Aquarius 2013

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Aquarius 2013: Waters of Life. Initiation. USA, Guns &

Sandy Hook.

“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon Jan 26, 2013. 11.38 pm New York, NY)

Aquarius and Initiation

Aquarius and Buddhic Consciousness
Aquarius, Waters of Life
Aquarius and the Spiritual Will
Aquarius, a Sign of Constant Movement
Obama, Aquarius Rising
Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA
National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment
The Romance of Gun Culture
Fear as the Source

Aquarius and Initiation

The influence of Aquarius is currently very potent, not only because it is the cycle into which the Sun is precessing for
the next 2,160 years, but because Aquarius represents the culmination of many lives upon the fixed cross of soul
evolution, of consciously treading the Way.

That culminating achievement is the third initiation, where the soul achieves control over the perennially rebellious
personality expression that surfaces in many lives:

“Initiation is an achievement and an attained success of the soul — which has at last succeeded in dominating the
personality and in manifesting its true nature and character, in spite of the personality and the antagonism of the
human being intent upon his own purposes.”1

This is a profound statement — can we discern if we are leading a life dominated by the personality or the soul? Is the
personality the servant of the soul or does it only receive an occasional whisper from the higher self? For most of us it
is the latter.

The third initiation is connected to the control of the third body of the personality, the mental body, and it is through
the right use of this most powerful vehicle that overall personality control is brought about — and a “transfiguration”
is effected.

As hinted at in the earlier passage, it involves on the one hand a firm control by the mental body over the personality
as a whole; upon the other hand, a “getting out of the way” of oneself, to be the “negative dweller”2 — allowing the
soul to dominate the personality.

Small groups of candidates will take the third initiation as the world progresses into the first decanate of Aquarius in
the next few hundred years, ruled over by Saturn, Lord of Karma and Initiation.

The group of celestial Beings we know as the zodiac sign Aquarius,

was activated millions of years ago, when our current rootrace was
emerging from the destruction and remnants of Atlantis. The major
ray that pours through Aquarius is the fifth ray of science,
stimulating and influencing the mental bodies of Fifth Rootrace

Hence, there is an imminent “harvesting cycle” due from this ancient

stimulation, for a small but significant proportion of the world’s
population, a group that will carry the illumination conferred upon
them, on behalf of all Humanity; these will be individuals from all
disciplines, globally.
The Threshing Floor. (Alexey Venetsianov
1780-1847.) Again, Saturn is involved in the
process, as the “reaper” and
guardian at the door of initiation, the ruler and tester of the first decanate of Aquarius,
the one who presides over the “thrashing floor” of initiation — where the golden
sattvas or seeds are extracted — to be stored in the great grain bin of the soul or
causal body.

Aquarius and Buddhic Consciousness

“[Aquarius] … is, therefore, largely responsible for the changes now being effected in
our planetary life … because it is an air sign, its influence is all pervasive and inter-
penetrating. To many types of mind, this influence is intangible and must, therefore,
be unable to produce the desired results; yet the fact is that these intangible
pervasive results are of far greater potency and are far more extensive in their effects
The Causal Body.3
than the more concrete and spectacular happenings.”4

When the four elements of the zodiac signs are considered, the following associations apply:

Element Plane

Earth physical plane

Water astral plane

Fire mental plane

Air buddhic plane

As an air sign, Aquarius concerns the intangible buddhic principle that, as a mediator between spirit and matter,
conveys the seeds of all life and creation. It can be accessed from the mental plane most easily by those who have
transmuted thought into wisdom.

Uranus, ruler of both Aquarius and the seventh ray of ceremonial order, through its mental orientation, has the
capacity to bring spirit into matter, onto the seventh plane of manifestation, the physical plane:

“Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life … Uranus
causes the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual perception to intuitive knowledge.”5

Aquarius, Waters of Life

Somewhat paradoxically, Aquarius is also connected to water, symbolised by its glyph of wavy lines (K). The Water-
Bearer, the world server with a pitcher upon her shoulders, ready to pour forth the waters of life. Water is connected
to the feeling nature, the astral plane, for most, the main area of reception for the intuitive awareness that pours
down (like a waterfall), from the buddhic plane.

