Das2007 PDF
Das2007 PDF
Das2007 PDF
DOI 10.1002/aic.11144
Published online March 19, 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
The present study examines the modality, in which localized transverse electric fields
can be successfully employed, to augment the rate of DNA hybridization at the capturing
probes that are located further downstream relative to the inlet section of a rectangular
microchannel. This is in accordance with an enhanced strength of convective transport
that can be achieved, on account of increments in the wall zeta potential at the trans-
verse electrode locations. In the present model, the overall convective transport, which
is an implicit function of the magnitude and the location of the transverse electrical field
being employed, is essentially coupled with the surface kinetics of the bare silica wall
and also the kinetics that are involved in the dual mechanisms of DNA hybridization.
Parameters that govern the overall transport phenomena, such as the pH of the inlet
buffer, the length of the transverse electrodes, and the voltages at which these electrodes
are maintained are critically examined, in an effort to obtain an optimized wall pH dis-
tribution, which in turn can ensure favorable DNA hybridization rates at the capturing
probe locations. Practical constraints associated with the upper limits of the strength of
the transverse electrical fields that can be employed are also critically analyzed, so as
to ensure that an optimized rate of DNA hybridization can be achieved from the bio-
microfluidic arrangement, without incurring any adverse effects associated with the
overheating of the DNA molecules leading to their thermal denaturation. Ó 2007 Ameri-
can Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 53: 1086–1099, 2007
Keywords: electro-osmosis, microchannel, DNA hybridization, surface kinetics
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1087
Table 1. Summary of Boundary Conditions
Governing Equation Inlet (x ¼ 0) Outlet (x ¼ L0) Bottom Wall (y ¼ 0) Top Wall (y ¼ H)
c¼0 qc c ¼ z (zeta Potential) c ¼ z (zeta Potential)
Poisson-Boltzmann eq. (Eq. 5)
qx ¼0
Energy conservation eq. (Eq. 13) T ¼ T?
qx ¼0 k qT
qy ¼ q
k qT
qy ¼ q
qcHþ cHþ ¼ cfilm exp
cHþ ¼ cfilm
cHþ ¼ ðcHþ Þinter ¼0 Hþ H þ exp
Conservation equation for qx
kB T
kB T
cMnþ ¼ ðcMnþ Þinter qcMnþ nec nec
concentration of the cations (Eq. 8) ¼0 cMnþ ¼ cfilm exp cMnþ ¼ cfilm
Mnþ exp
qx Mnþ
kB T kB T
qcOH cOH ¼ cfilm
cOH ¼ cfilm
cOH ¼ ðcOH Þinlet ¼0 OH exp OH exp
Conservation eq. for concentration qx
kB T
kB T
cXn ¼ ðcXn Þinlet qcXn nec nec
of anions (Eq. 8) ¼0 cXn ¼ cXn exp
cXn ¼ cXn exp
qx kB T kB T
1088 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 AIChE Journal
6 1713 amounts when compared with Mnþ or Xn, and hence, the
m ¼ 2:761 10 exp (4) effects of their presence are neglected in the present study.
