Carbon Footprint Calculator Offline

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Carbon footprint calculator and energy calculator

Conversion Conversion
factor into Quantity in factor for
Quantity Unit SI-unit SI-Unit SI-Unit kg CO2

House Heating
Heating with natural gas
Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:
cubic metres 10 kWh 0 0.19
100 cubic feets 28.32 kWh 0 0.19
0 kWh 1 kWh 0 0.19

One sack of coal usually weighs 50 kg
kg coal 7.583 kWh 0 0.32

kg 2.778 kWh 0 0.25

Heating oil
Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:
0 Litres 11.9 kWh 0 0.25
kg 12 kWh 0 0.25
Gallons (UK) 54.0974 kWh 0 0.25
Gallons (US) 45.42 kWh 0 0.25

Solar collector for heating

kWh 1 kWh 0 0

Heat pump
kWh 1 kWh 0 0

Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:
0.8 Litres petrol 9.58 kWh 7.664 0.24
Gallons petrol (UK) 43.55068 kWh 0 0.24
US-gallons gasoline 36.2603 kWh 0 0.24
Litres diesel 10.52 kWh 0 0.25
UK-gallons diesel 47.82392 kWh 0 0.25
US-gallons diesel 39.8182 kWh 0 0.25

Table to calculate the effective consumption from the average fuel consumption
8 Litres fuel per 100 km 30 Miles per gallon (UK)
10 Distance in km 0 Distance in miles
0.8 -> consumption in litres 0 -> consumption in gallons (UK)

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Use this table below to calculate the CO2 emission factor and the energy factors for your electricity mix.

Composition of your electricity

share in %
coal 26% kWh 26 0.9
oil 30% kWh 30 0.7
natural gas 20% kWh 20 0.36
nuclear energy 20% kWh 20 0.02
hydroelectric 2% kWh 2 0
PV solar 0% kWh 0 0.05
wind 0% kWh 0 0.01
geothermal 0% kWh 0 0.03
wood 0% kWh 0 0
waste 2% kWh 0
Sum 100.00%
weighted factors for mix: .5200

Electricity consumption

100 Kilowatt hours (kWh) .5200

Plane trips (flights)

Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:
10 km 0.625 kWh 6.25 0.72
Miles 1.005625 kWh 0 0.72

Bus trips
Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:
10 km 0.284 kWh 2.84 0.25
Miles 0.456956 kWh 0 0.25

Enter a quantity for the appropriate Unit:

10 km 0.2 kWh 2 0.2

Miles 0.3218 kWh 0 0.2

Please note
As from mid of February, 2007, there will be a more convenient carbon footprint calculator online
available at The online calculator allows to store individual contributions to the personal footprint

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so that the actual carbon footprint and energy consumption over a period of time can be calculated.

For questions, please feel free to either ask in our discussion forum or via mail
juerg.rohrer (at)

This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.
To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Sta

Seite 3

Point with the mouse to the red points to

read comments and explanations.

Conversion Conversion Non-renew-

factor for factor for Renewable able
kg CO2 renewable non-renewable energy energy
produced energy energy used used

0 0.0030 1.1970 0 0
0 0.0030 1.1970 0 0
0 0.0030 1.1970 0 0

0 0 0

0 1.0670 0.0240 0 0

0 0.0040 1.2900 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2900 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2900 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2900 0 0

0 1.0070 0.0540 0 0

0 1.0020 0.1000 0 0

1.83936 0.0050 1.3630 0.03832 10.446032

0 0.0050 1.3630 0 0
0 0.0050 1.3630 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2890 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2890 0 0
0 0.0040 1.2890 0 0

Miles per gallon (UK)

Distance in miles
> consumption in gallons (UK)

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or your electricity mix.

23.4 0.0350 3.9780 0.91 103.428

21 0.0180 3.3400 0.54 100.2
7.2 0.0090 2.3160 0.18 46.32
0.4 0.0120 4.0600 0.24 81.2
0 1.1270 0.0290 2.254 0.058
0 1.0040 0.3840 0 0
0 1.2800 0.1020 0 0
0 1.2800 0.2540 0 0
0 1.1440 0.2090 0 0
0 0.0310 0.2540 0.062 0.508

.0419 3.3171

52 .0419 3.3171 4.186 331.714

4.5 0.0040 1.2760 0.025 7.975

0 .0040 1.2760 0 0

0.71 0.0040 1.2890 0.01136 3.66076

0 .0040 1.2890 0 0

0.4 0.04186 3.31714 0.08372 6.63428

0 .0419 3.3171 0 0

alculator online
al contributions to the personal footprint

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an be calculated.

Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

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