“Astral energies emanating from the new sign of the zodiac into which we are
now entering, the sign Aquarius. This sign, that of the water-carrier, is a living
sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force)
stimulate … astral bodies … into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of
humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the
life … forward into synthesis and unity.

This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it,
but which — in a thousand years — will have welded all mankind into a perfect
brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to “purify” the astral bodies … so
that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later
stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency
as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality!”6

Only a thousand years, not long to wait in the greater scheme of things! That
period is not far away, relatively speaking, half-way through the age of
Aquarius, in the Mercury-ruled decanate — Mercury embodying in its highest
Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite National expression, the buddhic principle.
Park (© 2008 Paul Veilleux)
The purification of the astral body will be a huge revolution in human
consciousness, recalling the eleventh Aquarian labour of Hercules who diverts a
mighty river to cleanse the filth of the Augean stables. It will culminate in large masses of humanity taking the second
initiation, a huge feat.

Since the discovery of Aquarius’s ruler Uranus in 1781,

these humanitarian values have been steadily increasing. A
good example was during a sub-cycle of the seventh ray in
the 1860’s with the US Civil War, ignited by the issue of
slavery. Aquarian president Abraham Lincoln struck a blow
for liberty.

Lincoln (See more astrological information here.), always

brought matters back to the Declaration of Independence,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident …”, as a
foundation of his political philosophy. Uranus-Aquarius’s
penchant for radical reform was most evident. (One
definition of radical means returning to the root source.)

Today on a higher turn of the spiral, slavery of all kinds is

rigorously fought globally and in the USA, a nation Hercules and the Augean Stables
presided over by the USA’s first black president and
Aquarius rising, Barack Obama. Lincoln’s legacy has borne fruit and it is an interesting coincidence that a new film
depicting Lincoln’s life has just been released at Obama’s second term (second chance/Second Amendment), pointing
toward a much needed re-enunciation of the Constitutional principles he stood for.

+ Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln (Both share Chiron in Aquarius.)

In Aquarius, humanitarian motives derive both from an emotional empathy and a mental apprehension of causes – that
leads to compassion through understanding.

This “apprehension of causes” is derived from the influence of personality ruler Uranus (ruler of the seventh ray) and
its ability to penetrate the arcanum through the veils of maya.

The influence of Uranus “the Liberator”, births the social revolutionary, who, responding to the deep compassion
generated by Aquarius soul ruler Jupiter, understands the plight of their fellows, bringing social revolution and change
to the existing paradigm. Even at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, the following age of Aquarius was hinted at in
the New Testament,

“Christ sent His disciples into the city to find the man “bearing a pitcher of water” upon his shoulder. This is the
symbol of the sign Aquarius — the sign in which the universality of the water of life will become a factor in human
consciousness; then we shall indeed all sit down eventually to the communion of bread and wine. He referred indirectly
to the same idea when He spoke of Himself as the “water of life,” assuaging the thirst of humanity.”7

This “sitting at the table” is also connected to King Arthur’s round table and the Leo-Aquarius axis of the individual
and group. The round table confers equality of the king (Leo) with his knights (Aquarius), who can enter into a
“communion” and uphold a principle for the greater good.

The water of life is the Love-Wisdom ray energy, ruled over by Jupiter, the soul ruler of Aquarius. Jupiter is the real
water-bearer, allowing “soul expression … spiritual consciousness and the power to pour out love and wisdom upon
earth.”8 “Jupiter gives an inherent tendency to fusion which nothing can arrest. The achievement of ultimate
synthesis is inevitable, and this Jupiter promotes.”9 “Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his
water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.”10

Aquarius and the Spiritual Will

Aquarius has a most manifest expression of Love-Wisdom but it is also connected to the spiritual will, this “life more
abundantly”, the “implementing force of universality”.11 The following are just a few points that refer to this
relationship of the spiritual will to Aquarius:

1. Uranus as planetary ruler of Aquarius, holds a special place in the solar system as the “first synthesising scheme”
and hence to the “first aspect”, the will.

