PERP Program - Ethanol New Report Alert
PERP Program - Ethanol New Report Alert
PERP Program - Ethanol New Report Alert
Nexant’s ChemSystems Process Evaluation/Research Planning program has published a new report,
Ethanol (04/05-8). To view the table of contents or order this report, please click on the link below:
In 2004, the total global ethanol production was at a historical high of 40.9 billion liters (10.8 billion
gallons), contributed mainly by Brazil and the United States (and Canada) at 37 percent and 33
percent share of world production, respectively. Given the strong interest in fuel ethanol production
worldwide, this fuel ethanol market can be expected to grow even larger.
Ethanol has been the subject of previous PERP reports. PERP Report, 93-5, Ethanol, reviewed
fermentation ethanol technologies for fuel applications. PERP Report, 99/00-8, Ethanol, further
reviewed industrial ethanol via ethylene hydration and fermentation ethanol via corn-based and
biomass-based processes. Another recent report, PERP Report 00/01S6, Plants as Plants, reviewed
genetically engineered bacteria and plants for making specialty and commodity chemicals and other
basic materials. The objectives of the present report are to update the current commercial
technologies for ethanol production via ethylene hydration and via corn and biomass fermentation
The report presents the detailed chemistry and process descriptions for the current commercial and
developing ethanol production technologies for the following:
Recent trends and developments in ethanol technologies and processes are discussed, including
gasification of biomass to syngas to ethanol, conversion of distiller’s dried grains to ethanol via
dilute acid hydrolysis, and pretreatment technologies for lignocellulosic biomass.
Figure 1
Industrial Synthesis Processes for Ethanol Production
Ethylene Hydration Ethanol
Absorption in Hydrolysis of
Ethylene Ethyl Sulfates Ethanol
Sulfuric Acd
Q106_00101.0005. 4116.vsd
Industrial fermentation processes, employing starches (e.g. corn), sugar crops (e.g. sugarcane), or
lignocellulose (e.g. biomass) as feedstock, are shown in Figure 2.
Ethanol is synthetically produced from the catalytic hydration of ethylene. The common catalyst
used today is phosphoric acid impregnated on an inert support, such as Celite® diatomite. The
reaction is carried out at high pressures and temperatures, typically 1,000 psig and 300°C.
Figure 2
Industrial Fermentation Processes for Ethanol Production
The reaction is near quantitative, with relatively minor side reactions producing ethers, aldehydes,
ketones, and higher hydrocarbons (the last from unwanted polymerization of ethylene). The major
by-product is diethyl ether, which is usually recycled back to the reactor to form ethanol.
The preparation of ethanol from ethylene by the use of sulfuric acid is a three-step process:
No producers in the world have employed the indirect hydration of ethylene to manufacture ethanol
since the mid-1980s. The shift away from the indirect route to the direct route has been due to better
yields, less by-products, and reduced quantity of pollutants.
Sugar crops include sugarcane, sugar and fodder beets, fruit crops, etc. The following discussion
pertains to fermentation of sugarcane for ethanol production.
Although sugarcane is grown primarily for sucrose and molasses production, it is also used as a raw
material for ethanol production. It has a desirable composition for high ethanol yield. The
fermentable carbohydrates from sugarcane may be directly utilized in the form of cane juice or in
conjunction with a sugar factory from black strap molasses.
Cane juice extract is a green, sticky fluid, slightly more viscous than water, with an average sucrose
content of 12 to 13 percent. It may then be evaporated to the desired concentration and used directly
in the fermentation. A major disadvantage in the utilization of sugarcane juice is its lack of stability
over an extended period of storage.
Black strap molasses is the non-crystallizable residue remaining after the sucrose has been
crystallized from cane juice. This heavy viscous material is composed of sucrose, glucose, and
fructose at a total carbohydrate concentration of 50 to 60 percent. Molasses may be easily stored for
a long period of time and diluted to the required concentration prior to use.
Fermentation of Corn
Corn can be processed into ethanol using two main routes: dry milling and wet milling. The major
differences in unit operations are the initial treatment of corn (milling vs. steeping) and the
production of by-products (distiller’s dried grains vs. high fructose corn syrup and corn gluten
feed). Each process has inherent advantages and disadvantages.
The whole-kernel dry milling process is the simplest of the processes considered, and is generally
the one recommended for new entrants into the market. Dry milling has certain advantages over wet
While dry milling produces a slate of by-products, including distiller’s dried grains (DDGs), that
are overall less valuable than the wet milling process, it avoids the need for swing production and
syrup integration, hence avoiding the need of the entrant to compete in the corn syrup and sweetener
Wet milling of corn is the conversion technology used when high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is
desired as the main by-product of ethanol formation. HFCS is often used in conjunction with or as a
substitute for sugar and other sweeteners in many food products, specifically soft drinks and baked
goods. The system is highly integrated to disassemble the corn into as many valuable products as
The corn is not milled. Rather, it is first steeped in a solution of water and sulfur dioxide for 24 to
48 hours. This loosens the germ and hull fibers. The germ is then removed from the kernel, and
corn oil is extracted from the removed germ. The crude corn oil can be further processed in an
edible oil plant.
The remaining germ meal from the corn oil extraction is combined with the hulls and fiber to
produce corn gluten feed. The corn gluten feed is combined with the heavy stillage from the beer
still and dried, forming the corn gluten feed. The high protein fraction of the corn kernel is later
separated out to produce corn gluten meal, a high-value animal feed made up of about 60 percent
The remaining starch fraction is liquefied and fermented in a process similar to dry milling. In wet
milling, often the clear, liquefied starch is split into two fractions: one fraction diverted to ethanol
production, and the other fraction used for the production of HFCS or other sweeteners. Typically,
HFCS enjoys a higher margin, and more starch is diverted to HFCS production than to ethanol.
Hydrolyzed corn starch is converted to dextrose (D-glucose), which is then partially isomerized to
convert a portion to fructose. This mixture is further refined and concentrated for sale as HFCS.
The primary capital cost associated with the wet milling plant is the front end, where the corn oil,
gluten feed, and gluten meal are separated out.
Comparative Economics
The comparison of total capital employed and the comparison of cost of production are presented in
Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
Among the three ethanol technologies compared, the dilute acid and enzymatic hydrolysis process of
corn stover has the highest capital requirement, while the corn dry milling process has the lowest
capital employed.
Figure 3
Comparison of Capital Investment of Ethanol Processes
Relative Capital Cost, million US$
Direct Ethylene Hydration Corn Dry Milling Dilute Acid and Enzymatic
Hydrolysis of Corn Stover
Figure 4
Comparison of Cost of Production of Ethanol Processes
Relative Cost of Production, US$/Metric Ton Ethanol
Direct Ethylene Hydration Corn Dry Milling Dilute Acid and Enzymatic
Hydrolysis of Corn Stover
Variable Cost Direct & Allocated Fixed Cost Depreciation 10% ROCE
On a cash cost basis, i.e. based only on variable cost and fixed cost combined, the corn stover dilute
acid and enzymatic hydrolysis has the lowest cost. The cash cost for the ethylene hydration is more
than three and half times of that of the corn stover process.
Based on the cost of production plus 10 percent ROCE, both the dilute acid and enzymatic
hydrolysis process of corn stover and the dry milling process of corn are equally competitive.
However, capital requirement for the biomass-based process is about twice as high as that for the
corn-based process. Reducing the capital requirement for the biomass-based process has been the
major R&D and engineering thrust of the biotechnology companies and research institutes.
Ethanol production via direct ethylene dehydration has recently become less competitive due to high
ethylene price, resulting in many shut-downs of ethylene hydration facilities. Ethylene price has to
come down to $100/metric ton ($0.048/lb) or lower in order for the process to be competitive in the
current fuel ethanol market.
On a global scale, synthetic ethanol plays a minor role, with less than 5 percent of overall ethanol
output in 2003. More than 95 percent of ethanol came from agricultural crops and, given the strong
interest in fuel ethanol production world-wide, this share can be expected to grow even higher.
As shown in Figure 5, Brazil (37%) and the United States (33%) are the two leading producers of
ethanol in the world. Next come China, India, France, and Russia. All other countries individually
represent less and 1% of production. In 2003, the total global fuel ethanol production was 28.6
billion liters (7.55 billion gallons).
Report sections provide an overview of several major ethanol producing and/or consuming entities:
United States, Brazil, Canada, and the European Union.
Figure 5
Ethanol Production
30.0 7.92
25.0 6.60
20.0 5.28
15.0 3.96
10.0 2.64
5.0 1.32
0.0 0.00
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
O:\Q405_00101.0005.4116_Charts.xls\Figure 6.1
Copyright© by Nexant, Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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improvement, portfolio planning, and growth through M&A activities. Nexant’s chemicals and petroleum group has its
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These reports are for the exclusive use of the purchasing company or its subsidiaries, from Nexant, Inc., 44 South
Broadway, 5th Floor, White Plains, New York 10601-4425 U.S.A. For further information about these reports contact
Dr. Jeffrey S. Plotkin, Vice President and Global Director, PERP Program, phone: 1-914-609-0315; fax: 1-914-609-
0399; e-mail:; or Heidi Junker Coleman, phone: 1-914-609-0381, e-mail address:, Website: