Universal Language Model Fine-Tuning For Text Classification

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Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification

Jeremy Howard∗ Sebastian Ruder∗

fast.ai Insight Centre, NUI Galway
University of San Francisco Aylien Ltd., Dublin
j@fast.ai sebastian@ruder.io

Abstract While Deep Learning models have achieved

state-of-the-art on many NLP tasks, these models
Inductive transfer learning has greatly im- are trained from scratch, requiring large datasets,
arXiv:1801.06146v5 [cs.CL] 23 May 2018

pacted computer vision, but existing ap- and days to converge. Research in NLP focused
proaches in NLP still require task-specific mostly on transductive transfer (Blitzer et al.,
modifications and training from scratch. 2007). For inductive transfer, fine-tuning pre-
We propose Universal Language Model trained word embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013),
Fine-tuning (ULMFiT), an effective trans- a simple transfer technique that only targets a
fer learning method that can be applied to model’s first layer, has had a large impact in prac-
any task in NLP, and introduce techniques tice and is used in most state-of-the-art models.
that are key for fine-tuning a language Recent approaches that concatenate embeddings
model. Our method significantly outper- derived from other tasks with the input at different
forms the state-of-the-art on six text clas- layers (Peters et al., 2017; McCann et al., 2017;
sification tasks, reducing the error by 18- Peters et al., 2018) still train the main task model
24% on the majority of datasets. Further- from scratch and treat pretrained embeddings as
more, with only 100 labeled examples, it fixed parameters, limiting their usefulness.
matches the performance of training from In light of the benefits of pretraining (Erhan
scratch on 100× more data. We open- et al., 2010), we should be able to do better than
source our pretrained models and code1 . randomly initializing the remaining parameters of
our models. However, inductive transfer via fine-
1 Introduction tuning has been unsuccessful for NLP (Mou et al.,
2016). Dai and Le (2015) first proposed fine-
Inductive transfer learning has had a large impact
tuning a language model (LM) but require millions
on computer vision (CV). Applied CV models (in-
of in-domain documents to achieve good perfor-
cluding object detection, classification, and seg-
mance, which severely limits its applicability.
mentation) are rarely trained from scratch, but in-
We show that not the idea of LM fine-tuning but
stead are fine-tuned from models that have been
our lack of knowledge of how to train them ef-
pretrained on ImageNet, MS-COCO, and other
fectively has been hindering wider adoption. LMs
datasets (Sharif Razavian et al., 2014; Long et al.,
overfit to small datasets and suffered catastrophic
2015a; He et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2017).
forgetting when fine-tuned with a classifier. Com-
Text classification is a category of Natural Lan-
pared to CV, NLP models are typically more shal-
guage Processing (NLP) tasks with real-world ap-
low and thus require different fine-tuning methods.
plications such as spam, fraud, and bot detection
We propose a new method, Universal Language
(Jindal and Liu, 2007; Ngai et al., 2011; Chu et al.,
Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT) that addresses these
2012), emergency response (Caragea et al., 2011),
issues and enables robust inductive transfer learn-
and commercial document classification, such as
ing for any NLP task, akin to fine-tuning ImageNet
for legal discovery (Roitblat et al., 2010).
models: The same 3-layer LSTM architecture—
http://nlp.fast.ai/ulmfit. with the same hyperparameters and no addi-
Equal contribution. Jeremy focused on the algorithm de-
velopment and implementation, Sebastian focused on the ex- tions other than tuned dropout hyperparameters—
periments and writing. outperforms highly engineered models and trans-
fer learning approaches on six widely studied text et al. (2017), and McCann et al. (2017) who use
classification tasks. On IMDb, with 100 labeled language modeling, paraphrasing, entailment, and
examples, ULMFiT matches the performance of Machine Translation (MT) respectively for pre-
training from scratch with 10× and—given 50k training. Specifically, Peters et al. (2018) require
