compatibility testing pretransfusion testing:: Assigment .2 BLOOD BANK نايلع وبا يريخ داهج/ مسلاا 20162109

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Assigment .

.20162109 ‫جهاد خيري ابو عليان‬/ ‫االسم‬
Explain Compatibility testing with details giving special
?attention for the presence of atypical antibodies

:compatibility testing ( pretransfusion testing


To ensure the enough red cell and components will survive

When Transfused ,or in other words , To Trasnsfuse a blood
component to a patient that will provide maximum benefite
.while causing no harm

If properly performed, compatibility tests will confirm ABO

compatibility between the component and the recipient and
will detect the most clinically significant unexpected

Can be divided into 3 categories

pre analytical-1

analytical Test (serology testing)-2

Post analytical-3
Pre-analytical phases
- Patient idenaication

-Specimen collection

Review of patient history

Patient idenaication
Full patient name and hospital number& Name of responsible

Sample Identification
full patient name, hospital number, Location, and physician
and Date and time of collection, phlebotomist's initials. All of
.this should also be on the request form and the sample

Specimin identification
- Collected in tube with EDTA or no additives

Samples are labeled at the bedside (pre- labeling is not -


If the sample is drawn from an IV line, the IV. infusion --

should be stopped 5-10 minutes prior to blood drawing and
the first 10 mL discarded

Testing should be performed on samples less than 72 hours --

old or else complement dependent antibodies may be missed
(complement can become unstable)
Serological Testing

*Antibody Screening/identification

*Cross matching

In the ABO typing, the forward and reverse MUST match, if
different between them There discrepancies

In the Rh(D) typing, the control must be negative, if you use

high protein reagents

Antibody screen and/or identification

The antibody screen will detect the presence of any
unexpected antibodies in patient serum. Through the
interaction between an vial cells(serum reagent) and patient
of The serum

The phase reaction of screening and identification antibody

immedaite spin(Room Tempreture)-1

LISS/37c -2

Not/added of Low ionic in order to reduced zetapotention

Washig befor added of antihuman gloubulin in order to -3
remove of free antgen found in plasma
AHG -4

Not / if AHG negative requires conforming a result through

the checck cell if the positive……. The AHG result is correct

Possible Result with the antibody screening cells

Result. All antibody Screening Cells are Negative-1
Interpretation: The patient has no detectable
antibodies and donor unite can by an IS X –match at RT
or and IAT

Result: One or more of antibody Screening cells are -2

Intepretation : The patient has one or more unexpected
Antibody Donor units cannot be issued until the Ab has
been identified and the donor are shown to be Ag negative
for corresponding antibody , as well as compatible by an IAT
X –match

:Example of unexpected Ab

.Duffy antibodies (IgG), Kidd Ab, anti S,s , anti Kell

Cilinical significant antibody Cause Trasfusion reaction , HDN

So the patient with found as Duffy Ab does not transfuse the
blood of a donor person who has Duffy Ag on red blood cell
Cross matching
A-major crossmatching: Test donor cells with recipients
serum to detect antibodies in patient serum
B- minor crossmatching : Test donor serum with recipients
red cells to detect antiboidies in donor serum.but unnecessary

??? why
because Most blood is transfused as packed cells, so having
little antibodies (antibodies are found in the plasma

Prevent transfusion reactions
Increase in vivo survival of red cells -Double checks for ABO

: Procedure of major cross matching

prepare donor and recipient and donor blood sample -1

Donors red cell and recipient serum or plasma

prepare 3-5% cells suspensions of red cell -2

label a test tube .Add tow drops of the patient serum and -3
. one drop of doner cell

Mix the tubes and incubated at 37c for about 45 minutes -4

.Added tow drops of AHG and Mix well-5


Read macrosopilly and microscopilly and record the result -7

If aggultaination incomptiable

If non aggultaination comptiable

Post-analytical procedures
.Include Labelling , inspecting , issuning to blood unit

By Jihad Khairy Alian 20162109

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