May 29, 2020 Strathmore Times

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Page 3 Seniors’ Week:

Recognize and
connect with seniors
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Alberta is encouraging everyone to celebrate Seniors’

Week, and Strathmore and Wheatland County are following
Grad parade nixed
June 1 to 7 is Seniors’ Week in Alberta.
Page 7 During the week, Albertans should look to ways to recog-
nize and connect with seniors in innovative, fun and creative
ways, while adhering to physical distancing restrictions, ac-
cording to the provincial government.
Each year, the government selects a community or organ-
ization to co-host a provincial launch event. This year, the
Seniors Outreach Program Society in Three Hills was cho-
sen, but due to COVID-19, will co-host the launch event next
year instead.
Wheatland County and Strathmore both voted to join the
declaration, in independent motions during their council
Municipal building meetings on May 19 and 20, respectively.
goes up Seniors are important to Wheatland County, said Reeve
Amber Link.
COVID-19 Update “Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will
be difficult to host any celebratory gatherings,” said Link.
in Strathmore & “But we wish to convey to our seniors that they are valued
Wheatland County (and) cherished, and we recognize the contributions that
(as of May 27, 2020) they have given us – and to future generations.
“Ensuring that our seniors have a safe and enjoyable place
10 Cases to live is a high priority, and council cherishes and celebrates
1 Active | 9 Recovered what our seniors have done for our next generation.”
0 Deaths Wheatland Lodge has a busy week planned for Senior’s
Week, said Christi Shworak, resident manager with Wheat-
land Housing Management Body.
On Monday, June 1, residents will enjoy a waffle, bacon
and mimosa breakfast, providing fuel for afternoon bingo
with prizes.
Tuesday will feature senior games tournaments, including
cribbage, bocce ball, horseshoes and card games. There will
also be chair yoga dance exercises with staff taking part.
Wednesday will see nature walks around town and a
scheduled out-of-town bus tour. Residents will then warm
up with some coffee and Bailey’s paired with donuts from
Look on Page 2 for Rocky’s Bakery.
Town of Strathmore Thursday, residents will enjoy a barbecue lunch, followed
Municipal Notices by a resident and staff carnival. Originally the plan was to
Contact Us Today! open the lodge to the community for this carnival day, as

was done last year, but the plans were changed to meet cur-
rent requirements.
Fin-tastic fishing! The celebrations will be capped off on Friday by a cocktail Scott (l-r) and Katie Richardson took advantage of the warmer weather on May
event featuring Caesars and shrimp rings in the courtyard, 19 by learning how to fish at Kinsmen Park Pond. followed by a movie with snacks for residents in the evening.
Adelle Ellis Photo

$120,900 $235,000 $298,800 $234,900 $249,500


Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6' 2m

Town of Strathmore Community Page

Call in your Good Food Box Fresh produce at a fraction of the cost
order in by June 11, 12:00pm. EACH BOX SIZE!
The Town of Strathmore is working to protect our community To order call Family and Orders Due by 12 noon June 11
and slow the spread of COVID-19. Community Support Services.

Pick up June 26 at the Civic Centre

For weekday updates visit:

403-934-9090 by appointment only Now Only

For the most up to date and trusted information on COIVD-19 Please understand that the Small Box (25 – 30 lbs) $27.00 $17.00 and weights listed on the poster Medium Box (35 – 40 lbs) $32.00 $22.00
are an approximation. Weights Large Box (45 – 50 lbs) $37.00 $27.00
will vary depending on produce
Next Council Meeting
*These weights are just an approximate. Weights will vary depending on produce size and density.

To order:
type, size and density. For more
Council Meeting | June 3, 7:00pm information visit: strathmore.
Call Strathmore FCSS
at 403-934-9090
The meeting will be streamed live. Access will be provided ca/en/residents/good-food-box- Pick up Address Change:
online at To slow the spread of COVID-19 the program.aspx Strathmore Civic Centre
130 Brent Blvd
Town of Strathmore Municipal Offices are closed to the public.
Volunteer Opportunity
Is your Buisiness Relaunch Plan Posted? Join the Red Cross Emergency Volunteers Team in the Strathmore region.
Emergency volunteers of Canadian Red Cross help people every day in
All businesses that reopen to the public must post a relaunch plan in
communities across Alberta. You have the power to make a difference!!
their premises or online within fourteen days of their public reopening.
Join our Virtual Emergency Volunteers Info Session.
There is a two-page template that’s available on the Alberta Biz Connect
site here: Thursday, June 04, 2020 | 6:00PM – 7:00PM
The provincial relaunch includes workplace guidance and support to help Please R.S.V.P. to and a ZOOM meeting invitation
businesses and organizations. The Alberta government has prepared a will be sent via email. Presenter: Jag Dhawan, Emergency Management
website that provides some guidance for business owners. View it here: Canadian Red Cross.
2020 Property Tax Notices
Using Masks The 2020 Property Tax Notices were mailed on May 22, 2019. If you have
not received your notice, please contact the Town at 403-361-2114. To
Businesses are the next line of defence and will continue taking action
to stop the spread of COVID-19. At their discretion, they can require avoid a 10% penalty on the current levy, payment must be made no later
customers to wear a mask when entering their business. If you are than October 31, 2020.
uncomfortable with this requirement or do not agree with their policy, it is Use the following methods for payment:
your choice to leave the establishment.
• Mail - It must be postmarked no later than the due date noted on your tax
Masks can be purchased or homemade. There is useful guidance on
notice in order to avoid penalties.
how to make and wear a mask at
aspx#p25621s4 • Drop box- Located in the front door of the Town of Strathmore office at
680 Westchester Road Cheques only as cash is not excepted through this
method. Please quote tax roll number on submission.
Summer Programs - Cancelled • Online banking – save us as a Payee – quote your account number
Under the guidance of the Provincial Government and Alberta Health (without the decimal point) use tax roll number without a decimal point.
Services the Town of Strathmore is cancelling all previously planned • Sign up for the Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) which comes out of
summer programs for 2020. This includes Child, Youth and Family HUB your bank account every month
Camps, Fire Services Camps, and Recreation programming at the Aquatic • Town does not accept credit card payments on taxes
Centre and Sports Centre. If you have previously registered for a Town of
Strathmore program, we will contact you in the next few weeks regarding
Free Tax Preparation Service
Family Community Support Services (FCSS) is continuing to offer their
SUPPORT free tax preparation service to those who qualify. Qualification for this
program does rely on income. Income requirements are outlined as
follows: Single Person- under $35,000.00, Couple- under $45,000.00,
Summer Adventure Kits – Register Now! and adult with one child - $37,000.00 each additional dependant
$2,500. Some exceptions may be made dependant on an individual’s
Over three hundred kids benefited from our Family Fun Kits in
situation. Please call Strathmore FCSS 403-934-9090 to book an
April and May. We’ve designed two summer-focused activity
packs – with a new kit just for teens, too. Deliveries will begin
June 1 and you can register today!
Learn more at

Wednesday, June 3rd from 10 – 1

Summer Summer Summer
Adventure Adventure Adventure Shred-it will be available by appointment only to a maximum of
Kits Kits Kits 250 people on a first come, first served basis.
Sign Up! Sign Up! Sign Up! Please call FCSS 403-934-9090 for details and to book your appointment.

Safe to Shred: What NOT to Shred:

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit
 Paper Batteries

Food 

 Paper Clips Pressurized Containers

Large Metal Objects

 Staples 

Glass/Cans etc.