unlabeled examples—with 100× more data. engineered custom architectures, while we show
state-of-the-art performance with the same basic
Contributions Our contributions are the follow-
architecture across a range of tasks. In CV, hyper-
ing: 1) We propose Universal Language Model
columns have been nearly entirely superseded by
Fine-tuning (ULMFiT), a method that can be used
end-to-end fine-tuning (Long et al., 2015a).
to achieve CV-like transfer learning for any task
for NLP. 2) We propose discriminative fine-tuning, Multi-task learning A related direction is
slanted triangular learning rates, and gradual multi-task learning (MTL) (Caruana, 1993). This
unfreezing, novel techniques to retain previous is the approach taken by Rei (2017) and Liu et al.
knowledge and avoid catastrophic forgetting dur- (2018) who add a language modeling objective
ing fine-tuning. 3) We significantly outperform the to the model that is trained jointly with the main
state-of-the-art on six representative text classifi- task model. MTL requires the tasks to be trained
cation datasets, with an error reduction of 18-24% from scratch every time, which makes it inefficient
on the majority of datasets. 4) We show that our and often requires careful weighting of the task-
method enables extremely sample-efficient trans- specific objective functions (Chen et al., 2017).
fer learning and perform an extensive ablation
analysis. 5) We make the pretrained models and Fine-tuning Fine-tuning has been used success-
our code available to enable wider adoption. fully to transfer between similar tasks, e.g. in QA
(Min et al., 2017), for distantly supervised senti-
2 Related work ment analysis (Severyn and Moschitti, 2015), or
MT domains (Sennrich et al., 2015) but has been
Transfer learning in CV Features in deep neu-
shown to fail between unrelated ones (Mou et al.,
ral networks in CV have been observed to tran-
2016). Dai and Le (2015) also fine-tune a lan-
sition from general to task-specific from the first
guage model, but overfit with 10k labeled exam-
to the last layer (Yosinski et al., 2014). For this
ples and require millions of in-domain documents
reason, most work in CV focuses on transferring
for good performance. In contrast, ULMFiT lever-
the first layers of the model (Long et al., 2015b).
ages general-domain pretraining and novel fine-
Sharif Razavian et al. (2014) achieve state-of-the-
tuning techniques to prevent overfitting even with
art results using features of an ImageNet model as
only 100 labeled examples and achieves state-of-
input to a simple classifier. In recent years, this
the-art results also on small datasets.
approach has been superseded by fine-tuning ei-
ther the last (Donahue et al., 2014) or several of
3 Universal Language Model Fine-tuning
the last layers of a pretrained model and leaving
the remaining layers frozen (Long et al., 2015a). We are interested in the most general inductive
transfer learning setting for NLP (Pan and Yang,
Hypercolumns In NLP, only recently have
2010): Given a static source task TS and any tar-
methods been proposed that go beyond transfer-
get task TT with TS 6= TT , we would like to im-
ring word embeddings. The prevailing approach
prove performance on TT . Language modeling
is to pretrain embeddings that capture additional
can be seen as the ideal source task and a counter-
context via other tasks. Embeddings at different
part of ImageNet for NLP: It captures many facets
levels are then used as features, concatenated ei-
of language relevant for downstream tasks, such as
ther with the word embeddings or with the in-
long-term dependencies (Linzen et al., 2016), hi-
puts at intermediate layers. This method is known
erarchical relations (Gulordava et al., 2018), and
as hypercolumns (Hariharan et al., 2015) in CV2
sentiment (Radford et al., 2017). In contrast to
and is used by Peters et al. (2017), Peters et al.
tasks like MT (McCann et al., 2017) and entail-
(2018), Wieting and Gimpel (2017), Conneau
ment (Conneau et al., 2017), it provides data in
A hypercolumn at a pixel in CV is the vector of activa- near-unlimited quantities for most domains and
tions of all CNN units above that pixel. In analogy, a hyper-
column for a word or sentence in NLP is the concatenation of languages. Additionally, a pretrained LM can be
embeddings at different layers in a pretrained model. easily adapted to the idiosyncrasies of a target
Softmax Softmax
layer layer

