Pile Foundation: P. N. Solanki

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What you mean by foundation ?

 Which transfer the load of super structure.
 Prevent differential settlement.

 Provide level surface for building operation.

 Increase stability of structure.

Types foundation
 Shallow

 Deep
Deep Foundation

 Deep Foundations are those..

 In which the depth of the foundation is very large
in comparison to its width.
 Which are not constructed by ordinary methods of
open pit excavations.
When Used?
 In cases where
 The strata of good bearing capacity is not
available near the ground
 The space is restricted to allow for spread
Deep Foundation

 The bearing stratum is not the only case. There

may be many other cases.
 Forexample, the foundation for a bridge pier must be
placed below the scour depth, although suitable
bearing stratum may exist at a higher level.
Most Common form of Deep Foundation
 PileFoundation (more commonly used in building
 Cofferdams

 Caisson or Well Foundation

Coffer Dams

Pile Caissons
Pile Foundation

Pile ????
 A slender, structural member consisting steel or
concrete or timber.
 It is installed in the ground to transfer the
structural loads to soils at some significant depth
below the base of the structure.
Pile foundation
 It is that type of deep foundation in which the load
are taken to a low level by mean of vertical
members which may be timber, concrete or steel.
Uses of Piles

 Sub-soil water table is so high that it can easily affect the other
 Load coming form the structure is heavy and non uniform.
 Where grillage or raft foundations are either very costly or their
adoption impossible due to local difficulties.
 When it is not possible to maintain foundation trenches in dry condition
by pumping, due to very heavy inflow of seepage or capillary water.
 When overlay soil is compressible, and water-logged and firm hard
bearing strata is located at quite a large depth.
 When structures are located on river-bed or sea-shore and foundations
are likely to be scoured due to action of water.
 Large fluctuations in sub-soil water level.
 Canal or deep drainage lines exist near the foundations.
 In the construction of docks, piers and other marine structures they are
used as fender piles.
8 Classification of Pile
Load Bearing Pile
 This type of piles are bear the load coming
from structure above.
Non-load Bearing Pile
 This type of piles are used as the
separating members belowground level
and they are generally not designed to
take vertical load.
Classification of Piles

Classification based on Function or Use

1. Bearing Piles or End Bearing Piles
2. Friction Piles or Skin Friction Piles
3. Sheet Piles
4. Tension Piles or Uplift Piles
5. Anchor Piles
6. Batter Piles
7. Fender Piles
8. Compaction Piles
End Bearing Pile

 Driven into the ground until

a hard stratum is reached.
 Acts as pillars supporting
the super-structure and
transmitting the load to the
 Piles, by themselves do
not support the load,
rather acts as a medium to
transmit the load from the
foundation to the resisting
Friction Pile

 Piles are driven at a site where soil is weak or soft to a

considerable depth and it is not economical or rather
possible to rest the bottom end of the pile on the hard
 Load is carried by the friction developed between the
sides of the pile and the surrounding ground (skin
 The piles are driven up to such a depth that skin friction
developed at the sides of the piles equals the load
coming on the piles.
 Skin friction should be carefully evaluated and suitable
factor of safety applied, as it is this which is supporting
the whole of structure over its head.
Friction Pile

 Friction Pile
The load carrying capacity of friction pile can be
increased by-

 Increasing diameter of the pile

 Driving the pile for larger depth

 Grouping of piles

 Making surface of the pile rough

Sheet Piles

 Sheet piles are never used to provide vertical

support but mostly used to act as retaining walls.