May 29, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Grad parade cancelled Leela Sharon Aheer, MLA


SEAN FEAGAN put more of the onus on the schools,” said Proust.
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The town was “absolutely incredible” with STRATHMORE OFFICE:
helping to plan the parade, she added. “If they Meetings by appointment
Strathmore’s grad parade has been cancelled. did not give us the go-ahead, we would not have
The event was cancelled under orders from Al- been able to do it anyway.” 403-962-0126
berta Health Services, said Kimberly Proust, who The town also offered to livestream the event, Chestermere.Strathmore@
heads the Parent Parade Planning Committee. so anyone could watch the parade from the com-
The plan was to have a vehicle parade through fort of their own home.
town to celebrate the graduates, because custom- Despite planning for participant safety and MAILING ADDRESS:
ary grad events, such as “wearing the dresses and making the graduates sign waivers saying they PO Box 2527,
the suits, walking across the stage and having would stay in the cars, concerns about the event Strathmore, AB
everyone celebrate them,” were sidelined by the remained. The biggest issue, said Proust, was T1P 0H3
response to COVID-19, said Proust. Everyone was that the organizers could not control how many
to be in enclosed-cab vehicles, the Strathmore people were along the parade route.
RCMP was going to provide escort and the fire “Even if we had the livestream, at the end of
department was to “bring up the rear,” she said. the day, we just did not have that control,” she
The event evolved such that graduating stu- said. “There would possibly be more than 50
dents from Strathmore secondary schools were people in a space,” meaning the parade might
planning to participate, including Strathmore exceed the limit for outdoor gatherings that is
High School, Holy Cross Collegiate, Golden Hills still in effect.
Learning Academy and the Strathmore Storefront Proust accepts the decision by AHS to cancel
School, said Proust. the event.
AHS was involved throughout the event plan- “The province has said that is the rule,” she
ning, said Proust. “We had to have AHS approve said. “Not everybody likes it, but it is what it is.
the route, the date, the time, all of our plans – we “Until this pandemic slows down, we have to
had massive safety plans in motion.” follow the rules in order to stay safe.”
But 10 minutes before an event meeting on Fri- The ongoing cancellation of graduation events
day, the Town of Strathmore received an email may be tough on students.
saying AHS was shutting the event down because “Most of them just so desperately want to have
the province came out with new rules pertaining their right of passage,” said Proust. “These kids
to graduation ceremonies. have worked so hard to get to the end of their
“That in turn, in my opinion, kicked us out, and high school career – now it’s just cut short.”

Solar power for new town hall

SEAN FEAGAN $187,300, but it will be supported by grant fund-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter ing through the Alberta Municipal Solar Program,
an initiative by the Municipal Climate Change
Strathmore’s new town hall will have a solar Action Centre. This grant provides a rebate for
panel array – in what is projected to be a profit- 75 cents per watt on total installed capacity, up
able investment for the town long term. to 30 per cent of eligible expenses, as well as a
Strathmore town council voted to approve an first-time application bonus for 25 cents per watt,
88 KW solar power array for the rooftop of the up to a maximum of $250,000, according to the
new municipal building during its regular meet- report.
ing on May 20. The project is projected to be eligible for up to
Enmax Corp. was selected to provide the solar $78,200 in grant funding, resulting in a grant-ad-
panel array for the new municipal building. The justed total capital cost of the project of $109,100.
project includes funding for all permits, design, The town received two offers for the solar ar-
procurement, construction, commission and safe- ray project, Enmax and SkyFire, which are both
ty requirements, as well as remote monitoring of based in Calgary. However, the SkyFire offer le-
the facility. verages the town’s debt capacity and balance
The modules (the photovoltaic panels) and in- sheet to fund costs. In contrast, Enmax’s internal
verters (that convert the direct current from the financing leaves no impacts to the town’s debt
panel to alternating current for power) have a 25- balance, according to the report. They are offer-
year system and maintenance warranty. A 15-year ing a three per cent capital funding cost for a
warranty for limited operations and maintenance 15-year term, according to town administration.
is also included. Originally the town found that seven separate
The decision to add the solar panels will make solar deployments projects would be economi-
the town money over the 25-year lifetime of the cally feasible due to a large among of available
project, said Councillor Jason Montgomery, who grant funding. However, the availability of this
is the elected representative on the town’s sus- grant funding has decreased recently, so the
tainability committee. scope of this initiative was reduced to just this
“From the sounds of it, it will be revenue posi- single project, according to the report.
tive,” said Montgomery. “The amount of money “At this time, the characteristics of this project
that we could save from producing our own pow- best match the remaining grant funding available
er and selling some into the grid will apparently and the limited time available to apply for it,” the
put us ahead.” report states.
Specifically, the project is projected to provide The initiative fits within the mandate of not just
an economic benefit of $43,500 over the project’s the committee, but of the whole town, said Mont-
25-year lifespan, according to a report presented gomery.
by town administration. The project’s break-even “We’re very interested in acting in a sustain-
point is around the 17-year mark. able way and being able to use renewable power
The projected capital cost of the project is whenever possible.”

Mario Prusina Publisher

Janet Kanters Editor
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising
Jody Schneider Production
If you are in the market to buy or sell a
home, please know that I am taking all
the pre cautions to ensure you,
your family and your home are as
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, Christine Foshaug
safe as possible during
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 this pandemic.
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative.
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020


Owlet trio in Strathmore

Managing and Motivating A resident pair of great horned owls in
Strathmore hatched three owlets this
Remote Teams year, which were spotted resting outside
of their nest on May 24. Many people
walking by stopped for a glance and
quick picture of the trio, but it is advised
Remote work on a normal day
by many birders not to go searching for
comes with struggles. The
hatchlings and not to get close to nest
following BBB tips will help you
as not to disturb the birds for both their
manage and motivate your remote
protection and yours.
team, while enhancing your
leadership abilities.
Pass the Salt Photo Courtesy of Mickey Taylor

Tourism down but help on the way

In the Christian tradition, the
But perhaps this year we are
closer to the experience of the
SEAN FEAGAN gathering sizes to 15 people alongside
week before Easter is filled first disciples at that first Easter.
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter other restrictions made in response to
Changes and Reassurance with special attention to the For them, everything was turned
Openly talk with your team about the current situation and how you expect momentous events of Christ’s upside down, nothing was
COVID-19. Even with Alberta’s stage
change. That could be change in work tasks, priorities, home situations, national COVID-19 has slowed
entry into Jerusalem to the Alberta’s tourismas industry,
happening but help
they had expected. one relaunch underway, indoor gather-
regulations, anything. Let your team know you are here for them, ready to help is celebratory
on the way. cheers of pilgrims They were confused, frustrated, ings are still limited to 15 people unless
and willing to listen.
According to Strathmore
waving palm branches, the Town
sad, Councillor
and not a littleDenise Peter-
afraid. They otherwise identified in public health or-
Over Communicate son, Strathmore’s
increasing tourismhim
tension between industry,
kept towhich consists
themselves, largely
a small groupof ders.
Access to information is limited because of increased communication difficulties and thecoming
people Temple authorities,
to town for his events,
also doors,
been bewildered
hit hard by With these restrictions in place many
from teleworking. So, phone or virtual meetings are imperative, emails are final meal with his disciples, the
COVID-19. at the recent events. It was events are cancelled. The fallout from
important, priority lists are necessary, and taking notes in everything is essential
“From prayer in the Garden,
Strathmore’s perspectivetotally strange and
in tourism, weunusual for
are a tertiary these cancellations comes right across
to ensure your team is on the same page.
his arrest, trial, beatings and them.
tourism location – people aren’t coming here to see dino- the town’s tourism sector.
Trust & Support finally said
saurs,” crucifixion and burial
Peterson, who– is the And yet, and
elected yet, Jesus wason
representative ablethe “We have been 100 per cent wiped
By positively reinforcing good work ethic and making it abundantly clear you and then the glorious Easter to meet them where they were,
town’s tourism committee. “Our tourism industry is based on out for all of our large gatherings,” said
trust your team, you are strengthening their confidence in themselves and their celebration of Resurrection. as they were, and change the
team and fostering a productive and trusting work environment. that tertiary
Normally theseside: weddings,
observances are sports tournaments
darkness (and)into
of their situation ag so- Peterson. “Restaurants, hotels and the
*Trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus used under license.
by large gatherings of glorious day. Today, as then, town event centres are all impacted sig-
worshippers COVID-19
engaging inhas bothmeantJesusfewer comespeople are travelling
into where we are nificantly.”
anddeep less
somber reflection,are open.
and These trends
huddled behind closed are indicated
doors andby Within Strathmore, one the greatest

