Energy Efficient Hotels
Energy Efficient Hotels
Energy Efficient Hotels
Ataulla Khan Kumar Avinash Nitin Sharma Pranav Arora Sudhanshu Srivastava
About hotels
- Hotel industry is a large business sector.
- Can play a major role changing the culture of environmental degradation practices to achieve
sustainable growth.
Saving money
You can be confident that you will become more attractive to the growing number of
environmentally friendly tourists. Also the level of satisfaction among your customers will
increase who can actively contribute to the protection of environment without reducing
their level of comfort.
Waste Energy
management optimisation
PV Sheets
All hotels have a network based building management system to monitor and control the
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning), Lighting, Sub-metering and water management
Digital Valet System: IPAD operated room control system to control Air conditioning,
Lighting, TV etc.
Condensate recovery system
• CPCB National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fresh air quality &
• ASHRAE 62.1-2010/NBC 2005 for fresh air quantity
• Treatment for Outdoor air for PM10 and PM2.5
Sensor operated fixtures, waterless urinals, dual flush water closets and flow
restrictors (Aerators) for reducing water consumption against LEED® benchmark for
water consumption.
Only treated recycled water is used for flushing, landscape, cooling tower and
miscellaneous cleaning. Drip irrigation system for water efficient landscaping.
Segregation of Black and Grey water for Sewage treatment plant and waste water
recycling. Surplus water to neighbouring areas / communities gardens.
Rain Water Harvesting system to capture Roof and Non-roof rain water
15% Replacement of OPC with fly ash in structural concrete • 25% Replacement of OPC
with fly ash in structural concrete
Use of fly-ash in 40% of building blocks/bricks
Reduction in combined embodied energy of load-bearing structure and masonry walls
Modeling methodology
The Proposed Building has been evaluated on the basis of the methodology outlined
in Appendix G, The Performance Rating Method of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007. Visual
DOE 4.1, a front-end to the DOE-2.1E engine, has been used as the simulation tool.
Annual hourly energy simulations are performed to quantify the anticipated HVAC and
lighting energy savings of the proposed building design. The two building models
(Baseline and Proposed) use identical climate zones, layout, occupancy, plug loads, and
The Baseline building performance is the averaged results of simulating the building
with its actual orientation and after rotating the entire building 90, 180, and 270
degrees as ASHRAE 90.1 requires.
The proposed model incorporates all the energy efficient features as designed. The
energy cost savings between the baseline and proposed models is used to determine
the total number of LEED® credit points available under Energy and Atmosphere Credit
1 (EA1) - Optimize Energy Performance. The total number of EA1 points achievable for
the project under LEED_India_NC_2011 rating system is as under: