Zook Selfreflectionmodulef

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ED 2500 Jon Zook

Self Reflection Module F May 25th, 2020

Self Assessment for Microteaching Lesson

Observation of your teaching activity. (How did you introduce the lesson? How did you develop the
lesson? How did you conclude the lesson?) If you followed the plan you submitted very closely, then be
brief in this section. If you deviated from your plan, then include that in this section.

 For the most part I followed my lesson plan closely, however I did add things that I may not have
put on my lesson plan and I did miss one or two things that I included in my lesson plan. I ended
up phrasing certain things differently or mentioning them in a different order, but overall, I did
not really stray too far from the lesson plan.

Analysis of the activity. (Did you meet your intended learning outcomes? What parts of the lesson
went well? What parts of the activity did not go as well as you hoped? Was the feedback provided by
the team members informative and helpful to you? Did it align with your own assessment?)

 I feel like I did learn quite a bit from this activity and that I did receive some quality feedback.
The part that I felt went well was the actual structure of the lesson itself. Even watching the
video back, it seemed to have a logical flow with a solid intro, body, closure type system.The
part of the activity that did not go as well as I had hoped was the actual delivery of the lesson
itself. Lacrosse is a topic that I feel I am very knowledgeable on, but it is a different story when
you are trying to explain it to others. The hardest part was trying to phrase things and find the
best way to present the information to the viewer. This is what I thought would be the biggest
criticism from my peers as I thought that I didn’t come across as super confident in my speaking.
However, I was surprised with the feedback that I did receive as it didn’t exactly align with my
own criticisms. They collectively thought that it would have been nice to hear a brief overview of
the game of lacrosse after hearing a bit about the history, and I think that is some excellent
feedback. I also feel that I could have expanded a bit more on the indigenous history, as that
was one of the reasons I presented when talking about its importance.

Reflection. (What things did you do, use or say that contributed to your success? What things did you
do, use or say or not do, use or say that contributed to less success in some areas?)

 The best thing that set me up for success on this assignment was the face to face chat I had with
you (Deb) before I started on my lesson plan. This gave me the basis of my lesson and provided a
solid foundation that I could build on. From there, I tried to keep my lesson plan in a bullet point
form so it was easier to look at and supplement rather than read verbatim. This did help me
focus more on trying to engage the viewers as I did not have to look at a sheet and read from it.
Another aspect that I chose to do was include a fun video clip from a professional lacrosse
player in order to demonstrate the skill of passing. This introduced a new technique of
engagement that I feel helped keep the lesson interesting. I also think this was a wise decision as
passing is a skill that I would not have necessarily been able to properly demonstrate myself and
video clips are a common, easy, and effective way to demonstrate something. One thing that I
initially did that did not contribute to my success, was my idea to try start filming with a more
ED 2500 Jon Zook
Self Reflection Module F May 25th, 2020

professional camera rather than sticking with the tried and true phone camera. This ended with
me having to re film everything with a phone camera, which arguably looked and sounded
better anyways. This goes to show that no matter how much you plan, things can still go wrong.
It is never bad to have a backup plan ready. Lastly, I feel that I should have watched more lesson
examples so I would have had more to compare to. This way I would have known more of what
to expect, and maybe I would have been able to loosen up a bit more.

Identify Areas of Success and Areas for Improvement. Set a specific improvement goal. (This can
be specific to your topic coverage, planning, organization, etc. or may related to a more broad-based
teaching skill.)

 I think the biggest goal for me to achieve is confidence. More specifically confidence in the way I
speak and act while I am presenting on a certain topic. It is true that the more confident a
person is, the more engaged the viewers will be. Like I said previously, I know that lacrosse is a
topic that I am knowledgeable on, but it is a different thing to teach it to a group of people.
Although I do not think that I did an awful job, I feel that I could have had a bit more confidence
in my speech and actions which would have taken the lesson to the next level.

Identify specific improvement strategies. (What specifically might you try to do differently that will
help you meet your improvement goals?)

 In order to achieve these goals, I will:

o Watch more instructional type videos from professionals and observe
 Investigate ATA and Undergrad Ed Society resources
o Talk with people I know in the teaching profession and get their input on the matter
o Take any opportunity I can to speak in front of a group of people in order to increase my
comfortability with public speaking
o Put more thought into how I might phrase certain concepts/practice expanding on
bullet points
o Look into any opportunities this summer to observe professionals in a live classroom

I feel that these are attainable and reasonable strategies that will help me gain the confidence I
need in order to effectively speak and act while in front of a group of people.

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