Grellina en Diabetes
Grellina en Diabetes
Grellina en Diabetes
Exogenous Ghrelin Increases Plasma Insulin Level in
Diabetic Rats †
Haba Elabadlah 1,2 , Rasheed Hameed 3 , Crystal D’Souza 3 , Sahar Mohsin 3 and
Ernest A. Adeghate 3, *
1 Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University,
Al Ain P.O.B. 17666, UAE;
2 Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, Al Ain P.O.B. 222297, UAE
3 Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University,
Al Ain P.O.B. 17666, UAE; (R.H.); (C.D.); (S.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +971-3-7137496
† Short title: Ghrelin in pancreatic islets.
Received: 12 March 2020; Accepted: 15 April 2020; Published: 19 April 2020
Abstract: Ghrelin, a 28-amino acid peptide, is a strong growth hormone secretagogue and a regulator of
food intake. In addition, ghrelin is thought to play a role in insulin secretion and in glucose homeostasis.
A lot of contradictory data have been reported in the literature regarding the co-localization of ghrelin
with other hormones in the islet of Langerhans, its role in insulin secretion and attenuation of
type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this study, we investigate the effect of chronic ghrelin treatment on
glucose, body weight and insulin level in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic male Wistar rats.
We have also examined the distribution pattern and co-localization of ghrelin with insulin in pancreatic
islet cells using immunohistochemistry and immune-electron microscopy and the ability of ghrelin to
stimulate insulin release from the CRL11065 beta cell line. Control, non-diabetic groups received
intraperitoneal injection of normal saline, while treated groups received intraperitoneal injection of
5 µg/kg body weight of ghrelin (amino acid chain 24–51) on a daily basis for a duration of four weeks.
Our results show that the administration of ghrelin increases the number of insulin-secreting beta
cells and serum insulin level in both normal and diabetic rats. We also demonstrated that ghrelin
co-localizes with insulin in pancreatic islet cells and that the pattern of ghrelin distribution is altered
after the onset of diabetes. Moreover, ghrelin at a dose of 10−6 M and 10−12 M increased insulin
release from the CRL11065 beta cell line. In summary, ghrelin co-localizes with insulin in the secretory
granules of pancreatic beta cells and enhances insulin production.
1. Introduction
Ghrelin, a 28-amino acid peptide, was discovered in 1999 from a few milligram of stomach
extract [1,2]. Ghrelin is encoded in pre-pro-ghrelin, which on splicing yields three peptides; a single
peptide, a mature peptide and a C-terminal peptide [3]. The third amino acid (Ser3) of ghrelin peptide
is modified by n-octanoic acid, which is a unique acyl modification essential for ghrelin’s activity.
The word “Ghrelin” is derived from “ghre”, which means “grow” in proto-Indo-European languages,
and “relin”, which means release [4] to indicate the role of ghrelin in stimulating growth hormone
release [5].
Ghrelin binds to ghrelin receptor or growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) which
belongs to the G-Protein-coupled receptor family [6]. The GHSR gene generates GHS-R1a and
GHS-R1b isoforms that differ in their carboxyl-terminal. GHS-R1a has seven transmembrane domains,
while GHS-R1b lacks the transmembrane domains 6 and 7. Isoform 1a is known to be the active form
where ghrelin binds and yields different signal transduction in different cells to exert its effect [7–9].
GHS-R is located in both the central and the peripheral nervous systems [10–12]. Furthermore, GHS-R
was found to be expressed in the thyroid gland, spleen, myocardium and adrenal gland, stomach,
small and large intestines, liver, lung, adipose tissue and pancreas, indicating the numerous roles of
ghrelin [13,14].
However, ghrelin itself was reported to be expressed predominantly in the fundus of the
stomach [15], kidney glomerulus [16], intestine [17], human placenta [18] and in human T cells, B cells
and neutrophils [19]. Ghrelin has also been shown to be present in human pancreas [20], where many
studies showed that ghrelin co-localizes with insulin in β cells [21], while others revealed the presence
of ghrelin in α cells [22]. Ghrelin was also reported in a new pancreatic islet cell, known as the epsilon
cell [23].
