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Interactive Teaching System for Simulation and

Control of Electropneumatic and Electrohydraulic

Dorin Sendrescu1, Monica Roman2, Dan Selisteanu3
Department of Automatic Control, University of Craiova
A.I. Cuza, no. 13, 200585 Craiova,

Abstract Considering the importance of practices in are guaranteed by the interaction of sensor elements, signal
electropneumatic and electrohydraulic systems education and modifiers and processors with pneumatic executing devices.
training, the goal of this work is to present an interactive Technical level merger of electronic and mechanical elements
teaching system useful in simulation and control of is the basis for creation and development of intellectual
electropneumatic and electrohydraulic systems. The interactive
system is based on applications developed for Windows operating
pneumatic drives and operating systems as well as for the
system using LabVIEW and FluidSIM software. The teaching development of the new branch of automatics mechatronics.
tools are organized in experiments with a real electropneumatic The appearance of new high-production and high precision
and electrohydraulic structure and in experiments with industrial flow processes requires constant attention to be
simulators, all with friendly graphical user interface. The focused on creation and use adequate automation facilities.
presented interactive teaching system allows an improvement in Electro-pneumatic automation is a division of automation
electropneumatic and electrohydraulic education and training. encompassing the theory and practice of developing
The system has didactic properties such as modularity of the automated process control systems based on combined
package, friendly graphical user interfaces and so on, helping devices of transforming various non-electrical, physical
students to understand and compare different modeling and
control methods. The package can be easily extended with new
quantities (displacement, pressure, mechanical stresses,
experiments. Some applications of this interactive system for temperature, etc.) into physical quantities of electric voltage,
simulation and control of a Festo MPS (Modular Production current, frequency, etc. The integration of electric and
System) Compact Workstation for Automation are presented. pneumatic devices is vital in handling the numerous problems
of process automation [2].
Graphics make learning more interesting and compelling
Keywords Electropneumatic, electrohydraulic, modeling,
simulation and control.
and they can also help introduce naturally the engineering
concepts and techniques. In this work an Interactive Teaching
I. INTRODUCTION System for Simulation and Control of Electropneumatic and
Electrohydraulic Systems is presented. This system is based
The effectiveness of educational technology on student
on LabVIEW and FluidSIM software. LabVIEW (Laboratory
learning depends not only on what outcomes are targeted and
Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a graphical
how the technology is integrated into instruction, but also on
programming language that uses icons instead of lines of text
how teachers assess student performance in classrooms and
to create applications [3]. In contrast to text-based
adjust instruction accordingly. Technology offers teachers a
programming languages, where instructions determine the
broad range of tools to collect and analyze data, and richer
order of program execution, LabVIEW uses dataflow
sets of student data to guide instructional decisions.
programming, where the flow of data through the nodes on the
All new requirements to the professional education and,
block diagram determines the execution order of the VIs and
first of all, to the higher education need preparation of
functions. VIs, or virtual instruments, are LabVIEW programs
educational materials that reflect the latest achievements in
that imitate physical instruments. Virtual instrumentation
science and technology. Efficiency of modern production is
combines hardware and software with industry-standard
guaranteed by application of technical methods and means
computer technologies to create user-defined instrumentation
which are able to fully or partially substitute a person
solutions. FluidSIM is a teaching tool for simulating hydraulic
executing manufacturing tasks, what is the case by
and pneumatic basics [4].
mechanization and automation application [1]. The solving the
task of operating working machines and units is possible
based on the systems with complex logical connections that

