Nithya Kriya - Weight Loss

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The document discusses various yoga practices and programs revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to cure physical and mental ailments, manifest one's intentions, and break free of limiting behaviors.

Nithya Kriyas are a series of yogic healing processes revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to cure and provide preventive care for various physical and mental ailments. They are derived from ancient yogic scriptures but were developed based on Nithyananda's own experiences and training under powerful yogis.

The Kalpataru workshop and Inner Awakening retreat are described as programs to align one's actions with intentions and manifest one's own destiny. Chronic diseases can be healed and problems effortlessly solved through receiving blessings from Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


Nithya Kriya

Yogic solutions for

Weight Loss

All Kriyas have been delivered by

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
to a global audience through
live Satsangs

Nithya Kriya
Yogic solutions for
Weight Loss

His Holiness
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

With original Sanskrit verses,

transliteration, English translation of
authentic yogic scriptures

All meditation techniques, practices and procedures described
or recommended in this book are suitable for practice only
under the direct supervision of an instructor, trained and
ordained by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Further, you
should consult your personal physician to determine whether
those techniques, practices and procedures are suitable
for you in relation to your own health, fitness and ability.

This publication is not intended to be a substitute for a personal

medical attention, examination, diagnoses or treatment.
Should any person engage in any of the techniques, practices
or procedures described or recommended in this book, he
would be doing so at his own risk, unless he has received a
personal recommendation from his own physician and from an
instructor trained and ordained by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Nithya Kriya – Weight Loss (English)

Published by Nithyananda University Press
Copyright © 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book
will go towards supporting charitable activities.

Printed in India at Progressive Partners

# 22,20th Main Road, Rajajinager 2nd Block
Bangalore 560010

Table of Content

Nithya Kriyas 9
Weight Loss & Fitness 15
Care for Obesity 17
Cure for Obesity 27
Care for Addiction 41
Cure for Addiction 53
Excelling in Sports - Level 1 65
Excelling in Sports - Level 2 69
Care for Low Self Esteem 73
Cure for Low Self Esteem 81
Care for Hernia 87
Cure for Hernia 103

Nithya Kriyas
Nithya Kriyas are a series of yogic healing processes re-
vealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda (www.nithyanan- with the aim of curing and pro-
viding preventive care for various physical and mental
ailments. Cure and (preventive) Care Nithya Kriyas work
respectively for each condition or disorder. Even though
desired result might be experienced within a few days
of practicing, all Nithya Kriyas are to be practiced for
21 days consecutive. They are unique in that, while the
knowledge and techniques are drawn from the most au-
thentic and sacred yogic scriptures of India, the specific
combinations are expressed from the personal experi-
ences of Nithyananda, from his personal research, devel-
opment, and training under powerful yogis and gurus.
Difficult to find in modern yogic textbooks, the Nithya Kri-
yas preserve and deliver the original yogic practices which
are born out of millennia of research and development
and are the contribution of innumerable enlightened yo-
gis who have dedicated their lives to enriching the world
with this science. According to the teaching methods
laid out by legendary yogis like Gorakhnath and Matsy-
endranath, the individual asanas and pranayama tech-
niques are sacred and must not be tampered with, and
the combinations of techniques required to produce the
desired effect are to be received by the learner from his
personal guru (Hatha Yoga Pradipika). True to Vedic cul-
ture, these fathers of modern yoga have left the door wide
open for the continuous updating of this ancient science.

The constant flow of energy happens continuously in your

body through the 72,000 subtle energy channels called na-
dis, making up the energy circuit of the body. This circuit is
governed by the kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is the
immense potential energy present in each of us that acts
like a water pump and helps complete this energy circuit.
Kundalini can be thought of as every individual’s ho-
tline to the infinite cosmic energy source. Once awak-
ened by appropriate yogic practices and the guid-
ance and grace of the guru, Kundalini showers a
host of blessings on the practitioner, including a big
boost in energy levels, physical well-being, the fall-
ing away of negative mental patterns, true inner fulfill-
ment, and a deep connection to the universal Source.
If there is a disturbance in the energy flow in some part
of the body, there is impedance to the energy flow to
the rest of the body, resulting in the onset of diseas-
es, disorders, and disturbances in the affected organs.
Nithya Kriyas are powerful tools which help remove these
energy blockages restoring the life energy flow. When
the body is aligned in certain postures during the kri-
yas, the energy block is removed and the “wiring” of the
circuit or the “plumbing” is re-aligned. Once the block
is removed, kundalini energy gets pumped into the cir-
cuit during the kumbhaka part of the pranayama. When
energy flow is re-established, the disease or disturbance
is healed. It is like a plumbing system. It is like the drain
pipe where the water once again gushes forth merrily

when the blockage or disturbance in the pipe is removed.
These kriyas are not just ordinary asanas. Kumbha-
ka, pranayama. It is like different chemicals. Separate-
ly, they may take ten years to cure a disease or dis-
turbance. Mixed properly in certain combinations,
they remove the disease in a short amount of time.
Nithya Kriyas involve the combination of these compo-
nents: Yoga asanas, Kumbhaka, Pranayamas, Visualization
External verbalization - extenal sound you are hearing or chanting.
Internal verbalization - internally hearing of sound or mantra.
The healing achieved by Nithya Kriyas is permanent as it
works on the cellular bio-memory level. It generates natural
steroids and therefore has no negative side effects. Besides
healing, the Nithya Kriyas have a powerful permanent effect
on brain functioning, both on the mechanical and non-me-
chanical parts of the brain. The mechanical parts of the
brain constitute a relatively small percentage of the brain
and are responsible for our day to day bodily functions like
digestion, respiration, walking, sitting, etc. The kumbhak-
as also awaken the non-mechanical, untapped parts of the
brain that are responsible for the manifestation of many
extraordinary extrasensory powers. The body naturally
experiences the peak conscious coherence, joy and bliss.


Nithya Kriya is soundly anchored in the sacred yoga scrip-

tures, including the legendary Patanjali Yoga Sutras, as well as
the three classic texts that form the base of yoga - Hatha Yoga
Pradipika, GherandaSamhita and Shiva Samhita.


The Patanjali Yoga Sutras is the foundational text of yoga,

written by the father of yoga, the enlightened sage Pa-
tanjali. This esoteric yet highly practical text is based
on Sankhya Yoga. It is said to date back to the 2nd cen-
tury BC, although it is believed to be far more ancient.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras emphasize the value of yoga as
a lifestyle through ashtanga yoga (8-limbed yoga).


This is a classic 15th century Sanskrit Hatha Yoga text, writ-

ten by Swami Svatmarama, a disciple of Swami Gorakhnath.
The book is dedicated to Adinatha or Lord Shiva, who is
said to have revealed the secrets of Hatha Yoga to his divine
consort Devi Parvati. Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains four
major upadesha as (teachings), which reveal the correct un-
derstanding and practice of asanas, pranayama, chakras,
bandhas, kriyas, shakti, nadis, mudras and kundalini.


This is also a classic Sanskrit Hatha Yoga text. It is a prac-

tical yoga manual said to have been taught by the sage
Gheranda to ChandaKapali. GherandaSamhita text
has 7 chapters. It advocates a sevenfold yoga - shat-
karma, asana, pranayama, mudra ,pratyahara, dhya-
na, and samadhi with a chapter dealing with each one.


This is a classic Sanskrit text where Lord Shiva address-

es Parvati his consort. There are 5 chapters which deal
with yogic philosophy, techniques for liberation, kund-
alini, pranayama, asanas, mudras, bandhas, and med-
itation, and the role of a guru. The book mentions
84 beneficial asanas but describes only four of them.

The other texts that Nithya Kriya draws from in-

clude the Kumbhaka Paddhati of Raghuvira, Trisikh-
ibrahmanopanishad, Yogakundalay Upanishad,
Yoga Chudamani Upanishad and Yoga Taravali,
JogaPradipika, Yogasana Mala Sachitra, among others.

What is Completion?

Completion is the state of being where no negative events,

emotions, thought patterns or behaviors from the past
can have a hold over us in the present or future. For exam-
ple, people who have a deep victim mentality frequently
suffer from pain in the back of the head. Their incomple-
tions will manifest as an illness or a disease in their physi-
cal body. This can only be resolved by completing with it.
Once an incompletion is discovered, it can be com-
pleted. The simple declaration that it will no longer be
a part of the cognition can complete that incomple-
tion for us. These patterns of thinking, rooted in neg-

ative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be com-
pleted by reliving. When it comes to completing with
past pain patterns, or Samskaras, reliving is relieving.
“Reliving your past, with a new understanding, deciding
not to repeat past mistakes, incompletions and patterns
again in future is completion.” – Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Mahadeva has defined completion, in this twen-
ty-second technique in Vijnana Bhairava Tantra,
which is part of the Shiva Sutras. Vijnana Bhairava in
Shiva Sutra verse 22nd – definition of completion:
“Look at your past, dis-identified. Let attention be at the
place where you are seeing some past happening and
even your form having lost its present characteristics is
transformed” – translation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Addressing any issue in the gastrointestinal tract with
the Nithya Kriyas will ultimately lead to an overall health
in your body-mind and being. Resulting in not only im-
provement and possible cure, but in a new perspec-
tive of the infinite possibilities available in our life!
“When we experience internal chemical balance, hormon-
al equilibrium again and again, we create the alchemical
shift to a physical state which embraces divine conscious-
ness. This cleansing of our bio-memories -- establishing a
“clean stomach” -- raises us into the zone of enlightenment.”
- Paramahamsa Nithyananda -

Weight Loss & Fitness


Most of us would like to improve our physi-

cal condition, whether it is weight loss, lifestyle
and food habits, an addiction we’d like to over-
come, or improvements to our current fitness level.

Nowadays, more than 1 billion people are overweight

globally and this number is growing. Obesity is the most
common cause of cardiovascular diseases, and increas-
es the risk of high glood pressure, stroke, diabetes,
cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, reproductive prob-
lems, gallstones, and other life-threatening illnesses.
This book contains yogic techniques revealed by renowned
yogi and guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Every pro-
cess is designed to help us to become powerful agents
for the change we desire in our lives. The techniques, such
as Nithya Kriyas, are based in sacred yoga scriptures in-
cluding the legendary Patanjali Yoga Sutras, as well as
the three classic texts that form the base of yoga: Hatha
Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and Shiva Samhita.

According to yogic knowledge, the cause of illness and

disease is frequently of a mental nature, directly or indi-
rectly. In many of his discourses, Nithyananda teaches that

mental suffering such as fear and depression are root-
ed deeply into our biomemory and cause health prob-
lems and diseases by lowering the immune system. Ex-
cessive worry can affect any part of the body and cause
a number of psychosomatic diseases. This subtle inter-
play between the body and mind is why it is so important
that worry be addressed and removed from the system.

If an emotion is handled properly, the corresponding

chakra (energy hub in the body) functions in a healthy way
by expanding in size as energy flows to the chakra. Chakras
reduce in size when emotions are not handled proper-
ly due to low energy flow to the chakra, which can mani-
fest as disease in the mind-body system. Attention-need,
childhood trauma, societal conditioning, unhealthy habits,
and emotional injuries all contribute to lack of energy-flow
to the chakras. Completion* with past pain patterns is es-
sential to overcoming the root causes for these diseases.

* Completion is a technique that Nithyananda teach-

es. For more info check our website www.nithyananda.
org, or check out our Youtube channel: Nithyananda TV

Care for Obesity

According to the American Heart Association, having a body

mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher meets the requirements
for obesity, which means you are at a higher risk for heart
disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and more.

To maintain a healthy weight, it is best to eat foods in

their most natural form, drink plenty of water and con-
sume fruits and vegetables daily. Fried and processed
foods should not be consumed, and white refined sug-
ar should be avoided as much as possible. But there is
more to health than what we consume or what we don’t
consume. We must also move the body. A healthy body
has a balance of strength and flexibility. These Nithya
Kriyas were designed for care and cure of weight loss.

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Bhadra Asana
2. Jaalandhara Bandha
3. Uddeeyanaa Bandha
4. Agneeshoma Kumbhaka
5. Vyaana Kumbhaka
6. Dakshinaavarta Chakra Kumbhaka

1. Sit in Bhadra Asana.
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 2, Verses 9 & 100

Gulphau cha Virusha(a to be deleted)na(a)sya adhaha vuth

kramena samaahitaha |
Paada-angushtau karaabhyaam cha Dhrutvaa cha prush-
ta-deshataha ||2.9||
Jaalandharam samaasaadya Naasaagram avalokayet|
Bhadra Asanam bhavet etat Sarva-vyaadhi-
vinaashakam ||2.10||

1. Available from:


Place the heels crosswise under the genitals attentively; cross the
hands behind the back and take hold of the toes of the feet. Fix the
gaze on the tip of the nose, having previously adopted the mudra
called Jaalandhara. This is Bhadra Asana which destroys all sorts of


• Bend both the legs to the back, sit on feet

• With your hands behind your back, hold your right toes
with the left hand and left toes with the right hand
• Do Jaalandhara Bandha by contracting your throat and
resting your chin on your chest
• Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose
• Remain in this pose for 30 seconds and release the Jaaland
hara Bandha

2. Remain seated in Bhadra Asana and do Jalaandhara
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha Verses 3 & 12

Kanta-sankochanam krutvaa Chibukam hrudaye nyaset |

Jaalandhare krute bandhe Shodasha-aadhaara-
bandhanam ||3.12||

Contracting the throat, place the chin on the chest. This is called
Jaalandhara Bandha. By this bandha the sixteen adharas are closed.


• Remain in Bhadra Asana

• Inhale fully
• Place the chin on the chest and contract the throat
• Hold as long as possible judiciously
• When you can’t hold anymore, release the throat lock and
exhale slowly
• Do this 21 times

3. Next, do Uddeeyaana Bandha.
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 10

Udare pashchimam taanam Naabheroordhvam

tu kaarayet |
Uddaanam kurute yasmat Avishraantam mahaakhagaha |
Uddeeyaanam tvasau bandhao Mrutyu-Maatanga-
Kesaree || 3.10 ||


One should contract the bowels above and below the navel so that
the abdominal organs touch the back. The one who practices this
uddeeyaana bandha continuously becomes a conqueror of death.
The great bird (Kundalini) flies up in the Sushumna and flies there
itself constantly.


• Stand with about half-a-metre gap between your feet

• Bend the knees slightly and rest your palms above the
knees with the thumbs facing inwards and the fingers
• Keep the spine straight, head up and eyes open
• Take a deep breath in and exhale completely, but do not be
• After exhaling, perform jalandhara bandha by moving the
chin down to the chest and raising the shoulders
• Pull the abdominal muscles inward so that the organs of
the abdomen touch the back muscles.
• Hold as long as you can
• When you can’t hold anymore, before inhaling, relax the
stomach and abdomen, release jaalandhara bandha by
raising the head, and stand straight
• Then inhale through the nostrils slowly
• Before repeating another round, breathe normally for a
minute or two
• Initially start with 3 times and gradually increase up to 10

4. Seated in Bhadra Asana, do Agneeshoma Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 87

Sooryena Poorayeth Praanam Kumbhayithvaa
Yathaavidhihi |
Rechayeth Anya-Maargena Punas-Thena Prapoorayeth ||
Yena Thyajeth Thenaapoorya Chaagnishomaakhya-kum-
bhakaha ||87||

Prana should be inhaled through Surya-naadi (right-nostril)
and after retaining the same as prescribed; one should exhale
through the other nostril, and again inhale by the same side
through which one has exhaled. It is known as agni-shoma-Kum-


• Inhale through the right nostril

• Hold the breath
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Now inhale through left nostril
• Hold the breath
• Exhale through right nostril
• Do this 21 times

5. Remain in Bhadra Asana. Do Vyaana Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 66

Poorayitvaantharaa Samyak Hrujjagad-Vyaapti-Yogathaha |

Sarvaagaya-Aakunchanena Kumbhithe Sookshma-
Chinthanaath ||
Paarvathee-Vakthra-Bhenokthaha Samyak Vyaanasya Kum-
bhakaha ||66||


Completely filling the chest and contracting the whole body

Kumbhaka by Devi Parvati.


