo is a popular actor in our country.
3. The sun is the center of the solar system.
4. For me, ice cream is the best food.
5. I believe that he is a brilliant boy.

3. Explaining the Students What to Do

At the end of today’s lesson you will be able to make a stand based on informed
opinion. With such, you will be able to think critically and express yourselves in front of
other people. You would be able to clarify issues concerning our society also.

4. Modeling

 Let them read the chart and observe the ideas presented, teacher will then discuss
how to make a stand based on informed opinion.

A. (Opinion) B. (Stand)

Pres. Duterte is a brilliant president. For me, we could not tell anybody if he is
brilliant or not, unless we have concrete
basis of such.

Summer is the best season. The best season depends on how we

perceive the thoughts.

The sentences in the column A expresses opinion. The sentences in column B

expresses personal stand on informed opinion.

5. Guided Practice

Teachers prepare topics (policy, current issues and the like) with informed opinions on strips of

1. Students in pairs, read, discuss, and decide on the informed opinion.
2. Pairs report out and class comes to consensus – teacher writes points on chart
paper ;students write points on the topic
3. Write on overhead – “How should the government solve this problem?”
4. Note proposed solutions and ask “How do you know if any of these solutions are
5. Brief discussion of the reliability of claims made without evidence
6. Read, highlight, and discuss the requirements of the assignment and rubric. (see rubric
7. Students begin assignment.
8. Teacher monitors student progress.


Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Response includes well Response includes stand, Stand is not obvious,

developed stand, many acceptable supporting details are unclear, or
Comprehensive supporting details, and more details, 2 linked articles. less than 2 linked
than 2 linked articles. A An adequate understanding articles. Understanding
(30 points)
thorough understanding of the of topic is evident. of topic is limited.
topic is evident.

Response is free of errors in Response has few MUGS Response contains

mechanics, usage, grammar, errors that do not interfere many MUGS errors,
Coherent and spelling (MUGS). with understanding. Some and little evidence of
Evidence of appropriate use evidence of appropriate use appropriate scientific
(10 points)
of scientific vocabulary. of scientific vocabulary vocabulary

 Consistently used time  Used time well  Poor use of time

well  Focused on task with 1  Frequent reminders
Time  Focused on task with no or 2 reminders to stay on task
Management reminders  Did not distract others  Distraction to
 Did not distract others others
(10 points)

Student Total

Teacher Total
6. Independent Practice
(Teacher posts an opinion on the board and will give 3- 5 minutes thinking time to pupils to
make a stand on the informed opinion.) Use the rubric above as the basis for grading.

Dogs are man’s best friends.

7. Closure

How will you make a stand on an informed opinion?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Make a stand based on this informed opinion.

Filipinos are gregarious.

V. Agreement

Directions: Research any informed opinion from the web. Make a stand regarding it.
3rd Quarter – Week 2 Day 3
I. Objective
Clarify meaning of words using online resources

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Clarifying Meaning of Words Using Online Resources
Materials: chart, laptop and internet connection
Reference: Curriculum Guide
Focused Skill: Using Online Resources
Value: Responsible use of Social Media

III. Learning Activities

A. Setting the Stage
1. Drill DOLCH Words
2. Motivation
Do you have computers or cellphones with internet connection?
How do you research using these?

3. Explaining to the Students What to Do

Say: Class, our lesson for today is using the online resources to clarify the meaning of
Among the basic online resources are Google, Wikipedia and online dictionaries.
(Showcase the said resources using projector or laptop and let children observe while
giving a lecture)

4. Modeling
Post the word “anagram” on the board and the teacher will model on how to search the meaning of the
word on the web. The teacher will just type “meaning o anagram”. Using google, the teacher would be
able to see the meaning.

Say: This is an example of how to clarify meaning using online resources, similar to using dictionary or

5. Guided Practice
Using either Google or Wikipedia, clarify the meaning of the underlined words with your
partners. Share them in our class! (Teacher may add more words if necessary)
1. His predicaments are weird.
2. The dilemmas of this world are getting worst.
3. I hate to give my premise regarding such.
4. Be the best in all your adversaries.

