Sofistik Celicni Ram
Sofistik Celicni Ram
Sofistik Celicni Ram
This tutorial deals with a simple single-span portal frame design according to EN
1993-1-1. This example has already been illustrated in the Steel Construction
Institute Publication: SCI P397 and is named as “ELASTIC DESIGN OF SINGLE-
assumptions on this guide, but some own assumptions are taken as well as for
example UB profiles are replaced with IPE profiles etc.
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Portal Frame — SOFiSTiK TUTORiALS
Project Description
This project is fully done using Graphical User Interface (GUI). However it could be
completely reproduced via text input - CADINP language. The intention of this
tutorial is to guide you through a simple single-span portal frame project and
introduce the general work-flow showing the necessary program tools and
functions. Some theoretical background is given as well.
The proposed frame is defined as shown below. The haunch length is assumed to
be 10% of the span. The portal frames are spaced at 8 m centres. The cladding of
the roof and walls is supported by purlins and side rails. The spacing of the girts
and purlins, and the location of restraints to the inside flanges, will be defined at
the design stage.
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Design code
Number Grade Notes
Number Title Notes
Number Title Action Load Value
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Loadcase 2 - Roof
Loadcase 3 - Snow
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Loadcase 4 - Imposed
Loadcase 5 - Wind
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Note: SOFiSTiK has a tool for an Automatic Wind Load Generation. A tutorial
with this topic will be available soon.
See also: A detailed description regarding the topic Imperfections you will find
in the tutorial Imperfection Concept.
Load combinations
Leading Accompanying
Number Title Permanent Variable Variable
Note: You need the current SONAR login and password to get access to the
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Theoretical Background
The strength checks for any structure are valid only if the global analysis gives a
good representation of the behaviour of the actual structure.
The internal forces and moments are usually determined using either:
Effects of deflections within the length of members are usually called P-δ (P-little
delta) effects. The P-Δ (P-big delta) effect is a destabilizing moment equal to the
force of gravity multiplied by the horizontal displacement a structure undergoes
when loaded laterally.
EN 1993-1-1 allows several ways to account for the second-order effects and
imperfections. § 5.2.2 (3) states:
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According to the type of a frame and the global analysis, second order effects and
imperfections may be accounted for by one of the following methods:
Relative initial local bow imperfections for flexural buckling is expressed with eq.
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Plastic global analysis allows for the effects of material non-linearity in calculating
the action effects of a structural system. The behaviour should be modelled by one
of the following methods:
For the grades of structural steel specified in section 3 of EN 1993-1-1 the bi-linear
stress-strain relationship may be considered:
Resistance of cross-sections
The latest design codes for structural steel are based on an elastic−plastic or
plastic−plastic resistance. To achieve this, the sections are subdivided into four
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classes as follows:
Sections of class 1 are suitable for plastic hinges and a non−linear analysis
with distributed yield areas and a detailed interaction of shear and normal
Sections of class 2 have limited deformation capacities. The analysis may be
done according to linear theory but the design may be used up to ultimate
plastic limits,
Sections of class 3 can reach the yield strength with an elastic distribution of
stresses, but local buckling prevent the formation of the full plastic moment
resistance. Thus analysis and design are according linear theory,
Sections of class 4 have no allowance for yielding, i.e. the linear stresses are
limited due to buckling of the plates and some parts of the section have to be
treated as not effective for normal stress, which has to be accounted for
either during the definition of the section or will be taken into account
automatically within a nonlinear analysis.
It is important to note that the classification depends on both the geometry of the
cross-section and the ratio of the moments and axial force at the cross-section. For
example, a typical I-beam might be Class 1 under pure moment but Class 2 or 3
under pure axial loading; under combined loading it might then be Class 1, 2, or 3,
depending on the proportions of axial force and bending moment at the cross-
section under consideration.
