Virtual Instrumentation For Visualization of Vibration and Its Control
Virtual Instrumentation For Visualization of Vibration and Its Control
Virtual Instrumentation For Visualization of Vibration and Its Control
Abstract—Teaching vibration and its control often education. Foley had shown that computer simulation and
presents a challenge to academics as these subjects are visualization can be very effective in enhancing student
perceived as very theoretical with much formulation and learning if the interface is based on education research [2].
subtle concepts. Now remote laboratories have appeared Foley’s study for middle school students learning
as a next option. These laboratories are similar to thermodynamics also concluded that visualization tools
simulation techniques in which they require minimal facilitate understanding and retention of key concepts.
space and time as the experiments can be rapidly Simulation programs also allow complex systems to be
configured and run over the internet. In this research, quickly and easily modeled and can be adapted to many
vibration simulations and FPGA based vibration control different learning styles [3].
of a mass varying two-degree of freedom system is Computer simulation is developed by authors to
developed to motivate students in learning and assist explore the basics of vibration by visualizing the graphs
students to grasp difficult concepts. Demonstrations in obtained after user inputs and user is asked to read the data
remote labs incorporate both software simulation and from graph and apply basic concepts like logarithmic
physical model of dynamic systems. While physical decrement and half power bandwidth method to obtain
model provides a concrete example, computer damping ratio.
simulations allow the exploration of “what-if” scenarios One topic with which students struggle is the modal
and greater meta-cognitive activities. Unlike simulations, response of multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems:
they provide real data. Although many students can accept the mathematical results
of an eigenvector solution; most leave without a physical
Keywords- Vibration; Vibration control; remote labs; FPGA meaning for any of the numbers obtained in the process. The
(Field Programmable Gate Array); demonstration is done after the mathematical formulation
for determining modal properties is presented and the use of
these properties to find the forces response of a system is
Practical skills are of high importance in tertiary discussed.
engineering and science education. During practical sessions
students test and apply their theoretical knowledge in II. IMPLEMENTATION OF DEMONSTRATIONS
practical situations. They also develop hands-on skills Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students,
essential for graduates to be successful in their future generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student
professional career. New technologies developed over the learning. A key component to an effective demonstration is
past two decades have enabled practical laboratories to be active student engagement throughout the entire process.
complemented and to some extent replaced with virtual and This means students are involved in discussing the purpose
remote laboratories. A virtual instrument consists of a of the demo; predicting what will happen during the demo,
computer equipped with powerful application software, discussing who developed theories to help us understand
cost-effective hardware such as PC plug-in boards, and what happens during the demo; and comparing observations
driver software, which together outperform the functions of to predictions, as opposed to simply passively watching a
traditional instruments for test and automation. Virtual demonstration. This is only possible when students have
instruments represent a fundamental shift from traditional free mind set and enough time to understand the concept
hardware centric instrumentation systems to software- through visualization of vibration by going through the
centric systems that exploit the computing power, simulation and perform real time experimentation through
productivity, display and connectivity capabilities of internet. Accordingly, the system should also have
modern-day computers [1]. In this research virtual capability to perform different experiments on same setup.
instrumentation concept is used for developing the real time The system developed in this research has the capability to
experiments for visualization of vibration and its control. show five different experiments related to vibration,
Several researchers have investigated the use of computers, vibration control and virtual instrumentation.
specifically simulation and visualization technology, in
A. Physical Demonstration damping was also studied. This system is also used to
The physical components of the demonstration are shown in perform different real-time control experiments where in
Figure 1, where a motor provides a harmonic motion to the several techniques and algorithms such as Implementation
two-dof spring-mass system [4]. As the frequency of the of sensors, PWM generation, and level sensing techniques
motor is changed, the two mode shapes can be excited and and look-up tables for the outlet flow rates as the height
physically demonstrated online through virtual graphical varies have been studied and documented.
user interface with real time video broadcasting of the
experiment. This demonstration does an excellent job of
helping the students tie-up loose ends, understand the
concept of a mode-shape, & also has the advantage of
introducing topics such as vibration isolation, tuned-mass
dampers, etc. (mass can easily be added to one or both
System Configuration
The system setup consists of the following:
• CompactRIO 9012
• NI C Series module (NI 9505,NI 9477,NI 9215)
• Laser pick-up (L-GAGE model LG10 series)
• Universal motor(either AC or DC power)
• Two Solenoid Valves
• Two Small Submersible pumps
Sensors and data acquisition are very much important for
measurement or feedback in control. Actuators are used to
Figure 1. Virtual lab for MDOF system
regulate the process according to feedback from the sensors.
In this project two solenoid valves and two small
submersible pumps were used to control water flow in
tanks. A universal motor was used to produce disturbance at
primary system. Control of these valves and pumps was
done by NI (National Instruments) CompactRIO 9012
shown in Figure 2, with different NI modules. NI 9505 was
used for motor speed control by PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation) generation, NI 9477 is used for digital output
to control pumps and solenoid valves and NI 9215 is used
for analog input from the laser pickup which acts as
feedback element in measuring the amount of vibration and
in turn helps in assessing the RPM of the motor.