2. Aquarius also has an unique relationship to Alcyone in the Pleaides constellation, called the “star of the individual”
or the “star of intelligence”. Although the Pleiades and Aquarius are profoundly associated with the third ray of
intelligence, Alcyone is the star around which our entire solar system revolves.12 This is a powerful first ray theme.

3. Aquarius is one of three major constellations that influence the ashram of Sanat Kumara at Shamballa, the head
centre of the planet, from whence the will and purpose of the planetary plan is directed.13

4. The “life thread” or will aspect of the antahkarana is anchored in the human heart (if it is severed, we die). First ray
Leo the Lion-heart has jurisdiction here, whilst polar opposite Aquarius governs the blood stream, carrying that life
force to all parts of the body. We can consider this on a cosmic level as well — as above, so below.

Aquarius, a Sign of Constant Movement

Traditionally, as one of the fixed zodiac signs, Aquarius is not associated with constant movement, which is the
outstanding trait of the mutable signs Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces. Yet considering the symbolism of the glyph for

“Aquarius is pre-eminently a sign of constant movement, of changing activity and recurrent mutations, and the
symbol for the sign [K] is expressive of this state of activity. It is, therefore, a sign in which the significance of cycles
is mastered and understood by the initiate.

The results of the valley experience (to use the well-known language of the mystics of all ages) and of the mountain
top with its vision and light, are very vividly depicted by the sign.

The Aquarian can experience the depths of depression and of self-depreciation or he can know and pass through the
exaltation of the soul and the sense of spiritual power which soul control gives, and know them to be the interplay and
the action and reaction which are necessary for growth and comprehension. The law of such action and reaction is the
law with which he works.”14

Valley of the Shadow of Death

(Frederic Edwin Church)

The “law of action and reaction” is the law of karma, connected to Saturn as the ruler of the first decanate of
Aquarius and its adjacent sign Capricorn, the law. The highs and lows of Aquarius are related to the fourth ray of
harmony through conflict that has a powerful, indirect influence through the hierarchical ruler the Moon,

“… the fourth ray indicates the field of service and the mode of attaining the goal. This mode or method is that of
conflict and struggle in order to reach harmony and thus express all truly human characteristics …”15

The “constant activity and movement” of Aquarius is also the third ray energy mentioned earlier.

Obama, Aquarius Rising

Obama’s horoscope has been covered in several past newsletters that can be found on this website. Obama shares his
soul purpose of Aquarius rising with the Aquarian soul of the USA. With his Sun in Leo and Jupiter also in Aquarius,
Obama exemplifies the Leo-Aquarius polarity, demonstrated in his recent all-encompassing Inauguration Day speech of

“… in Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo and its sign of consummation, s/he becomes outgoing; there is no centre or
circle of circumscribed influence but only two outgoing lines of energy [K], pouring from him/her into the world of
wo/men. The self-conscious individual in Leo (E) becomes the conscious server in Aquarius, and this is well expressed
for us in the symbols of these two signs.”16

The true Aquarian unifies and brings together. Obama’s powerful

speech repeated “we the people” like a mantra many times
over — hammering home one of the most well known themes of
the Declaration of Independence (A declaration for the world):

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Obama’s address hit all the high notes and was inclusive of
political foes alike, emphasising the spirit of co-operation needed Obama Inauguration Speech 2013
for the USA to go ahead — this spirit can be selfishly or
unselfishly motivated.

Writing during the 1940’s, DK made a reference to Leo-Aquarius and dictators like Hitler, who brought the nation
together, utilising an “undesirable” expression of Aquarius, ultimately fostering hate and divisiveness:

“Passing as we are into the Aquarian Age in which the spirit of Aquarius will be exemplified in its universality and its
sense of “general distribution,” it is inevitable that a point of crisis should be reached. The true Leo type must react in
a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in
Leo or who have Leo rising.

