Ecosistem Approach
Ecosistem Approach
Ecosistem Approach
The dynamics of ecosystems and human systems need to be addressed in the context
of Post-Normal Science grounded in complex systems thinking. We portray these
systems as Self-Organizing Holarchic Open (SOHO) systems and interpret their
behaviours and structures with reference to non-equilibrium thermodynamics; holons,
propensities, and canons; and information and attractors. Given the phenomena
exhibited by SOHO systems, conventional science approaches to modelling and
forecasting are inappropriate, as are prevailing explanations in terms of linear causality
and stochastic properties. Instead, narratives in the form of scenarios to depict
morphogenetic causal loops, autocatalysis, and multiple possible pathways for
development need to be considered. Short examples are given. We also link SOHO
system descriptions to issues of human preferences and choices concerning the
preferred attributes of particular SOHO systems, and to the implications for achieving
them through adaptive management, monitoring and appropriate structures for
governance. A heuristic framework to guide reasoning for this is presented, and
reiterative steps for applying it are identified. In this way we provide a coherent
conceptual basis, in the workings of both natural systems and decision systems, for the
practice of Post-Normal Science.
1. Introduction
Much discussion about ecosystem management, or taking an ecosystem approach
emphasizes the need to work across all manner of human boundaries at different
geographic scales. However the growing understanding of the dynamics of ecosystems
entails much more [1]. In this paper we suggest an approach to understanding these
systems in the context of “Post-Normal Science” grounded in complex systems thinking.
At its heart is the portrayal of ecological and human systems as Self-Organizing
Holarchic Open (SOHO) systems whose dynamics are predominated by both positive
and negative feedback processes operating over a range of spatial and temporal
scales. These systems exhibit loose hierarchical structures, various emergent
phenomena, and relatively sudden reconfigurations from one state of system
organization to another. Some changes in these systems are inherently unpredictable.
Futures Vol 31, #7, Sept. 99, pp.721-742 2
The understanding of SOHO systems requires a major change in some of the ways in
which science and decision making are conducted. Traditional reductionistic
disciplinary science and expert predictions, the basis for much of the advice given to
decision makers, have limited applicability. Narratives about possible futures for given
SOHO systems are better able to capture the richness of possibilities. Other
epistemological “mindsets” or causal metatypes [2] must be brought to bear, notably
explanations based on morphogenetic causal loops that involve both positive and
negative feedback processes and autocatalysis. Expectations that decision makers can
carefully control or manage changes in societal or ecological systems have also to be
challenged. Adaptive learning and adjustment, guided by a much wider range of human
experience and understanding than disciplinary science, are also necessary.
This paper sketches a theoretical approach for understanding the dynamics of SOHO
systems. It also situates this approach within an extensive heuristic framework for
relating human choices and preferences concerning the attributes of SOHO systems to
the implications for achieving them through adaptive management, monitoring, and
governance. The main focus of this paper is on the features of SOHO systems that
require different modes of human responses, and also constitute the initial steps for
using the heuristic framework.
high quality energy is pumped into a system, more organization emerges, in a step-wise
way, to dissipate the exergy. Furthermore, these systems tend to get better and better
at "grabbing" resources and utilizing them to build more structure, thus enhancing their
dissipating capability. There is however, in principle, an upper limit to this
organizational response. Beyond a critical distance from equilibrium, the organizational
capacity of the system is overwhelmed and the system's behaviour leaves the domain
of self-organization and becomes chaotic. As noted by Ulanowicz [7] there is a
"window of vitality", that is a minimum and maximum level in between which self-
organization can occur.
The theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics suggests that the self-organization
process in SOHO systems proceeds in a way that captures increasing resources
(exergy and material); makes ever more effective use of the resources; builds more
structure; and enhances survivability. [8] These seem to be the kernel of the
propensities of self-organization. This conception of self-organization, as a dissipative
system, is presented in Figure 1.
How these propensities manifest themselves as morphogenetic causal loops and
dissipative processes is a function of the given environment (context) in which the
system is imbedded, as well as the available materials, exergy and “information”, the
latter defined as factors embedded internally within the system that constrain and guide
the self-organization. The interplay of these factors defines the context and associated
constraints on the set of processes which may emerge. Generally speaking, which
specific processes emerge from the potential set are uncertain.
