Shat Kriyakala
Shat Kriyakala
Shat Kriyakala
1. संचय (Accumulation) :
2. कोप (Provocation) :
It is the second kriyākāla. In this stage the dosas are aggravated
as they leave their original sites.
3. सर (propagation):
This stage follows Parkopa Avastha
Doshas vitiate by their concerned causes will leave their original
places and spread to other parts of the body.
If the causative factors are not withdrawn to normalcy the dosas
leave their normal sites and start spreading in the body through
srotas (channels) ordinarily in accordance with the pattern of
three rogamāragas viz
In the advanced stage of the spreading of doșas, the channel is
Two forms of prasara have been described
1. Quantitative 2. Qualitative
In Quantitative situation the spread of dosas is propelled
more because of their massive increase in the quantity, which can
be compared
with the overflooded water tooded water of a river which breaks
the dam and spreads all over and around. This usually becomes
after sañcaya and prokapa.
In Qualitative condition, the increase in the quantity is
not too much, but the quality is highly altered leading to
frothing, bubbling, chemical effervescence etc.
Vāta Prasar
1. वमागगमन=Regurgitation.
2. आटोप = Flatulence and gurgling sounds in the bowels.
Pitta Prasara
ओष = Sense of boiling or acute burning.
चोष = Squeezing feeling
प रदाह= Feeling of burning all over the body.
धुमायन = Feeling as if the abdomen were full of smoke.
Kapha Prasara
अरोचक = Anorexia
अ वपाका = Indigestion
छद = Vomiting
अं साद = Inactivity of organs.
4. थानसं य( localization):
5. (Stage of manifestation):
This is the stage of manifestation.
If the causative factors are not withdrawn at the fourth kriyā kāla
i.e. the purva-rūpa stage, the disease assumes full bloom, and
characteristic stable clinical features of the disease appears,
which are known as rūpa and the stage of vyādhi darśana."
The treatment at this stage is particular for specific disease.
The clinical features of a disease depend upon the pattern of
dosa dūsya sammūrcchanā, which may be of two types:
A. Prakrti-sama-samaveta
B. Vikrti-visama-samavāya
A. Prakrti-sama-samaveta (According to nature)
Dosa and dusya involved in a particular disease continue to
maintain their identity in the resultant disease.
These diseases are named according to dosha or dushayas.
e.g Vataj Parmeha & Rakta pitta
B. Vikrti-visama-samavāya (Different from nature)
In this form, dosa-dūsyas mix-up is intensive and in resultant
disease, the signs and symptoms of dosa and dusyas responsible
for the disease couldn't be identified separately.
In such conditions the diseases are not classified in terms of
tridosas and a new clinical names such as asthila, mutrāghāta etc.
are given for these disease.
Suśruta describes this stage as.
शोफाबुद थ व ध वसप भृतीनाम् ल णता वरातीसार भृतीनाम् च।
त प चमः याकालः ।।
(S.Su. 21/34)