We also consider that only a single type of ss-DNA mole-
where T is in K and m is in Pa s. cules is being transported. While considering transport of the
Distribution of the net electric charge density, re, appear- ss-DNA species, the diffusion coefficient Di, appearing in
ing in the momentum conservation equations, can be ascer- Eq. 8 represents a generalized diffusion coefficient, which is
tained by solving the Poisson–Boltzmann equation for sur- the liquid phase diffusion coefficient (D3) in the bulk fluid
face potential distribution as and surface phase diffusion coefficient (D2) at the nonspecific
adsorption sites (It can be noted here that DNA hybridization
r ðercÞ ¼ (5) can take place directly from the bulk phase (3D hybridiza-
e0 tion) or along the wall surface (2D hybridization) after an
initial nonspecific adsorption step.). By borrowing analogy
where c denotes the electric double layer (EDL) potential, e0
from diffusion transport of polymeric chains, the diffusion
is the permittivity of free space, and e is the dielectric con-
coefficients for DNA molecules can be expressed as the
stant of the electrolyte, which is a function of temperature,
functions of the size and concentration of the ss-DNA mole-
given as22
cules, along with the ionic strength of the solution. Typically,
8 9
T >
e ¼ 305:7 exp>
one can employ certain well-established scaling relationship
: ; (6)
219 for this purpose, for example24
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1089
a strong acid whose pK is around 1. Nucleotides which make In Eq. 12a, Kw is the dissociation constant for water. In
up the DNA molecules can be of four types differing only in the earlier formulation, we assume that in totality there are
the nitrogenous base: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Gua- MP types of different ss-DNA molecules in the solution, and
nine. Adenine (A), and Cytosine (C) bases can be found as (N-2-MP) types of ionic species, other than the Hþ and OH
neutral or positive forms, whereas thymine (T) is neutral or ions. For the present model, MP ¼ 1 and N ¼ 5.
negative, and guanine (G) can exist in all the three states.28
The ionization of these bases can be represented as Thermal energy conservation equation
Since various physico-chemical characteristics pertinent to
Adenine: ½AHþ !½A þ ½Hþ KA ¼ 103:5 (10a) the present model are very much temperature sensitive, a so-
lution of the energy equation also turns out to be necessary.
KC The earlier equation can be cast in the following general
Cytosine: ½CHþ !½C þ ½Hþ KC ¼ 104:2 (10b) form:
KT q ~ ¼ r ðkrTÞ þ j þ q
Thymine: ½TH !½T þ ½Hþ KT ¼ 109:2 (10c) ðrCP TÞ þ r ðrCP VTÞ (13)
K G1
Guanine: ½GHþ þ
2 !½GH þ ½H KG1 ¼ 102:1 (10d) where k is the thermal conductivity of the electrolyte solu-
tion, which is a function of temperature, given as22
K G2
½GH !½G þ ½Hþ KG2 ¼ 109:2 (10e) k ¼ 0:6 þ 2:5 105 T (14)
Now, assuming the probability of presence of each base where T is in K and k is in W/m2 K. In Eq. 13, j is the vol-
type (A, T, C, G) to be 25% per nucleotide, the average net umetric heat generation due to viscous dissipation, given as
charge per nucleotide, C/Nnu, may be estimated as28
qu 2 qn 2 qu qn 2
j ¼ 2m þ þm þ (15)
1 1 qx qy qy qy
C=Nnu þ 0:25
1 þ ½Hþ =Kph 1 þ KA =½Hþ
Further, q̇ is the volumetric heat generation due to Joule
1 1
þ 0:25 þ 0:25
effects, which, according to Ohm’s law, can be given as
1 þ KC =½H 1 þ ½Hþ =KT
½Hþ 2 KG1 KG2 I2
þ 0:25 ð11Þ q¼ (16)
KG1 KG2 KG1 ½Hþ þ ½Hþ 2 s
where iD is the diffusion current density and s is the electri- Coupling of transport modeling with DNA
cal conductivity, given as23 hybridization kinetics
"M The model of species (DNA) transport adopted here is
X p
f ðkai Þ 2 X
N2 based on two basic mechanisms of hybridization, namely,
s ¼ 10 Na e
3 2
zi oH;i ci þ z2i oH;i ci direct (specific) hybridization from the bulk phase to the sur-
1 þ kai i¼MP þ1
# face-bound probes, and by indirect (nonspecific) hybridiza-
Kw tion, in which the target is initially nonspecifically adsorbed
þ oH;Hþ cHþ þ oH;OH ð12aÞ on the surface and then diffuses along the surface before
c Hþ
reaching an available target probe molecule. Details of these
1090 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 AIChE Journal
mechanisms are outlined in Erickson et al.,4 and are not Dependence of zeta potential on the surface kinetics
repeated here for the sake of brevity. However, a summary At the surface of the bare silica walls, the following reac-
of the pertinent formulation is presented here, for the sake of tions take place.
