Lecture II - Principles of PID Controllers
Lecture II - Principles of PID Controllers
Lecture II - Principles of PID Controllers
Lecture 02 – Control System
As shown in the figure above, a new equilibrium is attained by the system. Once
again supply and demand of water is same. But we can see a drop in water level
from the desired value. This deviation from the measured value and desired value
is known as offset. It is an inherent property of the proportional control. Offset
can be reduced but cannot be eliminated in such systems. The amount by which
the input signal value must change to move the correcting unit between its
extreme positions is known as proportional band. This concept can be made
clear from the figures shown above. Move the position of the pivot towards right
(closer towards the float). Now we can see that a small change in water level
causes an amplified effect in opening or closing the supply valve. In other words
the system becomes more sensitive.