Deed of Absolute Sale of Fishpond
Deed of Absolute Sale of Fishpond
Deed of Absolute Sale of Fishpond
This Deed of Absolute Sale is made and entered into by and between:
WHEREAS, the “SELLERS” are the true and absolute owner of a fishpond
located at ___________, Philippines and more particularly described as follows:
WHEREAS, before this sale was made in favor of the herein “BUYERS”,
notices to the adjoining owners, possible redemptioners/pre-emptioners were
likewise made but nobody among them signified their intention to buy the aforesaid
fishpond for the price herein mentioned; That this fishpond area is free from any
That this instrument may be registered with the office of the Registry of Deeds
for the Province of _________ in accordance with law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this ___ day of
________________, 2020 at ________, Philippines.
Signed in the presence of:
______________________ ________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in the Municipality of ___, Province of ____ this ___
day of _________________, 2020, personally appeared the above-named parties who have
proven to me their identities through their Valid Identification Numbers, as herein above-
indicated below their names with photographs, both known to me to be the same persons
who executed the foregoing Deed Absolute Sale consisting of two (2) pages including the
page on which this Acknowledgment is written, has been signed by the executing parties and
their witnesses on each and every page thereof and sealed with my notarial seal and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
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