Since ghrelin has been localized to many body systems, it has since been shown to play a role in the
function of many organ systems. It has also been reported that ghrelin is capable of stimulating gastric
acid secretion and motility [24]. In addition, ghrelin has been shown to have a potent cardioprotective
effect, where it may help in the prevention of heart failure [25,26]. Plasma ghrelin is said to increase
dramatically after the onset of advanced renal failure [27], but it is markedly reduced in advanced
cancer cases [28].
In fact, it has been shown that ghrelin is implicated in the proliferation and progression of
tumors [29]. The involvement of ghrelin in the etiopathogenesis of cancer is further confirmed by
the identification of ghrelin variants (In1-ghrelin) in human mammary gland tumors [30]. Moreover,
ghrelin and ghrelin receptor were reported to densely populate cancer of the prostate gland [31].
Ghrelin has an important role in many other physiological functions such as learning [32], memory [33],
sleeping [34], depression [35], and addiction [36].
In spite of the well-established role of ghrelin in many body systems, its effect on insulin
release from the pancreas has been nothing but controversial. Many studies have shown that ghrelin
inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin release from both human as well as rodent models of diabetes
mellitus [37,38]. In contrast, Tong and others [39] reported that unacylated ghrelin did not alter basal
or glucose-induced insulin release in humans. To further increase the controversy, studies reported by
Granata et al. [40] showed that both acylated ghrelin and unacylated ghrelin can increase the level of
insulin in experimental diabetes.
These differences may be due to the type of ghrelin, species, tissues or cell line used. Three types
of ghrelin have been used in studies examining the effect of ghrelin on insulin release. Acylated ghrelin
stimulates food intake and increases body weight gain, adipose tissue pool and hyperglycemia, via the
hypothalamic orexigenic pathway [41]. In contrast, unacylated ghrelin does not stimulate food intake
nor induce hyperglycemia [41]. A combination of both molecules has also been used to study insulin
release from the pancreas [42].
All of these observations clearly indicate that the role of ghrelin on insulin release is far from
definite. Studies from our laboratory, using whole length ghrelin peptide, showed that ghrelin is
present in the pancreatic islet of rats and can also stimulate insulin release [42]. The controversy
regarding the cellular localization of ghrelin in the pancreas and its role in insulin secretion has
been ongoing since the discovery of this important peptide hormone by Kojima et al. in 1999 [1].
The aim of this study is to re-visit and clarify the pattern of distribution of ghrelin in the endocrine
pancreas. We also intend to explore whether the chronic administration of ghrelin has any role in the
augmentation of pancreatic beta cell number or the prevention of diabetes mellitus, using a rodent
model of diabetes where insulin is severely depleted. Co-localization studies were also performed to
determine whether ghrelin and insulin are topographically associated.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 633 3 of 19
I. Normal control (n = 6): Normal male rats were treated with 5 µg/kg body weight of saline.
II. Normal treated (n = 6): Normal male rats were treated with 5 µg/kg body weight of ghrelin
(amino acid chain 24–51).
III. Diabetic control (n = 6): Diabetic male rats were treated with 5 µg/kg body weight of saline.
IV. Diabetic Treated (n = 6): Diabetic male rats were treated with 5 µg/kg body weight of ghrelin
(amino acid chain 24–51).
V. Pre-diabetic Treated (n = 6): Normal male rats were treated with 5 µg/kg body weight of
ghrelin (amino acid chain 24–51) for 4 weeks before the induction of diabetes on the 5th week
to determine whether ghrelin can prevent STZ-induced diabetes.
Table 1. List of the primary and secondary antibodies of names and their dilutions.
3. Results
3.1. Effect of Ghrelin Treatment on Body Weight, Fasting Blood Glucose Level and Glucose Tolerance Test
At the end of the experiment, the body weight of diabetic rats treated with ghrelin did not
significantly change compared to that of the corresponding untreated diabetic controls. Moreover,
the administration of ghrelin to normal, non-diabetic rats did not significantly alter body weight when
compared to that of untreated non-diabetic rats. In contrast, the body weight of treated and untreated
normal, non-diabetic rats was significantly higher than that of their diabetic counterparts (Figure 1a).
