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This Document Is Being Provided For The Exclusive Use of TATEO JAGER
This Document Is Being Provided For The Exclusive Use of TATEO JAGER
cryptocurrencies presents a challenge for regulators Allen similarly discusses various efforts under way with,
attempting to limit money laundering and terrorist- for example, a number of payment processing firms
financing activities. We review the actions that regulators increasingly partnering with technology firms/Blockchain
in various jurisdictions have taken to limit the risks providers to offer an alternative settlement engine to
associated with cryptocurrencies (Roever). various payment participants. We expect various
Blockchain-based ecosystems to coexist and compete with
What does the future bring? each other (similar to Payments networks in the current
environment), with success predicating on technology
In the early stages of innovation, usually set off by new capabilities (such as API features), number of participants
technology — in this case Blockchain (Kambo) — the on the network and ease of adoption. Given the hurdles,
market experiments with many different approaches to see CCs are more likely to be used as ancillary payment
what shape and form will stick and end up offering the methods rather than gaining traction as a primary source
most economic value-added. We would note that it is not of exchange.
pre-ordained that cryptocurrencies will succeed as there
are valid concerns about what economic value they really While seeing a potential for the deployment of the
contribute. But in a time of rapid innovation, many new underlying Blockchain technology in payments, we do not
products will are often-and-errored. We believe the see cryptocurrencies competing with central bank-issued
potential disruption from Blockchain cannot be ignored. money for lawful transactions. We note that CCs have not
attained the relative stability of value to make them useful
The excitement of innovation typically also leads to price as money for everyday transactions. As discussed in
booms and then crashes among the early movers, before Feroli and Aziz, the current set of government-issued fiat
more realistic prices emerge among the eventual currencies — such as the dollar and the euro — provide
survivors. Much of this is what we see today with efficient media of exchange, stores of value and units of
exponential price gains and losses, growth and diversity account. Some of the early buyers of CC were clearly
among cryptocurrencies. Given the amount of speculation dismayed by ballooning balance sheets of the major
in these markets, technical signals can be very useful in central banks in the aftermath of the global financial crisis
gauging market direction and they have been sending the (GFC), but the lack of any meaningful inflation since, in
right signals in recent months (O'Connor). Fundamentals both developed markets (DM) and emerging markets
are a lot less informative here, although it can be useful to (EM), has surely reduced concerns about fiat (legal tender
look at the cost of mining CCs, even as one must also issued by a central bank) money.
account for the elasticity of supply (Kaneva).
In addition, we find that local legal tender money tends to
Cryptocurrencies are both a new technology — be a natural monopoly with only extreme hyperinflation
Blockchain — and a new currency (many new ones). leading people to seek out a monetary alternative. To add,
The new shape and form of the CC market in the future Feroli and Aziz do not find that CCs are currently meeting
will likely ultimately depend on what economic value the standards of what constitutes money as the huge
they are perceived to add. We would expect the volatility of CC has made use of it as a unit of account
marketplace and regulators to ultimately weed out what impractical. Finally, given the huge returns from running a
are perceived the negative, less useful characteristics of central bank (seigniorage), governments will be quite
CCs and retain the positive elements that add economic possessive of their legal tender role and will likely put up
value. a fight if CCs were to gain broader traction domestically
(see Roever and Lei on how regulations on CCs are
As discussed more in detail below in Kambo, Huang, steadily tightening).
Allen, and Sinha, the Blockchain technology driving CCs
offers transparency to transactions and allows them to be Some EMs, such as Venezuela and Russia, appear to be
virtual and peer-to-peer. Distributed ledger technology has considering issuing CCs as a way to improve international
the potential to offer regulators greater degrees of funding and evade US sanctions. Aziz is quite dubious
transparency, higher levels of resiliency and shorter about whether any of this will work as CCs face
settlement times, reducing counterparty and market risk. regulatory headwinds and are neither better than fiat
See for example, the discussion by Sinha of banks’ effort money in establishing policy credibility nor in providing
to use Ripple to create more efficient cross-border liquidity during crises.
Several central banks, as discussed in Feroli, are
investigating whether they should issue CCs in their own
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of TATEO JAGER.
Jan Loeys Global Research
(1-212) 834-5874 J.P. Morgan Perspectives 09 February 2018
currency, but are very far from actually doing so, as any
increased efficiency in payments technology does not
appear to be that obvious. In addition, the issuance of
crypto dollars, for example, would give non-banks access
to the Fed balance sheet, and thus could endanger the
economically and socially important financial
intermediation function of commercial banks.
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of TATEO JAGER.
Gurjit S Kambo, CFA Ravin S Mehta Global Equity Research
(44-20) 7742-0719 (44-20) 7742-4561 J.P. Morgan Perspectives 09 February 2018
Sterling Auty, CFA
(1-212) 622-6389
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of TATEO JAGER.
Gurjit S Kambo, CFA Ravin S Mehta Global Equity Research
(44-20) 7742-0719 (44-20) 7742-4561 J.P. Morgan Perspectives 09 February 2018
Sterling Auty, CFA
(1-212) 622-6389
3. the distributed nature of the Blockchain means that it In the diagram below, we summarize the main
has a built-in redundancy and can survive the loss of components of the Blockchain or distributed ledger as it
one node because the master record is shared; is often referred to. Ultimately, we see Blockchain
improving efficiency, which, through the mutualization
4. transactions are immutable, in that it is impossible of processes, should lower costs.
to alter historical records, thus creating a credible
audit trail.
Wikipedia definition of Blockchain Distributed ledgers – A type of database architecture whereby all
nodes within a system cooperate to reach a consensus on the
“A block chain, or Blockchain, is a distributed database
accurate state of a shared data resource.
that maintains a continuously-growing list of data
records hardened against tampering and revision. It Decentralized – Eliminates the need for a central authority to process,
consists of data structure blocks – which hold exclusively validate or authorize transactions.
data in initial Blockchain implementations, and both Centralized – Control under a single entity, which leaves the system
data and programs in some (for example, Ethereum) of exposed to a single point of failure.
the more recent implementations – with each block
Benefits of distributed ledgers
holding batches of individual transactions and the results
of any Blockchain executables. Each block contains a Secure and consistent – The database is an irrevocable and
timestamp and information linking it to a previous irreversible record of all transactions. Data stored cannot be tampered
block.” with or revised. This creates an auditable transaction history.
Trusted – Computer servers within the network must reach a
consensus, which in turn allows for transactions to take place between
otherwise unknown parties.
Real-time data store – All nodes within the system store an identical
copy of the ledger, which is updated almost automatically.
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of TATEO JAGER.
Gurjit S Kambo, CFA Ravin S Mehta Global Equity Research
(44-20) 7742-0719 (44-20) 7742-4561 J.P. Morgan Perspectives 09 February 2018
Sterling Auty, CFA
(1-212) 622-6389
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of TATEO JAGER.