Fakouribaygi2015 PDF
Fakouribaygi2015 PDF
Fakouribaygi2015 PDF
of Pages 11
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
a b s t r a c t
CO2 removal by treatment of acid gases by aqueous alkanolamines is a very significant operation from industrial
and environmental point of view. To attain a comprehensive thermodynamic model of the CO2 –MEA–H2 O in a wide
range of temperature and CO2 partial pressures, Perturbed Chain-Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT) EOS is
applied to predict the absorption of carbon dioxide by MEA (MonoEthanolAmine). In order to find the best association
scheme for MEA in PC-SAFT EOS, three pure parameter sets for MEA in the 2B, 3B and 4C association schemes are
determined in temperature range 303.15–443.15 K. Temperature independent binary interaction parameters have
been adjusted in the VLE calculation for three schemes of MEA and two schemes of water. Binary VLE calculations
show the 3B scheme for MEA and the 4C scheme for water indicate the best prediction in the MEA–H2 O system. Excess
enthalpy data for aqueous MEA are predicted by kij , which has been adjusted in VLE calculations. The 3B scheme for
MEA and the 4C scheme for water also are used to find CO2 solubility in the ternary system of CO2 –MEA–H2 O system.
Ideal Smith–Missen algorithm has been applied to find the concentration of all species in chemical equilibrium.
Results show the 3B association scheme for MEA and the 4C association scheme for water in PC-SAFT EOS have
better agreement with binary and ternary experimental data. PC-SAFT EOS is able to anticipate the CO2 solubility
in the CO2 –MEA–H2 O system without any regression in the ternary system. The CO2 solubility in ternary system
is compared to e-NRTL as a common thermodynamics model. The average absolute partial pressure deviations for
PC-SAFT and e-NRTL are calculated around 36% and 42%, respectively.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Keywords: PC-SAFT EOS; Association schemes; Monoethanolamine; Independent binary interaction; Smith-Missen
Algorithm; CO2 capture
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 82883312; fax: +98 21 82883381.
E-mail address: pahlavzh@modares.ac.ir (H. Pahlavanzadeh).
0263-8762/© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
2 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
ai activity of species i
ãres residual Helmholtz energy
ãhc hard-chain Helmholtz energy
ãdisp dispersion interactions Helmholtz energy
ãassoc association interactions Helmholtz energy
d average segment diameter
radial pair distribution function for segments of
component i in the hard sphere system
h enthalpy
kB Boltzmann constant (1.38066 × 10−23 J.K−1 )
Kx The chemical equilibrium constants in mole
fraction based
Km The chemical equilibrium constants in molality Fig. 1 – Schematic diagram of the model.
m pure number of segments in a molecule
and extended UNIQUAC by Faramarzi et al. (2009). Common
Mt total moles of MEA
features shared by most of the gE thermodynamics models
np number of experimental data points
that are applied to model CO2 –alkanolamine–water systems
x mole fraction in liquid phase
include a large number of complicated adjustable binary inter-
y mole fraction in gas phase
action parameters that must be correlated to multicomponent
XAi fraction of molecules of species i that are not
system experimental data. On the contrary, the models that
bound at site A
use the equations of states, particularly association EOSs,
p pressure (Pa)
do not require this amount of experimental data, except for
T temperature (K)
modifying the interaction energies. However, these modifi-
W total moles of water in liquid phase
cations do not require multicomponent (ternary, quaternary,
Greek symbols etc.) system experimental data. Some association models have
˛ CO2 liquid loading (mole CO2 /mole MEA) recently been applied in order to model these systems, such as
ε segment dispersion interaction energy CPA for CO2 –MDEA–H2 O system by Zoghi et al. (2012), SAFT-
εAi Bj energy of hydrogen bonding between site A at VR for CO2 –MEA–H2 O system and by Rodriguez et al. (2012)
molecule i and site B at molecule j and Mac Dowell et al. (2009) and PC-SAFT by Nasrifar and
Ai Bj volume of hydrogen bonding between site A at Tafazzol (2010). Nasrifar and Tafazzol (2010) applied PC-SAFT
molecule i and site B at molecule j EOS to describe solubility of CO2 and H2 S in aqueous solu-
molar density tions of MDEA, DEA, and MEA, but their model involves very
n molecular density (number of molecules/Å3 ) large errors for systems involve CO2 especially CO2 –MEA–H2 O
pure temperature independent segment diam- system.
