Stihl MS 210 Service Manual
Stihl MS 210 Service Manual
Stihl MS 210 Service Manual
9. AV Handle System/
Handle Housing 48
Do not smoke or bring any fire,
flame or other source of heat near
the fuel. All work with fuel must be
performed outdoors only. Spilled
fuel must be wiped away
3.1 Engine
MS 210 MS 230 MS 250
Oil delivery rate: approx. 7.5 cc/min (0.46 cu in/min) at 10,000 rpm
DG screws are used in the polymer and light-alloy components. These screws form a permanent thread when
they are installed for the first time. They can be removed and installed as often as necessary without
detrimentally affecting the strength of the screwed assembly, providing the specified tightening torque is
observed. For this reason always use a torque wrench.
– Place the DG screw in the hole and rotate it counterclockwise until drops down slightly.
– Tighten the screw clockwise to the specified torque.
This procedure ensures that the screw engages properly in the existing thread and does not form a new thread,
which would weaken the assembly.
Power screwdriver speed setting for polymer:
Saw chain stops under load at full Clutch shoes badly worn Install new clutch
Clutch drum badly worn Install new clutch drum
Saw chain rotates at idle speed Engine idle speed too high Readjust with idle speed screw
Loud noises Clutch springs stretched or fatigued Replace all clutch springs
Chain sprocket wears rapidly Chain not properly tensioned Tension chain as specified
Saw chain does not stop Brake spring stretched or broken Fit new brake spring
immediately when brake is
activated Brake band stretched / worn / Fit new brake band
Starter rope broken Rope pulled out too vigorously as Fit new starter rope
far as stop or over edge, i.e. not
Rewind spring broken Spring overtensioned – no reserve Fit new rewind spring
(rope does not rewind) when rope is fully extended
Starter rope can be pulled out Guide peg on pawl or pawl itself is Fit new pawl
almost without resistance worn
(crankshaft does not turn)
Spring clip fatigued Fit new spring clip
Starter rope is difficult to pull Starter mechanism is very dirty Thoroughly clean complete starter
and rewinds very slowly (dusty conditions) mechanism
In the event of trouble with the chain
lubrication system, always
investigate the other possible
sources of faults before
disassembling the oil pump.
Intake hose or pickup body Wash intake hose and pickup body
(strainer) clogged or intake hose (strainer) in fresh STIHL cleaner or
ruptured replace if necessary
Machine losing chain oil Oil seal leaking Replace oil seal
Oil pump delivers too little oil Oil pump worn Install new oil pump
Exercise extreme caution while
carrying out maintenance and
repair work on the ignition system.
The high voltages which occur can
cause serious or fatal accidents!
Engine runs roughly, misfires, Spark plug boot is loose Press boot firmly onto spark plug
temporary loss of power and fit new spring if necessary
Carburetor floods; Inlet needle not sealing. Foreign Remove and clean or replace the
engine stalls matter in valve seat or cone inlet needle, clean the fuel tank,
damaged pickup body and fuel line if
Helical spring not located on nipple Remove the inlet control lever and
of inlet control lever refit it correctly
Inlet control lever too high Set inlet control lever flush with top
(relative to design position) edge of housing or bottom of
metering chamber
Poor acceleration Idle jet too lean Back off low speed screw (L)
Main jet too lean Back off high speed screw (H)
Inlet control lever too low Set inlet control lever flush with top
(relative to design position) edge of housing or metering
chamber face
Inlet needle sticking to valve seat Remove inlet needle, clean and
Engine will not idle, Throttle shutter opened too wide by Reset idle speed screw (LA)
idle speed too high idle speed screw (LA) correctly
Engine stalls at idle speed Idle jet bores or ports blocked Clean jet bores and ports with
compressed air
Idle jet too rich Screw down low speed screw (L)
Setting of idle speed (LA) Set idle speed screw (LA) correctly
incorrect – throttle shutter
completely closed
Engine speed drops quickly under Air filter plugged Clean or renew the air filter
load – low power
Tank vent faulty Clean tank vent or replace if
Leak in fuel line between tank and Seal connections or install new fuel
fuel pump line
Main jet bores or ports blocked Clean the bores and ports
Fuel pickup body dirty Clean the pickup body, fit a new
– Air filter
– Fuel system
– Carburetor
– Ignition system
Engine does not start easily, stalls Oil seals in crankcase damaged Replace the oil seals
at idle speed, but operates normally
at full throttle
Gasket on carburetor spacer flange Fit a new gasket
Engine does not deliver full power Secondary air seepage through Fit new gaskets
or runs erratically leaking gaskets on carburetor
spacer flange
Fuel / impulse line severely kinked Replace lines or position them free
or damaged from kinks
Engine overheating Insufficient cylinder cooling. Air Thoroughly clean all cooling air
inlets in fan housing blocked or openings and the cylinder fins
cooling fins on cylinder very dirty
176RA330 VA
143RA004 VA
143RA007 VA
– Remove the chain sprocket : Take the needle cage out of the : If the clutch drum/chain sprocket
cover. sprocket. is still serviceable, use No. 120
emery paper or emery cloth
: Disengage the chain brake by – Clean and inspect the clutch (grain size approx. 120 µm) to
pulling the hand guard toward the drum / chain sprocket. clean and roughen its friction
front handle. surface.
