compatibility testing pretransfusion testing:: Assigment .2 BLOOD BANK نايلع وبا يريخ داهج/ مسلاا 20162109
compatibility testing pretransfusion testing:: Assigment .2 BLOOD BANK نايلع وبا يريخ داهج/ مسلاا 20162109
compatibility testing pretransfusion testing:: Assigment .2 BLOOD BANK نايلع وبا يريخ داهج/ مسلاا 20162109
.20162109 جهاد خيري ابو عليان/ االسم
Explain Compatibility testing with details giving special
?attention for the presence of atypical antibodies
pre analytical-1
Post analytical-3
Pre-analytical phases
- Patient idenaication
-Specimen collection
Patient idenaication
Full patient name and hospital number& Name of responsible
Sample Identification
full patient name, hospital number, Location, and physician
and Date and time of collection, phlebotomist's initials. All of
.this should also be on the request form and the sample
Specimin identification
- Collected in tube with EDTA or no additives
*Antibody Screening/identification
*Cross matching
In the ABO typing, the forward and reverse MUST match, if
different between them There discrepancies
LISS/37c -2
:Example of unexpected Ab
??? why
because Most blood is transfused as packed cells, so having
little antibodies (antibodies are found in the plasma
Prevent transfusion reactions
Increase in vivo survival of red cells -Double checks for ABO
label a test tube .Add tow drops of the patient serum and -3
. one drop of doner cell
If aggultaination incomptiable
Post-analytical procedures
.Include Labelling , inspecting , issuning to blood unit