Ghrelin treatment did not significantly reduce FBG level in diabetic rats compared to untreated diabetic
controls. The FBG in all diabetic groups (treated and untreated) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher
compared to those of non-diabetic groups (treated and untreated, Figure 1b). In the pre-diabetic
treated group, treating rats with ghrelin prior to the chemical induction of diabetes via STZ resulted in
body weight increase, while the FBG was maintained within the normal range (Figure 1b). However,
upon diabetes induction using STZ, pre-diabetic treated rats showed a significant reduction in their
body weight, whereas fasting blood glucose level was increased significantly (Figure 1c).
Figure 1. Effect of ghrelin on body weight, fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test. (a) Effect
Figure 1. Effect of ghrelin on body weight, fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test. (a) Effect
of ghrelin treatment on body weight (gm) in normal and diabetic Wistar rats treated with either ghrelin
of ghrelin treatment on body weight (gm) in normal and diabetic Wistar rats treated with either
or normal saline (NS), during a course of four weeks (n = 7). (b) Effect of ghrelin treatment on fasting
ghrelin or normal saline (NS), during a course of four weeks (n = 7). (b) Effect of ghrelin treatment on
blood glucose level (mg/dL) in normal and diabetic Wistar rats treated with either ghrelin or normal
fasting blood glucose level (mg/dL) in normal and diabetic Wistar rats treated with either ghrelin or
saline (NS) (n = 7). (c) The effect of four weeks of ghrelin treatment on preventing or delaying the
normal saline (NS) (n = 7). (c) The effect of four weeks of ghrelin treatment on preventing or delaying
onset of STZ-induced diabetes mellitus in Wistar rats (Group V, Pre-diabetic). Fasting blood glucose
the onset
level of STZ-induced
“mg/dL” (blue line) anddiabetes mellitus
body weight in Wistar
“gm” rats
(red line) in (Group
normal ratsV, Pre-diabetic). Fastingbefore
treated with ghrelin blood
glucose level “mg/dL” (blue line) and body weight “gm” (red line) in normal rats treated with
induction of diabetes in the fifth week of the study (arrow). (n = 7). (d) The effect of ghrelin treatment ghrelin
on induction
glucose of diabetes
tolerance in the fifth
test in normal and week of the
diabetic studytreated
groups (arrow).with(n either
= 7). (d) The effect
ghrelin or NSof(n
= 7).
treatment on glucose tolerance test in normal
Results are expressed as mean ± SD. (*** p ≤ 0.001). and diabetic groups treated with either ghrelin or NS
(n = 7). Results are expressed as mean ± SD. (*** p ≤ 0.001).
3.2. Effect of Ghrelin Treatment on the Pattern of Distribution of Insulin-Positive Cells
3.2. Effect of ghrelin treatment on the pattern of distribution of insulin-positive cells
Insulin-positive cells: insulin-immunoreactive islet cells were located mainly in the central
and peripheral regionscells: insulin-immunoreactive
of the islets of normal control isletrats
cells were located
(Figure 2a). The mainly
pattern in of
central and
of regions of the islets
insulin-immunoreactive cells of
wasnormal control
not altered ratstreatment
after (Figure 2a). The pattern rats
of non-diabetic of distribution
with ghrelin of
(Figure 2b). In the diabetic cells was not
control altered
group (Figureafter treatment
2c), of non-diabetic rats
insulin-immuno-positive with
cells wereghrelin
in theInislet
the diabetic control
as a result of STZgroup (Figure
selective 2c), insulin-immuno-positive
destruction of insulin-secretin β cells were
cells. On hardly seen hand,
the other in the
aislet as anumber
higher result of
ofSTZ selective destruction cells
insulin-immuno-positive of insulin-secretin
can be observed β cells. On the
randomly in other
both thehand, a higher
central and
number ofregions
peripheral insulin-immuno-positive
of islets of diabetic cells can be with
rats treated observed
before and in after
central and
of DM,
(Figure 2e,d),regions of islets of diabetic rats treated with ghrelin before and after the onset of DM,
(Figure 2e,d), respectively.
