Aquarian Theospophist Vol-5-1
Aquarian Theospophist Vol-5-1
Aquarian Theospophist Vol-5-1
Cycles in Eternity
QUESTION: — (2) Taking the middle
of a period of activity between two
pralayas, i.e., of a manvantara —
what I understand to happen is this. K HARMONY K
Atoms are polarized in the highest “...harmony can never become harm-
region of spiritual efflux from behind
ful, and it cannot be abused.”
the veil of primitive cosmic matter.
H. P. Blavatsky, “What Is Theosophy”
The magnetic impulse which has
accomplished this result flits from “Life itself has speech and is never
one mineral form to another within
the first sphere till having run the
silent. And its utterance is not, as you that
round of existence in that kingdom of are deaf may suppose, a cry: it is a song.
the first sphere it descends in a Learn from it that you are part of the har-
current of attraction to the second mony; learn from it to obey the laws of the
sphere. harmony.”
— Light On The Path
ANSWER: — (2) Polarize themselves during Items from Summing Up section, Vol. I of The Secret Doctrine
the process of motion and propelled by the There is but one indivisible and ab-
irresistible Force at work. In Cosmogony solute Omniscience and Intelligence in the
and the work of nature the positive and the Universe, and this thrills throughout every
negative or the active and passive forces atom and infinitesimal point of the whole
correspond to the male and female finite Kosmos. (p. 277)
principles. Your “spiritual efflux” comes
not from “behind the veil” but is the male The whole order of nature evinces a
seed falling into the veil of cosmic matter. progressive march towards a higher life.
The active is attracted by the passive There is design in the action of the seem-
principle and the Great Nag, the serpent ingly blindest forces. …What is called
emblem of the eternity, attracts its tail to its “unconscious Nature” is in reality an
mouth forming thereby a circle (cycles in aggregate of forces manipulated by
the eternity) in that incessant pursuit of the
negative by the positive. Hence the emblem T ABLE OF C ONTENTS
of the lingam, the phallus and the kteis. The Cycles in Eternity 1
one and chief attribute of the universal Harmony 1
spiritual principle — the unconscious but The Global Village 5
ever active life-giver — is to expand and The Coffee Klatch 9
shed; that of the universal material principle Correspondence 12
to gather in and fecundate. Unconscious As a Man Thinketh — III 15
Damadar on Madame Blavatsky 18
and non-existing when separated, they
The One Element 22
become consciousness and life when Is History Repeating Itself? 22
brought together. (ML-13) WQJ on Masters of Wisdom 23
Intro to Study of Isis Unveiled 24
The Test of the Three Cups 27
Free Will and Fate 27
The Torch-Bearers 28
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 2
semi-intelligent beings (Elementals)
guided by High Planetary Spirits, (Dhyan
Chohans), whose collective aggregate
forms the manifested verbum of the un-
The Intelligence Of Harmony2
manifested LOGOS, and constitutes at one Karen Douglas
and the same time the MIND of the Uni-
verse and its immutable LAW. (277-78) It has become my firm belief that the
significance of the crop circle mystery
Real Kosmos is like the object lies within our experience of them and
placed behind the white screen upon which our interaction with them, more spe-
are thrown the Chinese shadows, called cifically, our ability to become sensitive
forth by the magic lantern. The actual enough to that process that we might,
in turn, make some valid interpretation
figures and things remain invisible, while
of them.
the wires of evolution are pulled by the
unseen hands… (278) I am also becoming increasingly
aware that, perhaps, the only instruments
The whole Kosmos is guided, con- that might be truly valid in this search for
trolled, and animated by almost endless significance might be our own five senses.
series of Hierarchies of sentient Beings, Plus maybe one other, which we currently
each having a mission to perform… (p. 274) know little of, but one which the crop circles
could (by their very nature) be seen to be
“Man can neither propitiate nor particularly designed to evoke.3
command the Devas,” it is said. But, by
What is happening inside the crop formations?
paralyzing his lower personality, and arriv-
Crop circles have been occurring in
ing thereby at the full knowledge of the
large numbers since the late 1970s and in
non-separateness of his higher SELF from
that time we have taken just about every
the One absolute SELF, man can, even measuring instrument known to man inside
during his terrestrial life, become as “One them to see if we can discover how they are
of Us.” (p. 276) made and where they might originate from.
Thus it is, by eating of the fruit of We have used electrostatic volt-meters, gei-
ger counters, magnetometers and a plethora
knowledge which dispels ignorance, that
of other less than conventional equipment,
man becomes like one of the Elohim or the
including metal detectors! But, at the begin-
Dhyanis; and once on their plane the Spirit ning of the 21st Century, for all our measur-
of Solidarity and perfect Harmony,1 which ing, we still have very little clue as to what
reigns in every Hierarchy, must extend might be occurring.
over him and protect him in every particu-
lar. (p. 276) Out of all that has been tried there is
one instrument which has proved reliable in
The chief difficulty which prevents providing solid data; the simple and humble
men of science from believing in divine as
well as in nature Spirits is their material- 2
This article is being used by permission. If you
ism…. It is on the acceptance or rejection have access to the internet, go to
of the theory of the Unity of all in Nature,
artcl.html There you will find a slide show of 40
in its ultimate Essence, that mainly rests among the hundreds of crop circles that have been
the belief or unbelief in the existence recorded. It is an eloquent testimony to the
“intelligence of harmony”!
around us of other conscious beings be- 3
A theosophist would probably say Intuition is
sides the Spirits of the Dead. (p. 276) evoked, or, if we remember that the human body
is a vast piano chorded with a double set of
strings: silver in one mode — catgut in another,
All underlining has been added. then the article becomes self-explanatory.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 3
measuring tape. The amount of information ancient stone circles (i.e.. sacred
about the size, dimensions, and proportions places/spaces).
of crop circles that has been accumulated
with this device is enormous. This modest I have commented extensively about
apparatus has one major advantage over all geometry, looking at the underlying nature
its contemporaries in that it can not only of number in all things and the direct rela-
provide us with material about construction tionship between number, shape, vibration
and design, but also, more importantly, it and sound. I looked at the science of Cy-
can present us with a wealth of information matics (the science that links vibration, fre-
about the possible meaning of these enig- quency, shape and sound) and came to the
matic shapes. realisation that it was possible that the crop
circles could have a direct vibrational effect
There is, however, another instrument on the human being. It was, therefore, the
of sorts that is extremely sensitive to the shapes of the crop circles themselves, their
crop circles and has registered thousands of sizes, proportions and harmonies that could
effects over the years. That instrument is be in some way responsible for the experi-
the human being itself. How many times ences reported within them.
have we all heard the stories of people’s
Understanding the experience
experiences and impressions of the crop
I feel that to understand the nature of
circles they have visited? In fact, there was
the experiences which the crop circles evoke
an entire day conference devoted to the very
is to understand their significance for us.
subject last summer. Whilst it is obvious on
This understanding would perhaps also shed
one level that our experience of the crop
light on the importance of the entire phe-
circles is a very important one to us, on an-
nomenon. I also feel that if I can understand
other level there is part of us which needs
the process by which this happens, I might
the rational physical explanation of those
be able to understand the reason for the in-
experiences and of the crop circles them-
teraction. In other words, why do we feel so
compelled by this subject? If I am saying
A change of mind that crop circle shapes, by the nature of their
I decided a couple of years ago that I design, mathematics, geometry and therefore
would let that go for a while. My experi- their vibration, can directly influence the
ence within the crop circles and their land- human being, I guess what I really need to
scapes has been the very thing that has kept know now is, how does this happen?
me enthused by this phenomenon for so
Emotional engagement
long. It was also this kind of direct experi-
There is yet another important relation
ence of a crop circle that stirred me so much
of this family; music. Music is a combina-
many years ago and first inspired me to be-
tion of tones and sounds that can also be
come involved on a deeper level with this
numbers and shapes. They are all part of the
same family group. Music evokes complex
But, over those years, I have fre- emotional responses from the human being,
quently found myself back at the same it can literally take us from the depth of de-
point; what is it about the circles, what is it spair to the heights of ecstasy, it can be a
that enables this to happen, that evokes these beautiful, mystical, and sometimes spiritual
kinds of feelings within us? I think it was experience. The interaction between music
this line of thought that finally got me to the and the listener is an involved one, whereby
point of beginning to see crop circles as sa- the listener becomes empathetic to the
cred spaces, or more specifically it was this sounds he is hearing. It seems music has a
feeling that evoked the ‘temporary temples’ way of transmitting itself into the emotional
analogy. I saw my experience of them as part of the listener. And whilst music can be
parallel to those of temples, cathedrals and an intellectual pursuit on many levels,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 4
ie., the technicality of the player or com- underestimated. Alone, the notes are but
poser, its value lies very much in its ability notes, however, when woven together skill-
to inspire us or convey to us something of fully and with feeling, they create harmoni-
the emotions or thoughts of the composer. ous relationships, which appeal directly to
In this way, the talent of the composer lies in the emotions. It is the difference between
his ability to be able to translate his feelings listening to random notes being played, and
with some accuracy into sounds, sounds a skillfully-crafted symphony.
