LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations From Transformers
LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations From Transformers
LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations From Transformers
from Transformers
mantics, and, most importantly, the align- ter representations for the single modalities of vi-
ment and relationships between these two sion and of language. For visual-content under-
modalities. We thus propose the LXMERT standing, people have developed several backbone
(Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Represen- models (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014; Szegedy
tations from Transformers) framework to learn
et al., 2015; He et al., 2016) and shown their ef-
these vision-and-language connections. In
LXMERT, we build a large-scale Transformer
fectiveness on large vision datasets (Deng et al.,
model that consists of three encoders: an ob- 2009; Lin et al., 2014; Krishna et al., 2017). Pi-
ject relationship encoder, a language encoder, oneering works (Girshick et al., 2014; Xu et al.,
and a cross-modality encoder. Next, to en- 2015) also show the generalizability of these pre-
dow our model with the capability of con- trained (especially on ImageNet) backbone mod-
necting vision and language semantics, we els by fine-tuning them on different tasks. In terms
pre-train the model with large amounts of of language understanding, last year, we witnessed
image-and-sentence pairs, via five diverse rep-
strong progress towards building a universal back-
resentative pre-training tasks: masked lan-
guage modeling, masked object prediction bone model with large-scale contextualized lan-
(feature regression and label classification), guage model pre-training (Peters et al., 2018; Rad-
cross-modality matching, and image ques- ford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019), which
tion answering. These tasks help in learn- has improved performances on various tasks (Ra-
ing both intra-modality and cross-modality re- jpurkar et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018) to sig-
lationships. After fine-tuning from our pre- nificant levels. Despite these influential single-
trained parameters, our model achieves the
modality works, large-scale pretraining and fine-
state-of-the-art results on two visual ques-
tion answering datasets (i.e., VQA and GQA).
tuning studies for the modality-pair of vision and
We also show the generalizability of our pre- language are still under-developed.
trained cross-modality model by adapting it to Therefore, we present one of the first works in
a challenging visual-reasoning task, NLVR2 , building a pre-trained vision-and-language cross-
and improve the previous best result by 22% modality framework and show its strong perfor-
absolute (54% to 76%). Lastly, we demon- mance on several datasets. We name this frame-
strate detailed ablation studies to prove that
work “LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality En-
both our novel model components and pre-
training strategies significantly contribute to coder Representations from Transformers” (pro-
our strong results; and also present several nounced: ‘leksmert’). This framework is mod-
attention visualizations for the different en- eled after recent BERT-style innovations while
coders.1 further adapted to useful cross-modality scenar-
ios. Our new cross-modality model focuses on
1 Introduction
learning vision-and-language interactions, espe-
Vision-and-language reasoning requires the un- cially for representations of a single image and its
derstanding of visual contents, language seman- descriptive sentence. It consists of three Trans-
Published at EMNLP 2019. Code and pre-trained mod- former (Vaswani et al., 2017) encoders: an object
els publicly available at: https://github.com/airsplay/lxmert relationship encoder, a language encoder, and a
cross-modality encoder. In order to better learn cessing models (e.g., transformers (Vaswani et al.,
the cross-modal alignments between vision and 2017)). As shown in Fig. 1, our model takes two
language, we next pre-train our model with five inputs: an image and its related sentence (e.g., a
diverse representative tasks: (1) masked cross- caption or a question). Each image is represented
modality language modeling, (2) masked object as a sequence of objects, and each sentence is rep-
prediction via RoI-feature regression, (3) masked resented as a sequence of words. Via careful de-
object prediction via detected-label classification, sign and combination of these self-attention and
(4) cross-modality matching, and (5) image ques- cross-attention layers, our model is able to gen-
tion answering. Different from single-modality erate language representations, image representa-
pre-training (e.g., masked LM in BERT), this tions, and cross-modality representations from the
multi-modality pre-training allows our model to inputs. Next, we describe the components of this
infer masked features either from the visible ele- model in detail.
ments in the same modality, or from aligned com-
ponents in the other modality. In this way, it helps 2.1 Input Embeddings
build both intra-modality and cross-modality rela- The input embedding layers in LXMERT con-
tionships. vert the inputs (i.e., an image and a sentence)
Empirically, we first evaluate LXMERT on into two sequences of features: word-level sen-
two popular visual question-answering datasets, tence embeddings and object-level image embed-
VQA (Antol et al., 2015) and GQA (Hudson and dings. These embedding features will be further
Manning, 2019). Our model outperforms previ- processed by the latter encoding layers.
ous works in all question categories (e.g., Binary, Word-Level Sentence Embeddings A sentence
Number, Open) and achieves state-of-the-art re- is first split into words {w1 , . . . , wn } with length
sults in terms of overall accuracy. Further, to show of n by the same WordPiece tokenizer (Wu et al.,
the generalizability of our pre-trained model, we 2016) in Devlin et al. (2019). Next, as shown in
fine-tune LXMERT on a challenging visual rea- Fig. 1, the word wi and its index i (wi ’s absolute
soning task, Natural Language for Visual Reason- position in the sentence) are projected to vectors
ing for Real (NLVR2 ) (Suhr et al., 2019), where by embedding sub-layers, and then added to the
we do not use the natural images in their dataset index-aware word embeddings:
for our pre-training, but fine-tune and evaluate
on these challenging, real-world images. In this ŵi = WordEmbed (wi )
setup, we achieve a large improvement of 22% ab- ûi = IdxEmbed (i)
solute in accuracy (54% to 76%, i.e., 48% rela- hi = LayerNorm (ŵi + ûi )
tive error reduction) and 30% absolute in consis-
tency (12% to 42%, i.e., 34% relative error re- Object-Level Image Embeddings Instead of
duction). Lastly, we conduct several analysis and using the feature map output by a convolutional
ablation studies to prove the effectiveness of our neural network, we follow Anderson et al. (2018)
model components and diverse pre-training tasks in taking the features of detected objects as the em-
by removing them or comparing them with their beddings of images. Specifically, the object detec-
alternative options. Especially, we use several tor detects m objects {o1 , . . . , om } from the im-
ways to take the existing BERT model and its vari- age (denoted by bounding boxes on the image in
ants, and show their ineffectiveness in vision-and- Fig. 1). Each object oj is represented by its po-
language tasks, which overall proves the need of sition feature (i.e., bounding box coordinates) pj
our new cross-modality pre-training framework. and its 2048-dimensional region-of-interest (RoI)
We also present several attention visualizations feature fj . Instead of directly using the RoI feature
for the different language, object-relationship, and fj without considering its position pj in Anderson
cross-modality encoders. et al. (2018), we learn a position-aware embedding
vj by adding outputs of 2 fully-connected layers:
2 Model Architecture
fˆj = LayerNorm (WF fj + bF )
We build our cross-modality model with self- p̂j = LayerNorm (WP pj + bP )
attention and cross-attention layers following the
vj = fˆj + p̂j /2 (1)
recent progress in designing natural language pro-
RoI Feat NR ⇥ NX ⇥
+ Self + FF + Cross + Self + FF + Output
Figure 1: The LXMERT model for learning vision-and-language cross-modality representations. ‘Self’ and
‘Cross’ are abbreviations for self-attention sub-layers and cross-attention sub-layers, respectively. ‘FF’ denotes
a feed-forward sub-layer.
In addition to providing spatial information in vi- Single-Modality Encoders After the embed-
sual reasoning, the inclusion of positional infor- ding layers, we first apply two transformer en-
mation is necessary for our masked object pre- coders (Vaswani et al., 2017), i.e., a language en-
diction pre-training task (described in Sec. 3.1.2). coder and an object-relationship encoder, and
Since the image embedding layer and the follow- each of them only focuses on a single modal-
ing attention layers are agnostic to the absolute in- ity (i.e., language or vision). Different from
dices of their inputs, the order of the object is not BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), which applies the
specified. Lastly, in Equation 1, the layer normal- transformer encoder only to language inputs, we
ization is applied to the projected features before apply it to vision inputs as well (and to cross-
summation so as to balance the energy of the two modality inputs as described later below). Each
different types of features. layer (left dashed blocks in Fig. 1) in a single-
modality encoder contains a self-attention (‘Self’)
2.2 Encoders
sub-layer and a feed-forward (‘FF’) sub-layer,
We build our encoders, i.e., the language encoder, where the feed-forward sub-layer is further com-
the object-relationship encoder, and the cross- posed of two fully-connected sub-layers. We take
modality encoder, mostly on the basis of two kinds NL and NR layers in the language encoder and the
of attention layers: self-attention layers and cross- object-relationship encoder, respectively. We add
attention layers. We first review the definition and a residual connection and layer normalization (an-
notations of attention layers and then discuss how notated by the ‘+’ sign in Fig. 1) after each sub-
they form our encoders. layer as in Vaswani et al. (2017).