Book Your CLASSIFIED AD Today!

data celebration.
presented in the latest installment
says, “Peace of the be Alberta
with you!Tourism
See, it blows to the tourism sector were can-
This year,
Market however,
Monitor, a such
monthly report is I,by
myself. Do not be afraid.”
the province. cellations of weddings booked at the
There arearefarforbidden,
less peopleas on Alberta’s
It is not themajor
large gatherings
thoroughfares. Klaiber Historical Barn, said Peterson.
are the physical expressions of
Westbound traffic on the Trans-Canada Highway and elaborate religious
at services
the Alber- “These are usually quite large affairs,

Call the Strathmore TIMES 403.934.5589

joyous greeting. This year we
ta-Saskatchewan border was down by about 42 per which make this week Holy.cent in typically,” she noted. “They almost al-
gather, if at all, in very small Rather it is the presence of
April compared to last year, according to the report. ways utilize the Strathmore Civic Cen-
groups of close family, and Jesus Christ among us, one by
Many destinations
remain largely in seclusion.
have shuttered their doors. All of Alber-
one by one, wherever we are.
tre for their meal and dance venue, so
ta’sIt feels
historic sites and
like things have beenmuseums were closed
And that presence throughout
is what makesApril. that means the town has lost revenue
Some were open at the
turned totally upside down, and start of March, but visitations
us exclaim in the traditional were still as well.”
Thought for down 79 per centofthat month compared to the“Christ
previous year. Fewer weddings at the barn also
we have moments confusion, Easter greeting, is risen!
the Week These trends
frustration, appear
sadness, to and
worry, have hurt
He istourism jobs. Employment
risen indeed!” means less funding for local historic
~ perhaps
within theeven fear. Far from the and food service industries in Al-
accommodation work, as some revenue from bookings
things is we haveby traditionally Rev. from
Malcolm lastKern, Priest
There berta
expected to
about 46 per cent
feel and experience
announced on March St. 27Michael
it was&limiting
All Angelsmaximum
supports the Western District Historical
Society, said Peterson.
in this Holy Week. Anglican Church
is no Hotels have been hurt too. In re-
sponse, the provincial government an-
nounced new supports for hotels and
other lodging providers. In Alberta, all
for 105 Main St. Carseland
Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym
709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore
providers of temporary accommodation
with more than four bedrooms available
actual Pastor: Kevin Enns
Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki for rent collect a four per cent of the
purchase price of accommodation as
Broadcasting services on Suspended mass services.
church Facebook page. tourism levy. These funds are normally ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN
103 - 227 3rd Ave. remitted to the Alberta Finance Tax and
587-727-0649 Revenue Administration. To help these
STRATHMORE ALLIANCE businesses, the province announced
325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
Rev. Malcolm Kern on May 19 it is allowing them to keep
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
All services are cancelled until further notice
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe
“Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ”
money collected from the tourism levy
Associate Pastor: John Duerksen between March 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. The
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde HOPE COMMUNITY change will provide between $16 mil-
Cancelled all operations and services COVENANT CHURCH
until further notice. lion and $27 million in additional cash
245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 Pastor: Heidi Wiebe flow for the sector, according to the pro-
In person services have been cancelled. vincial government.
RCCG PECULIAR PEOPLE ASSEMBLY Preschool cancelled. Wyndham Hotels, which manages
(1 PET. 2:9) Online services available. Travelodge, was contacted for comment
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
on the measure, but no response was
403-714-2283 provided.
Pastor: Sunday Adeola
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue Wheatland County appreciates these
Will be offering online services
403-934-3025 measures the government of Alberta is
until further notice.
Rev. Pamela Scott
All worship services and gatherings
taking to support tourism, said Reeve
cancelled until further notice. Amber Link, in a statement. “Tourism
LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN Phone messages checked weekly. is a significant and growing industry
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 in Wheatland and has been impacted
substantially by COVID and the public
All worship services and gatherings are 102 Canal Gardens
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 health measures that have been put in
closed until further notice.
The office will be open part time. Pastor: Elizabeth Karp place.”
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! Pastor: Dave Mackie With international travel sidelined,
Worship Sundays 10:30 am there is a chance that more people
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
might explore and recreate more locally
of worship as restrictions are lifted. Canadians Bad-
Meeting in the Lutheran Church lands Tourism is currently working on a
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH digital “experience guide” by “gathering

Pastor: Donald Pierre 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 as much as we can to populate it with
Services held every Saturday Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda great information,” said Lonna Hoggan,
Sabbath School: 10 AM
All services and gatherings are executive director, in a statement.

Worship Service: 11 AM cancelled until further notice. Supporting the local tourism industry “is really about staying connected and
offering information and support to the
region right now,” she said. “We saw a

CALL 403-934-5589
lot of visitation to the Canadian Bad-
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints lands last weekend and still hope that
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | tourists will be able to fully enjoy the
403-983-2746 | | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
region in 2020.”
May 29, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

County developing new marketing model Tasty fresh and frozen

Ukrainian food, just like you
SEAN FEAGAN pansion, and attraction in Wheatland markets, said Boscariol. would find in
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter County. The work is part of a broader “Wheatland County is very lucky to Baba’s kitchen!
economic development strategy that be in the Calgary metropolitan region
Wheatland County is developing a the county has been implementing and we have a population access of 1.5
new marketing model to promote spe- since its approval by council in 2019. million people,” he said. “We have pro-
cific industries within the county by The model includes the develop- ducers that don’t necessarily have their
networking businesses and connecting ment of a database referencing all message out there.
them to potential buyers in the Calgary businesses throughout the sector. “By promoting through this sector
region. Then, businesses featured by the WC chain, we can make contact with re-
The first model is being applied to Mercantile brand will be promoted on tailers or potential customers that may RESTAURANT OPEN
Wheatland County’s agricultural food social media, said Matthew Boscariol, not have even known about our busi- from 3 to 8 p.m. Daily for Dine In,
producer network, in an initiative be- Wheatland County’s general manager nesses in the county.” Take Out and Delivery
ing referred to as Wheatland County of community and development ser- WC Mercantile is being used to as a
Mercantile. vices. base example of what is capable with
The project includes a sub-branding “We have the brand, we compile the the new model that can be applied to FREEZER PACK SPECIALS
of the WC brand announced last Oc- database, and we reach out through other industries, said Boscariol. $99.99 each
tober by the county’s economic de- social media channels and other means “That is pretty much our poster child
velopment department. This depart- in the area,” he said. for where we are going with regards to Includes: 1 dozen cabbage rolls, 2 dozen
ment works to develop resources for The initiative will help businesses our initiatives and strategies, and how cheese stuffed meatballs in pasta sauce with
business development, retention, ex- throughout the county enter larger we roll them out,” he said. “We are go- baked cheese on top, 4 dozen perogies, 1 link
ing to target every single industry that of kielbasa, 6 chicken kiev (chicken breast

Senior care facilities receive

we can in the county – that’s our ulti- stuffed with garlic butter and breaded) &
mate goal.” choice of 1 whole pie or 6 mini cheesecakes.


