Asim Riaz MPM161007
Asim Riaz MPM161007
Asim Riaz MPM161007
Asim Riaz
Impact Of Agile Methodology Use On Project Success,
Mediating Role Of Project Complexity And Moderating Role
Of Managerial Support
Asim Riaz
Islamabad Expressway, Kahuta Road, Zone-V, Islamabad
Phone: +92 51 111 555 666, Fax: 92 51 4486705
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Asim Riaz
MPM 161007
This is to certify that Mr. Asim Riaz has incorporated all observations, suggestions and
comments made by the external evaluators as well as the internal examiners and thesis
supervisor. The title of his Thesis is: Impact of Agile Methodology Use on Project
Success, Mediating role of Project Complexity and Moderating role of Managerial
All the deepest sense of gratitude to Almighty Allah, the most compassionate and
merciful who is omnipotent and omnipresent, and has divulged His knowledge to man.
I am highly obliged and extend sincere gratitude to all my teachers, colleagues and
friends, who not only helped me but motivated me throughout my thesis preparation and
Likewise my parents and friends proved to be very supportive during every task that I
supervisor Dr. Shazia Akhtar who guided me very well to complete my research thesis
and helped me out whenever I was stuck in some difficulty. I would also like to thank
some lovely people in my life My Parents (Dy. Prosecutor Riaz Ahmed Ranjha (Adv.
(Asim Riaz)
I Would Like To Dedicate This Work To My Parents & My Siblings.
This research is conducted to analyze the impact of Agile methodology usage on Project
success along with Project complexity acting as a mediator and Managerial support
investigate the agile mechanism implementation and usage which was usually followed
in software industry so the data was collected from software project industries running in
Pakistan. Results show that Agile methodology usage significantly impacts the success
been concluded from the proposed study that complexity has a negative relation with the
used as a catalyst to overcome the complexity in order to achieve the desired success of
the project.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Gap Analysis .................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Problem Statement ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Research Question .......................................................................................................... 5
1.5. Research Objective.......................................................................................................... 5
1.6. Significance Of The Study ................................................................................................ 6
1.7. Supporting Theory........................................................................................................... 7
1.7.1. Game Theory ........................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................. 10
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................. 10
2.1. AgileMethodologyUsage And Project Success .............................................................. 10
2.2. Agile Methodology Usage And Project Complexity ...................................................... 13
2.3. Project Complexity and Project Success ....................................................................... 16
2.4. Project Complexity Mediates The Relationship Between Agile Methodology Use And
Project Success .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.5. Management Support Moderates The Relationship Between Project Complexity And
Project Success. ......................................................................................................................... 21
2.6. Summary ....................................................................................................................... 23
2.7. Research Model ............................................................................................................ 25
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 26
METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................ 26
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 26
3.2. Research Design ............................................................................................................ 26
3.3. Types Of Study .............................................................................................................. 26
3.4. Study Setting ................................................................................................................. 26
3.5. Time Horizon ................................................................................................................. 27
3.6. Unit of Analysis.............................................................................................................. 27
3.7. Population ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.8. Sample ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.8.1. Sample Characteristics: ............................................................................................. 28
3.8.2. Table of Gender (RepresentsGender Percentage ) ................................................... 28
3.8.3. Table of Age (Respondent’s Age Distribution) .......................................................... 28
3.9. Qualification .................................................................................................................. 29
3.9.1. Table of Respondents Qualification .......................................................................... 29
3.10. Work Experience ....................................................................................................... 30
3.10.1. Table of Experience of Respondents ......................................................................... 30
3.11. Measurments ............................................................................................................ 30
3.12. Instrumentation ........................................................................................................ 31
3.12.1. Agile Methodology Use ............................................................................................. 31
3.12.2. Project Success .......................................................................................................... 32
3.12.3. Managerial Support................................................................................................... 33
3.12.4. Project Complexity .................................................................................................... 33
3.13. Reliability ................................................................................................................... 34
3.14. Pilot testing ............................................................................................................... 34
3.14.1. Table of Analysis of reliability ................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 35
RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1. Control Variables ........................................................................................................... 35
4.1.2. Table of Reliability Analysis ....................................................................................... 36
4.2. Results ForHypothesized Variables ............................................................................... 37
4.3. Descriptive Analysis....................................................................................................... 37
4.3.1. Table of Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................... 37
4.4. Correlations Analysis ..................................................................................................... 38
4.4.1. Table of Correlation Analysis..................................................................................... 38
4.5. Regression Analysis ....................................................................................................... 39
4.6. Hypothesis Summary .................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................. 43
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................... 43
5.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 43
5.2. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 47
5.3. Theoretical and Practical Implication............................................................................ 48
5.4. Limitations Of Research ................................................................................................ 49
5.5. Future Research Directions ........................................................................................... 51
6. Reference .......................................................................................................................... 53
7. Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 85
The most emerging trend in the software firms is the use of agile methodology to
conduct development of the software projects. This word was first time used in history in
2001 (Beck et al. 2001).It is something totally different from the traditional project
management approaches, This word was coined as the evolutionary project management
technique (Gilb, 2007).Many of the software development project companies are moving
toward the use of agile methodologies usage to conduct their software projects because it
is the most effective way and most efficient way and technique to collaborate with the
customers. There are still many of the software projects which fail because there are
many hidden aspects which still need to be identified. There are many aspects which lead
to the success of the project as teamwork showed that project success is based on the
teams are performing well but the agile teams are leading the project with quality and
Most of the software companies are moving toward using agile methods but the rate of
IT projects failure is still high because most of the agile unhidden aspects still need to be
explored. The use of agile methodologies and practices showed a very effective and
improved quality of projects specially the software development side of the projects, the
use of agile methodologies allows and supports the project managers to improve the
lacks of the project by reviewing it again & again during the project. It supports in terms
of focusing on the main goal and need of the project (Maruping, Venkatesh, &Agarwal,
2009).It is much important to track the requirements of the customers in order to deliver
the appropriate and right quality of items for future projects and project success.
Checking up the taste of the customer is highly dependent on the success of project, agile
methodology use plays an important role in projects quality which includes the stability,
functionality and the reliability of the data collected from developers (Tsai, Ho, Chang,
& Jiang, 2016). Agile methodology is fast growing and focusing the internet software
industry specially the application environment, and the new agile methods are
evidence in many aspects. In many of the previous researches agile methodology was
found to have great influence on the success of the project. Agile scaling method defines
the path that are required for the different challenges which are faced by the developers,
in this way our study use agile methodologiesto achieve project success (Ambler, 2009).