Background: Attention Layers Attention lay-
ers (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2015) aim to
retrieve information from a set of context vectors
{yj } related to a query vector x. An attention layer
Cross-Modality Encoder Each cross-modality
first calculates the matching score aj between the
layer (the right dashed block in Fig. 1) in the cross-
query vector x and each context vector yj . Scores
modality encoder consists of two self-attention
are then normalized by softmax:
sub-layers, one bi-directional cross-attention sub-
aj = score(x, yj ) layer, and two feed-forward sub-layers. We stack
X (i.e., using the output of k-th layer as the input
αj = exp(aj )/ exp(ak )
k of (k+1)-th layer) NX these cross-modality lay-
The output of an attention layer is the weighted ers in our encoder implementation. Inside the k-th
sum of the context vectors w.r.t. the P softmax- layer, the bi-directional cross-attention sub-layer
normalized score: AttX→Y (x, {yj }) = j αj yj . (‘Cross’) is first applied, which contains two uni-
An attention layer is called self-attention when the directional cross-attention sub-layers: one from
query vector x is in the set of context vectors {yj }. language to vision and one from vision to lan-
Specifically, we use the multi-head attention fol- guage. The query and context vectors are the out-
lowing Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017). puts of the (k-1)-th layer (i.e., language features
RoI Feat
Mask +
Feat Encoder {DOG} Detected-Label
… Classification
Pos Feat Cross-
Match? {YES} Cross-Modality
Answer? {RABBIT} Matching & QA
Word Emb Encoder
[CLS] who [CLS] who
Who is eating [MASK] eat -ing Language is eat -ing
the [MASK] ? + Masked Cross-
the carrot? Encoder the carrot ?
[EOS] [EOS] Modality LM
Idx Emb
Figure 2: Pre-training in LXMERT. The object RoI features and word tokens are masked. Our five pre-training
tasks learn the feature representations based on these masked inputs. Special tokens are in brackets and classifica-
tion labels are in braces.
i } and vision features {vjk−1 }): 3 Pre-Training Strategies
In order to learn a better initialization which un-
ĥki = CrossAttL→R hk−1
i ,{v1
, . . . , v k−1
m } derstands connections between vision and lan-
guage, we pre-train our model with different
v̂jk = CrossAttR→L vj ,{hk−11 , . . . , hn }
modality pre-training tasks on a large aggregated
The cross-attention sub-layer is used to exchange
the information and align the entities between 3.1 Pre-Training Tasks
the two modalities in order to learn joint cross- 3.1.1 Language Task: Masked
modality representations. For further building in- Cross-Modality LM
ternal connections, the self-attention sub-layers On the language side, we take the masked cross-
(‘Self’) are then applied to the output of the cross- modality language model (LM) task. As shown
attention sub-layer: in the bottom branch of Fig. 2, the task setup
is almost same to BERT (Devlin et al., 2019):
h̃ki = SelfAttL→L ĥki , {ĥk1 , . . . , ĥkn } words are randomly masked with a probabil-
ity of 0.15 and the model is asked to predict
ṽjk = SelfAttR→R v̂jk , {v̂1k , . . . , v̂m
} these masked words. In addition to BERT where
masked words are predicted from the non-masked
Lastly, the k-th layer output {hki } and {vjk } are words in the language modality, LXMERT, with
produced by feed-forward sub-layers (‘FF’) on top its cross-modality model architecture, could pre-
of {ĥki } and {v̂jk }. We also add a residual connec- dict masked words from the vision modality as
tion and layer normalization after each sub-layer, well, so as to resolve ambiguity. For example, as
similar to the single-modality encoders. shown in Fig. 2, it is hard to determine the masked
word ‘carrot’ from its language context but the
2.3 Output Representations word choice is clear if the visual information is
considered. Hence, it helps building connections
As shown in the right-most part of Fig. 1, our from the vision modality to the language modality,
LXMERT cross-modality model has three outputs and we refer to this task as masked cross-modality
for language, vision, and cross-modality, respec- LM to emphasize this difference. We also show
tively. The language and vision outputs are the that loading BERT parameters into LXMERT will
feature sequences generated by the cross-modality do harm to the pre-training procedure in Sec. 5.1
encoder. For the cross-modality output, follow- since BERT can perform relatively well in the
ing the practice in Devlin et al. (2019), we ap- language modality without learning these cross-
pend a special token [CLS] (denoted as the top modality connections.
yellow block in the bottom branch of Fig. 1) before
the sentence words, and the corresponding feature 3.1.2 Vision Task: Masked Object Prediction
vector of this special token in language feature se- As shown in the top branch of Fig. 2, we pre-
quences is used as the cross-modality output. train the vision side by randomly masking ob-
Sentences (or Questions)
Image Split Images
MS COCO - VG 72K 361K - 387K - - 0.75M
MS COCO ∩ VG 51K 256K 2.54M 271K 515K 724K 4.30M
VG - MS COCO 57K - 2.85M - 556K 718K 4.13M
All 180K 617K 5.39M 658K 1.07M 1.44M 9.18M
Table 1: Amount of data for pre-training. Each image has multiple sentences/questions. ‘Cap’ is caption. ‘VG’ is
Visual Genome. Since MS COCO and VG share 51K images, we list it separately to ensure disjoint image splits.
