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Advanced Soil Mechanics Assignments

Assignments [Maximum Marks 25%]

1. A long embankment is located on a soil profile consisting of 4m of clay

followed by 8m dense sand on top of bedrock. A vertical settlement of 5 mm
at the center of the embankment was measured during construction.
Assuming all the settlement is elastic and occurs in the sand, determine the
average stress imposed on the sand under the center of the embankment
using the elastic equations for axisymmetric conditions. The elastic parameters
are E =21.5 MPa and υ=0.3. Assume the lateral strain is zero.

2. A permanent surcharge of 9.5kPa is to be applied on the ground surface of

the soil profile shown in figure-1 below. It is required to eliminate all of the
primary consolidation in 8 months. Estimate the additional surcharge needed
to achieve the goal.

Silty Sand
ρ =1.67kN/m3

Silty Sand
ρ sat=1.83kN/m3, e0=0.67, cc=0.126

ρ sat=1.73kN/m3

ρ sat=1.91kN/m3


3. A cylindrical sample of soil is isotropically compressed under drained condition

with a vertical stress of 100 kPa and a radial stress of 100 kPa. Subsequently, the
axial stress was held constant and the radial stress was increased to 300 kPa
under an undrained condition.
a) Calculate and plot the initial mean effective stress and deviatoric stress
on p-q plot.

Prepared by Abdulaziz O. Page 1 of 2

Advanced Soil Mechanics Assignments

b) Calculate the increase in mean total stress and deviatoric stress.

c) Plot the current total and effective stress paths (assume the soil is a
linear, isotropic, elastic material).
d) Determine the slopes of the total and effective stress paths and the
maximum excess pore water pressure.

4. Two clay soil samples, A and B, are isotropically consolidated under a

confining pressure of 300kPa. Sample A has been subjected to a drained test
while sample B has been sheared in an undrained condition. The values of the
critical state parameters for the samples are: N=2.1, λ=0.087, Г=2.05 and
a) Determine the mean and deviator stresses at critical state for both
b) Determine the pore water pressure in the drained and undrained test
at the critical state
c) Draw the ESP, TSP and PWP for both samples
d) Draw the critical state line (CSL) in p’-q’ plot
e) Draw the CSL and the Normally Consolidation Line (NCL) in v-p’ and v-
ln p’ plot with the calculated values in a and b

5. A Triaxial testing is to be studied using the Modified Cam Clay Model. A soil
sample is isotropically consolidated to a stress p’=200kPa at specific volume,
v=1+e, after consolidation is measured to be v0=2000. The Modified Cam Clay
Model is defined by the equations:

Using the increment strain energy principle, derive an expression for the elastic
bulk modulus K using the given data.

Prepared by Abdulaziz O. Page 2 of 2

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