Ghrelin-positive cells: ghrelin-containing cells were observed in the central as well as peripheral
regions Ghrelin-positive
of pancreaticcells:
of normal control cellsrats,
observed in the central as cells
insulin-secreting well asareperipheral
found of pancreatic islets of normal
2f). Meanwhile, control
in normal rats,
rats wherewith
treated insulin-secreting cells are usually
ghrelin, the distribution patternfound
(Figure 2f). Meanwhile, in normal rats treated with ghrelin, the distribution
ghrelin-immuno-positive cells was similar to that of untreated non-diabetic control (Figure 2g). It was pattern of ghrelin-
observed cellsiswas
that not only similar of
the number to insulin-secreting
that of untreated non-diabetic
cells affected by DM control (Figure
(Figure 2g).also
2c), but It was
number not only is the number
ghrelin-containing of insulin-secreting
cells appears to be reduced when cells affected
compared by to
DM (Figure
that 2c), but
of normal also
the number
(Figure 2h). of ghrelin-containing cells appears to be reduced when compared to that of normal
control (Figure 2h).
Diabetic rats treated with ghrelin after the onset of diabetes showed an intact distribution pattern
of ghrelin-containing cells similar to those in normal control (2i), while ghrelin-immuno-positive cells
are few and randomly distributed in pancreatic islets of pre-diabetic ghrelin-treated rats, which is
similar to what was observed in the diabetic control group (2j).
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 633 8 of 19
Biomolecules 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19
Figure 2.
Figure Immunohistochemical localization
2. Immunohistochemical localization of
of insulin
insulin and
and ghrelin
ghrelin in
in non-diabetic
non-diabetic and
and diabetic
diabetic rat
pancreas. Distribution pattern of insulin-secreting cells (a–e) and ghrelin-secreting cells
pancreas. Distribution pattern of insulin-secreting cells (a–e) and ghrelin-secreting cells (f–j) in the(f–j) in the
pancreatic tissue.
pancreatic tissue. Normal
Normal control
control (a,f),
(a,f), normal
normal treated
treated (b,g),
(b,g), diabetic
diabetic control
control (c,h),
(c,h), diabetic
diabetic treated
(d,i) and pre-diabetic ghrelin-treated (e,j). Arrows shows insulin- and ghrelin-immuno-positive
(d,i) and pre-diabetic ghrelin-treated (e,j). Arrows shows insulin- and ghrelin-immuno-positive cells. cells.
Data are typical of those for 4 different animals in each group. Scale bar
Data are typical of those for 4 different animals in each group. Scale bar = 25 µm. = 25 µm.
Diabetic rats treated with ghrelin after the onset of diabetes showed an intact distribution pattern
of ghrelin-containing cells similar to those in normal control (Figure 2i), while ghrelin-immuno-positive
cells Morphometric
are few and randomlyanalysis showed in
distributed that ghrelinislets
pancreatic treatment increased
of pre-diabetic the numberrats,
ghrelin-treated of which
similar to whatcellswas
in pancreatic
observed inislets of normal,
the diabetic controluntreated rats compared
group (Figure 2j). to normal control rats.
Meanwhile, in diabetic
Morphometric control
analysis (untreated),
showed the treatment
that ghrelin percentage distribution
increased of insulin-containing
the number cells
of insulin-producing
showed dramatic reduction
cells in pancreatic islets of compared to the normal
normal, untreated rats control.
compared In contrast,
to normalghrelin treatment
control in diabetic
rats. Meanwhile,
and pre-diabetic
in diabetic controlgroups resulted
(untreated), in a significant
the percentage (p < 0.05)
distribution increase in insulin-positive
of insulin-containing cells showedcells when
compared to diabetic control (Figure 3a). In contrast, ghrelin treatment did not significantly increase
reduction compared to the normal control. In contrast, ghrelin treatment in diabetic and pre-diabetic
the percentage
groups resulted distribution
in a significantof (p < 0.05) increase in insulin-positive
ghrelin-immuno-positive cells, in either
cells normal treated or
when compared to diabetic
control rats compared
(Figure 3a). In to contrast,
their corresponding controls did
ghrelin treatment (Figure
not 3a).
significantly increase the percentage
distribution of ghrelin-immuno-positive cells, in either normal treated or diabetic treated rats compared
3.3. Effect
to their of Ghrelin on Serum
corresponding Insulin
controls Level
(Figure 3a).