completeness. Effectively, we implement the hybridization (1)
boundary conditions at the bottom wall by invoking the K1
generic source term, Ri, appearing in Eq. 8 such that, for the SiOH ! SiO þ Hþ ; (22)
bulk phase, Ri ¼ 0, and for the reactive bottom wall (where
the capturing probes are attached) where K1 is the equilibrium constant for the earlier reaction,
given as28
qc2;s qc2;ns ½SiO ½Hþ
Ri ¼ þ (19) K1 ¼ ¼ 106
qt q ½SiOH
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1091
metallic ions is virtually indispensable for an efficient con- the transverse electrodes also induces a ‘field effect,’ which
vective transport to take place in the buffer solution. modifies the local wall zeta potential. For a quantitative
For an effective estimation of the concentration of the assessment of the same, the transverse electrodes can be
SiO group appearing in the afore-mentioned reactions, we assumed to constitute a parallel plate capacitor, which is
first note that the surface site density, g, can be given as completely filled with a dielectric material. Therefore, con-
sidering the electric field between the parallel plates, a Gaus-
g ¼ NA ð½SiO þ ½SiOH þ ½SiOHþ nþ
2 þ ½M SiO Þ (26) sian surface can be imagined around the interface of the
dielectric and each plate. Consequently, when Gauss’ law is
where NA is the Avogadro number. A typical value of g for applied, the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface
glass walls is around 4.5 sites/nm2.28 Combining Eqs. 22a, includes both the free and the induced charges, which even-
23a, and 24a, along with Eq. 26, we get tually affects the surface zeta potential.33 This effect is
known as the ‘field effect,’ and the resultant zeta potential is
g given by33
½SiO ¼ (27)
½Hþ ½Hþ 2
NA 1 þ K1 þ K1 K2 þ KM ½Mnþ
zfield effect ¼ VT (34)
Again, the surface charge per unit area is given as CDiffuse
1092 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 AIChE Journal
Table 2. Simulation Data vicinity of the transverse electrodes. At the channel sections
Parameter Value
where there are no transverse electrodes, the identical values
of the zeta potential at the two walls effectively ensure that
L0 1.0 102 m
LP 1.0 104 m
the velocity profile has a plug-like shape, which is typical to
LD 2.0 103 m any fully developed electro-osmotic flow. However, for the
H 50 106 m sections containing the transverse electrodes, the wall zeta
e0 8.854 1012 (C/VM) potential does not remain the same for the top and the bot-
e 1.6 1019 C tom walls (Figure 3), because of the fact that the top and
f0 5000 V
uinitial 2.0 m/s bottom electrodes are maintained at different voltages.
aDNA (Stokes radius for DNA) 1 nm Unequal voltages at the top and the bottom electrodes ensure
KW 1014 that the ‘field effect’ attenuates the zeta potential to different
T? 300 K extents at the two walls. The consequence of this becomes
r 998 kg/m3
kB 1.38 1023 J/K
evident in the variations of the ionic concentration distribu-
ZKþ þ1 tions at the top and the bottom channel walls (Figure 4). At
ZCl 1 the locations where there are no electrodes, the distribution
aKþ (radius of potassium ion) 1.33 Å of a particular type of ion (either anion or cation) remains
aCl (radius of chlorine ion) 1.67 Å identical at both the top and the bottom walls, leading to the
q@ 10 W/m2
(CDNA)inlet 1.0 106 M typical plug-like and symmetrically-shaped electro-osmotic
C3,m 1.9 107 M velocity profiles (Figure 5). However, at the channel sections
C2,s,max 2.0 107/mol/m2
C2,ns,max 1.98 107/mol/m2
k31 1 106 (1/Ms)
k31 0.49 (1/s)
k21 1 106 m/Ms
k21 0.51 (1/s)
ka 9 103 (1/Ms)
kd 0.3 (1/s)
D3,0 1.3 1010 m2/s
D2,0 5.0 1013 m2/s
twall 20 106 m
eSilica (Dielectric constant for silica) 4.3
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1093
Figure 3. Variation of the wall zeta potential (f) with the Figure 5. Comparison of the velocity profiles at differ-
axial position for the case in which the inlet ent axial locations for the case in which the
buffer pH is 4.0, lengths of the transverse inlet buffer pH is 4.0, lengths of the trans-
electrodes are L0/5, and the electrodes are verse electrodes are L0/5, and the electrodes
maintained at þ15 V (top electrode) and þ20 are maintained at þ15 V (top electrode) and
V (bottom electrode). þ20 V (bottom electrode).
