Nano - Mech
Nano - Mech
Nano - Mech
without limit
Mechanical engineers can stake a claim for the
nanoscale frontier. But the only way to truly own it is
to dissolve the old boundaries among disciplines.
Over the past decade, there has been a remarkable increase in interest in
nanotechnology among the science and engineering communities, the
media, and private investors. The U.S. government now funds about $1
billion per year for the National Nanotechnology Initiative, and many states
are making significant contributions as well. Japan, Taiwan, China, and
countries in the European Union have begun funding at comparable levels.
Clearly, the worldwide perception is that nanotechnology holds tremendous
promise and is an important area for research investment.
By the end, there was a growing consensus about the areas within
nanotechnology where mechanical engineers were poised to make the
greatest contributions and about how to change engineering education to
address the new challenges that nanoscale technology represents. Indeed,
nanotechnology may change the way we think about mechanical
engineering altogether, making it a more multidisciplinary field, one as
concerned with atomic-level effects as electrical engineering or chemistry is.
It is crucial not to let the old barriers between disciplines discourage
mechanical engineers from exploring this new frontier.
Many of the challenges of working at nanoscale stem from the way physical
properties change at that level. When solids, liquids, and gases are confined
to regions smaller than 100 nm, for instance, their behavior can be modified
by the confinement. Properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical
conductivity, optical absorption and emission spectra, mechanical strength,
and viscosity are size dependent.
In the future, a nano-biological device may detect pathogens.
Many researchers envision that material organized at this scale could form
the basis for structures, devices, and systems that could have tremendous
impact on parts of the economy as diverse as information, energy, health,
agriculture, security, and transportation. They see possibilities for data
storage at densities greater than one terabit per square inch; for high-
efficiency, solid-state engines; for analysis of single cells that could form
the basis for diagnosis of complex diseases such as cancer; and for ultralight
and ultrastrong materials for vehicles.
There are many concepts in mechanical engineering that are critical in the
development of nanotechnology. It is incumbent upon mechanical engineers
to provide depth in these areas.
These stringent requirements are not limited to the microscopes, but apply to
any nanoscale measurement. For example, there is a tremendous need for
instrumentation in high-throughput imaging and measurement in nanomanu-
facturing processes to enable automation and process control. These issues
offer opportunities for mechanical engineers to provide a system-level
understanding of such instruments.
To create chip designs that solve these thermal problems, technologists will
need a basic understanding of how heat flows in nanostructures and across
interfaces. Mechanical engineers have just this sort of expertise.
But with all the ways in which mechanical engineering will be crucial to
unlocking the potential of nanotechnology, there are challenges as well.
University engineering departments must change the way mechanical
engineers are educated.
Taken together, these changes will represent a new paradigm for the
education of mechanical engineers, one that, if done right, will increase
disciplinary depth. At the same time, at both the undergraduate and graduate
levels, students should be exposed to courses that bring in concepts from
multiple disciplines, and faculty and programs must find ways to reduce the
barriers to interdisciplinary dialog.
There are many questions that we engineers must openly discuss: How
could nanostructures or manufacturing of nanostructures be harmful to
human health? Are there any environmental effects? Could nanotechnology
reveal information that infringes on privacy? If improved health diagnostics
and therapeutics facilitated by nanotechnology increase lifespan, what effect
would the result have on demographics and productivity? Would this
technology be accessible to the whole population, or be available to only a
certain segment of our society?
• Sustained support from the National Science Foundation and other funding
agencies to maintain long-term, fundamental research in nanoscale science
and engineering;
• A focus on research in nanoscale science and engineering that addresses
the grand challenges that affect society and humanity;
Steven L. Girshick is professor and director of graduate studies in mechanical engineering at the
University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and co-chair of the Nanomanufacturing Committee of the
ASME Nanotechnology Institute. Arun Majumdar is the Almy and Agnes Maynard Professor of
Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and a member of the scientific
staff of the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He chairs the
Advisory Board of the ASME Nanotechnology Institute and is a member of the Nanotechnology
Technical Advisory Group to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.