STZ-induced DM was associated with a significant (p <0.02) reduction in serum insulin level
when compared to normal control rats. However, ghrelin treatment resulted in a marked (p < 0.04)
3.4. Effect of Ghrelin on Insulin Release from CRL11065 Beta Cells
Stimulation of CRL11065 beta cells with either 10−6 or 10−9 M of ghrelin induced large and
significant (p < 0.01 - 0.04) increases in insulin release. Although the quantity of insulin released from
Biomolecules 2020, beta
CRL11065 cells after stimulation with 10−12 M of ghrelin was much larger than that of the
10, 633 9 ofbasal,
there was no significant difference because of the high standard deviation (Figure 3c).
Figure 3. Distribution of ghrelin and insulin in pancreatic islets and insulin level in the serum and from
Figure beta
pancreatic 3. Distribution ofghrelin
cell line after ghrelintreatment;
and insulin (a) in pancreatic
percentage of islets and
insulin- insulin
and level in the serum and
cells; pancreatic beta
(b) quantitative cell line after
determination ghrelinlevel
of insulin treatment; (a) percentage
in the serum of normalofand
insulin- andgroups
diabetic ghrelin-immuno-
withpositive cells; (b)
either ghrelin quantitative
(before and afterdetermination
diabetes onset) oforinsulin
normallevel in (NS),
saline the serum of normal
for a course and
of four diabetic
(n =groups
4–7). Results are expressed as mean SD. * < 0.04 and ** p <
treated with either ghrelin (before and after diabetes onset) or normal saline (NS), for a course
± p 0.02; (c) effect of ghrelin on insulin
of four
release fromweeks (n = 4–7).
CRL11065 beta Results
cell line.are = 4–7). Results
(n expressed as mean SD. * p < as
are ±expressed 0.04
meanand±**SD * p < 0.03
p <0.02; (c) effect
and of
< 0.01. Unpaired
** p ghrelin on insulint-test.
release from CRL11065 beta cell line. (n = 4–7). Results are expressed as mean ± SD
* p < 0.03 and ** p <0.01. Unpaired t-test.
3.3. Effect of Ghrelin on Serum Insulin Level
3.5. Co-Localization
STZ-induced DMofwas
Ghrelin with Insulin
associated with in Pancreatic Islet
a significant (p <Cells
0.02) reduction in serum insulin level
when compared to normal control rats. However, ghrelin treatment resulted in a marked (p < 0.04)
increase and Insulin
in insulin serum levels in normal treated and diabetic treated (before and after the onset of
groups in comparison to their corresponding
immunohistochemistry controls (Figure
was performed 3b). whether ghrelin, observed
to determine
in both the peripheral and central parts of pancreatic islet, co-localizes with insulin. Our results show
3.4. Effect of Ghrelin on Insulin Release from CRL11065 Beta Cells
that in ghrelin-treated and untreated non-diabetic control rats, ghrelin localizes in both the central
and peripheralofportions
Stimulation CRL11065of the islet,
beta where
cells either 10−6 or 10cells
withinsulin-secreting −9 M of ghrelin induced large and
are usually found. The merging of
significant (p < 0.01–0.04) increases in insulin release. Although the quantity of insulin released from
CRL11065 beta cells after stimulation with 10−12 M of9ghrelin was much larger than that of the basal,
there was no significant difference because of the high standard deviation (Figure 3c).
Figure 4. Co-localization
Figure 4. Co-localization of ghrelin withof insulin
ghrelin inwith insulin in
pancreatic pancreatic
islet cells. (a) islet cells. (a) Ghrelin-containing
Ghrelin-containing cells cells
(red), insulin-containing cells (green) and the merged image (red-green-yellow)
(red), insulin-containing cells (green) and the merged image (red-green-yellow) where co-localization where co-localization
of ghrelin andofinsulin
and insulin
can bearrows)
seen. ncan
= 6.beScale
seen.barn ==6.25Scale
µm; bar = 25 µm; (b)distribution
(b) Percentage Percentage distribution
of ghrelin-
of ghrelin- and and insulin-immunoreatcive
insulin-immunoreatcive cells in normal cellscontrol,
in normal control,
normal normal
treated, treated,
diabetic diabetic control,
diabetic treated rats and normal rats treated with ghrelin for 4 weeks before the induction of diabetes of diabetes
diabetic treated rats and normal rats treated with ghrelin for 4 weeks before the induction
(pre-diabetic (pre-diabetic
group). Notegroup). Note
that the that the distribution
percentage percentage distribution of ghrelin
of ghrelin increases increases
with with
the onset of the onset of
diabetes mellitus mellitus
compared compared
to that to that of insulin.
