The document contains 4 examples demonstrating the use of classes and objects in SystemVerilog. The first example shows counting from 0 to 9 using a class. The second sums two numbers using a class. The third creates two objects of a class. The fourth demonstrates that making variables local private to a class prevents them from being accessed outside the class.
The document contains 4 examples demonstrating the use of classes and objects in SystemVerilog. The first example shows counting from 0 to 9 using a class. The second sums two numbers using a class. The third creates two objects of a class. The fourth demonstrates that making variables local private to a class prevents them from being accessed outside the class.
The document contains 4 examples demonstrating the use of classes and objects in SystemVerilog. The first example shows counting from 0 to 9 using a class. The second sums two numbers using a class. The third creates two objects of a class. The fourth demonstrates that making variables local private to a class prevents them from being accessed outside the class.
The document contains 4 examples demonstrating the use of classes and objects in SystemVerilog. The first example shows counting from 0 to 9 using a class. The second sums two numbers using a class. The third creates two objects of a class. The fourth demonstrates that making variables local private to a class prevents them from being accessed outside the class.
1. Counting of serial number from 0 to 9 using classes
class demo; int i; int numb; task counting(); $display("The serial numbers are"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) begin numb=i; $display("%d\n",numb); end endtask endclass module top_count; initial begin demo d1; d1=new(); d1.counting(); end endmodule TRANSCRIPT: The serial numbers are # 0 # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9
2. Display the sum of two numbers using class;
class demo; task sum(input int a, b, output int c); c=a+b; $display("%d",c); endtask endclass module top_count; initial begin int x; demo d1; d1=new(); d1.sum(10,20,x); end endmodule TRANSCRIPT: run # 30 3. Creating two Objects of class. class demo3; int i; int j; task disp(); begin $display("the value of i=%d value of j=%d",i,j); end endtask endclass module top3; initial begin demo3 d1,d2; d1=new(); d2=new(); d1.i=50; d1.j=55; d2.i=15; d2.j=35; d1.disp(); d2.disp(); end endmodule TRANSCRIPT: # the value of i= 50 value of j= 55 # the value of i= 15 value of j= 35 4. Using LOCAL in the class. class demo3; local int i=10; local int j=20; task disp(); begin $display("the value of i=%d value of j=%d",i,j); end endtask endclass module top_count; initial begin demo3 d1,d2; d1=new(); d2=new(); d1.i=50; d1.j=55; d2.i=15; d2.j=35; d1.disp(); d2.disp(); end endmodule TRANSCRIPT: # vlog -reportprogress 300 -work work C:/questasim64_10.6c/examples/ # -- Compiling package top_count_sv_unit # -- Compiling module top_count # ** Error (suppressible): (vlog-8688) C:/questasim64_10.6c/examples/ Illegal access to local member i. # Full name of member: top_count_sv_unit::demo3::i # Full name of calling scope: outside a class context # ** Error (suppressible): (vlog-8688) C:/questasim64_10.6c/examples/ Illegal access to local member j. # Full name of member: top_count_sv_unit::demo3::j # Full name of calling scope: outside a class context # ** Error (suppressible): (vlog-8688) C:/questasim64_10.6c/examples/ Illegal access to local member i. # Full name of member: top_count_sv_unit::demo3::i # Full name of calling scope: outside a class context # ** Error (suppressible): (vlog-8688) C:/questasim64_10.6c/examples/ Illegal access to local member j. # Full name of member: top_count_sv_unit::demo3::j # Full name of calling scope: outside a class context # End time: 14:52:12 on May 20,2020, Elapsed time: 0:00:01 # Errors: 4, Warnings: 0 INFERENCE: Using the LOCAL keyword the integer variable I and j are made private to this particular class and the entertain no changes outside of the class.