Projects have their own specifications and complexities which need to be lessen to
execute the kind of project required by the customers. By working on the causes which
cause project complexity increases the chances of success of the project (Gidado,
1996).One of the method to reduce the complexity of the project is to use agile methods
because they show one to one collaboration with the customers. Complexities in the
software development projects are handled by using agile techniques (Mishra & Mishra,
2011). Still there is a need to study how project complexity impacts the success of the
The success of the project doesn’t solely depends on the methodology that we have used,
it also depends on many other factors as well including the project manager support.
Project management methodology and project success are based on the same line and the
directions as provided by the project manger (Joslin& Müller, 2015).The basic thing in
information system development is to exploit and gain benefit from the top managers to
If the projects are complex we need top management support to deal with the project
complexity that is why we have used managerial support as moderator in our model.
1.2.Gap Analysis
Agile project methodology is emerging trend among the project methodologies and
techniques many of the topics still need some empirical evidence in a latest study
conducted by Serrador and Pinto (2015) the impact of agile methodology use was
studied on the project success including how planning impacts the agile methodology.
Few studies have found the complexity in organizations there is still a need of evidence
methodology.Larman (2004) states that many of the agile methodology techniques and
Most of the organizations are still using traditional project management approaches and
some are using mixed methodologies i.e. hybrid methodologies and few are moving
toward agile methodology use approach. Those using agile methodology approaches are
evidencing high success rate yet and are attracting the other sectors as well to move
toward agile methodology usage. As according to agile governance theory there are so
many untouched areas considerednecessary to explore for the agile success (Luna,
Agile practices are not being just followed by IT professionals but it is also being used in
many other fields of business and accountings and still need to connect with the project
management methodologies linked to agile methodologies as recently (Anderson et al.
2005) illustrated the link between traditional and agile methodologies.. Because there is
no perfect methodology (Schwaber, 2006) for further investigation in this particular area.
Projects have their own specifications and complexities which need to be lessen to
execute the kind of project required by the customers. By working on the causes which
cause project complexity increases the chances of success of the project (Gidado,
1996).One of the method to reduce the complexity of the project is to use agile methods
because they show one to one collaboration with the customers and it was recommended
for the future research that there is still need to study that how project complexity
There is need to search for those empirically, there is no such research found in extent
methodology use and project success. Previously it is studied among organizations other
than project based organizations using agile methodology use. So this study will show
how management support impacts the relationship of agile methodology use on the
1.3.Problem Statement
Agile success is an important aspect of project management; it addresses and gives a new
and effective direction to all those failed methodologies and practices traditionally
followed for the project success. Still there is a question mark that which projects mostly
succeed the one following the traditional methods or the one following the latest agile
methodology. Many consider the agile methodologies to be the best to be followed but
what lacks is the empirical evidence to this approach and many unhidden aspect related
the methodology. The current study focuses on project manager to adopt the agile
methodology for fruitful outcomes. The aim of the study is to find out agile methodology
impact on project success which is highly ignored and less explored area in the current
literature, secondly also aim to check the mediated mechanism of project complexity,
along the rapid exploration of this topic the studies generally ignore how agile
methodology usage is influenced by the complexity of the project, finally the study also
aim to solve the problem in the current literature to check the moderating role of
1.4.Research Question
On the basis of stated problems, the present study is intended to find answers for some
Question 1:How agile methodology usage impacts the success of the project?
Question 2:Does project complexity mediates between agile methodology usage and
project success?
Question 3: Does management support play a role of moderator between the relationship
1.5.Research Objective
Generally objective of the study is to develop and test projected model to explore the
projects. The Management support is further considered as the possible moderator for the
relationship of the mentioned variables in the research model (agile methodology use,
1. To explore the relationship between role of information system
This study will not only help the practioners of the project industry but it will also
provide empirical evidence related to the use of agile methodology. It will give a new
sight to the practioners of the industry that is it really important to use agile methodology
for the successful completion of the project and how it effects the customers of the
with the customers. It will provide answer to the questions that which are those important
aspects of agile methodology that the traditional project management approaches should
be given less important over the emerging agile methodology usage. Why the project
industry should use agile approaches to move toward achieving success in the industry.
Along high-lightening the impact of agile methodology usage it will help project
managers to understand about what is their role in successful implementation of the agile
methodology and how they can support their subordinates and the project team to
influence the success of the project by improvising these methods. This research will
help understand the project industry the underlying aspects of the agile methodology
usage and how management support can help understand the project and reduce the
This study will give a new direction toward agile project management by investigating
the buried aspects and ways to do and conduct a project successfully. It would be
worldwide beneficial research because most of the traditional approaches are now being
considered outdated and many of the projects have failed these days and the failure rate
of IT projects is more than the other infrastructure and development projects (Yeo,
2002). Most of the Pakistani projects have failed or they face cost overrun therefore to
This research will also provide evidence on how complexity of the project affects the
agile methodology usage and what is the impact of reduction of complexity on the
success of the project. Because the emerging IT projects are far more complex than the
reduction of the complexity of the projects in order to achieve long term success in the
It will help the emerging project management professionals who are working in project
industry of Pakistan and who want to start the new projects in the country because the
researches which are conducted outside Pakistan differ in contextual aspects and
economic conditions as compared to our country we need more solid solutions toward
the project industry to improve our economic conditions.Therefore, history shows that
most of the projects in Pakistan happen to face cost overrun, schedule delays and poor
quality or shutdown of the projects so this study will help provide the systems and
methods which could cover and improve all these problems of the industry
1.7.Supporting Theory
Several underpinning theories support the model of this research paper like agile
Theory of coordination in agile software projects, Chaos theory in software projects and
game theory. The best fit to this research model is game theory which covers all the
Game theory is generally related to the cooperation and interaction of the different items
this theory was presented by (Neumann, 1928).Game theory is mainly used in human
as logic, computer science and biology (Myerson, 1991).Agile methodology use, is also
related to timely collaboration with the customers, if interaction with the customers is
timely it would lead to the success of the project. If there would be management support
and the developers will collaborate with each other they would result in significant
development of the project by using agile methodology. Game theory provides tools to
From many years agile methodology is being used to understand the complex situations
agile methodology is being applied in telecommunication network from past few years. It
helps to understand the independent adaptations and complex scenarios (Srivastava et al.
control,cooperation and channel access Min (2008) with the help of continues
collaboration and power control which can be achieved by the management support can
lead to the success of the project especially in the software development projects.
