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Mohamad Nasrul faez

Universiti Malaysia Pahang


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Identification Card No : 911127-03-6295
Title : Structural Dynamic Investigation of Motorcycles
Academic Session : 2016/2017

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Date: 5 MEI 2017 Date: 5 MEI 2017



This thesis is submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
Bachelor’s (hons) of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Universiti Malaysia Pahang

5 MEI 2017


I hereby declare that I have checked this thesis and in my opinion, this thesis is adequate
in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of the Bachelor’s Degree of
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) (Hons.) (Mechanical).

(Supervisor’s Signiture)

Name of Supervisor : Dr. Mohd Shahrir Bin Mohd Sani

Position : Senior Lecturer
Date : 5 MEI 2017


I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is my own except for quotations and summaries
which have been duly acknowledged. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and
is not concurrently submitted for award of other degree.

(Author’s Signiture)

Name : Mohamad Nasrul Faez Bin Juhari

ID Number : 911127-03-6295
Date : 5 MEI 2017

Dedicated to my lovely parents, family and friends.
Live, Love, Appreciate


First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to Allah the Almighty
for blessing me in completed this final project. In addition, I would like to express my
sincere thanks to my supervisor, Hj Dr. Mohd Shahrir bin Mohd Sani for his under-
standing and patience for helping me throughout the semester during the making of this
projects. . I am indebted to him for sharing expertise, and valuable guidance and en-
couragement extended to me. Without his guidance, and persistent help, this project
would be impossible.

Besides, I would like to thanks with much appreciation to three students Mas-
ter’s Dr. Shahrir which are Miss Amzura, Miss Zilla and Miss Afina for their valuable
idea, sharing their time and knowledge on this project. They have teaches me a lot to-
wards my understanding and thoughts.

Not to forget my family and all my friends who should be recognized for their
endless support during completing this project. All the comments, suggestion and ideas
were very useful to make the project run smoothly. Lastly, I also place on record, my
sense of gratitude to one and all who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand in this


This project presents the Structural Dynamic Investigation of Motorcycle

Chassis. The purposes are to analysis the chassis motorcycles and the structure, to en-
sure the mode shape in motorcycles chassis structure. The study of dynamic properties
of motorcycles chassis is great way to determine the natural frequencies of the structure
and its mode shapes. The main objectives of this experiment are to design a new model
motorcycles chassis and to find the modal properties of the structure and compare them
between experimental modal analysis and finite element analysis.

The modal properties are included the natural frequency and mode shapes of
the each modes. Besides, this experiment will be comparing the results of Finite element
analysis (FEA) and Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) in order to get the precise and
accurate modal properties of each mode. After that using the impact hammer test with
triaxial accelerometer while finite element analysis was simulated by using MSC Nas-
tran Patran software with normal mode analysis. For the Finite element analysis (FEA),
the 3D model of motorcycles chassis structure has been draw using Solidworks soft-
ware. The dynamic behavior analysis is important for frame structure design. From the
experiment, the result shows the percentage difference between both Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) and Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA).


Projek ini membincangkan tentang mengkaji Struktur Dinamic Motosikal Cha-

sis. Tujuan adalah untuk menganalisis motosikal chasis dan struktur, Untuk mengkaji
bentuk mod dalam struktur motosikal chasis. Menkaji sifat dinamik chasis motosikal
adalah cara terbaik untuk menentukan frekuensi semulajadi struktur dan bentuk mod itu.
Objektif utama eksperimen ini adalah untuk mereka bentuk chasis motosikal model baru
dan untuk mencari sifat-sifat modal struktur dan membuat perbandingan antara analisis
modal eksperimen dan analisis unsur terhingga.

Ciri-ciri modal adalah termasuk frekuensi semulajadi dan bentuk mod setiap
mod. Selain itu, eksperimen ini akan membandingkan keputusan analisis unsur terhing-
ga (FEA) dan Eksperimen Analisis Modal (EMA) untuk mendapatkan sifat-sifat modal
tepat dan tepat setiap mod. Selepas itu menggunakan ujian tukul impak dengan pecutan
tiga paksi manakala analisis unsur terhingga telah simulasi dengan menggunakan
perisian MSC Nastran/Patran dengan analisis mod biasa. Untuk analisis unsur terhingga
(FEA), model 3D struktur motosikal chasis telah dimodelkan menggunakan perisian
Solidworks. analisis tingkah laku yang dinamik adalah penting untuk reka bentuk
struktur rangka chasis. Daripada eksperimen, hasilnya menunjukkan perbezaan pera-
tusan antara kedua-dua analisis unsur terhingga (FEA) dan Eksperimen Analisis Modal













1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objective 2
1.4 Scopes 3
1.5 Thesis Organization 3


2.1 Introduction 4

2.2 Introductions of motorcycles chassis 4

2.3 Motorcycles chassis structure 5

2.4 Type of materials 6

2.5 Different types of motorcycle frames 7

2.5.1 Motorcycles frame generally have a several categories 7

2.6 Geometrical definition 11

2.6.1 Wheelbase 11

2.6.2 The wheel alignment and sprocket alignment 12

2.6.3 Trail and offset 12

2.6.4 Ride height 12

2.6.5 Center of gravity 12

2.7 Importance of ergonomics chassis design 13

2.8 type of analysis 14

2.8.1 Finite Element Analysis Method 14 Modal analysis. 14 Damping Ratio 15 Mode Shape 16 Natural Frequency 16

2.9 Experiment Modal Analysis 17

2.9.1 Impact Hammer Test 18


3.1 Introduction 19

3.2 Flow Chart 19

3.3 Design of motorcycles chassis 21

3.4 Finite Element Method (FEA) 22

3.4.1 Procedure setup using MSC Patran 23

3.5 Modal Testing Analysis 28

3.5.1 Procedure setup using ME’scope 31


4.1 Introduction 34

4.2 Finite Element Method (FEA) 34

4.2.1 Nature frequency 35

4.2.2 Mode shape 36

4.3 Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) 36

4.3.1 Natural frequency 37

4.3.2 Mode shape 38

4.4 Comparison between FEA and EMA 39

4.4.1 Comparison of natural frequency between FEA and EMA 39

4.4.2 Comparison of mode shape between FEA and EMA 40

4.4.3 Comparison result between FEA and EMA in term 41

Percentages of error


5.1 Introductions 44

5.2 Conclusions 44

5.3 Recommendations 45




Figure No. Title Page

2.1 Chassis Modenas GT128cc 5

2.5.1 Single Cradle 7

2.5.2 Double Cradle 8

2.5.3 Backbone 8

2.5.4 Perimeter 9

2.5.5 Trellis 9

2.5.6 The Twin Spar frame 10

2.5.7 Trellis-Style 10

2.8 Simple plate sine dwell response for modal analysis 15

2.9 The examples of modal testing using shaker 17

3.0 The impact hammer test for EMA 18

3.1 Flow chart of methodology 20

3.3.1 Motorcycles Modenas GT128cc 21

3.3.2 Chassis Modenas GT128cc 21

3.3.3. Motorcycles chassis design using solid work 22

3.4 MC’scope Patran software 22

3.4.1 Create the data base 23

3.4.2 Import design from Solidwork to Patran software 23

3.4.3 Mesh the structure chassis 24

3.4.4 Parameter and value for materials 25

3.4.5 Parameter of solid setting 25

3.4.6 Analysis setting and solution setup 26

3.4.7 Analysis setting and subcase setup 26

3.4.8 Access the result of FEA 27

3.4.9 Access the result of EMA 27

3.5 ME’scope software for EMA 28

3.5.1 Triaxial accelerometer sensor 29

3.5.2 The piezotrinic hammer 30

3.5.3 The NI acoustic and vibration data logger 31

3.5.4 Experiment setup 31

3.5.5 Show the new data base has been created 32

3.5.6 The drawing of chassis structure in ME’scopeVES 32

3.5.7 The data setup for sensitivity and axis 33

3.5.8 The result obtain from EMA 34

4.3.1 Curve fitting method for FRF graph using ME’scope 38


Table no Title Page

2.4 Materials of chassis 6

2.5 Types of structure of chassis 10

2.6 The properties materials of steel 24

3.5 The sensitivity value for triaxial accelerometer 29

4.2 Properties materials for FEA 36

4.2.1 Result of natural frequency for FEA 36

4.2.2 Mode shape fron FEA 37

4.3.1 Result of natural frequency from EMA 39

4.3.2 The mode shape for EMA 39

4.4.1 The comparison of natural frequency 41

Between FEA and EMA

4.4.2 The comparison of mode shape between FEA and EMA 41

4.4.3 Percentages error between FEA and EMA for each mode 43


EMA Experimental Modal Analysis

FEA Finite Element Analysis

FRFs Frequency Response Functions

MDOF Multi Degree of freedom

Mpa Mega Pascal

GPa Giga Pascal

SDOF Single Degree of freedom



1.1 Project Background

In generally, motorcycles are important to human for living life and for transport to
do any jobs. Motorcycles are typically used for community or for pleasure [1]. The motor-
cycles frames have to be built to handle a variety of load for examples for surrounding
wind, and friction on surface and etc. Chassis is one of the major body component of vehi-
cles, the chassis motorcycles must strong and must supported itself include the other com-
ponent it can consider as static load such as holder engine and so on. In addition, the chas-
sis have to capable to toward the force of engine, braking and effect from the tire or road
surface and include the weight or load from the rider and the passenger.

A motorcycles is a two wheel vehicles and it move by rotation of the tire by power
from the engine. The stability in motorcycles is from the readjustment of the steering and
by virtue of gyroscopic force to remain motorcycles stable at higher speed.

Analysis the dynamics and study on motorcycles chassis structure to make sure the
chassis can stand all this type of load. For experiment they are two methods we can use to
analysis by use software. The method applied for this experiment for this structure chassis
analysis will be use finite element method in solid work 2014 software whose CAD func-
tion to order to provide alternate geometries for motorcycles and second method is we us
modal analysis (EMA) to find the natural frequency, mode shape and damping ratio
(Rechena, Sousa, & Eça, 2010).

By using finite element method, the data will be analysis and can obtain to identify
dynamic structure by rebuild chassis or model in solid work software where structure chas-
sis can be simulated into the computer.

The modal properties can be get during perform experiment modal analysis (EMA)
on chassis. Based on experiment modal properties, we can get the mode shape, natural fre-
quency and damping ratio can be obtained.

In this project, the main objective is to study the analysis structure dynamics of mo-
torcycle chassis by using modal analysis that includes the modal testing. It is because im-
portance to do structure design and analysis and can predict the mode shape and natural
frequencies to the expected excitati

1.2 Problem statement

Since the backbone of any motorcycles is its frame, it is important to ensure the
strength of the dynamic structure of motorcycles frame. The dynamic structure analyses are
needed to improve the motorcycles frame design structure.

1.3 Objectives

In this project, these are our objectives:

a) To model motorcycles chassis using solid work software and perform Finite Ele-
ment Analysis (FEA).

b) To perform modal properties (natural frequency and mode shapes) from structure
built using Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA)

c) To compare the results between Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) and Finite
Element Analysis (FEA).

