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Anki Hema Lab Test

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Firbrinogen A rapid slide screening If the patient's clot is formed in the It is the time it take for the platelets

test providing a simplified procedure presence of PF XIII, then the clot will rich plasma to clot after the addition
to screen for what? NOT DISSOLVE in Urea or what? of Ca++

hypofibrinogemia 0.95% NSS plasma recalcification time

hyperfibrinogemia Monochloroacetic acid serum recalcification time
fibrinogemia acetetic acid plasma calcification time
fibrinocytosis serum calcification time

hypofibrinogemia Monochloroacetic acid plasma recalcification time

NV of thrombin consumption test NV of two stage procedure of PT

15-45 minutes 15-45 minutes

1-2 petechiae 1-2 petechiae
0-10 petechiae 0-10 petechiae
437 - 586 x 109 /L 437 - 586 x 109 /L
150,000 - 400,000 /cu.mm 150,000 - 400,000 /cu.mm PTT measures what?
500 - 900 x 109 /L 500 - 900 x 109 /L
200 - 400 units/mL of plasma 200 - 400 units/mL of plasma all factors in the intrinsic factors
0 - 40% 0 - 40% except PF III
all factors in the intrinsic factors
0 - 40% 200 - 400 units/mL of plasma except PF VII, VIII

castor oil method = 15-45 minutes castor oil method = 15-45 minutes all factors in the intrinsic factors
negative pressure method = 1-2 negative pressure method = 1-2 except PF III
petechiae petechiae
rumpel leede = 0-10 petechiae rumpel leede = 0-10 petechiae aPTT -  all factors in the intrinsic
olefs method = 437 - 586 x 109 /L olefs method = 437 - 586 x 109 /L factors except PF VII, VIII
Rees & Ecker = 150,000 - 400,000 Rees & Ecker = 150,000 - 400,000
/cu.mm /cu.mm
damashek = 500 - 900 x 109 /L damashek = 500 - 900 x 109 /L
consumption test = 0 - 40% consumption test = 0 - 40%
two stage procedure of PT = 200 two stage procedure of PT = 200
- 400 units/mL of plasma - 400 units/mL of plasma

TGT is based on the idea that for the

Performed by adding exogenous
normal thromboplastin to occur
thrombin to citrated plasma and
what is required except?
measuring the time to clot formation.
Stypven time reveals normal values
of what? blood factors
PF VII deficiency PF VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, V 
thrombin time
elevated values in a PF X deficiency PLATELETS 
Fibrinogen time
thrombin time
When thrombin is added to plasma,
fibrin is formed immediately and the automated methods of quicks one
activated Pit test may be affected by
rate at which a clot forms and it's is stage PT except?
an indication of the presence of
thrombin in plasma fibrometer method
smoothness of the tube
hemolab method
roughness of the tube
rindex test ciotex method
material of the tube
fib test casa method
tube size
fibrindex test
nota casa method - automated counting
roughness of the tube
for sperm
fibrindex test

conditions accompanied by increased


Factor deficiencies in the

intrinsic/common pathways;
factor activity less than 25-30% will
prolong. Acquired circulating
inhibitor: Heparin, lupus
inhibitor, or antibody to a
specific factor

can indicate factor deficiencies in

is a blood test used to detect
the extrinsic/common pathways
deficiency or abnormalities in
best measure of the intrinsic system? (PF V, VII, X, II) ; factor activity
fibrinogen, especially in cases of
less than 25-30% or warfarin
heparin contamination 
activated Dit? therapy, Dicumarol Therapy will
activated Cit? prolong the PT. Presence of
activated Kit? circulating anticoagulants
fibrinogen time
activated Pit?
thombin time
aPTT - Factor deficiencies in
reptilase time
activated Pit? the intrinsic/common pathways;
factor activity less than 25-30% will
reptilase time
prolong. Acquired circulating
inhibitor: Heparin, lupus
inhibitor, or antibody to a
specific factor

PT- can indicate factor deficiencies in

the extrinsic/common pathways
(PF V, VII, X, II) ; factor activity
less than 25-30% or warfarin
therapy, Dicumarol Therapy will
prolong the PT. Presence of
circulating anticoagulants

is the clotting time of recalcified normal plasma fibrinogen levels 

manual methods of quick one stage
citrated plasma on additional Partial no agglutination-hypofibrinogemia 
PT except
Thromboplastin what test? ---------------------------------------
<100 mg%
test tube method
full thromboplastin time 250 - 400 mg%
wire-loop method
partial thromboplastin time
slide drop method
delayed thromboplastin time normal plasma fibrinogen levels
immediate thromboplastin time (250-400mg%)
no agglutination-hypofibrinogemia
slide drop method
partial thromboplastin time  (<100mg%)
plasma recalcification time measures
what are the fibrin stabilizing factor
tests except?
intrinsic system of coagulation
extrinsic system of coagulation
urea solubility
coagulation time
stypven time
bleeding time
whole blood clotting process
(intrinsic system of coagulation)

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