Mostly the software projects are bounded by complex software networking and
communication with the customers this complex networking is met by using game theory
as the game theory works on collaboration it can be any way round through sharing
(Andrews &Dinitz, 2009).So this theory covers all the aspects connecting agile
methodology use with the success of project relating how collaboration and management
support can help in achieving the success of the project by reducing the complexity of
the projects.
More than 30 years are passed on the research of the software development projects but
the recent years showed that agile methodology of software development is a key, ruling
and dominant methodology which is being used and came out to be a success in
Studies showed that there is a gap where data analysis and work should be done with the
concept of use of development agility and the factors and conditions which are linked
with the project success. During the analysis and collecting of information it was
indicated that organizational culture and empowerment of the project team is the back
bone to project success (Sheffield &Lemétayer, 2013). Industry is moving toward the
agile methods because the nature of the project industry is moving towards more
customer focused, there is a possibility of well structured problems which are having
clear objectives which are to be solved but there comes a problem with uncertain user
Agile methods were evolved to cover the risks involved in the projects and respond to
changes in the market so this leads to the success of the project. Similarly measurable
tests are required to analyze the successful production of the agile software development
projects (Beck, 2000). Likewise it was identified that managers become informative
about a particular aspect related to the project so that you could make more informed
decisions as it is found that processes, systems and people are correlated with each other
According to Serrador& Pinto (2015) agile methodology is being widely used in the
software development industry and other industries as well because it is a shift and a
counter alternative to the traditional project management approaches like waterfall which
are required for the successful implementation of the complex projects so by these facts
it is found that agile methodology usage leads to the success of the project.
It is very important technique in the industry which is directly related to the variations in
the market because it’s the only method of project management in which we collaborate
with the customers at each iteration so that we could share information. Organizations
should carefully recognize the need to implement the agile methodology (Nerur,
customer focused and responsive, agile method is the collective approach to produce
beneficial results by interacting with the customers and agile team and modifying the
Agile methods also help to review the codes of software development projects (Beck,
2000). Code reviews serve the purpose of successfully employing the agile methodology
through communication related to the software being developed. Agile methods not only
focus on the excessive interaction with the customers they also help to identify the goals
needed to achieve success in projects. The iterative behavior of the agile methodology
technique helps to collaborate with the customers at each step so that we could remain in
constant touch with the requirements of the customers (Mann & Maurer, 2005).
Counter arguments suggest that when teams are working in large parallel teams then it
becomes impossible to apply one of the agile methodology i.e. scrum. Most of such
projects fail so in such mega projects most of the time traditional project management
approaches are considerd. On the other hand it’s found to be very successful technique in
small agile practices (Paasivaara, Lassenius & Heikkilä, 2012). Similarly it is narrated
that it is not a very easy task to implement the agile methodology in agile software
implemented along with the mixture of traditional project management method for
the innovative and complex nature of the projects they should not be executed by the old
traditional agile methodology processes because they are outdated for the success of the
methodology technique for successful delivery of the project (Conforto et al. 2014).
Agile methodology helps to satisfy the team, customers and the overall stakeholders of
the project industry. This methodology helps to improve the delivery time to launch the
projects but they are not directly linked to the success of the projects (Budzier &
Flyvbjerg, 2013).Whether if the project industry fails to identify those methods which
are required to understand the agile methodology usage the project certainly fails
(McAvoy & Butler, 2009).Another view suggests that there is not much difference
between the use of agile methodology and the organizations which use traditional project
management approaches. The success rate and the time of delivery to implement the
projects is not much different setting because the failure rate in both cases is not well
Literature deny the list of association of agile methodology use with project success or
build an argument that due to mixed results in the precious literature we want to
experimentally list this relationship in the current context etc. (Coram & Bohner, 2005)
There is difference of opinion highlighted in the literature previously found so in this
paper we will analyze agile methodology is successful in software industry. So from the
H1: Agile methodology usage is positively and significantly associated with project
the resources of the organization for each activity of the project needs to be conducted,
for this purpose a novel approach based on a resource-oriented process cost calculation
Project Complexity is directly associated to the success and failure of any project and it
is increased in case of not proper handling the project performances and the executions
of the task distributed or the tasks which will be implemented in near future. The project
complexity varies in different terms that can the technical complexity or the management
complexity; it includes the number of technologies involved and the familiarity of team
project staffing and management or some other change related issues or external issues
are related to the project can affect the project proceedings and operations.
Project Complexity contains the elements like the function of variations and the number
of varied, and then the number of interrelated elements, tasks or specialists and the
Agile methods also depends and directly associated to the customer involvement, and it
is very important for achievement of goals of the project and getting the feedback from
in functional mode and will be moving there through its life cycle. Agile methods allow
Agile methodologies use is done through the planning and spreading across the entire
development phase of the project in which at different places we gather the information,
Boehm (2002).
If we look in the current project and the success rate of projects then we see a interesting
results where agile project management methods are getting very popular in some
continuous changing environment / tasks / requirements either related cost, date, or some
requirements associated with it, Magazinius and Feldt (2011). He also said that while
examining the two different companies , one company which was using and the other
company which was not using and have not adopted the agile methodologies are reported
with no a big difference and the success in meeting time and budget goals and the causes
of failure was not significantly different from one and other firm. Another important
thing was he noticed that with the passage of time new techniques and methods are
started in firms for the implementation of projects and achieving the goals and
intentionally fulfilling the all needs of the project accordingly which includes the time,
cost, and performance, Kloppenborg et al. (2009). Project efficiency and overall project
success is directly associated and they have a strong relationship, (Serrador and Turner,
2015). Fundamentally we can measure and evaluate the complexity between the two
possibilities to measure or evaluate, there are two ways of doing it; the first option is
Direct option and second is the indirect option, which are related with using a measured
value which can tell the complexity and the other is using economic effects of
We can measure the project complexity by viewing the history of the different related in
nature project and analyzing them on ground realities and checking them with core
values of understanding and fulfilling the needs and requirements of the project with the
help of combining the agile methodology use and project complexity respectively and
accordingly to the nature of the project.As project complexity differs from project to
project most of the projects these days are more complex literature shows that many of
the uncertainties, complexity and changes in the information technology project can be
from the customers so that their requirements could be met successfully. Agile
Availability of the rapid feedback available by using agile methodology can reduce the
Conchúir, 2006).
Agile methodology provides the techniques and methods to reduce the complex software
projects as the basic hindrance toward the success of such projects is project complexity.
The software industry is moving toward agile which could make the complex situations
simpler to handle, Problems can be easily solved by breaking down the problem and by
true task distribution (Nayak & Patra, 2001). Complexities in the agile software
development projects are handled by using agile techniquesn(Mishra, & Mishra, 2011).
These techniques are one of the best suited to handle the complex project situations as
Lindvall et al. (2002) states that agile method is among the most appropriate method of
reducing the complex statements of the project. So literature shows how complexity can
Complex systems are difficult to understand and to work with. If we talk about the
project industry most of the information technology projects fail due to complexity and
technology specifications which are complex and complicated to understand. Most of the
projects have met failure just because of the complexity of the project. Project
complexity is negatively associated with the success of the project (Tatikonda &
Rosenthal, 2000).
There is a need to work on those causes which could make the project more complex and
in result lead to failure. Complex projects are those where we know that project goals
implementation strategies etc are not certain and they are difficult to understand here
these complexities actually leads to the failure of the project, by working on the causes
which cause project complexity increases the chances of success of the project (Gidado,
There is not just need of governance to implement and execute the project the
governance should also be provided by the top managers and the top executives to
understand the complexity of the projects so that team could understand what they are
going to do and if the project managers are able to deal with the complexity of the
project they can achieve success (Thomas & Mengel, 2008) so there is a need to deal
The most difficult situation in the projects is to handle the complex projects which are
adding significant challenging scenarios for the project managers and this complexity is
increasing because of the dimensions of the project if we handle the dimensions of the
Projects mostly have characteristics of novelty and complexity which are necessary to be
tackled in order to achieve the desired project goals, as through applying these
through measuring technical performances of the employees by letting them tackle the
complexity along with novelty which directly leads towards project success if all the
process has been done through effective monitoring of performance during dealing with
Research has revealed that project complexity has been the focal point of attention
because it initiates the bottle neck consequence in the project and previously there was
not a specific solution for that project complexity so it was neglected or subjectively
assumed in order to overcome it, hence project complexity is one the major elements of
cost and time baselines along with competing the market trends which clearly states that
According to complex nature of latest projects with innovation and creativity, it has been
concluded that conceptually the complexity of the project has a negative relation with the
project performance which in return affects the project success in a negative way as
complexity increase the competition and complication even in the minor phases of the
project especially during managing transaction relating costs to manage the project
Research also has concluded that project complexity can have integrated consequences
through direction, communication and control, which have been widely utilized to
manage the project management process but influence the project goals in a negative
manner but in order to understand the upper and lower levels of complexities
project success (Abdou, Yong, & Othman, 2016). Hence, from the above discussion it is
proposed that
H3: Decrease in project complexity is positively associated with the success of the
foresee and keep under control its overall behavior, even when given reasonably
complete information about the project system.” (Baccarini, 1996; Edmonds, 1999;
Marle, 2002; Austin et al., 2002; Vidal et al.,2008).In the dimensions of Project planning
1996).The failure rate of the complex information technology projects is surprisingly
high and many of the software development projects fail due to the complexity of the
projects (Jones, 1996). The best way to handle those complexities is to handle and
understand the requirements of the users so that projects could be implemented due to
(Standish, 1994).
Several studies like Baccarini(1996) proved that project complexity has negatively
impact the project outcomes, when projects are highly complex they are difficult to
Larson and Gobeli (1989) proved that project complexity has no relationship with the
project performance (project success) and the quality of project. Dvir and Lechler (2003)
explained that project complexity negatively mediates between strategic planning and
project success, complex project negatively affect the effective project planning that lead
According to Aitken & Crawford (2007) project complexity negatively affects the
in innovative project they are hard to handle they require some formalized methods (like
Eberlein & Maurer, 2003).The iterative approach helps to consistently contact and meet
the user requirements so it is best suited when it comes to complex environments where
there are difficult goals and specifications of the customers.Using agile methodology to
meet the customer requirements is the emerging trend of the software industry and
proper agile methodology usage leads to the success of the project (Elssamadisy, 2008).
Some companies fail to understand the implementation of agile methodology and lead to
failure of the project so for meeting the complexities agile methodology is used and agile
In the dimensions of Project planning and execution; the Project complexity is most
technology projects is surprisingly high and many of the software development projects
fail due to the complexity of the projects (Jones, 1996). The best way to handle those
complexities is to handle and understand the requirements of the users so that projects
Most of the software development projects fail due to reprehensible handling of the user
Eberlein & Maurer, 2003). The iterative approach helps to consistently contact and meet
the user requirements so it is best suited when it comes to complex environments where
Using agile methodology to meet the customer requirements is the emerging trend of the
software industry and proper agile methodology usage leads to the success of the project
methodology and lead to failure of the project so for meeting the complexities agile
methodology is used and agile methodology usage leads to the success of the projects. So
H4: Project complexity mediates the relationship between agile methodology usage and
project success.
the managerial support. Leaders (managers) are those who influence the group of
succinctly states: “we want leaders (managers) who lead with values, purpose and
integrity; a leader who make enduring organizations, leaders also have the ability to
motivate employees to provide excellent customer services, and make long term
shareholder value” in this way management support is very essential in the organization.
The complexity of the projects can be reduced by many ways among them one of them is
support of the manager (Flynn & Flynn, 1999). If the manager is able to understand the
complex situations he communicates it to the team and complex situations are met easily.
Many studies provide clear evidence related to the importance of management support to
understand the complex situations and lead the organization toward success.
According to different researches high leader (manager) support positively affect all
performance (Liden et al., 2006) and in-role performance (Chen, Lam, & Zhong,2007)
Among the success factors which lead to the success of the project, management support
technology projects (Sharma & Yetton, 2001). Management support can uplift the
challenge for the managers (Sheferaw, Negash & Amoroso, 2009; Sharma & Yetton,
2001).On the other hand it is seen that top management not only supports the middle
managers and staff it also helps in successful implementation (Dong, Neufeld & Higgins,
Management support is the basic thing to exploit and gain benefit to successfully
implement the management information systems (Jarvenpaa & Ives, 1991). Involvement
The complexity of the projects can be reduced by many ways among them one of them is
support of the manager (Flynn & Flynn, 1999). If the manager is able to understand the
complex situations he communicates it to the team and complex situations are met easily.