jects (i.e., masking RoI features with zeros) with Sec. 3.2), around 1/3 sentences in the pre-training
a probability of 0.15 and asking the model to pre- data are questions about the images. We ask
dict proprieties of these masked objects. Similar the model to predict the answer to these image-
to the language task (i.e., masked cross-modality related questions when the image and the ques-
LM), the model can infer the masked objects ei- tion are matched (i.e., not randomly replaced in
ther from visible objects or from the language the cross-modality matching task). We show that
modality. Inferring the objects from the vision pre-training with this image QA leads to a better
side helps learn the object relationships, and infer- cross-modality representation in Sec. 5.2.
ring from the language side helps learn the cross-
modality alignments. Therefore, we perform two 3.2 Pre-Training Data
sub-tasks: RoI-Feature Regression regresses the As shown in Table. 1, we aggregate pre-training
object RoI feature fj with L2 loss, and Detected- data from five vision-and-language datasets whose
Label Classification learns the labels of masked images come from MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014)
objects with cross-entropy loss. In the ‘Detected- or Visual Genome (Krishna et al., 2017). Be-
Label Classification’ sub-task, although most of sides the two original captioning datasets, we also
our pre-training images have object-level anno- aggregate three large image question answering
tations, the ground truth labels of the annotated (image QA) datasets: VQA v2.0 (Antol et al.,
objects are inconsistent in different datasets (e.g., 2015), GQA balanced version (Hudson and Man-
different number of label classes). For these rea- ning, 2019), and VG-QA (Zhu et al., 2016). We
sons, we take detected labels output by Faster R- only collect train and dev splits in each dataset to
CNN (Ren et al., 2015). Although detected labels avoid seeing any test data in pre-training. We con-
are noisy, experimental results show that these la- duct minimal pre-processing on the five datasets to
bels contribute to pre-training in Sec. 5.3. create aligned image-and-sentence pairs. For each
image question answering dataset, we take ques-
3.1.3 Cross-Modality Tasks tions as sentences from the image-and-sentence
As shown in the middle-rightmost part of Fig. 2, data pairs and take answers as labels in the im-
to learn a strong cross-modality representation, we age QA pre-training task (described in Sec. 3.1.3).
pre-train the LXMERT model with 2 tasks that ex- This provides us with a large aligned vision-and-
plicitly need both language and vision modalities. language dataset of 9.18M image-and-sentence
pairs on 180K distinct images. In terms of tokens,
Cross-Modality Matching For each sentence,
the pre-training data contain around 100M words
with a probability of 0.5, we replace it with a mis-
and 6.5M image objects.
matched2 sentence. Then, we train a classifier to
predict whether an image and a sentence match 3.3 Pre-Training Procedure
each other. This task is similar to ‘Next Sentence
We pre-train our LXMERT model on the large ag-
Prediction’ in BERT (Devlin et al., 2019).
gregated dataset (discussed in Sec. 3.2) via the pre-
Image Question Answering (QA) In order to training tasks (Sec. 3.1). The details about the data
enlarge the pre-training dataset (see details in splits are in the Appendix. The input sentences are
split by the WordPiece tokenizer (Wu et al., 2016)
We take a sentence from another image as the mis-
matched sentence. Although the sentence and the image still provided in BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). The ob-
have chance to match each other, this probability is very low. jects are detected by Faster R-CNN (Ren et al.,
Binary Number Other Accu Binary Open Accu Cons Accu
Human - - - - 91.2 87.4 89.3 - 96.3
Image Only - - - - 36.1 1.74 17.8 7.40 51.9
Language Only 66.8 31.8 27.6 44.3 61.9 22.7 41.1 4.20 51.1
State-of-the-Art 85.8 53.7 60.7 70.4 76.0 40.4 57.1 12.0 53.5
LXMERT 88.2 54.2 63.1 72.5 77.8 45.0 60.3 42.1 76.2
Table 2: Test-set results. VQA/GQA results are reported on the ‘test-standard’ splits and NLVR2 results are
reported on the unreleased test set (‘Test-U’). The highest method results are in bold. Our LXMERT framework
outperforms previous (comparable) state-of-the-art methods on all three datasets w.r.t. all metrics.
2015) which is pre-trained on Visual Genome pre-training process takes 10 days on 4 Titan Xp.
(provided by Anderson et al. (2018)). We do not
Fine-tuning Fine-tuning is fast and robust. We
fine-tune the Faster R-CNN detector and freeze
only perform necessary modification to our model
it as a feature extractor. Different from detect-
with respect to different tasks (details in Sec. 4.2).
ing variable numbers of objects in Anderson et al.
We use a learning rate of 1e − 5 or 5e − 5, a batch
(2018), we consistently keep 36 objects for each
size of 32, and fine-tune the model from our pre-
image to maximize the pre-training compute uti-
trained parameters for 4 epochs.
lization by avoiding padding. For the model archi-
tecture, we set the numbers of layers NL , NX , and 4 Experimental Setup and Results
NR to 9, 5, and 5 respectively.3 More layers are
used in the language encoder to balance the visual In this section, we first introduce the datasets that
features extracted from 101-layer Faster R-CNN. are used to evaluate our LXMERT framework and
The hidden size 768 is the same as BERTBASE . We empirically compare our single-model results with
pre-train all parameters in encoders and embed- previous best results.
ding layers from scratch (i.e., model parameters
4.1 Evaluated Datasets
are randomly initialized or set to zero). We also
show results of loading pre-trained BERT parame- We use three datasets for evaluating our LXMERT
ters in Sec. 5.1. LXMERT is pre-trained with mul- framework: VQA v2.0 dataset (Goyal et al.,
tiple pre-training tasks and hence multiple losses 2017), GQA (Hudson and Manning, 2019), and
are involved. We add these losses with equal NLVR2 . See details in Appendix.
weights. For the image QA pre-training tasks, we
4.2 Implementation Details
create a joint answer table with 9500 answer can-
didates which roughly cover 90% questions in all On VQA and GQA, we fine-tune our model from
three image QA datasets. the pre-trained snapshot without data augmenta-
We take Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) as tion (analysis in Sec. 5.2). When training GQA,
the optimizer with a linear-decayed learning-rate we only take raw questions and raw images as in-
schedule (Devlin et al., 2019) and a peak learn- puts and do not use other supervisions (e.g., func-
ing rate at 1e − 4. We train the model for 20 tional programs and scene graphs). Since each da-
epochs (i.e., roughly 670K4 optimization steps) tum in NLVR2 has two natural images img 0 , img 1
with a batch size of 256. We only pre-train with and one language statement s, we use LXMERT
image QA task (see Sec. 3.1.3) for the last 10 to encode the two image-statement pairs (img 0 , s)
epochs, because this task converges faster and em- and (img 1 , s), then train a classifier based on the
pirically needs a smaller learning rate. The whole concatenation of the two cross-modality outputs.
More details in Appendix.
If we count a single modality layer as one half cross-
modality layer, the equivalent number of cross-modality lay- 4.3 Empirical Comparison Results
ers is (9 + 5)/2 + 5 = 12, which is same as the number of We compare our single-model results with pre-
layers in BERTBASE .
For comparison, ResNet on ImageNet classification vious best published results on VQA/GQA test-
takes 600K steps and BERT takes 1000K steps. standard sets and NLVR2 public test set. Be-
sides previous state-of-the-art (SotA) methods, we Method VQA GQA NLVR2
also show the human performance and image-
LSTM + BUTD 63.1 50.0 52.6
only/language-only results when available.
BERT + BUTD 62.8 52.1 51.9
VQA The SotA result is BAN+Counter in Kim BERT + 1 CrossAtt 64.6 55.5 52.4
et al. (2018), which achieves the best accuracy BERT + 2 CrossAtt 65.8 56.1 50.9
among other recent works: MFH (Yu et al., BERT + 3 CrossAtt 66.4 56.6 50.9
2018), Pythia (Jiang et al., 2018), DFAF (Gao BERT + 4 CrossAtt 66.4 56.0 50.9
et al., 2019a), and Cycle-Consistency (Shah et al., BERT + 5 CrossAtt 66.5 56.3 50.9
2019).5 LXMERT improves the SotA over-
all accuracy (‘Accu’ in Table 2) by 2.1% and Train + BERT 65.5 56.2 50.9
has 2.4% improvement on the ‘Binary’/‘Other’ Train + scratch 65.1 50.0 50.9
question sub-categories. Although LXMERT Pre-train + BERT 68.8 58.3 70.1
does not explicitly take a counting module as in Pre-train + scratch 69.9 60.0 74.9
BAN+Counter, our result on the counting-related Table 3: Dev-set accuracy of using BERT.
questions (‘Number’) is still equal or better.6
GQA The GQA (Hudson and Manning, 2019) correctly predicted. Our LXMERT model im-
SotA result is taken from BAN (Kim et al., 2018) proves consistency (‘Cons’) to 42.1% (i.e., by 3.5
on the public leaderbaord. Our 3.2% accuracy times).9
gain over the SotA GQA method is higher than
VQA, possibly because GQA requires more vi- 5 Analysis
sual reasoning. Thus our framework, with novel In this section, we analyze our LXMERT
encoders and cross-modality pre-training, is suit- framework by comparing it with some alter-
able and achieves a 4.6% improvement on open- native choices or by excluding certain model
domain questions (‘Open’ in Table 2).7 components/pre-training strategies.