eter (Å) Limitations in work of Nasrifar and Tafazzol (2010) are the
i stoichiometric coefficient of component i in motivating factors for this study. In this study, our previous
reaction work (Pahlavanzadeh and Fakouri Baygi, 2013) on thermody-
Ai Bj strength of hydrogen bonding between the site namics modeling of CO2 –MDEA–H2 O system by PC-SAFT EOS
A at molecule i and the site B at molecule j is extended to the CO2 –MDEA–H2 O system. PC-SAFT EOS was
employed in this research, similarly to our earlier work, to find
Subscripts and superscripts CO2 physical absorption, and an ideal Smith–Missen method
exp experimental was used to find chemical species concentration. A schematic
cal calculated diagram of the model is presented in Fig. 1.
E excess
L liquid 2. PC-SAFT EOS
min minimum
max maximum Gross and Sadowski (2001, 2002) introduced PC-SAFT EOS in
i, j, k indices terms of free Helmholtz energy.
sat saturation
ãres = ãhc + ãdisp + ãassoc (1)
distinctive functional groups (hydroxyl and amine groups). where ãres , ãhc , ãdisp , and ãassoc represent residual Helmholtz
Therefore, several association schemes should be checked in energy, the contribution of the hard-chain reference fluid
binary systems to find the suitable schemes (Avlund, 2011; consists of spherical segments Helmholtz energy, the contri-
Pahlavanzadeh and Fakouri Baygi, 2013). bution of dispersive attractions to the Helmholtz energy, and
In the past few decades, some gE thermodynamics mod- the contribution due to short-range association interactions
els have been implemented for correlation and prediction of (hydrogen bonding) Helmholtz energy, respectively. Gross and
CO2 solubility in aqueous MEA solutions and other aqueous Sadowski (2001) presented the contribution of the hard-chain
alkanolamines solutions, such as electrolyte NRTL by Zhang reference fluid Helmholtz energy and the contribution of dis-
et al. (2011), Austgen et al. (1989) and Posey and Rochelle (1997) persive attractions to the Helmholtz energy. The contribution
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx 3
Alkanolamines consist of hydroxyl groups and one or more
Ai Bj εAi Bj
= d3ij ghs
(dij )Ai Bj exp −1 (4) amine groups, so sometimes selecting a precise association
kB T
scheme is complicated. To address their distinctive functional
groups, a variety association schemes can be proposed.
where εAi Bj and Ai Bj are energy and volume of hydrogen bond- MEA is a primary alkanolamine consisting of one hydroxyl
ing between site A at molecule i and site B at molecule j, group and one primary amine group. There is some degree of
respectively. dij = (di + dj )/2 is average temperature dependent ambiguity regarding the participation of primary amine group
segment diameter, ghs ij
is radial pair distribution function for in association. Therefore, different association schemes are
segments of component i in the hard sphere system which has considered for MEA that do not specify the role of hydroxyl and
been presented by Gross and Sadowski (2001), kB is Boltzmann primary amine groups in association; rather, these associa-
constant and T represents temperature in Kelvin. tion schemes regard MEA as a molecule with some association
Temperature dependent segment diameter, di , is given by sites that they can associate other molecules sites with same
the following expression (Gross and Sadowski, 2001): strength. For example, Nasrifar and Tafazzol (2010) consid-
ered the 4C association scheme for MEA. On the other hand,
−3ε some association schemes specify the role of hydroxyl and
di = i 1 − 0.12 exp (5)
kB T primary amine groups in association; for example, Mac Dowell
et al. (2009) applied an association scheme that mediated three
where i and εi are pure temperature independent seg- sites for hydroxyl groups and three sites for amine groups for
ment diameter and segment dispersion interaction energy of SAFT-VR EOS.