Many studies provide clear evidence related to the importance of management support to
understand the complex situations and lead the organization toward success.
Among the success factors which lead to the success of the project, management support
technology projects (Sharma & Yetton,2001). Management support can uplift the
Literature supports that Information systems development can be successfully done with
& Amoroso,2009; Sharma & Yetton, 2001).On the other hand it is seen that top
management not only supports the middle managers and staff it also helps in successful
implementation (Dong, Neufeld & Higgins, 2009). Management support is the basic
thing to exploit and gain benefit to successfully implement the management information
On the base of previous literature the present study is attempting to develop and test the
following hypothesis;
H5: Management support moderates the relationship between Agile methodology usage
and project success; such that if Management support is high than the relationship
The section has shown and support that agile methodology use impacts the project
success and it increases the projects success by implementing this strategy. Planning is
an essential part of any projects execution for its success. Agile methodology use
implication beside this upfront planning is not just enough to carry out the execution of
agile methodology use and achieve success in the projects in which we are actually
following the agile methodology because of the abrupt and aggressive market conditions
and changing customer demands it is very much important that we should update our
plans and redefine them before their implementation especially in the agile methodology.
Project Complexity is another major era which is directly proportional to failure it is not
handled with proper planning; but it can be decreased with the managerial support and
keep motivated on the track for completion of over project successfully. Moreover once
we have defined a plan and we have upgraded it according to the customer’s demands,
the next thing that we have to do is to share the information amongst the team, which is
base area of agile methodology use. This practice is being followed not only by the agile
methodology projects but it is also evidenced by literature that many other industries and
information to the team so that they could well understand the task and produce better
performance and results. Agile methods also depends and directly associated to the
customer involvement, and it is very important for achievement of goals of the project
and getting the feedback from the customers / stakeholders, this is necessary as feedback
to progressive operations are in functional mode and will be moving there through its life
cycle. If the organization will be effective to run its system and produce beneficial results
2.7.Research Model
Figure 1.1: Research Model of Impact of Agile Methodology Usage on Project Success
with the Mediating Role of Project Complexity and Moderating Role of Managerial
In this chapter, the methodology is described which is used to find out relationship of
agile methodology use and project success, with the mediating role of project complexity
and moderating role of manager support. The methodology chapter deals with data
collection techniques (population and sample). And also highlights measurement and
3.2.Research Design
research design is the plan of the researcher that specifies the procedure and method for
collecting and analyzing necessary information. In the research design includes time
horizon, types of setting and unit of analysis which are discussed below.
3.3.Types Of Study
This is a correlational study where the relationship of agile methodology use and project
success, with the mediating role of project complexity and moderating role of manager
3.4.Study Setting
The participant for study from the field because the supervisor and their subordinate
contacted in project base public and private organization and was contacted to fill the
3.5.Time Horizon
The data were collected in one and a half month for this study, the data in nature cross
3.6.Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis is can be an object or individual whose character and features is to
organization, country or cultured from the where data are collected. For this study unit
Population is set of peoples, events, things connected with interest that the researcher
Sample is the component of the population represents whole population; O`Leary (2004)
for just a study from the population of interest. Convenient sampling was used, the
sample size is 400 and 255 questionnaires were used for analysis.Data were collected by
personally visiting the software houses and by virtually distributing the questionnaire
among the organizations. Due to shortage of time the data will be collected by
convenient sampling. The respondents would be assured regarding the aspect that
whatever the information they would provide will be kept highly confidential in order to
encourage participants to provide authentic data related to the topic and they would be
pledged that all the information which is being gathered is solely for academic purpose
in order to get insight about what is role of Agile methodology use in the project’s
First table represents the gender composition of the sample in which 73.7% were male
34-41 56 22 96.1
42-49 5 2 98.1
50 above 5 2 100
Table 2 shows the composition of the sample with reference to age groups. 25.5% of
respondents age were 18-25, 48.6% respondents age were 26-33 range, 22% respondents
age were in 34-41 range, 2% respondents age were in 42-49 range and just 2%
respondents were more than 50years. In thisstudy, the percentage of 26-33 respondents is
Master 96 38 90.2
In the above table represent the respondents qualification, inter qualified was 3.1%,
bachelor qualified was 6.7%, master qualified was 38% and MS/Mphil qualified was
3.10. Work Experience
11-16 48 18.8 91
23-28 6 2.4
>29 3 1.2
In above table 4 represent the respondent experience of the work, in which high
percentage of respondents work experience is 46.7% in range (0-5), in range (6-10) the
were 18.8%, in category (17-22) the respondent experience were 5.5% , in category (23-
3.11. Measurments
In this study close ended questionnaires wereusedto measure four variables. The
3.12. Instrumentation
Data was measured for this study was analyzed by using adopted questionnaire from past
Support and Project Success. The questionnaire were filled by the employees and the
managers who were playing the key role in software projects who imply Agile
methodology Use for their projects. The questionnaire were measured on 5 point likert
scale where 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), unless otherwise stated. All the
questions related to the variables were studied through 5 point likert scale with additional
and operationalizing the construct to analyze impact of Agile Methodology Use. The
responses will be obtained through 5 point likert scale which includes the responses to be
measured as
1= Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree,
3= Neutral,
4= Agree
5= Strongly Agree
On this team, we do our software development using pairs of developers.
Members of this team integrate newly coded units of software with existing code.
Our team does not take time to combine various units of code as they are
Where necessary, members of this team try to simplify existing code without
In order to analyze Project Success of software or the application Tiwana, Amrit, and
Ephraim R. McLean (2005) proposed the questionnaire, it was used which included 3
items. The replies will be acquired by 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5,1=
strongly disagree and 5= Strongly Agree. The items of the scale are :
arose during project execution, at the present time, this project delivers all
2. In light of marketplace-mandated changes and new business requirements that
arose during project execution, at the present time, this project meets key
arose during project execution, at the present time, this project overall is very
In order to analyze Managerial support software or the application a scale was adopted it
replies will be acquired by 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1= strongly disagree 5=
information technology.
developed the scale (Xia & Lee, 2005) it included 15 items. The replies will be acquired
by 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1= strongly disagree to 5= Strongly Agree. The
3.13. Reliability
In order to test the reliability of the data.Reliability test was run in spss 20.0 to test the
questionnaires from authentic respondents for pilot study we checked the reliability of
this scale,the detail is given below. Nunnally and Bernstein (1994) explained the
Agile Methodology Use cronbach’s alpha value is .774 in the current study, the cronbach
value of Project Complexity in that study is .851, the Project Success cronbach’s value is
in the current study is.867 and Managerial Support value of cronbach’s is .833
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for one way ANOVA to find out
covariates, data normality, reliability, validity analysis for measurement model and
hypothesis testing. Current chapter includes results of the study. Descriptive statistics,
correlations, alpha reliabilities and results of linear and moderated multiple regression
analysis are presented in both narrative and tabular forms. In addition, discussion on
study findings, theoretical and practical implications, strengths and limitations of the
4.1.Control Variables
Barrick,Bradley, Brown and Colbert (2007) found that the size of organization and age
performing the project, project team size, PM experience ,project duration, educational
level and gender have been influence the project success, so these variables were
considered to be covariates Aga, Noorder haven and Vallejo (2016) also used these
success across Gender (F=3.11, P=.07), insignificant difference across Age (F=.581,
4.1.1 Table of One Way ANOVA
Reliability analysis refers to the fact that a scale should consistently reflect the construct
The table 7 is showing the, reliability analysis which refers to the ability of a scale to
give the same results consistently when tested a number of times. The Cronbach
values “0.7 “are considered to be more reliable whereas values below 0.7 are considered
Coefficient Alpha value of Agile methodology use was .774, Project complexity was
.851, Project success was .867 and Managerial support was .833.
4.3.Descriptive Analysis
The Descriptive technique tells us about the univariate summary statistics for different
variables in one table and calculates its standardized values. The descriptive statistic
includes basic details like sample size, minimum and maximum values, mean values and
standard deviation values of the data. Descriptive statistics of the current data were given
in Table 8 First column of the table gives the details of the variables. Second, third,
fourth, fifth and sixth columns inform about sample size, minimum value, maximum
Table 8, shows that sample size was 255 for all the four variables. All variables (agile
methodology , project complexity, manager support and project success) were rated on a
five point Likert scale, such as 1 representing “Strongly Disagree” and 5 representing
“Strongly Agree”. Mean values show the essence of responses. This is respondents’
observation regarding a particular variable. The mean values of the Agile Methodology
Use (AMU) was 3.78 which shows that respondent were agreed. The mean values
Project Complexity (PC)was 3.81 which indicate that respondents were agreed. The
mean value of Project Success (PS) was 3.80 which indicate that respondents were
agreed that they have success in projects. Finally, the mean value of manager support
4.4.Correlations Analysis
Variables 1 2 3 4
1 Agile methodology use 1
2 Project complexity .408** 1
3 Project success .140* .300** 1
4 Manager support .172** .230** .326** 1
N=255, *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01. Correlation is significant at 0.01 levels (2-tailed);
Correlation is significant at 0.05 levels (2-tailed); alpha reliabilities are given in
This table presents the correlations for all theoretical variables. Agile methodology was
significantly correlated with project complexity (r=.408, p<.01), Project success (r=.140,
p<.01) and manager support (r=.172, p<.01) and in the expected direction.project
complexity was significantly correlated with Project success (r=.300, p<.01) and
manager support (r=.230, p< .01) and in the expected direction. Project success was
significantly correlated with manager support (r=.326, p<.01) and in the expected
4.5.Regression Analysis
SPSS was used to test the hypotheses, and Anova test showed that they were insignificant
and results shown in table 10 Gender, Age, education, and experience were used as
demographics and significant difference found in project success across the demographic
Hypothesis 1 states that agile methodology is positively related to project success. Results
reject this hypthesis, as indicated by the regression coefficient (β=-.01 ,P=.37) as the P>.05.
Hypothesis 2 states that agile methodology positively related to project complexity. Results
supported this relationship, as indicated by the regression coefficient (β= .49, P= .00) here as
the P<.01 and it is accepted. Hypothesis 3 states that project complexity is negatively related
coefficient (β= .12, P= .00) in this hypothesis P<.01 and it is accepted. Hypothesis 4 states
that project complexity mediates the relationship between agile methodology and project
success. A 95% BC bootstrap CI of -.24 to-.01 shows that there was mediation in the model
and hypothesis 4 is accepted. Hypothesis 5 states that manager support moderate between
project complexity and project success and result accepted that hypothesis because of
B SE t p
The hypothesis Agile methodology usage is positively and significantly associated with
project success got rejected. In the second hypothesis the Agile methodology has the t value
of 7.1, which shows high significance level of the relationship. As the t value which is
greater than 2 it shows that the results are significant. Hence in this hypothesis the t value of
7.1 indicates statistically significant relation of project complexity and project success. And
the B co-efficient comes out to be .49 which shows that if there is a one unit change in agile
methodology then there is a probability that agile methodology would influenceand decrease
Project complexity has the t value of 3.4, which shows high significance level of the
relationship. As the t value which is greater than 2 it shows that the results are significant.
Hence in this hypothesis the t value of 3.4 indicates statistically significant relation of
project complexity and project success. And the B co-efficient comes out to be .12 which
shows that if there is a one unit change in project complexity then there is a probability that
In the hypothesis number 4, According to the analysis this hypothesis is accepted as project
complexity plays a significant mediating role between agile methodology use and project
success. As it is indicated by the results that there is no zero present in the bootstrapped 95%
interval hence CI of .09 to .54 shows that there was full mediation in the model and
and in fifth hypothesis As it is indicated by the results that there is no zero present in the
bootstrapped 95% interval hence that hypothesis got accepted because of significant result
(β=.21, p=0.00).
Further, we plotted a graph and slope tests show that when Manager Support was high the
relationship between Project Complexity and project success was high, and however at low
was low the relationship between Project Complexity and Project Success,significant
Mod Graph - Interacting effect of Project complexity and Managerial support
4.6.Hypothesis Summary
H1: Agile methodology usage is positively and significantly associated with project
H4:Project complexity mediates the relationship between agile methodology usage and
project success.(Accepted)
H5: Management support moderates the relationship between Agile methodology usage and
project success; such that if Management support is high than the relationship between agile
This chapter includes hypothesis relationship details and also their justification of
strengths and weaknesses of the study and future directions, detailed discussion about
H1: Agile Methodology Use Is Positively And Significantly Associated With Project
The first variable studied in this research paper is the relationship of agile methodology on
project success. Results suggest that there is no significant relationship found between agile
suggests that in this changing market the demand is to shift toward those methods which are
recognized and which would deliberately lead us to the success of the projects. They should
analyze the methods being followed in their organizations along with those which suggest us
that latest methods should be used along with the fact that whether we are capable of
Literature suggests that agile methodlogy is the most emerging trend and a collaborative
technique required at each iteration of the project which leads to successful project
implementation in many ways (Stankovic, Nikolic, Djordjevic& Cao, 2013;Mann & Maurer,
method is missing as different members of team required different level of speciality and
skills and it take time to train each members of the team regarding any new method.
Regardless of the fact some studies provide arguments by suggesting that it is not necessary
to implement the agile methodlogy for successful implementation mostly in the large
projects where we have extended team network but it was still suggested to be affective
current market scenario most of the Pakistan’s projects have lack of collaboration with the
This hypothesis got accepted. The results of the current study shows significant relationship
Hence the past literature also provides evidence for the above analyzed hypothesis (Schuh et
al. 2017; Baccarini, 1996; Miller and Hobbs, 2005; Dybå&Dingsøyr, 2008; Holmström,
Project complexity is the element which has got the most attention in the recent era, as agile
methodology is having a iterative and continuous interaction with customers for getting the
right information for the implementation and execution of projects proceedings with the
ongoing information sharings with the stakeholders makes the project complexity lower.
Hence, in this way the project moves to the success for achieving of its needs and
H3: Decrease In Project Complexity Is Positively Associated With The Success Of The
This hypothesis got accepted. The results of the current study shows significant
Therefore the result analyzed above is supported by the past literature and past researches
that provide evidence that decrease in project complexity positively influence the project
1996; Thomas&Mengel, 2008; Xia & Lee, 2004; Moore, Payne, Autry, &Griffis, 2016;
In this era Projects has gain a lot of popularity and at the same time novelty and complexity
has been increasingly diluted as a major characteristics of the projects with the passage of
time in order to meet and gain the competitive advantage throughout the globe for proactive
development and success of the project but at the same time high level of complexity tends
to reduce the consequences of project success due to increase in the level of complications.
Hence it is obvious that reducing project complexity will automatically prevail and initiate
ease in performing tasks and activities of the project to meet the required project goals to
achieve success.
H4: Project Complexity Mediates The Relationship Between Agile Methodology Usage
significant mediating role between agile methodology use and project success. As it is
indicated by the results that there is no zero present in the bootstrapped 95% interval hence
CI of .09 to .54 shows that there was full mediation in the model and regression coefficient
Many studies also provide evidence about the significance role of project complexity as a
mediator between agile methodology use and project success (Elssamadisy, 2008).
Project success is inversely proportional to the project success rate as the complexity
increases the project gets complex and success decreases but with the help of agile
methodology use it reduced to itsvery lower rate along with competing with novalty and
complexity in the prevailing market by continuous interactions and information sharing with
the stakeholders and developers and required output can be achieved with ontime right
Usage And Project Success; Such That If Management Support Is High Than The
Analysis shows that this hypothesis got accepted as managing support plays a vital
moderating role between agile methodology use and project success. As it is indicated by the
results that there is no zero present in the bootstrapped 95% interval hence that hypothesis
Past literatures and studies also provides a support for the moderating role of managing
support between agile methodology use and project success (Northouse, 2007; George,
2003; Flynn & Flynn, 1999; Wayne et al., 2002; Bauer & Green, 1996; Kacmar, Witt,
In every project, management is the most ultimate dimension which is a vital necessasity of
every phase in the project and along with that in projects managerial support is the most
important key to project success, where as in agile methodology use the management is the
backbone for decisions and planning for the new changes for the project.
In this study we have studied the domain of Agile Methodology use and its impact on
project success, which is the most popular and important domain in the recent era of the
projects management field, as agile methodology is the best working methodology and its
success rate is very high as all the bugs are fixed in the first meetings and in the start of the
execution of the project. The main aim of this study is to find out the impact of agile
methodology use on project success. Also this study has demonstrated the project
complexity as a mediator between the relationship of agile methodology use and project
success. Along with that, this study has examined a unique role of Managerial support as a
moderator between the relationship of Agile methodology use and project success.
The main contribution of this study is that this study has contributed a lot in the existing
literature because there has been a limited work on study of the agile methodology use. In
this study, there are 5 hypotheses which are being analyzed and tested according in the
(Hypothesis 3), H4 (Hypothesis 4) and H5 (Hypothesis 5) all are being accepted according
Data for the analysis of this study was collected through questionnaires, which were
distributed to the project based organizations of Pakistan mainly in the twin cities
Rawalpindi and Islamabad. In total 400 questionnaires were distributed but only 255 were
used for the analysis purpose because those 255 questionnaires were having the most
appropriate and full information required for the analysis of the study.
This study was conducted in Software engineering and information technology projects in
contextual setting of Pakistan results interpreted conclude that agile methodology use plays
a vital role toward successfully implementing the projects in the software industry and the
information about the software developing should be properly communicated and shared
with the managers, co-managers and project complexity will be decreased with the help of
managerial support and agile methodologies use, we can earn project success.
This study has both managerial and theoretical implications while executing the agile
methodology in real time projects it should be kept in mind that meeting complexity
parameters are an important essence to successfully achieve the project goals. Management
should consciously look at the level and depth of complexity as it is an important element to
be solved and proactively dealt in the project. Moreover this study highlights and provides
contribution toward agile methodology use for ptoject success theoretically. Agile
methodology use is demanding the tranning sessions for proper implementation of this
methodology for success of projects effectively to meet the requirements of the user. As
necessary element so it is essential to keep these important dimensions in mind essential for
5.4.Limitations Of Research
As every research has some reservations, this study also has some limitations which
occurred mainly due to limited resources and time constraints. As data were collected from
the project based organizations of Pakistan mainly from the twin cities Islamabad and
Rawalpindi, hence the results might be quite different if the data were collected from all
cities of Pakistan. Another limitation arisen due to the fact that, since it was a dyadic
questionnaire, many difficulties were faced during the collection of data separately from
both of managers and employees. Even many of the employees were not interested in filling
the questionnaire so convincing them was a difficult task. Another limitation in this research
was the use of convenience sample, as convenience sampling was used to collect data
randomly from a large population, it limits the generalizability. Hence, the results might not
be widely generalized. As, it was concluded after analysis that some results are not the same
as what was expected in regard with the previous researches and literature, mainly due the
highly power distance culture, that is why the results might not be applicable in a non-
Pakistani context.