The reason for this is that Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is
far more potent than at any previous time in racial history … It is because of this fact that you have the appearance
of the dictators in different countries at this time, and it is because of this fact also that in this present cycle (the
ante-chamber of the New Age) you have the pronounced attitude of these dictators — an attitude which is so often
ignored but which has real racial value. It is the attitude which leads to a synthesis of the national life, aims and
intentions. A typical instance of this attitude is that of Hitler.

No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and
blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and
most undesirable aspect. It is also of the nature of Leo, for the people who can produce these results have necessarily
to be intensely self-aware. This is the major characteristic of the Leo person. What part Leo may play In the personal
horoscope of Hitler I do not know, for I have not investigated it, but it plays a very prominent part in the horoscope of
his soul.”17

Hitler had Saturn in Leo and was certainly in the Leonine spotlight holding enormous power for many years. The Leo
subject is always challenged to use power responsibly, as the first ray of will or power flows through this sign. Leo the
ruler, Aquarius the people. Leo the actor at centre stage, Aquarius the adoring audience.

“In Leo, the individual awakens to his own identity, concentrates his purpose, learns the lessons and uses of
selfishness (for that is one of the best ways to learn and to discover that it is contrary to the laws of the soul), and is
eventually so cornered by the life processes that he becomes aware of the futility of self- interest.

In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the
group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity.”18

Yet, even advanced Aquarians have to be careful of succumbing to some of the lower tendencies of Aquarius:

“The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is
little to be found. Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service
and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.”19

The fifth ray is the only ray that passes through Aquarius and is ruled by Venus — the union of heart and mind. Venus
rules the last decanate of Aquarius and holds the promise of an era of brotherly love within the family of humanity.

The war and strife that has stained humanity throughout the ages — because it has not been able to live by the divine
laws it was gifted in ancient times — will give way under the influence of Aquarius, to an era of peaceful co-operation
and illumination. This is a momentous opportunity and the world is groping its way out of the darkness toward that
approaching dawn.

Approaching Dawn (Christopher Martin)

Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA

In Aquarius 2011, there was a discussion of the Aquarian soul of the United States of America, because this nation’s
soul destiny is to lead the world — between the culmination of the Fifth Rootrace in Europe and the emerging sixth
rootrace in South America. However, that Aquarian soul will not be able to express itself until it has brought its
personality under control, conditioned by the sixth ray of devotion and idealism.

In USA’s current gun control crisis there lies a major

opportunity for its sixth ray personality to arrive at a point
of maturation and integration — that will eventually allow
its soul purpose to manifest.

“If the idealism of the United States of America can be

illumined by the law of love and not by personality self-
expression, then the pattern which underlies the structure
of the States may be seen in lines of light and we shall look
for future racial light instead of the many separative
national lines.

At present it is the personality ray of the United States which controls … A close study of that for which each nation
stands will be most revealing and their pattern will emerge — a pattern of personality selfishness or a pattern of soul

The personality ray controlled then (1940’s) as it does now, as in most nations today. In its lower expression,
Aquarius is superficial and selfish, serving the lower self. At a higher level, it consecrates its service to the whole.
Currently the USA is dominated by special-interest groups and organisations, who are themselves “immature Aquarian
entities” (the shadow of the Aquarian age) — that self-serve the world’s resources; they are powerful minorities who
have great lobbying influence, who have cornered most of the income, who are not “consecrated to the whole”.

National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment

One such organisation is the National Rifle Association (NRA), born on November 17, 1871 (Fairfax, VA). The Sun is in
Mars-ruled Scorpio and opposes Scorpio co-ruler, Pluto in Taurus — now there’s a combination for power and influence!
The Moon is in Aquarius (as is USA’s moon), hinting at the “undesirable” aspect of Aquarius mentioned earlier. Mind-
numbingly dumb advertisements were recently unleashed upon the public, in a rigid and desperate bid for survival.