NLVR2 NLVR2 (Suhr et al., 2019) is a chal- 5.1 BERT versus LXMERT
lenging visual reasoning dataset where some ex-
isting approaches (Hu et al., 2017; Perez et al., BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) is a pre-trained lan-
2018) fail, and the SotA method is ‘MaxEnt’ in guage encoder which improves several language
Suhr et al. (2019). The failure of existing meth- tasks. As shown in Table 3, we discuss sev-
ods (and our model w/o pre-training in Sec. 5.1) eral ways to incorporate a BERTBASE pre-trained
indicates that the connection between vision and model for vision-language tasks and empirically
language may not be end-to-end learned in a compare it with our LXMERT approach. Al-
complex vision-and-language task without large- though our full model achieves accuracy of 74.9%
scale pre-training. However, with our novel pre- on NLVR2 , all results without LXMERT pre-
training strategies in building the cross-modality training is around 22% absolute lower.
connections, we significantly improve the accu- BERT+BUTD Bottom-Up and Top-Down
racy (‘Accu’ of 76.2% on unreleased test set ‘Test- (BUTD) attention (Anderson et al., 2018) method
U’, in Table 2) by 22%. Another evaluation met- encodes questions with GRU (Chung et al.,
ric consistency measures the proportion of unique 2015), then attends to object RoI features {fj } to
sentences for which all related image pairs8 are predict the answer. We apply BERT to BUTD by
These are state-of-the-art methods at the time of our
replacing its GRU language encoder with BERT.
EMNLP May 21, 2019 submission deadline. Since then, As shown in the first block of Table. 3, results of
there have been some recently updated papers such as BERT encoder is comparable to LSTM encoder.
MCAN (Yu et al., 2019b), MUAN (Yu et al., 2019a), and
MLI (Gao et al., 2019b). MCAN (VQA challenge ver- BERT+CrossAtt Since BUTD only takes the
sion) uses stronger mixture of detection features and achieves
72.8% on VQA 2.0 test-standard. MUAN achieves 71.1% raw RoI features {fj } without considering the ob-
(compared to our 72.5%). ject positions {pj } and object relationships, we
Our result on VQA v2.0 ‘test-dev’ is 72.4%.
7 9
Our result on GQA ‘test-dev’ is 60.0%. These are the unreleased test set (‘Test-U’) results. On
Each statement in NLVR2 is related to multiple image the public test set (‘Test-P’), LXMERT achieves 74.5% Accu
pairs in order to balance the dataset answer distribution. and 39.7% Cons.
1. P20 + DA 68.0 58.1 - 1. No Vision Tasks 66.3 57.1 50.9
2. P20 + FT 68.9 58.2 72.4 2. Feat 69.2 59.5 72.9
3. P10+QA10 + DA 69.1 59.2 - 3. Label 69.5 59.3 73.5
4. P10+QA10 + FT 69.9 60.0 74.9 4. Feat + Label 69.9 60.0 74.9
Table 4: Dev-set accuracy showing the importance Table 5: Dev-set accuracy of different vision pre-
of the image-QA pre-training task. P10 means pre- training tasks. ‘Feat’ is RoI-feature regression; ‘Label’
training without the image-QA loss for 10 epochs while is detected-label classification.
QA10 means pre-training with the image-QA loss. DA
and FT mean fine-tuning with and without Data Aug- comparing it with its alternative: data augmenta-
mentation, resp. tion.
Pre-training w/ or w/o Image QA To fairly
enhance BERT+BUTD with our novel position-
compare with our original pre-training procedure
aware object embedding (in Sec. 2.1) and cross-
(10 epochs w/o QA + 10 epochs w/ QA, details in
modality layers (in Sec. 2.2). As shown in the
Sec. 3.3) , we pre-train LXMERT model without
second block of Table 3, the result of 1 cross-
image QA task for 20 epochs. As shown in Ta-
modality layer is better than BUTD, while stack-
ble 4 rows 2 and 4, pre-training with QA loss im-
ing more cross-modality layers further improves
proves the result on all three datasets. The 2.1%
it. However, without our cross-modality pre-
improvement on NLVR2 shows the stronger rep-
training (BERT is language-only pre-trained), re-
resentations learned with image-QA pre-training,
sults become stationary after adding 3 cross-
since all data (images and statements) in NLVR2
attention layers and have a 3.4% gap to our full
are not used in pre-training.
