Blood Bank Management System - Database System

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The key takeaways are that the blood bank management system aims to simplify and automate the process of searching for blood in emergencies and maintain records of donors, recipients, donations and blood stocks. It provides a common platform for donors, recipients and blood banks.

The purpose of the blood bank management system is to simplify and automate the process of searching for blood in case of emergency and maintain the records of blood donors, recipients, blood donation programs and blood stocks in the bank.

The goals and objectives of the blood bank management system are to provide a means for blood banks to advertise donation programs, allow recipients to search for donors, efficiently manage donor and stock details, and provide a centralized database.


Introduction & Scope

Problem Statement
Requirement Analysis
Relational Database Design
ER Diagram
Schema Tables
SQL database
SQL Queries

The purpose of the blood bank management system (BBMS) is to simplify

and automate the process of searching for blood in case of emergency and
maintain the records of blood donors, recipients, blood donation programs
and blood stocks in the bank. The proposed system gives the procedural
approach of how to bridge the gap between Recipient, Donor, and Blood Banks.
This Application will provide a common ground for all the three parties.

The system provides a high-end, efficient, highly available and scalable system to
bridge the gap between the donors and the recipients and to reduce the efforts
required to search for blood donors. From this system, there are several type of
report that can be generated such as blood stock report, donor’s gender report
and the total of blood donation according to months and year. The system also can
give the information to the donor about blood analysis test result for each time
the donor makes contribution. Hence, BBMS will make the blood bank stock more
systematic and manageable.
● Our blood bank database system , consists of all the attributes of the blood banks,
donors and the recipients.
It has several contents related to its real objectives ,the requirement analysis, data
tables, its design and a whole planned ER diagram, further it explains the system by
providing SQL queries & database.
Our Blood Bank Management system takes care of all the information about the
donors , hospital records , and check availability of blood stocks.
All the orders done by hospitals for our recipients has been taken care of.
Donors donate their blood ,which is being collected in various groups of Blood banks
and all their personal information is kept for the registration.
Receptionist deals with Registration process and works under blood banks to keep a
track of all the donors, and available blood types.
This study found out that this system puts an end to the fear caused during an
emergency period and reduces the hassle of manual paper-based data entries.
Blood Bank gives a platform to save life , in need of emergency, and also a chance to be
helpful to someone.
The goals and objectives of the Blood Bank Management System are as follows:

To provide a means for the blood bank to publicize and advertise blood
donation programs.
To allow the probable recipients to make search and match the volunteer donors,
and make request for the blood.
To provide an efficient donor and blood stock management functions to the blood
bank by recording the donor and blood details.
To improve the efficiency of blood stock management by alerting the blood bank
staffs when the blood quantity is below it par level or when the blood stock has
To provide synchronized and centralized donor and blood stock database.
To provide immediate storage and retrieval of data and information.

1.DONOR- Primary key- donor_id

donor_id, name, sex, age, phno, address

2.BLOOD- Primary key- code

code, blood_group, cost

3.HOSPITAL- Primary key- name

name, address, phno
4. BLOODBANK- Primary key- bno
bno, available_bloodtypes, orders

5. RECEPTIONIST- Primary key- emp_id

emp_id, name, address, salary, phno
Donor - In donor, we have 5 attributes of donor_id, name , age, sex, phno & address; the
primary key here is donor_id . Donor register for themselves and donate blood in our banks.
They can contact various hospitals to get them connected to blood banks , or online blood banks
could be found easily to donate and be a part of our society

Blood bank- bno, available_bloodtypes, orders are the 3 attributes we have here, where as bno
is our primary key. Blood bank is a link between recipients and the hospital. Donors share their
blood here, hospitals give orders for blood needed in emergency and also prior if a particular
blood type is not available .

Hospital- name, address, phno of hospitals are the 3 attributes which is needed for them to get
connected to blood banks in the city. name is given as a primary key as it gives the direct
information of the hospital and the blood bank. Hospitals try to find blood but, not always they
get at right time, they definitely keep a check on blood bank near their areas and supply to their
banks. They even encourage people visiting there to donate their healthy blood and also make
certain measures like blood donating camps & its awareness.
blood - the 3 attributes are code, blood_group & cost here code is our primary key. Blood
is the main content in this system, blood groups have been divided into each type. Hospitals
also keep a track of all the blood in their banks and the orders of certain type is done by the
means of code . We have tried to ensure that there is clear record of transactions between
banks and the hospitals.

Receptionist - 5 attributes of emp_id , name , address, salary, phno are mentioned here.
All the employees of blood bank play a major role to connect with the hospitals in emergency
and acts fast and decisively in that tense situation. They held various blood bank camps in
remote areas and also maintain the hygiene , and security of such medical promises.

1. DONOR Primary key – donor_id

donor_id name sex age phno address

2. BLOOD Primary key – code

code blood_group cost

3. HOSPITAL Primary key – name
name address phno

4. BLOODBANK Primary key – bno

bno available_bloodtypes orders

5. RECEPTIONIST Primary key – emp_id

emp_id name address salary phno

1.View the contents of DONOR 2. View the contents of BLOOD

3.View the contents of

4. View the contents of BLOODBANK 5.View the contents of

6. Display the names of the 7. Update Bloodbank & add

hospitals in Mumbai bloodtype AB where bno=116
9. Display names of all the
8. Alter table Donor and add a column disease
female donors who live in Pune

11. Display names of the

10. Display names of bloodbank hospitals in alphabetical order
employees whose salary is between
12. Display donors whose names do not
13. Count the no of
start with an S
hospitals in Mumbai

14. Display the total salary given to all 15.Display the average
bloodbank employees salary.
17. Display the minimum salary 18. Display the maximum
of an employee salary of an employee

19. Count the no of male donors 20. Display all hospital names
22. Display donors in desc.
21. Display cities having hospitals.
order of their names

23.Count the no of bloodbanks

which have all bloodtypes
24. Display the bloodbank code which have all

25. Rename Donor to Donors

26.Create view donor_contact and 27. Create and display view
display it. bloodbank_orders

28. Create view

bloodbank_details and display it.
29. What is the average age of the donors

30. Alter table donor & drop the column


31.Display bloodbank employee

names whose salary<25k
32. Perform full outer join on tables donors and blood.

33. Perform left outer join on bloodbank and blood

34.Perform right outer join on tables bloodbank and blood

35.Perform NATURAL JOIN on donors and blood


Technology is introducing new innovations day by day, thus reducing the time
required to do things. The proposed system can be used to reduce the time
required to deliver required blood to the needy in case of emergency.
The web application provides a way of communication and synchronization
between the hospitals and the blood banks. It also provides them with the
facility of communicating with the nearby donors in emergency. The database is
a vital aspect of the system. The database of the hospitals and the blood banks
must be checked for consistency on regular basis for smooth working of the
system. It helps to minimize human errors and problems pertaining to data
redundancy. It is a fast-paced and efficient way to communicate without any
security threats as the data entered will be verified and frequently updated
thereby increasing the probability of saving one's life.

Software used - Postgre SQL

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