208RA003 VA
208RA001 VA
: Sprocket cover with integrally : Oil the cylindrical part (1) of the
molded chain catcher. replacement chain catcher.
If the chain catcher has broken off, : Push the chain catcher into the
repair as follows: AV element (2) and engage the
peg (3) in the housing bore (4) at
the same time.
208RA000 VA
135RA022 VA
135RA023 VA
208RA031 VA
208RA032 VA
: Unscrew the clutch from the : Pull the retainers, if fitted, off the : On retainers with tabs (1), the
crankshaft clockwise (left-hand clutch shoes. narrow side (2) must be next to
thread). the series number (3).
1 2 2 1 3
208RA028 VA
208RA026 VA
208RA027 VA
Disassembling the clutch: – Clean all parts with STIHL : Fit the clutch shoes over the
cleaner. arms (1) of the clutch carrier so
: Use hook (2) 5910 890 2800 to that the series number (2) is on
remove the clutch springs (1). – Replace any damaged parts. the same side as the larger
hexagon (3).
– Pull the clutch shoes off the
208RA030 VA
208RA029 VA
208RA033 VA
250RA008 VA
time, the better the efficiency and
protection offered against being
injured by the rotating chain.
: Attach one end of each spring (1) – Remove locking strip from the Contamination (with chain oil, chips,
to the clutch shoes. cylinder. fine particles of abrasion, etc.) and
smoothing of the friction surfaces of
: Use the hook (2) 5910 890 2800 – Insert spark plug and tighten the brake band and clutch drum
to attach other ends of springs down to 25 Nm (18.5 lb.ft). impair the coefficient of friction.
and press them firmly into the This, in turn, reduces the frictional
clutch shoes. : If spark plug has a separate forces and thus prolongs the
terminal nut, make sure it is braking time. A fatigued or stretched
properly tightened down. brake spring has the same negative
– Fit boot on the spark plug.
– Start the engine.
135RA028 VA
135RA027 VA
: Pry the brake band out of the : Remove the screw (arrow) from
engine housing. the hand guard.
170RA014 VA
135RA026 VA
135RA029 VA
: Take out the screws. Install a new brake band if: : Remove the E-clip.
: Carefully ease the brake spring : Remove strap from bell crank
off the anchor pin and take it off pivot pin (1).
the bell crank.
: Push the strap sideways and lift it
off the hand guard pivot pin (2).
135RA032 VA
135RA034 VA
: Carefully pry the hand guard (1) : Insert the bell crank in the side of
and bell crank (2) off their pivot the hand guard so that the short
pins and lift away together. arm of the bell crank points to top
of hand guard.
– Pull the bell crank out of the hand
208RA109 VA
135RA038 VA
135RA031 VA
: Position the hand guard (1) : Fit the washer. : Hook the brake spring onto the
against the pivot pin and fit the bell crank.
other side of the hand guard over
the housing.
135RA037 VA
135RA039 VA
: Fit strap on the pivot pin (1) and : Position the brake band around
engage it in the pivot pin's the clutch and push it into the
groove. engine housing.
135RA040 VA
135RA036 VA
: Check that flat spring (1) is : Attach the brake spring to the bell
properly located on face (2) of crank.
hand guard bearing boss.
135RA043 VA
135RA044 VA
135RA041 VA
: Use the hook (2) 1117 890 0900 – Remove the chain sprocket – Remove the chain sprocket
to attach the brake spring (1) to cover. cover.
the anchor pin.