Includes: 8 individual pot pies (choice of
turkey, chicken, beef), 4 individual shepherd’s
SEAN FEAGAN and municipalities, would have never pies, 4 individual lasagna & 4 dozen perogies.
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter predicted a pandemic causing such an
impact on the budget, said Cook in a
Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING PACK
Includes: 4 individual pot pies (choice of
Seniors care facilities are getting statement. Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker turkey, chicken, beef), 2 individual lasagna,
funding from the provincial govern- “As WHMB continues to move for- 403-324-2222 2 individual shepherd’s pies, 2 chicken kiev,
ment to help them meet added costs ward in keeping the residents safe, 2 stuffed potatoes, 6 cabbage rolls, 1 kielbasa
and decreased revenues from CO- healthy and happy, it’s reassuring to link, 4 dozen perogies (choice of flavours)
VID-19 – but only some facilities are know that we will be supported finan- KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker Orders take 48 hours.
eligible. cially,” she said. “We are all looking
The government of Alberta an- forward to the gradual lifting of restric- 587-390-0596 FREE DELIVERY on specified days.
nounced an investment of more than tions that the residents have endured Search: Dobre Food and Catering
$170 million to support staff and resi- for over two months and counting.” 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave, on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
dents in long-term care, designated The funding will address the higher Strathmore, AB
supportive living facilities, and senior costs and lost revenues for these facili- 135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
lodges safe from COVID-19 on May 19. ties, said Joesphine Pon, minister of Se- 403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
Older people have had worse out- niors and Housing, in the release. to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
comes with the virus: of Alberta’s 135 “Our government is strengthening
reported fatalities as of May 25, 68 per our ring of defence around Alberta’s
cent (92) were of people 80 years of seniors,” said Pon. “The funding we are
age or older, and 89 per cent were putting into place for seniors’ lodges

aged 70 years or older. About five per to assist with costs arising from CO-
cent of people aged between 70 and VID-19 protective measures, will help


79 that contract the virus end up in an protect seniors housing providers from
intensive care unit, the highest of any financial pressures and will help our

age group. seniors to remain safe at home.”
The virus has been particularly dead- However, only public facilities or
ly in care facilities housing seniors. those with provincial contracts are eli-
Three quarters of Alberta’s 134 report- gible for the funding. This means that
ed deaths were in continuing care fa-
cilities as of May 22, according to Tom
private facilities operating without
public contracts, such as Strathmore’s MAKE NO PAYMENTS
McMillan, assistant director of commu-
nications with Alberta Health. Within
Meadowlark Senior Care Home, will
not receive any of this funding from FOR 180 DAYS**
the Calgary Health Region alone, 17 the province, explained Debbie Wake-
long term care facilities or supportive lam, owner and operator of Meadow-


living sites had outbreaks of the virus. lark.
Reopening the province is depen- “We’re all licensed by the govern-


dent on protecting older people to ment,” said Wakelam. “The problem is
whom the virus poses the greatest risk, they are choosing to fund only the two

said the provincial health minister, Ty- that are contracted sites. They are ex-
ler Shandro, in a release. “We know cluding, in the province of Alberta, all
from our experience over the past few the private operators.
months that seniors are most at risk “Why do I have to be licensed, follow
from COVID-19,” he said. “If our prov- all the regulations, and yet be excluded
ince is to carefully and gradually lift
public health restrictions, we must first
from funding?”
AgeCare Sagewood, another licensed CALL: 403-934-3334
make sure our most vulnerable will re-
main safe.”
senior care facility in town, is privately
owned but has a contract with Alberta OR
Mitigating the threat of COVID-19
in care facilities has added extra costs
Health Services and is thus still eligible
for the funding, said Wakelam. AgeC- VISIT: STRATHMOREMOTORS.COM
for these organizations. Wheatland are was contacted for comment but no
Housing must meet the requirements response was received.
of changing health orders, enhance Like other care facilities, Meadow-
staffing, and provide extra clean- lark must still follow all Alberta Health
ing supplies and personal protection orders and is experiencing escalating
equipment (PPE), said Vickey Cook, costs as a result, she said. Increased
Wheatland Housing Management Body cleaning requirements means increas-
(WHMB) chief administrative officer. ing overall staff hours “because you
It has also resulted in lost accommo- can’t take that (time) away from care,”
dation revenue as there are no admis- she said. The orders have also pres-
sions during the outbreak, and some sured staffing, because as some staff OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31, 2020. SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS.
residents have moved to higher care worked at more than one site, Wake-
facilities or died (not from the virus), lam gave them the option to work at
she said. only one to reduce risk for residents,
Wheatland Housing, a non-for-profit she said. “It’s those types of costs, and
organization funded by government now we are being excluded.”
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020

Wheatland-Kneehill intermunicipal
development plan approved
SEAN FEAGAN panying recreational, residential and Kneehill County passed second and
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter commercial developments. The lands of third reading of their respective bylaw
the proposed resort are therefore gov- relating to the IDP knowing that Wheat-
Wheatland County and Kneehill Coun- erned by Kneehill County’s ASP for the land County’s public hearing was still
Strathmore RCMP are reminding ty have a new plan to work together on development (Kneehill County Bylaw open, said Koester during the May 19
residents to Lock-It or Lost-It decisions around their shared border No. 1597), which was approved in June meeting.
following several thefts from vehicles. area – but amendments proposed by 2013. “Now they don’t want to change any-
council in response public concerns The Kneehill/Wheatland County IDP thing because they have already done
- Locking your vehicle doors is a were not incorporated, at least for now. received first and second reading by theirs,” he said. “I don’t like being treat-
The counties have adopted a new in- Wheatland County on March 24, 2020. ed like that.”
quick and simple way to help
termunicipal development plan (IDP), During the public hearing portion of the There are regular review periods for
prevent this crime.
a document required by the provincial meeting, members of the public voiced the IDP, so amendments to the plan
- Hide loose change inside the vehicle
law governing municipalities outlining support for the ecological significance could be proposed when it is next
where it can’t easily be seen and take how land use decisions around their of the Rosebud River Valley and spoke brought to council. “Because it’s a liv-
all items of any value with you when borders are coordinated. against the approved Badlands Motors- ing document, I don’t have a problem
leaving your car. According to Amber Link, Wheatland ports Development. moving ahead with it,” said Division 7
- Never leave your vehicle running County reeve, by authoring a land use In response, Wheatland County Divi- Councillor Ben Armstrong during the
unattended. document together, Wheatland and sion 6 Councillor Glenn Koester sug- meeting.
Kneehill counties ensure the continua- gested amendments to the plan. Specifi- Link also voiced support for passing
Strathmore RCMP ask residents to help tion of a collaborative relationship. cally, he proposed a change to Section the plan but amending it in the future,
do their part by ensuring their property “This collaboration is regional coop- 4.2.13, to remove provision, “where during the meeting. “We have some
is properly locked. eration at its finest,” said Link. no approved ASP or ACP is in place.” feedback that we need to work to try to
The plan establishes how the coun- This would have required either of the integrate into the document, and I know
ties must collaborate if land use or de- counties to ask for comment from the our administration has assured us that
1-800-222-TIPS velopment changes are proposed in other for all discretionary use approvals they will continue to work with Knee-
(1-800-222-8477) lands around the counties’ shared mu-
nicipal border, which follows Highway
throughout the entire plan area, regard-
less of whether an ASP exists.
hill administration, and as those reviews
take place I hope that feedback will be
9 through much of the west of the plan “There’s nothing wrong with letting taken into consideration,” said Link.

YOUR AD area, and traces the Rosebud River Val-

ley in the region’s east.
us know when it’s right on our bor-
der, when our physical infrastructure is
Wheatland County council then ap-
proved the plan as it was originally