Self-organizing dissipative processes emerge whenever sufficient exergy is available to
support them. Once a dissipative process emerges and becomes established it
manifests itself as a structure.[9] These structures provide a new context, nested within
which new processes can emerge, which in turn beget new structures, nested within
which... Thus emerges a SOHO system, a nested constellation of self-organizing
dissipative process/structures organized about a particular set of sources of exergy,
materials, and information, embedded in a physical environment, that give rise to
coherent self-perpetuating behaviours. [10]
Physical Environment
Exergy (energy)
A SOHO system exhibits a set of behaviours which are coherent and organized, within
limits. The nexus of this organization at any given time is referred to as an attractor.
The term "attractor" comes from the state space description of the behaviour. The
system has a propensity to remain in a limited domain of state space (for example a
gravity well). It behaves as if it were "attracted" toward this domain and hence the term
"attractor". As SOHO systems evolve they shift between attractors within the SOHO
system's overall state space. The re-organization that these shifts entail is not smooth
and continuous but rather is step-wise. The system “flips” its organizational state in
often dramatic ways.
Ecosystems have multiple possible operating states or attractors, and may shift or
diverge suddenly from any one of them. The notion of alternate stable states in
ecosystems is not well known in the ecological, and particularly the resource
management communities, but it is also not new [15]. Yet the importance of this notion
for explaining ecosystem phenomena remains largely unexplored.
Human systems exhibit similar phenomena of self-organization, such as economic
markets, communication networks, and urban expansion or rural contraction. Self-
organization does not deny human agency, but suggests only that the collective striving
of many individuals and organizations can lead to larger scale structures which are both
unplanned and unexpected. The striving itself may be directed towards realizing
aspirations (an “attractor”?) and reducing the gradients between perceived conditions
and desired goals. Human systems also exhibit the dynamics of SOHO systems.[16]
Table 1: Properties of complex systems to bear in mind when thinking about SOHO
•WINDOW OF VITALITY: Must have enough complexity but not too much. There is a
range within which self-organization can occur. Complex systems strive for
optimum, not minimum or maximum.
•DYNAMICALLY STABLE?: There may not exist equilibrium points for the system.
•CHAOTIC BEHAVIOUR: our ability to forecast and predict is always limited, for
example to between five and ten days for weather forecasts, regardless of how
sophisticated our computers are and how much information we have.
This capacity to organize and maintain itself about an attractor is the hallmark of a self-
organizing system. Such behaviour requires causal explanation in terms of synergistic
positive and negative feedback loops. The explanation must also take into account
different scales and types of interactions. An adequate description of self-organizing
behaviour must be in terms of holarchical, multi-observer/disciplinary perspectives and
morphogenetic mutual causality. Linear cause and effect explanations, in principle,
Other epistemological traditions are required for understanding SOHO systems. For
example, Maruyama [17] identified four causal metatypes that, as related to scientific
substance and process are:
H: explanation in terms of cause and effect models, where the cause and effect
relationship can be deterministic or probabilistic and is often linear in nature. No
reciprocal relationship between effect and cause is considered and hence there
are no causal loops in this mode of explanation. For example- sequential cause
and effect analysis in the old engineering science mode used safety factors in the
design of works to cover features of reality that do not conform to this mindscape.
Similarly, it was assumed that incremental decreases in anthropogenic impacts
on environments will result in incremental improvements in environmental quality.
I: explanation in terms of independent event models in which the most probable
states of an isolated system are random distributions of independent events, and
non-random features tend to decay. From this perspective any systemic linkages
within an ecosystem are only opportunistic and temporary, hence any synergism
among the effects of different human uses is unlikely and the term “ecosystem”
has little meaning;
• and perhaps most importantly the appropriate level of confidence that the narrative
deserves, that is our degree of uncertainty.
Having sketched a picture of the possibilities in the future, it remains for scientists to
suggest ways of mitigating and adapting to the inevitable surprises, both surprises in the
form of unexpected flips to known attractors and those that involve flips to new
attractors which correspond to heretofore unknown manifestations of system
organization. Table 2 summarizes the analysis of ecosystems as SOHO systems.