II. GRAPHICAL PROGRAMMING IN LABVIEW AND FLUIDSIM LabVIEW is one software tool that can span all of your
Like most people, engineers and scientists learn by seeing hardware components. Drivers are readily available for
and processing images without any need for conscious common hardware devices. Each hardware driver shares a
contemplation. Many engineers and scientists can also be similar, familiar programming model, and examples of how to
characterized as visual thinkers, meaning that they are use the model install directly into LabVIEW.
especially adept at using visual processing to organize FluidSIM is a teaching tool for simulating hydraulic and
information. In other words, they think best in pictures. This is pneumatic basics and runs using Microsoft Windows. It can
often reinforced in colleges and universities, where students be used in combination with Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG
are encouraged to model solutions to problems as process training hardware, but also independently. A major feature of
diagrams [5]. However, most general-purpose programming FluidSIM is its close connection with CAD functionality and
languages require you to spend significant time learning the simulation. FluidSIM allows DIN-compliant drawing of
specific text-based syntax associated with that language and electropneumatic circuit diagrams and can perform realistic
then map the structure of the language to the problem being simulations of the drawing based on physical models of the
solved. Graphical programming provides a more intuitive components. Simply stated, this eliminates the gap between
experience. LabVIEW is different from most other general- the drawing of a circuit diagram and the simulation of the
purpose programming languages in two major ways. First, related electropneumatic system. The CAD functionality of
Graphical programming is performed by wiring together FluidSIM is specially tailored for fluidics [7]. For example,
graphical icons on a diagram, which is then compiled directly while drawing, the program will check whether or not certain
to machine code so the computer processors can execute it. connections between components are permissible.
While represented graphically instead of with text, Graphical Another feature of FluidSIM results from its well thought-
contains the same programming concepts found in most out didactic concept: FluidSIM support learning, educating
traditional languages. For example, Graphical includes all the and visualising pneumatic knowledge. Pneumatic components
standard constructs, such as data types, loops, event handling, are explained with textual descriptions, figures and animations
variables, recursion, and object-oriented programming. that illustrate underlying working principles; exercises and
Graphical code is typically easier for engineers and educational films mediate knowledge about both important
scientists to quickly understand because they are largely circuits and the usage of pneumatic components. The
familiar with visualizing and even diagrammatically modeling development of FluidSIM included special emphasis on both
processes and tasks in terms of block diagrams and flowcharts an intuitive and easy-to-learn user interface. The user will
(which also follow the rules of data flow). In addition, because quickly learn to draw and simulate electropneumatic circuit
dataflow languages require you to base the structure of the diagrams [8]. During the simulation FluidSIM first calculates
program around the flow of data, you are encouraged to think all electrical parameters. This step is followed by formulating
in terms of the problem you need to solve. For example, a the model of the electropneumatic circuit, and, based on the
typical Graphical program might first acquire several channels model, the entire distribution for flow and pressure is
of temperature data, then pass the data to an analysis function, calculated. Depending on circuits complexity and the
and, finally, write the analyzed data to disk. Overall, the flow computers power, a circuits simulation may take
of data and steps involved in this program are easy to considerable time. The exact numeric values for pressures,
understand within a LabVIEW diagram. flow rates, voltages, and currents are displayed on the attached
In the last years, engineers and scientists used LabVIEW to measuring instruments. Simulations presented in this work are
interface with measurement and control devices. LabVIEW based on physical models whose components match those
integrates seamlessly with thousands of different hardware components found in the Festo Didactic equipment set.
devices, and helps save development time with convenient Therefore, calculated values should closely match measured
features and a consistent programming framework across all values. The calculation of variables forms the basis for an
hardware. System integration, getting everything setup and exact, real-time proportional animation of the cylinder. Real-
configured such that you begin programming a system, can be time proportionality guarantees the following property: If in
a major undertaking, often taking more time than the reality a cylinder moves twice as fast as another one, the
programming, measurement, or test you wish to perform [6]. relationship between these two components is shown in the
Integrating different hardware devices with traditional tools is animation. In other words, the real-time relationship remains
littered with time-wasting steps and possible incompatibilities, unaltered. Manually operated valves and switches, found in a
increasing risk. First, you have to find the correct drivers for diagram, can be switched by clicking on them with the mouse.
all of your hardware, and then you have to figure out how to
install them and call them from software. Once your drivers
are usable, you need them to communicate with the hardware
and learn the programming model that the driver designer There are two basic methods of developing functional
decided was appropriate for that particular device. LabVIEW control circuits:
can help save you time and frustration by eliminating some of 1. an intuitive method often called trial-and-error method;
these steps and making others markedly easier. 2. methodical (systematic) circuit design based upon the
realization of associated rules and instructions.

In the first case the designer requires considerable In the Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems laboratory from
experience and intuition; plus the fact that this method is time Automatic Department, University of Craiova, it is worked
consuming where complicated circuits are concerned. out a running set with electropneumatic elements, Pneumatic
When designing according to the second method, Union.
knowledge of basic fundamentals and design sequence The laboratory set enables to get knowledge about real
techniques are sufficient. Irrespective of the method used, the electropneumatic systems, with different realizing and testing
final objective is to design a correctly and reliably working methods of projects and with system configuration. The
system. In the past more time was dedicated to the laboratory set allows the study of the following
development of a system having minimum quantity elements, electropneumatic elements:
now the key point has moved towards performance reliability - pump unit supplies a constant volumetric flow;
and serviceability that can be achieved by means of
methodical design [9]. As a result of this design technique the
functional sequence of a system is clearly reflected in easy-to-
read circuits and technical documentation.
In this case the control system is designed according to a
specific procedure that results in less reliance upon the human
factor when applied. However there many cases where
methodical employs a large number of elements within the
system than that of the intuitive method.
The design of a general electropneumatic system circuit
carried out in the following stages [10]: - pump unit and has a pressure of 0 bar;
- description of circuit operation;
- design of the diagram displacement-step (sequence
diagram) for the operating process in question;
- representation of pneumatic elements in the basic circuit
- representation of electric elements in the basic circuit
- compiling of service documentation;
- configurable 3/n way valve with mechanical action is a
- creating a spare parts and technical data list.
way valve with three connections, where both its body
When designing basic pneumatic circuits the following
elements and its operation modes are user definable;
recommendations are to be adhered [11]:
- the component layout in the circuit diagram should
enable the signal flow to be in the bottom-up direction; A
- cylinders and directional control valves are located
horizontally in the circuit diagram and cylinder rods are to
extend from left to right.
In the case of electrical circuit diagrams the arrangement of P T
components in the circuit diagram should enable o top-down
direction of signal flow. System circuits having an
intermediate or relay control can be divided into a logical and - T-junction joins up to three pneumatic lines, thus having
a control part. In the latter the control elements (solenoids, a single pressure potential;
triggering relays) of the actuating devices are located from left
to right according to the system operation sequence. The
design of such circuit diagrams needs a creative approach
since the accurate separation and the strict adherence to the
displacement-step diagram (sequence diagram) is practically
The components of a circuit diagram have an alphanumeric
- double acting cylinder with piston rod on one side
designation in accordance with signal flow direction from left
contains a permanent solenoid which can be used to operate a
to right. The switches performing key functions such as start
proximity switch;
or stop are designated at the designers discretion. The
electrical components are represented in the circuit diagram in
their initial position. If the initial position of the switches is
shown as activated there is an arrow the left of them, i.e. the F=0
current passes through this switch in the initial position.

- manometer measures the pressure at its connection; the processes and strategies needed to optimize the system
performance. Modeling and simulation also accounts for
human systems integration, manufacturability, and sustaining
the product.
The interactive teaching system is used at the University of
Craiova for the students of the following license
specializations: Automation and applied informatics,
- break switch that tailored depending on the type of Mecatronics and Robotics. The platform is included in the
components that actuates it; laboratory applications at the following disciplines:
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems;
- Industrial software;
- Data acquisition systems;
- Control systems;
- Numerical control systems;
- System identification;
- Optimizations;
- Hybrid systems.
Break switch
The Interactive Teaching System can provide your students
- pushbutton switch that closes when actuated and opens will positive outcomes associated with technology integration
immediately when released; in the classroom [12].
The main benefits of the Interactive Teaching System are:
- Allows teachers to differentiate instruction by appealing
to multiple learning styles in the classroom (visual, audio, and
- Student participation is increased due to the interactivity
embedded in the Interactive Teaching System;
- Multiple opportunities to encourage students to be
actively involved in the instruction;
Pushbutton (make, Ladder) - Motivation is improved due to students being engaged and
experiencing success in the classroom;
- and the following logic blocks: - Students are exposed to instructional strategies only found
AND function; in technology and not a traditional delivery method.
OR function; The interface design was based on the concept of clarity
NON function and functionality. The graphics and buttons provide visual
From the functional standpoint the logic blocks can consists guidance that leads students directly to the lab exercises.
of one or several contacting pairs. Their logic functions can be
realised both by pneumatic and electrical components
A. Applications in modeling of electropneumatic systems

IV. EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS OF THE INTERACTIVE To get a good solution for a problem in general, and an
TEACHING SYSTEM automatism one in special, is necessary that the student to be
well informed about the evolving conditions and about the
One of the most important tools in systems engineering is requirements which must be respected. The system design and
the use of modeling and simulation processes to help elicit simulation must follow the next steps:
system requirements, support the analysis of alternatives, A. The study of the problem data:
estimate and optimize cost and schedule, predict system - efforts;
performance, and to improve systems processes. Models and - velocities;
simulations help perform experiments that may not be - environment;
possible in the real world due to physical, environmental, or - available energy;
economic constraints. - security;
Modeling and simulation should be used to support - particular problems, etc.
engineering activities throughout the full systems life cycle. B. The power scheme definition:
From concept, design, and testing to evaluating product - vacuum generators (pumps);
performance, model-based tools provide the means for - pressure regulating valves;
experimentation and analysis to better understand the - pneumatic on/off distributional valves;
attributes and expected behavior of the system and to evaluate - power contractors;
- electrical power supplies;

- system for compressed-air preparation. Pneumatics
The precise study of combination or sequential cycle is Piping connections of pneumatic components
square up to phases keyboard mediation. The analysis of this Electrical technology
keyboard will lead to a Karnaugh keyboard. Correct wiring of electrical components
C. The implementation of electropneumatic circuit such Sensors
that the pistons of the cylinders follows one of the diagrams Correct use of sensors
presented in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1 are presented two diagrams that Measuring of non-electrical, process and control variables
must be simulated and implemented on the real platform: the PLC
L cycle and the square cycle. Programming and use of a PLC
Programming of alternative (OR) branches
Fieldbus technology
B- Closed-loop control technology
basics of closed-loop control technology
Extension of measuring chains into closed control loops
A- A+ A- Analyze a closed-loop system
A+ P, I, D - control
Optimize a closed-loop system
B- Closed-loop controller
B+ Configuration, assigning operation parameters and
B optimization of a
closed-loop controller
Commissioning of a closed-loop system
Commissioning of a process engineering system
Fig 1. Cycles diagrams Fault finding
The circuit is firstly simulated using FluidSIM simulation Systematic fault finding on a process engineering system
software using a implementation. Examination and mantainence of a process engineering
A numbering system is used to identify individual system
components in a electropneumatic circuit diagram as follows: Operation and observation of a process
- 0 air service unit;
- 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, - actuating devices;
- .1 - control elements;
- .01, .02 , - elements between the control elements
and the actuating devices.
The power elements are in general the cylinders. Each of
them is denoted with a capital letter A, B, C, etc. ans it is
supplied by a distribution valve. After the simulation using
FluidSIM software, the circuit must be implemented on the
real platform Pneumatic Union and to compare the
experimental results with the simulation results.

B. Applications in control of electrohydraulic systems

The Festo Didactic Learning System for Automation is

designed to meet a number of different training and vocational
requirements. The systems and stations of the Compact
Workstation (Fig. 2) facilitate industry-orientated vocational
and further training and the hardware consists of didactically
suitable industrial components.

Training contents covering the following subjects can be

taught: Fig. 2 Experimental plant FESTO Compact Workstation
Mechanical construction of a station In Fig. 3 some of the windows of the interactive interface
Process Engineering of the plant FESTO Compact Workstation is presented.
Reading and drawing flow charts and dokumentation

In this work an Interactive Teaching System for Simulation
and Control of Electropneumatic and Electrohydaulic Systems
is presented. This system is based on FluidSIM and LabVIEW
software. FluidSIM is a teaching tool for simulating hydraulic
and pneumatic basics and runs using Microsoft Windows.
LabVIEW is a soft that uses graphical programming.
Graphical programming provides a more intuitive experience.
The interactive virtual system can be used in combination
with Festo Didactic training hardware, but also independently.
The presented interactive teaching system allows an
Fig.3a. Virtual configuration of analog sensors for experimental platform
FESTO Compact Workstation improvement in electropneumatic education and training. The
experiments touch on the important problems for educational
electropneumatic and electrohydraulic implementations. The
system has didactic properties such as modularity of the
package, friendly graphical user interfaces and so on. The
interactive system helps students to understand and compare
different modeling methods. The package can be easily
extended with new experiments.

This work was supported by the National University
Research Council - CNCSIS, Romania, under the research
project TE 106, no. 9/04.08.2010.

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Fig.3c. Interactive interface for a PI controller

Fig. 3 The interactive interface of the plant FESTO Compact Workstation

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