The plan focuses on lands referred to impacted and our environmental con- worded, in a 6-1 vote, with Koester vot-
as the plan area, which mostly is com- cerns,” said Koester during the March 24 ing in opposition.
prised of a section of land on either side meeting. Badlands Recreation Development
of the border, but which extends to 2.5 Another amendment was proposed to Corp. has received the necessary pro-
Contact Rose 403-934-5589 kilometres from the border in some ar- a section pertaining to the area’s natural vincial environmental approvals to con- eas. The total land area of the region is landscape, under Section 2, to include struct the Badlands Motorsports devel-
19,640 hectares or 48,532 acres. a statement recognizing that 4,000 acres opment. It received Water Act approval
Section 4.2.13 of the IDP states that all of the Rosebud River watershed are un- on Jan. 9, 2020 to infill two wetlands,
discretionary use applications within the der conservation easement agreements, modify three wetlands, and implement
YOUR WEEKLY plan area, where no approved ASP (area as well as that “conservation efforts con- a stormwater management system at
HEALTH ADVICE structure plan) or ACP (Alberta commu- tinue in the area,” rather than “some the site. Then on Feb. 27, the proposed
nity partnership) is in place, shall be re- conservation efforts exist in the area.” stormwater system was issued registra-
ferred to the adjacent municipality for Wheatland council then directed staff tion as an activity under the Environ-
comment prior to a decision being is- to request an intermunicipal committee mental Protection and Enhancement
Gord Morck
sued. ASPs are long term land use plan- meeting with Kneehill to discuss the Act.
Pharmacist ning documents for a defined area, such amendments, according to a report by Kneehill County council made a rec-
as a village.
y n amic s into
Wheatland’s administration. ommendation on Jan. 28, 2020 to its
Capsule Comments
e ro d
ce of A
Two locations within the plan area However, during the Wheatland Coun- municipal planning commission to ap-
People who are blind or have vision problems
s c i e n
have ASPs. The first is the Village of
h e
ty council meeting on May 19, coun- prove the Badlands Motorsports Resort
hampering their ability to read prescription la- Put t
n o m i c tool kit
Rosebud, for which an ASP was passed cil was informed that Kneehill County applications to subdivide to create sepa-
your Agr
bels can take heart. Soon there will be talking in 2016. Council had already passed their own rate lots for different racetracks. Then,
prescription labels available. These labels have a The other is the Badlands Motorsports bylaw to adopt the IDP, and that they Kneehill County moved on Feb. 25 to
tiny microchip and antenna built in that contains Resort ASP. This planned 425-acre devel- were not willing to discuss amending proceed with the Badlands Motorsports
all the information about the prescription which
opment includes a racetrack and accom- the IDP further. Resort Development Agreement.
can be spoken to you.

ics into
What should you do if you take an oral dose of a

o d y n a m INDIVIDUAL
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medication then vomit shortly after? If vomiting
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May 29, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Giving back
Gordon Red Crow Jr., owner of the Siksika Conve-
nience Store, and his family handed out traditional
care packages consisting of sweetgrass, sage, hand

New town
sanitizer, rubber gloves and surgical masks to Siksi-
ka community members to help with the prevention

hall taking of COVID-19. Originally Red Crow was contacted by

a young Siksika man living and working in Brooks

place who contracted COVID-19 who requested tradition-

al sweet grass and sage to help with prayer as well
Steel construction crews as disinfectant products. Red Crow put together a
worked on erecting the struc- package for the man before creating more packages
tural steel at the new Strath- for other Siksika families. Siksika nation member Ja-
more municipal building on son Doore (l-r) and Gordon Red Crow Jr.
May 26. Photo Courtesy of Gordon Red Crow Jr.
Adelle Ellis Photo

Magnet fishing helps clean waterways

Hayley Thiessen
daughter of B.J and
Darren as she
ADELLE ELLIS “We are just an adventurous couple nothing like falling in (the water),” graduates with
Times Reporter that loves anything outdoors and na- joked Kraft. Bachelor of Arts
ture; we got into it because we love the They’ve pulled out bikes, scooters,
Degree in
A mostly unheard-of hobby has one outdoors and helping clean and keep fence posts with barbed wire, metal
International Relations
couple making a positive impact in waters clean,” said Kraft, who added poles, a lot of fishing lures and line,
Strathmore by cleaning up local water- from UBC.
that because no one he knows of does knives, money and more.
ways through “magnet fishing.” magnet fishing, there is a saturation of The duo started with smaller magnets Proud Grandma Bette
Locals Garret Kraft and Sarah Johnson junk sitting at the bottom of local ponds, pulling in some smaller trophies, before Kennedy and her family.
were watching Facebook and YouTube lakes and canals. quickly realizing the larger items, such
videos when they learned about magnet Kraft and Johnson go out at least three as bikes, would require heavy duty hard-
fishing. Magnet fishing is widely prac- times a week. They’ve been to Kins- ware. Kraft says all they use is a good Residential
ticed in canals in Europe and in water- men Park pond, the Bow River and El- set of rain boots and gloves as they can Acreage
ways near war battle sites, where people bow River, and to several smaller ponds get dirty quickly, a heavy-duty rope, a
use giant magnets to “fish” for relics of
Award Winning
and canals around town, and they have grappling hook, two single-sided 530
the past. plans to go to Severn Dam and Eagle lbs pull force magnets and two double-
The couple decided they could try Lake among others. sided 1,260 lbs pull force magnets for
magnet fishing here to help clean up lo- The pair have found a lot of treasures, the larger finds.
cal water bodies. The two, who said they and a lot of junk. Kraft said there are no regulations
love doing different water and outdoor “We throw (our magnets) off the against magnet fishing as it is a way of
activities, feel it’s their responsibility to banks, docks, bridges, boats, anywhere cleaning up the water, and that every- Alisa Wurz
help keep the water clean. we have a stable throwing stance … thing they find they either keep, put it (403) 934-7903
in the garbage or recycle. alisawurz@

Town councillor code of

“We both love to fish, paddle board
and boat, along with so many other wa-
ter and outdoor activities,” said Kraft. “I Visit my Website to find your

conduct amended just feel I should do my part to clean up

what other people can’t as I want the
waters to be clean.”
SEAN FEAGAN said Deputy Mayor Melanie Corbiell in
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter a statement. “This will not just apply to
this council, but councils in the future.”
In a recent survey of adults 18+ living in communities of
Strathmore town council members are The change will help avoid incidents less than 100,000 population on the prairies, the majority
now required to sign an oath that they in the future where there’s confusion of the respondents across all measured sectors said
have read and understood the Council about what the abilities or roles of a
Code of Conduct when they swear their
oath of office.
councillor might be, said Councillor Ja-
Town council voted on May 6 to
amend the town’s Council Code of Con-
The change was made in regard to a
recent issue where there was some con- ADS IN PRINTED
duct Bylaw to include the requirement
to sign an oath – an amendment that
fusion about the extent of what a coun-
cillor should be doing, he said. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS
was requested by council. “That was to impress upon this cur-

“This was just to ensure we all are rent council, and any future councils,
familiar with the code of conduct, as that the code of conduct needs to be
they are the rules that bound council,” well known,” said Montgomery.

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LIQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION!! Actions included seeking more information, visiting a store in
person or online or making a purchase.

CALVIN MURRAY How Geography Impacts Media Access, Usage and

Engagement: January 2020
Phone: (403) 533-2400 Fax: (403) 533-2401 Totum Research: Interview timing Dec. 2019/Jan. 2020. Random Sample Adults
18+ Using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Method with a margin

email: of error of +/- 3.3% at 95% confidence level with 900 interviews AB/SK/MB
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020

Gaming community helps local teen

SEAN FEAGAN armies that you are using from these 18 members that meet at the store to
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter extremely elaborate model kids,” ex- play one of the two genres of the game,
plained John Hilton-O’Brien, co-owner said Hilton-O’Brien. There is a group
A local teen interested in tabletop of the store. “They are quite high qual- dedicated to each game type.
gaming had a heartwarming surprise ity.” “We actually have some tables spe-
when a local gaming group banded to- The game comes in two “flavours”: a cially built for it,” he said. The tables
gether to help get him into the hobby. science-fiction version (called Warham- are the game’s battlefield, which in-
It all started at HOB’s Hobbies, a mer 40,000 — think aliens shooting clude painted and constructed terrain, Nic Fort (r), Strathmore coordinator of Strath-
Strathmore store specializing in gam- each other in a dark and scary future) he explained. more’s Warhammer Age of Sigmar group that
ing, including card games, board games and a fantasy version (called Age of There are different factions of armies, meets at HOB’s Hobbies, with co-owner of the
and Warhammer, a miniature-based ta- Sigmar, which is a bit like Lord of The each with their own unique unit types. store, John Hilton O’Brien (l). Fort worked togeth-
bletop strategy game. Rings). er with other members of the group to donate an
Enthusiasts assemble an army by build-
army of the tabletop wargame to a local teen in-
“Warhammer is a tabletop wargame Within Strathmore, there is a local ing and painting the model kits, then terested in entering the hobby.
in which you need to actually build the gaming community comprised of about can play a game (“battle”) against an Sean Feagan Photo
opposing army.
“It’s like chess on steroids, mixed you can pick,” he said.
Wanderer with Dungeons and Dragons,” said Nic
Fort, Strathmore resident and coordina-
So, Fort decided to step up, alongside
other players. He put out a notice on