EN 1993-1-1 § 5.2.2 (7) and (8) describes the stability verification for members:
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Where the stability of a frame is assessed by a check with the equivalent column
method according to 6.3 the buckling length values should be based on a global
buckling mode of the frame accounting for the stiffness behaviour of members and
joints, the presence of plastic hinges and the distribution of compressive forces
under the design loads. In this case internal forces to be used in resistance checks
are calculated according to first order theory without considering imperfections.
The difficulties considering the buckling length lead to conclusion, that it makes
sense to use some other methods as for example methods explained in EN
1993-1-1 § 5.2.2 (7). As it was already mentioned in the chapter 2.1 of this tutorial
we will focus on the methods based on the second order analysis and not requiring
the buckling lengths.
Please refer to the chapter Start New SSD Project of General Workflow
Define materials
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Define cross-sections
We have 2 standard profiles HEB 600 and IPE 500. These profiles are defined as
“New Standard Sections”:
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In the analytical model we make some changes and assumptions. Firstly we use
IPE profiles and secondly we have a special case at section 5-5. The cutting depth
is not equal to 0.0, but is 40.0 mm depth. This is necessary because it is not
possible to interpolate between cross-sections with different shapes, i.e. it is not
possible to interpolate between the haunched section with 3 flanges to the
standard section with 2 flanges.
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These non-standard profiles are created inside the Cross Section Editor. This tool
is developed to allow for arbitrary cross-sections in GUI.
Click right mouse button within Cross Sections => select New Solid Section
=> select Composite or Steel:
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Cross Section Properties within the same project. The activation of this
check-box means, that the same methods will be applied for the calculation
of shear parameters in the standard sections and the user defined sections.
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Click OK and simply insert this cross-section by clicking on the screen. Now
click the button Explode - it explodes a standard rolled steel profile. After an
explosion this section may be freely edited:
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Now move the cutting to the desired position, adapt the depth of it, “Remove
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vertex” while they are not essential, and define an additional “Stress Point”
for a c/t check of the cutting web:
Note: Two Stress Points of the same name are necessary for c/t check, which
later will be done at the chapter Resistance of cross-sections.
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Firstly, let’s take a look at a frame geometry. We have torsional restraints at points
1-5, as well we have purlins at points 6-12. Before starting to model a frame, all
this should be taken into account, thus we draw not only one Structural Line for a
column and one for a rafter, but rather shorter discreet Structural Lines between
restraint points, which later will be selected during a buckling resistance check of
members. All this we have to do, since it is not possible to define additional lateral
supports inside the module for buckling resistance check (BDK).
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Once all the Structural Lines have been created, we may take a look at WinGRAF:
All Structural Lines are modelled as “Centric Beam” except the haunch member.
As already discussed in chapter “Define cross-sections inside Cross Section
Editor”, it is modelled as an “Eccentric Beam” to consider the relevant eccentricity
of it. The “Max. Edge Length” is set to 0,750 m for all Structural Lines to limit the
length of the beam elements created.
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Tip: You may model so called “dummy” Structural Lines without a cross-section.
They are helpful, for example, when you have several short Structural Lines in a
sequence, but you need to assign an imperfection for a whole sequence as for a
single element - in that case you draw a “dummy” Structural Line over all existing
Structural Lines and then you may assign an imperfection for that “dummy” Structural
Line. It is helpful as well during the design, when you select the elements to be
designed - in that case you may select a whole Structural Line in one click.
Now the geometry of the frame is finished. We may export the model to SSD and
take a look:
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Firstly we create necessary actions and loadcases inside the Loadcase Manager:
The definition of the loads for this example is a common standard procedure and
will not be described in detail. Special consideration should be given to
imperfection loads, but as already mentioned in chapter “Loads”, a detailed
description on Imperfections can be found in the tutorial Imperfection Concept.
Loadcase 2 - Roof
Loadcase 3 - Snow
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Loadcase 4 - Imposed
Loadcase 5 - Wind
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Loadcase 7 - Imperfection
Leading Accompanying
Number Title Permanent Variable Variable
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Leading Accompanying
Number Title Permanent Variable Variable
As we are going to run a 2nd Order Analysis, we need to calculate every load
combination separately, i.e. superposition principle is not valid any more. Thus, we
create load combinations using the task “Loadcase Combination Manager” in SSD.