Layer 3
Layer 3 Layer 3

Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2

Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1

Embedding Embedding Embedding

layer layer layer

The gold dollar or gold The best scene ever The best scene ever

(a) LM pre-training (b) LM fine-tuning (c) Classifier fine-tuning

Figure 1: ULMFiT consists of three stages: a) The LM is trained on a general-domain corpus to capture
general features of the language in different layers. b) The full LM is fine-tuned on target task data using
discriminative fine-tuning (‘Discr’) and slanted triangular learning rates (STLR) to learn task-specific
features. c) The classifier is fine-tuned on the target task using gradual unfreezing, ‘Discr’, and STLR to
preserve low-level representations and adapt high-level ones (shaded: unfreezing stages; black: frozen).

task, which we show significantly improves per- 3.1 General-domain LM pretraining

formance (see Section 5). Moreover, language An ImageNet-like corpus for language should be
modeling already is a key component of existing large and capture general properties of language.
tasks such as MT and dialogue modeling. For- We pretrain the language model on Wikitext-103
mally, language modeling induces a hypothesis (Merity et al., 2017b) consisting of 28,595 prepro-
space H that should be useful for many other NLP cessed Wikipedia articles and 103 million words.
tasks (Vapnik and Kotz, 1982; Baxter, 2000). Pretraining is most beneficial for tasks with small
We propose Universal Language Model Fine- datasets and enables generalization even with 100
tuning (ULMFiT), which pretrains a language labeled examples. We leave the exploration of
model (LM) on a large general-domain corpus and more diverse pretraining corpora to future work,
fine-tunes it on the target task using novel tech- but expect that they would boost performance.
niques. The method is universal in the sense that While this stage is the most expensive, it only
it meets these practical criteria: 1) It works across needs to be performed once and improves perfor-
tasks varying in document size, number, and label mance and convergence of downstream models.
type; 2) it uses a single architecture and training
process; 3) it requires no custom feature engineer- 3.2 Target task LM fine-tuning
ing or preprocessing; and 4) it does not require ad- No matter how diverse the general-domain data
ditional in-domain documents or labels. used for pretraining is, the data of the target task
In our experiments, we use the state-of-the- will likely come from a different distribution. We
art language model AWD-LSTM (Merity et al., thus fine-tune the LM on data of the target task.
2017a), a regular LSTM (with no attention, Given a pretrained general-domain LM, this stage
short-cut connections, or other sophisticated ad- converges faster as it only needs to adapt to the id-
ditions) with various tuned dropout hyperparame- iosyncrasies of the target data, and it allows us to
ters. Analogous to CV, we expect that downstream train a robust LM even for small datasets. We pro-
performance can be improved by using higher- pose discriminative fine-tuning and slanted trian-
performance language models in the future. gular learning rates for fine-tuning the LM, which
we introduce in the following.
ULMFiT consists of the following steps, which
we show in Figure 1: a) General-domain LM Discriminative fine-tuning As different layers
pretraining (§3.1); b) target task LM fine-tuning capture different types of information (Yosinski
(§3.2); and c) target task classifier fine-tuning et al., 2014), they should be fine-tuned to differ-
(§3.3). We discuss these in the following sections. ent extents. To this end, we propose a novel fine-
tuning method, discriminative fine-tuning3 . the LR, cut is the iteration when we switch from
Instead of using the same learning rate for all increasing to decreasing the LR, p is the fraction of
layers of the model, discriminative fine-tuning al- the number of iterations we have increased or will
lows us to tune each layer with different learning decrease the LR respectively, ratio specifies how
rates. For context, the regular stochastic gradient much smaller the lowest LR is from the maximum
descent (SGD) update of a model’s parameters θ at LR ηmax , and ηt is the learning rate at iteration t.
time step t looks like the following (Ruder, 2016): We generally use cut f rac = 0.1, ratio = 32 and
ηmax = 0.01.
θt = θt−1 − η · ∇θ J(θ) (1) STLR modifies triangular learning rates (Smith,
2017) with a short increase and a long decay pe-
where η is the learning rate and ∇θ J(θ) is the gra-
riod, which we found key for good performance.5
dient with regard to the model’s objective func-
In Section 5, we compare against aggressive co-
tion. For discriminative fine-tuning, we split the
sine annealing, a similar schedule that has recently
parameters θ into {θ1 , . . . , θL } where θl contains
been used to achieve state-of-the-art performance
the parameters of the model at the l-th layer and
in CV (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017).6
L is the number of layers of the model. Similarly,
we obtain {η 1 , . . . , η L } where η l is the learning
rate of the l-th layer.
The SGD update with discriminative fine-
tuning is then the following:

