Comparative Analysis of Nucleotide Translocation T
Comparative Analysis of Nucleotide Translocation T
Comparative Analysis of Nucleotide Translocation T
The translocation of nucleotide molecules across biological nucleotide-nanopore translocation system, using the a-
and synthetic nanopores has attracted attention as a next gen- hemolysin nanopore. The first uses constant velocity-steered
eration technique for sequencing DNA. Computer simulations molecular dynamics (cv-SMD) in conjunction with Jarzynski’s
have the ability to provide atomistic-level insight into impor- equality. The second applies an adaptive biasing force (ABF),
tant states and processes, delivering a means to develop a which has not previously been applied to the nucleotide-
fundamental understanding of the translocation event, for nanpore system. The purpose of this study is to provide a
example, by extracting the free energy of the process. Even comprehensive comparison of these methodologies, allowing
with current supercomputing facilities, the simulation of many- for a detailed comparative assessment of the scientific merits,
atom systems in fine detail is limited to shorter timescales the computational cost, and the statistical quality of the data
than the real events they attempt to recreate. This imposes obtained from each technique. We find that the ABF method
the need for enhanced simulation techniques that expand the produces results that are closer to experimental measurements
scope of investigation in a given timeframe. There are numer- than those from cv-SMD, whereas the net errors are smaller for
ous free energy calculation and translocation methodologies the same computational cost. V C 2014 The Authors Journal of
available, and it is by no means clear which method is best Computational Chemistry Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
applied to a particular problem. This article explores the use
of two popular free energy calculation methodologies in a DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23525
the translocating atoms fails to translocate nucleic acid poly- similarities, yet important differences in their “dynamics.” It is
mers through the protein nanopore.[16] Thus, if these events the aim of this article to explore these similarities and differen-
are to be effectively investigated using simulation, novel ces. We believe that conclusions from this investigation can be
approaches and better algorithms are required in order to extrapolated to many other translocation and free energy cal-
bridge the gap between time-scales over which the transloca- culation methods.
tion events occur and those that are accessible using simple In cv-SMD, the translocating molecule of interest is attached via a
equilibrium simulations. harmonic spring to a point in space that is pulled at constant veloc-
Free energy changes associated with chemical processes fre- ity. Using the force experienced by the spring, the free energy of
quently provide important insights. By computing the free translocation may be determined using JE to equate the free energy
energy difference associated with a change of state, it is often to the work done. In the ABF methodology, the translocating mole-
possible to establish stable states, their thermodynamics prop- cule of interest is encouraged along the reaction coordinate by
erties, the kinetics of transitions between states, and indeed to introducing a biasing force into the equations of motion for an
infer how stable states are altered by external conditions. Such atom or group of atoms in the molecule. This biasing force opposes
changes of state include protein mutation, protein-ligand bind- the free energy estimate for a section of the reaction coordinate
ing, conformational changes, and molecule translocation. It is, and is calculated using the instantaneous forces acting on the
of course, both possible and valuable to calculate experimental atom(s) in question. See Supporting Information for a more detailed
free energy changes, and there has recently been a consider- account of the theoretical background to these two methodologies.
able amount of research dedicated to comparing experimental A major benefit of algorithms such as cv-SMD and ABF is
and theoretical free energy changes. that they permit larger and/or more complex systems to be
There are several well established methods for extracting investigated using a given computational budget (comprising
free energy from MD simulations. These include history- the hardware and computational hours available). It is, there-
dependent methods such as metadynamics,[17] self-healing fore, pertinent to choose a system of considerable size and
umbrella sampling,[18] and the adaptive biasing force method complexity for this study, as the behavior of the algorithms at
(ABF),[19] which can bias a translocating molecule along a reac- these limits has been hitherto unclear. The system should also
tion coordinate. Other methods such as constant velocity- have experimental or biological relevance, in order that we may
steered MD (cv-SMD) or constant force-steered MD[20] may be draw comparisons with experimental data, and any insight we
used to entice a molecule along a reaction coordinate, based gain may have relevance to other studies and future research.
