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Ready for the greatest influence of all.

Temperature Control
for MCR Rheometers


Now you control the greatest rheological

influence of all: temperature. Choose from a
vast range of temperature devices to combine
with your MCR rheometer and rely on the
high-precision temperature control required for
truly accurate rheological results.


All outside surfaces of Anton Paar´s MCR

temperature devices are touch-proof up to
highest temperatures. The exhausts are
designed with cooling mechanisms to ensure
safe and comfortable use anytime at any
Variety. Comfort.

Anton Paar’s temperature devices: Whichever choices you make, all temperature
devices are swiftly and easily integrated and
4 rapidly set the temperature, without overshoots exchanged, and your rheometer reliably adapts to
during the controlling process, each new setup and temperature requirement.
4 precisely maintain and measure the temperature
at all times, Patented MCR features make sure of this:
4 ensure uniform temperature distribution Toolmaster™ automatically recognizes and
throughout the sample. configures all connected devices, TruGap™
controls and adjusts the rheometer’s actual
Four temperature control methods are employed measuring gap. T-Ready™ cuts short
to fulfill these requirements: liquid-, Peltier-, unnecessary waiting times by immediately
electrical and convection temperature control. detecting temperature equilibration.
Considering the specific characteristics of each
method, this flexible approach ideally covers Patented technological highlights like the truly
the broad spectrum of your present and future Peltier-controlled hood (H-PTD) and the Peltier
application needs. temperature device for concentric-cylinder
systems (C-PTD) expand your measurement
options and ensure temperature accuracy.
Modular Temperature Control …
… from -150 °C to 1000 °C

Anton Paar’s temperature control Which range of temperature

portfolio is sure to contain a specific do you require?
solution for your application. Here
are all relevant parameters for your
consideration – and the symbols
with which they are presented in this

Which materials
are you going to measure?

These symbols are used to give

you a first impression of each
temperature device’s area of

Which measuring systems

are you going to employ?

These symbols are used to point out

the suitable measuring systems for each
temperature device.

Find out more about Anton Paar’s

measuring systems on page 17.

Which temperature control method

best serves your needs?

These symbols are used to denote the

temperature control methods available from
Anton Paar.

Find out more about these methods’

characteristics and benefits on pages 18-19.
6-7 I want to measure
up to 200 °C
I want to measure around 14-16
room temperature I want
12-13 full flexibility
I want to measure
above 200 °C

Low- Visco-
Gel-like Soft
viscosity elastic
materials solids
liquids liquids

Paste-like Reactive
Melts Solids
materials systems

Double Tack Tribology
Gap (DG) Systems Systems

Cone-Plate Parallel DMTA Extensional

(CP) Plate (PP) Fixtures Fixtures

Liquid Electrical
temperature control temperature control

Peltier Convection
temperature control temperature control
I Want to Measure
Around Room Temperature

Rheology is an important factor in many application

and production processes that take place around room
temperature. Measurements in this field essentially rely on
precise temperature setting that is independent from outside

In the following, find cost-effective temperature control

solutions from Anton Paar that cover the range around room

Typical applications around room temperature

Food, coatings, paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, printing

inks, slurries, ceramics, building materials, paper coatings,

Chamber Temperature Materials Measuring systems Principles Heating Cooling

range rate rate

Depending on
C-LTD 180, -30 °C
fluid circulator and
C-LTD 180/XL to 180 °C
circulating liquid

Depending on
-30 °C
P-LTD 180 fluid circulator and
to 180 °C
circulating liquid

0 °C Up to Up to
to 180 °C 10 °C/min 9 °C/min

-5 °C Up to Up to
to 200 °C 40 °C/min 40 °C/min

Useful accessories …

… to prevent solvent evaporation: Solvent traps or covers for … to avoid wall slip: In case slippage occurs with conventi-
concentric-cylinder, parallel-plate and cone-plate systems reduce the onal measuring systems, the rough surfaces of sandblasted
influence of environmental conditions and the loss of highly volatile and profiled cap plates, inset plates or measuring systems
sample components. These accessories improve temperature control ensure that the applied stress is transferred onto the sample.
and prevent sample drying or skin formation.

C-LTD 180, C-LTD 180/XL
Liquid temperature control for concentric-cylinder systems

4 Recommended for measurements at constant temperatures

4 Temperature range depends on the
used fluid circulator and circulating liquid
4 Temperature measurement close to the sample
4 XL version for liquids with very low viscosities
4 Temperature device for pressure cells

P-LTD 180
Liquid temperature control for parallel-plate
and cone-plate systems

4 Recommended for measurements at constant temperatures

4 Temperature range depends on the used fluid circulator
and circulating liquid
4 Stainless steel bottom plate

Peltier temperature control for parallel-plate
and cone-plate systems

4 For measurements at constant temperatures and

temperature profiles
4 High-precision temperature control
4 Lower plate coating with high thermal conductivity for short
equilibrium times
4 Built-in air counter-cooling – no fluid circulator required
4 Optionally used in combination with patented truly Peltier-
temperature-controlled hood (US Patent 6,571,610)

Peltier temperature control with air counter-cooling
for concentric-cylinder systems

4 Suitable for rheological standard applications as well as for

ground tire rubber-modified asphalt (GTR)
4 High heating and cooling rates
4 No vertical temperature gradients in sample due to
patented thermal transfer system (US Patent 6,240,770)
4 No fluid circulator required

I Want to Measure
Up to 200 °C

To fully investigate the rheological properties of your sample, you

usually require measurements at low and high temperatures, as
well as the possibility to perform temperature ramps.

These requirements are met by the following Anton Paar tem-

perature devices, which cover a wide temperature range based
on a convenient cooling option that does not require any liquid

Typical applications up to 200 °C

Food, coatings, paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, printing

inks, slurries, ceramics, building materials, paper coating, deter-
gents, solvents, adhesives, sealants, plastisols, hotmelts, petro-
chemicals, asphalt, bitumen, epoxy resins, polymer solutions

Chamber Temperature Materials Measuring systems Principles Heating Cooling

range rate rate

-30 °C
C-PTD 200 8 °C/min 4 °C/min
to 200 °C

C-ETD 200/XL temperature 8 °C/min 70 °C/min
to 200 °C

-40 °C Up to Up to
P-PTD 200
to 200 °C 60 °C/min 50 °C/min

-40 °C Up to Up to
H-PTD 200
to 200 °C 60 °C/min 50 °C/min

C-PTD 200
Peltier temperature control for concentric-cylinder systems

4 High heating and cooling rates

4 No vertical temperature gradients in sample due to
patented thermal transfer system (US Patent 6,240,770)
4 Fluid circulator required for counter-cooling
4 Temperature device for Standard Pressure Cell (150 bar)

C-ETD 200/XL
Electrical temperature control for concentric-cylinder systems

4 Suitable for measurements at high temperatures

4 Suitable for low-viscosity liquids
4 High heating rates
4 Cooling with air or fluid circulator
4 Temperature devices for Titanium Pressure Cell (400 bar)
and Pressure Cell XL (150 bar)

P-PTD 200
Peltier temperature control for parallel-plate
and cone-plate systems

4 High heating and cooling rates

4 High-precision temperature control
4 Lower plate coating with high
thermal conductivity for short equilibrium times
4 TruGap™ support
4 T-Ready™ feature

H-PTD 200
Truly Peltier-temperature-controlled hood (US Patent 6,571,610)

4 Used in combination with P-PTD 200 to prevent

temperature gradients in sample
4 Recommended for measurements performed at
more than 10 °C below or above room temperature
4 Fast and convenient convection heating and cooling
4 Flushed with air or inert gas
4 Prevents ice formation at low temperatures
4 Sliding rail for easy access and sample trimming
4 Evaporation Blocker
4 Temperature-isolated hood (hand-warm for safe use)

I Want to Measure
Up to 200 °C

Avoiding temperature gradients without a cover, with a passive cover and show that only a hood with temperature
with an actively heated hood. control can provide the temperature
The figures below show the temperature The temperature differences were measured accuracy required for successful rheological
distribution between the upper and lower in a thermoplast sample at a measuring measurements.
surface of a sample temperature-controlled temperature of 100 °C. The tests clearly