: Pull the cover out of the housing. : Take out the screw.
3 1 2 1 4 2 3
208RA004 VA
135RA045 VA
143RA052 VA
2 3
– Fit the bushing (1) in the hand : Unscrew the nut (1) from the : Take the thrust pad (1) off the
guard (2). adjusting screw (2). adjusting screw (2).
: Insert M5x24 screw (3) and : Take the adjusting screw out of : Rotate the spur gear (3) until the
tighten down to 3.5 Nm the cover (3). adjusting screw comes out of the
(2.6 lbf.ft). tensioner slide (4).
Reverse the above sequence to
– Fit the cover. install the chain tensioner.
135RA051 VA
135RA047 VA
: Pull the tensioner slide off the : Muffler with push-fit upper and
cover. lower casings: Remove the upper
casing from the lower casing.
– Take the adjusting screw out of
the cover.
135RA048 VA
135RA052 VA
: Unscrew the nuts. : Muffler with push-fit upper and
lower casings:
– Remove the muffler. If necessary, take the baffle out of
the lower casing.
208RA006 VA
135RA053 VA
1 2
: Pull off or lever off the cover plate : Remove the gasket (1) and heat
– depending on type fitted. shield (2), if fitted.
135RA054 VA
prescribed idle speed difficult, if not
135RA056 VA
208RA007 VA
: Fit the test flange (1) – Carry out preparations – : However, if the indicated
1118 850 4200 in place of the b 6.2.1. pressure drops, the leak must be
carburetor. located and the faulty part
: Connect pressure hose of tester replaced.
1106 850 2905 to nipple on test
flange. To find the leak, coat the suspect
area with oil and pressurize the
engine again. Bubbles will appear if
a leak exists.
143RA046 VA
b 6.2.3.
Oil seals tend to fail when subjected If the vacuum reading remains It is not necessary to disassemble
to a vacuum, i.e. the sealing lip lifts constant, or rises to no more than the complete engine housing if only
away from the crankshaft during the 0.3 bar (4.25 psi) within 20 seconds, the oil seals have to be replaced.
piston's induction stroke because it can be assumed that the oil seals
there is no internal counterpressure. are in good condition.
However, if the pressure continues
An additional test can be carried out to rise (reduced vacuum in the
with the vacuum pump to detect this engine housing), the oil seals must
kind of fault. be replaced.
Clutch side:
– Carry out the preparations – – After finishing the test, open the
b 6.2.1. vent screw and disconnect the – Remove the clutch – b 5.3.
– Remove the oil pump – b 10.5.
– Remove the test flange.
135RA062 VA
: Connect suction hose of vacuum : Ease the retaining ring out of the
pump 0000 850 3501 to test crankshaft.
flange nipple.
135RA061 VA
135RA063 VA
143RA064 VA
135RA064 VA
: Apply puller (1) 5910 890 4400 : If an oil seal with clamping ring – Place the oil seal in position with
(jaws 0000 893 3711 with No. 6 (1) is installed, use puller and the clamping ring faces up.
profile). No. 3.1 jaws to remove the
clamping ring. Pry the sealing : Use the press sleeve (1)
– Clamp the puller arms. ring (2) out of the housing. 1123 893 2400 to install the oil
– Pull out the oil seal. – Clean sealing face with STIHL
cleaner – b 13. – Wait about one minute, then
Take care not to damage the rotate the crankshaft.
crankshaft stub. If the cylinder and engine pan are
assembled, only oil seal – Fit a new retaining ring.
9638 003 1581 (with clamping ring)
may be installed. – Install the oil pump – b 10.5.
Ignition side:
1 135RA065 VA
135RA067 VA
If the cylinder and engine pan are – Remove the oil pump – b 10.5.
assembled, only oil seal
9638 003 1581 (with clamping ring)
may be installed. : Use the press sleeve (1)
1123 893 2400 to install the oil
– Lubricate sealing lip of oil seal seal.
with grease – b 13.
– Wait about one minute, then
– Thinly coat the outside diameter rotate the crankshaft.
of the oil seal with sealant –
b 13. – Install the flywheel – b 7.5.
135RA068 VA
: Pull off the worm with drive
135RA066 VA
135RA069 VA
: Place the oil seal (1) in position : Take out the ground wire
with the clamping ring facing up. fastening screw.
135RA070 VA
135RA072 VA
: Unscrew the engine pan – Remove the engine – b 6.4. : Lift the crankshaft and pull the
mounting screws. piston out of the cylinder at the
– Take out the spark plug. same time.
135RA073 VA
: Remove engine sideways from : Pull the manifold (1) off the intake – Inspect the cylinder and replace it
housing. port. if necessary.
Install in the reverse sequence. : Disconnect the impulse hose (2). : On easy start version, unscrew
the decompression valve.
– Tighten down the engine pan
mounting screws to 9.5 Nm – If a new cylinder has to be
(7 lbf.ft) and the ground wire installed, always fit the matching
fastening screw to 3.5 Nm piston. Replacement cylinders
(2.6 lbf.ft). are only supplied complete with
piston for this reason.
: Pull the engine pan off the – Lubricate piston and piston ring
cylinder. with oil.
135RA080 VA
: Position the piston rings so that : Position the crankshaft so that : Fit the engine pan so that the
the radii at the ring gap meet at the long crankshaft stub (1) seat (1) for the oil pump is at the
the fixing pin in the piston groove points to the right, looking at same side as the long crankshaft
when the rings are compressed. exhaust port (2). stub (2).
135RA087 VA
135RA085 VA
– Pull the piston out of the cylinder : Inspect piston rings and replace if : Push the assembly drift, small
– b 6.5. necessary – b 6.7. diameter first, through the piston
and small end (needle cage) and
: Ease the hookless snap rings out line up the piston.
of the grooves in the piston
: Use the assembly drift (2) : Fit needle cage (arrow) in the : Fit the piston pin (1) on the
1110 893 4700 to push the piston connecting rod (not MS 210). assembly drift (2) and slide it into
pin (1) out of the piston. the piston (the pin slides home
– Oil the needle cage. easily if the piston is warm).
If the piston pin is stuck, release it
by tapping the end of the drift lightly
with a hammer. Hold the piston
steady during this process to
ensure that no jolts are transmitted
to the connecting rod.
249RA147 VA
249RA150 VA
: Remove the sleeve from the tool. : Stand the installing tool, sleeve Fit the snap rings so that their gaps
downward, on a flat surface are on the piston's vertical axis (they
(wooden board) and press must point either up or down – see
vertically downwards until the arrow).
sleeve butts against the tool's
shoulder. – Install the piston – b 6.5.
249RA145 VA
249RA148 VA
2 1
: Attach the snap ring (1) to the : Remove the sleeve and slip it
magnet (2) so that the snap ring onto the other end of the shank.
gap is on the flat side of the tool's
shank. Inner pin must again point toward
flat face.
2 1
249RA146 VA
249RA149 VA
: Push the large slotted diameter of : Apply the installing tool to the
the sleeve over the magnet and piston boss, hold the piston
snap ring. Position the sleeve so steady, center the tool shank
that the inner pin (1) points exactly and press home until the
toward the flat face (2) of tool's snap ring slips into the groove.
135RA097 VA
: The crankshaft (1) and : Pull off the oil seals (1) and ball
connecting rod are an bearings (2).
inseparable unit. This means the
crankshaft must always be
replaced as a complete unit. The
needle bearing (2) is replaceable
on models MS 230 and MS 250.
135RA100 VA
135RA095 VA
: Use a piece of old piston ring to : Heat ball bearing to approx. 50°C
scrape the grooves clean. (120°F) and, with closed side
facing outwards, push it on to the
crankshaft stub as far as stop.
170RA096 VA
: Install the new piston rings in the – Remove the piston – b 6.6.
grooves so that the radii face
upward. : Remove the retaining ring
– Install the piston – b 6.6.
135RA101 VA
system should always begin at the
spark plug – b 4.4.
: Slide oil seals over the crankshaft – Remove the front handle –
stubs so that their open sides are b 9.2.
facing the ball bearings.
: Use standard 13 mm socket to
– Install new retaining ring in unscrew the decompression
crankshaft groove. valve.
135RA106 VA
208RA008 VA
135RA108 VA
: Pinch the hook (arrow) of the leg The ignition module accommodates
spring into the center of the lead, all the components required to
i.e. about 10 mm (3/8") from the control ignition timing. There are
end of the lead. two electrical connections on the
coil body:
171RA146 VA
test in the workshop.
135RA107 VA
– Unhook the leg spring from the If the spark plug has a separate
ignition lead. terminal nut, make sure that it is
properly tightened down.
– Pull the spark plug boot off the
ignition lead. – Fit boot on the spark plug.
To test the ignition module, use If the spark plug, ignition lead and
either the ZAT 4 ignition system 3 spark plug boot are in order, use an
tester 5910 850 4503 or the ZAT 3 ohmmeter to check the short circuit
ignition system tester ZAT 3
wire, ground wire and contact spring
5910 850 4520. for a break.
5910 850 4520
208RA054 VA
Before starting the test, check that
the spark plug is in good condition.
Test the ignition coil only with the 2
spark plug properly installed in the
cylinder. It is necessary to use the ZAT 3
ignition system tester
5910 850 4520 to test the auxiliary
spark gap.
135RA111 VA
1 2 3
Use adjusting knob (3) to set spark
gap to about 2 mm.
: Using the ZAT 4 ignition tester While using the ZAT 3, hold it only : Pull the short circuit wire (arrow)
5910 850 4503: by the handle or position it in a safe off the tag on the ignition module.
Pull the boot off the spark plug place.
and connect it the input – Connect ohmmeter to ground
terminal (1). Push the tester’s Warning! and the short circuit wire.
output terminal (3) onto the spark High voltage – risk of electrocution.
plug. – Set Master Control lever to "0".
– Crank engine with rewind starter
– Pull the rewind starter and check (min. 1,000 rpm) and evaluate The measured resistance must be
the sparkover in the tester’s spark in spark window. about 0 Ohm. If the reading is much
window (2). higher, there is a break in the wire
If a spark is visible, the ignition and the wire or Master Control lever
system is in order. must be replaced.
135RA111 VA
If no fault is detected in these areas although timing is outside the
either, install a new ignition module permissible tolerance. This will
– b 7.4.2. impair engine starting and running
behavior. – Remove the fan housing –
b 8.2.
135RA112 VA
: Take out the screws (arrows).
208RA110 VA
135RA116 VA
: Push baffle plate (1) in direction Removing the flywheel: Inspect flywheel (1) and magnet
of fanwheel and carefully pull out poles (2) for cracks or other
the ignition lead (2). – Fit the locking strip to block the damage. If you find any damage,
piston – b 5.3. install a new flywheel.
Powerful yes
Check flywheel:
– Have pole shoes turned blue?
Install new flywheel
2 3
Check operation of
Master Control lever/slide control
or separate stop switch
– Short circuit wire chafed?
– Contact gap (contact springs)
If necessary, install new ignition lead
and/or contact springs
Re-connect short circuit wire
Powerful yes
Install new
ignition module
yes Engine no
208RA010 VA
and cause the spring windings to
stick together. This has a The rewind spring will not be under
detrimental effect on the function of tension if the starter rope is broken.
the starter mechanism. In such a
case it is sufficient to apply a few : Remove the screws (arrows) – Pull out the starter rope about
drops of paraffin (kerosine) to the from the fan housing and hand 5 cm (2") and hold the rope rotor
rewind spring. guard. steady.
Carefully pull out the starter rope – Lift away the fan housing with – While still holding the rope rotor
several times and allow it to rewind rewind starter. steady, take three full turns off the
until its normal smooth action is rope rotor.
restored. Reassemble in the reverse
sequence. – Pull out the rope with the starter
If clogged with dirt or pitch, the grip and slowly release the rope
entire starter mechanism, including – Tighten down screws to 6 Nm rotor.
the rewind spring, must be removed (4.4 lbf.ft).
and disassembled. Take special
care when removing the spring.
208RA034 VA
208RA035 VA
249RA141 VA
208RA036 VA
: Remove the washer (arrow). Installing the rope rotor: – Fit washer and push the spring
clip into the groove in the starter
Coat bore in rope rotor with STIHL post.
special lubricant – b 13.
Make sure the spring clip (1)
: Fit the rotor on the starter post engages the pawl guide peg (2) and
so that the lug (1) on the rope points in the clockwise direction.
rotor slips behind the inner spring
loop (2). The spring clip must be handled
very carefully. If it is bent during
Check that spring loop has engaged disassembly or assembly, the
by turning rope rotor slightly and rewind starter may not function
letting it go – it must spin back. properly.
– Remove the rope rotor – b 8.3. Remove the rope rotor – b 8.3.
135RA119 VA
: Thread the other end of the rope
through the guide bush from
208RA0039 VA
208RA038 VA
: Use a screwdriver to pry the : Thread end of new rope through : Then through the underside of
segment (1) out of the upper the hole in the side of the rotor, the starter grip and pull it out.
retainers (4). pull it out.