Here the upper plate is the top wall and the lower plate the
bottom wall of the channel.
erential excess charge density gradient that is directed from
the top wall towards the bottom wall. The combination of
containing the transverse electrodes, the zeta potential at the this charge density gradient and the transverse electric field
bottom wall is observed to be more than that at the top wall, creates a transverse electro-osmotic body force, resulting in a
corresponding to the buffer-electrode arrangements employed transverse component of the electro-osmotic velocity being
in the present study. This leads to the development of a pref- directed towards the bottom electrodes.
1094 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 AIChE Journal
(a). The pH of the inlet buffer
(b). The length of the transverse electrodes, and
(c). The voltages at which the top and the bottom electrodes
are maintained.
Effect of variation of the pH of the inlet buffer. To ex-
hibit the effect of variation of the inlet buffer pH on the rate
of DNA hybridization at the capturing probes, we plot
(Figure 8) the temporal variation of the concentration of the
hybridized targets at both the probes, with variable pH values
of the inlet buffer, all other conditions remaining unaltered.
In general, it is observed that higher the inlet pH value,
faster is the DNA hybridization rate, as apparent from Figure
8. This can be attributed to the fact that an increased value
of the inlet buffer pH necessarily implies an increase in the
wall pH, over and above the local pH augmentation effects
induced by the transverse electrodes. This, in turn, leads to
an enhancement in the effective zeta potential, thereby ensur-
ing an augmented rate of convective transport of ss-DNA
molecules, resulting in a improved DNA hybridization char-
Figure 6. Velocity vectors at a specified portion of the acteristics at both the capturing probes. However, the extent
flow domain that includes the transverse of enhancement in the rate of DNA hybridization, as
electrodes for the case in which the inlet achieved by using an inlet buffer of higher pH, is not identi-
buffer pH is 4.0, lengths of the transverse cal for the two probes. It is critical to recognize in this
electrodes are L0/5, and the electrodes are respect that the negative y-gradient of the transverse compo-
maintained at þ15 V (top electrode) and þ20 nents of the velocities near the cross-electrodes (due to the
V (bottom electrode). introduction of an additional vertically downward velocity
component) also result in a positive x-gradient of the axial
component of the flow velocity, so as to satisfy the continu-
stantially enhanced, when compared with the case without ity requirements (conservation of mass). As a consequence,
transverse electrodes, as depicted in Figure 7. an accelerated migration of the ssDNA molecules takes place
To further elucidate the effects of various system parame- towards the location of Probe 2. What follows from this
ters on the rate of DNA hybridization, as dictated by the argument is the fact that the enhancement effects in the rate
mechanisms explained earlier, the influences of the following of DNA hybridization, because of an augmented convective
aspects are analyzed in further details, in the subsequent dis- transport, are much more significant at the location of Probe
cussions: 2, when compared with Probe 1. This relative enhancement
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1095
Effect of the Variation of the Voltages of the Transverse
Electrodes. To exhibit the effect of the variation of voltages
at the transverse electrodes on the rate of DNA hybridization,
we plot Figure 10, which depicts the temporal variation of
the concentration of the hybridized targets at the two probe
locations, for different values of the transverse electrode vol-
tages, all other conditions remaining unaltered. To demon-
strate these aspects, following three cases are considered: (a)
Case A: no transverse electrode, (b) Case B: þ15V and
þ20V at the top and the bottom electrodes, respectively, (c)