Sheet Piles

 They are used for the following purposes:

 To construct retaining walls in docks, and other marine
 To protect erosion of river banks.
 To retain the sides of foundation trenches.
 To confine the soil to increase its bearing capacity.
 To protect the foundation of structures from erosion by river
or sea.
 To isolate foundations from adjacent soils.
 Base on the material, types of sheet piles are:
 Concrete Sheet Pile
 Steel Sheet Pile
 Timber Sheet Pile
Sheet Piles

Anchor Piles
 Piles are used to provide anchorage against horizontal pull from
sheet piling wall or other pulling forces.
Batter piles:
 Piles are driven at an inclination to resist large horizontal and
inclined forces.
Fender piles:
 Piles are used to protect concrete deck or water front structures
against impact from ships or other floating objects. Ordinarily made
up of timber.
Compaction piles:
 When piles are driven in granular soil with the aim of increasing the
bearing capacity of the soil, the piles are termed as compaction
Classification of Piles

Classification based on Materials

1. Timber Piles
2. Concrete Piles
3. Composite Piles
4. Steel Piles
5. Sand Piles
Timber Piles

 Transmission of load takes place by the frictional

resistance of ground and the pile surface.
 Piles made from timber of tree like Sal, Teak, Deodar,
Babul, Khair etc.
 Khair piles can stand action of sea water and thus used
for marine works.
 May be circular, square in x-section.
 Piles are driven with the help of pile driving machine in
which drop hammers delivers blows on the pile head.
 Brooming of pile head is prevented by providing an iron
ring of less than 25mm in diameter than the pile head at
the pile top.
Timber Piles

 To facilitate driving, the lower end

is pointed and provided with a
cast iron conical shoe.
 Piles should not be spaced less
than 60 cm center to center, the
best spacing is 90 cm c/c. closer
spacing destroys frictional
 Diameter varies from 30 to 50cm.
 Length should not be more than
20 times the least sectional
Conical Shoe
Timber Piles

 Advantages of Timber Piles:

 Economical where timber is easily available.
 Can be driven rapidly & as such saves time.
 Because of elasticity, timber piles are recommended
for sites subjected to unusual lateral forces e.g. ship,
ferry terminals.
 Do not need heavy machinery and elaborate technical
 Being light, they can be easily handled.
 They can be easily withdrawn if needed.
Timber Piles

 Disadvantages of Timber Piles:

 These piles can not take heavy loads and are
unsuitable for use as end bearing pile.
 Liable to decay or deteriorate by salt water/insects.
 Restricted length. It is rather difficult to procure piles
in required size and length.
 It is difficult or rather impossible to drive these piles
into hard stratum.
Concrete Piles

 The cement concrete possesses excellent compressive

strength. With the introduction of Reinforced cement
concrete, the RCC piles are becoming more popular and they
are fast replacing piles of other materials.
 Concrete Piles are of 3 types:
 Pre-cast Piles

 Cast in situ Piles

 Cased
 Uncased
Pre-cast Concrete Piles

 Reinforced concrete piles, moulded in circular,

square, rectangular or octagonal form.
 Cast and cured in the casting yard, then transported
to the site of driving.
 If space available it can be cast and cured near the
work site.
 Driven in similar manner as timber piles with the
help of piles drivers.
 Diameter normally varies from 35cm to 65cm,
length varies from 4.5m to 30m
Pile Installation Using Drop Hammer
Pre-cast Concrete Piles

 Function of reinforcement in a pre-cast pile is to resist

the stresses during handling, driving and final loading on
the pile rather than strengthen the pile to act as a
 Longitudinal reinforcements usually 20mm to 50mm in
diameter, stirrups 6mm to 10mm in dia.
 For 90 cm length at head and toe, stirrups spacing is
8cm c/c and for remaining intermediate length it is about
30cm c/c.
 Circular piles are seldom tapered. When tapered piles
length is restricted to 12m.
 A concrete cover of 5cm is maintained throughout, over
the main steel bars.
Pre-cast Concrete Piles

 Advantages of Pre-cast Piles:

 Very effective
 Simple quality control
 Improves the entire area

 Disadvantages of Pre-cast Piles:

 Limited in length
 Difficult to transport
 Not suitable for densely built up area
 Requires costly equipment
Pre-cast Concrete Piles
Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles

 Cast in position inside the ground.

 First of all a bore is dug by driving a casing pipe into
the ground.
 Then the soil from the casing is jetted out and filled
with cement concrete after placing necessary
reinforcement in it.