Widelite Fifth tor of the Age of Sigmar group. “But in-

stead of having one character, you have
an online hub called The Black Market
Calgary, where miniatures and painting
supplies are sold. “I just put a message
Wheel Travel
a huge army.”
The game teaches strategy skills and on it saying if anyone had extra Storm-
is a chance to socialize, said Fort. cast or could sell them cheap, there’s
Trailer “A few guys get together, put their
plastic toys on the table, roll some dice
a kid who wants some models but
doesn’t have a big budget.”
(2003) and have a good time for a few hours,” Six or seven people responded and
he said. “It can be very easy or very sold him about $800 or $900 of mod-
competitive.” els for $200. Then, the local community
But it is not cheap. helped cover the cost. “Everybody just
Each model in an army has a point sort of chipped in.”
value assigned to it, and armies are The help was unexpected, said Fort.
matched for a bout based on their total “He was quite surprised – it came out
point value, he explained. Players often of nowhere.”
compete with and against 2,000-point The Warhammer group is not just
armies, which can cost between $600 about gaming, he added.
and $700. “It is a community,” he said. “It’s
Hilton-O’Brien told Fort about a lo- nerds and geeks and people who don’t
cal teenager who was interested in the like things like motorbiking and hunt-
Sleeps eight including bunk beds, kitchen table, sofa bed and master bed. Bath- ing that get together and have some-
game but could not afford to take a
room has tub/shower with removable shower head and kitchen has dual sinks. plunge into the hobby. thing to do.
Fresh water cap. Tons of storage inside and out. Lightly used and kept very clean, “He kept talking about this kid who “We’re always trying to help each
properly winterized and sanitized each year. Less than 3,000 km with brand new didn’t have much, but liked Stormcast other out – in this hobby, and in life
mattress (paid over $1,500). Plumbing, water heater, heating and refrigeration all Eternal, which is one of the factions too.”
in working order. Tows and sets up very easily and quickly and great for a young
family. $8,000 OBO. Call 403-830-3545 REMEMBERING OUR ROOTS: ORIGINS OF
The Happy Gang, Strathmore
An urgent message to the Government of Canada Times Contributor
An urgent
from message
Alberta’s to the Government
community of Canada
newspaper publishers On Feb. 6, 1970, a group of senior
from Alberta’s community newspaper publishers citizens met in the Strathmore United
Around the world, governments are moving to correct an historical inequality that Church hall, located on Third Avenue
the birth of digital media
governments platforms.
are moving to correct an historical inequality that (where the courthouse now stands),
dates back to the birth of digital media platforms. to discuss the forming of a club for se-
In April 2020 alone, Australia and France both announced plans to make sure niors, for social afternoons or evenings.
In Apriland
2020Facebook pay theirand
alone, Australia fairFrance
share, both
instead of exploiting
announced planstax
make surewhile The first board was duly elected that af-
making billions of dollars off the backs of original content producers.
Google and Facebook pay their fair share, instead of exploiting tax loopholes while ternoon, consisting of president Harold
making billions of dollars
We, the undersigned off therepresenting
publishers backs of original content producers.
the members of the Alberta Weekly Scheer, vice-president Bill Watt, secre-
Newspapers Association, call onrepresenting
Ottawa to follow the example of Alberta
France and tary-treasurer Mabel Groves and social
We, the undersigned publishers the members of the Weekly convener Mayme Martin.
Newspapers Association, call on Ottawa to follow the example of France and The next five years, through De-
The situation is urgent, with media companies suffering huge advertising revenue cember 1975, the seniors’ group, now
declines because
The situation of the Coronavirus
is urgent, pandemic.suffering huge advertising revenue
with media companies known as The Senior Happy Club, met
declines because of the Coronavirus pandemic. twice monthly at the United Church
Other governments recognize the need for speedy intervention. Both France and hall. Membership fees were set at $1
Australia have set deadlines
Other governments to the
recognize have mandatory
need solutions
for speedy in placeBoth
intervention. by July. Thatand
France per person, per year.
means paying
Australia have for
set copyrighted
deadlines to content and sharing
have mandatory the advertising
solutions dollars
in place by and data
July. That On Nov. 7, 1975 the name was In July 2015, The Happy Gang prem-
meansflow fromfor
paying it. copyrighted content and sharing the advertising dollars and data changed to The Happy Gang Society of ises were a hive of activity when the
that flow from the
it. Federal Government to follow the advice of its own expert Strathmore, protected and governed by Town of Strathmore hosted the 55 Plus
We encourage The Incorporated Society Act. Seniors Summer Games.
panel set up to the
We encourage review the Broadcasting
Federal Government and Telecommunications
to follow Acts,expert
the advice of its own which The club moved to the Royal Canadi- In 2016, the premises were complete-
recommended similar measures.
panel set up to review the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Acts, which an Legion Memorial Hall in Strathmore, ly renovated by the Town of Strath-
recommended similar measures. from 1975 to 1982, while the old com- more, with grant funding coming from
The model exists. The need is clear. munity hall that used to stand where the provincial government. The new
The model
Let’s apply exists. The need is
those principles ofclear.
fairness in Canada, and do it now. the current building is located, was re- building now houses a very enlarged
placed by a new building. The Strath- library, still using the original entrance,
Let’s apply those principles of fairness in Canada, and do it now. more Municipal Library and The Happy and The Happy Gang with their own
Gang shared this building located at 85 entrance at the southern end of build-
Respectfully, Lakeside Blvd., and access to the build- ing. FCSS moved to Third Avenue in the
Jason Lyon, President ing was through the main entrance. In old SAAN building.
Alberta WeeklyPresident
Newspapers Association 2013, FCSS, originally part of WFCSS, The Happy Gang enjoys a member-
Jason Lyon,
moved into the southeast corner of the ship of 185, paying annual fees of $25
DennisWeekly Newspapers
Merrell, Association
Executive Director building, next door to a room used by each, and has activities daily from Mon-
DennisWeekly Newspapers
Merrell, Association
Executive Director the Strathmore Lions Club. Entrance to day to Saturday, which include exercise
Mario Weekly
(Local publisher’s Association
name here)
, Publisher this building was through the main en- programs, pool, cards and line dancing.
Name Times name trance, and The Happy Gang entry was A garage sale is held twice yearly in
(Local of Publisher’s
publisher’s newspaper
through a door from the main hall. April and October.
Name of Publisher’s newspaper
May 29, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

In a recent survey of adults 18+ living in communities of In a recent survey of adults 18+ living in communities of
less than 100,000 population on the prairies, the majority less than 100,000 population on the prairies, the majority
of the respondents across all measured sectors said of the respondents across all measured sectors said


than ads in other platforms

than ads in other platforms

of respondents said they’d be inspired to seek more
information, visit a store in person or online or
make a purchase based on seeing an ad in a printed Actions included seeking more information, visiting a
community newspaper or its website. store in person or online or making a purchase.

