SRS On Blood Bank

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Project: Software Requirement Specification

Project Topic: Blood Bank Management System

Submitted To: Sir Zeeshan Khurram

Submitted By: Takreem zahira, Umal Baneen

(15335) (15313)
Semester 5th (M)
Department of Software Engineering,
1. Introduction
This project is developed to manage the blood stock in the "BLOOD BANK" and the blood p
rices are maintained in the database. New blood details are entered in to the project to manag
e blood details. Blood donor details are entered and maintained in the database.
 Blood sales and blood purchase are entered and maintained in this project. Blood stock repor
ts, sales reports and blood purchase reports are managed in this project.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this SRS and the (intended) audience for which it is written is to provide the
software requirement specification report for Blood Donation Web-Application.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
This project is the university level project and is implementing under the guidance of
university professors. This project is useful to everyone who travels in flights.

1.3 Project Scope

  The purpose of the online system is to create convenient and easy-to-use online system for
users, trying to get or donate blood. The system is based on a relational database with. We
will have a database supporting dozens of major cities around the world as well as hundreds
of flights by various airline companies. Above all, we hope to provide a comfortable user
experience along with the best pricing available.
The specification builds on the experience of users of IT technology in blood transfusion that
is currently available and informs both Connecting for Health (CHFs) and commercial
companies producing both hardware and software.
The main objective of this specification is to support the automated tracking of blood
products from the initial ordering of a blood transfusion for a patient, through to the taking of
a blood sample for cross matching, to administration of a blood transfusion and subsequent
updates to care records. The scope of the specification includes the following scenarios:
• Routine blood transfusion.
• Transfusion for special requirements (for example, cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative
blood, irradiated blood or antigen negative blood).
• Emergency issue of blood.
• Management of returned and unused blood units.
1.4 References

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective

WBBDS is mainly towards persons who are willing to donate blood to the patients. Through
this system it will be easier to find a donor for exact blood type and easy to build the
connection between donor & the blood bank authorities. The main intend of building this
software is to formal the procedure of blood donation & motivate donors in order to donation
blood. The system also consists of some local system hardware devices as well. A printer &
SMS indicator are the main devices among the other devices. The entire software product
includes the all relevant features to create a better connection between the blood donor &
blood bank authorities.

2.2 Product Functions
1. Admin:
This module focuses on the both donors & acceptors. Each member in a donor & acceptor is
given a user id and password, which identifies him uniquely. The member is given a login
form. he enters the login details user id and password. The options given to
• Maintain donor details
• Maintain referral once
• Update donor details
• View Experiences
• Logout Change Password
Whenever a user wants to change his / her password he can select the change password
option. The system displays the form, which asks him for his old password and new
password. The system then compares the old password with the existing password in the

Each member in a Donor is given a user id and password, which identifies him uniquely. The
member is given a login form. he enters the login details user id and password. The options
given to each member in a staff are Change password Find a Blood group Why donate blood
who needs blood Find a Donor Refer a friend Logout

In this you can store the information about Acceptors. Change password Find a blood group.
Who needs blood Logout?

2.3 User Characteristics
In here the system admin & the donor are the system users. According to my
assumptions the donor who will register to the system from the website can
understand easy questions which are in English language & he/she has the ability
to realize small instructions & fill the application without any errors & a small
knowledge of computers to upload the health condition certificate to the 
system.User is very generous to attend to the donation with such a small announcement.(e-
mails &  SMS messages )

2.4 Operating Environment

1. Software requirements:
Framework: Sublime text editor
Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back end: My SQL, XAMPP, PHP
Operating system: Window 8.1, Window 10
2. Hardware Requirements
Processor: Intel(R) core (TM) m3-7y30 CPU @ 1.00GHz 1.61GHz
RAM: 256MB or more
Monitor: 15” color monitor, or LCD monitor
Hard disk: 20GB or more
Keyboard: Any keyboard
Mouse: Any mouse