molecule i respectively. In this study, parameter sets of MEA for PC-SAFT EOS are
Gross and Sadowski (2002) used two mixing rules for asso- determined for 2B, 3B and 4C schemes. In addition, a parame-
ciating multicomponent systems that are expressed in Eqs. (6) ter set for the 4C association scheme are determined with less
and (7): errors for saturated pressure and saturated density respect to
results of Nasrifar and Tafazzol (2010).
3 To calculate parameter sets for MEA, the following objective
√ i j function is applied
Ai Bj = Ai Bi Aj Bj
2 i + j
np sat,exp np sat,exp
p − psat,cal − isat,cal
i i i
OF = + (8)
εAi Bi + εAj Bj pi
sat,exp sat,exp
εAi Bj = (7) i i
Specific terminology is used in the study that was where psat and sat indicate saturated vapor pressure and satu-
introduced by Huang and Radosz (1990) to denote associa- rated liquid density of pure species, respectively. Experimental
tion structure. They have classified eight different association saturated vapor pressures and saturated liquid densities
schemes. In their terminology, different molecules were char- obtained from DIPPR correlations that Avlund et al. (2008) used
acterized by different schemes and several possibilities for for determining MEA parameters set for CPA EOS. In addition,
participation in association. The molecules with one proton Avlund et al. (2008) presented these correlations have reli-
donor site and one proton acceptor site correspond to the able agreement with experimental data. The correlations are
2B association scheme, the molecules with two proton donor expressed by Eqs. (9) and (10) for the vapor pressure (psat ) and
sites and one proton acceptor site and vice versa correspond saturated liquid density (L,sat ) of MEA, respectively.
to the 3B association scheme and the molecules with two pro-
ton donor sites and two proton acceptor sites correspond to psat (Pa) = exp A + + C ln (T/K) + D(T/K)
the 4C association scheme. (T/K)
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
4 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
psat L,sat
CO2 Non- 2.0729 2.7852 169.21 – – 2.78 2.73 Gross and Sadowski
associating (2001)
AAD% = 100/np × | exp
− cal
|/ exp
, is psat and L,sat .
and Economou and one parameter set for CO2 , are compared
for selection of the best parameter sets for VLE calculations 360
of multicomponent system. Meanwhile, CO2 molecule is not 350
MEA (2B)
MEA (3B) MEA (2B)
100 320
MEA (4C) MEA (3B)
DIPPR Correlation 310 MEA (4C)
90 DIPPR Correlation
880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020
80 sat
ρ /kg.m
Table 3 – AAD% for MEA–H2 O system in different
30 association schemes.
Association schemes AAD%a kij
2B 2B 5.66 2.38 −0.0420
0 3B 4.24 2.08 −0.0146
880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 4C 5.41 2.28 −0.0362
sat -3
ρ /kg.m
2B 4C 3.52 8.63 −0.1305
Fig. 2 – Saturated vapor pressure versus saturated liquid 3B 3.54 1.54 −0.0520
density for pure MEA at temperature from 303.15 K to 4C 8.05 3.60 −0.1245
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx 5
Fig. 4 – Isobaric temperature–composition T–x slices of the vapor–liquid equilibrium of MEA–H2 O with three association
scheme for MEA and 2B association scheme for H2 O. The symbols correspond to the experimental data at P = 66.66 kPa and
P = 101.33 kPa from Cai et al. (1996) and Park and Lee (1997), and the dotted and solid curves represent the PC-SAFT
predictions (kij = 0) and correlations (kij from Table 3): (a) 2B scheme for MEA at P = 66.66 kPa, (b) 2B scheme for MEA at
P = 101.33 kPa, (c) 3B scheme for MEA at P = 66.66 kPa, (d) 3B scheme for MEA at P = 101.33 kPa, (e) 4C scheme for MEA at
P = 66.66 kPa, (f) 4C scheme for MEA at P = 101.33 kPa.