which when heard can be understood empa-
Empathy, relationship and shape
thetically, and experienced as a feeling when
Translate these ideas to the subject of
heard by the listener. Musical harmonies are
shape and number and we can begin to see
extremely pleasing to the ear, they evoke
the significance of relationship and harmony
feelings of well-being and uplift, in other
to the crop circles. We find harmonious
words, an emotional response. In turn, emo-
relationships in the geometry of the forma-
tional feelings can then stimulate physical
tions. For instance, we have seen the golden
sensations, tingling, dizziness, tears, depend-
section or proportion used with regularity in
ing on how we feel.
crop circle design. The golden proportion
Empathy divides a line so that the lesser is to the
Empathy is an interesting and little greater as the greater is to the whole. It is
understood human ability. It is the ability to found everywhere in nature and throughout
emotionally understand. It is not to be con- ancient architecture. What is so interesting
fused with sympathy, which is the ability to about the golden proportion is that it is not
identify with another or their situation. To just some irrational or arbitrary number, it is
empathise is to translate what is being said fundamentally a relationship, and more than
or conveyed into a feeling which can then be that, it is a harmonious relationship. One
understood. We all understand feelings. length being to the other as the other is to
Joy, pain, rejection, jealousy are familiar to the whole, not equality as we normally ex-
us all, we know what they feel like without perience it, but a harmonious relationship
any explanation, they are a universal experi- between two lengths. Equality is in fact
ence, common to all human beings. In some only one form of harmony.
ways feelings are a universal language
amongst humans, which underlie most of When we begin to understand the role
our communications and interactions. Mu- of relationships and harmonies and their
sic appeals to this part of us, to the emo- effect on the human being, it is not much of
tions, it identifies with a commonality a leap of imagination to see that shapes,
amongst listeners, their ability to recognise sizes, proportions and harmonies of the crop
and understand emotions, hence the univer- circles can have much the same effect on us
sal attraction it has for us. It matters not the as music.
language of the opera singer, we can all feel The question is, why?
the emotion of the music to which she sings I think the human being has a unique
and therefore understand implicitly the ability to be empathetic to relationships and
meaning of her story. harmonies. The emotional response that we
can have to music is a direct illustration of
However, what is key here, is that it is
our ability to recognise harmonious relation-
not the notes (individually) which evoke the
ships and to respond to them emotionally. It
responses from us, rather it is their relation-
is, in fact, a sort of intelligence of harmony,
ship to one another. More specifically, it is
it is the thing within us that creates our need
the harmonies that are created when notes
for beauty, mystery and spirit in our lives.
are arranged and played together that evoke
Harmony, as we have already discovered,
our emotional-self. The importance of the
can be a beautiful, mystical and spiritual
idea of relationship and harmony cannot be
experience, just like the crop circles.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 5
The Intelligence of Harmony ears. In this way, whatever the origin of the
So, why do harmonious relationships crop circles, their design specifically elicits
have this effect upon us? This is a more this response from us, it calls into use our
difficult question to answer, but my feeling ability to recognise and respond to relation-
is that it has to do with the very core of who ship and harmony. In many ways it almost
we are as human beings. The answer could seems as though the significance of the for-
also partly lie back in the traditions of ge- mations is to re-awaken this sleeping part of
ometry, or more specifically, sacred geome- our being, by direct stimulation.
try. The idea that there are certain propor-
tions and harmonies that are considered sa- Re-defining
cred could give us a clue. Is it because the We have become so ignorant of this
effect they have upon us engender a sense of part of ourselves that we now experience it
the divine? The golden proportion in par- as strange effects, attributed to a crop circle
ticular is illustrative of the profound mystery energy, when, it is my belief, the answer is
of life, it shows us in graphical form the way much closer to home. The shapes of the
in which all living things grow and form. crop circles do not just transcribe informa-
The golden proportion is at the centre of the tion, they transmit it, directly in the hearts,
design of life itself - all living things in fact minds and spirits of all those who interact
contain this proportion. In the case of the with them.
golden proportion, the resonant feeling con-
In this way the mystery of the crop
veyed is of a distinctly spiritual nature rather
circles can never be an insular thing, it can-
than solely emotional. In truth, relationship
not be solely a matter of investigation and
and harmony are of a spiritual nature in
physical evidence. It is something much
themselves, they are the mechanisms by
more wide reaching and requires of us an
which all things are designed and woven
ever opening mind that is able to seek out
together, in a grand design by the phenome-
new directions and possibilities; and a reali-
non of synchronicity, rather than random
sation that the crop circle is only the begin-
coincidence. Synchronicity is intimately
ning, and where we go from there, is, as
related to relationship and harmony; it is the
always, up to us.
direct effect of these principles at work. In
Karen Douglas
this sense the intelligence of harmony is the
ability to recognise and respond to the spiri-
tual. If this was simply a matter of respond-
ing on a solely emotional level, perhaps we
would be talking about an intelligence of the
heart, which I am sure also exists.
The significance of experience
The experience of our recognition of
relationships and harmonies in the shapes,
The Global Village
sizes and proportions of the crop circles puts New Places for Spanish Study
us directly in touch with their meaning. The
emotions they convey are there for us all to EAST LOS ANGELES
respond to. They create a resonance within Martes: 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m.
us, by their number, geometry and vibration, 6641 Easton Street, Este de Los Angeles, Ca.
which transcends our rational mind and 90022
speaks directly to the heart, or spirit. We Entre Wittier Blvd. y Olympic cerca de, Garfield Ave.
can experience this phenomenon only be- Tel. (323) 264 4065 Llamar entre, 4:00 p.m. y
cause we have the unique gift of the intelli- 6:00 p.m.
gence of harmony; without it the message
would be unheard, undetected, silent to our
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 6
Segundo y Ultimo Sábado del Mes; 5:30 p.m. a 941-349-5151
7:00 p.m. Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if
3145 E. Broadway you need any additional information.
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 - 8:15 P.M. Oct 31 How should we treat others? & on ‘suffering’
Under karma can there ever be any unmerited suffering?
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Nov 7 The Middle Way (talk)
We are a very friendly group of students
Between extremes of spiritualism and materialism are ethics and
with various religious and philosophical wisdom
backgrounds. Our goals are to discuss and Nov 14 Theosophical Movement:
understand the universal truths of Theosophy. Its Aim and Purpose (2 short talks)
Nov 21 Man Visible and Invisible
On Wed. nights we are studying, The Why, philosophically, man must be both a mortal being and an immortal
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on soul
Sunday mornings we’re discussing Isis Unveiled Nov 28 Universal Transmigration of Souls
Do human Ego souls reincarnate in lower animal forms?
by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The Path by
Mabel Collins. Dec 5 Cosmic and Human Hierarchies (talk)
The Microcosm and the Macrocosm – Man, inseparable from Great
Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Trail
Dec 12 Kali Yuga and the Present Age
Suite#11B, Sarasota, Florida 34239 and our The Dark Age is the last and shortest of the four yugas or racial
phone number is: 941-312-9494. cycles
Located at:
NY TS 240-242 E 53rd Street,
NYC, NY (Bet. 2nd&3rd Ave.)
020 7723 0688
Karma & Reincarnation
The twin doctrines of Theosophy, a mode of
living common to the great sages, adepts and
Masters who live by the Great Ideal - to benefit Phone:
David - (718) 438-5021
One humanity, one goal, one Truth Amedeo – (973) 697 – 5938
Universal Brotherhood means unity through diversity and
mutual respect; its absence is the cause of violence
Classes are free and open to all
and suffering.
Individuality and Interdependence
Saint George, Utah
Theosophy Class
“We should aim at creating free men & women, free
Currently Studying
intellectually, free morally, unprejudiced in all
The Ocean of Theosophy by Wm. Q. Judge
respects, and above all things, unselfish.”
Meets every Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m.
“the rational explanation of things…” At the St. George Branch
H.P.Blavatsky, a great Occultist of the modern age Of the Washington County Library
Contacts: Tommie & Don Zook,
All welcome to study Theosophy 1-435-668-6221 or 1-435-627-0912
• Talks & meetings ~ discussions with ques- All are welcome
No fees, dues, or Collections
• Study Group – Wednesdays 7pm from THEOSOPHY HALL
Oct 6th 347 East 72 Street
Bhagavad Gita & Fundamental Theosophical studies New York, NY 10021
(212) 535-2230
• Correspondence Course – by post or E-mail:
contact ULT at All meetings are free. No collections, fees or dues.
Discussion — Multi-Media
Monday Night
Victories attained by right thought can Cherish your visions. Cherish your
only be maintained by watchfulness. Many ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your
give way when success is assured, and rap- heart, the beauty that forms in your mind,
idly fall back into failure. the loveliness that drapes your purest
thoughts, for out of them will grow all de-
All achievements, whether in the lightful conditions, all heavenly environ-
business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 17
ment; of these, if you but remain true to world-wide influence and almost unequaled
them, your world will at last be built. power. In his hands he holds the cords of
gigantic responsibilities. He speaks, and lo!