982RA036 VA
208RA052 VA
208RA049 VA
: Tie one of the special knots : Pry the nipple of the starter rope : Thread the other end of the rope,
shown. out of the starter grip. Pull out the from outside, through the guide
starter rope. bush in the fan housing.
– Pull the rope back into the starter
grip. – Fit the rope in the rope rotor –
b 8.5.
– Install the rope rotor – b 8.3.
– Install the rope rotor – b 8.3.
– Tension the rewind spring –
b 8.5.2. – Fit the fan housing – b 8.2.
208RA051 VA
208RA050 VA
135RA122 VA
208RA012 VA
208RA014 VA
: Make a loop in the starter rope. : Hold the rope rotor steady. The rewind spring is correctly
tensioned when the starter grip sits
: Pull out the rope with the starter firmly in the rope guide bush without
grip and straighten it out. drooping to one side. If this is not
the case, tension the spring by one
– Hold the starter grip firmly to keep additional turn.
the rope tensioned.
When the starter rope is fully
– Let go of the rope rotor and extended, it must still be possible to
slowly release the starter rope so rotate the rope rotor at least another
that it can rewind properly. half turn before maximum spring
tension is reached. If this is not the
case, pull the rope out, hold the
rope rotor steady and take off one
turn of the rope.
208RA013 VA
: Grip the rope next to the rotor – Fit the fan housing – b 8.2.
and use it to turn the rope rotor
six times clockwise.
143RA121 VA
: Position the anchor loop about : Push the rewind spring into the
20 mm (3/4") (dimension 'a') from fan housing and then remove the
the edge of the assembly tool. assembly tool.
143RA122 VA
– Lubricate the spring with a few : Fit the rewind spring in the
drops of STIHL special lubricant counterclockwise direction,
before installation – b 13. starting from outside and working
: The frame (1) slips off as the
rewind spring is pushed into the – Place wooden block
fan housing. 1108 893 4800 over the
Press the anchor loop (2) into the assembly tool to simplify this
recess in the fan housing at the operation.
same time.
– Slip the assembly tool with
The rewind spring may pop out and rewind spring over the starter
uncoil during installation. post.
208RA046 VA
135RA125 VA
: Remove the spring clip (1) from Annular buffer in engine housing
the starter post.
– Front handle removed.
Do not take the rope rotor off the
starter post. : Pry the annular buffer out of the
engine housing.
: Pull the pawl (2) out of the rope
135RA126 VA
208RA016 VA
135RA127 VA
135RA124 VA
135RA128 VA
135RA130 VA
135RA133 VA
: Pry the annular buffer out of the : Take the lower mounting screws : Pull the lower part of the handle
handle housing. out of the front handle. housing out of the front handle.
135RA131 VA
135RA129 VA
: Push the annular buffer into the – Remove lower bumper strip from
handle housing from outside until the tensioner.
its groove (1) engages over the
rib (2). : Ease plugs out of the annular
– Install the handle housing –
b 9.3.
135RA136 VA
– Remove the carburetor –
135RA139 VA
b 11.2.2.
: Ease the plug out of the annular : Push the grommet out of the
buffer. handle housing.
135RA140 VA
135RA137 VA
: Disconnect tank vent hose from : Pry the annular buffer out of the : Pull the impulse hose off the stub
the stub. engine housing. on the handle housing.
135RA138 VA
135RA135 VA
: Pull the ground wire (1) off the : Pull the handle housing slightly
contact spring. forward and push the manifold
through the handle housing
: Pull the short circuit wire's opening at the same time.
contact sleeve (2) out of the
switch shaft.
135RA143 VA
: On easy start machines, pull : Place the handle housing in : Pull the ends of the string
manual fuel pump hose (arrow) position and pass the string (1), outward.
out of the fuel tank. fuel hose (2), ground wire (3) and
short circuit wire (4) through the The manifold flange is thus pulled
– Remove the handle housing. openings. through the handle housing intake
opening without any damage to the
– To replace, remove the annular manifold.
buffers – b 9.1.
135RA147 VA
b 9.5.
: To fit the manifold in the handle : Connect the impulse hose to the
housing intake opening, wind a stub on the handle housing.
piece of string (about 15 cm / 6"
long) around the back of the
manifold flange.