Using any online resources, give the meaning of the following words through
completing the table.
Unfamiliar Words Meaning Online Resource Being Used

1. gregarious

2. ambassador

3. host

4. patent

5. autonomy

7. Closure
What are examples of online resources? How did you clarify meaning of words
through them?

IV. Evaluation
Using Wikipedia give the meaning of the following words.
1. analogy
2. contradictory
3. disposition
4. psychiatrist
5. jurisdiction
V. Agreement
Give the meaning of the following words using online resources, give the websites being
used as references.
1. antecedent
2. anemone
3. cease
4. extraordinary
5. taxicab
3rd Quarter- Week 2, Day 4

I. Objective:
Distinguish text- types according to purpose and language features- TIME ORDER
( Sequence, Recounts ,Process)
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Distinguishing text- types according to purpose and language features-TIME
( Sequence, Recounts ,Process)
Materials: Flashcard, charts, pictures
References: Curriculum Guide
Focused Skill: Distinguishing text types – Time Ordering


A. Setting the Stage:

1. Drill: Reading a poem: Read the words

Recount Process Sequence Time-Order Purpose

2. Review : Reading the selection
The Province of Negros Occidental is the western portion of the fourth largest island of the Philippines, Negros
Island. The province is made up of 12 cities and 19 municipalities and is approximately 375 kilometers long from
north to south. It is composed mainly of Hiligaynon-speaking people.
This summer, make Negros Occidental Province a place for you to explore.It boasts of beautiful beaches in the
southern portion of the province. In 2015, there are about 103000 tourists that visited Sipalay and only about 4000 in
Hinobaan according to the records of the provincial tourism office.The top five most visited destination in Negros
Occidental are;Sipalay, is dubbed as the “Jewel of Negros” because of its beautiful beaches, natural attractions,
caves, waterfalls, coves, bays, and underwater treasure. Hinobaan, the Municipality of Hinobaan is the
southernmost town of Negros Occidental ,Sagay City ,located at the northernmost tip of Negros Island. The name
“sagay” was derived from a bright, univalve-shelled mollusk that was once plentiful on the city's sandy shores called
by locals as “sigay.”Sunbathe at the famous white sandbar of Sagay the Carbin Reef. Cadiz City is
the gateway and premier center of agro-fishery resources of Negros Island. It is located at the northern area and is
about 65 kilometers away from Bacolod, the capital city of Negros Occidental Province and Kabankalan City which
you will enjoy taking a bath in the turquoise water of Mag-aso Falls.

What are the top five tourist destinations of Negros Occidental?

3. Motivation:
Show picture of a girl going to school
What do you think the girl do before going to school?
Do you also do that every day?

B. Explaining the students what to do.

Say : Today we will study more about text type which is the TIME ORDER
 Time order means putting your ideas in the order in which they happened. When you are writing
about a past event you need to use time order. Time order has three types; (1)Sequence is an
ordered list of numbers.texts.(2)Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the
participants and that differentiates from narrative. ( 3) Process,a continuous action, operation, or
series of changes taking place in a definite manner process analysis is a method of paragraph or
essay development by which a writer explains step by step how something is done or how to do

C. Modeling
Let us read the sample text below

1. Last Saturday, I woke up early. I didn't get up from my bed because there was no school. Suddenly,
my telephone rang. It was my friend, Fanny. She asked me to go out at 10.00 o'clock. She wanted to
buy something in the traditional market. So I hopped from the bed and headed to the shower.

Finally, we were out. In the street, I saw a piece of pink paper. I took it and we read it. We were
shocked, it was a voucher for a four night tour to Lombok. The expired date was that day. To our
surprised, the name was Fenita and the birth date was exactly the same as Fanny, my friend, and it
was also valid for two persons. My God! We were thinking that maybe the paper just fell from the
sky for us.

We were hurried to the tour agency that issued the voucher. The tour agency took care of
everything. We went home and still couldn't believe what was going on. Two days later we were on
the Senggigi 
Ask :
1.When was the story happened?
2.What are the things that the author do that Saturday ?
3.What did he do first? next? Then ? Finally?
4.Do you think the activities that he did were arranged in order?
5. What are the words the signal words used?

Say: Sequencing refers to the identification of the components of a story, such as the beginning,
middle, and end, and also to the ability to retell the events within a given text in the order in
which they occurred. The ability to sequence events in a text is a key comprehension strategy,
especially for narrative text. The following are the sequence words

Sequence Words:  
first, second, third, etc. | in the beginning | before 
after | when | then | next | finally | at last 
recently | previously | afterwards | subsequently

A Bomb in Plane

I am used to travelling by air but only on one occasion I felt frightened. After taking food, we flew
low over the city. It slowly went high to the sky.

But suddenly it turned round and flew back to the airport. An air-hostess told us to keep calm and
to get off the place quietly as soon as it landed. After we landed, the police searched the plane
carefully. Everybody on board was worried and we grew curious about what was happening.

Later, we learned that there was a very important person on board. Earlier, somebody told the
police that there was a bomb on the plane. Fortunately, they did not find a bomb and five hours
later we were able to take off again.

Ask :
1.What is the title of the text read?
2. According to the author,what did he used to do? When was the event happened?
3.What happened when he was travelling?
4. Did he retell the incident correctly? How did you know?
5. Do you also feel what he feels while reading the story?
6. What do you think is his purpose of retelling his story?
Say: The text that you have read is about recount, recount is retelling the event or experience as
it happened in the past, its purpose is to entertain or inform the audience or the reader.