• Inhale deeply
• Hold the breath by contracting the whole body
• Have intense awareness and visualize the whole
body contracting: abdomen, throat, chest, back, the
whole body
• When you cannot hold anymore slowly exhale
• Do this 21 times

6. Seated in Bhadra Asana, do Dakshinaavarta

Chakra Kumbhaka.
Kumbhaka Paddhati, Verses 107 &108

Sooryenaapoorya Marutham Kumbhayeth

Udharasthitham |
Rechayeth Indhuna Bhooyaha Thathaa Dakshena
Poorayeth ||107||
Kumbhayeth Idayaa Richyaath Dakshinaavarth-
tha-Chakrakaha |

One should inhale through the right nostril and fill the
abdomen with breath, exhale through the left nostril, and
again one should inhale through the right nostril and hold
and exhale through the left nostril. This is Dakshinaavarta
Chakra Kumbhaka.
• Inhale through the right nostril
• Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Again, inhale through the right nostril
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Repeat this 21 times


Cure for Obesity

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Anjanee Asana
2. Uddeeyaana Bandha
3. Agneeshoma Kumbhaka
4. Vyaana Kumbhaka
5. Dakshinaavarta Chakra Kumbhaka
6. Gomukha Asana
7. Gadaa Kumbhaka
8. Kumbha Raajaa
9. Ujjaayee Kumbhaka

1. Anjanee Asana
Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses: 283-286

Dhovu Karakee Ubhe Hathelee Kor Vaarilee Mai Le
Bhelee |
So Aagaa Nai Bhoopari Dhaakhai Maahaa Nai Angulee Mili
Raakhai ||283||
Angushta Cheedhaa Raakhai Dhoyee Punaha Hathelee
Pishti Ju Joyee |
Thaapari Mooladhvaari Tika Baise Bahujyau Jugathi Karai
Eka Baise ||284||
Kuhunyaa Mahilee Aakhi Milaavai Haatha Udhraasau Lag-
yaa Rahaavai |
Bahooro Laambaa Paava Pasaare Phanaa Ordhva Edi Bhoo
Dhaarai ||285||
Angushta Avara Gulapha Maahilaa Raakhai Judayaa Karai
Nahee Khulaa |

Saadhai Naasaa Dhrishti Lagaayee Thaako Harasa Roga
Saba Jaayee ||286||

Translation and Technique

• Sit with legs stretched keeping the heels on the
ground and toes pointing upward
• Place both the hands under the buttocks, palms
facing upward and fingers closed together
• Bring the elbows close to the body as much as
• Gaze at the center of the eyebrows
• Remain in this pose 60 second

2. Next, do Uddeeyaana Bandha.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 10

Udare pashchimam taanam Naabheroordhvam tu
kaarayet |
Uddaanam kurute yasmat Avishraantam mahaakhagaha |
Uddeeyaanam tvasau bandhao Mrutyu-Maatanga-
Kesaree || 3.10 ||

One should contract the bowels above and below the
navel so that the abdominal organs touch the back. The
one who practices this uddeeyaana bandha continuously
becomes a conqueror of death. The great bird (Kundalini)
flies up in the Sushumna and flies there itself constantly.

• Stay in same asana and keep the spine straight
• Head should be up and eyes open
• Take a deep breath in and exhale completely, but
do not be forceful
• After exhaling, perform jalandhara bandha by mov
ing the chin down to the chest and raising the

• Pull the abdominal muscles inward so that the or
gans of the abdomen touch the backmuscles
• Hold as long as you can
• When you can’t hold anymore, before inhaling, relax
the stomach and abdomen
• Release jaalandhara bandha by raising the head and
stand straight
• Then inhale through the nostrils slowly
• Before repeating another round, breathe normally
for a minute or two
• Initially start with 3 times and gradually increase up
to 10 times
3. In Anjanee Asana, do Agneeshoma Kumbhaka.
Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 87

Sooryena Poorayeth Praanam Kumbhayithvaa

Yathaavidhihi |
Rechayeth Anya-Maargena Punas-Thena Prapoorayeth ||
Yena Thyajeth Thenaapoorya Chaagnishomaakhya-kum-
bhakaha ||87||


Prana should be inhaled through Surya-naadi (right-nostril)

and after retaining the same as prescribed, one should exhale
through the other nostril, and again inhale by the same side
through which one has exhaled. It is known as agni-shoma-Kum-

• Inhale through the right nostril
• Hold the breath
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Now inhale through left nostril
• Hold the breath
• Exhale through right nostril
• Do this 21 times

4. In Anjanee Asana, do Vyaana Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 66

Poorayitvaantharaa Samyak Hrujjagad-Vyaapti-Yogathaha |
Sarvaagaya-Aakunchanena Kumbhithe Sookshma-
Chinthanaath ||
Paarvathee-Vakthra-Bhenokthaha Samyak Vyaanasya Kum-
bhakaha ||66||

Completely filling the chest and contracting the whole
body during Khumbaka, with subtle concentration is
termed as Vyaana Kumbhaka by Devi Parvati.

• Inhale deeply
• Hold the breath by contracting the whole body
• Have intense awareness and visualize the whole
body contracting: abdomen,
throat, chest, back, the whole body
• When you cannot hold anymore slowly exhale
• Do this 21 times

5. In Anjanee Asana, do the following Dakshinaavarta

Chakra Kumbhaka.
Kumbhaka Paddhati, Verses 107-108

Sooryenaapoorya Marutham Kumbhayeth
Udharasthitham |
Rechayeth Indhuna Bhooyaha Thathaa Dakshena
Poorayeth ||107||
Kumbhayeth Idayaa Richyaath Dakshinaavarth-
tha-Chakrakaha |


One should inhale through the right nostril and fill the
abdomen with breath, exhale through the left nostril, and
again one should inhale through the right nostril and hold
and exhale through the left nostril. This is Dakshinaavarta
Chakra Kumbhaka.

• Inhale through right nostril
• Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Again inhale through right nostril
• Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Do this 21 times

6. Next, do Gomukha Asana.
Hatha Pradeepikaa, Upadesha Verses 2 & 6

Savye Dakshina-Gulpham Thu Prushta-Paarshve

Niyojayeth |
Dakshine’pi Thathaa Savyam Gomukham
Gomukhaakruthihi ||2.6||
Savye Dakshina-Gulpham Thu Prushta-Paarshve
Niyojayeth |
Dakshine’pi Thathaa Savyam Gomukham
Gomukhaakruthi ||2.6||

The right ankle should be placed near the left buttock and
the left ankle to be placed near the right buttock. This is
called Gomukha asana, resembling the cow’s face.


• Bend the knees and place the right foot so that the
left heel touches the side of the buttock
• Then bend the leg over the right thigh so that the
heel is placed close to the right buttock
• Rest the hands on the upper knee, on top of the
• Stay on this pose for 60 seconds

7. In Gomukha Asana, do Gadaa Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 112

Ubhaabhyaam Pooranam Yathra Rechanam Soorya-
Gadaakumbhaha-Shivenoktho Yogino Balakaarakaha||112||


When the inhalation is performed through both the nos-

trils and exhalation through the right one, it is called
Gadaakumbhaka explained by Shiva and strenghthener of


• Inhale through both the nostrils

• Hold the breath
• Exhale through the right nostril
• Do this 21 times

In Gomukha Asana, do the following pranayama:

8. Kumbha Raajaa
Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 134

Balaadhaakarshayeth Vaayum Yaavath Ghraana-

Kumbhayechcha Thathaa Vaayum Kumbharaajo’ya-


One should forcefully inhale air till the lungs are full and
hold the breath. This is called
Kumbha raajaa.


• Inhale forcefully
• Hold the breath to the maximum capacity by closing
the nostrils
• Exhale when you feel you can no longer hold
• Do this 21 times

9. In Gomukha Asana, do Ujjaayee Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verses 131 & 132

Mukham Niyamya Naadeebhyaam Aakrushyaasum

Niyojayeth |
Kundalee-Paarshvayoho Pashchaath Kumbhayeth

Udharasthitham ||131||
Rechayeth Idayaa Vaayum Gachchan Thishthan Yadhaa
Chareth |
Ujjaayee-Kumbhakaha Prokthaha Shivenaakhila-
Vedhinaa ||132||

One should inhale through both the nostrils and closing
the mouth and retain the breath along the Kundalini and
exhale through the left nostril. This is the Ujjaayee Kum-
bhaka explained by Shiva.


• Close your mouth

• Inhale through both the nostrils
• Hold as long as you can judiciously
• Exhale slowly through the left nostril
• Do this 21 times


Care for Addiction

Addiction is a syndrome showing up as a compulsive depen-

dence upon mood altering substances (substance addic-
tions) or behaviors (process addictions). Examples of addic-
tive substances include: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine,
and refined sugar. In process addictions the individual is
addicted to the process or behavior itself. Gambling, shop-
ping, sexual activities, eating disorders, watching TV, playing
video games, and work can all be included in this category
when they are practiced in excess or obsession. Addicts are
frequently addicted to more than one substance and/or be-
havior simultaneously, hence the term addictive personality.

Addiction is a progressive health problem which increases

in severity if left untreated. In substance abuse the tolerance
level of addicted individuals is gradually increasing, hence
they require a higher dose of substance to achieve the same
effect than that with which they previously achieved with a
lower dose. Substance addicted individuals often attempt to
quit many times before they are permanently successful. The
techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness
are being increasingly employed to curb process addictions.
This Nithya Kriya was designed for care for addiction. These
Nithya Kriyas was designed for care and cure of addiction.

Do the following (in the order given):
1. Bhadra Asana
2. Kevalee Kumbhaka
3. Kapaalabhaati
4. Jonee Asana
5. Lahiri Praanaayaamaa
6. Bhraamaree Kumbhaka
7. Plaavinee Kumbhaka

1. Sit in Bhadra Asana.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 2, Verses 9 & 10

Gulphau cha Virushanasyadho vyuthkramena

samaahitaha |
Paada-angushtau karaabhyaam cha Dhrutvaa cha
prushta-deshataha ||2.9||
Jaalandharam samaasaadya Naasaagram avalokayet|
Bhadra Asanam bhavet etat Sarva-vyaadhi-
vinaashakam ||2.10||


hands behind the back and take hold of the toes of the feet. Fix
the gaze on the tip of the nose, having previously adopted the
sorts of diseases.

• Bend both the legs to the back, keep the feet facing
up and sit on the heels
• Take both your hands to the back and hold your
right toes with the left hand and left toes with the
right hand
• Do Jaalandhara bandha, contract your throat, bend
your chin and rest it on your chest
• Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose
• Remain in this pose for 30 seconds and release the
Jaalandhara Bandha

12. In Bhadra Asana, do Kevalee Kumbhaka.
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 5, Verse 84

Ham-Kaarenabahih-Yaati Saha-KaarenaVishetPunaha |


One should exhale with the mantra “ham” and inhale with
the mantra “saha”.

• Inhale through the right nostril along with the
internal chanting of the mantra ‘sam’
• Hold as long as you can judiciously
• While holding the breath, chant internally the man
tra ‘soham’ slowly
• Exhale through the left nostril with the internal
chanting of the mantra ‘ham’
• Do this 21 times

3. Next, do Kapaalabhaati Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

Translation and Technique

• Breath out short and fast as you pull your abdomen

in and up
• Allow the body to inhale
• Do this 21 times

4. Next, do Jonee Asana

Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 215-219

Dovu Pathagali Samputa Karai Yedi Medra Ke Ding Dhare |
Ardha Haath Ko Anthara Raakhai Lilaata Pathagalyaa Upar
Dhaakhai ||
Dase Aanguri Agra Milaavai Phanaa Agra Par Le
Paharaavai |
Kahunee Lom Bhuupari Kar Daakhai Nalee Ara Kahooni
Mili Tam Raakhai ||
Sama Kari Raakhai Sakala Sareer Naasaadrishti Lagaave
Dheer |
Mukha Maarga So Vaayee Gahai Asaktha Hoya Thahaam
Lo Rahe ||

Idaa Naadi Kar Pavan Uthaare Vaar Saath Yaa Jugathi Vi-
chaarai |
Chadhthau Chadhthau Kumbhaka Saadhai Vaara Saath Yaa
Jugathi Araadhai ||
Bandh Hoy Moola-Mootra Ko Vaaya Vigrahai Koy|
Yaa Aasana Kai Karathahee DraveeMooth So Hoy||

• Stay on the floor with legs extended and bring heels
and knees apart
• Close the heels together
• Bring the head forward and place it on heels
• Close hands together and keep the forearms on
• Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Remain in this posture for 30 seconds

5. In Jonee Asana, do Lahari Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

Translation and Technique

• Breath in with short inhalation with one nostril

• Then breath out with short exhalation with the other
• Do this 21 times

6. In Jonee Asana, do Bhraamaree Kumbhaka.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 5, Verses 78-82

Ardha-raatre Gate Yogee Jantoonaam Shabda-varjite |
Karnau Pidhaaya Hastaabhyaam Kuryaat Pooraka-Kum-
bhakam || 5.78 ||
Shrunuyaat Dakshine Karne Naadamantargatam
Shubham |
Prathamam Jhinjhimeenaadam Cha Vamsheenaadam Ta-

taha Param ||5.79||
Megha-Jharjhara-Bhraamaree Ghantakamsyam Tataha
Param |
Dundubhihi ||5.80||
Evam naanaavidho Naado Jaayate Nithyamabhyasaath |
Anaahatasya Shabdasya Tasya Shabdasya Yo
Dhvanihi || 5.81 ||
Dhvanerantargatam Jyoti Jyotirantargatam manaha |
Tanmano vilayamYaati Tad-vishnoh Paramam Padam |
Evam BhraamareeSamshiddhihi Samaadhi-siddhim-aap-
nuyaath || 5.82 ||

At the past midnight, in a place where there are no sounds
of any animal, &c., to be heared, let the yogi practice pura-
ka and kumbhaka, closing the ears by the hands.

He will hear then various internal sounds in his right ear.

The first sound will be like that of crickets, then that of
a lute, then that of a thunder, then that of a drum, then
that of a beetle, then that of bells, then those of gougs of
bell-metal, trumpets, kettles-drums, mridanga, military
drums, and dundubhi, etc.

Thus various sounds are cognized by daily practice of this

Kumbhaka. Last of all is heard the Anahatha sound rising
from the heart; of this sound there is a resonance, in that
resonance there is a light. In that Light the mind should be
immersed. When the mind is absorbed, then it reaches the
Highest seat of Vishnu (Parama-pada). By success in this
Bharaamaree Kumbhaka one gets success in samadhi.


• Close your ears with hands and close your eyes and
hum intensely
• Do this for 7 minutes, then relax

Note: 10-15 minutes after doing this Kumbhaka one should

eat something

7. In Jonee Asana, do Plaavinee Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 171

YatheshtampoorayethVaayum BadhdheJaaland-
hareDhrude |
HrudhiDhruthvaaJaleSupthvaa Plaavinee-Kumbhako-
Bhaveth ||171||

One should fill in the air sumptuously in his lungs and then
adopt Jaalandhara Bandha firmly. If one lies on water it is
called Plaavinee Kumbhaka.

• Stay on same posture

• Inhale completely
• Contract the throat and rest your chin on the chest
• Retain the air inside as much as you can possible
• When you can’t hold anymore, release the throat
lock and exhale slowly
• Do this 21 times


Cure for Addiction

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Siddhaasanam
2. Vyaana Kumbhaka
3. Koorma Kumbhaka
4. Naaga Kumbhaka
5. Jonee Asana
6. Prakriti Kumbhaka
7. Agneeshoma Kumbhaka

1. Sit in Siddhaasanam.

Yonisthaanamanghri moola gatitam sampeedya gul-
Medroparyatha sannidhaapya chibukam kritvaa hrudi
sthaapitam |
Sthaanuh samyamitendriyo’cala drushaa pashyan bhru-
Etanmokshakapaata bhedanakaram siddhaasanam
procyate ||

The practitioner who has subdued his passion, having
placed one heel at the anal aperture should keep the other
heel on the root of the generative organ; afterwards he
should affix his chin upon the chest, and being quiet and
straight, gaze at the spot between the two eyebrows. This
is called the Siddhasana and leads to emancipation.


• One heel should be placed in the space between

the genitals and anus and the other heel
should be placed on the root of the genitals
• The chin should be placed on the chest.
• Keep the backbone straight, winning over the
strong emotions, remaining calm
• Gaze through the third eye
• Maintain the pose for 30 seconds

2. In Siddha Asana, do Vyaana Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 66

Poorayitvaantharaa Samyak Hrujjagad-Vyaapti-Yogathaha |

Sarvaagaya-Aakunchanena Kumbhithe Sookshma-
Chinthanaath ||
Paarvathee-Vakthra-Bhenokthaha Samyak Vyaanasya Kum-
bhakaha ||66||

Completely filling the chest and contracting the whole
body during Khumbaka, with subtle concentration is
termed as Vyaana Kumbhaka by Devi Parvati.