Cast-in-situ piles are of two types:

I. Cased Cast-in-Situ Piles: metallic shell is left
inside the ground along with the core
II. Uncased Cast-in-Situ Piles: metallic shell is
Cased Cast-in-situ Concrete
 The care should be taken to see that the casing is vertical,
straight and undamaged.
 As the casing remains in position with pile, it increases the
cost of pile.
 The casing protects the fresh concrete against ground
pressures, intrusions and movements during the setting of
 The common types..
 Raymond piles

 Mac-Arthur piles

 Mono tube piles

 Swage piles

 Button bottom piles

Raymond Piles

 It is used primarily as friction piles.

 It consist of thin corrugated steel shell closed at bottom.
 The shell is driven into ground with collapsible steel mandrel or core
in it.
 After achieving the desire depth mandrel is collapsed and
withdrawn, leaving the shell inside the ground.
 The shell is gradually filled with concrete up to the top.
 Length: 6 to 12 m

 Diameter : 40 to 60 cm @ top
: 20 to 30 cm @ bottom
Mac-Arthur Piles

 In this type of pile the diameter is uniform.

 A heavy steel casing with a core is driven into ground. After
reaching the desired depth a core is withdrawn and
corrugated steel shell is placed in the casing.
 And the last filling and compacting of concrete and
withdrawing the steel casing.
Mono tube Piles

 It consist of tapered fluted steel shell without mandrel. The

pile shells are driven to the required depth and then the
interior of the shell is inspected.
 The shell is then filled with concrete and the excess shell if
any is cut off. The extension of shell up to the required length
is carried out by the welding.
 Shell are rigid and water tight.
 Suitable for a wide variety of soil conditions ranging from end
bearing to friction load carrying piles.
Swage Piles

 In this type, a precast concrete plug of conical shape provided at

the bottom of a steel shell.
1st shell and core are fixed at top and driven on the top of concrete
2nd the core reaches the top of concrete plug and the shell is forced
round the taper of the plug forming a watertight joint.
3rd remove the core and fill the shell with concrete.
Button Bottom Piles

 In this type, a concrete button is used at the bottom to provide an

enlarged hole in the soil when the pile is being driven. The three
stages of formation of these piles are as below.
1st steel pipe is set on the concrete button.
2nd the pipe and button are driven up to the required depth and a
corrugated steel shell is inserted inside the steel pipe.
3rd pipe is withdrawn and concrete is laid after placing the
Uncased Cast In Situ Concrete
 These piles are cheap as no casing will be left in the
 Special handling equipment is not required.

 Concrete is not liable to damage from driving.

 Cutting of excess lengths is not required .

 Storage space not required.

 Great skill is required.

 It is likely to be damaged from subsoil pressure and ground

movements which result from pile driving and obstruction
in ground.
Uncased Cast In Situ Concrete
 The common type of uncased cast-in-situ
concrete pile are:
 Simplex Piles
 Franki Piles

 Vibro Piles

 Pedestal Piles
Simplex Piles

 Steel tube fitted with cast iron shoe is driven into the
ground up to required depth.
 The reinforcement, if required, is put up. The concrete is
poured into the tube and the tube is slowly withdrawn,
leaving the shoe into the ground.
 The concrete is not tamped and the pile is complete.
Such pile is known as simplex standard pile.
if tamping of concrete is done at
regular intervals as the tube is
withdrawn , it is known as
simplex tamped pile.
Franki Piles

 in this type of piles, a plug of

dry concrete is formed as
shown in fig. the plug is
rammed by a hammer and in
doing so, the plug drags the
tube into the ground.
 After achieving the required
depth, the tube is kept in
position by cables.
 Some quantity of concrete is
then laid and rammed with such
a pressure that the concrete is
separated out from the tube.
Successive layers of concrete
is then laid and rammed, the
tube is partly removed.
 The surface of complete pile is
corrugated will offered more
fictional resistance.
Franki Piles

Vibro Piles

 A steel tube with a cast iron

shoe is driven up to required
depth. The tube is
connected with hammer.

 The tube is filled with

concrete and it is extracted
by a succession of upward
extracting and downward
tamping blows.
Pedestal Piles

1st a casing tube with core is

driven up to the required
2nd core is removed and
concrete will be poured
3rd core is placed again in
tube and pressure will applied
to concrete through core.
same time casing will be

 While doing this a concrete

pedestal will formed as
Under Reamed Piles

 Developed by CBRI Roorkee, UP, India.

 These piles are suited for expansive soils which are often
subjected to considerable ground movements due to
seasonal moisture variations.
 Used for black cotton soil, filled up ground, and soil having
poor SBC, sandy soil and high water table.
 When the ground consists of expansive soil, for example,
black cotton soils, the bulb of under-reamed pile provide
anchorage against uplift due to swelling pressure.
 It has one or more under reamed or bulbs in its lower portion.
 single under reamed pile : one bulb
 multi under reamed pile : more than one bulb
Under Reamed Piles
Under Reamed Piles

 Bulb will formed using under-reaming tools.

 Dia of pile : 200 to 500mm
 Dia of bulb: 2 to 3 times of pile dia.
 Length : 3 to 8m
 Bucket length : 300mm
 Spacing of pile : 2 to 4m
 Spacing of bulb : 1.25 to 1. 5 times dia of bulb
 Safe load : 200 to 400KN, it can be increase by using larger dia.
And more length or by making more bulbs at base.
Advantages :
 Economical than conventional strip footings by 20%.

 Quantity of material required is less.

 Heavy excavation not required and no back filing.

Pile Spacing

 The center to center distance of successive piles is known as pile

 It has to be carefully designed by considering the following factors,
 Types of piles and Material of piles
 Length of piles S
 Grouping of piles
 Load coming on piles
 Obstruction during pile driving
 Nature of soil through which piles are passing.
 The spacing between piles in a group can be assumed based on
the following:
 1- Friction piles need higher spacing than bearing piles.
 2- Minimum spacing (S) between piles is 2.5.
 3- Maximum spacing (S) between piles is 8.0.

2 3
Piles Piles

47 S S
Piles S S
Group of Piles

 Most pile foundations contain group of

piles instead of single pile.
 The piles forming the group of piles
may be arranged in square,
rectangular, triangular or circular as
per the requirement.
 The bearing capacity of pile group
may not be necessarily equal the
sum of the bearing capacity of
individual piles forming a group.
Efficiency Group of Piles

 The efficiency of a pile group is define as the ratio of the

load carrying capacity of the pile group to the sum of the
load carrying capacities of the individual piles.

 Factors of Group Efficiency:

 The number, length, diameter, and spacing of the piles
 The load transfer mode (friction vs. bearing)
 The sequence of installation
 The soil type
 The interaction, if any, between the pile cap and the soil
 The direction of the applied load
Pile Driving

 The process of forcing the piles into the ground

without excavation is termed as the pile driving.
 The piles should be driven vertically.
 However, a tolerance of eccentricity of 2 % of the pile
length is permissible.
 The eccentricity is measured by means of plumb
 The hammer is guided between two parallel steel
members known as leads.
Pile Driving System




Pile Gate Points
Pile Hammer

 Drop hammer.
 Single acting hammer.

 Double acting hammer.

 Diesel hammer.

 Vibratory hammer.
Schematic sketch of pile driving with

Drop Hammer
Hammer Guide
Pile (pre cast/cast in situ)

53 shoe
Drop Hammer

 Low operation
 Low equipment cost
 Simple
Drop Hammer

 A hammer (or ram or monkey) is

raised by winch and allowed to fall or
drop by gravity on the top of the pile.
 The drop hammer is provided with
lugs so that it can slide in the leads.
 A lifting eye or hook is provided to tie
it with the rope.
 The weight of drop hammer varies
from 0.5 to 2 tones (5 to 20 kN).
 The height of fall may vary from 1.5
to 3 meters.
 The number of blows that can be
imparted varies from 4 to 8 per
Single Acting Hammer