θtl = θt−1
− η l · ∇θl J(θ) (2)

We empirically found it to work well to first

choose the learning rate η L of the last layer by
fine-tuning only the last layer and using η l−1 =
η l /2.6 as the learning rate for lower layers.
Slanted triangular learning rates For adapting
its parameters to task-specific features, we would
like the model to quickly converge to a suitable Figure 2: The slanted triangular learning rate
region of the parameter space in the beginning schedule used for ULMFiT as a function of the
of training and then refine its parameters. Using number of training iterations.
the same learning rate (LR) or an annealed learn-
ing rate throughout training is not the best way 3.3 Target task classifier fine-tuning
to achieve this behaviour. Instead, we propose
slanted triangular learning rates (STLR), which Finally, for fine-tuning the classifier, we augment
first linearly increases the learning rate and then the pretrained language model with two additional
linearly decays it according to the following up- linear blocks. Following standard practice for
date schedule, which can be seen in Figure 2: CV classifiers, each block uses batch normaliza-
tion (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015) and dropout, with
cut = bT · cut f racc ReLU activations for the intermediate layer and a
( softmax activation that outputs a probability dis-
t/cut, if t < cut
p= tribution over target classes at the last layer. Note
1 − cut·(1/cut f rac−1) , otherwise (3)
that the parameters in these task-specific classi-
1 + p · (ratio − 1) fier layers are the only ones that are learned from
ηt = ηmax · scratch. The first linear layer takes as the input the
pooled last hidden layer states.
where T is the number of training iterations4 ,
cut f rac is the fraction of iterations we increase Concat pooling The signal in text classification
tasks is often contained in a few words, which may
An unrelated method of the same name exists for deep
Boltzmann machines (Salakhutdinov and Hinton, 2009). We also credit personal communication with the author.
4 6
In other words, the number of epochs times the number While Loshchilov and Hutter (2017) use multiple anneal-
of updates per epoch. ing cycles, we generally found one cycle to work best.
occur anywhere in the document. As input docu- Dataset Type # classes # examples
ments can consist of hundreds of words, informa-
TREC-6 Question 6 5.5k
tion may get lost if we only consider the last hid-
IMDb Sentiment 2 25k
den state of the model. For this reason, we con-
Yelp-bi Sentiment 2 560k
catenate the hidden state at the last time step hT
Yelp-full Sentiment 5 650k
of the document with both the max-pooled and the
AG Topic 4 120k
mean-pooled representation of the hidden states
DBpedia Topic 14 560k
over as many time steps as fit in GPU memory
H = {h1 , . . . , hT }:
Table 1: Text classification datasets and tasks with
hc = [hT , maxpool(H), meanpool(H)] (4) number of classes and training examples.