1.4 Scopes

The scope of this project includes:

a) Used a mild steel frame of chassis motorcycles Modenas.

b) Do Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) to obtain the modal properties by using

impact hammer as input and accelerometer sensor as the out-put.

c) Perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by using MSC Nastran/Patran software as a


1.5 Thesis Organization

For this project, 5 chapters have been divided into this thesis and each chapter is
concentrate to discuss the different issues in the project. Chapter 1 will discuss on introduc-
tion to the dynamic study on motorcycles chassis structure with free-free boundary condi-
tion. The problem statement, objectives and scope will be identified.

Chapter 2 will discuss about all the previous study, research and literature review
that relevant to the project. It is essential to study the basic concept of modal analysis and
the methods use the previous researcher.

Chapter 3 will discuss the framework and approach for the project. It explains the
method that is carrying out while conducting the project. The types of experimental and
numerical analysis used also explained in this chapter.

Chapter 4 will discuss about the results and data analysis that had been collected.
The data is collected based on the experimental modal analysis and finite element analy-
sis. The result included result analysis, project limitation and suggestions for the project

Chapter 5 will discuss about the conclusion for this research study and recommen-
dation for the future.



2.1 Introductions

This chapter is very important for any research that will be done. The objective is
aimed to present a selected literature review, which is very important for the research. This
chapter also describes and explains on the literature review carried out on the method used
in developing this experiment research. Besides that, previous research also will be dis-
cussed in this section.

The Modenas GT128cc is powered by 4 stroke 128cc engine. Local content and it is
sold for RM 5,600.00 (dual starter). It features a full dash which displayed fuel, RPM,
speed and gear top speed in around 135 km/h.

In this chapter, all the theories related to this project will be described including the
motorcycles structure, experimental modal analysis (EMA) and finite element analysis
(FEA) method and also experiment result and observation on Modenas GT 128cc motorcy-
cles chassis.

2.2 Introduction of motorcycles chassis structure

The structure of chassis motorcycles is the importance component of any motorcy-

cles, to which the saddle, handlebar and wheel are equipped together. Chassis means the
rectangular, usually steel frame, supported on spring and attracted to the axes,

that hold the body and motor od an automotive vehicles (Rechena et al., 2010). The chassis
of a motorcycle includes the frame and suspension, along with the front forks, of the vehi-
cle. Figure 2.1 shows a chassis motorcycles Modenas GT128cc.

Figure 2.1 Chassis Modenas GT128cc

2.3 Motorcycles chassis structure

The Position frame tubes from motorcycle different design has different variations
tie, the latest of frame in motorcycle is formed number join tube. When the company want-
ed a new design for framework, they have considered a specific design of a framework ac-
ceptable load from rider and passenger.

Chassis usually made of welded aluminium prop or steel (or alloy), with rear sus-
pension become an important component in the design. Carbon fibre, titanium and magne-
sium used in a few custom frames but that are very expensive. Modern design in suspension
has two wheel of a motorcycle it connects to chassis by a suspension arrangement (Li-rui &
Xiao-long, 2012). Have echoed suspension frame used in two wheeler. Magnesium and
carbon fibre strengthen polymer validate our design and they have done do modal analysis
and structure in suspension frame using four steel material, aluminium alloy A360
(Agrawal & Razik, 2015; Bhunte & Deshmukh; Imaizumi, Fujioka, & Omae, 1996).

2.4 Type of materials

Now than, a motorcycle is importance than the bicycle, everyone use a motorcycle
because it easy to handle .The materials of motorcycle must have the strength and the ex-
ample materials is mild steel, titanium, aluminium, magnesium and carbon fibre are togeth-
er with this composite of materials in a current use. A difference motorcycles had a differ-
ence design parameter like for design, cost complexity, weight distribute rigidity power
product and speed(M.H.N. Izham, 2017)

The design of its frame or chassis that they concerning about the selection of mate-
rials for the structure, simple structure analysis, safety and also the stability of the structure
difference materials has difference density compared to another materials used for manu-
facturing of chassis (Agrawal & Razik, 2013; Bhunte & Deshmukh). These for examples
material are used in motorcycles. Table 2.4 shows the materials of chassis.

Table 2.4 Materials of Chassis (Harrell).

Materials Brand
Steel Honda CBR600
Most ducati motorcycles
Aluminium Honda VFR750
Tamaha YZR-r1
Carbon fibre Ducati desmosedici
Motoczysz C1
Magnesium Honda Elf 5 1988
Titanium Husqvarna titanium 1971

Composite Bimota SB8K, composed of two aluminium alloy beams and carbon
fibre plates
MV Agusta F4 750 Serie Oro, magnesium and aluminium
Greeves 250DCX Sportsman, with cast alloy "downtube", tubular
steel rear subframe and semi-monocoque spine.

2.5 Different types of motorcycle frames

Frames are the basic to other components. Frames hold the engine, motorcycle tanks
and provide to support the whole bike. Most frames mostly made from steel or aluminum
but there are also other choices such as carbon-fibre (Sharp, 1978).

2.5.1 Motorcycle frames generally have a several categories

Single Cradle: This is the simplest of the motorcycle frames, a design that harks
back to some of the earliest motorcycles ever made. It has a single large tube for a spine
and smaller tubes that cradle the engine. This is commonly used on off-road bikes.

Figure 2.5.1 Single Cradle (Harrell).

Double Cradle: An evolution of the single cradle, it uses two cradles on either side
to hold the engine. These were commonly used on simple road bikes and some custom
bikes, but have mostly been supplanted by perimeter frames.

Figure 2.5.2 Double Cradle (Harrell).

Backbone: These are specialty frames that are used rarely. It has a solid metal back-
bone and the engine hangs suspended from this. It's a simple and inexpensive frame with a
distinctive look, but other designs are better in terms of strength and rigidity.

Figure 2.5.3 Backbone (Harrell).

Perimeter: These frames originated on racing motorcycles. The steering head and
swingarm are joined at a very short distance, reducing flexure and torsion substantially.
They were originally made from steel but most are made from aluminum nowadays to save
weight. Once the advantages of this frame were seen, they were adopted by most motorcy-
cle manufacturers.

Figure 2.5.4 Perimeter (Harrell).

Trellis: European manufacturers came up with this design although it is catching on

in the US as well. It uses many of the same construction principles as the perimeter frame
and matches it in rigidity and weight. Its distinctive look is formed by a "trellis" of short
tubes that make up the body of the frame. It requires more effort to manufacture than the
perimeter but the result is extremely strong.

Figure 2.5.5 Trellis (Harrell).

The twin spar frame looks like the upper portion of the duplex rails has been pushed
outward, to the perimeter of the bike. The widening the upper portion of the frame, the en-
tire frame becomes less compliant giving the frame the much needed rigidity at higher
speed. The headstock and swing arm pivot area become even more resistant to heavy loads
that can occur during cornering and braking. Most modern perimeter frames are made of
boxed aluminum, making them visually quite large, but structurally very light and strong
even though they look massive.

Figure 2.5.6 The twin spar frame (Harrell).

That type of frame can be technically considered as a trellis-style perimeter frame.

This type of construction uses the engine as a stressed member. Since the engine is a very
rigid chunk of metal it can be used as part of chassis. This helps to shave quite few kilos
from the weight of the bike, giving it much more ability. This method of construction is
highly successful with Ducati’s Panigale series.

Figure 2.5.7 Trellis-style (Harrell)

Table 2.5 Types of chassis structure(Harrell).

Types Brand
Spine or backbone Honda CB92 Benly
MZ TS250
Single cradle Honda CG125
Half-duplex cradle Suzuki GSX250

Suzuki TS50ER
Full duplex cradle Norton Manx
Suzuki TS50X
Perimeter Bajaj Pulsar 200 NS
Beam or twin spar Honda VFR750F
Yamaha FZR600
Monocoque 1944 Piaggio MP5
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R
2007 Kawasaki 1400GTR
2008 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14
2011 Ducati 1199
2013 Ducati 899
2015 Ducati 1299
2016 Ducati 959

2.6 Geometrical definition

Firstly, there is the geometrical definition. These dynamics measurements determine

how the bike behaves while being ridden. Motorcycles chassis consists of wheelbase, wheel
alignment, sprocket alignment, rake and trail, offset, center of gravity, ride height, engine
ground clearance and swing arm. Also there are frame, absorber, suspension fork, steering,
brake and tire. These differences which are called uncertainties of the model can be both
mechanical and geometrical (Mahdavi, Davoodi, & Mostafavian; Oliveri, Cale, &
Catalano, 2002).

2.6.1 Wheelbase

Wheelbase is the distance between the centers of rotation for the front and rear
wheels - that is, the distance between the front and rear axle.

2.6.2 The wheel alignment and sprocket alignment

The wheel alignment and sprocket alignment is mostly same means that the front
and rear wheel are in line, that is, they point in the same direction and are not offset from
each other, rake is the angle of inclination with respect to the vertical of the axis of rota-
tions about which the front wheel is turned during the steering process(Wen, Chiou, &
Huang, 2012). This is usually the angle with respect to the vertical of the steering head of
the frame.

2.6.3 Trail and offset

Trail is the distance, as measured along the ground, of the point at which the front
tire contacts the ground and the axis of rotation would contact the ground. The perpendicu-
lar distance between a line drawn through the centers of the fork tubes and the steering stem
center of a triple clamp is called offset. Sometimes the top and bottom triple clamps do not
have the same offset. In that case the trail and wheelbase (but not the rakes) are altered.

2.6.4 Ride height

Moreover, ride height is the height of the front of the motorcycle (typically meas-
ured from one of the triple clamps) and the height of the rear of the motorcycle. The true
purpose of changes in ride height is to affect a change in the location of the center of gravi-
ty (Stedmon et al., 2010).

2.6.5 Center of gravity

Then, center of gravity is the center of mass of the entire motorcycle, without rider.
It is usually located somewhat above and behind the crankshaft of the engine. The exact
location of the center of mass is an important quantity in the design of top level racing mo-
torcycles (Agostoni, Barbera, Leo, Pezzola, & Vanali, 2009). In the context of an entirely
uniform gravitational field, the center of mass is often called the center of gravity- the point
where gravity can be said to act.

The center of mass of a body does not always coincide with its intuitive geometric
center, and one can exploit this freedom. The center of mass frame also called the center of

momentum frame is an inertial frame defined as the frame in which the center of mass of a
system is at rest.

2.7 Importance of ergonomics chassis design

Design and ergonomics are the most important terms in the design process. The rid-
er is the largest lumped mass in the vehicle, with special ergonomic requirements for com-
fort and drivability (Giri & Shah). According to the international ergonomics association
(IEA), ergonomics as the discipline that involves the understanding of the interaction be-
tween humans and other elements of a system and the profession that applies theory, prin-
ciples, data and methods to designing in order to optimize human well-being and overall
system performance.

The four basic criteria in an ergonomic chassis design are increase in production,
decreasing injuries, decreasing human error and increasing user satisfaction. Anergonomic
chassis design can give the human comfort, clear vision, safety, as well as reduce fatigue
during the reading process (Jufriadi, Sharafiz, J.M.Juraidi, & Daut.A.Shahril)

The applied human factors and ergonomics (HFE) design and engineering continue
to permeate the manufacturing industry. One of the most commonly experienced applica-
tions of ergonomics design and engineering resides in the automotive. The development in
ergonomic cockpit, instrument, seating, and safety design are all the evidence in practically
every new automobile.

2.8 Type of analysis

The chassis is to use to support all the components such as engine compartment,
drivers and other packaging components. The force of chassis mainly includes the gravity
of the components, the weight of the driver, and acceleration force during the process of
running Because of these criteria the strength and the rigidity of the chassis must be consid-
ered during the structure of the design. Normally, to determine the strength and rigidity of
the chassis, there are two types of analysis can be obtain to know that the stress and strain

of the chassis. These two analyses are finite element method and the experimental modal
analysis technique (Rajput, Sharma, Sharma, & Saxena, 2013; Tomar & Singh, 2016; Wen
et al., 2012).

2.8.1 Finite Element Analysis Method

Finite Element Analysis is a kind of mathematical approximation method, which

can simulate the true physical phenomena. The simulation will analysis the 3D model in the
software which in geometry and loading condition. From the FEM method, the value and
position of maximum stress and maximum strain will be obtained and show clearly on the
3D model. The range of stress and strain will also show on the structure of the model repre-
sented by different color. The color close to red means the stress or strain is nearly close to
the maximum value while the color closest to blue means the stress or strain is in very
small value and can be ignored (Abdullah, Sani, Rahman, & Zaman, 2015; Avitabile, 2001;
Wu, 2006). Modal analysis

A process for the determination of dynamic characteristics of a mechanical system

(natural frequency, mode shape and damping ratio) with the aim to describe dynamic be-
havior of this system is called modal analysis. The systems with multiple degrees of free-
dom (MDOF) can be clarified and defined by a group of coupled systems with one degree
of freedom (SDOF) where the constants such as mass, stiffness and damping are converted
into matrices of mass, stiffness and damping (Frame, 2015; Haifeng & Junfan, 2011).
The modal properties of the sandwich panels are analysed using the modal testing
concept which is Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA), and performed with the roving
hammer method (Mahadeokar & Choudhary, 2014). The damping approximation by mean
of resonation time estimations confirm the findings obtain from dynamic analysis, shown
that the performance panel contain the face sheets material in natural fibres better than the
panel with face sheets made of glass fibres.

The investigation is influenced by high functional capability, regarding result of
damping ratio and natural frequency for the panel made from natural fibres. Moreover, the
result from the dynamic properties and the mass influenced the panel implementation for
several designable in interior with the low load are anticipate at higher useful qualities
which forward to fulfil increment the of the comfortable specifications (Agrawal & Razik,

Figure 2.8 Simple plate sine dwell response for modal analysis(hashamdar) Damping Ratio

Damping ratio is defined as dimensionless quantity that acquired from the occur-
rence of on the mechanism after input force is given. Almost systems occur will give reac-
tion of oscillation will changed from it initial position after the input force is applied. The
EMA is a process where modal parameters such as natural frequency, mode shapes and
damping ratio were extracted from the structures For example, a specific pendulum is freely
hanging from it spring, it might be take place the elongation in specific displacement
(MSM, MM, MM, & GL, 2008; Vanwalleghem, 2009). Mode shapes

The mode shapes of a system are acquired when its response due to initial condi-
tions is calculated. Besides that, the mode shape is the amplitude ratio that affected by the
existence of natural frequency. For example guitar string, once plucking guitar string, at

rest and give it initial conditions (then release the string), it will vibrate in a specific way
that be influenced by its frequencies, and each of them is related to a specific mode shape.
The EMA is a process where modal parameters such as natural frequency, mode shapes and
damping ratio were extracted from the structures (Mottershead & Friswell, 2002; MSM et
al., 2008).

Furthermore, the advantage that using the adapted wave propagation method was all
natural frequency and amplitude ratio, compare with the present methods, which is the
weighted residual and finite difference methods, will compute different result for example
attained the restricted value of natural frequency. Moreover, much higher accuracy was
obtained in result even with only a few of portions in the particular border that content the
theoretical analysis result compared with different roughly technique (Sani et al., 2009). Natural Frequency

Natural frequency defined as the frequency that exist in a one structure tendency
the oscillation occur without any driving acted on it. Free vibrations described that when
one system at any state body are called natural vibration and will formed a natural frequen-
cy. The occurrence of forced vibration is caused by the existence of force applied in fre-
quency which is differing to natural vibrations. The natural frequency obtained from the
test is not equivalent with each of FEA mode frequency (Bocciolone, Cheli, Pezzola, &
Viganò, 2005; MSM et al., 2008). The occurrence of phenomenon resonance was stated
that when the amplitude of the vibration increases manifold in condition of forced frequen-
cy is equal to the natural frequency.

2.9 Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA)

In the vibration testing of the system where the natural frequency, mode shape, and
damping ratios on the something system applied the test is known is modal testing can be
described as experimental modal analysis. In modal testing, there are contain experimental

phase and numerical phase in order to complete the modal analysis process (Rajput et al.,
2013; Z, Abdullah, Sani, & Zaman, 2011).

In addition, modal testing has several ways to applied, but shaker and impact ham-
mer testing are normally applied in engineering field. The system was provided with energy
known as the frequency contented to both cases of modal testing. There will be an amplifi-
cation of the response where structural resonances will happen, visibly seen in the response
spectra in order to acquire the transfer function. Moreover, to evaluate the model parame-
ters, the repeated curved was fitted in the transfer function and there is numerous technique
of to estimate the modal parameter (Li-rui & Xiao-long, 2012; Wu, 2006).

