APA Research Proposal Guidelines

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The key takeaways from the document are guidelines for writing an APA research proposal, including sections on the title, abstract, introduction, methods, and references.

The purpose of the study is to examine the factors that affect effective reading comprehension among junior high school students in Agbañawag National High School.

The participants will be junior high school students from Agbañawag National High School. Their characteristics like age and gender will be based on the literature review. The number of participants and how they will be selected is also discussed.





APA Research Proposal Guidelines [Title]*

Josephine D. Lorica, RN, DPA [Your Name]

Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines

*(Title: Centered and type in lower and upper cases, double spaced. Must be specific and concise [20
word limit]. Must include variables and population)

Author Note**

Josephine D. Lorica, Graduate School, St. Paul University Philippines

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Josephine D. Lorica,

School of Health science, St. Paul University Philippines, Mabini St, Tuguegarao City 3500.

This APA Research Proposal Guidelines was based mainly on two documents used by

Purdue University and http://sanjeshserv.com/hamgam/Files/file/Research_Proposal_Guideline

%283%29.pdf. Please refer to References for other sources utilized in this guideline.

Contact: jlorica@spup.edu.ph
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-2

**(The author note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author’s department and
institution affiliation and any changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any
financial support received, and provides contact information.)

Abstract (First Level APA Heading)

(This is your section header; centred on the page)

Page two shows the abstract of your study. It is usually brief (150-200 words) comprehensive
summary of your research proposal. It should cover at least the objectives or purpose of the study
and the methods for the study. It should allow the reader to review quickly the main points and
purpose of the study. A characteristic of a good abstract is if it presents the content of the
proposal as coherent and readable. As shown, the second page header is different from the first
page. It is now typed in the upper right hand close to the page number. The word “Abstract” is
typed in the first line and centered. The abstract contents should be typed single spaced in block
format (without paragraph indentation). You also need to identify the keywords of your paper in
the abstract, which is also found in any research article. (This part is written LAST – after the
whole proposal had been written ).
Keywords: Italicize and center the text. Then list your keywords. Listing the keywords will help
other researchers to find your work in the databases.
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-3


The third page should begin with the title of your proposal, centered. No need to write the

author or affiliation because if this will be a full research paper, the first page can be removed

and it can be blind reviewed.

This part is the introduction of the paper. Introduction need not be labelled because it is

found in the opening of the paper, it is assumed that it provides the introduction to the whole

paper, along with the problem that will be studied or reviewed. This is where you need to discuss

the thesis of the study. The first five sentences can establish this. You need to establish in this

part the nature of the problem along with its significance. Since you are in the graduate school

education, it is expected that the whole paper will be in your own words. Cite ideas and

information used from other authors. You need to practice maximizing your written

communication skills for this particular project. For some help, you can utilize the online

plagiarism software to check if you need to restate some your words written for this paper. This

part should be more or less 2-3 pages.

In the introduction, you need emphasize your problem statement, present the significance

of the study and end up with the purpose of the study. Your problem statement should be able to

present the overall concerns of the study, particularly the issues that you are able to observe,

document and establish in the literature review. You should be able to catch the reader’s interest

by telling them about what would they expect from your paper. You should be able to answer the

question, “Why do you need to do the research?” This is followed by the information on how the
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-4

problem will affect certain individual, groups and the society. And proceed will the study address

this individuals, groups and society. All of this can come from reviewed literature. You should

also be able the present gap and inconsistencies in the literature. You can also discuss the

potential of your study once the data will be utilized. Then end up with the purpose of the study,

particularly focusing in an action word that can describe what you will need to do, mentioning

the population of the study and the variables under study.

Example of the Purpose of the Study ( to be integrated in the introduction)

The purpose of the present study is to systematically examine the effects of gender of

adolescents and infant’s perceived gender, their interaction, on adolescent’s ratings toward the


Your closing paragraph for the introduction should establish the need for the study, why

study the topic and what general information did your literature review tell you about the topic.

And that is why it usually ends with the purpose of the study.

Review of Related Literature

(This is your section header, centred on the current page, this part can be 3-5 pages long)

The Literature review’s goal is to inform readers about previous studies that had been

conducted. It should provide the reader sufficient information about what did you find and why?

Possibly the review should focus on the past decade and provide appropriate perspective of the

area being studied.

If you are working with a theoretical framework, then it would be best to start with the

theoretical base of the study or definition of the concept. This is to make the reader understand
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-5

how your research is influenced by that particular theory. It would also be wise, if you can find

what other authors are saying about the theory to understand the problem and to be directed

towards the solution.

You are being encouraged to come up with a topic outline or clusters of your literature.

All research that are cited must relate to your research topic. Exhaust all possible research

literatures for the past five (5) years. All idea that is not yours should be properly referenced. It is

necessary that when reporting research findings related to your topic, past tense should be used

since the research had already happened. After having presented what is known about your

topic, especially mention on how your study will come up with new idea, and answer the

question being asked.

Topic 1

For each of the topics, provide an introductory statement or a paragraph. This can be

followed by the current researches aligned with the topic. Present what is known and not known.