What perspectives will be used to look at the system? (abiotic, biotic, human
Scale and Extent (the horizontal perspective, where do things begin and end?)
What are the boundaries of observation?
What are the processes which define the whole?
What are the boundaries of the ecosystem, the holon of focus?
Holarchic Structure
Delineate the vertical and horizontal relationships between holons
What are the external influences which could effect the organizational status of the
What are the thresholds of flips to the unacceptable attractors? (states of ecosystem
How do we promote positive influences? (For example; fire in a prairie, subsidies for
clean technologies)
terms of how the local context of exergy, materials and information and biophysical
environment, and the global propensities of capturing more resources (exergy and
material), making more effective use of the resources; building more structure, and
enhancing survivability, give rise to the emergence of the nested structures and
processes which constitute a self-organizing holarchic open system. Two examples
summarized below demonstrate the role of the dissipative system model and
thermodynamics in generating a narrative description of ecological systems as SOHO
Regier and Kay [21] provide an example from Lake Erie which proposed a two-attractor
catastrophe cusp model (Figure 2) as a way of integrating much empirical information of
how aquatic systems might transform under powerful, careless human interventions.
Two different attractors for shallow lakes have been identified [22]. In the
oligotrophic/benthic state, a high water clarity bottom vegetation ecosystem exists. As
nutrient loading results in increasing density of planktonic turbidity in the water, the
internal state of the adapting ecosystem eventually hits a catastrophe threshold and the
ecosystem then flips into an eutrophic/pelagic state. Lake ecosystems have been found
which may be perceived to flip between these attractors irregularly. (Lake Erie appears
to be currently in the midst of such a flip, from pelagic to benthic.) At least three quite
different descriptions of such a lake will be needed, one for the pelagic state, one for the
benthic, and one for the intermediate stage as the system flips between attractors. An
ecosystem adapts through a shift in phase to major fluctuations in factors at a larger
scale in the overall regional holarchy.
The essence of the canon of the benthic system is that it depends on solar energy
reaching the bottom, for the exergy necessary to energize the system. The solar exergy
is captured by the green matter on the bottom and is transformed into forms appropriate
to power the benthic processes. These include predation and grazing of the pelagic
system, thus suppressing it. Various means emerge to maintain the ecosystem at the
benthic attractor. Notable among these are means for keeping the water clear so solar
energy will reach the bottom and means for keeping the water column free of sufficient
exergy which would empower the pelagic attractor.
The pelagic system, on the other hand, depends on exergy in the water column to
energize it. Solar energy may be in the water column. However, unless the materials
necessary for the existence of dissipative processes, which can utilize the solar energy,
are present in the water column, nothing can be done with the solar energy, so it has no
exergy. For example, in many lakes, available phosphorus in the water column limits
the level of photosynthesis by phytoplankton. Beyond a critical level of available
phosphorus in the water column, there is enough availability of solar energy (i.e.
sunlight exergy) to support the phytoplankton bloom necessary for the activation of the
pelagic attractor. Once this occurs, the solar energy capture happens nearer the
water's surface instead of at the bottom and means emerge for promoting and
maintaining the pelagic attractor. Of course by its very presence the pelagic system
shades the benthic from irradiation by the sun, thus decreasing the exergy at the
Pelagic Attractor
Benthic Attractor
Elsewhere, Kay and Regier [23] sketched a more detailed partial narrative of Lake Erie
as a SOHO system. This narrative weaves together the themes of organism, species,
ecosystem, landscape and biome in the context of physical environment, climate and
human habitation and the changes therein. Some of the crucial morphogenetic causal
loops, particularly those involving phosphorus, and their relationships to the canon of
the pelagic and benthic attractors are outlined. The narrative takes the form of a
multilayered account of the ecosystem's operation from different perspectives and
scales. While some individual elements of the narrative consist of traditional scientific
models and descriptions, the synthesis of these elements together into a narrative
transcends normal scientific descriptions.