How Geography Impacts Media Access, Usage and How Geography Impacts Media Access, Usage and
Engagement: January 2020 Engagement: January 2020
Totum Research: Interview timing Dec. 2019/Jan. 2020. Random Sample Adults Totum Research: Interview timing Dec. 2019/Jan. 2020. Random Sample Adults
18+ Using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Method with a margin 18+ Using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Method with a margin
of error of +/- 3.3% at 95% confidence level with 900 interviews AB/SK/MB of error of +/- 3.3% at 95% confidence level with 900 interviews AB/SK/MB


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Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020


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berta. Farm life with a big family was always busy. resume online. FREE. Visit TIMES! Brome, Crested Wheatgrass,
One of her favourite memories of farm life was when Timothy, etc. Star City, SK.
University of Alberta ( lation have been a welcome she went on a cattle drive her dad. Holly was a devout add. Call Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306-
break from interactions that Catholic having her first Holy Communion when she 403-934-5589 921-9942.
There’s a good reason peo- usually make them uncom- was six and later Confirmed in 1969. Holly graduated MISC
ple are buying out baking high school in 1974 and completed a training pro-
supplies in grocery stores
fortable. And overscheduled
gram to aid children with disabilities. She also earned HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT. NOTICES
families have seen their val- a certificate to become a private investigator to “keep Other medical conditions
and posting their freshly ues and priorities shift as causing TROUBLE WALKING
made bread, buns and des- their evenings and week-
an eye on her boys” (not that she would admit it).
or DRESSING? The Disability Notice of Preparation
Holly put her family above all else. She and Boyd
serts on social media as the ends have suddenly become moved to keep their family together in Edmonton,
Tax Credit allows for $3,000
yearly tax credit and $30,
of 2019 Assessment Roll
COVID-19 pandemic wears full of free time. Spain, Greece, Strathmore, and later Texas. She loved used for 2020 Property Taxation Year
000 lump sum refund. Take
on, according to an occupa- But at this point in the pan- travelling with Boyd and enjoyed holidays in Venezu-
tional therapist and associate ela, Ecuador, Mexico, China, and numerous locations
advantage of this offer. Apply for Village of Rockyford,
demic response, we’ve now NOW; quickest refund Na-
professor at the University of within the United States. tionwide: Expert help. 1-844- within Province of Albert9
entered a phase Forhan calls
Alberta. Holly had a larger than life personality. She could get 453-5372. Notice is hereby given that the 2019 Assessment
“occupational liminality” – a an autograph from any singer or sports player. She
“Engaging in an art or a transitional state that makes Roll for Village of Rockyford used for 2020
loved music, concerts and “name that tune” with her REQUIRE PRESS RELEASE
craft is therapeutic; it’s a Property Taxation, completed under the
people feel like they’re in boys. She was an avid flames fan as evidenced by SERVICE? Let us help you
means to an end for peo- provisions of Municipal Government Act, has
limbo, stuck between miss- the huge competitions they had in their house every with that! During this un-
ple,” said Mary Forhan dur- precedented time, we are
been prepared and is open for inspection
ing the way things were and hockey season. She also enjoyed making up nick- Monday to Friday during business hours of
ing a free presentation names for the people she loved. She was a social assisting organizations, busi-
worrying about the future. nesses and the public in get- 8:30am to 4:30 pm MST at Village of Rockyford
livestreamed to more than For some, the ongoing dis- butterfly. She would engage anyone and everyone Administration Office located at 110 Main Street,
ting their message out about
100 viewers on May 13. ruption of daily life and unfa- in conversation and would brighten their day with Rockyford, AB T0J 2R0.
changing operations, cancel-
“Crafts historically have her warm and welcoming smile and personality. She lations, etc. Though we can- If you have any questions or concerns about
miliar rules for even routine would always part with a hug and a kiss for all.
been viewed as a way to tasks like grocery shopping not guarantee publication, your assessment, please contact the Village of
Holly was pre-deceased by her dad, Edmond. She is AWNA will get this informa- Rockyford at 403-533-3950.
maintain self-esteem, build have brought on feelings of survived by her mother Eileen; husband Boyd; sib- tion into the right hands for Any person who desires to object to the
skills and distract from path- frustration, loss of control lings LaRue, Marcel (Jo), Cordell (Denise), Rebecca, ONLY $60 plus GST. Email: assessed value placed upon any property
ological thinking.” and vulnerability, she noted. Jocelyne (Jesse); children Christopher (Jaeda), Adam for must, on or before 4:00pm of July 31, 2020 lodge
At the beginning of the “We’re all experiencing (Jennifer) and Zachary; grandchildren Maddix, Levi, details. their complaint(s) in writing to the Clerk of the
COVID-19 pandemic, many this in our own way, and ev- Rhett and Harlyn. Assessment Review Board, with a fee of $60.00
people were thriving by A memorial service will be held at a later date when CRIMINAL RECORD? Why to the Village of Rockyford, Box 294, 110 Main
eryone needs to find their suffer employment/licensing
keeping up with their activi- restrictions are lifted. In lieu of flowers, donations Street, Rockyford, AB T0J 2R0.
own way in terms of what loss? Travel/business oppor-
ties or helping others, said can be made to the Wheatland Crisis Society (P.O.
works for them,” she said. Box 2162, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1K2 or online at tunities? Be embarrassed? Combined 2020 Assessment and Tax notices
Forhan, who is chair of the Forhan suggested remain- Think: Criminal Pardon. US have been mailed May 22, 2020. If you have
occupational therapy depart- ing flexible or trying new ac- or the Heart and Stroke Foundation (#200,119 14
entry waiver. Record purge. not received your combined notice in the mail,
ment in the Faculty of Reha- File destruction. Free con-
tivities – which is where cre- St NW #100, Calgary, AB T2N 1Z6 or online at www. please contact the Village Office in Rockyford,
bilitation Medicine. sultation. 1-800-347-2540.
ative, constructive pastimes and follow the links. at 403-533-3950.
“During the first few like baking come in. To send condolences, please visit Holly’s obituary at
Dated this 25th day of May, 2020.
weeks, we saw a strong
sense of community con-
“Activities such as crafts NOTICES
have often been used to
nection. It was typical for us help with focus, skill de-
to see a higher level of oc- velopment, opening lines
cupational enjoyment and of communication, sharing
satisfaction through activi- emotions, building trust and
ties such as checking in on a building self-esteem,” said
neighbour or delivering food Forhan. “This is a therapeu-
and medicine to people who tic practice that goes back
can’t get out.”
For others, measures like
more than a century.” THANK YOU Western Irrigation District
Distribution of Irrigation Acres
The Western Irrigation District is offering 980 irrigation acres for sale for

Hats Off to the

the 2021 water season. Anyone looking to expand their active irrigation is
encouraged to contact Charlotte Mandel at the WID office to discuss the best
options for them. The application process ensures that the acres will be used

Class of 2020
actively and that the overall water efficiency of the WID system will increase.
The WID will evaluate the following factors to prioritize the allocation of
these irrigation acres:
- Conveyance efficiency

Class of
- Servicing Infrastructure
- Land Classification

- On-Farm System Efficiency
- Current irrigation activity on the parcel
The Strathmore Times - Expansion limit and the Determination
- Applicant as an Economic Unit and the members of the Economic Unit
will be publishing this - Irrigation Acres on the assessment roll in the name of the Applicant and
Special Section on Economic Unit
- Such further and other factors under the Irrigation Districts Act
Friday, June 19, These acres will be distributed at a capital asset charge of $770 per acre
2020 A special thanks to which has been determined based on future infrastructure requirements of
the District.
Deadline: June 12, 2020 Walter Laking of the
Be a part of Wheatland West Fire Department
Deadline for applications is June 10th, 2020 and must include a current
Alberta land classification report. Payment for successful applicants will be
congratulating for all the volunteer work he’s done due by December 1st, 2020.
the Grads of 2020! during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The WID is committed to ensuring our water license is utilized to its
He has been instrumental in the
maximum potential for the benefit of our irrigators. As such, it is key that
organizing birthday fire truck runs the acres to be distributed are not only utilized actively, but also efficiently.
Full Colour, Full & Half
for the people of Wheatland County An irrigation system must be installed within two years of the acres being
Banners available
and the Town of Strathmore. allocated to the parcel.
Call Rose 403.934.5589 Please go to our website or stop by our office for an
or email Thank you Wheatland West Fire application form.

from your friends at
If you have any further questions please contact our office at
STRATHMORE K.M.W. Heating and Air Conditioning 403-934-3542.
May 29, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11


on Bakken oilfield. Under an equine facility. N/S, no

$1000 an acre. Paying 5% dogs, cats ok. $900/mo.
return with long term lease.
For more information, con-
tact Doug at 306-716-2671.
Avail. April 1. Horse board
extra. Contact: g_rfarms@ 403-875-9724
CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2
bdrm. ½ month rent free SERVICING MOST • Renovations • Hydronic Heating
1992 Ford L9000 and 9 Bins,
with a six month lease. Heat MAKES AND MODELS • Service Work • Gas Fitting
30 cubic yard each. All in ex- • New Construction • Sewer Cleaning/
& water included. No pets.
cellent condition. $140,000. • Commercial Sewer Camera
Please call for availability.
Call Keli 403-324-2944.
Red Seal Journeyman Like us on Facebook

FIREARMS WANTED FOR self contained house. Some 403-983-7671
JUNE 13th, 2020 Live & On-
line Auction: Rifles, Shotguns,
utilities included. 8 km south
on Hwy 817. Semi furnished.
Handguns, Militaria. Auction
or Purchase: Collections, Es-
N/S & N/P. $850/mo + SD.
Avail. immediately.
tates, Individual Items. Con- ROOFING
or 403-934-5589

Kelly Camden

EMERALD Apartments for Rent
MANAGEMENT - 403.991.6192
& REALTY LTD. 3 Bedroom Condos

Residential - Commercial - Industrial
for Rent Farm & Yard - Bucket Truck Service Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
Master Electricians Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
1 & 2 bedroom 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom
bungalow, bi-lvl Units downtown GENERAL CONTRACTORS Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Get the job done right the FIRST time!
& 2 stry units with - Phone:403-934-7188 Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
parking, some
fully renovated
1&2 Bedroom Units
in adult only building
Email: Handy Kinda Guy Residential

Get the job
Roofing • Roof Repair
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Metal right••the
FIRST time!
Fascia •• Eavestrough
& include W/D. Tenants pay all utilities Serving Southern Alberta Since 1999 • Painting • Plumbing Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Family Friendly. • Small Renovations Calgary• 403-796-5381
Metal Roofing 403-796-5381
For more information
No Pets. • Decks & Fences Soffit & Fascia 403-901-7484
please call • Eavestrough
Strathmore 403-901-7484
From $925. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC • Bathrooms
STRATHMORE Calgary 403-796-5381
+ Utilities.
Strathmore 403-901-7484
rental incentives: Nancy
403-801-2021 @ 403-934-5687 HEAVY DUTY
Call BOB 403-861-7822
Notice to Creditors
Heavy Duty Mechanic SEPTIC SERVICES
and Claimants
who died on March 19, 2020
Ty Schneider403.875.7013 FB Boersema & Partners Ltd. Designers and Builders of Energy Efficient Homes
If you have a claim against this estate,
you must file your claim by June 29, 2020 “Let us put YOUR thoughts on paper
and build it to your satisfaction.”
at Box 2335 Certified I.C.F. Installers
#101 318 3rd Avenue, 403-651-4637
Strathmore, AB TIP 1K3
Serving the Foothills since ‘78. Email:
If you do not file by the date above, the estate
“Everything you need to turn raw land into your home”
property can lawfully be distributed without re-
gard to any claim you may have. GENERAL CONTRACTORS
Creditors: you must include a full description
and value of the debt you allege the deceased UPHOLSTERY
owes you and a full description and value of All Decked Out AB
any of the deceased’s property that you hold as Ace Custom
security for the debt. General Contracting Repair, Build & Upholstery
Claimants: you must include a full description Strathmore AB

such a claim.
3.75” wide version
of your claim and why you have a right to make
DECKS • Furniture
• R.V. Interiors

McNeill’s Inc.
FENCES • Golf Cart, Bike, ATV,
Snowmobile Seats & Boat Interiors
ELECTRICAL ALUMINUM RAIL • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts

CONTRACTING For more information

VINYL DECKING Call Debi 403-901-0342
COMMERCIAL or Text 403-324-7710
RESIDENTIAL Bill Evans 403-901-8875
Wes Breault 403-999-7097
- Master Electrician
Strathmore, Alberta GOVERNMENT
GET YOUR Martin Shields WE CAN HELP!
CLASSIFIED Member of Parliament Iron Filtration Services | Water Softeners
ADS IN THE Strathmore Office:
Reverse Osmosis Systems | And More!

TIMES! 129, 2nd Ave, Box 2070

Strathmore, AB T1P 1K1
Call Phone: 403-361-2980 / fax: 403-361-2989
403-934-5589 Email: 403-934-4271
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • May 29, 2020

Dust Control
Dust control is offered by Wheatland County for landowners or residents within the County who
wish to reduce the amount of dust created by vehicles traveling on the gravel roads near their
homes, businesses or farms.

Calcium Chloride
Deadline: June application order deadline – June 12, 2020
Application begins late June (weather permitting)

Prices*: County roads $4.92/meter ($1.50/linear foot)

Deadline: Order Deadline is July 10-20. Oiling begins late-July.

Prices*: County Roads New application - $19.69/meter ($6.00/linear foot)

- 2020
County Roads Reapplication - $9.85/meter ($3.00/linear foot)**
Gravel Secondary Highways New Application - $22.97/meter ($7.00/linear foot)
Gravel Secondary Highways Reapplication - $19.69/meter ($6.00/linear foot)**

Upcoming Meetings Patching

Wheatland County offers patching of previously applied oil dust control, this service is time sensi-
Until further notice, regularly scheduled Council tive; please fill out the inspection application well in advance of the oiling dead line of July 10, 2020.
and committee meetings will be held via If an inspection has been completed and if it is determined that the road surface can’t be repaired
teleconference. To join, call the number noted by patching, then an application for new dust control must be submitted and paid by July 10th,
below at the scheduled start time, and enter the 2020.
PIN when prompted:
* All prices are subject to GST
** Additional conditions apply
June 2 at 9 AM: Council Meeting
Phone: 403-768-1708 PIN: 64324
Additional information and application forms can be found on our website.
Agenda packages can be found on our website.


Here’s how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19:

☑ Avoid touching your face

SLOW ☑ Cover coughs and sneezes

☑ Self isolate if feeling sick

THE ☑ Practice social distancing

☑ Properly wash hands often

☑ Disinfect frequently touched items and surfaces

Latest updates at

Public Hearings
Wheatland County Council will consider the
following applications for Public Hearing at the WHEATLAND SAFE
Council meeting as indicated below.
For more information, including location maps, Due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19, Wheatland County Administrative Office, Agricultural
visit Services Board Shop, and Public Works Shop will remain closed until further notice.
The following public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and
proceed until all applications have been heard: Wheatland County staff will still be monitoring emails and will also be available via phone. We ask that
individuals with new business to discuss call or email our staff, and visit our website to schedule a
Public Hearing: meeting.
June 2, 2020 at 9 a.m.
Campgrounds and Playgrounds
Bylaw: Playgrounds throughout Wheatland County, as well as Severn Dam and Beaupre Campgrounds, are
2020-15 closed for public access to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Location: Waste Transfer Sites
NE-18-23-25-W4M Effective May 4, 2020 the Drumheller & District Solid Waste Management Association will be re-instating
the Community & Rural Recycling Program. Residents may bring their cardboard and newsprint recycling
to our transfer stations after this date. To protect the safety of workers at the transfer sites and recycling
To redesignate +/- 5 acres of land from Agricultural
General District to Country Residential District in
centre, all loose waste must be bagged. In addition, to ensure the health and safety of the public and
order to facilitate a subdivision. There is no proposed municipal employees, all persons will be required to maintain a 2 metre physical distancing protocol at
development at this time. the sites.

Fire Ban - Advisory

Comments may be forwarded in writing to Wheatland County
or in person at the above meeting. The application files may be Wheatland County activated a Fire Ban Advisory on April 24, 2020. No new fire permits will be issued for
reviewed during regular office hours – Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to the duration of the advisory. More information can be found on
4:30 p.m. Any comments provided will become part of the public
record in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the Alberta Freedom of
Information and Protection Privacy Act. Any personal information
on submissions made regarding applications is collected under the
authority of the FOIP Act Section 33 (c) and subsequent versions.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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