Case C: þ15V and þ65V at the top and the bottom electro-
des, respectively. In each of three cases, the buffer pH is
taken to be 4 and the transverse electrodes for Cases B and
C are taken to be of length L0/5. As expected, the hybridiza-
tion pattern at Probe 1 is insensitive to the variations
amongst the three different cases, since the Probe 1 is
located upstream to the transverse electrodes. However, at
Figure 9. Temporal variation of the concentration of the location of Probe 2, effects of voltages of the transverse
the hybridized targets at the two capturing electrodes are strongly felt. Higher the electrode potentials,
probe locations, for different values of the more significant is the corresponding enhancement in the
transverse electrodes lengths. wall zeta potential, and stronger is the augmentation in the
The electrodes are maintained at þ15 V (top electrode) rate of electrokinetic convective transport and the effective
and þ20 V (bottom electrode), and the inlet buffer pH is downward ‘push,’ leading to a richer supply of DNA mole-
taken to be 4. cules to the downstream probe location (i.e., Probe 2),
thereby ensuring improved hybridization rates. As a result,
for higher values of the transverse electrode voltages, a
is only possible because of the local increments in the mag- nearly uniform rate of DNA hybridization can effectively be
nitudes of the wall zeta potentials, on account of the trans- achieved at the different capturing probe locations, thereby
verse electrode effects. virtually nullifying the counteracting effects of a continuous
Effect of the Variation of the Length of the Transverse removal of the ss-DNA molecules from the bulk because of
Electrodes. To analyze the effects of variation of the length the specific and nonspecific hybridization effects at the fur-
of the transverse electrodes on the rate of DNA hybridization
at the probes, we plot Figure 9, which depicts the temporal
variation of the concentration of the hybridized targets for
different lengths of the transverse electrodes (i.e., different
values of LE), keeping all other conditions unaltered. By
altering the lengths of the transverse electrodes, the portion
of the channel length over which the zeta potential is modi-
fied due to the ‘field effect’ is effectively varied. From Fig-
ure 9, it is evident that the rate of DNA hybridization at
Probe 1, as indicated by the temporal variation of the con-
centration of the hybridized targets at that location, is insen-
sitive to the changes in lengths of the transverse electrodes,
because of the fact that the Probe 1 is located upstream rela-
tive to the transverse electrodes, and therefore carries no in-
formation of alteration of the wall zeta potential by virtue of
their presence. At the location of Probe 2, however, influence
of upstream transverse electrodes can be strongly felt. In
general, it is revealed that longer the transverse electrodes,
longer is the portion of the channel over which the ‘field Figure 10. Temporal variation of the concentration of
effect,’ causing an enhanced localized axial transport and an the hybridized targets at the two capturing
effective ‘push’ towards the bottom wall leading to destruc- probe locations, for the following cases,
tion of depletion layer, on account of enhanced zeta poten- Case A: no transverse electrodes; Case B:
tial, is felt. The result is the improvement in the rate of DNA the transverse electrodes are maintained at
hybridization at Probe 2. However, it needs to be remem- þ20 V (the bottom electrode) and þ15 V
bered at this point that the length of transverse electrodes (top electrode); and Case C: the transverse
cannot be indiscriminately increased so as to exploit a maxi- electrodes are maintained at þ65 V (the
mum advantage of the consequent augmentation in the rate bottom electrode) and þ15 V (top elec-
of convective transport, mainly because of the technological trode).
constraints associated with the placement of the DNA probes Lengths of the transverse electrodes are L0/5 and the inlet
devoid of any direct interference with the wall electrodes. buffer pH is taken to be 4.