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
6 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
Fig. 5 – Isobaric temperature–composition T–x slices of the vapor–liquid equilibrium of MEA–H2 O with three association
scheme for MEA and 4C association scheme for H2 O. The symbols correspond to the experimental data at P = 66.66 kPa and
P = 101.33 kPa from Cai et al. (1996) and Park and Lee (1997), and the dotted and solid curves represent the PC-SAFT
predictions (kij = 0) and correlations (kij from Table 3): (a) 2B scheme for MEA at P = 66.66 kPa, (b) 2B scheme for MEA at
P = 101.33 kPa, (c) 3B scheme for MEA at P = 66.66 kPa, (d) 3B scheme for MEA at P = 101.33 kPa, (e) 4C scheme for MEA at
P = 66.66 kPa, (f) 4C scheme for MEA at P = 101.33 kPa.
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx 7
Finding proper parameter sets and schemes is the princi- association scheme for MEA indicates the best agreement with
pal part of the modeling with association EOSs, because the experimental data for both schemes of water with respect to
pure parameter sets have to be adjusted with the saturation other schemes. Therefore, the 3B scheme for MEA is selected.
experimental data, and these parameter sets and association The binary VLE results with both the 2B and 4C association
schemes exhibit same results in pure systems. Therefore, the schemes for water, and 2B, 3B and 4C association schemes for
best association schemes can be found in binary systems. MEA, are presented in Figs 4 and 5, respectively.
Binary interaction parameters are adjusted for binary sys- Experimental mixing enthalpies at 298.15 K and 342.15 K
tems to obtain accurate VLE calculations. The conventional from Posey (1996) and Touhara et al. (1982) are predicted with
Berthelot–Lorentz combining rule is expressed by Eq. (11) is
applied in this study.
εij = εi εj (1 − kij ) (11)
np exp np exp
x − xcal y − ycal
i i i i
OF = exp + exp (12)
xi yi
i=1 i=1
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
8 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
This equilibrium constant was converted to mole fraction based.
the 3B scheme for MEA and the 4C scheme for water, and than 10−3 ) in Fig. 7. These small errors in the range of CO2
results are shown in Fig. 6. solubility are proper to model CO2 –MEA–H2 O system.
Table 5 – Comparison between experimental data and model predictions for CO2 partial pressure of the CO2 –MEA–H2 O
Source Temperature, CO2 partial MEA mole CO2 e-NRTL by Zhang PC-SAFT EOS
T (K) pressure, p (kPa) fraction loading, ˛ et al. (2011) by this work
np b AAD% np b AAD%
expin e-NRTL regression
These data sets are by Zhang et al. (2011).
AAD% = 100/np × pCO − pcal
2 2 2
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx 9
Fig. 10 – Experimental data from Lee et al. (1976) in Fig. 12 – Comparison between experimental data from Park
mMEA = 3.75 at temperatures 313.15–413.15 K (symbols) and et al. (1997) and Shen and Li (1992) in wMEA = 15.3 wt.% at
CO2 partial pressures prediction by PC-SAFT EOS (solid T = 313.15 K (symbols) and CO2 partial pressures prediction
lines) of CO2 –MEA–H2 O system. by PC-SAFT EOS (solid lines) of CO2 –MEA–H2 O system.
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
CHERD-1650; No. of Pages 11
10 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx
ln Kx = ln Km − ln i (18)
/ H2 O
Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017
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chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxx–xxx 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Fakouri Baygi, S., Pahlavanzadeh, H., Application of the perturbed chain-SAFT equation of state for modeling
CO2 solubility in aqueous monoethanolamine solutions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2014.07.017