Open system ∆T = 14.5 °C in the sample System with passive insulating hood Advanced Peltier System PTD 200 with
∆T = 12.1 °C in the sample temperature-controlled hood ∆T = 0.1 °C in
the sample

Useful accessories …

… to prevent solvent evaporation: … for measuring materials that are reactive or hard to clean:

The Evaporation Blocker, used in combination with H-PTD 200, is With some materials, cleaning is difficult, e.g. because of an irrever-
the most effective tool for minimizing evaporation during parallel- sible hardening process. For measurements of such samples, dis-
plate or cone-plate measurements at room and elevated tempera- posable parallel-plate and concentric-cylinder measuring systems
tures. The saturated atmosphere produced by a reservoir ensures are available.
reproducible measurements of highly volatile samples.
… to measure UV-reactive samples:
In addition, solvent traps or covers for concentric-cylinder and
parallel-plate systems are available, which reduce the influence of UV-reactive samples can be measured with a Peltier temperature
environmental conditions and the loss of highly volatile components. device and a glass bottom plate with a UV light guide fixed under-
These accessories improve temperature control and prevent sample neath. Find more details on this UV Curing System in the brochure
drying and skin formation. “MCR Application-specific Accessories for Additional Parameter
… to avoid wall slip:

In case slippage occurs with conventional measuring systems, the

rough surfaces of sandblasted and profiled cap plates, inset plates
or measuring systems ensure that the applied stress is transferred
onto the sample.

I Want to Measure
Above 200 °C

Materials like typical polymer melts are usually measured

in a temperature range from 170 °C to 280 °C. In case the
glass transition of the material is of interest, temperatures
below room might be required as well.

Benefit from specific Anton Paar solutions for these appli-

cations and use one single temperature device to operate
in a range from -150 °C to 400 °C.

Typical applications above 200 °C

Polymer melts, epoxy resins

Chamber Temperature Materials Measuring systems Principles Heating Cooling

range rate rate

C-ETD 300 temperature 30 °C/min 3 °C/min
to 300 °C

-150 °C Up to Up to
P-ETD 400
to 400 °C 50 °C/min 100 °C/min

-150 °C Up to Up to
H-ETD 400
to 400 °C 50 °C/min 100 °C/min

Useful accessories…

... to avoid wall slip: In case slippage occurs with conventional hardening. For measurements of such samples, disposable
measuring systems, the rough surfaces of sandblasted and pro- parallel-plate and concentric-cylinder measuring systems are
filed cap plates, inset plates or measuring systems ensure that available.
the applied stress is transferred onto the sample.
… to ensure accurate sample trimming: Residual sample at
… for measuring materials that are reactive or hard to clean: the edge of the measuring system may influence the rheological
Some materials are difficult to clean, e.g. because of irreversible results. Inset plates allow optimal sample trimming.

C-ETD 300
Electrical temperature control for concentric-cylinder

4 Temperature device for Standard Pressure Cell

when measuring at high temperatures
4 High heating rates
4 Cooling with compressed air

P-ETD 400
Lower plate system with electrical temperature control

4 Especially suitable for measurements at

high temperatures
4 High heating rates
4 Ideal for measurements of tablets, granules and powders
4 Three cooling options: compressed air, water or
liquid nitrogen
4 Low-temperature measurements (down to -150 °C)
with Evaporation Unit and liquid nitrogen

H-ETD 400
Hood with electrical temperature control

4 Used in combination with P-ETD 400 to avoid

temperature gradients in sample
4 Fast and convenient heating or cooling by convection
and radiation
4 Sample area optionally flushed with inert gas to avoid
sample degradation
4 Cooling with compressed air or liquid nitrogen
4 Sliding rail for easy access and sample trimming
4 Temperature-isolated hood (hand-warm for safe use)

I Want Full Flexibility

Rheological characterizations are performed on all kinds

of materials, from low-viscosity liquids up to solids. To
measure different kinds of samples, you require a variety
of different measuring systems, and in addition you might
also be interested in performing DMTA tests in torsion
or extension as well as extensional rheological measure-
ments. This wide range of applications calls for tempera-
ture control solutions that give you full flexibility regarding
temperature, measuring systems and testing possibilities:
The convection temperature devices from Anton Paar
incorporate these requirements with large-volume ovens
and a wide range of temperatures.