LXMERT framework (the last bold row in Ta-
ble 3). Pre-training versus Data Augmentation Data
augmentation (DA) is a technique which is used
BERT+LXMERT We also try loading BERT in several VQA implementations (Anderson et al.,
parameters10 into LXMERT, and use it in model 2018; Kim et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2018). It
training (i.e., without LXMERT pre-training) or increases the amount of training data by adding
in pre-training. We show results in the last block questions from other image QA datasets. Our
of Table. 3. Compared to the ‘from scratch’ (i.e., LXMERT framework instead uses multiple QA
model parameters are randomly initialized) ap- datasets in pre-training and is fine-tuned only on
proach, BERT improves the fine-tuning results but one specific dataset. Since the overall amounts of
it shows weaker results than our full model. Em- data used in pre-training and DA are similar, we
pirically, pre-training LXMERT initialized with thus can fairly compare these two strategies, and
BERT parameters has lower (i.e., better) pre- results show that our QA pre-training approach
training loss for the first 3 pre-training epochs outperforms DA. We first exclude the QA task in
but was then caught up by our ‘from scratch’ ap- our pre-training and show the results of DA fine-
proach. A possible reason is that BERT is already tuning. As shown in Table. 4 row 1, DA fine-
pre-trained with single-modality masked language tuning decreases the results compared to non-DA
model, and thus could do well based only on the fine-tuning in row 2. Next, we use DA after QA-
language modality without considering the con- pre-training (row 3) and DA also drops the results.
nection to the vision modality (as discussed in
Sec. 3.1.1). 5.3 Effect of Vision Pre-training tasks
We analyze the effect of different vision pre-
5.2 Effect of the Image QA Pre-training Task training tasks in Table 5. Without any vision tasks
We show the importance of image QA pre-training in pre-training (i.e., only using the language and
task (introduced in Sec. 3.1.3) by excluding it or cross-modality pre-training tasks), the results (row
1 of Table 5) are similar to BERT+3 CrossAtt in
Since our language encoder is same as BERTBASE , ex- Table 3. The two visual pre-training tasks (i.e.,
cept the number of layers (i.e., LXMERT has 9 layers and
BERT has 12 layers), we load the top 9 BERT-layer parame- RoI-feature regression and detected-label classifi-
ters into the LXMERT language encoder. cation) could get reasonable results (row 2 and row
3) on their own, and jointly pre-training with these August) on similar cross-modality pre-training di-
two tasks achieves the highest results (row 4). rections: ViLBERT (Lu et al., 2019) and Visual-
BERT (Li et al., 2019). Our LXMERT methods
5.4 Visualizing LXMERT Behavior differs from them in multiple ways: we use a more
In the appendix, we show the behavior of detailed, multi-component design for the cross-
LXMERT by visualizing its attention graphs in modality model (i.e., with an object-relationship
the language encoder, object-relationship encoder, encoder and cross-modality layers) and we em-
and cross-modality encoder, respectively. ploy additional, useful pre-training tasks (i.e., RoI-
feature regression and image question answering).
6 Related Work These differences result in the current best perfor-
mance (on overlapping reported tasks): a margin
Model Architecture Our model is closely re-
of 1.5% accuracy on VQA 2.0 and a margin of
lated to three ideas: bi-directional attention,
9% accuracy on NLVR2 (and 15% in consistency).
Transformer, and BUTD. Lu et al. (2016) applies
LXMERT is also the only method which ranks in
bi-directional attention to the vision-and-language
the top-3 on both the VQA and GQA challenges
tasks while its concurrent work BiDAF (Seo et al.,
among more than 90 teams. We provide a detailed
2017) adds modeling layers in solving reading
analysis to show how these additional pre-training
comprehension. Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
tasks contribute to the fine-tuning performance in
2017) is first used in machine translation, we
Sec. 5.2 and Sec. 5.3.
utilize it as our single-modality encoders and
design our cross-modality encoder based on it.
BUTD (Anderson et al., 2018) embeds images 7 Conclusion
with the object RoI features, we extend it with ob-
ject positional embeddings and object relationship We presented a cross-modality framework,
encoders. LXMERT, for learning the connections between
Pre-training After ELMo (Peters et al., 2018), vision and language. We build the model based
GPT (Radford et al., 2018), and BERT (Devlin on Transfermer encoders and our novel cross-
et al., 2019) show improvements in language un- modality encoder. This model is then pre-trained
derstanding tasks with large-scale pre-trained lan- with diverse pre-training tasks on a large-scale
guage model, progress has been made towards the dataset of image-and-sentence pairs. Empirically,
cross-modality pre-training. XLM (Lample and we show state-of-the-art results on two image
Conneau, 2019) learns the joint cross-lingual rep- QA datasets (i.e., VQA and GQA) and show the
resentations by leveraging the monolingual data model generalizability with a 22% improvement
and parallel data. VideoBert (Sun et al., 2019) on the challenging visual reasoning dataset of
takes masked LM on the concatenation of lan- NLVR2 . We also show the effectiveness of several
guage words and visual tokens, where the visual model components and training methods via
tokens are converted from video frames by vec- detailed analysis and ablation studies.
tor quantization. However, these methods are still
based on a single transformer encoder and BERT-
stype token-based pre-training, thus we develop
a new model architecture and novel pre-training
tasks to satisfy the need of cross-modality tasks. We thank the reviewers for their helpful com-
ments. This work was supported by ARO-YIP
Recent works since our EMNLP submission Award #W911NF-18-1-0336, and awards from
This version of our paper (and all current results) Google, Facebook, Salesforce, and Adobe. The
was submitted to EMNLP11 and was used to par- views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this
ticipate in the VQA and GQA challenges in May article are those of the authors and should not be
2019. Since our EMNLP submission, a few other interpreted as representing the official views or
useful preprints have recently been released (in policies, either expressed or implied, of the fund-
ing agency. We also thank Alane Suhr for evalua-
EMNLP deadline was on May 21, 2019, and the standard
ACL/EMNLP arxiv ban rule was in place till the notification tion on NLVR2 .
date of August 12, 2019.
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VQA The goal of visual question answering is equivalent to minimize the binary cross entropy
(VQA) (Antol et al., 2015) is to answer a natu- loss:
ral language question related to an image. We take
VQA v2.0 dataset (Goyal et al., 2017) which re- L = -y ∗ log prob − (1 − y ∗ ) log(1 − prob)
duces the answer bias compared to VQA v1.0. The
dataset contains an average of 5.4 questions per C Training, Validation, and Testing
image and the total amount of questions is 1.1M. Splits
GQA The task of GQA (Hudson and Manning, We carefully split each dataset to ensure that
2019) is same as VQA (i.e., answer single-image all testing images are not involved in any pre-
related questions), but GQA requires more reason- training or fine-tuning steps. Our data splits for
ing skills (e.g., spatial understanding and multi- each dataset and reproducible code are available
step inference). 22M questions in the dataset are at https://github.com/airsplay/lxmert.
generated from ground truth image scene graph to
LXMERT Pre-Traininig Since MS COCO has
explicitly control the question quality.
a relative large validation set, we sample a set
NLVR2 Since the previous two datasets are used of 5k images from the MS COCO validation set
in pre-training for increasing the amount of pre- as the mini-validation (minival) set. The rest of
training data to a certain scale, we evaluate our the images in training and validation sets (i.e.,
LXMERT framework on another challenging vi- COCO training images, COCO validation images
sual reasoning dataset NLVR2 where all the sen- besides minival, and all the other images in Visual
tences and images are not covered in pre-training. Genome) are used in pre-training. Although the
Each datum in NLVR2 contains two related nat- captions and questions of the MS COCO test sets
ural images and one natural language statement. are available, we exclude all of them to make sure
The task is to predict whether the statement cor- that testing images are not seen in pre-training.
rectly describes these two images or not. NLVR2
Fine-tuning For training and validating VQA
has 86K, 7K, 7K data in training, development,
v2.0, we take the same split convention as in our
and test sets, respectively.
LXMERT pre-training. The data related to im-
B Details of NLVR2 Fine-tuning ages in LXMERT mini-validation set is used to
validate model performance and the rest of the
Each datum in NLVR2 consists of a two-image data in train+val are used in fine-tuning. We test
pair (img0 , img1 ), one statement s, and a ground our model on the VQA v2.0 ‘test-dev’ and ‘test-
truth label y ∗ indicating whether the statement cor- standard’ splits. For GQA fine-tuning, we follow
rectly describe the two images. The task is to pre- the suggestions in official GQA guidelines12 to
dict the label y given the images and the statement. take testdev as our validation set and fine-tune our
To use our LXMERT model on NLVR2 , we model on the joint train + validation sets. We test
concatenate the cross-modality representations of our GQA model on GQA ‘test-standard’ split. The
the two images and then build the classifier with images in NLVR2 are not from either MS COCO
GeLU activation(Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2016). or Visual Genome, we thus keep using the original
Suppose that LXMERT(img, sent) is the single- split: fine-tune on train split, validate the model
vector cross-modality representation, the pre- choice on val split, and test on the public (‘Test-
dicted probability is: P’) and unreleased (‘Test-U’) test splits.
(c) LXMERT 4th Lang-layer (d) BERT 4th Layer Figure 5: Attention graphs in LXMERT’s cross-
modality encoder showing that the attention focus on
Figure 3: Attention graphs reveal similar behavior in pronouns (marked in pink), nouns (marked in blue),
the LXMERT language encoder (a, c) and in the origi- and articles (marked in red).
nal BERT encoder (b, d). Fig. a & b show the attention
pointing to next words while Fig. c & d show the atten-
tion pointing to previous words. d)) come from Hoover et al. (2019).13 We find
that both the second LXMERT layer (Fig. 3(a))
and third BERT layer (Fig. 3(b)) point to the
next words while both the fourth LXMERT layer
(Fig. 3(c)) and fourth BERT layer (Fig. 3(d)) point
to the previous words, thus showing the similar be-
haviour of the two encoders.