In this narrative of Lake Erie, the feedback loops, which buffer the system from changes
in external influences, are of particular importance. The benthic attractor has elaborate
feedback schemes, operating at different spatial and temporal scales, for limiting the
phosphorous in the water column. The pelagic attractor has elaborate schemes to
accomplish just the opposite. The way in which changes in context enable and disable
these feedback loops, and their associated canons, thus re-enforcing attractors or
triggering flips between them, has received little attention from the scientific community.
Yet our work would suggest that it is precisely these questions concerning the "flip" from
one attractor to another, through accounting for how environmental influences (context),
acting at different spatial and temporal scales, disable one feedback system while
enabling another, that we must understand. This is essential to comprehending the
relationships between human activities and changes in the ecology of the lakes.
Another example of the notion of canon and attractor, and the ability to characterize
them in terms of the form of exergy utilized, is Holling's four-box cyclical model of
terrestrial ecosystems.[24] (See figure 3 at end of paper.) The first trajectory is the
"exploitation" to "conservation" thermodynamic branch which culminates in the "climax"
community. The biological attractor is the autotrophic system (i.e. a forest). The canon
is expressed, for example, as the growth of a forest to maturity and this is energized by
solar energy. However in the process of increasing the utilization of solar energy and
hence building more structure, much exergy is stored in the biomass. This has the
effect of moving the system further and further from thermodynamic equilibrium as it
When, as Holling puts it, the inevitable accident (fire, windstorm, or pest outbreaks)
happens, suddenly much exergy is available in the form of dead biomass. This exergy
energizes a new biological attractor, the heterotrophic or decomposer system. This is
the thermodynamic branch which runs from "release" to "re-organization". As the
system progresses along this path it releases the stored nutrients while using the stored
exergy. Eventually the stored exergy runs out and the heterotrophic system collapses.
However in the process it has released the nutrients necessary for the re-emergence of
the solar energy-powered system. This interplay between two biological attractors,
which are organized around different forms of exergy, materials, and information is
played out giving rise to the landscape we see.
Consider forests in dry mountainous areas of the world. Often, as moisture laden
clouds pass over bare mountains, they will not drop rain because of the heat reflected
from the bare rocks. However as a forest develops on a mountain the re-radiated heat
decreases [27]. As the re-radiated heat decreases more rain falls, which promotes more
forest growth, which promotes more rain fall....
In southeastern Australia the dominant trees are sclerophyllous eucalypts, but the
undergrowth consists of lush mesophytic vegetation. Normally these circumstances
would give rise to a temperate rain forest. However these systems are subject to
frequent fire, which would not occur if the mesophytic vegetation dominated. Fire
increases soil leaching and sclerophylls are better adapted to poorer soils than
mesophylls. Thus the dominance by sclerophyllous forest depends on fire and the
occurrence of fire depends on the dominance by sclerophyllous forest. The
morphogenetic causal loop of sclerophyllous dominant forest, fire, and soil infertility
obstructs the development of temperate rain forests.
Another important aspect of SOHO systems is the role of morphogenetic causal loops in
maintaining the canon of a system in spite of a changing context [28].Consider for
example the acidification of lakes. The acidity in the precipitation changed substantially,
but rather incrementally, over a number of years. However, the pH of the receiving lake
waters did not change substantially, relatively speaking, over the same period [29]. In
our terms, the pH of precipitation is part of the context of the SOHO system. While this
changed substantially over time, the lakes maintained their canon through a series of
feedback loops that largely buffered them from the environmental change. Eventually
the inflows or runoff reached a level of acidity which exceeded the compensatory
capacity of these loops. Once this happened, the effectiveness of the SOHO system to
maintain its existing state decreased, which in turn decreased the capacity of the loops
to compensate, which decreased the effectiveness of the SOHO system.... and then
quickly the canon unraveled and the SOHO system flipped to another attractor, in this
case a "dead" lake. The narrative description of a SOHO system must not only
delineate the morphogenetic causal loops, but also the contextual circumstances in
which they can and cannot operate. Doing this in effect defines the domains of the
attractors, the resiliency of the canon, and its window of vitality.