• Inhale deeply
• Hold the breath by contracting the whole body
• Have intense awareness and visualize the whole
body contracting: abdomen, throat, chest, back, the
whole body
• When you cannot hold anymore slowly exhale
• Do this 21 times

3. In Siddha Asana, do Koorma Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 79

Nimeelon’meelaneThyakthvaa Peete Kaashtam Iva

Sthithihi |
Nethrayoshva Shareerasya Koormakumbhaha Sa
Uchyathe ||79||

Having stopped the blinking of eyes, (the kumbhka that
happens) when the eyeballs and body are perfectly steady
without any movements, like a log of wood, is called Koor-
ma Kumbhaka.

• Continue to be seated in the same asana
• Fix your sight at one point and stare
• Do not blink your eyes
• Do not allow your eye balls to move
• Do not move your body
• Put your awareness on the nose (this creates certain
awareness and cleanses parts of the inside of your
brain. Naturally your breath intake and exhalation
level will come down and the Kumbhaka – holding
of the breath – will happen.)
• When you can’t hold anymore, relax
• Continue staring again
• Do this 21 times

4. In Siddha Asana, do the following Naaga

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verses 77 & 78

k{Qen recn< k…yaRt! nagk…MÉ> izvaeidt>,
]uxa< jyet! ippasa< c )lmSy smIirtm!.
Odhana-Graasavath-Vaayum Kantena-Aapoorayeth
Shanaihi |
Tham RodhayethYathaa-Kaalam Badhvaa Jaalandharam
Dhrudam ||77||
Kantena Rechanam Kuryaath NaagaKumbhaha
Shivodithaha |
Kshudhaam Jayeth Pipaasaam Cha Phalamasya Sa-
meeritham || 78 ||


One should fill the air slowly into the throat like swalowing
a morsel of rice and should retain it for maximum possible
time, with firm application of Jaalandhara Bandha and then
should exhale it from the throat. This is Naaga kumbhaka
explained by Shiva. By this practice one is able to win over
hunger and thirst.


• Swallow air very slowly and let the air go little by
little like eating rice morsel by morsel
• Once you are full, immediately contract the throat,
and place the chin on the chest
• Hold the breath in this posture as long as possible
• Then release the lock and exhale slowly from the
• Do this 21 times

5. Next, do Jonee Asana.

Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 215-219

Dovu Pathagali Samputa Karai Yedi Medra Ke Ding
Dhharai |
Ardha Haath Ko Anthara Raakhai Lilaata Pathagalyaa Upar
Dhaakhai ||
Dase Aanguri Agra Milaavai Phanaa Agra Par Le
Paharaavai |
Kahunee Lom Bhuupari Kar Daakhai Nalee Ara Kahooni
Mili Tam Raakhai ||
Sama Kari Raakhai Sakala Sareer Naasaadrishti Lagaave
Dheer |
Mukha Maarga So Vaayee Gahai Asaktha Hoya Thahaam
Lo Rahe ||
Idaa Naadi Kar Pavan Uthaare Vaar Saath Yaa Jugathi
Vichaarai |
Chadhthau Chadhthau Kumbhaka Saadhai Vaara Saath Yaa
Jugathi Araadhai ||

Bandh Hoy Moola-Mootra Ko Vaaya Vigrahai Koy|

Yaa Aasana Kai Karathahee DraveeMooth So Hoy||


• Stay on the floor with legs extended and bring heels

and knees apart
• Close the heels together
• Bring the head forward and place it on heels
• Close hands together and keep the forearms on
• Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Remain in this posture for 30 seconds

6. In Jonee Asana, do Prakrithi Kumbhaka.
Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 70

Vaanvithena-Aashugam Karshan Kurvanthoochcha’tharam

Svanam |
DhaarayethCheth Udhaanasya Prakruthi: Kumbhaka:
Smruthaha || 70 ||

One should suck in air quickly with a loud sound of the bija
mantra “VA” and retain the breath. This is called Prakrithi

• As you chant the bija mantra “VA” loudly, suck in air
• After you are full, hold the breath
• Then slowly exhale normally
• Do this 21 times

Contra-Indication: If you have hypertension, hernia or if

you are pregnant do not hold the breath

7. In Jonee Asana, do Agneeshoma Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 87

Sooryena Poorayeth Praanam Kumbhayithvaa
Yathaavidhihi |
Rechayeth Anya-Maargena Punas-Thena Prapoorayeth ||
Yena Thyajeth Thenaapoorya Chaagnishomaakhya-kum-
bhakaha ||87||

Prana should be inhaled through Surya-naadi (right-nostril)
and after retaining the same as prescribed, one should
exhale through the other nostril, and again inhale by the
same side through which one has exhaled. It is known as

• Inhale through the right nostril
• Hold the breath
• Exhale through the left nostril
• Now inhale through left nostril
• Hold the breath
• Exhale through right nostril
• Do this 21 times


Excelling in Sports - Level 1

Endurance refers to the capability of exertion over a period

of time and implies the ability to maintain a high level of exer-
tion despite setbacks such as fatigue or trauma. Resistance
training is used to develop stamina and resilience. Endurance
applies to both aerobic and anaerobic activity. Endurance
sports include: running, biking, swimming, cross-country
skiing but some degree of endurance is necessary in many
other sports also, such as racket sports, football, martial arts,
and basketball. Many non-athletes engage in endurance
sports or training to lose weight and maintain optimal health.
These Nithya Kriyas were designed for excelling in sports.

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Padma Asana
2. Kapaalabhaati Praanaayaamaa
3. Lahari Praanaayaamaa
4. Andoli Praanaayaamaa

1. Sit in Padma Asana.

Hatha Pradeepikaa, Upadesha 2, Verses 31-33

Uththanau Charanau Kruthvaa choru-Samsthau
Prayathnathaha |
Oorumadhye Thathoththaanau Paanee Kruthvaa Thu
thaadrushau ||2.31||
Drushtim vinyasya naasaagre Dantamoolam cha jihvayaa |
Uttapya chibukam vakshas Yuttaapya bhavanam
shanaihi ||2.32||
Idham Padmaasanam Proktham Sarva-Vyaadhi-
Vinaashanam |
Durlabham yena kenapi Dheemataa labhyate bhuvi ||2.33||

and place the upward-facing palms between the thighs.
Concentrating on the tip of the nose, keep the tongue
pressed on the upper teeth, press the chin on your chest,
push the air slowly upward, that is slowly pull the prana

gent people learn it.

• Place the right foot on the left thigh
• Now place the left foot on the right thigh
• Place the hands between the thighs with the palms
facing upwards
• Concentrating on the tip of the nose, keep the
tongue pressed on the upper teeth
• Press the chin on your chest, push the air slowly
• Exhale slowly
• Do this 3 times and release the chin on your chest

and tongue pressed on the upper teeth

2. In Padma Asana, do Kapaalabhaati Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

Translation and Technique

• Breath out short and fast as you pull your abdomen
in and up
• Allow the body to inhale by itself
• Do this for 7 minutes

3. In Padma Asana, do Lahari Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

• Breath in with short inhalation with one nostril
• Then Breath out with short exhalation with the other
• Do this for 3 minutes

4. In Padma Asana, do Andoli Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

• As you breath roll your tongue
• Breath through your nose and mouth
• When you feel full close the mouth by rolling the
tongue and touching the top of the mouth
• Slowly exhale through your nose
• Do this for 7 minutes
Excelling in Sports - Level 2

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Durvaasa Asana
2. Kapaalabhaati Praanaayaamaa
3. Lahari Praanaayaamaa
4. Andoli Praanaayaamaa

1. Sit in Durvaasa Asana.

Yogaasana Maalaa Sacitra, Verse 87

Daayee Jaangha Parikari Jeemanau Paga Daayee
Paashati Aani |
Phanaa Dovu Dharathi Tekee Baarala Gulpha Kulaa Kee
Baarilee Kanee Lagaavai |
Daavaa Haathakee Aagulyaa Kee Beechali Syandhi Syoo |
Jeemanaa Haathakee Aagulyaa Kaa Angra Lagaavai |
Ooparaa Thalee Sudhaa Haatha Raashai Hathelee Kee
Baaralee Kora Medra Urddha Lagaavai |
Drishti Thrikutee Aasana Kauguna Garami Aadhidhi Roga
Jaaya Seethala Rahai ||87||

Translation and Technique

• Stay on the floor
• Bend your right knee and place the right leg on the
left side hip
• Bend the left knee and place the left foot on the
above the right thigh so that the left foot is placed

near the right side hip
• Touch the right hand finger tips with the middle
joints of left fingers
• Place the hands on the genitals
• Fix the gaze at the eye brow center
• Remain in this position for 30 seconds

2. In Durvaasa Asana, do Kapaalabhaati Praa

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

Translation and Technique

• Breath out short and fast as you pull your abdomen

in and up
• Allow the body to inhale
• Do this for 7 minutes
3. In Durvaasa Asana, do Lahari Praanaayaamaa.
Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100

Translation and Technique

• Breath in and short inhalation with one nostril

• Breath out with short exhalation with the other
• Do this for 7 minutes

4. In Durvaasa Asana, do Andoli Praanaayaamaa.

Yoga Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verse 100


• As you breath roll your tongue

• Breath through your nose and mouth
• When you feel full close the mouth by rolling the
tongue and touching the top of the mouth
• Slowly exhale through your nose
• Do this for 7 minutes


Care for Low Self Esteem

A person with low self-esteem experiences low regard for

themselves and may exhibit qualities such as guilt, per-
fectionism, will to please, hyper-sensitivity to criticism and
difficulty making decisions. Low self-esteem is often seen
in people with mood disorders and personality disorders.
These Nithya Kriyas were designed for care and cure of
low self-esteem.