of insulin.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 633 11 of 19
In diabetic groups, ghrelin-positive cells appear numerous in the pancreatic islet, in contrast to
insulin-positive cells, which are observed to be fewer. Moreover, the distribution pattern of insulin
secreting cells is disrupted due to DM. On the other hand, ghrelin-positive cells localize mainly in the
central portion of the pancreatic islet. On merging, cells showed co-localization between ghrelin and
insulin (white arrows) (Figure 4a,b).
Figure 5. Electron
Figure micrographs
5. Electron showingshowing
micrographs immunogold labeling oflabeling
immunogold ghrelin (15 nm gold(15
of ghrelin particles)
nm gold andparticles)
nm gold (5particles)
nm goldinparticles)
the secretory granules
in the of pancreatic
secretory granulesbeta cells of Wistar
of pancreatic betarats. (a)ofnon-
cells Wistar rats.
diabetic normal control;
(a) non-diabetic (b) normal
normal non-diabetic
control; (b) normalrats non-diabetic
treated with ghrelin; (c) untreated
rats treated diabetic (c)
with ghrelin; rats;untreated
(d) diabetic
diabetic rats
rats;treated with ghrelin.
(d) diabetic Ghrelin-(yellow
rats treated with ghrelin. arrow) and insulin-labelled
Ghrelin-(yellow arrow) (blue arrow)
and insulin-labelled
(blue arrow) in the secretory granules
nanoparticles (red circle)
in the secretory of beta
granules (redcells. Scale
circle) bar cells.
of beta = 5 µm;
Scalen bar
= 6;=(e,f)
5 µm; n = 6;
Morphometric analysis ofanalysis
(e,f) Morphometric secretory
of granules
pancreatic in beta cells ofbeta
pancreatic non-diabetic and diabetic rats
cells of non-diabetic and diabetic
rats with
either or saline;or(f)
ghrelin analysis
saline; of secretory
(f) analysis granules granules
of secretory of pancreatic beta cellsbeta cells
of pancreatic
containing both ghrelin- and insulin-positive particles. n = 8–11. * p < 0.01, *** p < 0.00007.
containing both ghrelin- and insulin-positive particles. n = 8–11. * p < 0.01, *** p < 0.00007.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 633 13 of 19
4. Discussion
The results of our study confirm that although large numbers of ghrelin-positive cells co-localize
with insulin in pancreatic beta cells, there is a probably a small sub-population of pancreatic islet cells
which contain ghrelin only. It also appears from our study that in diabetes, where the number of
insulin-positive cells is largely reduced [45], the number of ghrelin-containing cells did not decrease in
tandem with that of insulin. Whether these ghrelin-immunoreactive cell are de novo cells is yet to be
elucidated. In this study, ghrelin treatment and pre-treatment (before the onset of DM) resulted in a
significant increase in insulin-containing cells. This finding is in agreement with that of Turk et al.,
who reported that the number of insulin-positive cells increased after the administration of 100 µg of
ghrelin per day for four weeks [61]. It is of interest to note that we were able to elicit an increase in the
number of pancreatic beta cells with 5 µg of ghrelin per day for four weeks instead of the 100 µg used
by Turk and associates [61].
Ghrelin treatment was shown not only to rescue the insulin-secreting cells from STZ selective
destruction in diabetic rats but also it appears to enhance either the proliferation or the differentiation
of insulin-secreting cells, which resulted in a higher percentage of those cells. The ability of ghrelin to
stimulate pancreatic beta cell proliferation has been reported previously. It was reported that ghrelin
enhances direct beta cell proliferation in RIP-GG Tg mice [62]. In addition, ghrelin has also been
shown to inhibit apoptosis. A recent study on obestatin, a gut peptide that belongs to the ghrelin
family, showed that obestatin inhibits apoptosis by reducing the number of TUNEL-positive cells.