In the post-normal situation, the shared understanding of decision making about issues
takes on a different complexion. Decision making becomes what it has always been
about, finding our way through partially undiscovered country rather than charting a
scientifically determined course to a known end point. But to what end? Decisions must
be made about which of the systemic possibilities (i.e. attractors) to promote and which
to discourage. Tradeoffs must be made. Decisions must also be made about how to
deal with the inherent uncertainties, what risks to take, what contingencies to plan for,
what backups to have in place. These decisions must be informed by science, but in
the end they are an expression of human ethics and preferences, and of the socio-
political context in which they are made. This of course raises the question, who
decides? At the very least, those who might be affected by the outcomes should have
some role in making the decisions.
Given that the ability to forecast is limited, management and decision-making strategies
must focus on maintaining a capacity to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Adaptive management involves a very different agenda than anticipatory management
[31]. For example, the issues of requisite redundancy, contingency planning and
designing human systems which can evolve, come to the forefront. In adaptive
management, differences between how the future actually unfolds and how it was
anticipated that the future would unfold, are seen as opportunities for learning. This is
in sharp contrast to anticipatory management which sees such deviations as "errors" to
be avoided. Much of the agenda of adaptive management is learning through
experimentation rather than focusing on error avoidance. Adaptive management is not
meant to displace anticipatory management but rather to complement it. The program
of post-normal science is to provide a basis for the understanding necessary to unravel
complexity (emergence, irreducible uncertainty, internal causality), so that we may
successfully anticipate, when possible, and adapt, when appropriate or necessary, to
changes in the self-organizing systems of which we are an integrated and dependent
Choosing a path through sets of SOHO systems not only benefits from bringing a G-
type understanding of mutual causality. It also needs to involve those who can identify a
range of human preferences and issues to be addressed, i.e. a variety of actors and
stakeholders whose desires, perceptions, and knowledge must be integrated with
scientific understanding.
A framework for this integration is presented in Figure 4 (see end of document). It
serves as a heuristic for the adaptive ecosystem approach, where it is accepted that
human systems and biophysical systems are mutually interrelated in complex ways.
This framework presumes that decisions about environmental issues involve mapping
out a vision of how the landscape of human and natural ecosystems should co-evolve
as a self-organizing entity to meet human preferences. The left hand box in Figure 4 is
about developing a SOHO narrative description as discussed in this paper. This
delineates the system’s possibilities and constraints, and the contextual realities of the
situation. Essential to the narrative is the holarchical description of the system. Its
relevance depends on choosing the appropriate system type perspectives and scales
for observation, the appropriate processes and structures for study. The
appropriateness of this choice depends on the issues which are of human concern. The
business of establishing an issues framework is the undertaking represented by the
right hand box. It involves establishing who the actors and stakeholders are, what their
values and concerns are, what their visions for the future are. Because people's
perceptions, concerns and visions will be altered during the exercise of developing the
narrative description, the undertakings of developing an issues framework and a SOHO
narrative depend on each other and thus are recursive, as is appropriate in the context
of morphogenetic causal loops.
The inherent potentialities of the SOHO systems combined with human vision and
preferences gives rise to scenarios of possible and desirable futures. Each of these
scenarios will represent different sets of tradeoffs and require planning and negotiations
among stakeholders to reconcile these tradeoffs and to develop a plan, or pathway for
the future. The nature of this plan is that it encourages and discourages, as is
appropriate, human activities based on a vision of how the integrated human systems
and ecosystems should co-evolve as a self-organizing entity. It also identifies the
institutional arrangements for governance necessary to act and adapt to the way in
which the self-organization unfolds.
In this mode, governance is an activity that focuses on the SOHO systems and adjusts
the vision based on how the self-organization process is unfolding. Management seeks
to translate the vision into reality by maintaining the context for self-organizing systems,
rather than intervening in the system in a mechanical way as is done under the H-type
mindset. Generally speaking management concentrates on the relationship between
human systems and ecosystems, and on guiding the human side of the relationship.
Monitoring is the activity of observing the human and natural self-organizing systems
and synthesising the observations into a narrative of how the situation is actually
unfolding. This narrative is then used as the basis for governance and management,
that is, for revisioning, and adapting human activities, as is necessary.