on the behavior of which free energy calculation methods The translocation system we have chosen to investigate is
such as Jarzynski’s equality (JE)[21] or Crooks fluctuation theo- the passage of nucleotide molecules through the protein
rem[22] may be used to extract the free energy. nanopore a-hemolysin (aHL), depicted in Figure 1. aHL is a
Cv-SMD/JE and the ABF methodology are two well- heptameric protein-pore that has been extensively studied in
established and widely used translocation/free energy calcula- experiments and computer simulations,[10,11,16,23–30] and is the
tion methods that serve as exemplary methodologies for the biological pore currently in use in the developing technologies
purposes of such a comparison. The methodologies have key at Oxford Nanopore.[15] We explore the protein-pore
Figure 1. Figure representing a cross-section of the protein pore aHL, and the starting configuration for the simulations studied here. The heptameric aHL
protein pore (green) is inserted into a lipid bilayer (gray). The cis-entrance at the top of the protein pore is about 28 Å in diameter and the trans-entrance
at the bottom of the pore is about 20 Å. Key features inside the pore interior include the wide inner chamber (up to 46 Å wide), a constriction about half
way down the pore (14 Å wide), followed by the transmembrane barrel (20 Å wide) that spans the lipid bilayer. The translocating molecule, in this example
a polynucleotide (orange), is positioned with the 30 -end at the top of the constriction.
translocation of the nucleic acid strands polyadenosine, gations on a partial translocation through a section of the pore
poly(A), and polydeoxycytidine, poly(dC), which are single interior representing the dominant barrier to translocation.
strands of RNA and DNA, respectively. Poly(A) and poly(dC) Although this does not allow direct comparison with experi-
molecules of 100–200 bases in length exhibit a 20-fold differ- ment, it allows us to explore the key part of the pore while pro-
ence in translocation time through aHL in SCCR experiments.[7] ducing statistically meaningful results with which to compare
We also translocate single nucleotides A1 and dC1 to discern the two translocation methodologies.
their relative contributions to the free energy profiles. In the Section “Method”, we provide details of the model and
The shape of the pore shown in Figure 1 indicates the steric techniques used to perform our simulations. In the Sections
barriers that a translocating polynucleotide will encounter, the “Adenine and Deoxycytosine Translocation Using cv-SMD and
most significant of these being the constriction half way Adenine” and “Adenine and Deoxycytosine Translocation Using
through the pore. Here, secondary structure conformations an ABF”, we present analyses of simulations of single and poly-
such as helical conformations will need to unwind for translo- nucleotide translocation through wild type aHL, for cv-SMD,
cation to be permitted. In addition to steric factors, there are and ABF, respectively. In the Section “Comparison of cv-SMD
also electrostatic interactions to consider. We recently pub- with the ABF Method”, we compare cv-SMD/JE to ABF for the
lished an investigation into the nucleotide-nanopore system nucleotide-nanopore system. In the final section, we present
using cv-SMD/JE.[31] The study applied the cv-SMD transloca- our conclusions.
tion technique in a system of unprecedented size, revealing
new insight into the translocation process. In that study, we
identified the existence and significance of a phosphate-lysine
interaction. Bond et al. have since verified this interaction in a Martin et al. describe the details of the model construction
separate study.[32] They performed nucleotide translocation sim- and simulation parameters.[31] The cv-SMD method section
ulations through a simplified aHL pore using an applied trans- described there[31] is applicable to the cv-SMD simulations in
membrane potential and determined that the phosphate-lysine this article; therefore, only an overview of this method, along
interaction plays a major role. In fact there are 11 positively with some additional points of note, will be provided here. For
charged residues at the surface of the protein (and are accessi- the ABF simulations reported in this article, the majority of the
ble to a translocating molecule) that may pose a barrier to parameters and model construction from the cv-SMD method
translocation; these are lysine residues 8, 21, 46, 51, 131, 147, also apply, with some key exceptions. In this section, we
154, 237, 288, and arginine residues 56 and 104. It is Lys-147 at describe and justify the ABF-specific parameters that we have
the constriction that is the most significant, its impact being chosen and explored.