Note: According to the reference paper, a 2nd Order Analysis should be done,
because the analyzed frame is sensitive to 2nd order effects. The principle of an
imperfection is, that this phenomenon should not create itself any additional
stresses, i.e. the imperfection is stress-free. Additional stresses are created only
due to the fact that other loads are acting on an imperfect structure. Thus, the
commonly used Equivalent Horizontal Force (EHF) method is generally
incorrect. We use a stress-free imperfection, which is the more appropriate and
correct method of analysis.
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Run analysis
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Run design
Resistance of cross-sections
Firstly, a resistance of cross-sections will be checked. For this purpose we use the
task “Steel - Resistance of Cross Sections” in SSD.
Select the elements to be designed. Framed in red below are the already
mentioned “dummy” Structural Lines. As you see, there is no need to select
many shorter elements, as you can select the pre-defined “dummy” Structural
Lines. This is done for demonstration purposes:
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Choose a Design Method. As there exist several methods allowed, user may
decide which Design Method should be decisive for a particular check:
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This is the most general method and may be applied as a general cross-section
check procedure. Even if some particular steel design code is not implemented in
SOFiSTiK, you may use this general method. Stresses will be calculated and a
stress-dependent cross-section class will be determined. Cross-sections of class
1-3 will be checked against Von Mises Yield Criterion while cross-sections of class
4 will be identified and marked in “red” only. An appropriate check will not be
processed for class 4 cross-sections as this method is not suitable for this, i.e. only
elastic resistance of cross-section will be considered.
This is also a EN 1993-1-1 based cross-section check method. The only difference
to Linear Summation of Forces and Moments is that for the cross-sections of class
1-2 complex interaction formulas according to EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.8-10 will be
applied. This allows for more economic design.
Note: Although only one of the methods Linear Summation of Forces and
Moments or Total Interaction of Forces and Moments is chosen, the results will
be printed for all 3 methods - this is useful, because you get an overview of all
methods in one place and you may decide if the method you have chosen
meets your expectations. The decisive value is marked in blue (if utilisation level
< 1.000) or in red (if utilisation level > 1.000). The decisive value depends on
the method which has been chosen.
Result table when design method Linear Summation of Forces and Moments is
chosen (Tot-lin = Linear Summation of Forces and Moments):
Result table when design method Total Interaction of Forces and Moments is
chosen (Tot-int = Total Interaction of Forces and Moments):
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The above mentioned methods are standard methods to be used for common
cases. The last method Nonlinear Stresses with Strain Hardening is a specialised
method which should only be used by experienced users.
Only a warning, without an utilisation level, will be printed, if the resistance is not
For the analysis of non-linear stresses, maximum steel stresses are limited to the
ultimate steel strength fu. In case the yield strength or any other stress value
should be checked, please activate the check box “Check stress”. When material
partial safety factor should be considered, please activate a respective check box:
Warning: Although the check box “Check stress” is activated, the maximum
steel stresses still remain limited to the ultimate steel strength fu, i.e. the
iterative calculation will not stop until the ultimate steel strength fu has been
reached. “Check stress” means only, that it could be manually controlled by
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user, if the stresses have exceed the desired limit or not. Please refer to the
table “Maximum Stresses and Checked Limits”.
In our example we use the method Total Interaction of Forces and Moments.
Note: The module BDK is used in the background for buckling checks.
Select the elements to be designed. You may select single Structural Lines
and/or Sequences of Structural Lines:
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Note: The main reason for different bending moment values to the reference
example is because we made an exact second order analysis including
imperfections, while in the reference example a simplified and conservative
equivalent horizontal force method (EHF) has been used.
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Lets take a look at some settings of the task “Steel - Buckling Resistance of
Under “Stability Check”, the user may select which check should be done:
Under “Design Values”, the user may create his own design values. As many new
design values as is needed is possible. Different design values can be applied to
different Structural Lines. Multi selection and change of combo boxes is as well
possible, that makes the work fast and flexible:
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Warning: Please be sure, that you save your check results under different
Design Case numbers in case you check both Structural Lines and Sequence
of Structural Lines at once. Otherwise, only the results for Sequence of
Structural Lines will be available in WinGRAF and Result Viewer, as the last
command overwrites the results
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Under “β(y-y) and β(z-z)” the user may explicitly define the buckling length
coefficients. With input here, Ncr will be calculated according to the approximate
analytical formula i.e. Euler formula (see BDK manual Eq. 2.10) while Mcr will be
calculated according to the formula as described in ECCS TC 8 - No. 119 (see
BDK manual Eq. 2.11):
\[N_{cr}=\dfrac{\pi^2~EI}{\left(sk_i ~ L\right)^2}\]
\[M_{cr}=C_1\dfrac{\pi^2~EI}{L^2} \sqrt{ \dfrac{ L^2 ~ G I_t }{ \pi^2~EI} + \dfrac{ I_{\omega}
}{ I} }\]
Warning: As it could be seen, the buckling length coefficients are applied for
the calculation of Ncr only, but not for Mcr - for Mcr a system length is taken.
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So firstly we select all the Structural Lines between purlins in Zone C. The bottom
flange of the rafter is in tension in this region, thus no additional restraints are
needed. The compressed top flange is restraint by purlins:
Secondly we select the Structural Lines between the torsional restraint at the sharp
end of the haunch and the point of contraflexure in Zone B. As it is not so easy to
select the exact position of the point of contraflexure, we take the next purlin past
the point of contraflexure (the first restraint to the compressive flange):
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Design results
Resistance of cross-sections
Results of cross-section resistance check may be viewed with three different tools
- Report Browser, WinGRAF and Result Viewer:
Report Browser
Here, detailed results in tabular format are presented. Special design code checks
include chapter and even equation information. Results are clearly structured and
may be, for example, used as documentation for a checking engineer.
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maximum stresses in the system and their respective limits. The user may
get a good understanding of the level of stresses and the location of the
critical sections:
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Note: The program BDK generally neglects to check the members with the
special rule according to EN 1993-1-1 5.5.2 (9) by giving an error indicating that
cross-section class 4 check is not implemented. The same message is printed,
if there are sections with a “real” cross-section class 4. However, BDK searches
always for a max My along the member and overwrites automatically the cross-
section class, which belongs to that section. So if at max My a cross-section
class 1 exists, the check will be done and no messages are printed. In this
particular case we see, that the buckling resistance of the red framed member is
done. Max My is at a very top of this member and has a cross-section class 2.
An engineer should decide, if this satisfies him.
Tip: If the user decides, that this does not meet his expectations, then there are
several solutions. The user may modify this cross-section in such a way, that the
cross-section is no longer a class 4 section - it could be done by introducing non-
effective parts of the cross-sections or by introducing a longitudinal stiffeners. Both
modifications may be done within Cross Section Editor.
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Result Viewer
Result Viewer allows the user to flexibly present design results in tables format.
The user may select which exact results should be included in a table, apply filters
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Report Browser
Here, detailed results in tabular format are represented. Special design code
checks include chapter and even equation information. Results are clearly
structured and may be, for example, used as documentation for a checking
Table “Design Values” gives an overview of the most important values for a
Table “Lateral Buckling (EN 1993-1-1, 6.3.2)” gives detailed results with
auxiliary terms for the calculation of the design buckling resistance moment:
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Note: Interaction Factors kyy, kyz, kzy and kzz are always calculated according
to EN 1993-1-1, Annex A, Method 1, Table A.1. Annex B, Method 2, Table B.1 is
not implemented.
Table “Summary of the Results” is a summary of all buckling checks for all
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Result Viewer
Check Level Conclusion
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