Chamber Temperature Materials Measuring systems Principles Heating Cooling

range rate rate

CTD 180 -20 °C

to 180 °C 18 °C/min 10 °C/min

CTD 450 -150 °C

TDR to 450 °C 50 °C/min 35 °C/min

-100 °C
CTD 1000 60 °C/min 30 °C/min
to 1000 °C

Convection temperature devices:
General features

4 Virtually gradient-free temperature control with high 4 Low temperature option: Measurements with
accuracy due to symmetrical design optimized liquid nitrogen consumption depending on
4 Expanded temperature range with high heating and temperature range
cooling rates 4 Evaporation Unit actively controls continuous flow of
4 Pt 100 signal reflects true sample temperature liquid nitrogen
4 Temperature-isolated jacket (hand-warm for safe use) 4 No fluctuations due to continuous evaporation
4 Modular configuration with parallel plate, cone-plate
(standard, disposable), concentric cylinder, DMTA torsional
or extensional fixtures, UV curing option

CTD 180
Peltier-based convection temperature control
4 Suitable for DMTA in torsion, DMTA in extension,
Photo DMTA (UV curing), extensional rheology (SER)
4 Digital Eye CCD camera option for capturing images
and videos during the measurement
4 TruGap™ support
4 T-Ready™ feature
4 Gas consumption heating: 17 L/min
4 Total air consumption: 57 L/min
4 Humidity option
4 Typical applications: food, coatings, paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,
printing inks, slurries, ceramics, building materials, paper coating,
detergents, solvents, adhesives, sealants, plastisols, hotmelts,
petrochemicals, asphalt, bitumen, epoxy resins, polymer solutions


Temperature control based on combined convection and radiation
4 Suitable for DMTA in torsion, DMTA in extension, Photo DMTA
(UV curing), extensional rheology (SER)
4 Digital Eye CCD camera option for capturing images and
videos during the measurement
4 TruGap™ support
4 T-Ready™ feature
4 Gas consumption heating: 25 L/min
4 Total gas consumption: 48 L/min
4 Liquid nitrogen consumption: 3 to 6 L/h
4 Gas Chiller Option for cooling with fluid circulator instead of liquid nitrogen
4 Typical applications: polymer melts, reinforced materials, films and fibers,
epoxy resins, aluminum, metals and alloys, low-temperature glasses

I Want Full Flexibility

Gas Chiller Option for CTD

The Gas Chiller Option (GCO) for CTD 450 TDR allows to cool the
convection oven devices for MCR rheometers far below room temperature
without the use of liquid nitrogen. The GCO features a heat exchanger
which can be cooled with a high capacity fluid circulator (Julabo FP89)
so that temperatures down to -45 °C can be achieved. All fixtures for the
CTD 450 TDR such as DMTA, Extensional and parallel plate systems can
also be used in combination with the Gas Chiller option as the same inlets
and can be used as for liquid nitrogen.

CTD 1000
Temperature control based on combined convection and radiation

4 Optionally operated with special measuring systems

for glass melts and aluminum
4 Gas consumption heating: 10 to 20 L/min
4 Total gas consumption: 53 L/min
4 Liquid nitrogen consumption: 3 to 6 L/h
4 Typical applications: aluminum, metals and
alloys, low-temperature glasses


Measuring Systems

Anton Paar’s MCR measuring systems can be used with all temperature
devices and are interchangeable within their category of accessories.
For example, a PP25 parallel-plate geometry can be used in all
non-cylindrical LTD, PTD, ETD or CTD systems.

All geometry dimensions, safety limitations and calibration constants

Find more details on are saved in the Toolmaster™ chip located in the coupling of every
MCR measuring systems measuring system. Made from diverse materials and featuring different
in the "MCR Rheometer surfaces and dimensions, all measuring systems are optimized regarding
Series" brochure. compliance, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity.