enhanced by the tight diameter of the pore where it resides. The aHL crystallographic structure coordinates were taken
In this article, we use the ABF methodology to investigate from Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry 7AHL. The protein was
the nucleotide-nanopore system and provide a comprehensive inserted into a patch of 150 Å 3 150 Å pre-equilibrated and sol-
comparison of the two methodologies. By performing simula- vated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine lipid
tions using cv-SMD/ JE and ABF under comparable conditions, bilayer using the Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) plug-in mem-
we are able to make direct comparisons of the data quality brane, aligned to the xy-plane. The center of mass of the hydro-
and associated errors, the modes of translocation, the free phobic belt of aHL (residues 118–126 and 132–142) was aligned
energy calculations, and the computational resources that with the center of mass of the lipid bilayer. The system was sol-
each method requires. vated in a water box of pre-equilibrated water molecules and the
It should be noted that there are a developing wealth of aqueous solution was set at 1M NaCl. Figure 1 shows aHL inserted
options for computational scientists wishing to explore nucleo- in a lipid membrane as it appears in our models. The protonation
tide translocation through aHL. Recent advances in simulated states chosen are consistent with the typical SCCR recording pH
translocation techniques such as Grid-SMD have opened the range of around pH 8.0.[6,11] Key protonation states include: proto-
door to speed up steady-state translocation, which permits con- nated, positively charged amine groups of lysine and arginine resi-
ditions very close to those found in experiment.[16] This, com- dues; unprotonated, negatively charged interchain phosphate
bined with modern supercomputing infrastructure (such as groups; and unprotonated, doubly negatively charged terminal
Anton[33]) boasting substantially enhanced computing power, phosphate groups on the single nucleotide molecules.
means that it is now in principle feasible to attack the nucleo- The poly(A) and poly(dC) molecules were constructed using the
tide/aHL problem with brute force, running a full translocation AMBER module nucgen[35] to 25 bases in length. Single nucleotide
event under desirable conditions which do not involve the same PDB files of adenosine (A1) and deoxycytidine (dC1) monophos-
assumptions and approximations that cv-SMD and ABF impose, phates were obtained from the PDB (PDB identifiers AMP and
though this has yet to be done with aHL.[34] Due to the consid- DCM, respectively). The topology files were modified accordingly
erable computational cost of such simulations, and the continu- to produce accompanying Protein Structure File (PSF) files. The
ing need for larger scale simulations, nonequilibrium final models consisted of 328,000 and 262,000 atoms for the 25-
translocation techniques such as ABF and cv-SMD will remain in base polynucleotide and single nucleotide models, respectively.
common use, and our article is concerned with the application The nucleotide molecules were orientated with the C30 -carbon
of these techniques to larger scales and to compare them. As atom of the leading residue was aligned with the center of the
discussed in our previous work,[31] we have focused our investi- alpha carbon atoms (Ca) of protein residue 111. The nucleotide
molecules were pulled or biased from this starting position function of distance from the translocating molecule to a ref-
toward the trans-entrance of the pore. A partial translocation of erence set of atoms in the protein-pore (Glu-111), in contrast
the leading residue through the constriction was performed to to cv-SMD. This relative definition of the reaction coordinate
maximize the number of translocation samples performed given a allows for the protein to be left unconstrained in ABF simula-
finite computational budget; Martin et al. justify this selection of tions. Unless otherwise stated, the simulations reported in this
reaction coordinate in detail.[31] An example of the starting posi- section were performed with an unconstrained aHL pore.
tion of the polynucleotides is shown in Figure 1. Although only the z-axis separation was controlled by the
Simulations were performed using the MD simulation pack- biasing force, the steric constraints of the pore interior were
age NAMD version 2.71b.[36] The CHARMM[37] force field was sufficient to keep each sample trajectory within the desired
applied using all-hydrogen parameter files for CHARMM22 pro- xy-boundaries. The biased atom was kept within the outer z-
teins and CHARMM27 lipids and nucleic acids. axis boundaries of the reaction coordinate by a harmonic force
To gather a set of samples to form an ensemble, multiple implemented at either end.
simulations of the nucleic acid molecule translocating past the The length of the reaction coordinate was set to 16 Å, span-
same section of the pore were required. The initial configura- ning the length of the constriction. It is possible to split reac-
tions used to perform these translocation samples were tion coordinates into segments and construct free energy
obtained by capturing snapshots of the atomic positions and profiles from each of the segments. Splitting the reaction coor-
velocities, separated by 0.2 ns at equilibrium, with the SMD dinate can help prevent the biased atom getting stuck. How-
atom position fixed and the Ca protein atoms restrained. ever, this is not necessary with a reaction coordinate length as
Unless otherwise stated, harmonic constraints of 0.5 N/m short as 16 Å. Furthermore, introducing too many segments
were placed on the Ca atoms of the protein amino acid resi- can cause the harmonic restraints at the ends of each segment
dues to prevent translocation of the protein. In cv-SMD simula- to significantly impact the free energy values, and so it should
tions, this allows the reaction coordinate to indicate specific be implemented with caution. The number of simulated time-
protein-nucleic acid interactions. In ABF simulations of the steps required to sample the reaction coordinate depends on
type described in this article, the relationship between the the force measurement threshold parameter and the diffusion
reaction coordinate and the pore interior is maintained regard- time, which varies between simulations. The simulations were,
less of shifts in the protein’s location. therefore, performed in blocks of 100,000 to 1 million MD inte-
gration timesteps until the full reaction coordinate was
cv-SMD method sampled. The force measurements threshold parameter (f) are
For cv-SMD translocation, the full reaction coordinate was investigated in Supporting Information.
explored using several 1-ns simulations in sequence. An over-
Summary of the models and simulations performed
lap of 0.2 ns between sequential simulations was performed
to enable the removal of start-up artifacts. The SMD atom was This subsection summarizes the key configuration details in
pulled at 0.04 Å/ps and the SMD spring constant was set to the simulations represented in this article. This is presented in
100 kcal/mol, which Martin et al.[31] established as suitable for the form of a table (Table 1), in order for the reader to be
these molecular models. able to quickly refer to and understand our data, particularly
when comparisons are being drawn between multiple figures.
ABF method
The biasing force was applied to the C30 -atom of the leading Adenine and Deoxycytosine Translocation
residue. The ABF implemented using the colvar module.[38]
Using cv-SMD
Force measurements were accumulated in bins of 0.25 Å
(unless otherwise stated) for 16-Å length trajectories. The reac- In our previous study,[31] we used single nucleotides and poly-
tion coordinate in the ABF methodology was calculated as a nucleotides in wild type and mutated aHL nanopores to gain
Table 1. Table listing key components of the simulated systems from the profiles in this article.
insight into the translocation process. We found that a coordinate. The higher free energy values for A25 compared to
phosphate-lysine electrostatic interaction at the pore constric- dC25 is in qualitative agreement with the longer experimental
tion played a key role in translocation, proving its significance translocation times for A25.[7]
by mutating the lysine residue in question, which significantly
impacted the free energy profiles. The extent to which this
Single nucleotides in wild type aHL
interaction occurred for a particular nucleotide molecule was
highlighted as a potential cause for the discrimination of Using single nucleotide translocation simulations, we can obtain
poly(A) and poly(dC) translocation. With a demonstrated a clear picture as to what kind of molecular interactions give rise
dependence of the interaction on local solvation ionic environ- to energy barriers to translocation. This is because the contribu-
ments, it was deemed necessary to increase the sampling of tions to translocation barriers are reduced to those attributable
the reaction coordinate to give dependable insight. to the small molecule, whose size and relative simplicity make it
In this section, we extend our previous investigation by straight forward to inspect visually. With a polymeric molecule,
comparing the free energy profiles with significantly greater numerous steric and electrostatic interactions occur along its
sampling for A25, dC25, A1, and dC1 translocation through wild length, making it difficult to identify major points of interest. By
type aHL using cv-SMD. By providing a set of highly sampled comparing the single nucleotide to polynucleotide translocation,
profiles in this way, we can use the dataset as a reference we can also infer the degree to which nonequilibrium effects
point for the validation of new data that has not been permit- impact the polynucleotide free energy profiles.
ted the same sampling budget. Figure 3 shows the free energy profiles from A1 and dC1
translocation through wild type aHL. Our previous study[31]
Polynucleotides in wild type aHL showed that an electrostatic interaction between the nucleo-
tide phosphate (negatively charged) and the protein lysine
The translocation of poly(A) and poly(dC) is shown in Figure 2. 147 (positively charged) skewed the values of these single
The figure shows the free energy profiles for a translocation nucleotide profiles in unexpected ways. The result of this is
over 48 Å for A25 and dC25 with 16 samples used for the calcu- higher free energy values in the dC1 profile due a particularly
lation of each profile. Here, the SMD atom at the 30 -end of the strong phosphate-lysine contribution. The consequence of the
nucleic acid polymer was pulled from the top of the constric- upshifted dC1 profile is the barely distinguishable A1 and dC1
tion to the bottom of the transmembrane barrel. Given the profiles shown in Figure 3.
pore dimensions, as listed in Figure 1, the steric barriers to The phosphate-lysine interaction and the small size of the
translocation occur mainly within this region. single nucleotide molecule contribute to the distinct profile
The free energy plots from Figure 2 show that A25 displays shape we see in Figure 3. Compared to the polynucleotide
a higher free energy profile than dC25, with nonoverlapping profiles, which exhibit a relatively consistent gradient through-
error bars from 11 Å onward. The separation between the pro- out the reaction coordinate, both single nucleotide profiles
files continues to grow throughout the translocation process exhibit a distinctive curve. The single nucleotide profiles show
with the free energy estimate for A25 being approximately
30% higher than that of dC25 at the end of the 48 Å reaction
Figure 3. Free energy profiles of A1 and dC1 translocation from a set of cv-
SMD simulations. The reaction coordinate spans 16 Å through the constric-
Figure 2. Free energy profiles of A25 and dC25 translocation from a set of tion of wild type aHL. Each profile was derived from 16 samples, calculated
cv-SMD simulations. The reaction coordinate spans 48 Å from the top of using a bin width of 0.25 Å. The two free energy profiles do not show dis-
the constriction to the bottom of the trans-entrance of wild type aHL. Each crimination outside of the error bars. Compared to the polynucleotide pro-
profile was derived from 16 samples, calculated using a bin width of 0.75 files, the single nucleotide profiles exhibit a distinctive shape, showing a
Å. The free energy estimate for A25 is approximately 30% higher than that rapid rise of gradient after 4 Å, then a large reduction in gradient after 10
of dC25 at the end of the 48 Å reaction coordinate. The plots show discrim- Å, effectively leveling off. This corresponds to steric and electrostatic inter-
ination of A25 and dC25 with nonoverlapping error bars after 11 Å of trans- actions reaching a maximum between 4 and 10 Å; thereafter the molecule
location. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available exits the constriction into the wider uncharged transmembrane barrel, giv-
at] ing little resistance to ongoing translocation.
the impact of slow-relaxing forces in the polynucleotide chain, that A25 experiences greater barriers to translocation than
it is important to investigate ABF using smaller molecules such dC25. This section explores which of the two translocation
as single nucleotides, giving insight into the impact of none- methods is better suited to explore the nanopore-nucleotide
quilibrium effects on the polynucleotide data. system and the reasons why. First, we compare cv-SMD to ABF
Figure 5 shows free energy profiles from ABF simulations of based on the general methodological differences; we look at
A1 and dC1 translocation with a f value of 5000. The profiles the mode of translocation, consistency with experiment and
are constructed from four samples per profile and the error constraints on the system. We then compare the results from
bars represent the sample-to-sample error. As indicated by the simulations using each methodology in terms of the recreation
data in Supporting Information, a higher value of f is not as of experimental conditions and in data quality, the free energy
important in reducing nonequilibrium contributions for smaller profile shapes, and the free energy profile separation between
translocating molecules. The rapid rise in profile gradient after A25 and dC25. We also consider the computational efficiency of
5 Å and the subsequent leveling out after 11 Å corresponds each approach. The section finishes by extrapolation of our
well to the single nucleotide molecule leaving the confines of findings to other systems.
the aHL constriction, as was observed in the cv-SMD data. The
strong phosphate-lysine interaction found in cv-SMD simula-
Methodological comparison
tions for dC1 is shown to be contributing similarly here as the
dC1 free energy profile shows a higher cumulative free energy SCCR experiments involve the translocation of a polymer
than with A1. The histograms showing the average force meas- through a protein-pore; this is a nonequilibrium process,
urements per bin are largely similar for both nucleotides. though it is in a steady-state due to the constant transmem-
Unlike the cv-SMD profiles of A1 and dC1 translocation, sep- brane potential. This potential drives the polymer through the
aration between the two profiles is observed in Figure 5, with pore, and the driving force acts on the entire length of the
dC1 showing higher free energy values. It is clear, then, that polymer at all times. The free energy landscape of the solvated
the greater propensity of dC1 to experience a strong electro- and ionized molecular system with respect to the translocating
static interaction is observed when using ABF, just as it is molecule, combined with the applied potential, determines
when using cv-SMD. Additional samples would be needed to the translocation time (a measurable quantity). So, it is this
confirm if the dC1 electrostatic interaction was experienced to free energy landscape that we wish to estimate using simula-
a greater degree with ABF, as is suggested in the figure. tion and the difference in translocation time between poly(A)
and poly(dC) being a measure that we use to validate our sim-
ulations. Therefore, one key point of comparison between cv-
Comparison of cv-SMD with the ABF Method SMD/JE and ABF is how closely the methodology matches the
experimental process.
Figures 3 and 4 explored the cv-SMD and ABF methodologies
In cv-SMD/JE, the molecule is pulled in a nonequilibrium state
for nucleotide translocation through aHL. Both approaches
and, whereas the method causes the molecule to move at con-
provided qualitative agreement with the experimental finding
stant velocity, the applied force varies in response to the free
energy landscape. The driving force is, therefore, different to
experiment in this way. Another key difference to experiment is
that the driving force is applied to the leading atom of the poly-
mer, whereas experimentally it is applied to the whole molecule.
During simulations, pulling a polymeric molecule by its leading
end can result in deformation from the equilibrium conforma-
tion.[16] Deformation of the translocating molecule is expected to
occur experimentally due to the dimensions of the pore,[7,16] but
as a response to the steric hindrance of the constricting pore
dimensions, rather than due to being dragged through the sol-
vent. This artifactual form of deformation can be reduced by
using a smaller driving force, where relaxation forces have time
to act on the molecule. Furthermore, as the reaction coordinate
Figure 5. The free energy profiles of A1 and dC1 translocation through wild of the ABF methodology is calculated as a function of distance
type aHL from a set of ABF simulations. The reaction coordinate is from relative to other reference atoms, the free energy profile will be
the center of the alpha carbon atoms of protein residue 111 at the top of an accurate function of the length of the pore interior, regardless
the constriction to 16 Å into the transmembrane barrel from that point.
of the movements of the protein. This allows the protein to be
The timestep threshold parameter was 5000 for these simulations. Each
free energy profile was constructed from four samples, the error bars rep- completely unconstrained, as discussed in the Subsection
resent the sample to sample variation. The histograms represent the num- “Polynucleotide translocation with an ABF”.
ber of instantaneous force measurements per bin. The free energy profiles The two methodologies also differ from each other in sev-
are separated by nonoverlapping error bars after 10.5 Å of translocation. At
eral other respects. First, the ABF reaction coordinate is one-
the end of the reaction coordinate, the free energy of A25 translocation is
approximately 33% higher than that of dC25. [Color figure can be viewed dimensional (1D) and, therefore, it is not restricted to axes
in the online issue, which is available at] orthogonal to the reaction coordinate; cv-SMD, conversely, is
separation between the free energy profiles of A25 and dC25 million timesteps per sample trajectory at a total cost of roughly
by the end of the reaction coordinate. At the end of the reac- 25,000 CPU hours for a four sample profile. Here, each sample
tion coordinate, the free energy value of A25 translocation is trajectory is produced from two or more simulations in blocks of
approximately 20% higher than that of dC25 when cv-SMD is 100,000 to 1 million timesteps per simulation until the full reac-
used. The difference is approximately 33% when ABF is used. tion coordinate is sampled. With a cv-SMD pulling speed of 0.04
The separation is also aided by the considerably smaller error Å/ps, for a 16 Å translocation, 2.4 million timesteps are required
bars in the ABF profiles. By contrast, the error bars on the A25 per sample at a total cost of 29,000 CPU hours for a four sample
and dC25 free energy profiles can be seen to overlap in the ensemble average. Here, each sample is produced from four sim-
case of cv-SMD for the majority of the reaction coordinate. ulations, the combined simulations covering the full reaction
The separation between A25 and dC25 at the end of the reac- coordinate. There is additional computational time required in
tion coordinate is 15.8 6 4.9 kcal/mol in ABF and 10.1 6 8.8 cv-SMD simulations under the conditions we have used in order
kcal/mol using cv-SMD, therefore, the separation of the profile to produce the reaction coordinate segment overlap; the expla-
means is larger in addition to having smaller errors using ABF. nation for this is provided by Martin et al.[31]
Taking an average of all the free energy profile error bars It should be noted that a relatively consistent progression
across the reaction coordinate, the average errors in the cv- along the reaction coordinate for the ABF simulations under
SMD profiles are approximately 185% larger than with ABF for these conditions is aided by undesirable slow nonequilibrium
A25, and approximately 270% larger for dC25. relaxational effects. With smaller translocating molecules, or
The error bars are observed to be smaller when using ABF higher f values to allow more time for the conformations to
for a couple of reasons. First, as discussed, the binning error is relax (thus producing a more correct profile), the number of
negligible due the large number of measurements taken per timesteps required to sample the whole trajectory would
bin, improving the statistical quality of the calculations. Sec- increase and be difficult to predict. As shown in Supporting
ond, single samples of ABF, with its translocative motion deter- Information, where f 5 80,000, sampling the reaction coordi-
mined largely by self-diffusion and not by being forced along nate requires roughly 16 million timesteps for a polymeric
the reaction coordinate, may be more representative of the chain and 20 million timesteps for a single nucleotide. In cv-
true free energy landscape, and so the sample-to-sample fluc- SMD simulations, the quality of the data may also be improved
tuations are lower. Consider that an infinitesimally slowly mov- by slowing down the translocation. In the case of cv-SMD, the
ing molecule is likely to sample all accessible phase space increase in computational cost is precise, and therefore,
configurations and energy values to a degree which is fully straightforward to plan and manage.
representative of the free energy landscape, and therefore, For the conditions given for this comparison, ABF displays
multiple samples of infinitesimally slowly moving trajectories numerous advantages; it possesses fewer sources of error,
will have zero sample to sample free energy profile fluctuation. smaller errors, better separation of free energy profiles, lower
Equally, a fast moving entity will sample less of the accessible computational cost, fewer constraints, and greater degrees of
phase space; therefore, more samples will be required to con- freedom in axes orthogonal to the reaction coordinate.
struct a meaningful free energy profile. It follows, then, that a
methodology which samples the phase space more effectively
Extrapolating to other systems
will represent the free energy landscape better per sample,
and so the sample-to-sample variation will be reduced. It is The question remains as to whether this comparison would hold
likely that the lack of constraints along axes orthogonal to the up in other systems/conditions. To answer this, we must consider
reaction coordinate also contributes to this effect. individual contributions to each free energy profile. In cv-SMD/JE,
there are two sources of error from the implementation of the
methodology: the harmonic spring and the truncation of the
Computational efficiency
cumulative term in the use of Jarzynski’s identity. The latter will
To fully compare each method, one must also look at the com- have a contribution in other systems, regardless of size or pulling
putational cost under comparable conditions, in addition to speed. The harmonic spring leads to an increase in the statistical
the quality of the output. In general there is roughly a 3.5% noise of the output as the harmonic spring constant is increased,
increase in computation time for an ABF simulation compared yet it must be high enough to approximate a stiff spring. For
to a cv-SMD simulation for a fixed number of timesteps with larger translocating molecules, the spring constant must be scaled
the same number of cores on the same system (tested on the up to continue approximating a stiff spring, hence it becomes
XSEDE machine Kraken at 576 processors). This is because an necessary to introduce more statistical noise. The higher statistical
ABF simulation must perform additional calculations for the noise will increase the binning error in the free energy profiles.
generalized coordinates of the biased and reference atoms, Therefore, the cv-SMD error would be expected to increase for
and calculate the average instantaneous force acting on the larger translocating molecules. This scaling of binning error may
biased atom. Calculations based on the cv-SMD harmonic also be affected by the pulling speed, where faster pulling speeds
spring and the position of the reference atom are compara- require higher spring constants in order to approximate a stiff
tively simple, and therefore, less computationally demanding. spring, thereby increasing the error contribution.
For the ABF simulations that give rise to the profiles in Figure Even if the binning error were completely negated in the
6, the bin width (0.25 Å) and f value (5000) lead to roughly 2 cv-SMD profiles, the sample-to-sample contributions to the
errors are larger than those of the ABF profiles. This may tion methods, particularly metadynamics and/or grid-SMD.
appear surprising as, for the ABF simulations, the reaction With Oxford Nanopore Technologies making progress in the
coordinate is not restrained in axes orthogonal to it. This lack field of nanopore sequencing, it would also be of great inter-
of restraint increases accessible regions of the phase space, est to reconstruct their most successful aHL nanopores in sim-
which one would expect to increase the sample-to-sample ulations that harness such translocation methods. The insight
fluctuations. The converse is in fact observed, where each sam- gained could be used to improve the experimental system
ple appears to represent the free energy landscape well, while the race for cheaper and faster sequencing technologies
resulting in low sample-to-sample fluctuations. It is possible goes on.
that the constrained reaction coordinate in the cv-SMD case
imposes certain conformations on the translocating molecule, Acknowledgments
to a degree which may not be proportionally representative of
This work was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sci-
the ensemble phase space, thereby resulting in more varied
ence Research Council (EPSRC, EP/I017909/1) which provided access
individual samples. It is, moreover, feasible that the sampling
to HPCx ( Computing resources were made
of phase space is also improved by the translocative motion in
possible via NSF TRAC award TG-MCB090174 and LONI resources.
ABF simulations being determined largely by self-diffusion
rather than rigidly implemented relocation, again leading to
Keywords: nanopore molecular dynamics adaptive biasing
lower sample-to-sample fluctuation. For these advantages in
force protein DNA
the ABF sampling to be allowed to flourish, the translocating
molecule must be permitted sufficient time within each bin
along the reaction coordinate, whereas the time spent in each
How to cite this article: H. S. C. Martin, S. Jha, P. V. Coveney.
bin would be reduced if the average translocation speed were
J. Comput. Chem. 2014, 35, 692–702. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23525
increased. Therefore, at higher speeds, one might expect the
sample-to-sample fluctuations to occur to a similar degree in ] Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
both methodologies, whereas at slower speeds, the ABF meth- online version of this article.
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