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Bhadra Asana
2. Jaalandhara Bandha
3. Uddeeyana Bandha
4. Bhastrikaa
5. Visualisation

1. Sit in Bhadra Asana

Hatha Pradeepikaa, Upadesha 2, Verse 37

Gulphau Cha Vrushaanasyaadhaha Seevanyaaha Paarsh-
vayoho Kshipeth |
Paarshvapaadhau Thu Paaneebhyaam Dhrudam Badhvaa
Thu Nishchalam ||2.37||

One should place the two ankles under the scrotum adja-
cently to the perineum and hold the feet firmly with hands
and remain steady.


• Place the heels adjacent to each other and close to

the perineum
• Hold the feet with hands
• Remain steady for 30 seconds

2. In Bhadra Asana, do Jaalandhara Bandha.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 12

Kanta-sankochanam krutvaa Chibukam hrudaye nyaset |

Jaalandhare krute bandhe Shodasha-aadhaara-
bandhanam ||3.12||


Contracting the throat, place the chin on the chest. This

is called Jaalandhara Bandha. By this bandha the sixteen
adharas are closed.


• Remain in same asana

• Inhale fully
• Place the chin on the chest and contract the throat

• Fix the Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Hold as long as possible judiciously
• Release the throat lock and exhale slowly, when you
feel you can’t hold anymore
• Do this 21 times

3. In Bhadra Asana, do Uddeeyaana Bandha.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 10

Udare pashchimam taanam Naabheroordhvam tu

kaarayet |
Uddaanam kurute yasmat Avishraantam mahaakhagaha |
Uddeeyaanam tvasau bandhao Mrutyu-Maatanga-
Kesaree || 3.10 ||


One should contract the bowels above and below the

navel so that the abdominal organs touch the back. The
one who practices this uddeeyaana bandha continuously
becomes a conqueror of death. The great bird (Kundalini)

flies up in the Sushumna and flies there itself constantly.


• Stay on same asana and Keep the spine straight.

Head should be up and eyes open
• Take a deep breath in and exhale completely, but
do not be forceful
• After exhaling, perform jalandhara bandha by mov
ing the chin down to the chest and raising the
• Pull the abdominal muscles inward so that the or
gans of the abdomen touch the back muscles
• Hold as long as you can
• When you can’t hold anymore, before inhaling, relax
the stomach and abdomen, release jaalandhara
bandha by raising the head
• Then inhale through the nostrils slowly
• Before repeating another round, breathe normally
for a minute or two
• Initially start with 3 times and gradually increase up
to 10 times

4. In Bhadra Asana, do Bhastrikaa.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 5, Verses 75-77

Bhastraiva lohakaaraanaam Yathaa-kramena sambhramet |
Tathaa vaayum cha naasaabhyaam Ubhaabhyaam Chaalay-
et shanaihi || 5.75 ||
Vimshati-vaaram Cha Krutvaa Kuryaachcha Kumbhakam |
Tadante Chaalayet Vaayum Poorvoktam Cha
Yathaavidhi || 5.76 ||
Trivaaram SaadhayetEnam Bhastrikaa-Kumbhakam
Sudheehi |
Na Cha Rogo Na Cha Klesha Aarogyam Cha Dhine
Dhine || 5.77 ||


As the bellows of the ironsmith constantly dilate and contract,

similarly let him slowly draw in the air by both the nostrils and
expand the stomach; then throw it out quickly (the wind making
sound like bellows).

Having thus inhaled and exhaled twenty times as stated
above, then let him perform Kumbhaka and then let him
expel it by the previous method (this completes one round
of Bhastrikaa). Let the wise one perform this Bhastrikaa
(bellows-like) Kumbhaka thrice; he will never suffer any
disease and will be always healthy.


• Inhale slowly expanding the stomach

• Exhale slowly
• Do this 21 times
• After 21 times, inhale slowly
• Hold the breath as long as you can
• When you feel you can’t hold quickly expel the air
with the sound of bellows. At this moment the
stomach should contract to touch the back. This is
one Bhastrikaa.
• Do this complete sequence three times

5. In Bhadra Asana, do this visualization.


• Sit and visualize that you are at least 5 times more

than what you are
• Now feel you are 20 feet tall
• Just visualize you are like a huge rock, you are a big
• Sit with this visualization for next few minutes


Cure for Low Self Esteem

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Padma Asana
2. Jaalandhara Bandha
3. Visualization

1. Sit in Padma Asana.

Hatha Pradeepikaa, Upadesha 2, Verses 31-33

Uththanau Charanau Kruthvaa choru-Samsthau
Prayathnathaha |
Oorumadhye Thathoththaanau Paanee Kruthvaa Thu
thaadrushau ||2.31||
Drushtim vinyasya naasaagre Dantamoolam cha jihvayaa |
Uttapya chibukam vakshas Yuttaapya bhavanam
shanaihi ||2.32||
Idham Padmaasanam Proktham Sarva-Vyaadhi-
Vinaashanam |
Durlabham yena kenapi Dheemataa labhyate bhuvi ||2.33||

One should with effort place the upward facing feet on the
thighs, and place the upward-facing palms between the thighs.

Concentrating on the tip of the nose, keep the tongue

pressed on the upper teeth, press the chin on your chest,

push the air slowly upward, that is slowly pull the prana

This asana called as Padma asana destroys all diseases,

filled with power. Though difficult to be obtained by ev-
eryone, some intelligent people learn it.


• Place the right foot on the left thigh

• Now place the left foot on the right thigh
• Place the hands between the thighs with the palms
facing upwards
• Concentrating on the tip of the nose, keep the
tongue pressed on the upper teeth
• Press the chin on your chest, push the air slowly
• Exhale slowly
• Do this 3 times and release the chin on your chest
and tongue pressed on the upper teeth

2. In Padma Asana, do Jaalandhara Bandha.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 12

Kanta-sankochanam krutvaa Chibukam hrudaye nyaset |
Jaalandhare krute bandhe Shodasha-aadhaara-
bandhanam ||3.12||

Contracting the throat, place the chin on the chest. This is called
Jaalandhara Bandha. By this bandha the sixteen adharas are

• Remain in same asana

• Inhale fully
• Place the chin on the chest and contract the throat
• Fix the Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Hold as long as possible judiciously
• Release the throat lock and exhale slowly, when you
feel you can’t hold anymore
• Do this 21 times

3. In Padma Asana, do this visualization:


• Sit and visualize that you are at least 5 times more

than what you are
• Now feel you are 20 feet tall
• Just visualize you are like a huge rock, you are a big
• Visualize yourself as 20 feet tall, 50 feet wide, alive,
• Sit with this visualization


Care for Hernia

A hernia occurs when an organ or fascia of an organ protrudes

and felt. They cannot be pushed back into the abdominal cavity

Heavy lifting, straining during pregnancy, overstretch-

ing muscles, obesity, and extreme weight loss can contrib-
ute to the weakening of the containing muscles. Poor nu-
trition, smoking, and over-exertion can all contribute to the
weakening of muscles, making hernias more likely to occur.
These Nithya Kriyas were designed for care and cure of hernia.

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Machchandra Asana
2. Antah Kumbhaka
3. Mahamudra Asana
4. Antar Kumbhaka
5. Makara Asana
6. Bahih Kumbhaka
7. Mandukasana
8. Bahih Kumbhaka
9. Matsya Asana

10. Bahih Kumbhaka
11. Mritya Bhanjaka Asana
12. Bahih Kumbhaka

1. Sit in Machchandra Asana.

Yogaasana Maalaa Sacitra, Verse 51

Jeemanau Paga Daayee Jaangha Pari Raashai Yedi

Kadi Lagaavai |
Daavaaya Kau Baaralo Golapha Jeemaamnaa
Godaakee Maahilee |
Aashyaa Pari Raashai Dovu Haathaa Syau Pagakaa
Agootaa Pakadai |
Lilaata Dharatee Lagaavai Chaathee Kadaa Syau Lagaavai |
Aasana Kauguna Godaa Kee Piraa Jaayee ||51||

Translation and Technique

• Stay on the ground with knees folded and knees

placed one over the other
• Hold the feet with the hands and Keep two feet
• Bend the head over the knees
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

2. In Macchandrasana, do Antah Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 28

SushumnaanthargathamThasyaam Nirvikalpena
Chethasaa |
Dhaarayen-maarutham Yogee So’nthah-Kumbhah-
Shivodhithaha ||28||
Without any mental distractions or in other words being com-
pletely unclutched, the Yogi should hold the breath in the
Sushumna – the path of Kundalini along the spine. This is called
the Antah Kumbhaka as explained by Lord Shiva.


• Close your eyes

• Unclutch
• Inhale and hold the breath
• Be in the unclutched state
• Exhale slowly and relax and Breath two or three
times normally
• Do this 21 times

3. Next, do Mahamudra Asana.

Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 105 & 106

Davaa Pagakee Edee Joyee Seevani Aani Lagaavai Soyee |

Dachina Laambau Ju Pasaarai Thaamai Aani Kaagasee

Dhaarai ||105||
Dovoo Khavaa Urdhaso Dharai Thinaso Phera
Ju Kare |
Naasaadrishti Aana Taharaavai Mahaamudraa Naama So
Paavai ||106||

Translation and Technique

• Stay on the ground with legs stretched forward

• Bend the left knee and place the heel at the perine
• Hold the right foot with both hands with fingers
• Bend the head forward
• Place the chin on the right knee
• Fix your gaze at the nose tip
• Remain in this pose 30 seconds

4. In Mahamudra Asana, do Antah Kumbhaka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 28

SushumnaanthargathamThasyaam Nirvikalpena
Chethasaa |
Dhaarayen-maarutham Yogee So’nthah-Kumbhah-
Shivodhithaha ||28||


Without any mental distractions or in other words being

completely unclutched the Yogi should hold the breath in
the Sushumna – the path of Kundalini along the spine. This
is called the Antah Kumbhaka as explained by Lord Shiva.

• Close your eyes
• Unclutch
• Inhale and hold the breath
• Be in the unclutched state
• Exhale slowly and relax and breath two or three
times normally
• Do this 21 times

5. Next, do Makara Asana.

Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha, Verse 39

Adhyaasyah-Shethe Hrudayam Nidhaaya Bhoomau Cha
Paadau Cha Prasaaryamaanau |
Shirashcha Dhruthvaa Kara-Dhanda-Yugme Dehaagnikaar-
am Makaraasanam Thath ||2.39||

Having held the head with the two arms, one lies down on
the ground facing downwards, chest touching the ground,
two legs spread apart. This posture is called the Makarasa-
na – the Crocodile posture – the increaser of bodily heat.

• Lie on the ground facing downwards with the chest
resting on the ground
• Spread the legs wide apart
• Catch hold of your head with the two arms
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

6. In Makara Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka.
Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling

slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

7. Next do Manduka Asana.

Hatha Ratnaavalee, Upadesha 3, Verse 55

Prushtam Sampeedya Gulphaabhyaam Jaanvange Sava-
layaakruthihi |
Hasthau Paadhathale Kshipthau Mandookam Paadhad-
hoshahruth ||3.55||

The Mandukasana which relieves off all troubles of legs is
being seated on the ground with legs folded backwards,
buttocks resting on the heels and knees spread apart, toes
touching each other and hands placed under the respec-
tive knees.

• Stay on the floor with legs folded backwards, but
tocks placed on the heels, toes touching each other
• Spread the knees apart
• Place the hands under the respective knees
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

8. In Manduka Asana, next Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling

slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.

• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

9. Next do Matsya Asana.
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 2, Verse 21

Muktha-Padmaasanam Kruthvaa Uththaana-Shayanam

Chareth |
Koorparaabhyaam Shiro Veshtya Mathsyaasananthu
Rogahaa ||2.21||


Having performed the Padmaasanam one should lie down

on his back. Matsya asana, the destroyer of diseases is
formed by holding the head with the elbows in this pos-

• Place the right foot on the left thigh
• Now place the left foot on the right thigh
• Now lie down on your back
• Cling on to your head with your elbows
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

10. In Matsya Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||

A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling
slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.

• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

11. Next do Mritya Bhanjaka Asana.
Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 154-156

Pratham Sena Soodho Hoya Thaanai Paga Uchaaya Aagaa

Nai Aanai |
Bahura Pagathalee Ko Yo Raakhai Kora Vaaralee Yaa Vidhi
Daakhai ||154||
Vatee Aangulyaa Lagathi Aane Kari Gaadee Jaadaanthari
Thaanai |
Dovu Haatha Paga Baahari Lyaavai Puni Thaakau Aise
Taharaavai ||155||
Dachina Karakau Pahoochau Joyee Vaachaa Kara Sau Pa-
karai Soyee |
Masthaka Bhoosom Lagatho Raakhai Naasaadrishti Vacha-
na Nahee Bhaakai ||156||

Translation and Technique
• Lie on your back with face upwards
• Bend the knees and take them under the armpits
with legs held upwards vertically
• Put the hands on feet
• Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Remain in this pose for 30 seconds

12. In Mritya Bhanjakasana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling

slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times


Cure for Hernia

Do the following (in the order given):

1. Simhaasana
2. Bahih Kumbhaka
3. Sumati Asana
4. Bahih Kumbhaka
5. Soorya Asana
6. Bahih Kumbhaka
7. Swastikaasana
8. Bahih Kumbhaka
9. Unmukhapitta Asana
10. Bahih Kumbhaka
11. Uttana Shikhi Peeta Asana
12. Bahih Kumbhaka
13. Vajrasanghaara Asana
14. Bahih Kumbhaka

1. Sit in Simhaasana.
Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 2, Verses 14 & 15

Gulphau Cha Vrishanasyaadho Vyuthkramenordhvathaam
Gathau |
Chithiyugmam Bhoomi-Samstham Karau Cha
Jaanunopari ||2.14||
Vyaattha-Vakthro Jalandhrena Naasaagramavalokayeth |
Simhaasanam Bhavedethath Sarva-Vyaadhi-
Vinaashakam ||2.15||

One should gaze at the tip of the nose, with the jaaland-
hara bandha, mouth kept open and the two heels placed
crosswise under the perineum, turned upwards with knees
placed on the ground. This is Simha asana – the destroyer
of all diseases.


• Be seated in the kneel-down pose

• Cross the ankles and place them under the
perine um
• Place the hands on the knees and Spread out
• Place the chin on the throat and contract the throat
• Open the mouth widely sticking the tongue
• Gaze at the tip of the nose
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

2. In Simhaasana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling

slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

3. Next do Sumati Asana.

Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 333-335

Mooladvaari Dharatee Pari taane Daavaa Pagapari Dacha
Pada Aane |
Daayee Paakhatee Ko le Aavai Haatha Eka Antara
Taharaavai ||333||
Dovoo Edee Teke Aisai Aado Vaayee Raakho Taisai |
Phanaa Jugama Ubhaa Kara Rakhai Godaa Dovu Ubhaa
Daakhai ||334||
Godaatarai Haatha Kari Rahai Aamhee Saamhee Kohanee
Gahai |
Naasaadrishti Achala Para Raakhai Aasana Sumati Naama
So Bhaakhai ||335||

Translation and Technique

• Sit with legs stretched and knees raised

• Place the right foot on the left foot and turn it to
wards left side

• Raise the toes
• Cross the hands under the knees and hold the
opposite elbows
• Fix the gaze at the tip of the nose
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

4. In Sumati Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||

A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling
slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

