Insurance System With Tracking Manager
Insurance System With Tracking Manager
Insurance System With Tracking Manager
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at
“There are enormous risks in every sphere of life” here it may be human life, good or property. But as the chance of taking place of
events causing loss are extremely uncertain we can't imagine whether there will be any loss. So assurance is very essential which is
furnished by insurance companies. Insurance can be defined as a commitment between two parties where one party is the insured
and the other one is the insurer. The person whose risks are protected is called the insured and the insurance company that assures
the person at risk is the insurer. These companies also provide loan facilities for motor purchasing, small businesses, and personal
loans. Generally, there are two types of insurance services, they are life insurance and general insurance which is further divided as
motor insurance, health insurance, travel and accident insurance, fire insurance, home or property insurance. From the research
made, we can see that there is dynamic growth in the insurance industry of India for the past few years. Presently, insurance is made
online. Further, it is necessary to modernize the process of insurance which can be done by fetching all the companies together
which is demonstrated by this paper.
A country as big and diverse as ours has many challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to reach out to the maximum people at
the lowest possible costs. Consumers who purchased their policy through the offline model generally interact with their agents
directly speaking to them and they meet their local agent very few times a year. In this case, they might miss an immediate update
the company has made. Comparing us with other countries with a more mature insurance market, one very clear difference is
visible. Indian insurance has a very nascent online presence as compared with countries like the US, UK, Italy, Spain, and Germany.
Other countries have seen major growth in their profits in the insurance market after changing their model from complete offline to
a more online, less offline. We think this idea would help India as well to increase its profits.
Fig: 2.1
Even though the online insurance system with tracking manager is little challenging. With proper security algorithms we can
overcome all the challenges. Making the insurance system online also decreases the investments .This drive to an increase in our
annual GDP rate which plays a major role in country’s development.
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