The data collected from individuals was collected from Pakistani software project industry.
Itdefines that some cultural differences and contextual settings effect other factors around as
well so, like every other social science research this was a limitation to this study.
Additionally due to limited time and resources the data were only collected from the
software houses of Islamabad and Rawalpindi and sample size was 255 which was not
enough to depict a true picture of software houses using agile methodology in the whole
world. Like every other research there was also a limitation that respondents may not have
filled up the data with complete attention blemishing the results and there was a chance of
error along with the possibility that the respondents may not have particular knowledge
The data were collected from the Pakistani software development sectors which includes the
small to large scale sector organizations, these organisations were having the employes
strength of 10-50 developers and managers. As of Pakistani context the systems are not as
much upgraded and uptodate with these terms and methodologies by which this can not
predict the whole picture of study existence, but it tells about the information which is being
The organizations from which the data were collected , their employees also informed about
the use of tradional methodologies in the same manner of Agile methodology but they do
not know the true picture and concept of Agile methodology use and its impact of the
success of project in terms of proper use of time and understanding of the system in
accordance with the managerial support and other connected ways to make the project
Though the research model and results were properly analyzed but there may be variations
and choices so in future the data should be collected in different contextual setting by
increasing the sample size. Secondly the research was carried out in software industry of
Pakistan so in future the impact of execution planning should also be studied in other
industries as well. It can be investigated that whether we should doubt the traditional upfront
planning in other sectors or not. Thirdly it can be analyzed that whether other industries
should shift toward agile project methodologies or not. Fourthly there are many other factors
which are unexplored related to the agile methodology technique so those factors should
also be studied which are impacting the agile industry and why different industries haven’t
In this study the model is being tested for the impact of agile methodology use on project
success, but for future research directions these variables can be studied with other
enhancement in the manager-employee relationship through other factors like team co-
operation and creative self-efficacy. There is still a lot of room for further research, mainly
the dimensions should be the customer interactions and customer orientation as it is purely
focused on stakeholders.
Hence a lot more research can be done on this perspective in order to examine the domains
in which creativity expectation can play a significant role in prevailing creativity in projects
further more re-planning the planning of execution of projects should be checked with agile
Agile methodologies use can be checked with the Psychological behavior and psychological
impact of end product users. Comparison of different methodologies in Pakistan and how
they can be modified in context of future improvement and project success. Agile
methodlogyuse is now the trerm especially for the sofrware community in terms of how the
softwares are developing, how the developers are planning the requirements of the user and
then dealing with the user need. Why organizations avoid the agile methodlogy and focus on
the contract for small industries and the software development companies. New
covered with the comparison of its pros and cons. New merging techniques and how the
proper implementation of agile methodologies use can result in the success of projects either
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7. Appendix
Dear Participant,
MS Project Management
1 2
Gender Male Female
1 2 3 4 5
Age 18- 25 26–33 34-41 42-49 50 and above
1 2 3 4 5 6
Qualification Metric Inter Bachelor Master MS/M.Phil PhD
1 2 3 4 5 6
Experience 5 – 10 11 – 16 17 – 22 23 – 28 29 – 35 36 and above
Please tick the relevant choices: 1= strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly
1 2 3 4 5
1 How often is pair programming used on this team
1 2 3 4 5
2 On this team, we do our software development using pairs of
1 2 3 4 5
3 To what extent is programming carried out by pairs of developers
on this team?
1 2 3 4 5
4 Members of this team integrate newly coded units of software with
existing code.
1 2 3 4 5
5 We combine new code with existing code on a continual basis.
1 2 3 4 5
6 Our team does not take time to combine various units of code as
they are developed.
1 2 3 4 5
7 Where necessary, members of this team try to simplify existing
code without changing its functionality.
1 2 3 4 5
8 We periodically identify and eliminate redundancies in the
software code.
1 2 3 4 5
9 We periodically simplify existing code.
1 2 3 4 5
10 We run unit tests on newly coded modules until they run
Project Success
1 1 2 3 4 5
In light of marketplace-mandated changes and new business
requirements that arose during project execution, at the present
time, this project delivers all desirable features and functionality.
2 1 2 3 4 5
In light of marketplace-mandated changes and new business
requirements that arose during project execution, at the present
time, this project meets key project objectives and business needs.
3 1 2 3 4 5
In light of marketplace-mandated changes and new business
requirements that arose during project execution, at the present
time, this project overall is very successful.
Managerial Support
1 1 2 3 4 5
The senior management of my company supports best practices in
using information technology.
2 1 2 3 4 5
My boss is very supportive of PC use for my job.
3 1 2 3 4 5
My boss strongly encourages me to make better use of information
Project Complexity
1 2 3 4 5
1 The project team was cross-functional
1 2 3 4 5
2 The project involved multiple external contractors and Vendors
1 2 3 4 5
3 The project involved coordinating multiple user units.
1 2 3 4 5
4 The system involved real-time data processing
1 2 3 4 5
5 The project involved multiple software environments.
1 2 3 4 5
6 The project involved multiple technology platforms.
1 2 3 4 5
7 The project involved a lot of integration with other systems.
1 2 3 4 5
8 The end-users’ organizational structure changed rapidly.
1 2 3 4 5
9 The end-users’ business processes changed rapidly.
1 2 3 4 5
10 Implementing the project caused changes in the users’ business
1 2 3 4 5
11 Implementing the project caused changes in the users’
organizational structure.
1 2 3 4 5
12 The end-users’ information needs changed rapidly.
1 2 3 4 5
13 IT architecture that the project depended on changed rapidly.
1 2 3 4 5
14 IT infrastructure that the project depended on changed rapidly.
1 2 3 4 5
15 Software development tools that the project depended on changed