Since DM is associated with increased hyperglycemia [63,64] which in turn induces the release of
inflammatory cytokines [65], the anti-inflammatory effects of ghrelin may help pancreatic beta cells to
recover from these noxious events and become more functional. Indeed, ghrelin has been shown to
have a strong anti-inflammatory effect in many organs in both experimental and human models of
diseases [66,67], which may help pancreatic beta cells to proliferate and be more functional. All of
these factors, coupled with its ability to stimulate growth hormone [68], mean that it is therefore
logical that ghrelin would be able to stimulate pancreatic beta cell proliferation. Studies have shown
that ghrelin can stimulate GLP-1 [69], which in turn increases pancreatic beta cell mass via a large
variety of mechanisms [47]. The putative mechanism by which ghrelin stimulates pancreatic beta cell
proliferation in9,depicted
Biomolecules 2019, in REVIEW
x FOR PEER Figure 6. 15 of 19
Figure 6. A
A schematic
schematic diagram
diagram showing
showing putative
putative pathways
pathwaysby by which
which ghrelin
cell massinindiabetes.
diabetes. Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus/hyperglycemia
mellitus/hyperglycemia(HG) (HG)increases
may eitherstimulate
GLP-1, reduce
reduce apoptosis
apoptosis and
inflammation or or induce
somatomedin viaincreased
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, ghrelin co-localizes with insulin in pancreatic beta cells, where they reside with
insulin molecule in secretory granules. The administration of ghrelin increases the number of insulin-
secreting cells, which explains the elevated serum insulin level observed at the end of the experiment.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 633 15 of 19
Furthermore, increasing insulin-secreting cells will logically mean increasing plasma insulin levels,
as shown in our study, which also showed that despite the new onset of DM in pre-diabetic treated
group, ghrelin pre-treatment induced a significant increase in serum insulin level. The effect of the
increase in the serum level of insulin and the number of insulin producing cells in the pre-diabetic
group (normal rats received ghrelin before the induction of diabetes) was probably not seen in the
first few days of STZ treatment because the fasting blood glucose level of the pre-diabetic group was
elevated following the induction of diabetes. The spike in the level of blood glucose seen in this group
may be transient and could have decreased if the experimental period were kept for a longer period.
Moreover, the administration of ghrelin for four weeks to normal rats in the pre-diabetic group did
not prevent the reduction in body weight after the induction of diabetes in the 5th week. This implies
that normal rats pre-treated with ghrelin were not protected from developing DM with body weight
loss. Body weight loss is a key feature of STZ-induced DM [70].
In another experiment done to confirm the effect of ghrelin on insulin release, different
concentrations of ghrelin were used to stimulate the CRL11065 beta cell line. Ghrelin induced
a dose-dependent increase in insulin release from this beta cell line. This observation confirms the
report of Adeghate and Ponery in 2002 that ghrelin can stimulate large and significant increases in
insulin release from the pancreas [42].
Even though ghrelin treatment did not prevent nor delay the onset of diabetes mellitus in the
pre-diabetic, ghrelin-treated group, ghrelin probably increases serum insulin level via the direct
stimulation of insulin and enhancement of the proliferation of pancreatic beta cells (Figure 6). A more
robust approach that includes modification of parameters such as dose, duration and frequency of the
treatment may result in more positive outcomes.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, ghrelin co-localizes with insulin in pancreatic beta cells, where they reside with
insulin molecule in secretory granules. The administration of ghrelin increases the number of
insulin-secreting cells, which explains the elevated serum insulin level observed at the end of the
experiment. Moreover, ghrelin stimulates insulin release from CRL11065 beta cell line. This suggests
that ghrelin may have a role in the management of DM.
Author Contributions: H.E., E.A.A. designed the study, analyzed data and wrote the manuscript. H.E., R.H., C.D.,
S.M. performed the experiment. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the United Arab Emirates University research grant # G00003177.
Acknowledgments: The study was supported by United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) research grant#
31M374, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, UAEU research grant # G00002809.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no competing interests whatsoever. The authors also confirm that they are
responsible for the content of the manuscript.
STZ Streptozotocin
DM Diabetes mellitus
NS Normal saline
NGS Normal goat serum
FBG Fasting blood glucose
GTT Glucose tolerance test
EDTA Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid
IHC Immunohistochemistry
IF Immunofluorescence
PBS Phosphate buffered solution
ABC Avidin-biotin complex
FITC Fluorescein Isothiocyanate
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