A Study To Assess The Parent's Knowledge and Attitudes On Childhood Immunization

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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Kumar PRT et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Nov;5(11):4845-4848
http://www.ijcmph.com pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20184582
Original Research Article

A study to assess the parent’s knowledge and attitudes

on childhood immunization
P. R. Thirumalai Kumar1*, M. Kavinprasad2

Assistant Professor, Institute of Community Medicine, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
MBBS Student, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Received: 19 August 2018

Revised: 15 October 2018
Accepted: 16 October 2018

Dr. P. R. Thirumalai Kumar,
E-mail: dr.thirumalaikumar@gmail.com

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Immunization has greatly reduced the burden of infectious diseases. Immunization prevents illness,
disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases including diphtheria, measles, pertussis, pneumonia, polio,
rotavirus diarrhea, rubella and tetanus. Improving childhood vaccination coverage and timelines is a key health policy
objective in many developing countries. Parent’s knowledge and their attitudes towards Immunization are likely to
influence uptake.
Methods: This is a descriptive study using a pre-tested, self-administered questionnaire pertaining to knowledge,
attitudes of parents regarding immunization. The questionnaire was given to parents whose children were being
immunized at a health center within a one month period.
Results: About 90% of parents have the positive attitude towards immunization and 73% of parents have good
knowledge about Immunization.
Conclusions: Diseases like pneumonia, measles, pertussis that can be prevented by vaccination continue to be major
contributors. Knowledge and attitudes of parents and socio cultural factor can influence the immunization status of
the children.

Keywords: Parents, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Children, Immunization status, Socio-demographic factors

INTRODUCTION knowledge and their attitudes have significant influence

on immunization.
Immunization has greatly reduced the burden of
infectious diseases. Immunization prevents vaccine- Increasing immunization coverage to above 80%, cuts the
preventable diseases including diphtheria, pertussis, chain of disease transmission and provides the herd
tetanus and childhood tuberculosis. Immunization is one immunity in that area. To achieve this goal a full course
of the most cost effective public health interventions and of potent vaccines should be given at the right time.3
largely responsible for reduction of under5 mortality
rate.1 However, vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) are Acceptance of any vaccination program is largely
still responsible for over 5 lakh deaths annually in India. dependent on knowledge and attitude of the mothers,
This underlines the need of further improvement.2 provision of the services, density of health workers and
the opportunity costs incurred by parents. Socio-cultural
Improving childhood vaccination coverage is a key health attitudes of the community are important for success of
policy objective in many developing countries. Parents any programs.3

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | November 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 11 Page 4845
Kumar PRT et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Nov;5(11):4845-4848

Since socio-economic, educational and cultural Questionnaire consists of 2 parts with Part 1 comprising
backgrounds differ by region, findings from one of Socio demographic details and Part 2 comprising of
population cannot be generalized. Thus, it is necessary to parents’ knowledge and attitudes based questions. The
do research in to knowledge and attitudes of general data obtained through the questionnaire was subjected to
population to improve services and to keep up the analysis in SPPS Software 16 and interpretation was
ongoing services. Hence, it is needed to undertake the done.
current study to gain good understanding of the
knowledge and attitude about immunization and also Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional
socio-demographic factors affecting immunization Ethics committee of Madras Medical College, Chennai.
Majority of the participants (46%) belonged to the age
A community based cross sectional study was conducted group of 31-40 years. The participants are approximately
in parents attending immunization clinic of Pulianthope equal in both sexes with 52% males and 48% females.
urban health centre between October and December 2017 More than 62% of the participants have studied higher
using semi structured questionnaire. Minimum sample secondary or degree. About 40% are employed in semi-
size required is calculated as 150 taking overall skilled work and 30% of the participants are unemployed.
knowledge about immunization as 70% from previous Majority of the parents, about 65% have two children
studies. (Table 1).

Table 1: Sociodemographic variables of study population.

S. no Sociodemographic variables Type Number Percentage (%)

<20 1 0.7
20-30 58 38.7
1 Age group (in years)
31-40 68 45.3
>40 23 15.3
Male 78 52
2 Sex
Female 72 48
Illiterate 3 2
Primary 5 3.3
3 Education High school 48 32
Higher secondary 37 24.7
Degree/diploma 57 38
<5000 2 1.4
4 Monthly income 5-10000 70 46.6
>10000 78 52
Unemployed 45 30
Unskilled 17 11.3
5 Occupation
Semiskilled 60 40
Skilled 28 18.7
One 40 27
6 Parity Two 97 64.7
Three 13 8.3

Table 2: Knowledge assessment of parents.

Yes No Don’t know

Knowledge questions
N (%) N (%) N (%)
K1- Routine vaccination prevent children from some infectious diseases and
90 2 8
its complications
K2- First dose in vaccination given at birth 86 4.7 9.3
K3- Most diseases against which children are vaccinated occur during the
72.7 9.3 18
first years of life
K4- Multi-doses of the same vaccine given at intervals are important for child
72 15.3 12.7

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Kumar PRT et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Nov;5(11):4845-4848

Yes No Don’t know

Knowledge questions
N (%) N (%) N (%)
K5- More than one vaccine at the same time have no negative impacts on
57.3 12.7 30
child immunity
K6- Is it important to vaccinate children during immunization campaigns 68 17.3 14.7
K7- It is recommended to vaccinate children against seasonal influenza 66.7 20.7 12.7
K8- Immunization can cause autism 24.7 38.7 36.7
K9- Common colds, ear infection, and diarrhoea are not contraindications
36 28.7 35.7
for vaccination

Table 3: Attitude assessment of parents.