With hundreds and hundreds of measuring systems, and their efficient

combination with a wide range of environmental systems, there is
barely any application that cannot be covered by an Anton Paar MCR

Patented Features
for Comfort and Efficiency

Automatic tool recognition and configuration

Toolmaster™ (US Patent 7,275,419), the first fully automatic tool

recognition and configuration system for rheology, detects all
temperature devices and accessories as soon as they are connected to
the rheometer.

4 Fast exchange of measuring systems,

environmental systems and accessories
4 No more errors due to the insertion of unsuitable systems or wrong
software selections
4 Unique identification of individual measuring system by transfer of
serial numbers
4 Intelligent auto-configuration for customized rheometer packages
4 Calculation of exact geometry factors using real system data, e.g.
truncation, diameter and cone angle

Permanent control of the actual measuring gap

The patented TruGap™ system (US Patent 6,499,336) monitors

and controls the real measuring gap in cone-plate and parallel-plate
measurements. TruGap™ can be employed with Peltier-, electrical and
convection temperature devices. According special measuring systems
and lower plates are available for each environmental system.

4 Enables temperature-dependent
cone-plate measurements on polymers
4 Full functionality over an extended temperature range and for
temperature sweeps with all available heating rates
4 Online determination of the measuring gap independently of the
rheological test

Time-saving temperature certainty

In addition to accurate temperature control, knowledge of the

sample temperature equilibration is essential. The new T-Ready™
feature employs TruGap™ functionality to give a green light at the
precise moment the desired sample temperature has been reached.
Unnecessarily extended waiting times before tests are eliminated.
Four Principles Working for You
Peltier element
Measuring plate
Measuring Hood
plate Heating plate

Sample Measuring plate

Peltier element

Liquid temperature control Peltier temperature control

Fluid circulators are an established solution for accurate Peltier systems have a number of advantages over other
temperature control of the lower measuring plate at a low temperature control methods: They are compact, easily
purchasing cost. installed and do not require any additional controller.

Since the inertia of the large volume of liquid does not allow Peltier temperature devices can be used for both heating
for rapid temperature changes, liquid temperature control is and cooling, since they employ a thermo-electrical effect.
best suited for measurements at a constant temperature. The devices’ extraordinarily high heating and cooling rates
(up to 60 °C/min) allow rapid and precise temperature
Depending on the fluid circulator and circulating liquid control.
you use, available temperatures range from -30 °C to
180 °C. The MCR series’ application software controls To eliminate temperature gradients in the sample, Anton
various circulators from different manufacturers for running Paar provides patented Peltier-controlled hoods (US Patent
temperature programs. 6,571,610). Minimized gas flow in the sample chamber
further improves temperature distribution and reduces
temperature gradients in the sample to a minimum.
Peltier temperature devices are suitable for the majority of
rheological measurements.

18 18
Measuring plate
Cooling Sample

Measuring plate
Heating plate

Measuring plate Cooling

Gas Heating

Electrical temperature control Convection temperature control

Electrical temperature control is mainly used for higher The high-performance convection temperature devices are
temperatures and offers high heating rates. Due to its an ingenious combination of the advantages of electrical
optimized temperature control methodology, this system and convection temperature control: high temperatures,
is ideal for the investigation of temperature-dependent rapid heating and uniform temperature distribution within a
rheological properties. large sample volume.

Electrical temperature devices are also used for material The devices consist of two half-shells in which a convection
characterization at constant high temperatures. To prevent gas is heated. The gas flow in the sample chamber is
considerable gradients in the sample due to the large completely symmetric, ensuring perfect temperature
temperature difference from the ambient temperature, an distribution in the sample across the entire temperature
additional heated hood should be used. Minimized gas range.
flow in the sample chamber further improves temperature
distribution and reduces the temperature gradients in the The operating temperature of the CTD systems goes up
sample to a minimum. to 1000 °C, depending on the device you use. Cooling
options are liquid nitrogen evaporation down to -150 °C or
The temperature range of these systems spans from built-in Peltier systems.
ambient temperature up to 400 °C. Liquid nitrogen cooling
in combination with the Evaporation Unit extends the
temperature range down to -150 °C.

19 19
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Specifications subject to change without notice.


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