1096 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 AIChE Journal
ther upstream sections. Such a uniform concentration distribu-
tion is often useful for the cases, in which one employs a sin-
gle nucleic acid hybridization system, to accomplish multiple
diagnostic purposes. However, it needs to be remembered here
that the transverse electrode voltages cannot be incremented at
will, in an effort to obtain the favorable effects mentioned as
earlier. This is because of the fact that the resultant electric
field needs to be constrained within stringent limits in practice,
so as to ensure that the associated Joule heating effects are not
strong enough to result in a denaturation of the thermally
labile DNA samples. We present a critical assessment of this
aspect in the subsequent subsection.
Other than the effects of these three significant operating
parameters mentioned as earlier, it is important to recognize
here that the channel height is also intuitively expected to
bear significant consequences on the rate of DNA hybridiza-
tion. However, it has already been demonstrated in the litera-
ture that the effect of the channel height on the rate of DNA
hybridization becomes important35 only if the transport is
predominantly pressure-driven, since in such a case the ve-
locity variations are strongly dependent on the transverse
coordinates. On the other hand, for a pure electro-osmotic
flow field, as considered in this study, the axial velocity com-
ponents remain virtually uniform over the channel cross sec-
tions, provided that the channel dimensions are large enough
(typically of the order of 1 mm or more) to ensure nonover-
lapped EDL fields, so that the channel height does not play a
critical role in influencing the rate of DNA hybridization
under these conditions. However, in case of nanochannels,
such effects can be of critical importance in determining the
net rate of macromolecular transport and hybridization. For
instance, in case of nanochannels, the net rate of macromo-
lecular transport may be significantly reduced because of a
hindered diffusive transport originated out of the confinement
effects. Narrower the channel, stronger becomes this effect.
However, since the present study is only confined to the elec-
tro-osmotically-driven DNA hybridization in microfluidic
channels, analysis of the height-dependent macromolecular
transport in nanochannels falls beyond the present scope, and
accordingly, is not discussed here.
Limitations in Employing Transverse Electric Fields for
Enhancing the Rate DNA Hybridization. ‘Melting’ or
‘denaturation’ of DNA is characterized by the separation of
two DNA strands from an existing hybridized state. This
splitting occurs at the melting temperature, Tm, defined as
the temperature at which 50% of the oligonucleotides and
their perfect complements are in duplex. To avoid problems
like inappropriate duplex formation, primer mismatch etc., Figure 11. Temporal variation of temperature along the
the hybridization is typically carried out 58 108C below bottom wall of the channel in the axial direc-
Tm. Hence it is important that the temperature rise due to tion, for (a) Case A, (b) Case B, and (c) Case C.
Joule heating during hybridization is not more than around Detailed particulars of these three cases are mentioned in
58C. This, in turn, imposes serious restraints to the upper the caption of Figure 7.
limit of the electric field that can be employed to actuate the
electrokinetic flows in the DNA hybridization assays. To
assess this issue critically, it is imperative to obtain the tem- DNA samples. So far as the Case B is concerned, it is
perature distributions along the channel bottom wall, for the revealed that the axial temperature profile along the bottom
Cases A, B, and C mentioned in the previous subsection, wall, at a given instant of time, exhibits the trend of an ab-
which are depicted in Figures 11a–c. For Case A (no trans- rupt rise near the locations of placement of the transverse
verse electrodes), the maximum temperature rise is found to electrodes. However, for this case too, the maximum temper-
be well within the permissible limits prescribed earlier, ature rise at any portion of the channel wall is safely within
thereby avoiding any thermal denaturation of the hybridized the permissible limits to avoid DNA melting. Therefore, so
AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1097
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AIChE Journal May 2007 Vol. 53, No. 5 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1099