“Since the 1970s, the NRA has undergone a series of

political crises, focused on taking control of the
organization and changing its focus away from hunting,
conservation and marksmanship to one of Second
Amendment advocacy and political mobilization.”21

This Second Amendment (the right for people to keep

and bear arms), was born in a time of revolution and
ferment on December 15, 1791. It might have been
necessary then, but is it so necessary now? The NRA’s
argument is entirely false; it uses the Second
Amendment as a cover to maintain its power and
control economically, such as supporting the
manufacture of highly profitable armaments.
Charlton Heston and his infamous remark, “… from my
cold dead hands…” (will anyone take his gun.) The NRA is typical of many other corporate entities,
manipulating through fear and “technology seduction”,
large swathes of the less discriminating population, to think that they need a high powered semi automatic rifle or

Recently, there were thousands of people queuing around city blocks, all across America, in a panic gun-buy-up, in
anticipation of the Democrats’ new gun laws; it was jaw-dropping to see this on TV, to say the least. (It also happens
after every mass shooting.) The images of gun sales and gun shows (where several people were recently shot!),
prompted observers in the rest of the world to say, “Are these Americans just a bunch of f%$#&** idiots or what?
What do they need guns for, in such disproportionate numbers, compared to the rest of the world? Are they going to
wear the sidearm to the supermarket or the movies, just in case there is a deranged killer waiting to take you out?” Or
leave it at home for one of the family members to go on a killing spree, as so often happens.

Head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre (born November 8, 1948) also has the Sun in Scorpio, at the point of a T-
square — to Pluto in Leo and Moon in Aquarius! The perfect person to lead a sociopathic and predatory organisation,
with his absurdly comic-book line, “Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.” This was a deliberate
“dumbing-down” statement to serve NRA’s agenda, yet he also made a more intelligent observation that is certainly
another ingredient in the mix:

“… the media’s celebration of violence and the glorification of killers “act as silent enablers.” Equally, video games
allow players to simulate mass murder. ”

Of course other nations are equally exposed to the same

media but do not have the same homicide figures. But the
glorification and propaganda of violence, particularly the
remote and very cold or gratuitous varieties, are
disturbing and ongoing problems that saturate the
masses world-wide; those masses need to be offered
better visions of beauty, of ideal and possible worlds.

In many ways the violence reflects the conflict of the

warring pairs of opposites upon the mental and emotional
planes — for humanity as a whole. It is argued as
‘cathartic’ on the one hand — for those who are
marginalised or feel disempowered, yet a morbid and
negative influence is the other criticism. Then there are “Natural Born Killers”
the horror and gruesome “splatterday” genres, a whole
other subplane of the lower astral plane “hell realm”.

The NRA may have originally had some redeeming features, but currently it is simply another corrupt entity that
contributes to the malaise within the body of the USA. Although it bears some responsibility, it is not entirely the
NRA’s “fault”, it is just part of the US culture, conditioned by the sixth ray and Mars.

USA’s personality is also influenced by Gemini, hence its deeply divided nature
regarding many issues, not just gun control. This is why Sandy Hook was a
watershed moment to take on other issues that divide the states. Hence Lincoln’s
current “presence” and the spectre of the US Civil War is a reminder of those
divisions, but also of what was healed.

Therefore, USA’s ongoing gun violence and horrific massacres are just one
symptom of its ongoing personality integration and maturation. Compared to the
nations of Europe, some of whom are thousands of years old, The USA is barely
250 years — as it moves toward its first “Pluto return” in the next several years.

Although there has been a maturation that has taken place, it still has some quirks
of personality that consistently derail or distort its soul purpose:

”Some nations are fluid and not properly integrated as are the masses of people
everywhere; others are integrated entities, or fully expressing personalities; others
“No Country for Old Men” are crystallised and have nearly run their course as personalities…”22

Yet, whilst the nations of Europe have nowhere near the gun problem in the USA, it is not simply a matter of
maturation because nations like Australia and New Zealand, that are also only around 200 years, do not have on
average, anywhere near the amount of gun ownership or gun deaths like the USA. So why the USA, what is it that
drives the sorry saga of mass killings and the gun culture in general?

The Romance of Gun Culture

The zodiac sign Gemini also conditions the USA personality, but let us examine the sixth ray of devotion and idealism
first. The sixth ray is ruled by Mars, traditional ruler of guns. In the original constitution, the right to bear arms was
enshrined and was appropriate for those tumultuous years, through a civil war and the latter days of the wild west.

Go ahead, make my day — or I’ll be back!

Unfortunately, an obsessional and fanatical gun culture has emerged from this history, and even though guns are
mostly not needed anymore, the culture has been fostered in various ways.

1. It has been mythologised in movies and media by romanticising the American cowboy, the lone rancher protecting
his family, the Mafia and the renegade Easy Rider who took issue with authority, or the upright citizen who takes the
law into his own hands. This surely contributes to giving people a sense of “permission” or “enablement” to solve their
problems through eradication rather than communication; ironic for a Gemini personality, being the zodiac sign of

2. The less obvious manipulation by big business to keep selling guns, donating $40 million annually now to the
National Rifle Association (NRA). This huge industry is worth about $12 billion a year and the NRA’s budget is $300
million a year! (See also this link: 25 Statistics That Reveal Everything You Need To Know About The U.S. Firearms

3. The rise of the military-industrial complex that has created so many wars for profit since the 1960’s. That
phenomenon has been glorified and propagandised in many movies made in the USA — dramatising the power and
destruction that living by the gun brings.

There are over 30,000 deaths by firearms annually in the USA.

In 2011 there were 11,101 gun homicides; that’s 30 people
every day murdered by guns — over one Sandy Hook or
close to three Auroras a day. With these kind of averages, it’s
only a matter of time before the next big one. (As of this
writing today, a 15 year-old in New Mexico took out his family
of five.) The nation does not notice this daily toll, because it
derives from the many states, where one or two people are
shot here and there.

But nevertheless, that is the daily average, and it is only

noticed when a deranged gunman decides to emulate the
many that have gone before him, that the US population
notices. Massacres are occurring every day, they are
just not as obvious or heart-breaking as a school full
of innocent children becoming proverbial lambs to the
(© Matt Wuerker)

Suicides by firearms for the USA in 2011 were 19,766 – 54 per day. Giving people less choice about how to end their
own life or the lives of others may well be curbed by stricter gun laws, buy-back programs, firearm surrenders,
amnesties etc. (It worked in Australia.) It is obvious, that with such a national irresponsibility, such draconian
measures could be considered. This is where Obama must seize the day and do all in his power against prevailing

It is interesting to note that Obama’s Mars is at 22 Virgo 34, whilst the Second Amendment chart (Dec 15, 1791) has
Mars at 22 Virgo 31. Very close synastry, falling into a close square with Mars in Gemini in the USA exoteric
horoscope. This author has written extensively about the problem of Mars in Gemini, square to Neptune in Virgo. Both
planets are co-rulers of the sixth ray, representing USA’s high idealism, its interference in foreign affairs, its litigation
culture and aggressive media manipulation.

Obama and the Second Amendment’s Mars therefore, both sit on USA’s Neptune in the ninth house of philosophy and
ethics, spirituality and religion — squaring Mars in Gemini. The battle lines are drawn and Obama has nothing to lose in
his new second term!

In the case of accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries, there are approximately 24,000 per year or 65 per day. These are
extraordinary figures and point to the fact that for most people, it is completely unnecessary to own a gun. The
estimated number of guns owned by Americans is 270 to 300 million million, about one for every American citizen. The
old adage comes to mind — if you want to live by the gun, then be prepared to die by the gun – a very grim and
strange truth for this nation.

Fear as the Source

Many other nations have high gun ownership,
violent video games and movies, yet none of them
come close to the USA for gun homicides. With
homicides or suicides, the mental and emotional
state of the individual is always outside of the
normal sphere, being affected by a variety of

The high rate of perpetrators of these crimes is

connected with the balancing of the pairs of
opposites upon the mental plane — for the nation
as a whole. The balance is tipped occasionally and
No, this is not a military base, it’s a US gun shop display wall!
someone comes forth and acts out the nation’s
shadow, expressing the national imbalance,. Quite
often the offenders are young and very bright college kids (Virginia Tech, Aurora etc).

But essentially, that which lies at the heart, or should we say, solar plexus of the issue, is fear. The solar plexus is
ruled by the same two planets that rule the sixth ray of idealism — Mars and Neptune. Fear is the major glamour of
the second ray of love-wisdom, the soul ray of the USA. Mars is reactive, volatile and passionate, whilst Neptune is the
pacifist and idealist. The United States has plenty of both qualities, lending itself to the somewhat dualistic nature of
its Gemini (The Twins) personality expression.

Fear has been fostered on an individual level or projected onto

other nations via “existential threats” at a national level. It has
been the glamour of fear that has brought about this situation;
it is fear (perhaps even paranoia in some cases) that must be
dispelled before the USA can move as a nation — to a place of
real courage and a loving heart that reflects its second ray
love-wisdom soul. (This courage factor is also reflected in the
USA’s esoteric horoscope, with Aquarius rising placing the
Gemini Sun in the Leonine fifth house.)

We have all witnessed the soul of the USA shine at various

times, but it keeps getting obscured by the shadowy
vicissitudes of an unintegrated personality — Gemini and the
sixth ray. Gemini is very unstable at the best of times, so it is
this factor combined with the sixth ray that must realise some
sort of harmony.

The situation is compounded by the fact that the USA is currently acting out the World Dweller, a battlefield for the
global forces of materialism trying to dim the flickering and trembling light of the Aquarian dawn.

The USA has its best opportunity to confront that fear once
and for all; to face its shadow and take courageous action in
the wake of Sandy Hook. In the USA exoteric chart, the
transit of Pluto opposing USA’s Sun in Cancer for the next
couple of years will provide that opportunity. (For a detailed
description of this transit, click here.)

The Sun represents the personality expression in its three-

fold structure. The emotional body component of the USA
personality will most likely be the main factor stimulated
until 2015, especially the watery Cancerian personality in
the exoteric chart.

Vicissitudes (Underwater sculptures by Jason de The solar plexus is the seat of the emotional body and like
Caires Taylor) the sixth ray, is ruled by the same two planets, Mars and
Neptune. Mars is reactive, volatile and passionate, whilst
Neptune is the pacifist and idealist. The United States has plenty of both qualities, lending itself to the somewhat
dualistic nature of its Gemini (The Twins) personality expression.

Hence, as sixth ray personality, the USA’s way through its current dilemma is to understand its violence and idealism,
two qualities that do not come from a mentally oriented place, they are emotional in essence. Idealism can be often
unrealistic, yet it has been that high vision that has driven the USA onwards and upwards, in fighting for freedom,
justice and equality.

But now the opposite of freedom is true, the USA has become trapped by its idealism, a prisoner of its devotion to a
cause or of outdated amendments from two centuries ago. The question remains, can its Aquarian soul prevail in the
next few crucial years, leading to a generous and abundant national co-operation based upon compassion, or will it
slide into fear and even greater self-serving control by private or public bodies?

Phillip Lindsay © 2013.

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1. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [ ]

2. Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.156. [ ]
3. [ ]
4. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [ ]
5. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.149, 139. [ ]
6. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [ ]
7. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.566. [ ]
8. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.137. [ ]
9. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.139. [ ]
10. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [ ]
11. The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.228. [ ]
12. The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.501. [ ]
13. The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.228. [ ]
14. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.141-2. [ ]
15. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.137. [ ]
16. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.142. [ ]
17. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.285-6. [ ]
18. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.145. [ ]
19. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [ ]
20. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.392. [ ]
21. Wikipedia. [ ]
22. The Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [ ]
23. The Huffington Post, Harry Bradford. [ ]

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