In summary, in this post-normal mode of decision making, people provide an image of
how they would like to see their landscapes and social systems evolve. Science,
drawing upon several epistemological traditions, helps identify known constraints and
possibilities of the SOHO systems. A dialogue must ensue which explores the desired
and the feasible, and reconciles these in a vision of how to proceed. Scientists inform
this dialogue by providing the narratives through a process in which they participate as
equals with others in the task of articulating the vision, and identifying pathways for the
future. To us, this constitutes an ecosystem approach for sustainability as it has to be
interpreted in the context of Post-Normal Science grounded in complex systems
Many, many conversations with David Waltner-Toews and Tamsyn Murray helped
refine these ideas. Other members of the informal “Dirk Gently gang” have also
contributed much (Silvio Funtowicz, Jerry Ravetz, Mario Giampietro, Martin O'Connor
and Gilberto Gallopin). Our students, Nina-Marie Lister, Kate Oxley, Richard Martell,
and Beth Dempster (University of Waterloo) and Charlotte Sunde (Massey University,
New Zealand) and other members of our post-normal science discussion group at
Waterloo have also made invaluable contributions. Finally J. Kay would like to
acknowledge the constant encouragement and support of T.F.H. Allen and R.E.
•Autotrophic Climax
•Heterotrophic Climax
To another
Exergy consumption
Figure 3: Holling's four box model as a dual thermodynamic branch system.
Stored exergy
Futures Vol 31, #7, Sept. 99, pp.721-742 20
Horizontal axis: Stored exergy. The amount of exergy stored in biomass. This is
related to the amount of nutrients bound in the biomass.
Vertical axis: Exergy consumed. The rate at which exergy is utilized by the system.
Problem: The more exergy that is stored in the system, the more likely (according to
the restated second law of thermodynamics) that some dissipative process will emerge
to take advantage of it. So fire, pest outbreaks etc., occur that take advantage of all the
exergy stored in the biomass. The paradox is that the more effective the system is at
consuming exergy, that is the more organized it is, the more exergy it contains and
hence the more likely it is to be consumed by another self-organizing process (i.e. fire,
pest outbreaks etc.)
In the language of attractors, there are two attractors, the attractor of maximum exergy
consumption and the attractor of local thermodynamic equilibrium. For this particular
thermodynamic branch the attractor of maximum exergy consumption is moving in
opposition to the local equilibrium attractor. The conservation point is the place where
the two attractors are in balance. For some systems this balance is precarious for
others less so, but in the end the local equilibrium attractor is always dominant
Once the inescapable happens, that is release, a new source of exergy is available for
use, that is the exergy in the stored biomass. Again it inevitable that this new exergy
source will be utilized. As always, the self-organizing process unfolds in a direction of
increasing exergy utilization, except that the processes involved are fundamentally
different and instead of storing biomass and hence exergy, they release the exergy in
the stored biomass and at the same time release the stored nutrients. This is the
direction of the second thermodynamic branch. The exergy source is stored energy.
Eventually the reorganization point is reached, that is point where the stored exergy
runs out. But now the raw materials are available to start along the first type of
thermodynamic branch again. Which specific branch is followed is a function of the
biological information, nutrients and current environmental conditions. (And this is the
point where biodiversity is so crucial, as this is the point where resiliency matters.)
The first branch has been traditionally referred to as succession, or growth and
development. Biologically it is the attractor for the autotrophic system. The second
branch is about creative destruction, that is decomposition. Biologically it is the attractor
for the heterotrophic system.
Exergy: the quality of energy. It measures how much work can be extracted from an
energy source. In essence it tells us how good a fuel, an energy source is.
The restated second law of thermodynamics (Kay and Schneider): The more exergy
there is, the more likely it is that a self-organizing dissipative system will emerge to take
advantage of it. In biology, the more exergy available, the more likely some organism
will make use of the opportunity.
APPROACHES Which self-organizing entities PROCESSES
(SOHO and attractors) do we want
to encourage and when?