 If the hammer is raised by steam, compressed air or

internal combustion, but is allowed to fall by gravity
along, it is called a single acting hammer.
 The energy of such hammer is equal to the weight of the
ram times the height of fall.
 The weight of single acting hammer is about 2 tonnes
 The fall is about 1 meter.
 the number of blows of the hammer may vary from 50 to
60 per minute.
Single Acting




Double Acting Hammer

 The double acting hammer employs steam or air for lifting

the ram and for accelerating the downward stroke.
 The weight of the hammer is only 500 kg (5 kN) but
because of accelerating effect of steam (or air) pressure,
it has an effect of a weight of 3 tonnes (30. kN).
 It operates with succession of rapid blows, the number
varying from 100 to 200 blows per minute.
 For light hammers, the number of blows may be even as
high as 300 per minute.
 The pile driving is very quick.
 These hammers are very useful for driving piles under
Diesel Hammer

 The diesel hammer is a

small, light weight self-
contained and self-acting
type, using gasoline for

 The total driving energy is

the sum of the impact of
the ram plus the energy
delivered by explosion.
Vibratory Hammer
Pile Hammer

 If the driving has to be carried out by hammer,

then following factors should be take into
 The size and weight of the pile.
 The driving resistance which has to be overcome to
achieve the desired penetration.
 The available space and head room in the site
because the hammer has to be dropped from certain
 The availability of cranes.
 The noise restrictions which may be in force in the
Pile Driving Formulas

 The ultimate load carrying capacity, or ultimate bearing

capacity (Qf) of a pile is defined as the maximum load
which can be carried by a pile and at which the pile
continues to sink without further increase of load.
 The allowable load Qa is the safe load which the pile can
carry safely and is determined on the basis of
 Ultimate bearing, resistance divided by appropriate factor of
 The permissible settlement,
 Overall stability of the pile foundation.
 The load carrying capacity of a pile can be determined by the
following methods.
 Dynamic formulae
 Static formulae
Dynamic Formulae

 Used for precast concrete piles.

 When a pile hammer hits the pile, the total driving
energy is equal to the weight of hammer times the
height of drop or stroke.
 In addition to this, in the case of double acting
hammers, some energy is also imparted by the steam
pressure during the return stroke.
 The total downward energy is consumed by the
work done in penetrating the pile and by certain
 The various dynamic formulae are essentially based
on this assumption.
Dynamic Formulae

Engineering New Formula:

Qa = allowable load
W = weight of hammer (KG)
H = height of fall (CM)
F = factor of safety = 6
S = final set (penetration) per blow,
(Usually taken as average penetration, cm per blow for
the last 5 Blows of hammer or last 20 blows for steam
C = empirical constant.
= 2.5 cm for drop hammers, and
= 0.25 cm for single or double acting
For drop hammer For single acting steam For double acting
hammer hammer

a= effective area of piston (cm2)

P=mean effective steam pressure (kg/cm
Dynamic Formulae

Hiley's Formula (IS formula):

 Indian standard IS: 2911 (Part I) : 1964 gives the

following formula based on original expression by Hiley :

Qf = ultimate load on pile.

W = weight of hammer in kg
H = height on drop of hammer, in cm
S = penetration or set, in cm, per blow
C = total elastic compression= C1 + C2 + C3
C1,C2, C3 = temporary elastic compression of dolly and packing, pile and soil
h = efficiency of hammer, variable from 65 percent for same double acing steam
hammers to 100 percent for drop hammers released by trigger.
b = efficiency of hammer blows (i.e. ratio of the energy after impact to striking energy of
Static Formulae

 The static formulae are based on the assumption that

the ultimate bearing capacity Qf of a pile is the sum of
the total ultimate skin friction Rf and total ultimate point
or end bearing resistance Rp.

As = surface area of pile upon which the skin friction acts

Ap = area of cross-section of the pile on which bearing resistance acts.
For tapered piles, Ap may be taken as the cross-sectional area at the
lower one-third of the embedded length.
rf = average unit skin friction, which may be taken equal to unit cohesion
for cohesive soils.
rp = unit point or toe resistance, which may be taken as 9c for cohesive

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