Checklist Internal Audit 2019

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Document No:

Company Name:
TSD Engineering PLC
Title: Internal audit check list Revision Page 1 of 3
No. 01
ISO 9001- 2015

Audit date: - May 10.2020

Clouse SN Check list Y N Comments

4.1 1 Does organization determined external and internal issues Y
relevant to its purpose and strategic direction? :

4.2 2 Does the organization determined the need and expectations Y

of interested parties
4.3 3 Is the scope of quality management sytem determined Y
4.4.1 4 Does the organization stablished the process needed for the
quality management system interaction throughout the Y
4.2 6 Does the organization ensured requirements and applicable Y
statutory and regulatory requirements are met

5,1.2 7 Does the customer complaint records documented N No customer

5.2.1 8 Does the quality policy reviewed as per ISO 9001-2015
5.2.2 9 Does the quality policy Quality policy communicated Y

5.3 10 Does the organization assigned responsibility and authority

to ensure quality management system conforms to the Y
requirement of international standards?
6.1 11 Are the internal and external issues and interested parties
considered when planning for the QMS? Y

6.2 Does the organization determined the quality objectives ?

12 Yes
7.3 13
Does the organization ensured that persons doing work
under the organization’s control are aware of:
a) the quality policy; yes
b) relevant quality objectives;
c) their contribution to the effectiveness of the quality
management system,
Does the organization determined the internal and external
communications relevant to the quality management system?
7.4 14

Document No:
Company Name:
TSD Engineering PLC
Title: Internal audit check list Revision Page 2 of 3
No. 01
ISO 9001- 2015

Audit date: - May 10.2020

7.5 15 - Are all QMS documents (manuals, procedures, data

sheets, work instructions, records, and procedures) yes
controlled (including revision control, controlled
access to originals, control of distributed copies)?

8.2.1 16
Does the organization determined the:
Requirements specified by the customer including yes
delivery and post-delivery activities (training and
installation, support, etc)

9.1.2 Does the organization perform customer surveys, and

obtain customer feedback
- How does the organization maintain equipment used
to control the quality of the products and services?

Work environment yes

Does the organization assure that the environment is
sufficient the provide consistent product conformity?
9.2 Internal Audits
- Is last Internal & external audit findings closed yes
- Are internal audits performed at periodic planned
intervals to determine if the quality system conforms
to the ISO 9001-2015 requirements
Yes Implemented as
- Are internal audits performed to determine if the per the plan
quality system is effectively implemented and
- Is the audit criteria, scope period and method define Yes
in a document?
- Do auditors ever audit their own work? No
- How does auditor selection and auditor performance
ensure objectivity and impartiality in the audit
- Are corrective actions taken when planned results are
not achieved?
9.3 Management Review
- Does Management review the QMS at planned intervals to
ensure the effectiveness of the plan ? yes

Document No:
Company Name:
TSD Engineering PLC
Title: Internal audit check list Revision Page 3 of 3
No. 01
ISO 9001- 2015

Audit date: - May 10.2020

- Are records of the management review kept maintained as

quality records?
- Are the minimum requirements for a management review
described in a procedure?
- Does the management team meet at least once per year?
10.2 None conformity and Corrective Actions
- Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the cause of yes
nonconformities and to prevent further nonconformities?
- Are corrective actions recorded and maintained as a
quality record?
- Are corrective actions reviewed to confirm that the action
was successful?
10.3 Continual Improvement
- Are results of audit, management reviews, corrective and yes
preventive actions, and analysis of data used for continuous
improvement of the QMS, processes and products?

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