E Commerce

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Name of the Training: E-Commerce Target: SHG Members

Duration: 90 minutes
Venue: Gram Panchayat Office
Session Title: Use of smart advertising and Group Members: Shweta Shrivastava (ur18045)
promotion Daivakari Kapoor (ur18036)
Sarvesh Chaturvedi (ur18022)
Learning Objectives: At the end of the Shubham Purohit (ur18026)
training program the participants will be Amulya Sahoo (ur18005)
able to: - Tahir Manzar (ur18028)
 Identify the different ways and
methods of advertising
 Estimate the frequency of
uploading a social media post to
advertise their products
 Design a social media campaign to
advertise their products

Sub Topic Duration Methods/Tools Trainer’s Name Remarks

1. Introduction & 10 minutes Activity Shweta, Daivakari Projector, Laptop,
Ice Breaking 6 Mics, Brochure,
2. Importance & 15 mins Visual Aid Sarvesh Manual, Food
Benefits of packets, Water
Online bottles, Speakers,
advertising (Here Stationary, Carpet,
we will show
success video)
3. Demonstrate 15 mins Activity Daivakari
how to create FB
pages and
estimate the
frequency of
uploading a
social media post
4. Self-Campaign 20 mins Activity/ Manual Tahir, Amulya,
design and Sarvesh
importance of
5. Story-telling as 20 mins Lecture & Activity Shubham,
an effective tool Shweta, Daivakari
to build brand
(Activity of
asking each
group their story)
Revision 10 mins Discussion Amulya

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