Figure 2.9 The example of modal testing using shaker(Adil, 2015)

2.9.1 Impact Hammer Test

The Impact hammer test is presently used on small structures with little damping
(steel structures) in the mechanical engineering field. It is less common for civil engineers
to practice this technique to characterize the dynamic properties of buildings, frames or
bridges possibly for the large dimensions, and regularly for the damping of some of the

materials and mostly for old structures. The function of impact test is to transform time
history signals collected from impact hammer and accelerometers sensors into frequency
spectra the Fourier transformation was used (J. Kooijman, 2008; Packard).

Impact hammer test is a method of testing that allows users to calculate the natural
frequencies (modes), damping ratio and mode shapes of the test structure. In reality, im-
pact hammer test is a simple method to implement but difficult to obtain consistent results.
In additions, this technique requires little equipment and can provide shorter measurement
times by applying impulse (Packard).

Figure 3.0: The impact hammer test for EMA




This chapter will describe all the processes that involved in the dynamic analysis
structure of motorcycles chassis. For dynamic structural analysis or modal analysis, it con-
sist two methods which are finite element analysis and modal testing for motorcycles chas-
sis structure. Model testing conducted in this project by using impact hammer as the input
and accelerometer as output while the finite element analysis used MSC Nastran & Pastran

3.2 Flow chart

The flow chart of this project is shown in Figure 3.1. This project started with the
searches made from literature reviews. The related literature review gave ideas on how the
study should be conducted.

The development of the project is then continued with buy the chassis motorcycles.
This chassis structure then will redesign back into the solid works software.

Once the redesign process finish and the chassis structure was perform for finite
element analysis using MSC Nastran & Patran software. After finish finite element analy-
sis, the modal testing was implementing by using impact hammer as input and the accel-
erometer as the output. modal properties (natural frequency and mode shape).

The result for finite element analysis and modal testing will be tabulated together with the
discussion observed. From the data obtained, an investigation and discussion are made to show
why such data produced. All the discussion related to the literature reviews which were being
referred to. This supports the reasons of why such data obtained. The findings will lead the study
into the conclusion of the development of this project.

Flowchart Methodology


Literature Review

Physical Measurement Motorcycles Structure

Design Chassis using solid- Setup the experiment for

works software Motorcycles Chassis

Finite Element Analysis Experimental Modal Analy-

(FEA) using Nastran & sis (EMA) using Impact
Patran Hammer

Analysis and


Result and Discussion


Figure 3.1 The flowchart of methodology

3.3 Design of motorcycles chassis using Solidworks software

The motorcycles chassis structure was modeling in Solidworks software. This chassis is
modeling according to the measurement of the chassis motorcycles modenas GT128cc. The mate-
rial of the mountain bike is steel. Below is the figure 3.3.1 motorcycles modenas GT128cc, figure
3.3.2 chassis motorcycles modenas GT128cc and figure 3.3.3 motorcycles chassis design using

Figure 3.3.1 Motorcycles Modenas GT128cc

Figure 3.3.2 Chassis Modenas GT128cc

Figure 3.3.3 Motorcycles chassis design using Solidworks.

3.4 Finite element analysis (FEA)

The software that was used to perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for motorcycles
chassis structure is MSC Nastran/Patran. The software of MSC Patran are commonly used to pre-
processing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for structural and machinery in producing the solid
modeling in solid (3D) or surface (2D), meshing the object, analysis setup and post-processing
solver to multiple other software such as ANSYS, Abaqus, Autodesk Simulation and Marc.

The advantages of using this software, the user can conduct it easily since it can create/
import geometry, mesh the surface, analysis from the input data, and obtain the result in anima-
tion and value for the each mode shape and natural frequency in theoretically.

Figure 3.4 MSC Patran software for Finite Element Analysis

3.4.1 Procedure setup using MSC Patran Software

Step 1: Create new data base

Create a new database called Chassis.db in format .db and set the model preferences

Figure 3.4.1 create the database

Step 2: geometry ((Import the bicycle frame design from solidworks).

Import the chassis structure from solid work that save in IGES.file

Figure 3.4.2 import design from solidwork to patran software

Step 3: Create a Finite Element Mesh.

Create a finite element mesh for the solid using the Tet10 and select all the motorcycles chassis

Figure 3.4.3 mesh the structure chassis

Step 4: Materials (Create / Isotropic / Manual Input).

Create the material properties according to the material of motorcycles chassis.. Below is the ma-
terial property of steel. Table 2.6 shows the properties materials of steel.

Table 2.6 The properties material of steel

Properties Value
Material Steel
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Density 7870kg/m3
Modulus of elasticity 2.1GPa

Figure 3.4.4 parameter and value for materials

Step 5: Properties (Create / 3D / Solid).

Assign element properties that have been create before. Then, apply to all structure of bicycle

Figure 3.4.5 parameter of solid setting

Step 6: Analysis (Analyze / Entire Model / Full Run).

Figure 3.4.6: analysis setting and solution type

Figure 3.4.7: analysis setting and subcase setup

Step 7: Analysis (Access Results / Attach XDB / Result Entities)

After finish setup for analysis and run MSC Nastran, select the access results and choose the
XDB result that has been save before.

Figure 3.4.8 Access the result of FEA

Step 8: Results (Create / Quick Plot).

From the result, the modal properties of bicycle frame will obtained according its mode.

Figure 3.4.9 Result of FEA obtained

3.5 Modal testing analysis

The modal analysis was performing to get the output data using impact test. The dynamic
analysis on chassis motorcycles structure was investigated by using modal testing. The software
that has been used to run the analysis to obtain the modal properties is ME’scopeVES software.

Figure 3.5 ME’scopeVES software for EMA

The chassis structure that performed this ideal impact will get the perfect impulse which
triggered by the small duration and influenced constant amplitude in the frequency domain. In
real life, a hammer strike cannot last for the short time duration, but will know as a contact time
and the period of contact time will influences to the frequency content for the force; with possible
a larger contact time will affect a smaller range of bandwidth. The unique hammer is used to per-
form this test which load of cell was placed in its tip to get the force of impact.

The method that use by using impact hammer test in this project is fixed a position impact
hammer and a single accelerometer is move around at several positions. This method is known as
a roving accelerometer test. This method is still effective in terms of transducers and measure-
ment system, it is least efficient in terms of time since moving an accelerometer is consume a lot
of time. This method is commonly used in situations when space considerations make it possible
to fix the accelerometers since there is not enough space to use impact hammer.

The first tool that has been use is the tri-axial accelerometer sensor, which is a device or
dynamic sensor that capable of a vast range of sensing and to measure acceleration system
properly. Accelerometers can measure acceleration in three orthogonal axes, and frequently used
in this project as a vibration or impact sensor. Furthermore, it also used as a sensor of inclination,
orientation that related in accelera-tion measuring based on gravity instead of the rate of velocity

Figure 3.5.1 Triaxial Accelerometer Sensor.

In this project, the accelerometer that has been used has good performance capability,
with sensitivity of 102 mV/ (m/s2), tri-axial, and can produce a frequency in certain time from 0.5
Hz to 3000 Hz. The tri-axial accelerometer sensor will be attach at certain points that has been
marked before the chassis structure being knock at the fixed point during impact hammer test.
Table show the value of sensitivity for tri-axial accelerometer used for this project. Table 3.5
show the sensitivity value of triaxial accelerometer.

Table 3.5 The sensitivity value for triaxial accelerometer

Axis Sensitivity

x-axis 102.1

y-axis 104.1

z-axis 100.3

This impact hammer has a capability to convert the impact force from hammer into data
frequency when impact occurs at the frame structure. ‘Modal tuning’ is one of the feature that
provide structural property that will not influences the result collected and ease to collect more
accurate and consistent data. Accelerometer is used in manner of with hammer to collect the data

to provide the measurement structural response during impact test. Figure 3.5.2 show the piezo-
tronic impact hammer that has been use in impact hammer test.

Figure 3.5.2 The piezotrinic hammer

NI Acoustic and Vibration Data Logger is a device that also been used to measuring data
from the impact hammer and tri-axial accelerometer in order to run the data acquisition in
ME’ScopeVES software. It is function as analog to digital converter which help computer to read
the data from the analog signal. This device contained 4 channel and need to connect to the im-
pact hammer and accelerometer to get the data analysis. Figure 2.5.3 shows the device that use in
order to get the reading data from impact hammer and accelerometer.

Figure 2.5.3 The NI Acoustic and Vibration Data Logger

3.5.1 Procedure set up ME’scopeVES

Step 1: Setup the testing for the chassis structures. The equipment that have been used are accel-
erometer, laptop, NI Acoustic and Vibration Data Logger, impact hammer and chassis structure.

Figure 3.5.4 Experiment setup

Step 2: The new project and file has been created. For the chassis frame, the structure has been

Figure 3.5.5 Shows the new data base has been create

Step 3: Draw the frame structure in ME’scopeVES using drawing tool according to the dimension
of frame of motorcycles chassis. Finish drawing, labeled the node point at the drawing.

Figure 3.5.6 The drawing of chassis structure in ME’scopeVES

Step 4: Setup the sensitivity of accelerometer and impact hammer. Then define the axis has been
used for each node point and nocking point. For the roving use the output since the experiment
used roving accelerometer. Done setup can proceed the impact hammer testing.

Figure 3.5.7 The data setup for sensitivity and axis

Step 5: Obtain the results of modal properties which are mode shape and natural frequency of
chassis motorcycles structure. After finish the nocking process for all node point at frame of mo-
torcycles, do a curve fitting method to get the natural frequency at amplitude of each mode.

Figure 3.5.8 The result obtain from EMA




This chapter will discuss about the final results of both analysis that have been per-
form. The objectives of the project will be discussed in details through this chapter where
both Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) results will
be compared. All differences from the results will be explained according to its problem,
whether during conduct experiment or run the simulation processes.


From the analysis, there are two set of results of modal properties that can be get,
which are the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the motorcycles chassis structure.
The normal mode analysis module allows computing normal modes of an input atomic or
EM structure as well as an interactive visualization of the computed modes by animating
displacement of the structure along the modes. Besides, the evaluation of the natural fre-
quencies and the corresponding mode shapes plays a crucial role in vibration analysis since
it provides a great deal of information concerning the dynamic characteristics of a system.

4.2.1 Natural Frequency

The material properties below have been used during conducted the Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) in MSC Nastran/Patran. Table 4.1 below shows the properties of motorcy-
cles chassis. Table 4.2 shows the properties materials for FEA.

Table 4.2 Properties material for FEA

Materials steel
Density 7870
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Modulus Elasticity 2.1GPa

The natural frequency results that has been gain from the FEA that has been run us-
ing MSC Nastran/Patran is shown in Table 4.2.1 the results are according to the property
that has been setup before the analysis was run.

Table 4.2.1 Result of natural frequency for FEA


1 62.7
2 136
3 326
4 552
5 767
6 1110.4

4.2.2 Mode shape

Table 4.2.2 indicate the mode shapes of the motorcycles chassis structure that hace
been get from the MSC Nastran/Patran. Based on the figures below, for mode 1 and mode 2
the conditions that occur are bending. Mode 1, mode 3 is bending, but mode 2, mode 4,
mode 5 is torsional. And mode 6 is bending and torsional.

Table 4.2.2 Mode shape from FEA



4.3 Experimental modal analysis (EMA)

4.3.1 Natural frequency

The range of frequency was taken according to the values result from the Finite El-
ement Analysis (FEA).Figure 4.3.1 show the curve fitting method where the value of natu-
ral of the motorcycles chassis structure was gain from the modal testing by using
ME’scopeVES software.