2.5 General Constraints
The program will be written in PHP language. The both kind of donors who has the
internet connection & who has not the
internet connection can contribute to the donation through the WBBD system.
The donor who uses internet connection will be guided through small & clear
Every donor may get a user name & a password in order to log into the system.
After the registration of a donor the program will authenticate the accuracy of the
donor’s mobile number through counting the number of characters in the entered
mobile numberSystem uses the donor registration number & the identity card number 
to identify each donor separately.
Inside the system the administrator has more advance functions than the donor.
The hospital doctor is not a user of the system. But the doctor connects to thesystem i
n a different manner. The doctor mainly has the connection with the system admin.
2.5Assumptions and Dependencies
Every donor has a mobile phone. The system doesn’t keep the details of the gathering
stock of blood. The system database will be accessible in real time. The donor doesn’t
submit any fake reports to the system. Donors who want to contribute to a donation
will definitely reply to the request of system. The installation of the e system to the
website server hasn’t considered as a process inside the system. That process will do
by the authorities who are controlling the website. Therefore, in here the installation
process is considered as a process which is in outside of the scope. A doctor or a
patient can request for a exact blood group. But the request comes through blood bank
authorities to the system admin. Therefore doctor, patient are not direct users of the

3.1 External Interface Requirements
User Interfaces:
 Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
 Web page layout.

Hardware Interfaces:
 Windows.
 A browser which supports CGI, CSS, HTML & JavaScript.

Software interface:

We have chosen Windows operating system for its

Operating system best support and user-friendliness.

Database we have chosen MYSQL database, XAMPP.

To implement the project, we have chosen PHP

PHP language for its more interactive support.

3.2 System Features:

System features #1


The blood bank management system maintains blood stock in the inventory and provide
blood to those people who request for blood. Of course, this project has a high priority
because it is very difficult for people to search blood samples that match to their blood group.


 First user Log in the page.

 Search for any blood group.
 Displays a detailed list of available blood group and then user request for that blood group which
he required.
 If donor donate blood then he registers himself for blood donation.
 Logout.

3.2.1 Functional Requirements
 User Login

User Type: (Donor/Recipients)

The system provides security features through username-password matching where
only authorized user can access the system with different authorization level. First
create account then login.
User Input:
Username, Password.
Register himself, search blood Donor, Request for blood Donation, check blood
stock, Request for blood and logout.

 Admin Login
The system provides security features through username-password matching where
only authorized user can access the system with different authorization level.
Admin Input:
Username, Password.
Invalid or Update Blood Details, see Donation request, see blood request and logout.

 Donor/Recipients Profile Registration

This allows healthy public to register as volunteer donor.
Input: Donor/ Recipient Id, Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Blood Group, Address, Contact
Number, Email Address, Diseases (if any) Aadhar Card No.
Output: - Successfully Registered.

 Blood Stock Management

The blood bank staffs can manage the blood stock starting from the blood collection, to blood
screening, processing, storage, transference and transfusion through this system. Each process
or work-flow can be traced from the database. The system will also raise alert to the staff
whenever the blood quantity is below its par level or when the blood in stock has expired.
Donor/Recipient Management
The records of all donors/recipient and their history are kept in one centralized database and
thus reducing duplicate data in the database. The record of donation is maintained by the
system. The admin can update the blood detail.

 Reporting
The system is able to generate pre-defined reports such as the list of donors, recipients,
staffs, the blood quantity in the bank and charts.

Input: Admin Username, Admin Password Output-Today’s Report, Month Report, Year

Non-Functional Requirements
 The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using
 In case of a of a hardware failure or database corruption, a replacement page will be
shown. Also, in case of a hardware failure or database corruption, backups of the
database should be retrieved from the application data folder and saved by the
 It means 24 x 7 availability.

 The system uses SSL (secured socket layer) in all transactions that include any
confidential customer information.
 The system must automatically log out all customers after a period of inactivity

 The system is interactive and the delays involved are less.
 When connecting to the server the delay is based editing on the distance of the 2
systems and the configuration between them so there is high probability that there
will be or not a successful connection in less than 20 seconds for sake of good

As the system provide the right tools for problem solving it is made in such a way
that the system is reliable in its operations and for securing the sensitive

Other non-functional requirements:



 Availability
 Correctness
 Maintainability
 Usability

Process Model

For blood bank management system waterfall model is used

 Easy to understand and implement.
 Testing in each phase.
 Documentation Available after each phase.
 Most Suitable for single projects where work products are well defined and
their functioning is understood.

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