– Remove the carburetor box cover : Set the Master Control lever to – Remove the carburetor –
– b 11.1. the horizontal position and pry b 11.2.2.
the switch shaft out of its pivot
: Pull the contact sleeve out of the mount. : Pull the ground wire terminal off
switch shaft. the contact spring.
: Move the Master Control lever (1) : Pull the switch shaft out of its : Pull the contact spring out its seat
until the slot in the choke shaft (2) bore. in the handle housing.
and the choke rod (3) are in line.
Install in the reverse sequence. Install in the reverse sequence.
135RA153 VA
: Pull the choke rod out of the : Lift the contact spring slightly to
switch shaft and the choke shaft. install the switch shaft.
208RA048 VA
135RA156 VA
– Remove the carburetor box cover : Use a 4 mm (5/32") drift to drive : Push the throttle rod into the
– b 11.1. out the cylindrical pin (1). throttle trigger.
135RA161 VA
135RA157 VA
– Move the Master Control lever to : Take the torsion spring off the : Press the interlock lever into the
the normal "RUN" position. throttle trigger. slots. The torsion spring must be
under the interlock lever and
: Pull the interlock lever out of its engage the notch.
135RA162 VA
208RA047 VA
2 1
: Remove the throttle rod from the : Fit the throttle trigger so that the : Press the interlock lever (1)
throttle trigger. seat for the throttle rod points downward.
: Push the throttle trigger upward
: Use a 4 mm (5/32") drift to push and move the Master Control
home the cylindrical pin. lever (2) to the "Choke" position.
135RA165 VA
135RA163 VA
: Fit the handle molding so that it – Unscrew oil filler cap and drain : Pull the pickup body out of the oil
engages behind the lugs as the oil tank. suction hose.
Collect chain oil in a clean container – Wash the pickup body in STIHL
– Insert screw and tighten down to or dispose of it properly at an cleaner and, if possible, blow out
1.6 Nm (1.2 lbf.ft). approved disposal site. with compressed air.
– Fit the carburetor box cover – – Observe safety precautions – – Replace pickup body if it is
b 11.1. b 2. damaged.
208RA017 VA
135RA166 VA
– Unscrew the oil filler cap.
– Remove the front handle – Install in the reverse sequence. Collect chain oil in a clean container
b 9.2. or dispose of it properly at an
: Fit new O-ring on connector approved disposal site.
: Take out the screw. (see arrow).
– Observe safety precautions –
– Tighten down screw to 4.0 Nm b 2.
(3.0 lbf.ft).
– Use compressed air to blow valve
clear from the outside inwards.
135RA170 VA
208RA018 VA
3 2
135RA176 VA
135RA173 VA
Removing : Swing lever (1) down into fork : Place the fork head (1123/01)
head (2) and secure it with the with the straight stem (from
– Remove the connector – connecting pin (3). installing tool) in the oil pump.
b 10.2.
– Fit lever in fork head and secure
: Pry out the lower annular buffer. in position.
135RA174 VA
135RA177 VA
: Fit lever (1) of installing tool : Swing lever upward to pull the oil : Press the lever down until the
1123 890 2201 in the bore for the pump out of the housing. fork head butts against the
annular buffer – from inside. engine housing. The oil pump is
– Unscrew the oil pump from the now installed at the right depth.
fork head.
– Remove the lever.
135RA178 VA
135RA175 VA
: Screw fork head (1123) with Installing : Push the annular buffer into the
threaded stem (from installing housing until its groove engages
tool) into the oil pump. : Place the oil pump in position so over the housing rib.
that its groove (1) lines up with
the square (2) on the housing. – Fit the connector – b 10.2.
208RA023 VA
135RA199 VA
– Close the choke shutter.
208RA020 VA
208RA022 VA
leaks with the carburetor and
crankcase tester 1106 850 2905.
– Remove the carburetor box cover
– b 11.1. : Push fuel line with nipple onto : Close the vent screw (1) on the
carburetor elbow connector rubber bulb (2) and pump air into
(arrow). the carburetor until the pressure
gauge (3) shows a reading of
approx. 0.8 bar (11.6 psi).
: Pull fuel hose (arrow) off the : Connect the tester's pressure – After completing test, open the
carburetor's elbow connector. hose to the nipple. vent screw and pull the fuel line
off the elbow connector.
– Remove the air filter – b 11.1. : Disconnect fuel hose (1) from the : Remove the grommet with tank
manual fuel pump, if fitted. vent from the adjusting screws.
: Pull fuel hose (arrow) off the
carburetor's elbow connector. : Pull the hose (2) off the tank vent.
135RA191 VA
135RA208 VA
: Detach throttle rod from the : Remove the carburetor. : Slip the gasket off the studs.
throttle trigger.
– If necessary, remove the shim
from the studs.
: Pull choke rod (1) out of choke : Take the throttle rod off the
shaft (2) and switch shaft (3). throttle shaft.
208RA060 VA
– Screw low speed screw (L) down
onto its seat clockwise, then open 4. Set the engine speed to
it one full turn from that position. 2,800 rpm with the low speed
screw (L).
: Use suitable pliers to pull off the
limiter cap (1).
135RA215 VA
135RA217 VA
and results in fuel starvation.
In the event of trouble with the fuel
supply system, always check the
fuel tank and the pickup body first. – Use hook (1) 5910 893 8800 to – Remove the handle housing –
Clean the fuel tank if necessary. pull the pickup body out of the b 9.3.
fuel tank.
– Remove the pickup body –
Cleaning the fuel tank Do not stretch the suction hose. b 11.4.
– Unscrew the filler cap and drain – Pry suction hose flange out of the
the tank. fuel tank.
– Close the tank and shake the saw – Coat the hose flange with a little
vigorously. 135RA216 VA
oil to simplify installation.
Easy start machines only: The hoses for the tank vent and fuel
supply must not be damaged in any
– Remove the air filter – b 11.1. way. Replace them if necessary.
135RA221 VA
: Carefully squeeze the retaining
tabs together.
208RA041 VA
135RA220 VA
: Disconnect hoses from the : Push the cover (1) under the
connectors. upper retaining tab (2) and push
the pin (3) into the bore in the
handle housing.
208RA108 VA
208RA092 VA
: Detach suction hose (2) from : Pull the connector (1) out of the : When assembling, connect the
retainer (3) on handle housing. retainer (2). hose (1) to the thin stub (arrow) of
the connector (2) and the manual
: Pull suction hose (2) off the stub – Pull hose (3) off carburetor stub. fuel pump to the long left-hand
on the tank vent (1). stub.
– Remove the carburetor –
– Remove the carburetor – b 11.2. : Push the connector (2) with hose
b 11.2. upwards into the handle housing.
On non-EU version:
Hose (4): 5.4x2.2x100 mm
208RA105 VA
208RA107 VA
– Remove the chain brake – 1
b 8.
: Unscrew the fuel filler cap and – Pry the suction hose flange out of
remove with cap retainer, if fitted. the fuel tank.
: Use hook (1) 5910 893 8800 to : Pull out the suction hose.
pull pickup body out of the fuel
135RA225 VA
135RA230 VA
: Disconnect the short circuit : Pull out the oil pump suction hose
wire (1). with pickup body.
135RA233 VA
: Pull the pickup body off the hose. : Remove the spiked bumper, if
135RA234 VA
135RA231 VA
2 1 1
: On machines with quick chain Replacement engine housings are – Apply a little oil to the thread of
tensioner, remove the stiffener supplied with two collar screws of the new or original collar screw.
(1) and take out the rear collar the same length.
screw (2). : Insert collar screw in the bore of
: To install engine housing in a the replacement engine housing
machine with a quick chain and turn it counterclockwise until
tensioner, use stud puller (1) it engages the thread.
5910 893 0501 to slowly unscrew
the rear collar screw. – Then screw it home clockwise
and torque down to about 8.0 Nm
Thread in engine housing can be (5.9 lbf.ft).
damaged if stud puller is turned too
fast. – Tighten down mounting screws
on spiked bumper to 3.7 Nm
(2.8 lbf.ft).
135RA232 VA
1) Equivalent to puller 0000 890 4400, but with longer spindle 5910 890 8400.
1 Lubricating grease (370 g / 0781 120 1111 Oil seals, oil pump drive,
13 oz tube) chain sprocket bearing, chain tensioner,
cylindrical rollers
3 STIHL special lubricant 0781 417 1315 Bearing bore in rope rotor,
rewind spring in fan housing
4 Dirko sealant (100 g / 0783 830 2120 Engine pan, oil seals (outside)
3 1/2 oz tube)
6 STIHL Bioplus 0781 516 3331 Protects brake band from corrosion
(1 ltr./ 34 fl.oz bottle)