1.Drain the juice from the fruit cocktail and transfer the canned fruits in a bowl.
2.Combine the fruit cocktail, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, and nata de coco then toss lightly.
3.Add the condensed milk then mix lightly. ...
4.Add the table cream / medium cream then mix again. ...
5.Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
6.Serve Chilled

1. What is the text about?
2. What are the steps or process in making fruit salad?
3. Are the process arrange in order?
4. What will happen to the salad if you will not follow the process?
5. Is it important that we should follow the process? Why?
Say: Time order can also be known through process, process is a continuous action, operation, or
series of changes taking place in a definite manner process analysis is a method of paragraph or
essay development by which a writer explains step by step how something is done or how to do

D. Guided Practice: Read the following text below. Distinguish type of time order
used in each text. Write if it sequence, recount or process.

1.Boil water and add salt. Pour water (for every cup of rice, use 1 3/4 cups of water) into a large
saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in rice. Add it to the boiling water.Stironce, or just enough
to separate the rice. Cover the pot and simmer. Fluff rice with a fork.

2. Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake
happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it
was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles
falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not
move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car
and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake
made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was
seriously injured.

3.A Day Visit to Yogyakarta

Last week, I went to Yogyakarta with my family. My father drove the car. My mother sat beside him. My sister and I
sat in the back seats.
We woke up early in the morning. My father prepared the car in the garage while mother was preparing food for
breakfast and some snacks for us. My sister and I packed some clothes. After everything got ready and we had our
breakfast, we left the house at six o'clock.
It was about nine A.M. We arrived at Yogyakarta. First of all we visited our uncle. We stayed there for an hour.
Then we went to Parangtritis beach. We got there at eleven o'clock. There were a lot of tourists because it was
holiday. I saw many foreign visitors too. My parents watched us playing with sand in the beach. We did not swim
and take a bath since the wave was rough. After having lunch, we went on our picnic to the museum and Malioboro
shopping centre.
We drove back to Semarang at 7 o'clock and arrived home at ten. We were tired but happy.
5. Independent Practice:
Distinguish the type of time order used in the text.
A Trip to the Zoo
1. Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant.
When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles
which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell
off when he let go of the rope.
During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being
When we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.
2. The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract. In fact,digestion starts here as soon as you
take the first bite of a meal. Chewing breaks the food into pieces that are more easilydigested,
while saliva mixes with food to begin the process of breaking it down into a form your body can
absorb and use.

6.Closure: What did you do with your activity?

How will you distinguish text-types according to purpose and languages?

IV. EVALUATION: Distinguish text- types according to purpose and language features- TIME
ORDER . Distinguish if it is Sequence, Recounts ,Process.

The Horse of Troy
Queen Helen of Greece was kidnapped by Prince Paris who took her to his home in Troy.  The
Greek people were very upset so they sent Ulysses and his warriors to get their queen back.
Athena, the goddess of war, told Ulysses to build a huge wooden horse and leave it outside the
gates of Troy.  The Greeks pretended to leave Troy but instead they hid inside the huge horse.
The Trojans discovered the horse and brought it into their city.  Believing the war was over they
had a huge celebration.  Afterwards, when everyone was tired, they all fell asleep.
When all was quiet, the Greeks opened the wooden horse and attacked the Trojans.  They
rescued Queen Helen and set sail for their home in Greece.

2.Photosynthesis can happen in plants because they have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the pigment

that makes plants green. Chlorophyll captures the Sun's energy and uses it to make sugars out of
carbon dioxide from the air and water. The sugars fuel a plant's roots, stems, and leaves so the
plant can grow.

3. This is how to get a passport.Complete your Form DS-11 Application for U.S. Passport
on the State Department website.Print your completed application. DO NOT SIGN YOUR
APPLICATION. Have a passport photo taken. Photocopy your proof of identity and U.S.
Citizenship documents.Calculate your fees.
4. Plants use sunlight, water and nutrients to get energy (in a process called photosynthesis).
Energy is necessary for living beings to grow. A food chain shows how each living thing
gets food, and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to creature.
5. Last year was the first time I had ever been the new kid at school. For the first four days, I was
completely alone. I don’t think I even spoke to a single person. Finally, at lunch on the fifth day,
Karen Watson walked past her usual table and sat down right next to me. Even though I was
new, I had already figured out who Karen Watson was. She was popular. Pretty soon, all of
Karen’s friends were sitting there right next to me. I never became great friends with Karen, but
after lunch that day, it seemed like all sorts of people were happy to be my friend. You cannot
convince me that Karen did not know what she was doing. I have a great respect for her, and I
learned a great deal about what it means to be a true leader.

Write in sequence the things that you do in school every day.

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