where [] is concatenation. are back-propagated to the batches whose hidden

Fine-tuning the target classifier is the most crit- states contributed to the final prediction. In prac-
ical part of the transfer learning method. Overly tice, we use variable length backpropagation se-
aggressive fine-tuning will cause catastrophic for- quences (Merity et al., 2017a).
getting, eliminating the benefit of the information
captured through language modeling; too cautious Bidirectional language model Similar to exist-
fine-tuning will lead to slow convergence (and re- ing work (Peters et al., 2017, 2018), we are not
sultant overfitting). Besides discriminative fine- limited to fine-tuning a unidirectional language
tuning and triangular learning rates, we propose model. For all our experiments, we pretrain both a
gradual unfreezing for fine-tuning the classifier. forward and a backward LM. We fine-tune a clas-
sifier for each LM independently using BPT3C
Gradual unfreezing Rather than fine-tuning all and average the classifier predictions.
layers at once, which risks catastrophic forgetting,
we propose to gradually unfreeze the model start- 4 Experiments
ing from the last layer as this contains the least
While our approach is equally applicable to se-
general knowledge (Yosinski et al., 2014): We
quence labeling tasks, we focus on text classifica-
first unfreeze the last layer and fine-tune all un-
tion tasks in this work due to their important real-
frozen layers for one epoch. We then unfreeze the
world applications.
next lower frozen layer and repeat, until we fine-
tune all layers until convergence at the last itera- 4.1 Experimental setup
tion. This is similar to ‘chain-thaw’ (Felbo et al.,
Datasets and tasks We evaluate our method on
2017), except that we add a layer at a time to the
six widely-studied datasets, with varying numbers
set of ‘thawed’ layers, rather than only training a
of documents and varying document length, used
single layer at a time.
by state-of-the-art text classification and transfer
While discriminative fine-tuning, slanted trian-
learning approaches (Johnson and Zhang, 2017;
gular learning rates, and gradual unfreezing all
McCann et al., 2017) as instances of three com-
are beneficial on their own, we show in Section
mon text classification tasks: sentiment analy-
5 that they complement each other and enable our
sis, question classification, and topic classifica-
method to perform well across diverse datasets.
tion. We show the statistics for each dataset and
BPTT for Text Classification (BPT3C) Lan- task in Table 1.
guage models are trained with backpropagation
Sentiment Analysis For sentiment analysis, we
through time (BPTT) to enable gradient propa-
evaluate our approach on the binary movie review
gation for large input sequences. In order to
IMDb dataset (Maas et al., 2011) and on the binary
make fine-tuning a classifier for large documents
and five-class version of the Yelp review dataset
feasible, we propose BPTT for Text Classifica-
compiled by Zhang et al. (2015).
tion (BPT3C): We divide the document into fixed-
length batches of size b. At the beginning of each Question Classification We use the six-class
batch, the model is initialized with the final state version of the small TREC dataset (Voorhees and
of the previous batch; we keep track of the hid- Tice, 1999) dataset of open-domain, fact-based
den states for mean and max-pooling; gradients questions divided into broad semantic categories.
Model Test Model Test
CoVe (McCann et al., 2017) 8.2 CoVe (McCann et al., 2017) 4.2

IMDb oh-LSTM (Johnson and Zhang, 2016) 5.9 TBCNN (Mou et al., 2015) 4.0
Virtual (Miyato et al., 2016) 5.9 LSTM-CNN (Zhou et al., 2016) 3.9
ULMFiT (ours) 4.6 ULMFiT (ours) 3.6

Table 2: Test error rates (%) on two text classification datasets used by McCann et al. (2017).

AG DBpedia Yelp-bi Yelp-full

Char-level CNN (Zhang et al., 2015) 9.51 1.55 4.88 37.95
CNN (Johnson and Zhang, 2016) 6.57 0.84 2.90 32.39
DPCNN (Johnson and Zhang, 2017) 6.87 0.88 2.64 30.58
ULMFiT (ours) 5.01 0.80 2.16 29.98

Table 3: Test error rates (%) on text classification datasets used by Johnson and Zhang (2017).

Topic classification For topic classification, we used in (Merity et al., 2017a).

evaluate on the large-scale AG news and DBpedia
ontology datasets created by Zhang et al. (2015). Baselines and comparison models For each
task, we compare against the current state-of-the-
Pre-processing We use the same pre-processing art. For the IMDb and TREC-6 datasets, we com-
as in earlier work (Johnson and Zhang, 2017; Mc- pare against CoVe (McCann et al., 2017), a state-
Cann et al., 2017). In addition, to allow the lan- of-the-art transfer learning method for NLP. For
guage model to capture aspects that might be rel- the AG, Yelp, and DBpedia datasets, we com-
evant for classification, we add special tokens for pare against the state-of-the-art text categorization
upper-case words, elongation, and repetition. method by Johnson and Zhang (2017).
Hyperparameters We are interested in a model 4.2 Results
that performs robustly across a diverse set of tasks.
To this end, if not mentioned otherwise, we use the For consistency, we report all results as error rates
same set of hyperparameters across tasks, which (lower is better). We show the test error rates
we tune on the IMDb validation set. We use on the IMDb and TREC-6 datasets used by Mc-
the AWD-LSTM language model (Merity et al., Cann et al. (2017) in Table 2. Our method outper-
2017a) with an embedding size of 400, 3 layers, forms both CoVe, a state-of-the-art transfer learn-
1150 hidden activations per layer, and a BPTT ing method based on hypercolumns, as well as the
batch size of 70. We apply dropout of 0.4 to state-of-the-art on both datasets. On IMDb, we
layers, 0.3 to RNN layers, 0.4 to input embed- reduce the error dramatically by 43.9% and 22%
ding layers, 0.05 to embedding layers, and weight with regard to CoVe and the state-of-the-art re-
dropout of 0.5 to the RNN hidden-to-hidden ma- spectively. This is promising as the existing state-
trix. The classifier has a hidden layer of size 50. of-the-art requires complex architectures (Peters
We use Adam with β1 = 0.7 instead of the de- et al., 2018), multiple forms of attention (McCann
fault β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.99, similar to (Dozat et al., 2017) and sophisticated embedding schemes
and Manning, 2017). We use a batch size of 64, (Johnson and Zhang, 2016), while our method em-
a base learning rate of 0.004 and 0.01 for fine- ploys a regular LSTM with dropout. We note
tuning the LM and the classifier respectively, and that the language model fine-tuning approach of
tune the number of epochs on the validation set of Dai and Le (2015) only achieves an error of 7.64
each task7 . We otherwise use the same practices vs. 4.6 for our method on IMDb, demonstrating
the benefit of transferring knowledge from a large
On small datasets such as TREC-6, we fine-tune the LM ImageNet-like corpus using our fine-tuning tech-
only for 15 epochs without overfitting, while we can fine-tune
longer on larger datasets. We found 50 epochs to be a good niques. IMDb in particular is reflective of real-
default for fine-tuning the classifier. world datasets: Its documents are generally a few
Figure 3: Validation error rates for supervised and semi-supervised ULMFiT vs. training from scratch
with different numbers of training examples on IMDb, TREC-6, and AG (from left to right).

paragraphs long—similar to emails (e.g for legal Pretraining IMDb TREC-6 AG

discovery) and online comments (e.g for commu-
Without pretraining 5.63 10.67 5.52
nity management); and sentiment analysis is simi-
With pretraining 5.00 5.69 5.38
lar to many commercial applications, e.g. product
response tracking and support email routing.
Table 4: Validation error rates for ULMFiT with
On TREC-6, our improvement—similar as the
and without pretraining.
improvements of state-of-the-art approaches—is
not statistically significant, due to the small size of
the 500-examples test set. Nevertheless, the com- a task with a small number of labels. We evalu-
petitive performance on TREC-6 demonstrates ate ULMFiT on different numbers of labeled ex-
that our model performs well across different amples in two settings: only labeled examples are
dataset sizes and can deal with examples that range used for LM fine-tuning (‘supervised’); and all
from single sentences—in the case of TREC-6— task data is available and can be used to fine-tune
to several paragraphs for IMDb. Note that despite the LM (‘semi-supervised’). We compare ULM-
pretraining on more than two orders of magnitude FiT to training from scratch—which is necessary
less data than the 7 million sentence pairs used by for hypercolumn-based approaches. We split off
McCann et al. (2017), we consistently outperform balanced fractions of the training data, keep the
their approach on both datasets. validation set fixed, and use the same hyperparam-
We show the test error rates on the larger AG, eters as before. We show the results in Figure 3.
DBpedia, Yelp-bi, and Yelp-full datasets in Table On IMDb and AG, supervised ULMFiT with
3. Our method again outperforms the state-of- only 100 labeled examples matches the perfor-
the-art significantly. On AG, we observe a simi- mance of training from scratch with 10× and 20×
larly dramatic error reduction by 23.7% compared more data respectively, clearly demonstrating the
to the state-of-the-art. On DBpedia, Yelp-bi, and benefit of general-domain LM pretraining. If we
Yelp-full, we reduce the error by 4.8%, 18.2%, allow ULMFiT to also utilize unlabeled exam-
2.0% respectively. ples (50k for IMDb, 100k for AG), at 100 labeled
examples, we match the performance of training
5 Analysis from scratch with 50× and 100× more data on AG
In order to assess the impact of each contribution, and IMDb respectively. On TREC-6, ULMFiT
we perform a series of analyses and ablations. We significantly improves upon training from scratch;
run experiments on three corpora, IMDb, TREC- as examples are shorter and fewer, supervised and
6, and AG that are representative of different tasks, semi-supervised ULMFiT achieve similar results.
genres, and sizes. For all experiments, we split off
10% of the training set and report error rates on Impact of pretraining We compare using no
this validation set with unidirectional LMs. We pretraining with pretraining on WikiText-103
fine-tune the classifier for 50 epochs and train all (Merity et al., 2017b) in Table 4. Pretraining is
methods but ULMFiT with early stopping. most useful for small and medium-sized datasets,
which are most common in commercial applica-
Low-shot learning One of the main benefits of tions. However, even for large datasets, pretrain-
transfer learning is being able to train a model for ing improves performance.
LM IMDb TREC-6 AG Classifier fine-tuning IMDb TREC-6 AG
Vanilla LM 5.98 7.41 5.76 From scratch 9.93 13.36 6.81
AWD-LSTM LM 5.00 5.69 5.38 Full 6.87 6.86 5.81
Full + discr 5.57 6.21 5.62
Table 5: Validation error rates for ULMFiT with a Last 6.49 16.09 8.38
vanilla LM and the AWD-LSTM LM. Chain-thaw 5.39 6.71 5.90
Freez 6.37 6.86 5.81
LM fine-tuning IMDb TREC-6 AG Freez + discr 5.39 5.86 6.04
Freez + stlr 5.04 6.02 5.35
No LM fine-tuning 6.99 6.38 6.09
Freez + cos 5.70 6.38 5.29
Full 5.86 6.54 5.61
Freez + discr + stlr 5.00 5.69 5.38
Full + discr 5.55 6.36 5.47
Full + discr + stlr 5.00 5.69 5.38
Table 7: Validation error rates for ULMFiT with
different methods to fine-tune the classifier.
Table 6: Validation error rates for ULMFiT with
different variations of LM fine-tuning.
of 0.001 and 0.0001 for the last and all other layers
respectively for ‘Chain-thaw’ as in (Felbo et al.,
Impact of LM quality In order to gauge the im-
2017), and a learning rate of 0.001 otherwise. We
portance of choosing an appropriate LM, we com-
show the results in Table 7.
pare a vanilla LM with the same hyperparame-
Fine-tuning the classifier significantly improves
ters without any dropout8 with the AWD-LSTM
over training from scratch, particularly on the
LM with tuned dropout parameters in Table 5.
small TREC-6. ‘Last’, the standard fine-tuning
Using our fine-tuning techniques, even a regular
method in CV, severely underfits and is never
LM reaches surprisingly good performance on the
able to lower the training error to 0. ‘Chain-
larger datasets. On the smaller TREC-6, a vanilla
thaw’ achieves competitive performance on the
LM without dropout runs the risk of overfitting,
smaller datasets, but is outperformed significantly
which decreases performance.
on the large AG. ‘Freez’ provides similar per-
Impact of LM fine-tuning We compare no fine- formance as ‘Full’. ‘Discr’ consistently boosts
tuning against fine-tuning the full model (Erhan the performance of ‘Full’ and ‘Freez’, except
et al., 2010) (‘Full’), the most commonly used for the large AG. Cosine annealing is competi-
fine-tuning method, with and without discrimi- tive with slanted triangular learning rates on large