Figure 4.3.1 Curve fitting method for FRF graph using ME’scopeVES

Table 4.3.1 Result of Natural Frequency from EMA


1 68.1
2 157
3 338
4 558

5 760
6 1020

4.3.2 Mode shapes

The mode shapes was obtained according to each mode and has been save and dis-
play by using the ME’scopeVES software. Table 4.3.2 shows the mode shapes of the mo-
torcycles chassis structure that have been obtain from the Experimental Modal Analysis
(EMA) by using ME’scopeVES software.

Table 4.3.2 The mode shape for EMA




4.4.1 Comparison of Natural Frequency between FEA and EMA

The natural frequency of both FEA and EMA are arranged according its mode. To-
tal mode for the FEA and EMA that have been comparing are 6 mode. Table 4.4.1 shows
the comparison of natural frequency between FEA and EMA of motorcycles chassis struc-
ture for Free-Free boundary condition according to each mode.

Table 4.4.1 Comparison of Natural frequency between FEA and EMA

Natural Frequency (Hz)

1 62.7 68.1
2 136 157
3 326 338
4 552 558
5 767 760
6 1110.4 1020

4.4.2 Comparison of mode shape between FEA and EMA

The mode shape of FEA and EMA has shown in table 4.4.2 according its mode
which is 7 mode. Table 4.4.2 shows the comparison of mode shapes of each mode between
FEA and EMA for mountain bike frame structure.

Table 4.4.2 The comparison of mode shape between FEA and EMA



4.4.3 Comparison result between FEA and EMA in term of percentages error.

The percentages error between EMA and FEA shown in the table 4.4.3.This exper-
iment shows it below than 16% it because there a few factor error when do the experiment
the error such as a noise, experiment setup during do an experiment EMA and in modeling
of motorcycles chassis structure in solid work. Table 4.4.3 show the percentages error be-
tween FEA and EMA for each mode.

Table 4.4.3 Percentages error between FEA and EMA for each mode


1 62.7 68.1 7.9
2 136 157 15.44
3 326 338 3.55
4 552 558 1.07
5 767 760 1
6 1110.4 1020 8.86

That noise cause when the perform experiment model analysis, in the knocking
proses is possible to wait the structure stop and no more vibration on the structure after
knocking. Before proceed the next knocking, previous vibration on the first knocking still
have on the structure since small vibration cannot seen by the wait no more vibra-
tion on that structure, it will take longer time to make sure no more vibration, and it will
take time to complete the process of knocking in order to finish all the 64 point on the mo-

torcycles chassis structures. Increases the number of point can get more accurate mode

Doing do an experiment modal analysis setup, it also affect the result of natural fre-
quency and mode shape of motorcycle chassis structure. The position of motorcycles struc-
ture not stable when hanging, other part of motorcycles chassis also cannot be remove and
the position an accelerometer on structure also make a affected on the result otherwise in
mode shape and natural frequency, thus make sure the setup the experiment must be cor-
rectly and perfectly to make more accurate data result of EMA.

Modeling in Nastran/Patran software is difficult to make a same exact with real

structure since do not have special tools to measure it, differences of structure will occur a
little difference and problem in natural frequency when run the FEA using MSC Nas-
tran/Patran software.

The FEA and EMA is quite differences in deflection shape show a small differences
result. This could happen because the natural frequency at each mode is not too much dif-
ferent. Both FEA and EMA software shows the condition of mode shape of mode 1, mode
3 is bending, but mode 2, mode 4, mode 5 is torsional. And mode 6 is bending and torsional



5.1 Introduction

In this chapter 5, the propose of this chapter is to discuss the objective with is to
conform the relationship between the result both of FEA and EMA. This chapter also con-
tains the future recommendation toward this project where it will help the improvement the
procedure and result of the motorcycles chassis structure.

5.2 Conclusions

This thesis discusses about whole process of structural dynamic investigation of

motorcycles chassis has been follow the flow chart and the Gantt chart where creates before
this. This project has achieves the objective. Throughout the experiment and simulation
using FEA and EMA software, the result mode shape and natural frequency have been

The percentages of differences between finite element analysis FEA and experi-
mental modal analysis EMA are below 16%, the problem is a close mode frequently arises
due to structure symmetries with a damping and the accurate determination of the modal
parameters. the small percentages error shows a differences it make both of method finite
element analysis and experimental modal analysis can be applied to obtain the dynamics
characteristic of structure thought percentages of error is below 16%.

5.3 Recommendation

Regarding to the result from this project, there are some suggestion and recom-
mendation that can make the result more accurate, precise and reliable, first at all, it is
suggestion to remove all the part at motorcycles chassis using a special tools when use it
and use a correct tools to make sure the measurement dimension of length, wide of mo-
torcycles chassis structure more accurate. This is because, correct dimension is im-
portant in modeling in solidwork software or any other software since it will affect the
both of result of finite element analysis FEA and experimental modal analysis EMA.

In order to minimize the percentages of error between experimental modal anal-

ysis and finite element analysis, modeling updating must need to be done. The modal
updating purpose to improve the measured result by using a special tools to do a both
experiment and it will help by calibrating uncertain modal parameter. Lastly problem
must be avoid is a noise. This vibration makes the date not accurate. A noise will make
a big problem in a result, this is because, noise will affect the frequency and mode shape
of the structure noise during do the experiment modal analysis should be avoid.


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Chassis hanging to do an experiment

Apparatus using ME’scope


Modeling in solid work

Modeling in ME’Scope software


Chassis motorcycles Modenas GT128cc

Result using Nastran/Patran software


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