To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to lives are changed. Men and women hang
achieve. Shall man's basest desires receive upon his words and remold their characters,
the fullest measure of gratification, and his and, sunlike, he becomes the fixed and lu-
purest aspirations starve for lack of suste- minous center around which innumerable
nance? Such is not the Law. Such a condi- destinies revolve. He has realized the Vi-
tion of things can never obtain - "Ask and sion of his youth. He has become one with
receive." his Ideal.
Dream lofty dreams, and as you And you, too, youthful reader, will re-
dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is alize the Vision (not the idle wish) of your
the promise of what you shall one day be. heart, be it base or beautiful, or a mixture of
Your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall both, for you will always gravitate toward
at last unveil. that which you secretly most love. Into your
hands will be placed the exact results of
The greatest achievement was at first
your own thoughts; you will receive that
and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in
which you earn, no more, no less. Whatever
the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in
your present environment may be, you will
the highest vision of the soul a waking angel
fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your
stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.
Vision, your Ideal. You will become as
Your circumstances may be unconge- small as your controlling desire; as great as
nial, but they shall not long remain so if you your dominant aspiration.
but perceive an Ideal and strive to reach it.
In the beautiful words of Stanton
You cannot travel within and stand still
Kirkham Dave, "You may be keeping ac-
without. Here is a youth hard pressed by
counts, and presently you shall walk out of
poverty and labor; confined long hours in an
the door that for so long has seemed to you
unhealthy workshop; unschooled, and lack-
the barrier of your ideals, and shall find
ing all the arts of refinement. But he dreams
yourself before an audience — the pen still
of better things. He thinks of intelligence, of
behind your ear, the ink stains on your fin-
refinement, of grace and beauty. He con-
gers — and then and there shall pour out the
ceives of, mentally builds up, an ideal condi-
torrent of your inspiration. You may be
tion of life. The vision of the wider liberty
driving sheep, and you shall wander to the
and a larger scope takes possession of him;
city — bucolic and open mouthed; shall
unrest urges him to action, and he utilizes all
wander under the intrepid guidance of the
his spare time and means, small though they
spirit into the studio of the master, and after
are, to the development of his latent powers
a time he shall say, 'I have nothing more to
and resources.
teach you.' And now you have become the
Very soon so altered has his mind be- master, who did so recently dream of great
come that the workshop can no longer hold things while driving sheep. You shall lay
him. It has become so out of harmony with down the saw and the plane to take upon
his mentality that it falls out of his life as a yourself the regeneration of the world."
garment is cast aside, and with the growth of
The thoughtless, the ignorant, and the
opportunities which fit the scope of his ex-
indolent, seeing only the apparent effects of
panding powers, he passes out of it forever.
things and not the things themselves, talk of
Years later we see this youth as a full- luck, of fortune, and chance. See a man
grown man. We find him a master of certain grow rich, they say, "How lucky he is!" Ob-
forces of the mind which he wields with serving another become intellectual, they
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 18
exclaim, "How highly favored he is!" And silent with the consolation that she herself
noting the saintly character and wide influ- would confide the secret to me when she
ence of another, the remark, "How chance would find me worthy of it. I thought it must
aids him at every turn!" be some great Indian Adept that had as-
sumed that illusionary form. But there a
They do not see the trials and failures difficulty occurred to me. I knew that she
and struggles which these men have volun- received letters from her aunts and that she
tarily encountered in order to gain their ex- communicated with persons almost in every
perience. They have no knowledge of the part of the globe. I could not therefore rec-
sacrifices they have made, of the undaunted oncile my belief, as I thought she would then
efforts they have put forth, of the faith they have to practise the illusion all over the
have exercised, that they might overcome world. Various explanations sug- gested
the apparently insurmountable, and realize themselves to me except the right one. I was,
the Vision of their heart. They do not know however, right (as I have subsequently as-
the darkness and the heartaches; they only certained) in my original conception that
see the light and joy, and call it "luck"; do she is some great Indian Adept. At vari-
not see the long and arduous journey, but ous times I talked to her about these adepts,
only behold the pleasant goal, and call it because that is the, only subject I am inter-
"good fortune"; do not understand the proc- ested in, although I fear I am not, and
ess, but only perceive the result, and call it shall not be for many years to come or
"chance." perhaps in this life, worthy of their com-
pany. Since I was a child of seven years,
In all human affairs there are efforts,
my inclination has almost always been in
and there are results, and the strength of the
this direction. I always thought of retiring
effort is the measure of the result. Chance is
from this world and giving myself up to de-
not. "Gifts," powers, material, intellectual,
votion. I also expressed several times to
and spiritual possessions are the fruits of
Madam my intention of retiring from this
effort. They are thoughts completed, objects
world and studying this philosophy
accomplished, visions realized.
which alone can make man happy in the
The vision that you glorify in your true sense of the word. But then she usually
mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your asked me what I would do there alone.
heart - this you will build your life by, this She said that instead of gaining my object I
you will become. would become perhaps insane by being
alone in the jungles without anybody to
guide me; that I was foolish enough to think
that by going into the jungles I could fall
Damadar On Madame in with an adept; and that if I really
Blavatsky wanted to gain my object I should have
to work in the Society and when the
About a month after I joined the Soci- Higher ones whom I dare not mention
ety I felt as it were a voice within myself by any other names, and who had
whispering to me that Madam Blavatsky is started this Society, would be satisfied
not what she represents herself to be. It then with me, they would themselves call me
assumed the form of a belief in me which away from the busy world and teach me
grew so strong within a short time that four or in private. And when I foolishly asked
five times I thought of throwing myself at her her many times to give me the names
feet and beg her to reveal herself to me. But and addresses of some of our Brothers
then I could not do so because I thought it she said to me once: — "One of our
would be useless, as I knew that I was quite Brothers has told me that as you are
impure and had led too bad a life to be much after me, I better tell you once for
trusted with that secret. I therefore remained all that I, being a European, have no
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 19
right to give you any information about was doing a part of my duty as a Theoso-
them; but if you go on asking Hindus phist. -Consequently I wrote thus to my most
what they know about the matter, you revered Guru: — 'As directed by you I
might hear of them; and one of those have neither let him (Swamiji) know what
Higher ones may perhaps throw himself I know of him' nor what my true intentions
in your way without your knowing him, are. He seems to think that I work in the
and will tell you what you should do." Society to make money. I have as yet kept
Having received these orders I had but to him in the dark as regards myself and conse-
obey and wait; although having an implicit quently am myself groping in the dark,
confidence in H. P. Blavatsky I also knew expecting however, enlightenment on the
that I would have my object fulfilled only subject from you."
through her, and through, her alone. I
thereupon asked one or two of my Hindu Shortly afterwards Madam and Col.
friends, who were inclined in this direc- Olcott accompanied by two or three Euro-
tion, if they knew any such persons. One of pean members of our Society joined me at
them said he had seen two or three such Benares. To my great surprise, when asked
men but that they -were not quite what by Madam, Swamiji mentioned the place
he thought "Raja Yogis." He also told me where "Maji" resided and offered to take us
that he had heard of a man who had ap- there, adding that he knew her well and that
peared several times in Benares but that she very often came to see him. The Europe-
nobody knew where he lived. My disap- ans who had come to Benares from Allaha-
pointment grew bitter and more bitter but bad were Mr: Sinnett, the Editor of The Pio-
I never lost the firm confidence I have neer ( a government organ and one of the most
that adepts .do live in India and can still influential newspapers in India), and his
be found among us. Shortly afterwards I wife, and Mrs. A. Gordon, the writer of
was ordered to Benares to see Swamiji the article "Missions in India" in the
on that business of the Ritual. January number of The Theosophist, the
wife of a Colonel in Bengal, also .a The-
A few months before we left Bom- osophist; who had come on purpose from
bay, Pandit Mohunlal Vishnulal Pandea, Calcutta to Allahabad — thus crossing all
one of the Councillors of our Society, had India — to be initiated. They all wanted
written to Madam that there lived in to see some great phenomenon performed by
Benares a woman called Maji" who prac- Madam, and especially the former two had
tised Yoga and was his Guru. I had come down to Benares for that purpose, as
known from Madam that Swamiji also Madam had refused to show them any such
knew that science and that he knows thing unless permitted by Swamiji. Swami
"Maji." Being, however, ordered not to let having declined to grant the permission asked
him know what I knew of him, I could not for, was consulted by Madam and Col.
say to him anything directly but when I Olcott as to the best way of satisfying these
made indirect references to these things, two persons, as it was found that the inter-
he pretended to laugh at me for believing ests of the Society would be greatly increased,
in the powers attained by a Yogi. And if the full sympathy of Mr.: Sinnett was se-
when I asked him if he knew a woman cured, who had already done so much for us
named "Maji," he replied: — If there by making the Viceroy issue an order pub-
be such a woman here at all, she is not lished in the November Number of T h e
known." Whenever I asked him anything Theosophist, which set us all right in the
in regard to these matters, he gave evasive public estimation, and who had made the
answers. I was disappointed when I saw that Viceroy promise to write to Madam a letter
all my expectations in going to Benares were approving of the plan of the Society, which
but castles in the air. I thought that I had will be published in the next number. It
gained nothing except the consolation that I was then resolved that we should see "Maji"
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 20
for the purpose. But when we went the next not therefore a woman but a real Hindu
day to her she gave the same reply as Fakir in the body of a woman. It is but
Swamiji that it — was too sacred a science one by one that I gathered all these par-
to be thus treated as a "Tamasha" (Show). ticulars. In his former body, this Fakir had
Madam could not accompany us at that time studied the Yoga science for 65 years, but
as she did not feel well, but when we told his study having been arrested and in-
" M a j i " accordingly, she turned a glance of complete at the time his body was disabled
significance at Col. Olcott who returned it, and consequently unequal to the task he had
thereby asking her to remain silent, as they to perform, he had to choose this other one.
alone had then felt Madam's presence near In his present body he is 53 years, and conse-
them. Maji "then said that though she had quently the “Inner Maji” is 118 years old.
never visited Europeans, she would herself She then asked Madam whether she knew: that
come to see Madam once or twice before our they had had the same man for their "
departure from Benares. Mr. and Mrs. Sin- Guru." But Madam desiring her to give some
nett being thus disappointed were talking at proofs of what she said to me, she readily
night about the matter with Madam and Col. furnished them. She said that Madam's
Olcott. Mrs. Gordon also formed one of the Guru was born in Punjab but generally lives
company. During the course of conversation in .the Southern part of India, and especially
someone made reference to flowers and im- in Ceylon. He is about 300 years old and
mediately afterwards a sound was heard as of has a companion of about the same age,
something dropping from above. It was though both do not appear even forty. In
found that a number of flowers were thrown a few centuries he will enter the body of a
by invisible hands on the table around which "Kshatriya" (the Warrior. caste among the
they were all sitting. When I had gone to Hindus) and do some great deeds for India,
Swamiji a short time before the occurrence, I but the time had not yet come. When
found him in an unusual state, such as he Madam and Col. Olcott had gone last
was always in, whenever explaining the summer to Karley Caves, they saw a certain
Ritual. And I found that the phenomenon Sannyasi with a five-legged cow, who took
exactly corresponded to the time when I saw Col. Olcott aside and gave him the The-
Swamiji in the strange state of "Samadhi" osophical grip. He had then told Col. Ol-
described to you above: "Samadhi" being, cott that he was "Maji's" disciple. I com-
as you perhaps know, that state when the municated this fact on this occasion to “Maji”
adept leaves his body. There was therefore who laughed and replied that it was none
no doubt left for me as to what and how it other than Madam's Guru in the Fakir's
had happened. The next day Mr. and body, who had given Col. Olcott the
Mrs. Sinnett left, for Allahabad and we grip, and that if we were to see that
three with Mrs. Gordon remained at Benares. Fakir again, he would not be able to give us
The next day came "Maji" (who never the sign again, as he was for the time being,
speaks of herself but as "This body") to see taken possession of, by Madam's Guru
Madam, and I alone was then with them, as who often performs such things. Then she
Col. Olcott and Mrs. Gordon had gone with went home, promising to see us again before
Swamiji to see the girls` school. I then gath- our departure.
ered from what she said that she had been
first in the body of a Fakir who, upon having I must state here that about a fort-
his hand disabled by a shot he received while night before I left Bombay Madam had
he passed the Fortress of Bhurtpore, had to asked me how I knew that it was not an Indian
change his body and choose the one that adept who took occasional possession of her
was now "Maji." A girl about seven years body and who did all these things which are
of age was dying at that time and so, before attributed to her. My inference then is that
her death, this Fakir had entered her the real H. P. B. is nothing but either a para-
body and taken possession of it. " M a j i " is lyzed soul or a dead body under the control
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 21
of some adept. I shall now continue the anywhere, I may wander about here and there
thread of my account. for years together but that will be quite use-
less. I must' stop entirely with Madam and
" M a j i " then came for the second time lay my full and only confidence in her. She
and on this occasion all of us were present told me to work in the Society and practise
except Swamiji and Madam who came af- regularly twice a day what Madam had or-
terwards. Col. Olcott then asked " M a j i " dered me to do. In every respect I must act in
some questions about Madam. And "Maji" obedience to her instructions: Then she told
said that Madam was not what she seems to me that I should go- once with Madam to the
be. Her interior man had already been twice mountains of Ganged where these adepts usually
in a Hindu body and was now in his third. live and even if I were not to see any-
She also said that until that time she had body the first time, the magnetized air in
never seen a European but, having got the which they live, will do me much good.