native fine-tuning (‘Discr’) and slanted triangular data, but under-performs on smaller datasets. Fi-
learning rates (‘Stlr’) in Table 6. Fine-tuning the nally, full ULMFiT classifier fine-tuning (bottom
LM is most beneficial for larger datasets. ‘Discr’ row) achieves the best performance on IMDB and
and ‘Stlr’ improve performance across all three TREC-6 and competitive performance on AG. Im-
datasets and are necessary on the smaller TREC-6, portantly, ULMFiT is the only method that shows
where regular fine-tuning is not beneficial. excellent performance across the board—and is
therefore the only universal method.
Impact of classifier fine-tuning We compare
training from scratch, fine-tuning the full model Classifier fine-tuning behavior While our re-
(‘Full’), only fine-tuning the last layer (‘Last’) sults demonstrate that how we fine-tune the clas-
(Donahue et al., 2014), ‘Chain-thaw’ (Felbo et al., sifier makes a significant difference, fine-tuning
2017), and gradual unfreezing (‘Freez’). We fur- for inductive transfer is currently under-explored
thermore assess the importance of discriminative in NLP as it mostly has been thought to be un-
fine-tuning (‘Discr’) and slanted triangular learn- helpful (Mou et al., 2016). To better understand
ing rates (‘Stlr’). We compare the latter to an the fine-tuning behavior of our model, we compare
alternative, aggressive cosine annealing schedule the validation error of the classifier fine-tuned with
(‘Cos’) (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017). We use a ULMFiT and ‘Full’ during training in Figure 4.
learning rate η L = 0.01 for ‘Discr’, learning rates On all datasets, fine-tuning the full model leads
To avoid overfitting, we only train the vanilla LM classi- to the lowest error comparatively early in train-
fier for 5 epochs and keep dropout of 0.4 in the classifier. ing, e.g. already after the first epoch on IMDb.
Given that transfer learning and particularly
fine-tuning for NLP is under-explored, many fu-
ture directions are possible. One possible direc-
tion is to improve language model pretraining and
fine-tuning and make them more scalable: for
ImageNet, predicting far fewer classes only in-
curs a small performance drop (Huh et al., 2016),
while recent work shows that an alignment be-
tween source and target task label sets is impor-
tant (Mahajan et al., 2018)—focusing on predict-
ing a subset of words such as the most frequent
ones might retain most of the performance while
speeding up training. Language modeling can also
be augmented with additional tasks in a multi-task
learning fashion (Caruana, 1993) or enriched with
additional supervision, e.g. syntax-sensitive de-
pendencies (Linzen et al., 2016) to create a model
that is more general or better suited for certain
downstream tasks, ideally in a weakly-supervised
Figure 4: Validation error rate curves for fine- manner to retain its universal properties.
tuning the classifier with ULMFiT and ‘Full’ on Another direction is to apply the method to
IMDb, TREC-6, and AG (top to bottom). novel tasks and models. While an extension to
sequence labeling is straightforward, other tasks
with more complex interactions such as entailment
The error then increases as the model starts to or question answering may require novel ways to
overfit and knowledge captured through pretrain- pretrain and fine-tune. Finally, while we have
ing is lost. In contrast, ULMFiT is more sta- provided a series of analyses and ablations, more
ble and suffers from no such catastrophic forget- studies are required to better understand what
ting; performance remains similar or improves un- knowledge a pretrained language model captures,
til late epochs, which shows the positive effect of how this changes during fine-tuning, and what in-
the learning rate schedule. formation different tasks require.
Impact of bidirectionality At the cost of train-
7 Conclusion
ing a second model, ensembling the predictions of
a forward and backwards LM-classifier brings a We have proposed ULMFiT, an effective and ex-
performance boost of around 0.5–0.7. On IMDb tremely sample-efficient transfer learning method
we lower the test error from 5.30 of a single model that can be applied to any NLP task. We have also
to 4.58 for the bidirectional model. proposed several novel fine-tuning techniques that
in conjunction prevent catastrophic forgetting and
6 Discussion and future directions enable robust learning across a diverse range of
tasks. Our method significantly outperformed ex-
While we have shown that ULMFiT can achieve
isting transfer learning techniques and the state-
state-of-the-art performance on widely used text
of-the-art on six representative text classification
classification tasks, we believe that language
tasks. We hope that our results will catalyze new
model fine-tuning will be particularly useful in the
developments in transfer learning for NLP.
following settings compared to existing transfer
learning approaches (Conneau et al., 2017; Mc-
Cann et al., 2017; Peters et al., 2018): a) NLP for
non-English languages, where training data for su- We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valu-
pervised pretraining tasks is scarce; b) new NLP able feedback. Sebastian is supported by Irish
tasks where no state-of-the-art architecture exists; Research Council Grant Number EBPPG/2014/30
and c) tasks with limited amounts of labeled data and Science Foundation Ireland Grant Number
(and some amounts of unlabeled data). SFI/12/RC/2289.
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