Agreed Not sure Disagreed

Attitude questions
N (%) N (%) N (%)
A1- Child immunization is important 94 1.3 4
A2- Immunization is more beneficial than harmful 94 3.3 2.7
A3- Vaccines for child immunization are safe 91 4 5
A4- Child immunization is prohibited in your religion 16.7 14.7 68.7
A5- Immunization is associated with side effects 36.3 30.3 30.7
A6- Child can become infected after immunization with the disease/s against
46.7 34.7 18.6
which he/she was vaccinated
A7- Compliance to immunization schedule is important 90 6.7 3.3
A8- Immunization keep your child health 90 5.3 4.7

Table 4: Sociodemographic variables vs. knowledge.

S.no Type Good Average Poor Significance
Male 52 24 2 X2- 4.073, p=0.052
1 Sex
Female 57 15 0 Not significant
Illiterate 1 2 0
Primary 3 2 0
X2-9.5, p=0.03
2 Education High school 35 12 1
Higher secondary 23 14 0
Degree/diploma 47 9 1
One 28 12 1 X2-2.3
3 Parity Two 73 23 1 P=0.8
Three 8 4 0 not significant

About 73% of the parents have good knowledge about important and safe, the most of the parents around 92%
immunisation and associated facts (Table 2). have agreed and 34.7% not sure.

All the positive questions i.e., a1, a2, a3, a7 and a8 are Compliance to immunization schedule is important (90%
positively agreed upon by majority of the participants. parents have agreed and 6.7% not sure). After
About 90% of the parents’ have the positive attitude immunization with vaccine the children may get the same
toward childhood immunization (Table 3). disease (46.7% agreed and 34.7% not sure).

It is clear that the education of the parent has an influence 73% of parents have good knowledge about
on their knowledge and attitude towards immunization immunization like routine vaccination prevent child from
and it is statistical significant (Table 4). some infectious disease and its complications (90%
agreed and 8% don't know) and first dose in vaccination
DISCUSSION give at birth (86% agreed and 9.3% don't know). The
parents have the misconception about the common cold
A total number of 150 parents were included in this and ear infection and diarrhea are contraindicated for
study. 90% of parents have the positive attitude towards immunization.
childhood immunization like child Immunization is

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | November 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 11 Page 4847
Kumar PRT et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Nov;5(11):4845-4848

There was statistical significance between immunization Generally the administration of vaccines may be
status of the children and parents education Level which associated with common local reactions like pain,
is in concurrence with the study done by Malkar et al.4 swelling, and redness at the injection site. Systemic
There is no relation between the Immunization status and reactions, including fever, irritability, drowsiness, and
sex and parity of the parents. Analysis of the rash, may also occur. More than half of the recruited
demographic characteristics of the parents participated in parents strongly agreed or agreed that immunization
the present study showed that the mothers constituted the associated with side effects. In another survey nearly
majority of the sample. Understanding mothers’ 20% of the interviewed parents considered administration
knowledge and attitudes towards immunization is of vaccines are associated with undesirable effect like
important, although the father’s involvement was shown allergies and asthma.5 Parents should be educated about
to be associated with the child’s vaccination status. More these side effects.
than half of the parents had higher education.
The results of the present survey revealed significant
Assessment of the parents’ knowledge in the current association between parents’ educational level and
study showed variations in responses to questions knowledge on childhood immunization. Higher
designed to assess their knowledge on childhood educational level, of no doubt, helps the parents to
immunization. The majority of them knew that routine understand the educational messages. This may be
vaccination prevent children from some serious infectious explained by the difference in educational level or may be
diseases and its complication. Most vaccines in the due to variation in the provided health services.
childhood immunization schedule require two or more
doses for development of an adequate and persisting ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
antibody response. Only 72% of the interviewees
correctly knew the importance of administration of multi- Director, Institute of Community Medicine, Madras
doses of the same vaccine given at intervals for child Medical College, Chennai.
Funding: No funding sources
To date there is no scientific evidence that supports Conflict of interest: None declared
parents’ fears about combined vaccines causing immune Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
overload. Only 57.3% of the participants knew that the Institutional Ethics Committee
administration of more than one vaccine at the same time
have no negative impacts on child immunity. In contrast, REFERENCES
in another study quarter of the parents believed that their
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knew that vaccination of children against seasonal
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Cite this article as: Kumar PRT, Kavinprasad M. A
vaccinate their children if educated about the central role
study to assess the parent’s knowledge and attitudes
of children in transmitting the infection in households and
on childhood immunization. Int J Community Med
communities, beside the health and economic burden of
Public Health 2018;5:4845-8.
contracting influenza.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | November 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 11 Page 4848

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