The system has been designed to effectively demonstrate the
capability of mass variable tuned damper for wide
frequency application. For changing the mass of systems,
specially designed water containers with controllable inlet
and outlet flow has been used. The inlet flow to the
containers was controlled by pumps and outlets were Figure 2. cRIO 9012 With NI C Series module (NI 9505, NI
controlled by solenoid valves. All valves and pumps were 9477, NI 9215).
controlled by a cRIO (Compact Reconfigurable Input
B. Computer Simulation
Output) with on-board FPGA. cRIO with FPGA enables the
designer to implement various control algorithms that can Although very powerful, there are limitations of physical
be used for real time wide spectrum vibration control. demonstrations. Students cannot easily explore “what if”
LabVIEW with real time suite was used for algorithm (We do not have the ability to vary length, stiffness and
implementation and device control. A variable speed motor mass, etc. of a beam over a large range of values.
with an unbalance mass provides excitation to the two-dof Furthermore, the connection with their mathematical results
system under consideration. Mass variation has been is not obvious (an analysis results in an equation; a
achieved by varying the water level in the container hence demonstration shows how the objects move; but what does
the effect of water in the system towards modifying the the graph look like?). Computer-based materials can allow
characteristics of the system was also studied. To avoid the students to exercise their higher-level thinking skills
sloshing in the tanks, a floating roof was used. Its effect on (Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation). The authors have
collaborated in the development of a dynamics simulation
software package that has the power and flexibility to adequate measures have been taken to narrow the analogy
handle the model systems normally encountered in a course between the water levels assigned through a program
in dynamics in order to address these issues. This software command and the actual levels that are being achieved . The
gives the student the ability to build, tune, simulate and error should be minimal.
evaluate a model all within a single environment. The For this specific purpose, the mass flow rate of the pump
software developed provides a “construction set” that was calculated. The programming was done in such a
students can plot their own graphs of dynamic models and manner that it gives a synchronism between the varying
run them to observe their performance. This program is mass and on- time of the pump. So, the time taken by the
interactive and can be used in the classroom for water to reach the inlet of the tank from the water source
demonstrations, in the laboratory for guided use, and on also calculated to eliminate further delays. The scenario is
student’s own computers for experimentation and to different in the case of outflow. The water outflow depends
complete assignments. [5]. on the height of the water and there is no linear relationship.
After the physical portion of the demonstration is Hence the outflow rate was measured at every 5 mm
completed, the simulation software is started, and the reduction in height and the results were tabulated in 1-D
corresponding one-degree of freedom model is created with lookup table using LabVIEW. Block diagram made by
the class. As the appearance of the simulation model is the using LabVIEW can be seen in Figure 4. For this system a
same as that of the models used in textbooks and board 2-D lookup table was made, after collecting all the data,
examples, the framework forms the bridge between the some qualified data has been chosen for putting in control
physical system and the analytical models found in table. All qualified data was given in lookup table. When
classroom settings. Now the dynamic response of the this program will run the output data was chosen according
system can be shown under a range of dynamic conditions: to the motor speed (on X-Axis) and bottom water height (on
varying initial conditions, external forces, or support Y-Axis).
motion. As the last variation most closely matches the
physical demonstration the students will have just observed,
it is the first simulation shown. During this process, active
discussions with the students include modeling limitations
as well as what variables will be used to measure the
response. As the physical demonstration does not come with
a set coordinate system, the fact that this is a choice in the
modeling process becomes more transparent. The software
provides options for a variety of graphs to be generated in
real-time (see Figures 5 and 6). These graphs provide a
convenient bridge between dynamic behavior and the
equations resulting from dynamic analysis. Students are
relatively more experienced relating equations to graphs.
The ability to connect what they see to a graph enables them
to close the gap between what they see and what the
equations show them. Figure 5 illustrates the screenshot for
the simulation of the 1-Dof system. Figure 3. Front panel for online control of experiment and to
visualize vibration and its control.
The front panel comprises of the tank control and data being
acquired from laser pickup. Motor control was done by a
varying the duty cycle depicted as a slider on the front
panel; speed of the motor varies according to the slider
movement. In Figure 3 top graph represents time domain
data of primary system (bottom tank) acquired by laser
pickup and bottom graph represents time domain data of
absorber system (top tank). Primary system’s mass can be
fixed by fixing height of water in primary system and a
corresponding amount of water can be added in the absorber
system to nullify the vibration prevailing in the primary
system. In FFT tab, the frequency domain data from the
sensors are presented with different control and indicators to
monitor the control processes. The water plays a role of a
variable mass to alter the system parameters .Hence an Figure 4. Water height control or mass control VI
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NITK Surathkal in the implementation of exception Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and
handling in online laboratories and the generous support Structures, Vol 18, 1997, pp.986-993.
provided by the Centre for System Design: A Centre of
excellence at NITK Surathkal.