1 Holling, C.S. , "The Resilience of Terrestrial Ecosystems: Local Surprise and Global Change,
Sustainable Development in the Biosphere, W.M.. Clark and R.E.. Munn, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1986), pp. 292-320;
Holling, C.S. "Cross-scale Morphology, Geometry, and Dynamics of Ecosystems,” Ecological
Monographs, 62:4 , pp. 447-502.(1992)
Kay, J.J. 1984. Self-organization in living systems. Ph.D. thesis. Systems Design Engineering,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. 458 pp.
2 Maruyama, M. 1980. Mindscapes and science theories. Current Anthropology 21: 589-599. Reprinted
in excerpted form as: Most frequently found mindscape types, pp. 1-30 in M.T. Caley and D. Sawada
(eds.). 1994. Mindscapes: the Epistemology of Magoroh Maruyama. Gordon and Breach Science
Publishers, Langhorne, Pennsylvania. xxiii + 206 pp.
3 For more information see:
di Castri, F. The Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems. in Ravera, O., Ed. Ecological Assessment of
Environmental Degradation, Pollution and Recovery. : Elsevier Science; 1987: pp.1-30
Casti, J. L. Complexification: Explaining a Paradoxical World Through the Science of Surprise. NY:
Harper Collins; 1994.
Jantsch, Erich. The self-organizing universe : scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm
of evolution. Pergamon Press, 1980.
Kay, 184, Op cit
Nicolis, G., Prigogine, I.; "Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems"; Wiley-Interscience, 1977.
Nicolis, G., Prigogine, I.; "Exploring Complexity"; Freeman, 1989.
Peacocke, A. R. The Physical Chemistry of Biological Processes. : Oxford University Press; 1983;
Wicken, J. S. Evolution, Thermodynamics, and Information: Extending the Dawinian Program. : Oxford
University Press; 1987.
4 A “catastrophic threshold” is a point of discontinuity at which continuous change of some variables
generate sudden discontinuous responses. See Appendix 1 in:
Kay, J.J. 1991. A nonequilibrium thermodynamic framework for discussing ecosystem integrity.
Environmental Management 15(4): 483-495.
5 Nicolis and Prigogine, 1977, 1989 op cit.
6 Schneider, E.D, Kay, J.J., 1994a "Complexity and Thermodynamics:Towards a New Ecology", Futures
24 (6) pp.626-647, August 1994
Schneider, E.D, Kay, J.J., 1994b, "Life as a Manifestation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics",
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol 19, No. 6-8, pp.25-48.
7 Ulanowicz, R. E. 1997. Limitations on the Connectivity of Ecosystem Flow Networks. IN: A. Rinaldo, &
A. A. Marani (eds), Biological Models: Proceedings of the 1992 Summer School on Environmental
Dynamics., pp.125- 143. Venice, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice.
8 Kay, 1984,, Schneider and Kay, 1994a,b op cit and Kay, J.J., Schneider, E.D., 1992. "Thermodynamics
and Measures of Ecosystem Integrity" in Ecological Indicators, Volume 1, D.H. McKenzie, D.E. Hyatt, V.J.
Mc Donald (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Indicators, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, Elsevier, pp.159-182.
9 In the case of a vortex in the bathtub water, the exergy is the potential energy of the water, the raw
material is the water and there is no information, the dissipative process is water draining, the dissipative
structure is the vortex. The vortex will not form until enough height of water is in the bathtub, and if too
much height of water is present, laminar flow occurs instead of a vortex.
10 In an ecological setting, examples of the structures are the individuals of species, breeding
populations, forests etc. The processes are reproduction, metabolism, evapotranspiration etc. The
context is the available set of nutrients and energy sources in a physical environment. The information
includes the biodiversity.
11 Koestler, A. 1978. Janus: a Summing Up. Hutchinson, London, U.K. vii + 354 pp.
12 Allen, T.F.H.; Bandurski, B.L.; King, A.W. The Ecosystem Approach: theory and ecosystem integrity:
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32 This framework has gone through a number of incarnations:
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and is discussed in fuller detail in a planning context in
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Biological Diversity in Urbanising Landscapes. Ph.D. thesis. School of Planning , University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario.