Drug Study RLE

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Submitted by :
Genierose F. Yanto
Patient: B. Santos Age: 44

Date admitted: 3/2/20. Time admitted: 1:45 pm

Name Mechanism of Indication/Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Generic Second- Indication: Body as Whole:  Determine history of
Name: generation Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, infection Thrombophlebitis (IV hypersensitivity
CEFUROXIME cephalosporin of the urinary and lower site); pain, burning, reactions to
that inhibits cell respiratory tracts, and skin and cellulitis (IM site); cephalosphorins,
Brand Name: wall synthesis, skin-structure infections superinfection, positive penicillin and history of
ZOLTAX promoting caused by Streptococcus Coombs’ test. allergies particularly to
osmotic pneumonia and S. pyogenes, drugs before therapy is
Classification: instability; usually Haemophillus influenza, GI: initiated.
ANTIBIOTIC bactericidal. Staphylococcus aureus, E. Diarrhea, nausea,  Report onset of loose
coli. antibiotic-associated stool
Frequency: colitis.  Absorption of
BID Contraindication: cefuroxime is enhanced
 Contraindicated in Skin: by food
Dosage: patients hypersensitive Rash, pruritis, urticaria  Notify prescriber about
1 tab 500 mg to drug. rashes or super
 Use cautiously in Urogenital: infections
Route: patients hypersensitive Increased serum
PO to penicillin because of cretonne and BUN,
possibility of cross decreased creatinine
sensitivity with other clearance.
betalactam antibiotics.
 Use with caution in
breast feeding women
and in patients with
history of colitis or renal
CLASSIFICATION: Hyoscine Butylbromide is  dryness of the mouth,  Be alert for adverse
 antispasmodic a quaternary ammonium with difficulty in reactions and drug
antimuscarinic agent. swallowing interactions.
INDICATION: Hyoscine butylbromide  thirst  Assess for eye pain
 relief of smooth does not readily pass the  dilation of the pupils with  Assess for urinary
muscle spasm of the blood-brain barrier. It’s a loss of accommodation hesitancy
gastrointestinal and competitive antagonist of and photophobia  Assess for constipation
genitourinary systems the actions of  increased intra-ocular  Monitor urine output
acetylcholine and other pressure  Encourage patient to void.
CONTRAINDICATIONS muscarinic agonists. The  flushing and dryness of  Monitor BP for possible
: receptors affected are the skin hypertension.
 Hypersensitivity to those of peripheral  bradycardia followed by
Hyoscine  For pregnant women,
hyoscine butylbromide structures that are either tachycardia, with
Butylbromide monitor cervical effacement
 Porphyria stimulated or inhibited by palpitations and
20mg 1 amp and dilatation.
 Myasthenia gravis muscarine, ie. exocrine arrhythmias
IV glands, smooth and
 Prostatic enlargement,  urinary urgency with the
paralytic ileus or cardiac muscle.
inability to do so, as well
pyloric stenosis and as reduction in the tone
fever and motility of the gastro-
 Closed angle intestinal tract, leading to
glaucoma, or narrow constipation
angle between the iris  occasionally vomiting,
and cornea, as giddiness and staggering
hyoscine increases may occur
intra-ocular pressure  restrosternal pain may
 pregnant and lactating occur due to increased
mothers gastric reflux.
Generic Name: Short-term treatment of Gastric acid- Omeprazole Contraindicated
omeprazole activeduodenal ulcer; pumpinhibitor:Su potentially can with Diarrhea, nausea, Caution patient
First-linetherapy in ppresses increase the  hypersensitivit fatigue, toswallow capsules
treatment of heartburn gastricacidsecreti concentrations in blood y to constipation, whole—not to open,
or symptoms onby omeprazoleor vomiting, chew, or crush
of diazepam (Valium), 
of gastroesophageal specificinhibition its flatulence, acid them.Arrange for
Brand Name: warfarin (Coumadin),
refluxdisease (GERD); of thehydrogen- components;Us regurgitation, further evaluation of
Prilosec Short-termtreatment of potassiumATPas andphenytoin (Dilantin) e cautiously taste perversion, patient after 8
active benigngastric enzymesystem by decreasing the with arthralgia, weeks of therapy for
ulcer; GERD, atthesecretorysur elimination of these pregnancy,lact myalgia, urticaria,
Drug severeerosive face of the drugs by the liver.The ation. dry mouth, disorders; not
Classification: esophagitis, gastricparietalcell absorption of certain dizziness, intendedfor
proton pump poorlyresponsive s;blocks thefinal drugs may be affected headache, maintenance
inhibitors (PPI) symptomatic step by stomach acidity. paraesthesia, therapy.
GERD;Long-term of acidproduction. Therefore, omeprazole abdominal pain, Administer antacids
therapy: Treatmentof as well as other PPIs skin rashes, with omeprazole, if
pathologic reduce the absorption weakness, back needed.
hypersecretoryconditio pain, upper Teaching points:
and concentration in
ns (Zollinger- respiratory Take the drug
blood infection, cough.
Ellisonsyndrome, before meals.
multiple of ketoconazole (Nizor Swallow
adenomas,systemic al) and increase the thecapsules whole;
mastocytosis);Eradicati absorption and Potentially do not chew, open,
on of  concentration in blood Fatal: Anaphylaxi or crushthem. This
H. pylori  of digoxin (Lanoxin). s. drug will need to be
Withamoxicillin or This may reduce the taken for up to 8wk
metronidazole. effectiveness of (short-term therapy)
ketoconazole or for a prolonged
orincrease digoxin period(> 5 yr in
some cases).Have
regular medical
follow-up visits.
Patient: A. De Vera. Age: 19
Date admitted: 3/5/20. Time admitted: 6:35 pm


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