Past tense should be used every time. When citing studies, use intext citation, particularly Author

(year) at the start of the sentence or (Author, Year) at the end of the sentence. End up with how

your study (this study) will utilize the findings from the studies mentioned or how will your

study come up with a new idea or answer the current question being asked.

The summary of the review of related literature or synthesis should provide the major

points and possibly focus on the solutions (those that exist and those that will be required.) to the

problem being stated.

Statement of the Problem

APA Research Proposal Guidelines-6

This is also known as research questions or objectives of the study. It has a general or

broad statement of the problem and specific statement of the problem. The general statement of

the problem is the main problem that can be restated from the purpose of the study. The specific

problem statements are questions that will help answer the main problem of the study.


Generally the study aims to systematically examine the effects of gender of adolescents

and infant’s perceived gender, their interaction, on adolescent’s ratings toward the infant.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the perceived gender of the infant?

2. What are the bipolar objectives chosen by the participants to describe the infants?

3. What is the mean rating of the participants to the infant?

4. Is there a significant difference in the perceived gender of the infant, bipolar objectives

and the mean rating when the participants are grouped according to their gender.?

Definition of Terms

Initially, define your variable conceptually in clear and concise manner. For you to be

able to define you variables conceptually, initially write your perceived definition of the

variables. Then proceed with the literature review, find exemplars that you think will fit your

definition, copy the concepts that you think are necessary and then rewrite your definition.

Carefully define each concept/variable used in the study (Operational). List each term, indent

and make them bold. Cite appropriately those that are not your own. Those that need citation and
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-7

are included in the definition of terms are those that are technical and you are sure that it will not

be understood by everybody.

Provide introductory paragraph for this chapter, before proceeding initially with the

operational definition then with your conceptual definition.

Example of a conceptual definition

Compliance. (Third level APA heading) Is defined as the process to which organizations
and/ or individuals is ensured that it follows the statutory laws and regulations (legal-
dictionary.thefreedictionary.com, 2015).

Methodology (3-5 pages)

(Section header, centered on the current page)

This section is the most important part of the proposal. It has to explain the steps or

procedures that have to be taken by the researcher for the conduct of the study. It is important to

note that as you write your methodology, your reader should be able to picture how you will be

able to complete the research step by step.

Research Design

This part discusses the type of research that will be utilized. You have to identify the

specific research design that you will utilize. Then explain how the design will derive the

answers the purpose of the study or statement of the problems. Discuss briefly how the data will

be administered and collected, along with the expected participation of the participants.


This part discusses the persons/people who participated in the study. Describe the

characteristics of the participants ( age range, gender, education). These should have been based
APA Research Proposal Guidelines-8

on the review of related literature. Also include the setting/location of the participants, their total

number and how will you select the samples. Make sure that you will be able to identify your

available population so as to have the actual number of participants of the study already. As well

as, making sure that you have participants for the study. Also included here is the discussion of

how will the participants be recruited in the study.


This section describes the tool or instruments used to collect data. Describe what the

instrument/s is and what is/are its use/s. It is also important to note how the instrument will

measure the variables under study. If it is a standardized tool or instrument, it necessary to

mention who developed it and the process it had gone to be validated and be made reliable.

Therefore, the reliability scores is also an important point to note, it will make your paper more

professional looking. Also included in the discussion is how will the instrument get the data for

the study, and how will the instruments be scored.

Ethical Consideration (Human Participants Protection)

This section describes how the participants are specifically recruited, particularly the

steps taken so that the participants are found and informed about their participation. It will

include the discussion on how the informed consent or assent was taken. It will also include

when the study will be submitted for Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval. You need to

provide a copy of the introductory letter and informed consent form in the Appendix. For more

information on the informed consent, you can go to

APA Research Proposal Guidelines-9

Data Collection Procedure

This part outlines the procedures that you have to do to be able to do the research. It starts

with the application for ethics review until the data analysis and finalization of the data. This

provides anybody who would like to do the same study to follow your procedure. Thus this will

have to written in a way that will be understood by anyone who is reading the paper.

Data Analysis

This section discusses the statistics or plan for data analysis. It can be descriptive/

univariate statistics (frequency, central tendency, etc.); inferential statistics (Pearson r, ANOVA,

etc. ); Bivariate and multivariate statistics and how do you plan to do the analysis. In each of the

statistical tool, identify what particular data of the study will be analyzed. You may also include

the software that you will utilize for the analysis.


For the references, use the hanging indent for these part. Please alphabetize your references,
starting with the family names of the authors. For more information about how to do the
referencing in APA format, go to Purdue University. (n.d.) APA sample paper. Accessed at

Barriers and Facilitators of Your study

APA Research Proposal Guidelines-10

Briefly describe the facilitators of your study. Specifically identify the factors that can

facilitate your study. These can be found on your institution like supportive research

environment, etc. Likewise, please also describe the barriers of your study. Commonly, there are

perceived barriers in the conduct of researches. These will have to be identified so that you can

plan out how to overcome these. The teacher also would like to find out these issues so that it can

enhance her teaching methods.

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