5. Next, do Soorya Asana.
Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 82 & 83

Aidee Dovoo Gudhaathari Aanai | Phanaa Paani Baithaka

Puni Taanai ||
Godaa Jangha Adhara kari Rahai | Aade Vaaya Isee Vidha Gahai
Dovoo bhujaa nabha disaa pasaarai | Kamala svroop an-
gurree dhaarai ||
Pouhachaa madhi chitra puni taanai | Chidra vikhai puni
drishti ju aanai ||83||

Translation and Technique
• Stay on the floor
• Place the feet together and keep them under the
• Spread the knees wide apart
• Sit erect
• Raise the hands above the head and make a lotus
shape out of the fingers
• Look up through the gaps of fingers
• Contract the abdomen
• Stay in this pose 30 seconds

6. In Soorya Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |
Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||

A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling
slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

7. Next, do Svastikasana.
Shiva Samhita, Upadesha 3, Verse 95

Jaanoorvorantare Samyak Dhruthvaa Paadhathale Ubhe |
Samakaayas-Sukhaaseenaha Svastikam
Thathprchakshate ||3.95||

Having held the toes firmly in the gap between thighs and
calf muscles, in the cross-legged position and seated com-
fortably with the head, neck and spine straight is called


• Stay on the ground cross-legged

• Place the right toe in the gap between the left thigh
and the calf muscles and the left toe in the gap be
tween the right thigh and the calf muscles
• Keep your spine erect
• Settle in this pose for 30 seconds

8. In Swastika Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka .

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling slowly.

This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

9. Next do Unmukha Pitta Asana.

Yoga Rahsya, Upadesha 6, Verse 17

Bhoonyasthau jaanoonee hasthou chatushpadamavaang-

mukham |
Utthaaptaangriyugalakatisthalamabhirukaa ||


Laying on the floor facing downwards, the knees raised above

in this position is called Unmukha Pitta Asana.

• Come down on the hands and knees

• Place the elbows on the ground, forearms parallel to
each other
• Slowly raise the knees off the ground, balancing on
the ball of the feet (you may also keep the knees on
the ground)
• Remain in this pose for 30 seconds

10. In Unmukha Pitta Asana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling slowly.

This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.

• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

11. Next, do Uttaana Shikhi Peetaka Asana.

Yoga Rahasya, Upadesha 5, Verse 23

Janghoru-Bala-Heenashcheth Uththaana-Shikhi-Peetakam |
Apramaththaha Prakurveetha Bhuktehe Praag
Vijithendriyaha ||5.23||


• Lie on your back

• Raise the buttocks up and holdwith the hands
placed at the hip
• Let the elbows bear the weight of the body
• Press the throat with your chin
• Remain in this pose for 30 seconds

12. In Uttaana Shikhi Peetaka Asana, do Bahih

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling slowly.

This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


• Slowly exhale
• Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
• Then slowly relax and inhale
• Do this 21 times

13. Next, do Vajrasanghaara Asana.

Joga Pradeepikaa, Verses 79-81

Prathama Phanaa Paani Hoy Baise | Dovu Edi Goodhaa
Nivesai ||
Godaa Oobhaa Raakhai Theer | Aade Vaar Pasaarai
Dheer ||79||
Prushta Disee Dovu Kara Aanai | Tinakee Jugath Aiseevidh
Taanai ||
Gahai Parasapari Bhujaa Ju Dovu | Kohanyaa Lagathee
Pakarai Sovu ||80||
Jaado Kabahu Naa Lage Avara Putanee Jaay |
Vajrasanghaara Aasan Yah Jo Dina Raath Saadhaya ||81||

Translation and Technique

• Come to a squatting position

• Join the sole of the feet with the toes pointing

• Sit with the anus resting on the heels
• Spread the knees apart sideways
• Take the hands to the back and hold the left elbow
with the right hand and vice-versa
• Settle in this pose for 30 seconds

12. In Vajrasangharasana, do Bahih Kumbhka.

Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 31

Rechayithvaa Bahirvaayum Baahyaakaashe KramenaYath |

Dhaarayeth PrayathoYogee Bahiha-Kumbhasthu
Rechitaha || 31 ||


A Yogi should retain the breath outside after exhaling

slowly. This is called Bahih Kumbhaka.


1. Slowly exhale
2. Retain the breath as long as possible outside with
out any visualization
3. Then slowly relax and inhale
4. Do this 21 times


About His Holiness

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is recognized today as
a clear, legitimate, apolitical voice of Sanatana Hindu Dharma,
and revered as a living incarnation of superconsciousness by
millions worldwide. He is a Maha Mandaleshwar (spiritual head)
of Mahanirvani Peetha, the most ancient apex body of Hinduism.
He is the most watched spiritual teacher on You Tube with
over 17.5 million views, and the author of more than 300 books
published in over 20 languages. His lectures are watched live
every day on, as well as on multiple
international television channels and via video conferencing.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is considered the foremost

authority in the world today in the field of Consciousness
and Kundalini Awakening, who has successfully demystified
yogic sciences like spiritual healing, levitation, teleportation,
materialization, anti-ageing and going beyond food.

A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything

from management to meditation, relationships to religion, success
to spirituality, Paramahamsa Nithyananda brings to us a wealth
of practical wisdom and techniques for lasting inner change.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the spiritual head of

several non-profit organizations worldwide which enrich lives
through personal transformation programs and courses,
publications, spiritual healing and humanitarian services.
As a global humanitarian, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
is working to promoting global peace, through
transformation of the individual. His spiritual mission
includes ashrams and centres worldwide, which
serve as spiritual laboratories where inner growth is
profound and outer growth is a natural consequence.

Service activities include conducting meditation and

de-addiction camps worldwide, free medical camps and
artificial limb donation for the needy, support to children in
rural areas, conducting meditation camps for prisoners, relief
work and disaster recovery management in flood hit areas.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is also deeply committed to

creating international awareness about Indian culture and
the ancient Vedic tradition. As an enlightened mystic, a
spiritual evolutionary, a trained yogi, a powerful healer and
a siddha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an inspiring
personality for millions of people worldwide. His authenticity,
depth of experience and his rare gift for making spirituality
both practical and enjoyable have allowed His teachings
to reach far and wide. He has healed thousands of people
of diseases ranging from depression to cancer, often with
a single touch. Working and sharing with over 10 million
people worldwide every year, Paramahamsa Nithyananda
and His mission are committed to help humanity make
the next big breakthrough: into superconsciousness.
Inner Awakening
Awaken the Right Intelligence for
A unique 21-day yoga and meditation retreat with
Enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


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• having the successful life you deserve
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The ancient science and secrets:

• to awaken your Kundalini energy

• to heal your mind, body, soul & relationships
• to activate your hidden potential for greatness
• to hand-craft a successful future
Manifest your Reality!
The Kalpataru is a powerful workshop that aligns your
actions with your true intentions. It is a simple method
that allows you to awaken your innate power so that
you can manifest your own destiny. Chronic diseases are
miraculously healed, financial or relationship problems are
sorted out effortlessly, miracles of transformation happen
and a deep sense of fulfillment and joy is experienced.

Receive a personal blessing from a rare living incarnation

H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda and empower your true
intentions to transform into your reality!
Nithya Kriya Yoga
Live Life at Your Peak!
Our ability to live life to its fullest is blocked as we engage
with life in a very limited way. In this 2-day intensive
program, we learn to apply the techniques from the essence
of all spiritual wisdom: the four sacred principles that reveal
the secrets of life and death. Not adapting these principles
in our life is the root of all conflicts we face with life.

Through this program, you will be initiated into these

four principles and learn powerful techniques to

• Any kind of fear, especially fear of death

• Unconscious conflicting desires
• Guilt due to social conditioning
• Past traumas and pains and
• Live your life at its peak!
Nithya Dhyaan Yoga
Break Free of Limitations!
Have you wondered why the experience we receive from life
is always the same, no matter how much we strive to alter it?
Our endeavors to find happiness, success and better
relation- ships may yield varied results, but at the end we are
almost always left with the feeling that nothing has changed.
The reason for this limited experience of life is the
behavioral patterns, which are deeply engraved in
us. Each pattern is associated with one of the seven
major energy centers (chakras) in our system,
which subtly influences our emotional behavior.
In this intensive 2-day workshop, we learn to apply the four
sacred principles of blissful living (integrity, authenticity,
responsibility and enriching), to heal our chakras and go
beyond the influence of these limiting behavioral patterns.

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