information from her Guru, about Madam, She said that they do not generally stop
she had come to see her. I then asked her if in one place but always shift from one place
the real H. P. B. was still in the body, but she to another. They however, all meet together
refused to answer that question, and only on certain days of the year in a certain place
added that she herself, "Maji" was inferior near Bhadrinath in the Northern part of India, of
to Madam. She then told Col. Olcott that he which you can read in the January Theosophist.
had once been a young Hindu in the She remarked that as India's sons are becoming
Southern part of India, but had died and more and more wicked, they (these adepts)
had to be reborn again. She then explained have gradually been .retiring more and more
to us the meaning of the action of the Fakir in toward the north of the Himalaya Moun-
having brought a five-legged cow at Karli tains. I have written here as far as I can :
when he saw Col. Olcott there and gave recollect what "Maji" had told us
him the Theosophical grip. She said that
every person has a right to repeat the Gayatri You will thus have seen of what a
Mantram which consists of three "Padas" great consequence it is for me to be always
(Metres) but a Brahmachari has a right to with Madam. From the beginning I felt all
repeat one "Pada" more while a Yogi could that "Maji" had told me. Only two or three
repeat as many as he liked and thereby per- days after I applied for .admission into the
form wonders. Thus a Yogi has a right to Society I said to H. P. B., what I
repeat a Mantram consisting of five "Padas" really felt, that I regarded her as my bene-
which is equal to "Om Tat Sat," and as the factor, revered her as my Guru and loved her
word "Pada" also means a foot or a leg, he more than a mother. Ever since I have as-
had purposely brought a five-legged cow to sured her of what I then told her. And now
signify this meaning. And she moreover said "Maji" tells me the same thing, strengthens my
that this symbol was with Madam on her seal- faith and asks me to confide in her (Madam).
ring, although neither she (Madam) nor any And when I afterwards consulted Swamiji in
of us had intimated to "Maji" the fact. regard to myself, he, without my telling
You will have thus seen how Indian instruc- him a word of what "Maji" had said to me,
tions are conveyed by means of symbols and urged me to do the very same thing, that is to
one who can decipher the ancient Aryan sym- say, to put my faith in H. P. B. All along
bols will find a vast field to be explored. She I have felt and do still feel strongly as if I
first tried to tempt me, trying to make me re- had already once studied this philosophy
linquish my object; but when all this failed, with Madam and that I must have been once
she told me that if I wanted to make any her most obedient and humble disciple. This
spiritual progress and see any of our Broth- must have been a fact or else how can you
ers, I must depend entirely for that upon account for the feeling created in me about
Madam. None else was competent to take me her only after seeing her not more than three
through the right path. If I were to go alone or four times. . . . .
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. V, #1 November 17, 2004 Page 22
The Occultists recognize but One
Element which they divide into seven 5. THE DECAY OF RELIGION;
parts, which include the five exoteric FAITH FADING INTO MERE
elements and the two esoteric ones of FORM, LOSING TOUCH WITH
the ancients. As to that Element, they LIFE, LOSING POWER TO GUIDE
call it, indifferently, matter or spirit,
claiming that as matter is infinite and We are at the end of a cycle
indestructible and Spirit likewise, and as
and the beginning of another, or
there cannot exist in the infinite
Universe two omnipresent Eternal in the words of the Master:
elements, any more than two We are at the end of a cycle—
Indestructibles or Infinites can exist — geological and other—and at the
hence Matter and Spirit must be one. beginning of another. Cataclysm is
“All is Spirit and all is Matter,” they to follow cataclysm. The pent-up
say: Purusha-Prakriti are inseparable forces are bursting out in many
and the one cannot exist without the quarters; and not only will men be
other. (“Theosophy & Spiritism”) swallowed up or slain by thou-
sands, “new” land appear and “old”
subside, volcanic eruptions and
Is History Repeating Itself? tidal waves appall; but secrets of an
unsuspected Past will be uncovered
One of the most widely read books to the dismay of Western theorists,
of all time is The Decline And Fall Of The and the humiliation of an imperi-
Roman Empire. written in 1788 by
ous science. This drifting ship, if
Edward Gibbon. It sets forth five basic
reasons why that great civilization watched, may be seen to ground
withered and died. these were: upon the upheaved vestiges of an-
cient civilizations, and fall to pieces.
1. THE UNDERMINING OF THE We are not emulous of the
DIGNITY AND SANCTITY OF THE prophet’s honours: but still, let this
HOME, WHICH IS THE BASIS FOR stand as a prophecy. (“Sakya-
HUMAN SOCIETY. muni’s Place in History”)