1.0 Installation Notes

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1-1 FLAC3D Version 3.

0 – Installation Notes

1.0 Installation Notes

1.1 Files Installed on the User’s Hard Drive

Installation of FLAC3D is set to copy to the default location “c:\program files\itasca\flac3d300”.

The user may opt to change this location during installation. The layout described in the table
below will be written to the default location or to the location specified by the user.

Table 1.1 Contents of “Itasca” (or User-Specified) Folder

Folder Contents
flac3d300...* executable code, DLLs, and installation test data files
3DShop... Hexahedral-Meshing example data files
CommandReference Command Reference example data files
FISHinFLAC3D... FISH in FLAC3D example data files
FluidMechanicalInteraction Fluid-Mechanical Interaction example data files
OptionalFeatures Optional Features example data files
StructuralElements Structural Element example data files
TheoryBackground... Theory and Background example data files
UsersGuide User’s Guide example data files
VerificationProblems... Verification Problems example data files
Resource FLAC3D resource files

flac3d300... The FLAC3D Manuals (PDF version)

Drivers manual key driver installation
Fishtank general FISH functions for Itasca codes
Models... general Itasca User-Defined models
Resource general Itasca resource files
Utility... the “update” and “movie” utilities

*Here and below an ellipsis (...) indicates that there are subfolders of this folder
FLAC3D Version 3.0 – Installation Notes 1-2

1.2 Shortcuts
On the user’s “Start” menu, in the “Programs” folder, a new folder named “Itasca” is created
during installation. Within this folder may be found a “FLAC3D” folder that contains a
“FLAC3D 3.0” shortcut and a “FLAC3D 3.0 Manual” shortcut. The former may be used to start
FLAC3D. The latter will open the table of contents to the multi-volume FLAC3D Manual.

1.3 Security Key Drivers

The installation of the drivers for the security key occurs as part the code installation. Drivers
are installed to the system area of the user’s Windows OS (the exact location depends on the
version of Windows).

2.0 Uninstallation Notes

Uninstallation of the code is best performed by using the uninstallation that is available from the
“Add/Remove” programs applet in the “Control Panel” folder object. Drivers for the security
key are also removed during this uninstallation.

In the event of a faulty or damaged uninstallation procedure, the code may be manually removed
from the user’s computer by removing each of the items described above. Care should be taken
to identify any user-created files that have been saved in the program folder layout after
installation prior to deleting the program files found there. Security key drivers should not be
manually removed; their persistence in the user’s system will not cause adverse effects.

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